- [logger]
- level=DEBUG
- [config:]
- file=${serverRoot}/conf/workers2.properties
- debug=0
- debugEnv=0
- [uriMap:]
- info=Maps the requests. Options: debug
- debug=0
- # Alternate file logger
- #[logger.file:0]
- #level=DEBUG
- #file=${serverRoot}/logs/jk2.log
- [shm:]
- info=Scoreboard. Required for reconfiguration and status with multiprocess servers
- file=${serverRoot}/logs/jk2.shm
- size=1000000
- debug=0
- disabled=0
- [workerEnv:]
- info=Global server options
- timing=1
- debug=0
- # Default Native Logger (apache2 or win32 )
- # can be overriden to a file logger, useful
- # when tracing win32 related issues
- #logger=logger.file:0
- [lb:lb]
- info=Default load balancer.
- debug=0
- [lb:lb_1]
- info=A second load balancer.
- debug=0
- [channel.socket:localhost:8009]
- info=Ajp13 forwarding over socket
- debug=0
- tomcatId=localhost:8009
- [channel.socket:localhost:8019]
- info=A second tomcat instance.
- debug=0
- tomcatId=localhost:8019
- lb_factor=1
- #group=lb
- group:lb:lb
- #group=lb_1
- group:lb:lb_1
- disabled=0
- [channel.un:/opt/33/work/jk2.socket]
- info=A second channel connecting to localhost:8019 via unix socket
- tomcatId=localhost:8019
- lb_factor=1
- debug=0
- [channel.jni:jni]
- info=The jni channel, used if tomcat is started inprocess
- [status:]
- info=Status worker, displays runtime informations
- [vm:]
- info=Parameters used to load a JVM in the server process
- #JVM=C:jdkjrebinhotspotjvm.dll
- classpath=${TOMCAT_HOME}/bin/tomcat-jni.jar
- classpath=${TOMCAT_HOME}/server/lib/commons-logging.jar
- OPT=-Dtomcat.home=${TOMCAT_HOME}
- OPT=-Dcatalina.home=${TOMCAT_HOME}
- OPT=-Xmx128M
- #OPT=-Djava.compiler=NONE
- disabled=1
- [worker.jni:onStartup]
- info=Command to be executed by the VM on startup. This one will start tomcat.
- class=org/apache/jk/apr/TomcatStarter
- ARG=start
- # For Tomcat 5 use the 'stard' for startup argument
- # ARG=stard
- disabled=1
- stdout=${serverRoot}/logs/stdout.log
- stderr=${serverRoot}/logs/stderr.log
- [worker.jni:onShutdown]
- info=Command to be executed by the VM on shutdown. This one will stop tomcat.
- class=org/apache/jk/apr/TomcatStarter
- ARG=stop
- disabled=1
- [uri:/jkstatus/*]
- info=Display status information and checks the config file for changes.
- group=status:
- [uri:]
- info=Example virtual host. Make sure myVirtualHost is in /etc/hosts to test it
- alias=myVirtualHost:8003
- [uri:]
- info=Example webapp in the virtual host. It'll go to lb_1 ( i.e. localhost:8019 )
- context=/ex
- group=lb_1
- [uri:/examples]
- info=Example webapp in the default context.
- context=/examples
- debug=0
- [uri:/examples1/*]
- info=A second webapp, this time going to the second tomcat only.
- group=lb_1
- debug=0
- [uri:/examples/servlet/*]
- info=Prefix mapping
- [uri:/examples/*.jsp]
- info=Extension mapping
- [uri:/examples/*]
- info=Map the whole webapp
- [uri:/examples/servlet/HelloW]
- info=Example with debug enabled.
- debug=10