- /*********************************************************************
- * FlashBurn Programming Functions
- * for DM642 EVM
- */
- /*
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "type.h"
- #include "c642evm.h"
- #include "FBTC642.h"
- #include "FBCmd.h"
- /* Local prototype
- */
- static GetFlashBuf(u8 *dest, u8 *flashsrc, u16 nBytes);
- /* Used by the checksum calc functions
- */
- static volatile unsigned long cksum = 0;
- /* flashstart/next are used to track
- * where we are in a "flat" Flash memory.
- * Paging, etc. are handled by helper
- * funcs.
- */
- static volatile u8 *flashstart = (volatile u8 *)FLASH_START;
- static volatile u8 *flashnext = (volatile u8 *)FLASH_START;
- /* These are "override" values, in case the
- * Host has sent new flash base addr and size.
- * flashbaseov is 0xffffffff normally, but changes
- * if Host sends the Change FLASHSTART Address command.
- * Thus if it's not 0xffffffff, then it should be used
- * instead of the FLASH_START value.
- */
- static volatile u8 *flashbaseov = (u8 *)0xffffffffUL;
- static unsigned long flashsizeov = 0xffffffffUL;
- /* Constant table containing end address of each sector */
- unsigned long sector_end[FLASH_SECTORS] = { /*change*/
- FLASH_START + 0x00ffff, /* Sector 0 */
- FLASH_START + 0x01ffff, /* Sector 1 */
- FLASH_START + 0x02ffff, /* Sector 2 */
- FLASH_START + 0x03ffff, /* Sector 3 */
- FLASH_START + 0x04ffff, /* Sector 4 */
- FLASH_START + 0x05ffff, /* Sector 5 */
- FLASH_START + 0x06ffff, /* Sector 6 */
- FLASH_START + 0x07ffff, /* Sector 7 */
- FLASH_START + 0x08ffff, /* Sector 8 */
- FLASH_START + 0x09ffff, /* Sector 9 */
- FLASH_START + 0x0affff, /* Sector 10 */
- FLASH_START + 0x0bffff, /* Sector 11 */
- FLASH_START + 0x0cffff, /* Sector 12 */
- FLASH_START + 0x0dffff, /* Sector 13 */
- FLASH_START + 0x0effff, /* Sector 14 */
- FLASH_START + 0x0fffff, /* Sector 15 */
- FLASH_START + 0x10ffff, /* Sector 16 */
- FLASH_START + 0x11ffff, /* Sector 17 */
- FLASH_START + 0x12ffff, /* Sector 18 */
- FLASH_START + 0x13ffff, /* Sector 19 */
- FLASH_START + 0x14ffff, /* Sector 20 */
- FLASH_START + 0x15ffff, /* Sector 21 */
- FLASH_START + 0x16ffff, /* Sector 22 */
- FLASH_START + 0x17ffff, /* Sector 23 */
- FLASH_START + 0x18ffff, /* Sector 24 */
- FLASH_START + 0x19ffff, /* Sector 25 */
- FLASH_START + 0x1affff, /* Sector 26 */
- FLASH_START + 0x1bffff, /* Sector 27 */
- FLASH_START + 0x1cffff, /* Sector 28 */
- FLASH_START + 0x1dffff, /* Sector 29 */
- FLASH_START + 0x1effff, /* Sector 30 */
- FLASH_START + 0x1fffff, /* Sector 31 */
- FLASH_START + 0x20ffff, /* Sector 32 */
- FLASH_START + 0x21ffff, /* Sector 33 */
- FLASH_START + 0x22ffff, /* Sector 34 */
- FLASH_START + 0x23ffff, /* Sector 35 */
- FLASH_START + 0x24ffff, /* Sector 36 */
- FLASH_START + 0x25ffff, /* Sector 37 */
- FLASH_START + 0x26ffff, /* Sector 38 */
- FLASH_START + 0x27ffff, /* Sector 39 */
- FLASH_START + 0x28ffff, /* Sector 40 */
- FLASH_START + 0x29ffff, /* Sector 41 */
- FLASH_START + 0x2affff, /* Sector 42 */
- FLASH_START + 0x2bffff, /* Sector 43 */
- FLASH_START + 0x2cffff, /* Sector 44 */
- FLASH_START + 0x2dffff, /* Sector 45 */
- FLASH_START + 0x2effff, /* Sector 46 */
- FLASH_START + 0x2fffff, /* Sector 47 */
- FLASH_START + 0x30ffff, /* Sector 48 */
- FLASH_START + 0x31ffff, /* Sector 49 */
- FLASH_START + 0x32ffff, /* Sector 50 */
- FLASH_START + 0x33ffff, /* Sector 51 */
- FLASH_START + 0x34ffff, /* Sector 52 */
- FLASH_START + 0x35ffff, /* Sector 53 */
- FLASH_START + 0x36ffff, /* Sector 54 */
- FLASH_START + 0x37ffff, /* Sector 55 */
- FLASH_START + 0x38ffff, /* Sector 56 */
- FLASH_START + 0x39ffff, /* Sector 57 */
- FLASH_START + 0x3affff, /* Sector 58 */
- FLASH_START + 0x3bffff, /* Sector 59 */
- FLASH_START + 0x3cffff, /* Sector 60 */
- FLASH_START + 0x3dffff, /* Sector 61 */
- FLASH_START + 0x3effff, /* Sector 62 */
- FLASH_START + 0x3fffff, /* Sector 63 */
- // FLASH_START + 0x39ffff, /* Sector 64 */
- // FLASH_START + 0x3affff, /* Sector 65 */
- // FLASH_START + 0x3bffff, /* Sector 66 */
- // FLASH_START + 0x3cffff, /* Sector 67 */
- // FLASH_START + 0x3dffff, /* Sector 68 */
- // FLASH_START + 0x3effff, /* Sector 69 */
- // FLASH_START + 0x3fffff, /* Sector 70 */
- };
- char erasetable[FLASH_SECTORS];
- /* Set and get the flash base address
- */
- void SetFlashBase(unsigned long val)
- {
- flashbaseov = (volatile u8 *)val;
- }
- volatile u8 *GetFlashBase(void)
- {
- return flashbaseov != (volatile u8 *)0xffffffffL ?
- flashbaseov :
- (volatile u8 *)FLASH_START;
- }
- /* Set and get the flash size
- */
- void SetFlashSize(unsigned long val)
- {
- flashsizeov = val;
- }
- unsigned long GetFlashSize(void)
- {
- return flashsizeov != 0xffffffffL ? flashsizeov : FLASH_SIZE;
- }
- void InitFlash(void)
- {
- int i;
- flashstart = GetFlashBase();
- flashnext = flashstart;
- /* Mark all sectors as unerased */
- for (i = 0; i < FLASH_SECTORS; i++)
- erasetable[i] = 0;
- }
- void SetFlashAddr(u8 *addr)
- {
- flashstart = (volatile u8 *)addr;
- flashnext = flashstart;
- }
- volatile u8 *GetNextFlashAddr(void)
- {
- return flashnext;
- }
- /* Erase a segment of Flash memory */
- void flash_erase(u32 start, u32 length)
- {
- int i;
- unsigned long sector_base, phys_base, end;
- /* Calculate extents of range to erase */
- end = start + length - 1;
- /* Walk through each sector, erase any sectors within range */
- sector_base = FLASH_START;
- for (i = 0; i < FLASH_SECTORS; i++)
- {
- if (!erasetable[i] && (start <= sector_end[i]) && (end >= sector_base))
- {
- /* Start sector erase sequence */
- phys_base = (sector_base & 0x00070000) + FLASH_START;
- *FLASH_PAGE = (sector_base & 0x380000) >> 19;
- *(volatile char *)(FLASH_START+0xaaa) = (char)FLASH_KEY1; /*change*/
- *(volatile char *)(FLASH_START+0x555) = (char)FLASH_KEY2;
- *(volatile char *)(FLASH_START+0xaaa) = (char)FLASH_KEY4;
- *(volatile char *)(FLASH_START+0xaaa) = (char)FLASH_KEY1;
- *(volatile char *)(FLASH_START+0x555) = (char)FLASH_KEY2;
- *(volatile char *)(phys_base) = (char)FLASH_KEY6;
- /* Wait until erase is done */
- while(GetFlashVal(sector_base) != 0xff);
- /* Put the Flash in normal mode */
- *(volatile char *)phys_base = (char)0xf0;
- /* Mark sector as erased */
- erasetable[i] = 1;
- }
- /* Advance to next sector */
- sector_base = sector_end[i] + 1;
- }
- }
- /* Burns flash data, starting at flashnext.
- * This embodies the burning algorithm for the
- * AMD29LV033C flash memory used on DM642 EVM
- */
- void BurnFlash(u8 *data, u16 nBytes)
- {
- u16 timeout;
- u8 c;
- volatile u8 *pdata;
- /* Put the Flash in normal mode */
- *(volatile char *)FLASH_START = (char)0xf0;
- flash_erase((u32)flashnext, (u32)nBytes);
- while(nBytes--)
- {
- /* Prep AMD
- * 32MBit (4M x 8) Flash Memory
- * for writing a byte.
- */
- *FLASH_PAGE = (u8)(((u32)flashnext & 0x380000) >> 19);
- *(volatile char *)(FLASH_START+0xaaa) = (char)FLASH_KEY1;/*change*/
- *(volatile char *)(FLASH_START+0x555) = (char)FLASH_KEY2;
- *(volatile char *)(FLASH_START+0xaaa) = (char)FLASH_KEY3;
- pdata = (volatile u8 *)((u32)flashnext & 0xffc7ffff);
- *pdata = *data;
- /* Spin here 'til programming completes
- */
- c = *data++;
- timeout = 0;
- do timeout += 1;
- while(*pdata != c && timeout < (u16)0xffff);
- flashnext++;
- }
- /* Put the Flash in normal mode */
- *(volatile char *)FLASH_START = (char)0xf0;
- }
- /* The Flash Erase function uses
- * the AMD algorithm to erase the
- * entire chip.
- */
- void EraseFlash(void)
- {
- int i;
- /* Code to erase AMD29LV033C
- * 32MBit (4MK X 8) Flash Memory
- */
- *FLASH_PAGE = 0;
- *(volatile char *)(FLASH_START+0xaaa) = (char)FLASH_KEY1;/*change*/
- *(volatile char *)(FLASH_START+0x555) = (char)FLASH_KEY2;
- *(volatile char *)(FLASH_START+0xaaa) = (char)FLASH_KEY4;
- *(volatile char *)(FLASH_START+0xaaa) = (char)FLASH_KEY1;
- *(volatile char *)(FLASH_START+0x555) = (char)FLASH_KEY2;
- *(volatile char *)(FLASH_START+0xaaa) = (char)FLASH_KEY5;
- /* Wait until erase is done */
- while(GetFlashVal(FLASH_START) != 0xff);
- /* Put the Flash in normal mode */
- *(volatile char *)FLASH_START = (char)0xf0;
- /* Mark all sectors as erased */
- for (i = 0; i < FLASH_SECTORS; i++)
- erasetable[i] = 1;
- return;
- }
- void CKSSet(u16 val)
- {
- cksum = val;
- }
- u16 CKSGet(void)
- {
- return (u16)cksum;
- }
- u16 CKSAccumBuf(unsigned char *buf, unsigned int len)
- {
- unsigned long src;
- src = (unsigned long)buf;
- while(len-- > 0)
- {
- cksum += GetFlashVal(src++);
- if(cksum > (unsigned long)0x0000ffff)
- {
- cksum += 1;
- cksum &= (unsigned long)0x0000ffff;
- }
- }
- return (u16)cksum;
- }
- u8 GetFlashVal(unsigned long addr)
- {
- *FLASH_PAGE = (u8)(((u32)addr & 0x380000) >> 19);
- return *(volatile u8 *)(addr & 0xffc7ffff);
- }
- void SendFlashBufToHost(u16 cmd, unsigned long addr, u16 bytecount)
- {
- u8 *pflash = (u8 *)addr;
- u16 n = bytecount > 256 ? 256 : bytecount;
- StoreCmd(cmd);
- StoreArg(0, bytecount);
- GetFlashBuf(GetData(), pflash, n);
- }
- static GetFlashBuf(u8 *dest, u8 *flashsrc, u16 nBytes)
- {
- unsigned long src, dst, i;
- src = (unsigned long)flashsrc;
- dst = (unsigned long)dest;
- for (i = 0; i < nBytes; i++)
- {
- *((u8 *)dst++) = GetFlashVal(src++);
- }
- }