- /***********************************************************
- * FBCmd.h -- Process FlashBurn Target Component commands
- * for 64x TEB/EMU
- */
- /* Change Log:
- */
- #ifndef __fbcmd__
- #define __fbcmd__
- #include "type.h"
- #include "fbtc642.h"
- #define ShortsToLong(vHighHalf, vLowHalf)
- ((long)(((unsigned long)((u16)(vHighHalf)) << 16) | ((unsigned long)((u16)(vLowHalf)))))
- #define ShortsToULong(vHighHalf, vLowHalf)
- ((unsigned long)(((unsigned long)((u16)(vHighHalf)) << 16) | ((unsigned long)((u16)(vLowHalf)))))
- /* -----------------------
- * Prototypes from FBCMD.C
- * -----------------------
- */
- /* Given the command message,
- * carry out the command and prepare the
- * response.
- */
- void doCommand(void);
- /* --------------------------
- * Prototypes from FBURNCMD.C
- * --------------------------
- */
- /* Set/Get Flash Memory base address.
- * The Host may want me to change where
- * I think the flash memory is, rather
- * than have me use my hard-coded flash
- * base address (FLASH_START in header
- * file c6416TEB.h). It is set in response to a
- * Set FLASHBASE Address command from Host.
- */
- void SetFlashBase(unsigned long val);
- volatile u8 *GetFlashBase(void);
- /* Set/Get Flash Memory size.
- * The Host may want me to change how big
- * I think the flash memory is, rather
- * than have me use my hard-coded flash
- * size (FLASH_SIZE in header file
- * c6416teb.h)
- */
- void SetFlashSize(unsigned long val);
- unsigned long GetFlashSize(void);
- /* Initialize flash memory pointers
- * to a known flash memory address
- */
- void InitFlash(void);
- /* Initialize flash memory pointers
- * to an address
- */
- void SetFlashAddr(u8 *addr);
- /* Burn data into flash memory starting
- * at current flash memory pointer
- * (flashnext).
- */
- void BurnFlash(u8 *data, u16 nBytes);
- /* Burn data into flash memory starting
- * at current flash memory pointer.
- */
- volatile u8 *GetNextFlashAddr(void);
- /* Erase flash memory starting
- * at current flash memory pointer.
- * Erase from current start pointer to
- * end of flash memory.
- */
- void EraseFlash();
- /* Checksum Processing.
- * A simple modulo-16 additive cksum
- * which adds the carry bit back into
- * the accumulator.
- */
- /* Initialize to a value */
- void CKSSet(u16 val);
- /* Returns the current value */
- u16 CKSGet(void);
- /* Accumulate a new value */
- u16 CKSAccum(unsigned char val);
- /* Accumulate a buffer */
- u16 CKSAccumBuf(unsigned char *buf, unsigned int len);
- /* Return a flash memory byte
- */
- u8 GetFlashVal(unsigned long addr);
- /* Sends a block of flash bytes to host
- * Limited to 256 bytes.
- */
- void SendFlashBufToHost(u16 cmd, unsigned long addr, u16 bytecount);
- #endif