资源名称:Myblog.rar [点击查看]
- /*
- * FCKeditor - The text editor for internet
- * Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Frederico Caldeira Knabben
- *
- * Licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License:
- * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php
- *
- * For further information visit:
- * http://www.fckeditor.net/
- *
- * File Name: fckcontextmenu_gecko.js
- * Context Menu operations. (Gecko specific implementations)
- *
- * File Authors:
- * Frederico Caldeira Knabben (fredck@fckeditor.net)
- */
- // The Context Menu CSS must be added to the parent document.
- FCKTools.AppendStyleSheet( window.parent.document, FCKConfig.SkinPath + 'fck_contextmenu.css' ) ;
- FCKContextMenu.Show = function( x, y )
- {
- if ( ! this._Document )
- {
- this._Document = window.parent.document ;
- }
- // Create the context menu if needed.
- if ( !this._IsLoaded )
- {
- this.Reload() ;
- this._Div.style.zIndex = 10000 ;
- this._Div.oncontextmenu = function() { return false ; }
- }
- this.RefreshState() ;
- // Get the editor area and editor frames positions.
- var oCoordsA = FCKTools.GetElementPosition( FCK.EditorWindow.frameElement ) ;
- var oCoordsB = FCKTools.GetElementPosition( window.frameElement ) ;
- x += oCoordsA.X + oCoordsB.X ;
- y += oCoordsA.Y + oCoordsB.Y ;
- // Verifies if the context menu is completely visible.
- var iXSpace = x + this._Div.offsetWidth - this._Div.ownerDocument.defaultView.innerWidth ;
- var iYSpace = y + this._Div.offsetHeight - this._Div.ownerDocument.defaultView.innerHeight ;
- if ( iXSpace > 0 ) x -= this._Div.offsetWidth ;
- if ( iYSpace > 0 ) y -= this._Div.offsetHeight ;
- // Set the context menu DIV in the specified location.
- this._Div.style.left = x + 'px' ;
- this._Div.style.top = y + 'px' ;
- // Watch the "OnClick" event for all windows to close the Context Menu.
- var oActualWindow = FCK.EditorWindow ;
- while ( oActualWindow )
- {
- oActualWindow.document.addEventListener( 'click', FCKContextMenu._OnDocumentClick, false ) ;
- if ( oActualWindow != oActualWindow.parent )
- oActualWindow = oActualWindow.parent ;
- else if ( oActualWindow.opener == null )
- oActualWindow = oActualWindow.opener ;
- else
- break ;
- }
- // Show it.
- this._Div.style.visibility = '' ;
- }
- FCKContextMenu._OnDocumentClick = function( event )
- {
- var e = event.target ;
- while ( e )
- {
- if ( e == FCKContextMenu._Div ) return ;
- e = e.parentNode ;
- }
- FCKContextMenu.Hide() ;
- }
- FCKContextMenu.Hide = function()
- {
- this._Div.style.visibility = 'hidden' ;
- this._Div.style.left = this._Div.style.top = '1px' ;
- }