- function [xnew, Vnew, loglik, VVnew] = kalman_update(F, H, Q, R, y, x, V, initial)
- % KALMAN_UPDATE Do a one step update of the Kalman filter
- % [xnew, Vnew, loglik] = kalman_update(F, H, Q, R, y, x, V, initial)
- %
- % Given
- % x(:) = E[ X | Y(1:t-1) ] and
- % V(:,:) = Var[ X(t-1) | Y(1:t-1) ],
- % compute
- % xnew(:) = E[ X | Y(1:t-1) ] and
- % Vnew(:,:) = Var[ X(t) | Y(1:t) ],
- % VVnew(:,:) = Cov[ X(t), X(t-1) | Y(1:t) ],
- % using
- % y(:) - the observation at time t
- % A(:,:) - the system matrix
- % C(:,:) - the observation matrix
- % Q(:,:) - the system covariance
- % R(:,:) - the observation covariance
- %
- % If initial=true, x and V are taken as the initial conditions (and F and Q are ignored).
- % If there is no observation vector, set K = zeros(ss).
- if nargin < 8, initial = 0; end
- if initial
- xpred = x;
- Vpred = V;
- else
- xpred = F*x;
- Vpred = F*V*F' + Q;
- end
- e = y - H*xpred; % error (innovation)
- n = length(e);
- ss = length(F);
- S = H*Vpred*H' + R;
- Sinv = inv(S);
- ss = length(V);
- loglik = gaussian_prob(e, zeros(1,length(e)), S, 1);
- K = Vpred*H'*Sinv; % Kalman gain matrix
- xnew = xpred + K*e;
- Vnew = (eye(ss) - K*H)*Vpred;
- VVnew = (eye(ss) - K*H)*F*V;