- ;
; Copyright 2003 by Texas Instruments Incorporated.
; All rights reserved. Property of Texas Instruments Incorporated.
; Restricted rights to use, duplicate or disclose this code are
; granted through contract.
; "@(#) DSP/BIOS 4.90.270 06-11-03 (barracuda-m10)"
- ; ======== vectors.asm ========
- ; Plug in the entry point at RESET in the interrupt vector table
- ;
- ;
- ; ======== unused ========
- ; plug inifinite loop -- with nested branches to
- ; disable interrupts -- for all undefined vectors
- ;
- unused .macro id
- .global unused:id:
- unused:id:
- b unused:id: ; nested branches to block interrupts
- nop 4
- b unused:id:
- nop
- nop
- nop
- nop
- nop
- .endm
- .sect ".vectors"
- .ref _c_int00 ; C entry point
- .align 32*8*4 ; must be aligned on 256 word boundary
- RESET: ; reset vector
- mvkl _c_int00,b0 ; load destination function address to b0
- mvkh _c_int00,b0
- b b0 ; start branch to destination function
- mvc PCE1,b0 ; address of interrupt vectors
- mvc b0,ISTP ; set table to point here
- nop 3 ; fill delay slot
- nop
- nop
- ;
- ; plug unused interrupts with infinite loops to
- ; catch stray interrupts
- ;
- unused 1
- unused 2
- unused 3
- unused 4
- unused 5
- unused 6
- unused 7
- unused 8
- unused 9
- unused 10
- unused 11
- unused 12
- unused 13
- unused 14
- unused 15