- /*
- * Copyright 2003 by Texas Instruments Incorporated.
- * All rights reserved. Property of Texas Instruments Incorporated.
- * Restricted rights to use, duplicate or disclose this code are
- * granted through contract.
- *
- */
- /* "@(#) DDK 11-04-03 (ddk-b13)" */
- /*
- *
- * ======== c5509_mmc.h ========
- *
- */
- #ifndef __C5509_MMC_H
- #define __C5509_MMC_H
- #include <csl_mmc.h>
- #include <que.h>
- #include <media.h>
- /* Version number definition */
- #define C5509_MMC_VERSION_1 0xAB01
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- /* Sector Length */
- #define C5509_MMC_SECLEN 256
- #define C5509_MMC_MEDIATYPE (MEDIA_TYPEBASE | 0x0001)
- /* Device Driver Configuration Parameters */
- typedef struct _C5509_MMC_DrvrParams
- {
- Int mmcCardId; /* RCA - set by the application */
- Int noChan; /* maximum number of channels required */
- Int byteOrder; /* BYTESWAP / BYTENORMAL */
- Int mmcDmaChR; /* DMA channel number used for READ operations */
- Int mmcDmaChWR; /* DMA channel number used for WRITE operations */
- Int *bufR; /* Buffer for DMA read */
- Int *bufWR; /* Buffer for DMA write */
- struct _C5509_MMC_ChanObj *pChan; /* Array of (noChan number of)
- * Channel Objects
- */
- } C5509_MMC_DrvrParams;
- /* MMC Global Object */
- typedef struct _C5509_MMC_DevObj
- {
- Int mmcDevNum; /* MMC Device Number */
- C5509_MMC_DrvrParams drvrParams; /* Driver configuration parameters */
- MdUns blockLen; /* Size of the block on the media */
- QUE_Obj pendList; /* Queue of pending jobs */
- IOM_Packet *currPacket; /* Current job */
- MMC_CardObj cslCards; /* CSL MMC card object */
- MMC_Handle cslMMC; /* CSL MMC handle */
- MdUns buf[C5509_MMC_SECLEN]; /* Sector buffer - for use by driver */
- Int chOpenCount; /* Number of logical channels opened
- * on this device
- */
- } C5509_MMC_DevObj;
- /* MMC Channel Object */
- typedef struct _C5509_MMC_ChanObj
- {
- Int mode; /* IOM_INPUT or IOM_OUTPUT or both */
- Int error; /* Indicates the ERROR condition of a Channel */
- Bool inUse; /* Indicates whether the channel is free or not */
- IOM_TiomCallback callback; /* CallBack function to be used */
- Ptr callbackArg; /* CallBack arguments to be sent with the function */
- C5509_MMC_DevObj *pHandle; /* Pointer to the Global Object */
- } C5509_MMC_ChanObj;
- /* Media Read Write Structure */
- typedef struct _C5509_MMC_RdWrObj
- {
- MdUns *buf; /* Application supplied buffer */
- LgUns sectorNumber; /*
- * Sector number to be read/written
- * Corresponds to MEDIA_RdWrObj::address
- */
- LgUns offset; /*
- * Specifies the offset from where data should
- * be read/written, offset is in WORDs.
- * Corresponds to MEDIA_RdWrObj::subAddress
- */
- LgUns length; /* Specifes the number of words to be read/written */
- C5509_MMC_ChanObj *pChan; /*
- * Pointer to the channel for which request
- * has been issued.
- */
- Int count; /* Variable used internally by the driver */
- Int stateParameter; /* Variable used internally by the driver */
- Int atomicStatus; /* Variable used internally by the driver */
- } C5509_MMC_RdWrObj;
- /* Bind Params */
- typedef struct _C5509_MMC_DevParams
- {
- Int versionId; /* Version number, set by the application */
- MMC_InitObj devParams; /* Initialization params for the MMC */
- C5509_MMC_DrvrParams drvrParams; /* Config params for the MMC driver */
- Uns ier0Mask; /* interrupt mask for IER 0 */
- Uns ier1Mask; /* interrupt mask for IER 0 */
- } C5509_MMC_DevParams;
- /* Init function */
- Void C5509_MMC_init();
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif /* extern "C" */
- #endif