- /*
- * Copyright 2003 by Spectrum Digital Incorporated.
- * All rights reserved. Property of Spectrum Digital Incorporated.
- */
- /*
- * ======== evmdm642.h ========
- *
- * This file contains EVMDM642 board initialization and FPGA register access
- * functions.
- *
- * EVMDM642 BSL Version 0.90 - 06/04/2003
- *
- */
- #ifndef EVMDM642_
- #define EVMDM642_
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- #include <csl.h>
- #include <csl_i2c.h>
- #include <csl_gpio.h>
- /*
- * Note: Bit definitions for each register field
- * needs to be supplied here for the CPLD
- * and other board periperals.
- */
- /* Compatability definitions */
- #define NULL 0
- /* CPLD address definitions */
- #define EVMDM642_CPLD_BASE 0x90080000
- #define EVMDM642_SYNC_BASE 0xb0000000
- #define EVMDM642_FPGAFLASH_BASE 0x90040000
- #define EVMDM642_FPGASDRAM_BASE 0x80000000
- /* CPLD Register Indices */
- #define EVMDM642_OSDCTRL 0x10
- #define EVMDM642_THRESHLSB 0x11
- #define EVMDM642_THRESHMSB 0x12
- #define EVMDM642_ISR 0x13
- #define EVMDM642_IER 0x14
- #define EVMDM642_GPIODIR 0x15
- #define EVMDM642_GPIOSTAT 0x16
- #define EVMDM642_LED 0x17
- #define EVMDM642_FLASHPAGE 0x18
- #define EVMDM642_VERSION 0x1F
- /* FPGA definitions */
- #define EVMDM642_FPGALEN 0x393d8
- /* I2C handle */
- extern I2C_Handle EVMDM642_I2C_hI2C;
- /* GPIO handle */
- extern GPIO_Handle EVMDM642_GPIO_hGPIO;
- /* Initialize all board APIs */
- void EVMDM642_init();
- /* Read an 8-bit value from a CPLD register */
- Uint8 EVMDM642_rget(Int16 regnum);
- /* Write an 8-bit value to a CPLD register */
- void EVMDM642_rset(Int16 regnum, Uint8 regval);
- /* Spin in a delay loop for delay iterations */
- void EVMDM642_wait(Uint32 delay);
- /* Spin in a delay loop for delay microseconds */
- void EVMDM642_waitusec(Uint32 delay);
- /* Send a configuration file to the FPGA */
- void EVMDM642_loadFpga(Uint32 fpgaaddr);
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif
- #endif