- function [x, V, VV, loglik] = kalman_filter(y, A, C, Q, R, init_x, init_V, model)
- % Kalman filter.
- % [x, V, VV, loglik] = kalman_filter(y, A, C, Q, R, init_x, init_V, model)
- %
- % Inputs:
- % y(:,t) - the observation at time t
- % A(:,:,m) - the system matrix for model m
- % C(:,:,m) - the observation matrix for model m
- % Q(:,:,m) - the system covariance for model m
- % R(:,:,m) - the observation covariance for model m
- % init_x(:,m) - the initial state for model m
- % init_V(:,:,m) - the initial covariance for model m
- % model(t) - which model to use at time t (defaults to model 1 if not specified)
- %
- % Outputs:
- % x(:,t) = E[X_t | t]
- % V(:,:,t) = Cov[X_t | t]
- % VV(:,:,t) = Cov[X_t, X_t-1 | t] t >= 2
- % loglik = sum_t log P(Y_t)
- [os T] = size(y);
- ss = size(A,1);
- if nargin<8, model = ones(1, T); end
- x = zeros(ss, T);
- V = zeros(ss, ss, T);
- VV = zeros(ss, ss, T);
- loglik = 0;
- for t=1:T
- m = model(t);
- if t==1
- prevx = init_x(:,m);
- prevV = init_V(:,:,m);
- initial = 1;
- else
- prevx = x(:,t-1);
- prevV = V(:,:,t-1);
- initial = 0;
- end
- [x(:,t), V(:,:,t), LL, VV(:,:,t)] = ...
- kalman_update(A(:,:,m), C(:,:,m), Q(:,:,m), R(:,:,m), y(:,t), prevx, prevV, initial);
- loglik = loglik + LL;
- end