- /*************************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* LD-CELP G.728 */
- /* */
- /* Low-Delay Code Excitation Linear Prediction speech compression. */
- /* */
- /* Code edited by Michael Concannon. */
- /* Based on code written by Alex Zatsman, Analog Devices 1993 */
- /* */
- /*************************************************************************/
- #include "common.h"
- #include "prototyp.h"
- #include "fast.h"
- #include "data.h"
- /* Impulse Response Vector Calculator */
- void iresp_vcalc(real COEFF_MEM sf_co[],
- real COEFF_MEM pwf_z_co[], real COEFF_MEM pwf_p_co[],
- real h[])
- {
- static real temp[IDIM];
- static real rc[IDIM];
- real a0,a1,a2;
- int i,k;
- temp[0] = rc[0] = 1.0;
- for (k=1; k<IDIM; k++) {
- a0=a1=a2=0.0;
- for (i=k; i>=1; i--) {
- temp[i] = temp[i-1];
- rc[i] = rc[i-1];
- a0 -= sf_co[i] * temp[i];
- a1 += pwf_z_co[i] * temp[i];
- a2 -= pwf_p_co[i] * rc[i];
- }
- temp[0] = a0;
- rc[0] = a0+a1+a2;
- }
- for (k=0; k<IDIM; k++)
- h[k] = rc[IDIM-1-k];
- }
- /* Cb_shape Codevector Convolution Module and Energy Table Calculator */
- /* The output is energy table */
- #ifdef PIPELINE
- void
- shape_conv(real h[], real shen[])
- {
- int j;
- real *shep = shen;
- real CBMEM *cp = (real CBMEM *) cb_shape;
- real *hp = h;
- real
- lmul1, lmul2, rmul1, rmul2, ladd1, ladd2, ladd3, radd1, radd2;
- #define e0 ladd1
- #define x0 ladd2
- #define x2 ladd2
- #define x4 ladd2
- #define x1 ladd3
- #define x3 ladd3
- #define e1 radd1
- #define e2 radd1
- #define e3 radd1
- #define e4 radd1
- #define t01 radd1
- #define t11 radd1
- #define t12 radd1
- #define t22 radd1
- #define t40 radd1
- #define t20 radd2
- #define t21 radd2
- #define t03 radd2
- #define t13 radd2
- #define t31 radd2
- #define c0 lmul1
- #define c2 lmul1
- #define c4 lmul1
- #define c1 lmul2
- #define c3 lmul2
- #define h0 rmul1
- #define h2 rmul1
- #define h4 rmul1
- #define h1 rmul2
- #define h3 rmul2
- for (j=0; j<NCWD; j++) {
- c0=*cp++; h0=*hp++;
- x0 =c0*h0;
- e0 =x0*x0; c1=*cp--;
- x1 =c1*h0; c0=*cp++; h1=*hp++;
- t01=c0*h1; h2=*hp--;
- x1+=t01; x2 =c0*h2;
- e1 =x1*x1; c1=*cp++; h1=*hp--;
- e0+=e1; t11=c1*h1; c2=*cp++; h0=*hp++;
- x2+=t11; t20=c2*h0; c3=*cp--;
- x2+=t20; x3 =c3*h0;
- e2 =x2*x2; c2=*cp--; h1=*hp++;
- e0+=e2; t21=c2*h1; c1=*cp--; h2=*hp++;
- x3+=t21; t12=c1*h2; c0=*cp++; h3=*hp++;
- x3+=t12; t03=c0*h3; h4=*hp--;
- x3+=t03; x4 =c0*h4;
- e3 =x3*x3; c1=*cp++; h3=*hp--;
- e0+=e3; t13=c1*h3; c2=*cp++; h2=*hp--;
- x4+=t13; t22=c2*h2; c3=*cp++; h1=*hp--;
- x4+=t22; t31=c3*h1; c4=*cp++; h0=*hp;
- x4+=t31; t40=c4*h0;
- x4+=t40;
- e4=x4*x4;
- e0+=e4;
- *shep++=e0;
- }
- }
- #else
- /** Unoptimized version -- kept for reference */
- void
- shape_conv(real h[], real shen[])
- {
- int j;
- real h0 = h[0], h1 = h[1], h2 = h[2], h3 = h[3], h4 = h[4], tmp;
- for (j=0; j<NCWD; j++) {
- real energy=0;
- tmp = h0*cb_shape[j][0];
- energy += tmp*tmp;
- tmp = h0*cb_shape[j][1] + h1*cb_shape[j][0];
- energy += tmp*tmp;
- tmp = h0*cb_shape[j][2] + h1*cb_shape[j][1] + h2*cb_shape[j][0];
- energy += tmp*tmp;
- tmp = h0*cb_shape[j][3] + h1*cb_shape[j][2] + h2*cb_shape[j][1] +
- h3*cb_shape[j][0];
- energy += tmp*tmp;
- tmp = h0*cb_shape[j][4] + h1*cb_shape[j][3] + h2*cb_shape[j][2] +
- h3*cb_shape[j][1] + h4*cb_shape[j][0];
- energy += tmp*tmp;
- shen[j] = energy;
- }
- }
- #endif
- /* Time Reversed Convolution Module -- Block 13 */
- void
- trev_conv(real h[], real target[],
- real pn[])
- {
- int j, k;
- for (k=0; k<IDIM; k++) {
- real tmp=0.0;
- for (j=k; j<IDIM; j++)
- tmp += target[j]*h[j-k];
- pn[k] = tmp;
- }
- }
- /* Error Calculator and Best Codebook Index Selector */
- /* Blocks 17 and 18 */
- void
- cb_excitation (int ix, real v[])
- {
- int
- i,
- sx = ix >>3,
- gx = ix & 7;
- real gain = cb_gain[gx];
- for(i=0; i<IDIM; i++)
- v[i] = cb_shape[sx][i] * gain;
- }
- #define GTINC(A,B,X) if(A>B)X++
- int
- cb_index (real pn[])
- {
- real d, distm = BIG;
- int
- j,
- is=0, /* best shape index */
- ig=0, /* best gain index */
- idxg, /* current gain index */
- ichan; /* resulting combined index */
- real CBMEM *shape_ptr = (real CBMEM *) cb_shape;
- real *sher_ptr = shape_energy;
- real pcor, b0, b1, b2;
- real *pb=pn;
- real g2, gsq;
- register real
- cgm0 REG(r0) = cb_gain_mid_0,
- cgm1 REG(r1) = cb_gain_mid_1,
- x REG(r2),
- cgm2 = cb_gain_mid_2,
- energy REG(r4), y REG(r5),
- cor REG(r8) = 0,
- t REG(r12);
- register int minus5 REG(m0) = -5;
- for (j=0; j<NCWD; j++) {
- cor=cor-cor;
- energy = *sher_ptr++;
- b0 = cgm0 * energy; x=*shape_ptr++; y=*pb++;
- t=x*y; x=*shape_ptr++; y=*pb++;
- cor+=t; t=x*y; x=*shape_ptr++; y=*pb++;
- cor+=t; t=x*y; x=*shape_ptr++; y=*pb++;
- cor+=t; t=x*y; x=*shape_ptr++; y=*pb++;
- cor+=t; t=x*y;
- cor+=t; b1 = cgm1 * energy;
- pb += minus5;
- b2 = cgm2 * energy;
- idxg=idxg-idxg;
- pcor = cor;
- if (cor < 0.0) {
- pcor = -cor;
- idxg += 4;
- }
- GTINC(pcor, b0, idxg);
- GTINC(pcor, b1, idxg);
- GTINC(pcor, b2, idxg);
- g2 = cb_gain2[idxg];
- gsq = cb_gain_sq[idxg];
- d = gsq * energy - g2 * cor;
- if (d < distm) {
- ig = idxg;
- is = j;
- distm = d;
- }
- }
- ichan = (is << 3) + ig;
- return ichan;
- }