资源名称:Myblog.rar [点击查看]
- <!--- Coldfusion MX uses java on the server to process tags. So it is save to use most java attributes. For example below
- I use list.lastindexOf(), lastindexOf() is a java string attribute. If you plan on using this tag with earlier versions
- of Coldfusion, you will have to replace the lastindexOf with a pure coldfusion function. By replacing the lastindexOf, spellchecker.cfm
- script should be compatible with all cf version 4.5 and up.
- Also if you are hosting your site at an ISP, you will have to check with them to see if the use of <CFEXECUTE> is allowed.
- In most cases ISP will not allow the use of that tag for security reasons. Clients would be able to access each others files in certain cases.
- --->
- <!--- Set up variables --->
- <cfset tempFolder = "c:test">
- <cfset tempfile = "spell_#randrange(1,1000)#">
- <cfset apsell_dir = "c:aspellbin">
- <!--- <cfset spellercss = "/speller/spellerStyle.css"> by FredCK --->
- <cfset spellercss = "../spellerStyle.css">
- <!--- <cfset word_win_src = "/speller/wordWindow.js"> by FredCK --->
- <cfset word_win_src = "../wordWindow.js">
- <!--- Takes care of those pesky smart quotes from MS apps, replaces them with regular quotes --->
- <cfset submitted_text = replacelist(form.checktext,"%u201C,%u201D","%22,%22")>
- <cfset submitted_text = urlDecode(submitted_text)>
- <!--- need to escape special javascript characters such as ' --->
- <cfset unaltered_text = submitted_text>
- <cfset submitted_text = replace(submitted_text,"'","'","All")>
- <cfset submitted_text = replace(submitted_text,"""","""","All")>
- <!--- use carat on each line to escape possible aspell commands --->
- <cfset text = "">
- <cfloop list="#submitted_text#" index="idx" delimiters="#chr(10)##chr(13)#">
- <cfset text =text&"^"&idx&"#chr(10)##chr(13)#">
- </cfloop>
- <!--- create temp file from the submitted text, this will be passed to aspell to be check for misspelled words --->
- <cffile action="write" file="#tempFolder##tempfile#.txt" output="#text#" charset="utf-8">
- <!--- cfsavecontent is used to set the variable that will be returned with the results from aspell.
- If your using the new version of mx 6.1 you can use the following cfexecute tag instead:
- <cfexecute name="C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32cmd.exe" arguments="/c type c:test#tempfile#.txt | c:aspellbinaspell -a" timeout="100" variable="results"></cfexecute> --->
- <cfsavecontent variable="food">
- <cfexecute name="C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32cmd.exe" arguments="/c type #tempFolder##tempfile#.txt | #apsell_dir#aspell -a" timeout="100"></cfexecute>
- </cfsavecontent>
- <!--- remove temp file --->
- <cffile action="delete" file="#tempFolder##tempfile#.txt">
- <cfoutput>
- <html>
- <head>
- <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="speller/spellerStyle.css">
- <script src="/speller/wordWindow.js"></script>
- <script language="javascript">
- var suggs = new Array();
- var words = new Array();
- var error;
- var wordtext = unescape('#urlencodedFormat(unaltered_text)#');
- <cfset cnt = 1>
- <cfset word_cnt = 0>
- <cfloop list="#food#" index="list" delimiters="#chr(10)##chr(13)#">
- <!--- removes the first line of the aspell output "@(#) International Ispell Version 3.1.20 (but really Aspell 0.50.3)" --->
- <cfif NOT cnt EQ 1>
- <cfif find("&",list) OR find("##",list)>
- <!--- word that misspelled --->
- <cfset bad_word = listGetAt(list,"2"," ")>
- <!--- sugestions --->
- <cfset wrdList = mid(list,(list.lastindexOf(':') + 2),(len(list) - (list.lastindexOf(':') + 2)))>
- <cfset wrdsList = "">
- <cfloop list=#wrdList# index="idx">
- <cfset wrdsList =wrdsList&"'"&trim(replace(idx,"'","'","All"))&"',">
- </cfloop>
- <!--- javascript --->
- words[#word_cnt#] = '#trim(replace(bad_word,"'","'","All"))#';
- suggs[#word_cnt#] = [#trim(wrdsList)#];
- <cfset word_cnt = word_cnt + 1>
- <cfelseif find("*",list)>
- </cfif>
- </cfif>
- <cfset cnt = cnt + 1>
- </cfloop>
- var wordWindowObj = new wordWindow();
- wordWindowObj.originalSpellings = words;
- wordWindowObj.suggestions = suggs;
- wordWindowObj.text = wordtext;
- function init_spell() {
- // check if any error occured during server-side processing
- if( error ) {
- alert( error );
- } else {
- // call the init_spell() function in the parent frameset
- if (parent.frames.length) {
- parent.init_spell( wordWindowObj );
- } else {
- alert('This page was loaded outside of a frameset. It might not display properly');
- }
- }
- }
- </script>
- </head>
- <body onLoad="init_spell();">
- <script>
- wordWindowObj.writeBody();
- </script>
- </body>
- </html>
- </cfoutput>