- <!--插入html头部分以及数据库接口-->
- <!--#include file="in_conn.asp"-->
- <!--#include file="inc/md5.asp"-->
- <!--#include file="UpLoadClass.asp"-->
- <%
- Server.ScriptTimeOut=5000
- dim request2
- '建立上传对象
- set request2=New UpLoadClass
- '使用手动方式保存
- request2.AutoSave=2
- request2.SavePath="face/upface/"
- '打开对象
- '判断用户名格式的函数
- FUNCTION userstr(stru)
- dim i,aa
- dim istr
- For i=1 To Len(stru)
- istr=mid(stru,i,1)
- aa=ASC(istr)
- If aa>31 AND aa<48 Then
- userstr=False
- Exit For
- Elseif aa>57 AND aa<65 Then
- userstr=False
- Exit For
- Elseif aa>90 AND aa<95 Then
- userstr=False
- Exit For
- Elseif aa>95 AND aa<97 Then
- userstr=False
- Exit For
- Else
- userstr=True
- End if
- Next
- '判断邮件格式是否正确
- Function isEmail(strng)
- Dim regEx,regVal
- Set regEx=New RegExp
- regEx.Pattern="^w+((-w+)|(.w+))*@[A-Za-z0-9]+((.|-)[A-Za-z0-9]+)*.[A-Za-z0-9]+$"
- regEx.IgnoreCase=True
- isEmail=regEx.Test(strng)
- End Function
- dim vname,vpwd,vrepwd,vemail,vhome,vnowdo,vcontact,vface,vsign
- dim vsex,vqq,vhometel,vmob,vy,vm,vd,vfacew,vfaceh
- dim vbirth,vdate
- '获得表单传值
- vname=trim(Request2.Form("txtname"))
- vpwd=trim(Request2.Form("txtpwd"))
- vrepwd=trim(Request2.Form("txtrepwd"))
- vemail=trim(Request2.Form("txtemail"))
- vhome=trim(Request2.Form("txthome"))
- vnowdo=trim(Request2.Form("txtdo"))
- vcontact=trim(Request2.Form("txtcontact"))
- vsign=trim(Request2.Form("txtsign"))
- if Request2.Form("radsex")="gg" then
- vsex=1
- else
- vsex=0
- end if
- vqq=trim(Request2.Form("txtqq"))
- vhometel=trim(Request2.Form("txthometel"))
- vmob=trim(Request2.Form("txtmobile"))
- vy=Request2.Form("syear")
- vm=Request2.Form("smonth")
- vd=Request2.Form("sday")
- vdate=now()
- '检查正确性
- If userstr(vname)=False or vname="" Then
- Response.Redirect "resp.asp?cmd=uname_err"
- ElseIf isEmail(vemail)=False or vemail="" Then
- Response.Redirect "resp.asp?cmd=uemail_err"
- ElseIf Len(vpwd)<6 OR Len(vpwd)>14 Then
- Response.Redirect "resp.asp?cmd=upwd_len"
- ElseIf vpwd<>vrepwd Then
- Response.Redirect "resp.asp?cmd=urepwd_err"
- ElseIf vcontact<>"" And Len(vcontact)>150 Then
- Response.Redirect "resp.asp?cmd=ucontact_len"
- ElseIf vsign<>"" And Len(vsign)>255 Then
- Response.Redirect "resp.asp?cmd=usign_len"
- ElseIf vqq<>"" And isnumeric(vqq)=False Then
- Response.Redirect "resp.asp?cmd=uqq_num"
- End If
- '检查是否重复注册
- sqlstr="SELECT ID FROM tblmates WHERE name='"&vname&"'"
- sqlstr,conn,1,1
- if NOT(rs.eof AND rs.bof) then
- Response.Redirect "resp.asp?cmd=ureg_2"
- end if
- rs.close
- IF Request2.Form("radface")="up" THEN
- Request2.MaxSize=102400
- if Request2.Save("strFace",0) then
- '如果上传成功
- vface=Request2.SavePath&Request2.Form("strFace")
- vfacew=Request2.Form("strFace_Width")
- vfaceh=Request2.Form("strFace_Height")
- if isNumeric(vfacew) then
- If vfacew>150 or vfaceh>150 Then
- '如果图片宽高不符界限,则
- if vfacew>vfaceh then
- vfaceh=Cint(150 / vfacew * vfaceh)
- vfacew=150
- else
- vfacew=Cint(150 / vfaceh * vfacew)
- vfaceh=150
- end if
- End If
- else
- vfacew=150
- vfaceh=150
- end if
- else
- '如果上传失败
- Response.Redirect "resp.asp?cmd=uface_up"
- end if
- Else
- vface="face/"&Request2.Form("sface")&".gif"
- vfacew=42
- vfaceh=85
- vy=Request2.Form("syear")
- vm=Request2.Form("smonth")
- vd=Request2.Form("sday")
- if isDate(vy&"-"&vm&"-"&vd) then
- vbirth=CDate(vy&"-"&vm&"-"&vd)
- else
- Response.Redirect "resp.asp?cmd=ubirth_day"
- end if
- set request2=Nothing
- 'MD5加密
- vpwd=md5(vpwd,32)
- '开始插入数据
- sqlstr="INSERT INTO tblmates(name,pwd,sex,email,qq,home,hometel,mobile,nowdo,contact,birthday,birthm,regdate,lastlog,power,faceurl,facew,faceh,cnt_water,cnt_on,signline,myfj) VALUES('"&stryin(vname)&"','"&stryin(vpwd)&"',"&vsex&",'"&stryin(vemail)&"','"&stryin(vqq)&"','"&stryin(vhome)&"','"&stryin(vhometel)&"','"&stryin(vmob)&"','"&stryin(vnowdo)&"','"&stryin(vcontact)&"',#"&vbirth&"#,"&vm&",#"&vdate&"#,#"&vdate&"#,0,'"&stryin(vface)&"',"&vfacew&","&vfaceh&",0,1,'"&stryin(vsign)&"',0)"
- conn.Execute sqlstr
- Session("sname")=vname
- Response.Redirect "rego.asp?cmd=reg_ok"
- %>
- <body>
- <!--插入网站置底-->
- <!--#include file="in_bottom.asp"-->
- </body>
- </html>