


C++ Builder

  1. /*****************************************************************************
  2. *  Copyright Statement:
  3. *  --------------------
  4. *  This software is protected by Copyright and the information contained
  5. *  herein is confidential. The software may not be copied and the information
  6. *  contained herein may not be used or disclosed except with the written
  7. *  permission of MediaTek Inc. (C) 2005
  8. *
  21. *
  27. *
  33. *
  34. *****************************************************************************/
  35. /*****************************************************************************
  36.  *
  37.  * Filename:
  38.  * ---------
  39.  *   form_Audio.h
  40.  *
  41.  * Project:
  42.  * --------
  43.  *   Maui META APP
  44.  *
  45.  * Description:
  46.  * ------------
  47.  *   Audio form header
  48.  *
  49.  * Author:
  50.  * -------
  51.  *  Andy Ueng (mtk00490)
  52.  *
  53.  *============================================================================
  54.  *             HISTORY
  55.  * Below this line, this part is controlled by PVCS VM. DO NOT MODIFY!!
  56.  *------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  57.  * $Revision$
  58.  * $Modtime$
  59.  * $Log$
  60.  * 
  61.  *------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  62.  * Upper this line, this part is controlled by PVCS VM. DO NOT MODIFY!!
  63.  *============================================================================
  64.  ****************************************************************************/
  65. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  66. #ifndef _FORM_AUDIO_H_
  67. #define _FORM_AUDIO_H_
  68. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  69. #include <Classes.hpp>
  70. #include <Controls.hpp>
  71. #include <StdCtrls.hpp>
  72. #include <Forms.hpp>
  73. #include <ComCtrls.hpp>
  74. #include <Dialogs.hpp>
  75. #include <ExtCtrls.hpp>
  76. #include <Buttons.hpp>
  77. #include <ActnList.hpp>
  78. #ifndef _PLAYAUDIO_H_
  79. #include "PlayAudio.h"
  80. #endif
  81. #ifndef _FREQUENCY2NOTES_HPP_
  82. #include "Frequency2Notes.hpp"
  83. #endif
  84. #ifndef _FAT_UNIT_H_
  85. #include "FAT_unit.h"
  86. #endif
  87. #ifndef  _SP_COEF_H_
  88. #include "sp_coef.h"
  89. #endif
  90. #ifndef _VOLUME_SETTING_H_
  91. #include "volume_setting.h"
  92. #endif
  93. #ifndef _AUDIO_COMMON_H_
  94. #include "Audio_common.h"
  95. #endif
  96. #ifndef _ECHO_LOOP_H_
  97. #include "echo_loop.h"
  98. #endif
  99. // AEC
  100. #ifndef _AEC_COMMON_H_
  101. #include "aec_common.h"
  102. #endif
  103. #ifndef _AEC_H_
  104. #include "aec.h"
  105. #endif
  106. #ifndef _AEC_NM_H_
  107. #include "aec_nm.h"
  108. #endif
  109. #ifndef _LOUD_SPEAKER_H_
  110. #include "loud_speaker.h"
  111. #endif
  112. #ifndef  _MAN_HANDLE_H_
  113. #include "man_handle.h"
  114. #endif
  115. //==========================================================================
  116. #define MAX_IMELODY_SIZE 500
  117. #define MAX_NOTES_BUF_SIZE 10*1024
  118. #define MAX_RING_COMPSER_SIZE 10*1024
  119. #define FIR_COEFF_HANDSET_INDEX 0
  121. typedef enum
  122. {
  123.     PAGEIDX_COEFF_8K = 0,
  127.     PAGEIDX_COEFF_16K,
  129.     PAGEIDX_SE,
  130.     PAGEIDX_AC,
  131.     PAGEIDX_AEC,
  135.     PAGEIDX_AT,
  138. typedef enum
  139. {
  140.     DRAW_CVS_7_LEVEL_VOL_LEVEL       = 0x01,
  141.     DRAW_CVS_7_LEVEL_VOL_GAIN        = 0x02,
  142.     DRAW_CVS_7_LEVEL_TV_OUT_VOL_GAIN = 0x04,
  143.     DRAW_CVS_16_LEVEL                = 0x08
  144. }E_DRAW_CVS_MASK_T;
  145. typedef enum
  146. {
  147.     DRAW_AEC_MASK_SPEAKER   = 0x01,
  148.     DRAW_AEC_MASK_MIC       = 0x02,
  149.     DRAW_AEC_MASK_RESULT_LS = 0x04,
  150.     DRAW_AEC_MASK_RESULT_NM = 0x08
  151. }E_DRAW_AEC_MASK_T;
  152. typedef enum
  153. {
  154.     SIFC_2G3G_IDX = 0,
  155.     SIFC_VOIP_IDX
  156. }E_SIFC_IDX;
  157. typedef enum
  158. {
  159.     SOFC_2G3G_IDX = 0,
  160.     SOFC_VOIP_IDX
  161. }E_SOFC_IDX;
  162. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  163. class TfrmAudio : public TForm
  164. {
  165. __published: // IDE-managed Components
  166.         TPageControl *tabAudio;
  167.         TTabSheet *ts8KCoeff;
  168.    TGroupBox *grpFirInput;
  169.    TEdit *edtFirInputCoef00;
  170.    TEdit *edtFirInputCoef01;
  171.    TEdit *edtFirInputCoef02;
  172.    TEdit *edtFirInputCoef03;
  173.    TEdit *edtFirInputCoef04;
  174.    TEdit *edtFirInputCoef05;
  175.    TEdit *edtFirInputCoef06;
  176.    TEdit *edtFirInputCoef07;
  177.    TEdit *edtFirInputCoef08;
  178.    TEdit *edtFirInputCoef09;
  179.    TEdit *edtFirInputCoef10;
  180.    TEdit *edtFirInputCoef11;
  181.    TEdit *edtFirInputCoef12;
  182.    TEdit *edtFirInputCoef13;
  183.    TEdit *edtFirInputCoef15;
  184.    TEdit *edtFirInputCoef16;
  185.    TEdit *edtFirInputCoef17;
  186.    TEdit *edtFirInputCoef18;
  187.    TEdit *edtFirInputCoef19;
  188.    TEdit *edtFirInputCoef20;
  189.    TEdit *edtFirInputCoef21;
  190.    TEdit *edtFirInputCoef22;
  191.    TEdit *edtFirInputCoef23;
  192.    TEdit *edtFirInputCoef24;
  193.    TEdit *edtFirInputCoef25;
  194.    TEdit *edtFirInputCoef26;
  195.    TEdit *edtFirInputCoef27;
  196.    TEdit *edtFirInputCoef28;
  197.    TEdit *edtFirInputCoef29;
  198.         TLabel *lblHICCol0;
  199.         TLabel *lblHICCol1;
  200.         TLabel *lblHICCol2;
  201.         TLabel *lblHICCol3;
  202.         TLabel *lblHICCol4;
  203.         TLabel *lblHICCol5;
  204.         TLabel *lblHICCol6;
  205.         TLabel *lblHICCol7;
  206.         TLabel *lblHICCol8;
  207.         TLabel *lblHICCol9;
  208.         TLabel *lblHICRow0;
  209.         TLabel *lblHICRow1;
  210.         TLabel *lblHICRow2;
  211.    TGroupBox *grpFirOutput;
  212.         TLabel *lblHOCCol0;
  213.         TLabel *lblHOCCol1;
  214.         TLabel *lblHOCCol2;
  215.         TLabel *lblHOCCol3;
  216.         TLabel *lblHOCCol4;
  217.         TLabel *lblHOCCol5;
  218.         TLabel *lblHOCCol6;
  219.         TLabel *lblHOCCol7;
  220.         TLabel *lblHOCCol8;
  221.         TLabel *lblHOCCol9;
  222.         TLabel *lblHOCRow0;
  223.         TLabel *lblHOCRow1;
  224.         TLabel *lblHOCRow2;
  225.         TOpenDialog *m_dlgOpenIni;
  226.         TSaveDialog *m_dlgSaveIni;
  227.    TStaticText *lblHint;
  228.    TTimer *HintTimer;
  229.    TButton *btnFirCoefUploadFromFlash;
  230.    TButton *btnFirCoefDownloadToFlash;
  231.         TButton *btnFirCoefLoadFromFile;
  232.    TButton *btnFirCoefSaveToFile;
  233.         TTabSheet *tsAMRCoeff;
  234.         TTabSheet *tsMelodyCoeff;
  235.         TTabSheet *tsPSIF;
  236.         TGroupBox *GroupBox4;
  237.         TLabel *Label12;
  238.         TListBox *ListBoxMelody_Melody;
  239.         TBitBtn *btnPlay_Melody;
  240.         TBitBtn *btnStopPlayMelody_Melody;
  241.         TStaticText *StaticText2;
  242.         TEdit *edtVolume_Melody;
  243.         TButton *btnLoadFromMatlabFile_HandsetInput;
  244.         TButton *btnSaveToMatlabFile_HandsetInput;
  245.         TButton *btnLoadFromMatlabFile_HandsetOutput;
  246.         TButton *btnSaveToMatlabFile_HandsetOutput;
  247.         TOpenDialog *m_dlgOpenTxt;
  248.         TSaveDialog *m_dlgSaveTxt;
  249.         TGroupBox *GroupBox5;
  250.         TRadioButton *rbMidi;
  251.         TRadioButton *rbiMelody;
  252.         TTabSheet *tsPSUI;
  253.         TGroupBox *GroupBox7;
  254.         TLabel *Label14;
  255.         TEdit *edtVolume_ID;
  256.         TLabel *Label15;
  257.         TComboBox *cbPlayStyle_ID;
  258.         TLabel *Label2;
  259.         TComboBox *cbPlayStyle_Melody;
  260.         TBitBtn *btnSetVolume_Melody;
  261.         TLabel *lbl_ID;
  262.         TListBox *lb_ID;
  263.         TBitBtn *btnSetVolume_ID;
  264.         TBitBtn *btnPlay_ID;
  265.         TBitBtn *btnStopPlay_ID;
  266.         TGroupBox *GroupBox3;
  267.         TRadioButton *rbRingToneID;
  268.         TRadioButton *rbSoundID;
  269.         TRadioButton *rbMidiID;
  270.         TGroupBox *GroupBox1;
  271.         TLabel *lblEICRow0;
  272.         TLabel *lblEICRow1;
  273.         TLabel *lblEICRow2;
  274.         TEdit *edtFir2InputCoef01;
  275.         TEdit *edtFir2InputCoef02;
  276.         TEdit *edtFir2InputCoef03;
  277.         TEdit *edtFir2InputCoef04;
  278.         TEdit *edtFir2InputCoef05;
  279.         TEdit *edtFir2InputCoef06;
  280.         TEdit *edtFir2InputCoef07;
  281.         TEdit *edtFir2InputCoef08;
  282.         TEdit *edtFir2InputCoef09;
  283.         TEdit *edtFir2InputCoef10;
  284.         TEdit *edtFir2InputCoef11;
  285.         TEdit *edtFir2InputCoef12;
  286.         TEdit *edtFir2InputCoef13;
  287.         TEdit *edtFir2InputCoef14;
  288.         TEdit *edtFir2InputCoef15;
  289.         TEdit *edtFir2InputCoef16;
  290.         TEdit *edtFir2InputCoef17;
  291.         TEdit *edtFir2InputCoef18;
  292.         TEdit *edtFir2InputCoef19;
  293.         TEdit *edtFir2InputCoef20;
  294.         TEdit *edtFir2InputCoef21;
  295.         TEdit *edtFir2InputCoef22;
  296.         TEdit *edtFir2InputCoef23;
  297.         TEdit *edtFir2InputCoef24;
  298.         TEdit *edtFir2InputCoef25;
  299.         TEdit *edtFir2InputCoef26;
  300.         TEdit *edtFir2InputCoef27;
  301.         TEdit *edtFir2InputCoef28;
  302.         TEdit *edtFir2InputCoef29;
  303.         TGroupBox *GroupBox6;
  304.         TLabel *lblEOCCol0;
  305.         TLabel *lblEOCCol1;
  306.         TLabel *lblEOCCol2;
  307.         TLabel *lblEOCCol3;
  308.         TLabel *lblEOCCol4;
  309.         TLabel *lblEOCCol5;
  310.         TLabel *lblEOCCol6;
  311.         TLabel *lblEOCCol7;
  312.         TLabel *lblEOCCol8;
  313.         TLabel *lblEOCCol9;
  314.         TLabel *lblEOCRow0;
  315.         TLabel *lblEOCRow1;
  316.         TLabel *lblEOCRow2;
  317.         TEdit *edtFir2InputCoef00;
  318.         TLabel *lblTimeConst_8k;
  319.         TEdit *edtTimeConst_8k;
  320.         TEdit *edtVolumeConst_8k;
  321.         TButton *btnLoadFromMatlabFile_EarphoneInput;
  322.         TButton *btnSaveToMatlabFile_EarphoneInput;
  323.         TButton *btnLoadFromMatlabFile_EarphoneOutput;
  324.         TButton *btnSaveToMatlabFile_EarphoneOutput;
  325.         TLabel *lblTimeConst2_8k;
  326.         TEdit *edtTimeConst2_8k;
  327.         TLabel *lblVolumeConst2_8k;
  328.         TEdit *edtVolumeConst2_8k;
  329.         TLabel *lblMediaPlaybackMaxSwing_8k;
  330.         TEdit *edtMediaPlaybackMaxSwing_8k;
  331.         TLabel *lblEICCol0;
  332.         TLabel *lblEICCol1;
  333.         TLabel *lblEICCol2;
  334.         TLabel *lblEICCol3;
  335.         TLabel *lblEICCol4;
  336.         TLabel *lblEICCol5;
  337.         TLabel *lblEICCol6;
  338.         TLabel *lblEICCol7;
  339.         TLabel *lblEICCol8;
  340.         TLabel *lblEICCol9;
  341.         TLabel *lblHICCol20;
  342.         TLabel *lblHICCol21;
  343.         TLabel *lblHICCol22;
  344.         TLabel *lblHICCol23;
  345.         TLabel *lblHICCol24;
  346.         TLabel *lblHICCol25;
  347.         TLabel *lblHICCol26;
  348.         TLabel *lblHICCol27;
  349.         TLabel *lblHICCol28;
  350.         TLabel *lblHICCol29;
  351.         TLabel *lblHICCol10;
  352.         TLabel *lblHICCol11;
  353.         TLabel *lblHICCol12;
  354.         TLabel *lblHICCol13;
  355.         TLabel *lblHICCol14;
  356.         TLabel *lblHICCol15;
  357.         TLabel *lblHICCol16;
  358.         TLabel *lblHICCol17;
  359.         TLabel *lblHICCol18;
  360.         TLabel *lblHICCol19;
  361.         TLabel *lblEICCol10;
  362.         TLabel *lblEICCol11;
  363.         TLabel *lblEICCol12;
  364.         TLabel *lblEICCol13;
  365.         TLabel *lblEICCol14;
  366.         TLabel *lblEICCol15;
  367.         TLabel *lblEICCol16;
  368.         TLabel *lblEICCol17;
  369.         TLabel *lblEICCol18;
  370.         TLabel *lblEICCol19;
  371.         TLabel *lblEICCol20;
  372.         TLabel *lblEICCol21;
  373.         TLabel *lblEICCol22;
  374.         TLabel *lblEICCol23;
  375.         TLabel *lblEICCol24;
  376.         TLabel *lblEICCol25;
  377.         TLabel *lblEICCol26;
  378.         TLabel *lblEICCol27;
  379.         TLabel *lblEICCol28;
  380.         TLabel *lblEICCol29;
  381.         TLabel *lblHOCCol10;
  382.         TLabel *lblHOCCol11;
  383.         TLabel *lblHOCCol12;
  384.         TLabel *lblHOCCol13;
  385.         TLabel *lblHOCCol14;
  386.         TLabel *lblHOCCol15;
  387.         TLabel *lblHOCCol16;
  388.         TLabel *lblHOCCol17;
  389.         TLabel *lblHOCCol18;
  390.         TLabel *lblHOCCol19;
  391.         TLabel *lblHOCCol20;
  392.         TLabel *lblHOCCol21;
  393.         TLabel *lblHOCCol22;
  394.         TLabel *lblHOCCol23;
  395.         TLabel *lblHOCCol24;
  396.         TLabel *lblHOCCol25;
  397.         TLabel *lblHOCCol26;
  398.         TLabel *lblHOCCol27;
  399.         TLabel *lblHOCCol28;
  400.         TLabel *lblHOCCol29;
  401.         TLabel *lblEOCCol10;
  402.         TLabel *lblEOCCol11;
  403.         TLabel *lblEOCCol12;
  404.         TLabel *lblEOCCol13;
  405.         TLabel *lblEOCCol14;
  406.         TLabel *lblEOCCol15;
  407.         TLabel *lblEOCCol16;
  408.         TLabel *lblEOCCol17;
  409.         TLabel *lblEOCCol18;
  410.         TLabel *lblEOCCol19;
  411.         TLabel *lblEOCCol20;
  412.         TLabel *lblEOCCol21;
  413.         TLabel *lblEOCCol22;
  414.         TLabel *lblEOCCol23;
  415.         TLabel *lblEOCCol24;
  416.         TLabel *lblEOCCol25;
  417.         TLabel *lblEOCCol26;
  418.         TLabel *lblEOCCol27;
  419.         TLabel *lblEOCCol28;
  420.         TLabel *lblEOCCol29;
  421.         TCheckBox *cbEnableHIC;
  422.         TCheckBox *cbEnableEIC;
  423.         TCheckBox *cbEnableHOC;
  424.         TCheckBox *cbEnableEOC;
  425.         TEdit *edtFir2OutputCoef01;
  426.         TEdit *edtFir2OutputCoef02;
  427.         TEdit *edtFir2OutputCoef03;
  428.         TEdit *edtFir2OutputCoef04;
  429.         TEdit *edtFir2OutputCoef05;
  430.         TEdit *edtFir2OutputCoef06;
  431.         TEdit *edtFir2OutputCoef07;
  432.         TEdit *edtFir2OutputCoef08;
  433.         TEdit *edtFir2OutputCoef09;
  434.         TEdit *edtFir2OutputCoef10;
  435.         TEdit *edtFir2OutputCoef11;
  436.         TEdit *edtFir2OutputCoef12;
  437.         TEdit *edtFir2OutputCoef13;
  438.         TEdit *edtFir2OutputCoef14;
  439.         TEdit *edtFir2OutputCoef15;
  440.         TEdit *edtFir2OutputCoef16;
  441.         TEdit *edtFir2OutputCoef17;
  442.         TEdit *edtFir2OutputCoef18;
  443.         TEdit *edtFir2OutputCoef19;
  444.         TEdit *edtFir2OutputCoef20;
  445.         TEdit *edtFir2OutputCoef21;
  446.         TEdit *edtFir2OutputCoef22;
  447.         TEdit *edtFir2OutputCoef23;
  448.         TEdit *edtFir2OutputCoef24;
  449.         TEdit *edtFir2OutputCoef25;
  450.         TEdit *edtFir2OutputCoef26;
  451.         TEdit *edtFir2OutputCoef27;
  452.         TEdit *edtFir2OutputCoef28;
  453.         TEdit *edtFir2OutputCoef29;
  454.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef00;
  455.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef01;
  456.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef02;
  457.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef03;
  458.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef04;
  459.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef05;
  460.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef06;
  461.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef07;
  462.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef08;
  463.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef09;
  464.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef10;
  465.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef11;
  466.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef12;
  467.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef13;
  468.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef14;
  469.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef15;
  470.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef16;
  471.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef17;
  472.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef18;
  473.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef19;
  474.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef20;
  475.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef21;
  476.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef22;
  477.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef23;
  478.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef24;
  479.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef25;
  480.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef26;
  481.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef27;
  482.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef28;
  483.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef29;
  484.         TTabSheet *tsCVS;
  485.         TTabControl *tcCVS;
  486.         TButton *btnUploadVolFromFlash;
  487.         TButton *btnDownloadVolToFlash;
  488.         TButton *btnLoadVolFromFile;
  489.         TButton *btnSaveVolToFile;
  490.         TTabSheet *m_tsAT;
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  492.         TLabel *Label11;
  493.         TLabel *Label4;
  494.         TLabel *Label5;
  495.         TLabel *Label3;
  496.         TLabel *Label1;
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  498.         TBitBtn *btnStart_audiotest;
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  500.         TComboBox *ComboBoxDuration_audiotest;
  501.         TComboBox *ComboBoxFrequency_audiotest;
  502.         TEdit *edtVolume_audiotest;
  503.         TBitBtn *btnSetVolume_audiotest;
  504.         TEdit *edtInstrument_audiotest;
  505.         TLabel *Label25;
  506.         TLabel *Label26;
  507.         TLabel *Label27;
  508.         TLabel *Label28;
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  511.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef01_16K;
  512.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef02_16K;
  513.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef03_16K;
  514.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef04_16K;
  515.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef05_16K;
  516.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef06_16K;
  517.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef07_16K;
  518.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef08_16K;
  519.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef09_16K;
  520.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef10_16K;
  521.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef11_16K;
  522.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef12_16K;
  523.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef13_16K;
  524.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef14_16K;
  525.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef15_16K;
  526.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef16_16K;
  527.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef17_16K;
  528.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef18_16K;
  529.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef19_16K;
  530.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef20_16K;
  531.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef21_16K;
  532.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef22_16K;
  533.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef23_16K;
  534.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef24_16K;
  535.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef25_16K;
  536.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef26_16K;
  537.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef27_16K;
  538.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef28_16K;
  539.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef29_16K;
  540.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef30_16K;
  541.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef31_16K;
  542.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef32_16K;
  543.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef33_16K;
  544.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef34_16K;
  545.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef35_16K;
  546.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef36_16K;
  547.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef37_16K;
  548.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef38_16K;
  549.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef39_16K;
  550.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef40_16K;
  551.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef41_16K;
  552.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef42_16K;
  553.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef43_16K;
  554.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef44_16K;
  555.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef45_16K;
  556.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef46_16K;
  557.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef47_16K;
  558.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef48_16K;
  559.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef49_16K;
  560.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef50_16K;
  561.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef51_16K;
  562.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef52_16K;
  563.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef53_16K;
  564.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef54_16K;
  565.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef55_16K;
  566.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef56_16K;
  567.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef57_16K;
  568.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef58_16K;
  569.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef59_16K;
  570.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef61_16K;
  571.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef60_16K;
  572.         TLabel *lbl16kICCol0;
  573.         TLabel *lbl16kICCol1;
  574.         TLabel *lbl16kICCol2;
  575.         TLabel *lbl16kICCol3;
  576.         TLabel *lbl16kICCol4;
  577.         TLabel *lbl16kICCol5;
  578.         TLabel *lbl16kICCol6;
  579.         TLabel *lbl16kICCol7;
  580.         TLabel *lbl16kICCol8;
  581.         TLabel *lbl16kICCol9;
  582.         TLabel *lbl16kICCol10;
  583.         TLabel *lbl16kICCol11;
  584.         TLabel *lbl16kICCol12;
  585.         TLabel *lbl16kICCol13;
  586.         TLabel *lbl16kICCol14;
  587.         TLabel *lbl16kICCol15;
  588.         TLabel *lbl16kICCol16;
  589.         TLabel *lbl16kICCol17;
  590.         TLabel *lbl16kICCol18;
  591.         TLabel *lbl16kICCol19;
  592.         TLabel *lbl16kICCol20;
  593.         TLabel *lbl16kICCol21;
  594.         TLabel *lbl16kICCol22;
  595.         TLabel *lbl16kICCol23;
  596.         TLabel *lbl16kICCol24;
  597.         TLabel *lbl16kICCol25;
  598.         TLabel *lbl16kICCol26;
  599.         TLabel *lbl16kICCol27;
  600.         TLabel *lbl16kICCol28;
  601.         TLabel *lbl16kICCol29;
  602.         TLabel *lbl16kICCol30;
  603.         TLabel *lbl16kICCol31;
  604.         TLabel *lbl16kICCol32;
  605.         TLabel *lbl16kICCol33;
  606.         TLabel *lbl16kICCol34;
  607.         TLabel *lbl16kICCol35;
  608.         TLabel *lbl16kICCol36;
  609.         TLabel *lbl16kICCol37;
  610.         TLabel *lbl16kICCol38;
  611.         TLabel *lbl16kICCol39;
  612.         TLabel *lbl16kICCol40;
  613.         TLabel *lbl16kICCol41;
  614.         TLabel *lbl16kICCol42;
  615.         TLabel *lbl16kICCol43;
  616.         TLabel *lbl16kICCol44;
  617.         TLabel *lbl16kICCol45;
  618.         TLabel *lbl16kICCol46;
  619.         TLabel *lbl16kICCol47;
  620.         TLabel *lbl16kICCol48;
  621.         TLabel *lbl16kICCol49;
  622.         TLabel *lbl16kICCol50;
  623.         TLabel *lbl16kICCol51;
  624.         TLabel *lbl16kICCol52;
  625.         TLabel *lbl16kICCol53;
  626.         TLabel *lbl16kICCol54;
  627.         TLabel *lbl16kICCol55;
  628.         TLabel *lbl16kICCol56;
  629.         TLabel *lbl16kICCol57;
  630.         TLabel *lbl16kICCol58;
  631.         TLabel *lbl16kICCol59;
  632.         TLabel *lbl16kICCol60;
  633.         TLabel *lbl16kICCol61;
  634.         TGroupBox *gbOutputCoeff;
  635.         TLabel *lbl16kOCCol0;
  636.         TLabel *lbl16kOCCol1;
  637.         TLabel *lbl16kOCCol2;
  638.         TLabel *lbl16kOCCol3;
  639.         TLabel *lbl16kOCCol4;
  640.         TLabel *lbl16kOCCol5;
  641.         TLabel *lbl16kOCCol6;
  642.         TLabel *lbl16kOCCol7;
  643.         TLabel *lbl16kOCCol8;
  644.         TLabel *lbl16kOCCol9;
  645.         TLabel *lbl16kOCCol10;
  646.         TLabel *lbl16kOCCol11;
  647.         TLabel *lbl16kOCCol12;
  648.         TLabel *lbl16kOCCol13;
  649.         TLabel *lbl16kOCCol14;
  650.         TLabel *lbl16kOCCol15;
  651.         TLabel *lbl16kOCCol16;
  652.         TLabel *lbl16kOCCol17;
  653.         TLabel *lbl16kOCCol18;
  654.         TLabel *lbl16kOCCol19;
  655.         TLabel *lbl16kOCCol20;
  656.         TLabel *lbl16kOCCol21;
  657.         TLabel *lbl16kOCCol22;
  658.         TLabel *lbl16kOCCol23;
  659.         TLabel *lbl16kOCCol24;
  660.         TLabel *lbl16kOCCol25;
  661.         TLabel *lbl16kOCCol26;
  662.         TLabel *lbl16kOCCol27;
  663.         TLabel *lbl16kOCCol28;
  664.         TLabel *lbl16kOCCol29;
  665.         TLabel *lbl16kOCCol30;
  666.         TLabel *lbl16kOCCol31;
  667.         TLabel *lbl16kOCCol32;
  668.         TLabel *lbl16kOCCol33;
  669.         TLabel *lbl16kOCCol34;
  670.         TLabel *lbl16kOCCol35;
  671.         TLabel *lbl16kOCCol36;
  672.         TLabel *lbl16kOCCol37;
  673.         TLabel *lbl16kOCCol38;
  674.         TLabel *lbl16kOCCol39;
  675.         TLabel *lbl16kOCCol40;
  676.         TLabel *lbl16kOCCol41;
  677.         TLabel *lbl16kOCCol42;
  678.         TLabel *lbl16kOCCol43;
  679.         TLabel *lbl16kOCCol44;
  680.         TLabel *lbl16kOCCol45;
  681.         TLabel *lbl16kOCCol46;
  682.         TLabel *lbl16kOCCol47;
  683.         TLabel *lbl16kOCCol48;
  684.         TLabel *lbl16kOCCol49;
  685.         TLabel *lbl16kOCCol50;
  686.         TLabel *lbl16kOCCol51;
  687.         TLabel *lbl16kOCCol52;
  688.         TLabel *lbl16kOCCol53;
  689.         TLabel *lbl16kOCCol54;
  690.         TLabel *lbl16kOCCol55;
  691.         TLabel *lbl16kOCCol56;
  692.         TLabel *lbl16kOCCol57;
  693.         TLabel *lbl16kOCCol58;
  694.         TLabel *lbl16kOCCol59;
  695.         TLabel *lbl16kOCCol60;
  696.         TLabel *lbl16kOCCol61;
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  698.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef01_16K;
  699.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef02_16K;
  700.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef03_16K;
  701.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef04_16K;
  702.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef05_16K;
  703.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef06_16K;
  704.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef07_16K;
  705.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef08_16K;
  706.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef09_16K;
  707.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef10_16K;
  708.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef11_16K;
  709.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef12_16K;
  710.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef13_16K;
  711.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef14_16K;
  712.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef15_16K;
  713.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef16_16K;
  714.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef17_16K;
  715.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef18_16K;
  716.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef19_16K;
  717.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef20_16K;
  718.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef21_16K;
  719.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef22_16K;
  720.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef23_16K;
  721.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef24_16K;
  722.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef25_16K;
  723.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef26_16K;
  724.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef27_16K;
  725.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef28_16K;
  726.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef29_16K;
  727.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef30_16K;
  728.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef31_16K;
  729.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef32_16K;
  730.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef33_16K;
  731.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef34_16K;
  732.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef35_16K;
  733.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef36_16K;
  734.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef37_16K;
  735.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef38_16K;
  736.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef39_16K;
  737.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef40_16K;
  738.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef41_16K;
  739.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef42_16K;
  740.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef43_16K;
  741.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef44_16K;
  742.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef45_16K;
  743.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef46_16K;
  744.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef47_16K;
  745.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef48_16K;
  746.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef49_16K;
  747.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef50_16K;
  748.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef51_16K;
  749.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef52_16K;
  750.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef53_16K;
  751.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef54_16K;
  752.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef55_16K;
  753.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef56_16K;
  754.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef57_16K;
  755.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef58_16K;
  756.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef59_16K;
  757.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef61_16K;
  758.         TEdit *edtFirOutputCoef60_16K;
  759.         TStatusBar *sbAT;
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  761.         TLabel *lbl16kICRow1;
  762.         TLabel *lbl16kICRow2;
  763.         TLabel *lbl16kICRow3;
  764.         TLabel *lbl16kICRow4;
  765.         TLabel *lbl16kICRow5;
  766.         TLabel *lbl16kICRow6;
  767.         TLabel *lbl16kOCRow0;
  768.         TLabel *lbl16kOCRow1;
  769.         TLabel *lbl16kOCRow2;
  770.         TLabel *lbl16kOCRow3;
  771.         TLabel *lbl16kOCRow4;
  772.         TLabel *lbl16kOCRow5;
  773.         TLabel *lbl16kOCRow6;
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  775.         TButton *btnFirCoef16kLoadFromFile;
  776.         TButton *btnFirCoef16kSaveToFile;
  777.         TEdit *edtTimeConst_16k;
  778.         TEdit *edtVolumeConst_16k;
  779.         TEdit *edtTimeConst2_16k;
  780.         TEdit *edtVolumeConst2_16k;
  781.         TEdit *edtMediaPlaybackMaxSwing_16k;
  782.         TGroupBox *GroupBox10;
  783.         TRadioButton *rbHandset;
  784.         TRadioButton *rbEarphone;
  785.         TButton *btnFirCoef16kUploadFromFlash;
  786.         TCheckBox *cbEnable16kIC;
  787.         TCheckBox *cbEnable16kOC;
  788.         TButton *btnLoad16kInputCoeffFromMatlabFile;
  789.         TButton *btnSave16kInputCoeffToMatlabFile;
  790.         TButton *btnLoad16kOutputCoeffFromMatlabFile;
  791.         TButton *btnSave16kOutputCoeffToMatlabFile;
  792.         TTabSheet *tsRC;
  793.         TGroupBox *GroupBoxToneLength;
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  795.         TLabel *Label8;
  796.         TLabel *Label9;
  797.         TLabel *Label10;
  798.         TLabel *Label7;
  799.         TLabel *Label16;
  800.         TLabel *Label17;
  801.         TMemo *memoRingComposer_RingComposer;
  802.         TBitBtn *btnDo;
  803.         TBitBtn *btnRe;
  804.         TBitBtn *BtnMi;
  805.         TBitBtn *btnFa;
  806.         TBitBtn *btnSo;
  807.         TBitBtn *btnLa;
  808.         TBitBtn *btnSi;
  809.         TGroupBox *GroupBoxNotes;
  810.         TRadioButton *RadioButtonBasicNotes_RingComposer;
  811.         TRadioButton *RadioButtonFlatNotes_RingComposer;
  812.         TRadioButton *RadioButtonSharpNotes_RingComposer;
  813.         TEdit *edtVolume_RingComposer;
  814.         TStaticText *StaticText1;
  815.         TBitBtn *btnSaveMemotoFile_RingComposer;
  816.         TBitBtn *btnLoadFromFile_RingComposer;
  817.         TBitBtn *btnPlayiMelody_RingComposer;
  818.         TBitBtn *btnStopPlayiMelody_RingComposer;
  819.         TEdit *edtNotes;
  820.         TBitBtn *btnLoadFromEditor_RingComposer;
  821.         TComboBox *ComboBoxOctave_RingComposer;
  822.         TComboBox *ComboBoxDuration_RingComposer;
  823.         TComboBox *ComboBoxStyle_RingComposer;
  824.         TComboBox *cbPlayStyle_RingComposer;
  825.         TEdit *edtInstrument_RingComposer;
  826.         TBitBtn *btnSetVolume_RingComposer;
  827.         TStatusBar *sb_L1sp_RingComposer;
  828.         TLabel *lblTimeConst_Melody;
  829.         TLabel *lblTimeConst2_Melody;
  830.         TLabel *lblVolumeConst2_Melody;
  831.         TLabel *lblMediaPlaybackMaxSwing_Melody;
  832.         TEdit *edtVolumeConst_Melody;
  833.         TEdit *edtTimeConst2_Melody;
  834.         TEdit *edtVolumeConst2_Melody;
  835.         TEdit *edtMediaPlaybackMaxSwing_Melody;
  836.         TEdit *edtTimeConst_Melody;
  837.         TStatusBar *sb16kFirCoeff;
  838.         TStatusBar *sb8kFirCoeff;
  839.         TStatusBar *sb_L1sp_Melody;
  840.         TStatusBar *sb_ID;
  841.         TStatusBar *sbVolSet;
  842.         TGroupBox *gbMelodyCoeff;
  843.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef00_Melody;
  844.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef01_Melody;
  845.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef02_Melody;
  846.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef07_Melody;
  847.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef04_Melody;
  848.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef03_Melody;
  849.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef06_Melody;
  850.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef08_Melody;
  851.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef05_Melody;
  852.         TLabel *lblMelodyCol0;
  853.         TLabel *lblMelodyCol1;
  854.         TLabel *lblMelodyCol2;
  855.         TLabel *lblMelodyCol3;
  856.         TLabel *lblMelodyCol4;
  857.         TLabel *lblMelodyCol5;
  858.         TLabel *lblMelodyCol6;
  859.         TLabel *lblMelodyCol7;
  860.         TLabel *lblMelodyCol8;
  861.         TLabel *lblMelodyCol10;
  862.         TCheckBox *cbEnableCoeff_Melody;
  863.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef09_Melody;
  864.         TLabel *lblMelodyCol9;
  865.         TLabel *lblMelodyCol11;
  866.         TLabel *lblMelodyCol12;
  867.         TLabel *lblMelodyCol13;
  868.         TLabel *lblMelodyCol14;
  869.         TLabel *lblMelodyCol15;
  870.         TLabel *lblMelodyCol16;
  871.         TLabel *lblMelodyCol17;
  872.         TLabel *lblMelodyCol18;
  873.         TLabel *lblMelodyCol19;
  874.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef10_Melody;
  875.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef11_Melody;
  876.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef12_Melody;
  877.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef13_Melody;
  878.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef14_Melody;
  879.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef15_Melody;
  880.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef17_Melody;
  881.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef18_Melody;
  882.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef19_Melody;
  883.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef16_Melody;
  884.         TLabel *lblMelodyCol20;
  885.         TLabel *lblMelodyCol21;
  886.         TLabel *lblMelodyCol22;
  887.         TLabel *lblMelodyCol23;
  888.         TLabel *lblMelodyCol24;
  889.         TLabel *lblMelodyCol25;
  890.         TLabel *lblMelodyCol26;
  891.         TLabel *lblMelodyCol27;
  892.         TLabel *lblMelodyCol28;
  893.         TLabel *lblMelodyCol29;
  894.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef20_Melody;
  895.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef21_Melody;
  896.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef22_Melody;
  897.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef23_Melody;
  898.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef24_Melody;
  899.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef25_Melody;
  900.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef26_Melody;
  901.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef27_Melody;
  902.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef28_Melody;
  903.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef29_Melody;
  904.         TLabel *lblMelodyCol30;
  905.         TLabel *lblMelodyCol31;
  906.         TLabel *lblMelodyCol32;
  907.         TLabel *lblMelodyCol33;
  908.         TLabel *lblMelodyCol34;
  909.         TLabel *lblMelodyCol35;
  910.         TLabel *lblMelodyCol36;
  911.         TLabel *lblMelodyCol37;
  912.         TLabel *lblMelodyCol38;
  913.         TLabel *lblMelodyCol39;
  914.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef30_Melody;
  915.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef31_Melody;
  916.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef32_Melody;
  917.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef33_Melody;
  918.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef34_Melody;
  919.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef35_Melody;
  920.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef36_Melody;
  921.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef37_Melody;
  922.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef38_Melody;
  923.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef39_Melody;
  924.         TLabel *lblMelodyCol40;
  925.         TLabel *lblMelodyCol41;
  926.         TLabel *lblMelodyCol42;
  927.         TLabel *lblMelodyCol43;
  928.         TLabel *lblMelodyCol44;
  929.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef40_Melody;
  930.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef41_Melody;
  931.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef42_Melody;
  932.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef43_Melody;
  933.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef44_Melody;
  934.         TGroupBox *gbMFCMode;
  935.         TRadioButton *rbLoudSpeaker;
  936.         TRadioButton *rbStereoSpeaker;
  937.         TStatusBar *sbMelodyFirCoeff;
  938.         TLabel *lblMelodyRow0;
  939.         TLabel *lblMelodyRow1;
  940.         TLabel *lblMelodyRow2;
  941.         TLabel *lblMelodyRow3;
  942.         TLabel *lblMelodyRow4;
  943.         TButton *btnFirCoefMelodyUploadFromFlash;
  944.         TButton *btnFirCoefMelodyDownloadToFlash;
  945.         TButton *btnFirCoefMelodyLoadFromFile;
  946.         TButton *btnFirCoefMelodySaveToFile;
  947.         TButton *btnLoadMelodyCoeffFromMatlabFile;
  948.         TButton *btnSaveMelodyCoeffToMatlabFile;
  949.         TEdit *edtFirInputCoef14;
  950.         TButton *btnAcousticFirCal;
  951.         TButton *btnMelodyFirChangeDB;
  952.         TButton *btn16kFirChangeDB;
  953.         TButton *btn8kFirChangeDB;
  954.         TButton *btnMelodyFIRTunning;
  955.         TButton *btnVolSetChangeDB;
  956.         TTabSheet *ts8kadd;
  957.         TEdit *edtTimeConst_8kAdd;
  958.         TEdit *edtVolumeConst_8kAdd;
  959.         TEdit *edtTimeConst2_8kAdd;
  960.         TEdit *edtVolumeConst2_8kAdd;
  961.         TEdit *edtMediaPlaybackMaxSwing_8kAdd;
  962.         TLabel *lblTimeConst_8kAdd;
  963.         TLabel *lblTimeConst2_8kAdd;
  964.         TLabel *lblVolumeConst2_8kAdd;
  965.         TLabel *lblMediaPlaybackMaxSwing_8kAdd;
  966.         TGroupBox *gb1stOutputCoeff;
  967.         TEdit *edt1stAdditionalFirCoef01;
  968.         TEdit *edt1stAdditionalFirCoef02;
  969.         TEdit *edt1stAdditionalFirCoef03;
  970.         TEdit *edt1stAdditionalFirCoef04;
  971.         TEdit *edt1stAdditionalFirCoef05;
  972.         TEdit *edt1stAdditionalFirCoef06;
  973.         TEdit *edt1stAdditionalFirCoef07;
  974.         TEdit *edt1stAdditionalFirCoef08;
  975.         TEdit *edt1stAdditionalFirCoef09;
  976.         TEdit *edt1stAdditionalFirCoef10;
  977.         TEdit *edt1stAdditionalFirCoef11;
  978.         TEdit *edt1stAdditionalFirCoef12;
  979.         TEdit *edt1stAdditionalFirCoef13;
  980.         TEdit *edt1stAdditionalFirCoef14;
  981.         TEdit *edt1stAdditionalFirCoef15;
  982.         TEdit *edt1stAdditionalFirCoef16;
  983.         TEdit *edt1stAdditionalFirCoef17;
  984.         TEdit *edt1stAdditionalFirCoef18;
  985.         TEdit *edt1stAdditionalFirCoef19;
  986.         TEdit *edt1stAdditionalFirCoef20;
  987.         TEdit *edt1stAdditionalFirCoef21;
  988.         TEdit *edt1stAdditionalFirCoef22;
  989.         TEdit *edt1stAdditionalFirCoef23;
  990.         TEdit *edt1stAdditionalFirCoef24;
  991.         TEdit *edt1stAdditionalFirCoef25;
  992.         TEdit *edt1stAdditionalFirCoef26;
  993.         TEdit *edt1stAdditionalFirCoef27;
  994.         TEdit *edt1stAdditionalFirCoef28;
  995.         TEdit *edt1stAdditionalFirCoef29;
  996.         TCheckBox *cbEnable1stOC;
  997.         TLabel *lbl1stOCCol0;
  998.         TLabel *lbl1stOCCol1;
  999.         TLabel *lbl1stOCCol2;
  1000.         TLabel *lbl1stOCCol3;
  1001.         TLabel *lbl1stOCCol4;
  1002.         TLabel *lbl1stOCCol5;
  1003.         TLabel *lbl1stOCCol6;
  1004.         TLabel *lbl1stOCCol7;
  1005.         TLabel *lbl1stOCCol8;
  1006.         TLabel *lbl1stOCCol9;
  1007.         TLabel *lbl1stOCCol10;
  1008.         TLabel *lbl1stOCCol11;
  1009.         TLabel *lbl1stOCCol12;
  1010.         TLabel *lbl1stOCCol13;
  1011.         TLabel *lbl1stOCCol14;
  1012.         TLabel *lbl1stOCCol15;
  1013.         TLabel *lbl1stOCCol16;
  1014.         TLabel *lbl1stOCCol17;
  1015.         TLabel *lbl1stOCCol18;
  1016.         TLabel *lbl1stOCCol19;
  1017.         TLabel *lbl1stOCCol20;
  1018.         TLabel *lbl1stOCCol21;
  1019.         TLabel *lbl1stOCCol22;
  1020.         TLabel *lbl1stOCCol23;
  1021.         TLabel *lbl1stOCCol24;
  1022.         TLabel *lbl1stOCCol25;
  1023.         TLabel *lbl1stOCCol26;
  1024.         TLabel *lbl1stOCCol27;
  1025.         TLabel *lbl1stOCCol28;
  1026.         TLabel *lbl1stOCCol29;
  1027.         TGroupBox *gb2ndOutputCoeff;
  1028.         TCheckBox *cbEnable2ndOC;
  1029.         TLabel *lbl2ndOCCol0;
  1030.         TEdit *edt2ndAdditionalFirCoef00;
  1031.         TEdit *edt2ndAdditionalFirCoef01;
  1032.         TEdit *edt2ndAdditionalFirCoef02;
  1033.         TEdit *edt2ndAdditionalFirCoef03;
  1034.         TEdit *edt2ndAdditionalFirCoef04;
  1035.         TEdit *edt2ndAdditionalFirCoef05;
  1036.         TEdit *edt2ndAdditionalFirCoef06;
  1037.         TEdit *edt2ndAdditionalFirCoef07;
  1038.         TEdit *edt2ndAdditionalFirCoef08;
  1039.         TEdit *edt2ndAdditionalFirCoef09;
  1040.         TEdit *edt2ndAdditionalFirCoef10;
  1041.         TEdit *edt2ndAdditionalFirCoef11;
  1042.         TEdit *edt2ndAdditionalFirCoef12;
  1043.         TEdit *edt2ndAdditionalFirCoef13;
  1044.         TEdit *edt2ndAdditionalFirCoef14;
  1045.         TEdit *edt2ndAdditionalFirCoef15;
  1046.         TEdit *edt2ndAdditionalFirCoef16;
  1047.         TEdit *edt2ndAdditionalFirCoef17;
  1048.         TEdit *edt2ndAdditionalFirCoef18;
  1049.         TEdit *edt2ndAdditionalFirCoef19;
  1050.         TEdit *edt2ndAdditionalFirCoef20;
  1051.         TEdit *edt2ndAdditionalFirCoef21;
  1052.         TEdit *edt2ndAdditionalFirCoef22;
  1053.         TEdit *edt2ndAdditionalFirCoef23;
  1054.         TEdit *edt2ndAdditionalFirCoef24;
  1055.         TEdit *edt2ndAdditionalFirCoef25;
  1056.         TEdit *edt2ndAdditionalFirCoef26;
  1057.         TEdit *edt2ndAdditionalFirCoef27;
  1058.         TEdit *edt2ndAdditionalFirCoef28;
  1059.         TEdit *edt2ndAdditionalFirCoef29;
  1060.         TLabel *lbl2ndOCCol1;
  1061.         TLabel *lbl2ndOCCol2;
  1062.         TLabel *lbl2ndOCCol3;
  1063.         TLabel *lbl2ndOCCol4;
  1064.         TLabel *lbl2ndOCCol5;
  1065.         TLabel *lbl2ndOCCol6;
  1066.         TLabel *lbl2ndOCCol7;
  1067.         TLabel *lbl2ndOCCol8;
  1068.         TLabel *lbl2ndOCCol9;
  1069.         TLabel *lbl2ndOCCol10;
  1070.         TLabel *lbl2ndOCCol11;
  1071.         TLabel *lbl2ndOCCol12;
  1072.         TLabel *lbl2ndOCCol13;
  1073.         TLabel *lbl2ndOCCol14;
  1074.         TLabel *lbl2ndOCCol15;
  1075.         TLabel *lbl2ndOCCol16;
  1076.         TLabel *lbl2ndOCCol17;
  1077.         TLabel *lbl2ndOCCol18;
  1078.         TLabel *lbl2ndOCCol19;
  1079.         TLabel *lbl2ndOCCol20;
  1080.         TLabel *lbl2ndOCCol21;
  1081.         TLabel *lbl2ndOCCol22;
  1082.         TLabel *lbl2ndOCCol23;
  1083.         TLabel *lbl2ndOCCol24;
  1084.         TLabel *lbl2ndOCCol25;
  1085.         TLabel *lbl2ndOCCol26;
  1086.         TLabel *lbl2ndOCCol27;
  1087.         TLabel *lbl2ndOCCol28;
  1088.         TLabel *lbl2ndOCCol29;
  1089.         TGroupBox *gb3rdOutputCoeff;
  1090.         TCheckBox *cbEnable3rdOC;
  1091.         TEdit *edt3rdAdditionalFirCoef00;
  1092.         TEdit *edt3rdAdditionalFirCoef01;
  1093.         TEdit *edt3rdAdditionalFirCoef02;
  1094.         TEdit *edt3rdAdditionalFirCoef03;
  1095.         TEdit *edt3rdAdditionalFirCoef04;
  1096.         TEdit *edt3rdAdditionalFirCoef05;
  1097.         TEdit *edt3rdAdditionalFirCoef06;
  1098.         TEdit *edt3rdAdditionalFirCoef07;
  1099.         TEdit *edt3rdAdditionalFirCoef08;
  1100.         TEdit *edt3rdAdditionalFirCoef09;
  1101.         TLabel *lbl3rdOCCol0;
  1102.         TLabel *lbl3rdOCCol1;
  1103.         TLabel *lbl3rdOCCol2;
  1104.         TLabel *lbl3rdOCCol3;
  1105.         TLabel *lbl3rdOCCol4;
  1106.         TLabel *lbl3rdOCCol5;
  1107.         TLabel *lbl3rdOCCol6;
  1108.         TLabel *lbl3rdOCCol7;
  1109.         TLabel *lbl3rdOCCol8;
  1110.         TLabel *lbl3rdOCCol9;
  1111.         TEdit *edt3rdAdditionalFirCoef10;
  1112.         TEdit *edt3rdAdditionalFirCoef11;
  1113.         TEdit *edt3rdAdditionalFirCoef12;
  1114.         TEdit *edt3rdAdditionalFirCoef13;
  1115.         TEdit *edt3rdAdditionalFirCoef14;
  1116.         TEdit *edt3rdAdditionalFirCoef15;
  1117.         TEdit *edt3rdAdditionalFirCoef16;
  1118.         TEdit *edt3rdAdditionalFirCoef17;
  1119.         TEdit *edt3rdAdditionalFirCoef18;
  1120.         TEdit *edt3rdAdditionalFirCoef19;
  1121.         TLabel *lbl3rdOCCol10;
  1122.         TLabel *lbl3rdOCCol11;
  1123.         TLabel *lbl3rdOCCol12;
  1124.         TLabel *lbl3rdOCCol13;
  1125.         TLabel *lbl3rdOCCol14;
  1126.         TLabel *lbl3rdOCCol15;
  1127.         TLabel *lbl3rdOCCol16;
  1128.         TLabel *lbl3rdOCCol17;
  1129.         TLabel *lbl3rdOCCol18;
  1130.         TLabel *lbl3rdOCCol19;
  1131.         TEdit *edt3rdAdditionalFirCoef20;
  1132.         TEdit *edt3rdAdditionalFirCoef21;
  1133.         TEdit *edt3rdAdditionalFirCoef22;
  1134.         TEdit *edt3rdAdditionalFirCoef23;
  1135.         TEdit *edt3rdAdditionalFirCoef24;
  1136.         TEdit *edt3rdAdditionalFirCoef25;
  1137.         TEdit *edt3rdAdditionalFirCoef26;
  1138.         TEdit *edt3rdAdditionalFirCoef27;
  1139.         TEdit *edt3rdAdditionalFirCoef28;
  1140.         TEdit *edt3rdAdditionalFirCoef29;
  1141.         TLabel *lbl3rdOCCol20;
  1142.         TLabel *lbl3rdOCCol21;
  1143.         TLabel *lbl3rdOCCol22;
  1144.         TLabel *lbl3rdOCCol23;
  1145.         TLabel *lbl3rdOCCol24;
  1146.         TLabel *lbl3rdOCCol25;
  1147.         TLabel *lbl3rdOCCol26;
  1148.         TLabel *lbl3rdOCCol27;
  1149.         TLabel *lbl3rdOCCol28;
  1150.         TLabel *lbl3rdOCCol29;
  1151.         TButton *btnOutputFirCoefUploadFromFlash;
  1152.         TButton *btnOutputFirCoefDownloadToFlash;
  1153.         TButton *btn8kOutputFirChangeDB;
  1154.         TButton *btnOutputFirCoefLoadFromFile;
  1155.         TButton *btnOutputFirCoefSaveToFile;
  1156.         TStatusBar *sb8kAdditionalFirCoeff;
  1157.         TLabel *lbl1stOCRow0;
  1158.         TButton *btnLoadFromMatlabFile_1stOutputCoeff;
  1159.         TLabel *lbl1stOCRow1;
  1160.         TLabel *lbl1stOCRow2;
  1161.         TLabel *lbl2ndOCRow0;
  1162.         TLabel *lbl2ndOCRow1;
  1163.         TLabel *lbl2ndOCRow2;
  1164.         TLabel *lbl3rdOCRow0;
  1165.         TLabel *lbl3rdOCRow1;
  1166.         TLabel *lbl3rdOCRow2;
  1167.         TGroupBox *GroupBox13;
  1168.         TRadioButton *rb1st2nd3rd4th;
  1169.         TRadioButton *rb5th;
  1170.         TButton *btnSaveToMatlabFile_1stOutputCoeff;
  1171.         TButton *btnLoadFromMatlabFile_2ndOutputCoeff;
  1172.         TButton *btnSaveToMatlabFile_2ndOutputCoeff;
  1173.         TButton *btnLoadFromMatlabFile_3rdOutputCoeff;
  1174.         TButton *btnSaveToMatlabFile_3rdOutputCoeff;
  1175.         TLabel *lblOutputCoeffIndex8k;
  1176.         TComboBox *cbOutputCoeffIndex8k;
  1177.         TLabel *lblOutputCoeffIndex8kAdd;
  1178.         TComboBox *cbOutputCoeffIndex8kAdd;
  1179.         TButton *btnFirCoefGenerateAudcoeff;
  1180.         TSaveDialog *m_dlgSaveAudCoeff;
  1181.         TButton *btnGenerateNvramDefaultAudio;
  1182.         TActionList *actList;
  1183.         TAction *ToggleHide;
  1184.         TTabSheet *tsSE;
  1185.         TButton *btnSEUploadFromFlash;
  1186.         TButton *btnSEDownloadToFlash;
  1187.         TButton *btnSEChangeDB;
  1188.         TButton *btnSELoadFromFile;
  1189.         TButton *btnSESaveToFile;
  1190.         TLabel *lblVolumeConst_8k;
  1191.         TLabel *lblVolumeConst_8kAdd;
  1192.         TLabel *lblVolumeConst_Melody;
  1193.         TEdit *edt1stAdditionalFirCoef00;
  1194.         TStatusBar *sbSE;
  1195.         TGroupBox *gbLOC;
  1196.         TCheckBox *cbEnableLOC;
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  1198.         TLabel *lblLOCCol1;
  1199.         TLabel *lblLOCCol2;
  1200.         TLabel *lblLOCCol3;
  1201.         TLabel *lblLOCCol4;
  1202.         TLabel *lblLOCCol5;
  1203.         TLabel *lblLOCCol6;
  1204.         TLabel *lblLOCCol7;
  1205.         TLabel *lblLOCCol8;
  1206.         TLabel *lblLOCCol9;
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  1211.         TEdit *edtLOCCoef04;
  1212.         TEdit *edtLOCCoef05;
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  1214.         TEdit *edtLOCCoef07;
  1215.         TEdit *edtLOCCoef08;
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  1218.         TLabel *lblLOCCol11;
  1219.         TLabel *lblLOCCol12;
  1220.         TLabel *lblLOCCol13;
  1221.         TLabel *lblLOCCol14;
  1222.         TLabel *lblLOCCol15;
  1223.         TLabel *lblLOCCol16;
  1224.         TLabel *lblLOCCol17;
  1225.         TLabel *lblLOCCol18;
  1226.         TLabel *lblLOCCol19;
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  1232.         TEdit *edtLOCCoef15;
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  1239.         TLabel *lblLOCCol22;
  1240.         TLabel *lblLOCCol23;
  1241.         TLabel *lblLOCCol24;
  1242.         TLabel *lblLOCCol25;
  1243.         TLabel *lblLOCCol26;
  1244.         TLabel *lblLOCCol27;
  1245.         TLabel *lblLOCCol28;
  1246.         TLabel *lblLOCCol29;
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  1248.         TEdit *edtLOCCoef21;
  1249.         TEdit *edtLOCCoef22;
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  1251.         TEdit *edtLOCCoef24;
  1252.         TEdit *edtLOCCoef25;
  1253.         TEdit *edtLOCCoef26;
  1254.         TEdit *edtLOCCoef27;
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  1258.         TButton *btnLOCSaveToMatlabFile;
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  1260.         TLabel *lblLOCRow1;
  1261.         TLabel *lblLOCRow2;
  1262.         TGroupBox *gb4thOutputCoeff;
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  1264.         TLabel *lbl4thOCCol0;
  1265.         TLabel *lbl4thOCCol1;
  1266.         TLabel *lbl4thOCCol2;
  1267.         TLabel *lbl4thOCCol3;
  1268.         TLabel *lbl4thOCCol4;
  1269.         TLabel *lbl4thOCCol5;
  1270.         TLabel *lbl4thOCCol6;
  1271.         TLabel *lbl4thOCCol7;
  1272.         TLabel *lbl4thOCCol8;
  1273.         TLabel *lbl4thOCCol9;
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  1275.         TEdit *edt4thAdditionalFirCoef01;
  1276.         TEdit *edt4thAdditionalFirCoef02;
  1277.         TEdit *edt4thAdditionalFirCoef03;
  1278.         TEdit *edt4thAdditionalFirCoef04;
  1279.         TEdit *edt4thAdditionalFirCoef05;
  1280.         TEdit *edt4thAdditionalFirCoef06;
  1281.         TEdit *edt4thAdditionalFirCoef07;
  1282.         TEdit *edt4thAdditionalFirCoef08;
  1283.         TEdit *edt4thAdditionalFirCoef09;
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  1285.         TLabel *lbl4thOCCol11;
  1286.         TLabel *lbl4thOCCol12;
  1287.         TLabel *lbl4thOCCol13;
  1288.         TLabel *lbl4thOCCol14;
  1289.         TLabel *lbl4thOCCol15;
  1290.         TLabel *lbl4thOCCol16;
  1291.         TLabel *lbl4thOCCol17;
  1292.         TLabel *lbl4thOCCol18;
  1293.         TLabel *lbl4thOCCol19;
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  1295.         TEdit *edt4thAdditionalFirCoef11;
  1296.         TEdit *edt4thAdditionalFirCoef12;
  1297.         TEdit *edt4thAdditionalFirCoef13;
  1298.         TEdit *edt4thAdditionalFirCoef14;
  1299.         TEdit *edt4thAdditionalFirCoef15;
  1300.         TEdit *edt4thAdditionalFirCoef16;
  1301.         TEdit *edt4thAdditionalFirCoef17;
  1302.         TEdit *edt4thAdditionalFirCoef18;
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  1305.         TLabel *lbl4thOCCol21;
  1306.         TLabel *lbl4thOCCol22;
  1307.         TLabel *lbl4thOCCol23;
  1308.         TLabel *lbl4thOCCol24;
  1309.         TLabel *lbl4thOCCol25;
  1310.         TLabel *lbl4thOCCol26;
  1311.         TLabel *lbl4thOCCol27;
  1312.         TLabel *lbl4thOCCol28;
  1313.         TLabel *lbl4thOCCol29;
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  1315.         TEdit *edt4thAdditionalFirCoef21;
  1316.         TEdit *edt4thAdditionalFirCoef22;
  1317.         TEdit *edt4thAdditionalFirCoef23;
  1318.         TEdit *edt4thAdditionalFirCoef24;
  1319.         TEdit *edt4thAdditionalFirCoef25;
  1320.         TEdit *edt4thAdditionalFirCoef26;
  1321.         TEdit *edt4thAdditionalFirCoef27;
  1322.         TEdit *edt4thAdditionalFirCoef28;
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  1325.         TButton *btnSaveToMatlabFile_4thOutputCoeff;
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  1327.         TLabel *lbl4thOCRow1;
  1328.         TLabel *lbl4thOCRow2;
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  1330.         TButton *btnMelodyOutputFirCoefGenerateAudcoeff;
  1331.         TButton *btnSEGenerateAudcoeff;
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  1333.         TPanel *pnlCVSVolLevelHeader;
  1334.         TPanel *pnlCVSVolLevel;
  1335.         TLabel *Label13;
  1336.         TLabel *Label18;
  1337.         TLabel *Label20;
  1338.         TLabel *Label21;
  1339.         TLabel *Label24;
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  1341.         TComboBox *cbCallTone;
  1342.         TComboBox *cbGMITone;
  1343.         TComboBox *cbSpeechTone;
  1344.         TComboBox *cbMelody;
  1345.         TPanel *pnlCVSVolGainHeader;
  1346.         TPanel *pnlCVSVolGain1;
  1347.         TButton *btnCallTone;
  1348.         TButton *btnKeypadTone;
  1349.         TButton *btnMicrophone;
  1350.         TButton *btnGMITone;
  1351.         TButton *btnSpeech;
  1352.         TButton *btnSideTone;
  1353.         TButton *btnMelody;
  1354.         TPanel *pnlCVSVolGain2;
  1355.         TLabel *lblLevel0;
  1356.         TLabel *lblLevel1;
  1357.         TLabel *lblLevel2;
  1358.         TLabel *lblLevel3;
  1359.         TLabel *lblLevel4;
  1360.         TLabel *lblLevel5;
  1361.         TLabel *lblLevel6;
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  1363.         TEdit *edtVolGain1;
  1364.         TEdit *edtVolGain2;
  1365.         TEdit *edtVolGain3;
  1366.         TEdit *edtVolGain4;
  1367.         TEdit *edtVolGain5;
  1368.         TEdit *edtVolGain6;
  1369.         TPanel *panelVolGain;
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  1371.         TLabel *Label19;
  1372.         TLabel *Label22;
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  1374.         TPanel *pnlCVSTvOutVolGainHeader;
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  1376.         TLabel *Label23;
  1377.         TLabel *Label29;
  1378.         TLabel *Label30;
  1379.         TLabel *Label31;
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  1382.         TLabel *Label32;
  1383.         TLabel *Label33;
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  1388.         TEdit *edtCVSTvOutVolGain6;
  1389.         TEdit *edtCVSTvOutVolGain3;
  1390.         TEdit *edtCVSMaxMelodyVolGain;
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  1392.         TTabSheet *tsSOFC;
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  1398.         TLabel *lblSIFC2G3GCol03;
  1399.         TLabel *lblSIFC2G3GCol04;
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  1401.         TLabel *lblSIFC2G3GCol06;
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  1404.         TLabel *lblSIFC2G3GCol09;
  1405.         TLabel *lblSIFC2G3GCol10;
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  1407.         TLabel *lblSIFC2G3GCol12;
  1408.         TLabel *lblSIFC2G3GCol13;
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  1410.         TLabel *lblSIFC2G3GCol15;
  1411.         TLabel *lblSIFC2G3GCol16;
  1412.         TLabel *lblSIFC2G3GCol17;
  1413.         TLabel *lblSIFC2G3GCol18;
  1414.         TLabel *lblSIFC2G3GCol19;
  1415.         TLabel *lblSIFC2G3GCol20;
  1416.         TLabel *lblSIFC2G3GCol21;
  1417.         TLabel *lblSIFC2G3GCol22;
  1418.         TLabel *lblSIFC2G3GCol23;
  1419.         TLabel *lblSIFC2G3GCol24;
  1420.         TLabel *lblSIFC2G3GCol25;
  1421.         TLabel *lblSIFC2G3GCol26;
  1422.         TLabel *lblSIFC2G3GCol27;
  1423.         TLabel *lblSIFC2G3GCol28;
  1424.         TLabel *lblSIFC2G3GCol29;
  1425.         TLabel *lblSIFC2G3GCol30;
  1426.         TLabel *lblSIFC2G3GCol31;
  1427.         TLabel *lblSIFC2G3GCol32;
  1428.         TLabel *lblSIFC2G3GCol33;
  1429.         TLabel *lblSIFC2G3GCol34;
  1430.         TLabel *lblSIFC2G3GCol35;
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  1433.         TLabel *lblSIFC2G3GCol38;
  1434.         TLabel *lblSIFC2G3GCol39;
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  1436.         TLabel *lblSIFC2G3GCol41;
  1437.         TLabel *lblSIFC2G3GCol42;
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  1455.         TEdit *edtSIFC2G3GCoef15;
  1456.         TEdit *edtSIFC2G3GCoef16;
  1457.         TEdit *edtSIFC2G3GCoef17;
  1458.         TEdit *edtSIFC2G3GCoef18;
  1459.         TEdit *edtSIFC2G3GCoef19;
  1460.         TEdit *edtSIFC2G3GCoef20;
  1461.         TEdit *edtSIFC2G3GCoef22;
  1462.         TEdit *edtSIFC2G3GCoef24;
  1463.         TEdit *edtSIFC2G3GCoef26;
  1464.         TEdit *edtSIFC2G3GCoef21;
  1465.         TEdit *edtSIFC2G3GCoef23;
  1466.         TEdit *edtSIFC2G3GCoef25;
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  1473.         TEdit *edtSIFC2G3GCoef36;
  1474.         TEdit *edtSIFC2G3GCoef31;
  1475.         TEdit *edtSIFC2G3GCoef33;
  1476.         TEdit *edtSIFC2G3GCoef35;
  1477.         TEdit *edtSIFC2G3GCoef37;
  1478.         TEdit *edtSIFC2G3GCoef38;
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  1481.         TEdit *edtSIFC2G3GCoef42;
  1482.         TEdit *edtSIFC2G3GCoef39;
  1483.         TEdit *edtSIFC2G3GCoef43;
  1484.         TEdit *edtSIFC2G3GCoef44;
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  1492.         TLabel *lblSIFCVoIPCol06;
  1493.         TLabel *lblSIFCVoIPCol07;
  1494.         TLabel *lblSIFCVoIPCol08;
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  1511.         TEdit *edtSIFCVoIPCoef11;
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  1513.         TEdit *edtSIFCVoIPCoef17;
  1514.         TEdit *edtSIFCVoIPCoef19;
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  1516.         TEdit *edtSIFCVoIPCoef15;
  1517.         TEdit *edtSIFCVoIPCoef20;
  1518.         TEdit *edtSIFCVoIPCoef23;
  1519.         TEdit *edtSIFCVoIPCoef25;
  1520.         TEdit *edtSIFCVoIPCoef28;
  1521.         TEdit *edtSIFCVoIPCoef21;
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  1544.         TLabel *lblSIFCVoIPCol12;
  1545.         TLabel *lblSIFCVoIPCol13;
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  1547.         TLabel *lblSIFCVoIPCol15;
  1548.         TLabel *lblSIFCVoIPCol16;
  1549.         TLabel *lblSIFCVoIPCol17;
  1550.         TLabel *lblSIFCVoIPCol18;
  1551.         TLabel *lblSIFCVoIPCol19;
  1552.         TLabel *lblSIFCVoIPCol20;
  1553.         TLabel *lblSIFCVoIPCol21;
  1554.         TLabel *lblSIFCVoIPCol22;
  1555.         TLabel *lblSIFCVoIPCol23;
  1556.         TLabel *lblSIFCVoIPCol24;
  1557.         TLabel *lblSIFCVoIPCol25;
  1558.         TLabel *lblSIFCVoIPCol26;
  1559.         TLabel *lblSIFCVoIPCol27;
  1560.         TLabel *lblSIFCVoIPCol28;
  1561.         TLabel *lblSIFCVoIPCol29;
  1562.         TLabel *lblSIFCVoIPCol30;
  1563.         TLabel *lblSIFCVoIPCol31;
  1564.         TLabel *lblSIFCVoIPCol32;
  1565.         TLabel *lblSIFCVoIPCol33;
  1566.         TLabel *lblSIFCVoIPCol34;
  1567.         TLabel *lblSIFCVoIPCol35;
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  1569.         TLabel *lblSIFCVoIPCol37;
  1570.         TLabel *lblSIFCVoIPCol38;
  1571.         TLabel *lblSIFCVoIPCol39;
  1572.         TLabel *lblSIFCVoIPCol40;
  1573.         TLabel *lblSIFCVoIPCol41;
  1574.         TLabel *lblSIFCVoIPCol42;
  1575.         TLabel *lblSIFCVoIPCol43;
  1576.         TLabel *lblSIFCVoIPCol44;
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  1579.         TGroupBox *gbSOFCVoIP;
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  1581.         TLabel *lblSOFC2G3GCol01;
  1582.         TLabel *lblSOFC2G3GCol02;
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  1587.         TLabel *lblSOFC2G3GCol07;
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  1598.         TEdit *edtSOFC2G3GCoef07;
  1599.         TEdit *edtSOFC2G3GCoef08;
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  1602.         TLabel *lblSOFC2G3GCol12;
  1603.         TLabel *lblSOFC2G3GCol13;
  1604.         TLabel *lblSOFC2G3GCol14;
  1605.         TLabel *lblSOFC2G3GCol15;
  1606.         TLabel *lblSOFC2G3GCol16;
  1607.         TLabel *lblSOFC2G3GCol17;
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  1621.         TLabel *lblSOFC2G3GCol21;
  1622.         TLabel *lblSOFC2G3GCol22;
  1623.         TLabel *lblSOFC2G3GCol23;
  1624.         TLabel *lblSOFC2G3GCol24;
  1625.         TLabel *lblSOFC2G3GCol25;
  1626.         TLabel *lblSOFC2G3GCol26;
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  1628.         TLabel *lblSOFC2G3GCol28;
  1629.         TLabel *lblSOFC2G3GCol29;
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  1636.         TEdit *edtSOFC2G3GCoef25;
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  1641.         TLabel *lblSOFC2G3GCol31;
  1642.         TLabel *lblSOFC2G3GCol32;
  1643.         TLabel *lblSOFC2G3GCol33;
  1644.         TLabel *lblSOFC2G3GCol34;
  1645.         TLabel *lblSOFC2G3GCol35;
  1646.         TLabel *lblSOFC2G3GCol36;
  1647.         TLabel *lblSOFC2G3GCol37;
  1648.         TLabel *lblSOFC2G3GCol38;
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  1654.         TEdit *edtSOFC2G3GCoef34;
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  1666.         TLabel *lblSOFC2G3GCol41;
  1667.         TLabel *lblSOFC2G3GCol42;
  1668.         TLabel *lblSOFC2G3GCol43;
  1669.         TLabel *lblSOFC2G3GCol44;
  1670.         TLabel *lblSOFCVoIPCol00;
  1671.         TLabel *lblSOFCVoIPCol01;
  1672.         TLabel *lblSOFCVoIPCol02;
  1673.         TLabel *lblSOFCVoIPCol03;
  1674.         TLabel *lblSOFCVoIPCol04;
  1675.         TLabel *lblSOFCVoIPCol05;
  1676.         TLabel *lblSOFCVoIPCol06;
  1677.         TLabel *lblSOFCVoIPCol07;
  1678.         TLabel *lblSOFCVoIPCol08;
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  1686.         TEdit *edtSOFCVoIPCoef07;
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  1688.         TEdit *edtSOFCVoIPCoef02;
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  1691.         TLabel *lblSOFCVoIPCol11;
  1692.         TLabel *lblSOFCVoIPCol12;
  1693.         TLabel *lblSOFCVoIPCol13;
  1694.         TLabel *lblSOFCVoIPCol14;
  1695.         TLabel *lblSOFCVoIPCol15;
  1696.         TLabel *lblSOFCVoIPCol16;
  1697.         TLabel *lblSOFCVoIPCol17;
  1698.         TLabel *lblSOFCVoIPCol18;
  1699.         TLabel *lblSOFCVoIPCol19;
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  1711.         TLabel *lblSOFCVoIPCol21;
  1712.         TLabel *lblSOFCVoIPCol22;
  1713.         TLabel *lblSOFCVoIPCol23;
  1714.         TLabel *lblSOFCVoIPCol24;
  1715.         TLabel *lblSOFCVoIPCol25;
  1716.         TLabel *lblSOFCVoIPCol26;
  1717.         TLabel *lblSOFCVoIPCol27;
  1718.         TLabel *lblSOFCVoIPCol28;
  1719.         TLabel *lblSOFCVoIPCol29;
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  1726.         TEdit *edtSOFCVoIPCoef26;
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  1731.         TLabel *lblSOFCVoIPCol31;
  1732.         TLabel *lblSOFCVoIPCol32;
  1733.         TLabel *lblSOFCVoIPCol33;
  1734.         TLabel *lblSOFCVoIPCol34;
  1735.         TLabel *lblSOFCVoIPCol35;
  1736.         TLabel *lblSOFCVoIPCol36;
  1737.         TLabel *lblSOFCVoIPCol37;
  1738.         TLabel *lblSOFCVoIPCol38;
  1739.         TLabel *lblSOFCVoIPCol39;
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  1741.         TEdit *edtSOFCVoIPCoef31;
  1742.         TEdit *edtSOFCVoIPCoef32;
  1743.         TEdit *edtSOFCVoIPCoef33;
  1744.         TEdit *edtSOFCVoIPCoef34;
  1745.         TEdit *edtSOFCVoIPCoef35;
  1746.         TEdit *edtSOFCVoIPCoef36;
  1747.         TEdit *edtSOFCVoIPCoef37;
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  1751.         TLabel *lblSOFCVoIPCol41;
  1752.         TLabel *lblSOFCVoIPCol42;
  1753.         TLabel *lblSOFCVoIPCol43;
  1754.         TLabel *lblSOFCVoIPCol44;
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  1756.         TEdit *edtSOFCVoIPCoef41;
  1757.         TEdit *edtSOFCVoIPCoef42;
  1758.         TEdit *edtSOFCVoIPCoef43;
  1759.         TEdit *edtSOFCVoIPCoef44;
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  1761.         TCheckBox *cbSIFCEanbleVoIP;
  1762.         TButton *btnSIFC2G3GLoadFromMatlabFile;
  1763.         TButton *btnSIFC2G3GSaveToMatlabFile;
  1764.         TButton *btnSIFCVoIPLoadFromMatlabFile;
  1765.         TButton *btnSIFCVoIPSaveToMatlabFile;
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  1767.         TCheckBox *cbSOFCEanbleVoIP;
  1768.         TButton *btnSOFC2G3GLoadFromMatlabFile;
  1769.         TButton *btnSOFC2G3GSaveToMatlabFile;
  1770.         TButton *btnSOFCVoIPLoadFromMatlabFile;
  1771.         TButton *btnSOFCVoIPSaveToMatlabFile;
  1772.         TButton *btnSIFCUploadFromFlash;
  1773.         TButton *btnSIFCDownloadToFlash;
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  1775.         TButton *btnSIFCLoadFromFile;
  1776.         TButton *btnSIFCSaveToFile;
  1777.         TButton *btnSIFCGenerateAudcoeff;
  1778.         TButton *btnSIFCAcousticFirCal;
  1779.         TButton *btnSOFCAcousticFirCal;
  1780.         TButton *btnSOFCGenerateAudcoeff;
  1781.         TButton *btnSOFCSaveToFile;
  1782.         TButton *btnSOFCLoadFromFile;
  1783.         TButton *btnSOFCFirChangeDB;
  1784.         TButton *btnSOFCDownloadToFlash;
  1785.         TButton *btnSOFCUploadFromFlash;
  1786.         TLabel *Label34;
  1787.         TLabel *lblSIFC2G3GRow0;
  1788.         TLabel *lblSIFC2G3GRow1;
  1789.         TLabel *lblSIFC2G3GRow2;
  1790.         TLabel *lblSIFC2G3GRow3;
  1791.         TLabel *lblSIFC2G3GRow4;
  1792.         TLabel *lblSIFCVoIPRow0;
  1793.         TLabel *lblSIFCVoIPRow1;
  1794.         TLabel *lblSIFCVoIPRow2;
  1795.         TLabel *lblSIFCVoIPRow3;
  1796.         TLabel *lblSIFCVoIPRow4;
  1797.         TLabel *lblSOFC2G3GRow0;
  1798.         TLabel *lblSOFC2G3GRow1;
  1799.         TLabel *lblSOFC2G3GRow2;
  1800.         TLabel *lblSOFC2G3GRow3;
  1801.         TLabel *lblSOFC2G3GRow4;
  1802.         TLabel *lblSOFCVoIPRow0;
  1803.         TLabel *lblSOFCVoIPRow1;
  1804.         TLabel *lblSOFCVoIPRow2;
  1805.         TLabel *lblSOFCVoIPRow3;
  1806.         TLabel *lblSOFCVoIPRow4;
  1807.         TStatusBar *sbSIFC;
  1808.         TStatusBar *sbSOFC;
  1809.         TLabel *lblSOFCSelectedOutputCoefIndex;
  1810.         TComboBox *cbSOFCSelOutputCoefIndex;
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  1813.         TButton *btnATEchoLoopOff;
  1814.         TTabSheet *m_tsAEC;
  1815.         TStatusBar *m_sbAEC;
  1816.         TOpenDialog *m_dlgOpenDB;
  1817.         TTimer *m_SLRTimer;
  1818.         TSaveDialog *m_dlgSaveAudCoeffDefaultH;
  1819.         TGroupBox *m_gbTAT;
  1820.         TLabel *Label40;
  1821.         TLabel *Label41;
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  1824.         TBitBtn *m_btnLSATStop;
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  1826.         TTabSheet *m_tsAC;
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  1828.         TGroupBox *GroupBox9;
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  1830.         TRadioButton *m_rbACEarphone;
  1831.         TCheckBox *m_cbACEnableCoeff;
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  1833.         TLabel *m_lblACCol01;
  1834.         TLabel *m_lblACCol02;
  1835.         TLabel *m_lblACCol03;
  1836.         TLabel *m_lblACCol04;
  1837.         TLabel *m_lblACCol05;
  1838.         TLabel *m_lblACCol06;
  1839.         TLabel *m_lblACCol07;
  1840.         TLabel *m_lblACCol08;
  1841.         TLabel *m_lblACCol09;
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  1843.         TEdit *m_edtACCoef01;
  1844.         TEdit *m_edtACCoef02;
  1845.         TEdit *m_edtACCoef03;
  1846.         TEdit *m_edtACCoef04;
  1847.         TEdit *m_edtACCoef05;
  1848.         TEdit *m_edtACCoef06;
  1849.         TEdit *m_edtACCoef07;
  1850.         TEdit *m_edtACCoef08;
  1851.         TEdit *m_edtACCoef09;
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  1853.         TLabel *m_lblACCol10;
  1854.         TLabel *m_lblACCol11;
  1855.         TLabel *m_lblACCol12;
  1856.         TLabel *m_lblACCol13;
  1857.         TLabel *m_lblACCol14;
  1858.         TLabel *m_lblACCol15;
  1859.         TLabel *m_lblACCol16;
  1860.         TLabel *m_lblACCol17;
  1861.         TLabel *m_lblACCol18;
  1862.         TLabel *m_lblACCol19;
  1863.         TEdit *m_edtACCoef10;
  1864.         TEdit *m_edtACCoef11;
  1865.         TEdit *m_edtACCoef12;
  1866.         TEdit *m_edtACCoef13;
  1867.         TEdit *m_edtACCoef14;
  1868.         TEdit *m_edtACCoef15;
  1869.         TEdit *m_edtACCoef16;
  1870.         TEdit *m_edtACCoef17;
  1871.         TEdit *m_edtACCoef18;
  1872.         TEdit *m_edtACCoef19;
  1873.         TLabel *m_lblACCol20;
  1874.         TLabel *m_lblACCol21;
  1875.         TLabel *m_lblACCol22;
  1876.         TLabel *m_lblACCol23;
  1877.         TLabel *m_lblACCol24;
  1878.         TLabel *m_lblACCol25;
  1879.         TLabel *m_lblACCol26;
  1880.         TLabel *m_lblACCol27;
  1881.         TLabel *m_lblACCol28;
  1882.         TLabel *m_lblACCol29;
  1883.         TEdit *m_edtACCoef20;
  1884.         TEdit *m_edtACCoef21;
  1885.         TEdit *m_edtACCoef22;
  1886.         TEdit *m_edtACCoef23;
  1887.         TEdit *m_edtACCoef24;
  1888.         TEdit *m_edtACCoef25;
  1889.         TEdit *m_edtACCoef26;
  1890.         TEdit *m_edtACCoef27;
  1891.         TEdit *m_edtACCoef28;
  1892.         TEdit *m_edtACCoef29;
  1893.         TLabel *m_lblACCol30;
  1894.         TLabel *m_lblACCol31;
  1895.         TLabel *m_lblACCol32;
  1896.         TLabel *m_lblACCol33;
  1897.         TLabel *m_lblACCol34;
  1898.         TLabel *m_lblACCol35;
  1899.         TLabel *m_lblACCol36;
  1900.         TLabel *m_lblACCol37;
  1901.         TLabel *m_lblACCol38;
  1902.         TLabel *m_lblACCol39;
  1903.         TEdit *m_edtACCoef30;
  1904.         TEdit *m_edtACCoef31;
  1905.         TEdit *m_edtACCoef32;
  1906.         TEdit *m_edtACCoef33;
  1907.         TEdit *m_edtACCoef34;
  1908.         TEdit *m_edtACCoef35;
  1909.         TEdit *m_edtACCoef36;
  1910.         TEdit *m_edtACCoef37;
  1911.         TEdit *m_edtACCoef38;
  1912.         TEdit *m_edtACCoef39;
  1913.         TLabel *m_lblACCol40;
  1914.         TLabel *m_lblACCol41;
  1915.         TLabel *m_lblACCol42;
  1916.         TLabel *m_lblACCol43;
  1917.         TLabel *m_lblACCol44;
  1918.         TEdit *m_edtACCoef40;
  1919.         TEdit *m_edtACCoef41;
  1920.         TEdit *m_edtACCoef42;
  1921.         TEdit *m_edtACCoef43;
  1922.         TEdit *m_edtACCoef44;
  1923.         TLabel *m_lblACRow1;
  1924.         TLabel *m_lblACRow2;
  1925.         TLabel *m_lblACRow3;
  1926.         TLabel *m_lblACRow4;
  1927.         TButton *m_btnACUpladFromFlash;
  1928.         TButton *m_btnACDownloadToFlash;
  1929.         TButton *m_btnACChangeDB;
  1930.         TButton *m_btnACLoadFromIniFile;
  1931.         TButton *m_btnACSaveToIniFile;
  1932.         TButton *m_btnACGenAudCommon;
  1933.         TButton *m_btnACLoadFromMatlabFile;
  1934.         TButton *m_btnACSaveToMatlabFile;
  1935.         TStatusBar *m_sbAC;
  1936.         TOpenDialog *m_dlgOpenRC;
  1937.         TSaveDialog *m_dlgSaveRC;
  1938.         TSaveDialog *m_dlgSaveCustVol;
  1939.         TButton *m_btnMCGenAudCommon;
  1940.         TButton *m_btnSEGenerateAudcoeffDefaultH;
  1941.         TButton *m_btnSEGenSpEnhanceC;
  1942.         TButton *m_btnMCGenAudcoeffDefaultH;
  1943.         TPageControl *PageControl1;
  1944.         TTabSheet *m_tsAECLS;
  1945.         TTabSheet *m_tsAECNM;
  1946.         TPanel *Panel2;
  1947.         TPanel *Panel5;
  1948.         TButton *m_btnAECLSNvramDB;
  1949.         TButton *m_btnAECLSIniFile;
  1950.         TStaticText *m_stAECLSNvramDB;
  1951.         TStaticText *m_stAECLSIniFile;
  1952.         TPanel *Panel6;
  1953.         TPanel *Panel7;
  1954.         TButton *m_btnAECLSAudcoeff;
  1955.         TStaticText *m_stAECLSAudcoeff;
  1956.         TButton *m_btnAECLSOutputSpeech;
  1957.         TStaticText *m_stAECLSOutputSpeech;
  1958.         TButton *m_btnAECLSVolGainFile;
  1959.         TStaticText *m_stAECLSVolGainFile;
  1960.         TBitBtn *m_btnAECLSStart;
  1961.         TBitBtn *m_btnAECLSStop;
  1962.         TGroupBox *m_gbAECConfig;
  1963.         TPanel *Panel1;
  1964.         TLabel *m_lblAECGain;
  1965.         TLabel *Label35;
  1966.         TRadioButton *m_rbAECLSPassive;
  1967.         TRadioButton *m_rbAECLSActive;
  1968.         TEdit *m_edtAECLSGain;
  1969.         TPanel *m_pnlAECLSMic;
  1970.         TPanel *Panel3;
  1971.         TLabel *m_lblAECLSPGAGain;
  1972.         TLabel *Label36;
  1973.         TRadioButton *m_rbAECLSSpeechDAC;
  1974.         TRadioButton *m_rbAECLSAudioDAC;
  1975.         TEdit *m_edtAECLSPGAGain;
  1976.         TPanel *Panel4;
  1977.         TGroupBox *m_gbAECLSResult;
  1978.         TLabel *Label37;
  1979.         TLabel *Label38;
  1980.         TLabel *Label39;
  1981.         TStaticText *m_stAECLSGood;
  1982.         TStaticText *m_stAECLSFair;
  1983.         TStaticText *m_stAECLSPoor;
  1984.         TPanel *Panel8;
  1985.         TPanel *Panel9;
  1986.         TButton *m_btnAECNMNvramDB;
  1987.         TButton *m_btnAECNMIniFile;
  1988.         TStaticText *m_stAECNMNvramDB;
  1989.         TStaticText *m_stAECNMIniFile;
  1990.         TPanel *Panel10;
  1991.         TPanel *Panel11;
  1992.         TButton *m_btnAECNMAudcoeff;
  1993.         TStaticText *m_stAECNMAudcoeff;
  1994.         TBitBtn *m_btnAECNMStart;
  1995.         TBitBtn *m_btnAECNMStop;
  1996.         TButton *m_btnAECNMVolGainFile;
  1997.         TStaticText *m_stAECNMVolGainFile;
  1998.         TGroupBox *m_gbAECNMResult;
  1999.         TLabel *Label42;
  2000.         TStaticText *m_stAECNMGood;
  2001.         TLabel *Label43;
  2002.         TStaticText *m_stAECNMFair;
  2003.         TLabel *Label44;
  2004.         TStaticText *m_stAECNMPoor;
  2005.         TPageControl *PageControl2;
  2006.         TTabSheet *m_tsModeDep;
  2007.         TTabSheet *m_tsCommon;
  2008.         TTabSheet *m_tsVolume;
  2009.         TPanel *pnlNMHeader;
  2010.         TPanel *pnlNM;
  2011.         TLabel *m_lblNM7;
  2012.         TLabel *m_lblNM6;
  2013.         TLabel *m_lblNM5;
  2014.         TLabel *m_lblNM4;
  2015.         TLabel *m_lblNM3;
  2016.         TLabel *m_lblNM2;
  2017.         TLabel *m_lblNM1;
  2018.         TLabel *m_lblNM0;
  2019.         TLabel *m_lblNM8;
  2020.         TLabel *m_lblNM9;
  2021.         TLabel *m_lblNM10;
  2022.         TLabel *m_lblNM11;
  2023.         TLabel *m_lblNM12;
  2024.         TLabel *m_lblNM13;
  2025.         TLabel *m_lblNM14;
  2026.         TLabel *m_lblNM15;
  2027.         TEdit *m_edtNM7;
  2028.         TEdit *m_edtNM6;
  2029.         TEdit *m_edtNM5;
  2030.         TEdit *m_edtNM4;
  2031.         TEdit *m_edtNM3;
  2032.         TEdit *m_edtNM2;
  2033.         TEdit *m_edtNM1;
  2034.         TEdit *m_edtNM0;
  2035.         TEdit *m_edtNM8;
  2036.         TEdit *m_edtNM9;
  2037.         TEdit *m_edtNM10;
  2038.         TEdit *m_edtNM11;
  2039.         TEdit *m_edtNM12;
  2040.         TEdit *m_edtNM13;
  2041.         TEdit *m_edtNM15;
  2042.         TEdit *m_edtNM14;
  2043.         TPanel *pnlEMHeader;
  2044.         TPanel *pnlEM;
  2045.         TLabel *m_lblEM7;
  2046.         TLabel *m_lblEM6;
  2047.         TLabel *m_lblEM5;
  2048.         TLabel *m_lblEM4;
  2049.         TLabel *m_lblEM3;
  2050.         TLabel *m_lblEM2;
  2051.         TLabel *m_lblEM1;
  2052.         TLabel *m_lblEM0;
  2053.         TLabel *m_lblEM8;
  2054.         TLabel *m_lblEM9;
  2055.         TLabel *m_lblEM10;
  2056.         TLabel *m_lblEM11;
  2057.         TLabel *m_lblEM12;
  2058.         TLabel *m_lblEM13;
  2059.         TLabel *m_lblEM14;
  2060.         TLabel *m_lblEM15;
  2061.         TEdit *m_edtEM7;
  2062.         TEdit *m_edtEM6;
  2063.         TEdit *m_edtEM5;
  2064.         TEdit *m_edtEM4;
  2065.         TEdit *m_edtEM3;
  2066.         TEdit *m_edtEM2;
  2067.         TEdit *m_edtEM0;
  2068.         TEdit *m_edtEM1;
  2069.         TEdit *m_edtEM8;
  2070.         TEdit *m_edtEM9;
  2071.         TEdit *m_edtEM10;
  2072.         TEdit *m_edtEM11;
  2073.         TEdit *m_edtEM12;
  2074.         TEdit *m_edtEM13;
  2075.         TEdit *m_edtEM14;
  2076.         TEdit *m_edtEM15;
  2077.         TPanel *pnlLSMHeader;
  2078.         TPanel *pnlLSM;
  2079.         TLabel *m_lblLSM7;
  2080.         TLabel *m_lblLSM6;
  2081.         TLabel *m_lblLSM5;
  2082.         TLabel *m_lblLSM4;
  2083.         TLabel *m_lblLSM3;
  2084.         TLabel *m_lblLSM2;
  2085.         TLabel *m_lblLSM1;
  2086.         TLabel *m_lblLSM0;
  2087.         TLabel *m_lblLSM8;
  2088.         TLabel *m_lblLSM9;
  2089.         TLabel *m_lblLSM10;
  2090.         TLabel *m_lblLSM11;
  2091.         TLabel *m_lblLSM12;
  2092.         TLabel *m_lblLSM13;
  2093.         TLabel *m_lblLSM14;
  2094.         TLabel *m_lblLSM15;
  2095.         TEdit *m_edtLSM6;
  2096.         TEdit *m_edtLSM5;
  2097.         TEdit *m_edtLSM4;
  2098.         TEdit *m_edtLSM3;
  2099.         TEdit *m_edtLSM2;
  2100.         TEdit *m_edtLSM1;
  2101.         TEdit *m_edtLSM0;
  2102.         TEdit *m_edtLSM7;
  2103.         TEdit *m_edtLSM8;
  2104.         TEdit *m_edtLSM9;
  2105.         TEdit *m_edtLSM10;
  2106.         TEdit *m_edtLSM11;
  2107.         TEdit *m_edtLSM12;
  2108.         TEdit *m_edtLSM13;
  2109.         TEdit *m_edtLSM14;
  2110.         TEdit *m_edtLSM15;
  2111.         TPanel *pnlBEMHeader;
  2112.         TPanel *pnlBEM;
  2113.         TLabel *m_lblBEM7;
  2114.         TLabel *m_lblBEM6;
  2115.         TLabel *m_lblBEM5;
  2116.         TLabel *m_lblBEM4;
  2117.         TLabel *m_lblBEM3;
  2118.         TLabel *m_lblBEM2;
  2119.         TLabel *m_lblBEM1;
  2120.         TLabel *m_lblBEM0;
  2121.         TLabel *m_lblBEM8;
  2122.         TLabel *m_lblBEM9;
  2123.         TLabel *m_lblBEM10;
  2124.         TLabel *m_lblBEM11;
  2125.         TLabel *m_lblBEM12;
  2126.         TLabel *m_lblBEM13;
  2127.         TLabel *m_lblBEM14;
  2128.         TLabel *m_lblBEM15;
  2129.         TPanel *pnlSCHeader;
  2130.         TPanel *pnlSC;
  2131.         TLabel *lblSC11;
  2132.         TLabel *lblSC10;
  2133.         TLabel *lblSC09;
  2134.         TLabel *lblSC08;
  2135.         TLabel *lblSC07;
  2136.         TLabel *lblSC06;
  2137.         TLabel *lblSC05;
  2138.         TLabel *lblSC04;
  2139.         TLabel *lblSC03;
  2140.         TLabel *lblSC02;
  2141.         TLabel *lblSC01;
  2142.         TLabel *lblSC00;
  2143.         TEdit *edtSC11;
  2144.         TEdit *edtSC10;
  2145.         TEdit *edtSC09;
  2146.         TEdit *edtSC08;
  2147.         TEdit *edtSC07;
  2148.         TEdit *edtSC06;
  2149.         TEdit *edtSC05;
  2150.         TEdit *edtSC04;
  2151.         TEdit *edtSC03;
  2152.         TEdit *edtSC02;
  2153.         TEdit *edtSC01;
  2154.         TEdit *edtSC00;
  2155.         TEdit *m_edtBEM15;
  2156.         TEdit *m_edtBEM14;
  2157.         TEdit *m_edtBEM13;
  2158.         TEdit *m_edtBEM12;
  2159.         TEdit *m_edtBEM11;
  2160.         TEdit *m_edtBEM10;
  2161.         TEdit *m_edtBEM9;
  2162.         TEdit *m_edtBEM8;
  2163.         TEdit *m_edtBEM7;
  2164.         TEdit *m_edtBEM6;
  2165.         TEdit *m_edtBEM5;
  2166.         TEdit *m_edtBEM4;
  2167.         TEdit *m_edtBEM3;
  2168.         TEdit *m_edtBEM2;
  2169.         TEdit *m_edtBEM1;
  2170.         TEdit *m_edtBEM0;
  2171.         TPanel *pnlBCMHeader;
  2172.         TPanel *pnlBCM;
  2173.         TLabel *m_lblBCM7;
  2174.         TLabel *m_lblBCM6;
  2175.         TLabel *m_lblBCM5;
  2176.         TLabel *m_lblBCM4;
  2177.         TLabel *m_lblBCM3;
  2178.         TLabel *m_lblBCM2;
  2179.         TLabel *m_lblBCM1;
  2180.         TLabel *m_lblBCM0;
  2181.         TEdit *m_edtBCM7;
  2182.         TEdit *m_edtBCM6;
  2183.         TEdit *m_edtBCM5;
  2184.         TEdit *m_edtBCM4;
  2185.         TEdit *m_edtBCM3;
  2186.         TEdit *m_edtBCM2;
  2187.         TEdit *m_edtBCM1;
  2188.         TEdit *m_edtBCM0;
  2189.         TEdit *m_edtBCM8;
  2190.         TEdit *m_edtBCM9;
  2191.         TEdit *m_edtBCM10;
  2192.         TEdit *m_edtBCM11;
  2193.         TEdit *m_edtBCM12;
  2194.         TEdit *m_edtBCM13;
  2195.         TEdit *m_edtBCM14;
  2196.         TEdit *m_edtBCM15;
  2197.         TLabel *m_lblBCM8;
  2198.         TLabel *m_lblBCM9;
  2199.         TLabel *m_lblBCM10;
  2200.         TLabel *m_lblBCM11;
  2201.         TLabel *m_lblBCM12;
  2202.         TLabel *m_lblBCM13;
  2203.         TLabel *m_lblBCM14;
  2204.         TLabel *m_lblBCM15;
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  2207.         TLabel *m_lblAUX1M7;
  2208.         TLabel *m_lblAUX1M6;
  2209.         TLabel *m_lblAUX1M5;
  2210.         TLabel *m_lblAUX1M4;
  2211.         TLabel *m_lblAUX1M3;
  2212.         TLabel *m_lblAUX1M2;
  2213.         TLabel *m_lblAUX1M1;
  2214.         TLabel *m_lblAUX1M0;
  2215.         TEdit *m_edtAUX1M7;
  2216.         TEdit *m_edtAUX1M6;
  2217.         TEdit *m_edtAUX1M5;
  2218.         TEdit *m_edtAUX1M4;
  2219.         TEdit *m_edtAUX1M3;
  2220.         TEdit *m_edtAUX1M2;
  2221.         TEdit *m_edtAUX1M1;
  2222.         TEdit *m_edtAUX1M0;
  2223.         TEdit *m_edtAUX1M8;
  2224.         TEdit *m_edtAUX1M9;
  2225.         TEdit *m_edtAUX1M10;
  2226.         TEdit *m_edtAUX1M11;
  2227.         TEdit *m_edtAUX1M12;
  2228.         TEdit *m_edtAUX1M13;
  2229.         TEdit *m_edtAUX1M14;
  2230.         TEdit *m_edtAUX1M15;
  2231.         TLabel *m_lblAUX1M8;
  2232.         TLabel *m_lblAUX1M9;
  2233.         TLabel *m_lblAUX1M10;
  2234.         TLabel *m_lblAUX1M11;
  2235.         TLabel *m_lblAUX1M12;
  2236.         TLabel *m_lblAUX1M13;
  2237.         TLabel *m_lblAUX1M14;
  2238.         TLabel *m_lblAUX1M15;
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  2303.         TLabel *m_lblAUX3M12;
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  2388.         TLabel *Label64;
  2389.         TLabel *Label65;
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  2392.         TEdit *m_edtAUX2SpVolL20;
  2393.         TEdit *m_edtAUX2SpVolL30;
  2394.         TEdit *m_edtAUX2SpVolL40;
  2395.         TEdit *m_edtAUX2SpVolL50;
  2396.         TEdit *m_edtAUX2SpVolL60;
  2397.         TEdit *m_edtAUX2SpVolL01;
  2398.         TEdit *m_edtAUX2SpVolL11;
  2399.         TEdit *m_edtAUX2SpVolL21;
  2400.         TEdit *m_edtAUX2SpVolL31;
  2401.         TEdit *m_edtAUX2SpVolL41;
  2402.         TEdit *m_edtAUX2SpVolL51;
  2403.         TEdit *m_edtAUX2SpVolL61;
  2404.         TEdit *m_edtAUX2SpVolL02;
  2405.         TEdit *m_edtAUX2SpVolL12;
  2406.         TEdit *m_edtAUX2SpVolL22;
  2407.         TEdit *m_edtAUX2SpVolL32;
  2408.         TEdit *m_edtAUX2SpVolL42;
  2409.         TEdit *m_edtAUX2SpVolL52;
  2410.         TEdit *m_edtAUX2SpVolL62;
  2411.         TEdit *m_edtAUX2SpVolL03;
  2412.         TEdit *m_edtAUX2SpVolL13;
  2413.         TEdit *m_edtAUX2SpVolL23;
  2414.         TEdit *m_edtAUX2SpVolL33;
  2415.         TEdit *m_edtAUX2SpVolL43;
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  2419.         TLabel *Label67;
  2420.         TLabel *Label68;
  2421.         TLabel *Label69;
  2422.         TLabel *Label70;
  2423.         TLabel *Label71;
  2424.         TLabel *Label72;
  2425.         TLabel *Label73;
  2426.         TLabel *Label74;
  2427.         TLabel *Label75;
  2428.         TLabel *Label76;
  2429.         TLabel *Label77;
  2430.    void __fastcall FormShow(TObject *Sender);
  2431.    void __fastcall edtHICCheck(TObject *Sender);
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  2434.    void __fastcall btnFirCoefDownloadToFlashClick(TObject *Sender);
  2435.    void __fastcall FormHide(TObject *Sender);
  2436.         void __fastcall btnStartClick_audiotest(TObject *Sender);
  2437.         void __fastcall edtVolumeCheck_RingComposer(TObject *Sender);
  2438.         void __fastcall btnStopClick(TObject *Sender);
  2439.         void __fastcall btnAddToList_MelodyClick(TObject *Sender);
  2440.         void __fastcall btnRemoveFromList_MelodyClick(TObject *Sender);
  2441.         void __fastcall btnPlayMelodyClick_Melody(TObject *Sender);
  2442.         void __fastcall btnStopPlayMelody_MelodyClick(TObject *Sender);
  2443.         void __fastcall edtRepeatsCheck_Melody(TObject *Sender);
  2444.         void __fastcall edtSpeakerVolume_MelodyChange(TObject *Sender);
  2445.         void __fastcall btnDoClick(TObject *Sender);
  2446.         void __fastcall btnReClick(TObject *Sender);
  2447.         void __fastcall BtnMiClick(TObject *Sender);
  2448.         void __fastcall btnFaClick(TObject *Sender);
  2449.         void __fastcall btnSoClick(TObject *Sender);
  2450.         void __fastcall btnLaClick(TObject *Sender);
  2451.         void __fastcall btnSiClick(TObject *Sender);
  2452.         void __fastcall OctaveOnChange_RingComposer(TObject *Sender);
  2453.         void __fastcall edtRepeatsCheck_RingComposer(TObject *Sender);
  2454.         void __fastcall edtBuzzerVolumeCheck_RingComposer(TObject *Sender);
  2455.         void __fastcall btnLoadFromEditor_RingComposerClick(TObject *Sender);
  2456.         void __fastcall btnSaveMemotoFile_RingComposerClick(
  2457.           TObject *Sender);
  2458.         void __fastcall btnLoadFromFile_RingComposerClick(TObject *Sender);
  2459.         void __fastcall btnPlayiMelody_RingComposerClick(TObject *Sender);
  2460.         void __fastcall btnStopPlayiMelody_RingComposerClick(TObject *Sender);
  2461.         void __fastcall edtSpeakerVolumeCheck_audiotest(TObject *Sender);
  2462.         void __fastcall edtVolumeCheck(TObject *Sender);
  2463.         void __fastcall PageControlOnChange(TObject *Sender);
  2464.         void __fastcall edtBuzzerVolumeCheck_audiotest(TObject *Sender);
  2465.         void __fastcall FormClose(TObject *Sender, TCloseAction &Action);
  2466.         void __fastcall FormDestroy(TObject *Sender);
  2467.         void __fastcall btnLoadFromMatlabFile_HandsetInputClick(TObject *Sender);
  2468.         void __fastcall btnSaveToMatlabFile_HandsetInputClick(TObject *Sender);
  2469.         void __fastcall btnLoadFromMatlabFile_HandsetOutputClick(TObject *Sender);
  2470.         void __fastcall btnSaveToMatlabFile_HandsetOutputClick(TObject *Sender);
  2471.         void __fastcall edtInstrumentCheck(TObject *Sender);
  2472.         void __fastcall rbMidiClick(TObject *Sender);
  2473.         void __fastcall rbiMelodyClick(TObject *Sender);
  2474.         void __fastcall ListBoxMelodyClick(TObject *Sender);
  2475.         void __fastcall btnSetVolume_MelodyClick(TObject *Sender);
  2476.         void __fastcall btnSetVolume_RingComposerClick(TObject *Sender);
  2477.         void __fastcall btnSetVolume_audiotestClick(TObject *Sender);
  2478.         void __fastcall btnStopPlay_IDClick(TObject *Sender);
  2479.         void __fastcall btnSetVolume_IDClick(TObject *Sender);
  2480.         void __fastcall FormCreate(TObject *Sender);
  2481.         void __fastcall rbRingToneIDClick(TObject *Sender);
  2482.         void __fastcall rbMidi_IDClick(TObject *Sender);
  2483.         void __fastcall rbSoundIDClick(TObject *Sender);
  2484.         void __fastcall btnPlay_IDClick(TObject *Sender);
  2485.         void __fastcall edtEICCheck(TObject *Sender);
  2486.         void __fastcall edtTimeConstCheck(TObject *Sender);
  2487.         void __fastcall edtVolumeConstCheck(TObject *Sender);
  2488.         void __fastcall btnLoadFromMatlabFile_EarphoneInputClick(
  2489.           TObject *Sender);
  2490.         void __fastcall btnSaveToMatlabFile_EarphoneInputClick(
  2491.           TObject *Sender);
  2492.         void __fastcall btnLoadFromMatlabFile_EarphoneOutputClick(
  2493.           TObject *Sender);
  2494.         void __fastcall btnSaveToMatlabFile_EarphoneOutputClick(
  2495.           TObject *Sender);
  2496.         void __fastcall edtTimeConst2Check(TObject *Sender);
  2497.         void __fastcall edtVolumeConst2Check(TObject *Sender);
  2498.         void __fastcall edtMediaPlaybackMaxSwingCheck(TObject *Sender);
  2499.         void __fastcall cbEnableHICClick(TObject *Sender);
  2500.         void __fastcall edtHOCCheck(TObject *Sender);
  2501.         void __fastcall edtEOCCheck(TObject *Sender);
  2502.         void __fastcall cbEnableEICClick(TObject *Sender);
  2503.         void __fastcall cbEnableHOCClick(TObject *Sender);
  2504.         void __fastcall cbEnableEOCClick(TObject *Sender);
  2505.         void __fastcall btnDownloadVolToFlashClick(TObject *Sender);
  2506.         void __fastcall btnUploadVolFromFlashClick(TObject *Sender);
  2507.         void __fastcall btnLoadVolFromFileClick(TObject *Sender);
  2508.         void __fastcall btnSaveVolToFileClick(TObject *Sender);
  2509.         void __fastcall tcCVSChange(TObject *Sender);
  2510.         void __fastcall cbCallToneChange(TObject *Sender);
  2511.         void __fastcall cbKeypadToneChange(TObject *Sender);
  2512.         void __fastcall cbMicrophoneChange(TObject *Sender);
  2513.         void __fastcall cbGMIToneChange(TObject *Sender);
  2514.         void __fastcall cbSpeechToneChange(TObject *Sender);
  2515.         void __fastcall cbSideToneChange(TObject *Sender);
  2516.         void __fastcall btnCallToneClick(TObject *Sender);
  2517.         void __fastcall btnKeypadToneClick(TObject *Sender);
  2518.         void __fastcall btnMicrophoneClick(TObject *Sender);
  2519.         void __fastcall btnGMIToneClick(TObject *Sender);
  2520.         void __fastcall btnSpeechClick(TObject *Sender);
  2521.         void __fastcall btnSideToneClick(TObject *Sender);
  2522.         void __fastcall edtVolGainCheck(TObject *Sender);
  2523.         void __fastcall cbMelodyChange(TObject *Sender);
  2524.         void __fastcall btnMelodyClick(TObject *Sender);
  2525.         void __fastcall btnFirCoef16kUploadFromFlashClick(TObject *Sender);
  2526.         void __fastcall btnFirCoef16kSaveToFileClick(TObject *Sender);
  2527.         void __fastcall edtInputFIRCoeff16kCheck(TObject *Sender);
  2528.         void __fastcall edtOutputFIRCoeff16kCheck(TObject *Sender);
  2529.         void __fastcall edtTimeConst16kCheck(TObject *Sender);
  2530.         void __fastcall edtVolumeConst16kCheck(TObject *Sender);
  2531.         void __fastcall edtTimeConst216kCheck(TObject *Sender);
  2532.         void __fastcall edtVolumeConst216kCheck(TObject *Sender);
  2533.         void __fastcall edtMediaPlaybackMaxSwing16kCheck(TObject *Sender);
  2534.         void __fastcall rbHandsetClick(TObject *Sender);
  2535.         void __fastcall rbEarphoneClick(TObject *Sender);
  2536.         void __fastcall cbEnable16kICClick(TObject *Sender);
  2537.         void __fastcall cbEnable16kOCClick(TObject *Sender);
  2538.         void __fastcall btnLoad16kInputCoeffFromMatlabFileClick(
  2539.           TObject *Sender);
  2540.         void __fastcall btnLoad16kOutputCoeffFromMatlabFileClick(
  2541.           TObject *Sender);
  2542.         void __fastcall btnSave16kInputCoeffToMatlabFileClick(
  2543.           TObject *Sender);
  2544.         void __fastcall btnSave16kOutputCoeffToMatlabFileClick(
  2545.           TObject *Sender);
  2546.         void __fastcall btnFirCoef16kDownloadToFlashClick(TObject *Sender);
  2547.         void __fastcall btnFirCoefUploadFromFlashClick(TObject *Sender);
  2548.         void __fastcall rbLoudSpeakerClick(TObject *Sender);
  2549.         void __fastcall btnFirCoefMelodyUploadFromFlashClick(
  2550.           TObject *Sender);
  2551.         void __fastcall btnFirCoefMelodyDownloadToFlashClick(
  2552.           TObject *Sender);
  2553.         void __fastcall btnFirCoef16kLoadFromFileClick(TObject *Sender);
  2554.         void __fastcall btnFirCoefMelodyLoadFromFileClick(TObject *Sender);
  2555.         void __fastcall rbStereoSpeakerClick(TObject *Sender);
  2556.         void __fastcall edtInputFIRCoeffMelodyCheck(TObject *Sender);
  2557.         void __fastcall cbEnableCoeff_MelodyClick(TObject *Sender);
  2558.         void __fastcall btnFirCoefSaveToFileClick(TObject *Sender);
  2559.         void __fastcall btnFirCoefMelodySaveToFileClick(TObject *Sender);
  2560.         void __fastcall btnLoadMelodyCoeffFromMatlabFileClick(
  2561.           TObject *Sender);
  2562.         void __fastcall btnSaveMelodyCoeffToMatlabFileClick(
  2563.           TObject *Sender);
  2564.         void __fastcall btnAcousticFirCalClick(TObject *Sender);
  2565.         void __fastcall btnMelodyFirChangeDBClick(TObject *Sender);
  2566.         void __fastcall btn16kFirChangeDBClick(TObject *Sender);
  2567.         void __fastcall btn8kFirChangeDBClick(TObject *Sender);
  2568.         void __fastcall btnMelodyFIRTunningClick(TObject *Sender);
  2569.         void __fastcall btnVolSetChangeDBClick(TObject *Sender);
  2570.         void __fastcall btnOutputFirCoefUploadFromFlashClick(
  2571.           TObject *Sender);
  2572.         void __fastcall btnOutputFirCoefDownloadToFlashClick(
  2573.           TObject *Sender);
  2574.         void __fastcall btn8kOutputFirChangeDBClick(TObject *Sender);
  2575.         void __fastcall btnOutputFirCoefLoadFromFileClick(TObject *Sender);
  2576.         void __fastcall btnOutputFirCoefSaveToFileClick(TObject *Sender);
  2577.         void __fastcall edt1stOCCheck(TObject *Sender);
  2578.         void __fastcall edt2ndOCCheck(TObject *Sender);
  2579.         void __fastcall edt3rdOCCheck(TObject *Sender);
  2580.         void __fastcall rb1st2nd3rd4thClick(TObject *Sender);
  2581.         void __fastcall rb5thClick(TObject *Sender);
  2582.         void __fastcall cbEnable1stOCClick(TObject *Sender);
  2583.         void __fastcall cbEnable2ndOCClick(TObject *Sender);
  2584.         void __fastcall cbEnable3rdOCClick(TObject *Sender);
  2585.         void __fastcall btnLoadFromMatlabFile_1stOutputCoeffClick(TObject *Sender);
  2586.         void __fastcall btnSaveToMatlabFile_1stOutputCoeffClick(
  2587.           TObject *Sender);
  2588.         void __fastcall btnLoadFromMatlabFile_2ndOutputCoeffClick(
  2589.           TObject *Sender);
  2590.         void __fastcall btnSaveToMatlabFile_2ndOutputCoeffClick(
  2591.           TObject *Sender);
  2592.         void __fastcall btnLoadFromMatlabFile_3rdOutputCoeffClick(
  2593.           TObject *Sender);
  2594.         void __fastcall btnSaveToMatlabFile_3rdOutputCoeffClick(
  2595.           TObject *Sender);
  2596.         void __fastcall cbOutputCoeffIndex8kChange(TObject *Sender);
  2597.         void __fastcall cbOutputCoeffIndex8kAddChange(TObject *Sender);
  2598.         void __fastcall btnFirCoefGenerateAudcoeffClick(TObject *Sender);
  2599.         void __fastcall btnGenerateNvramDefaultAudioClick(TObject *Sender);
  2600.         void __fastcall ToggleHideExcute(TObject *Sender);
  2601.         void __fastcall btnSEUploadFromFlashClick(TObject *Sender);
  2602.         void __fastcall btnSEDownloadToFlashClick(TObject *Sender);
  2603.         void __fastcall btnSEChangeDBClick(TObject *Sender);
  2604.         void __fastcall btnSELoadFromFileClick(TObject *Sender);
  2605.         void __fastcall btnSESaveToFileClick(TObject *Sender);
  2606.         void __fastcall edtSCCheck(TObject *Sender);
  2607.         void __fastcall edtNMCheck(TObject *Sender);
  2608.         void __fastcall edtEMCheck(TObject *Sender);
  2609.         void __fastcall edtLSMCheck(TObject *Sender);
  2610.         void __fastcall edtBEMCheck(TObject *Sender);
  2611.         void __fastcall edtBCMCheck(TObject *Sender);
  2612.         void __fastcall edtAUX1MCheck(TObject *Sender);
  2613.         void __fastcall edtAUX2MCheck(TObject *Sender);
  2614.         void __fastcall edtAUX3MCheck(TObject *Sender);
  2615.         void __fastcall btnLoadFromMatlabFile_4thOutputCoeffClick(
  2616.           TObject *Sender);
  2617.         void __fastcall btnLOCLoadFromMatlabFileClick(TObject *Sender);
  2618.         void __fastcall cbEnable4thOCClick(TObject *Sender);
  2619.         void __fastcall edt4thOCCheck(TObject *Sender);
  2620.         void __fastcall edtLOCCheck(TObject *Sender);
  2621.         void __fastcall cbEnableLOCClick(TObject *Sender);
  2622.         void __fastcall btnSaveToMatlabFile_4thOutputCoeffClick(
  2623.           TObject *Sender);
  2624.         void __fastcall btnLOCSaveToMatlabFileClick(TObject *Sender);
  2625.         void __fastcall edtCVSTvOutVolGainCheck(TObject *Sender);
  2626.         void __fastcall edtCVS16MaxMelodyVolGainCheck(TObject *Sender);
  2627.         void __fastcall edtCVSMelodyVolGainStepCheck(TObject *Sender);
  2628.         void __fastcall FormActivate(TObject *Sender);
  2629.         void __fastcall tcSIFCChange(TObject *Sender);
  2630.         void __fastcall edtSIFC2G3GCoefCheck(TObject *Sender);
  2631.         void __fastcall edtSOFC2G3GCoefCheck(TObject *Sender);
  2632.         void __fastcall edtSOFCVoIPCoefCheck(TObject *Sender);
  2633.         void __fastcall edtSIFCVoIPCoefCheck(TObject *Sender);
  2634.         void __fastcall tcSIFCChanging(TObject *Sender, bool &AllowChange);
  2635.         void __fastcall btnSIFC2G3GLoadFromMatlabFileClick(
  2636.           TObject *Sender);
  2637.         void __fastcall btnSIFCVoIPLoadFromMatlabFileClick(
  2638.           TObject *Sender);
  2639.         void __fastcall btnSIFC2G3GSaveToMatlabFileClick(TObject *Sender);
  2640.         void __fastcall btnSIFCVoIPSaveToMatlabFileClick(TObject *Sender);
  2641.         void __fastcall tcSOFCChange(TObject *Sender);
  2642.         void __fastcall tcSOFCChanging(TObject *Sender, bool &AllowChange);
  2643.         void __fastcall btnSOFC2G3GLoadFromMatlabFileClick(
  2644.           TObject *Sender);
  2645.         void __fastcall btnSOFC2G3GSaveToMatlabFileClick(TObject *Sender);
  2646.         void __fastcall btnSOFCVoIPLoadFromMatlabFileClick(
  2647.           TObject *Sender);
  2648.         void __fastcall btnSOFCVoIPSaveToMatlabFileClick(TObject *Sender);
  2649.         void __fastcall edtSOFC2G3GCoefEnter(TObject *Sender);
  2650.         void __fastcall edtSOFCVoIPCoefEnter(TObject *Sender);
  2651.         void __fastcall edtSIFC2G3GCoefEnter(TObject *Sender);
  2652.         void __fastcall edtSIFCVoIPCoefEnter(TObject *Sender);
  2653.         void __fastcall cbSOFCSelOutputCoefIndexChange(TObject *Sender);
  2654.         void __fastcall cbSIFCEanble2G3GClick(TObject *Sender);
  2655.         void __fastcall cbSIFCEanbleVoIPClick(TObject *Sender);
  2656.         void __fastcall cbSOFCEanble2G3GClick(TObject *Sender);
  2657.         void __fastcall cbSOFCEanbleVoIPClick(TObject *Sender);
  2658.         void __fastcall btnATEchoLoopOnClick(TObject *Sender);
  2659.         void __fastcall btnATEchoLoopOffClick(TObject *Sender);
  2660.         void __fastcall m_btnAECLSStartClick(TObject *Sender);
  2661.         void __fastcall m_btnAECLSNvramDBClick(TObject *Sender);
  2662.         void __fastcall m_btnAECLSIniFileClick(TObject *Sender);
  2663.         void __fastcall m_SLRTimerTimer(TObject *Sender);
  2664.         void __fastcall m_btnAECLSOutputSpeechClick(TObject *Sender);
  2665.         void __fastcall m_btnAECLSAudcoeffClick(TObject *Sender);
  2666.         void __fastcall m_rbAECLSActiveClick(TObject *Sender);
  2667.         void __fastcall m_rbAECLSPassiveClick(TObject *Sender);
  2668.         void __fastcall m_btnAECVolGainFileClick(TObject *Sender);
  2669.         void __fastcall m_btnAECLSStopClick(TObject *Sender);
  2670.         void __fastcall m_btnLSATStartClick(TObject *Sender);
  2671.         void __fastcall m_btnLSATStopClick(TObject *Sender);
  2672.         void __fastcall LSATFreqCheck(TObject *Sender);
  2673.         void __fastcall m_edtLSATVolumeCheck(TObject *Sender);
  2674.         void __fastcall m_rbACLoudSpeakerClick(TObject *Sender);
  2675.         void __fastcall m_rbACEarphoneClick(TObject *Sender);
  2676.         void __fastcall m_btnACUpladFromFlashClick(TObject *Sender);
  2677.         void __fastcall m_btnACDownloadToFlashClick(TObject *Sender);
  2678.         void __fastcall m_btnACChangeDBClick(TObject *Sender);
  2679.         void __fastcall m_btnACLoadFromIniFileClick(TObject *Sender);
  2680.         void __fastcall m_btnACSaveToIniFileClick(TObject *Sender);
  2681.         void __fastcall edtACCoefCheck(TObject *Sender);
  2682.         void __fastcall m_btnACLoadFromMatlabFileClick(TObject *Sender);
  2683.         void __fastcall m_btnACSaveToMatlabFileClick(TObject *Sender);
  2684.         void __fastcall m_btnGenAudCommonClick(TObject *Sender);
  2685.         void __fastcall m_btnSEGenerateAudcoeffDefaultHClick(
  2686.           TObject *Sender);
  2687.         void __fastcall m_cbACEnableCoeffClick(TObject *Sender);
  2688.         void __fastcall m_btnSEGenSpEnhanceCClick(TObject *Sender);
  2689.         void __fastcall m_btnMCGenAudcoeffDefaultHClick(TObject *Sender);
  2690.         void __fastcall m_btnAECNMStartClick(TObject *Sender);
  2691.         void __fastcall m_btnAECNMNvramDBClick(TObject *Sender);
  2692.         void __fastcall m_btnAECNMIniFileClick(TObject *Sender);
  2693.         void __fastcall m_btnAECNMStopClick(TObject *Sender);
  2694.         void __fastcall m_edtLPMSpVolLCheck(TObject *Sender);
  2695.         void __fastcall m_edtBTSpVolLCheck(TObject *Sender);
  2696.         void __fastcall m_edtAUX2SpVolLCheck(TObject *Sender);
  2697. private:
  2698.     // User declarations
  2699.     // common
  2700.     bool m_bInit;
  2702.     CPLAYAUDIO m_Play_Audio_Object;
  2703.     // play iMelody by buffer
  2704.     // play iMelody and Midi by name
  2705.     bool m_bLastrbMidiChecked, m_bLastrbiMelodyChecked;
  2706.     // play ID
  2707.     Audio_Query_ID_Cnf m_AudioQueryIDCnf;
  2708.     bool m_bLastrbMidiIDChecked, m_bLastrbSoundIDChecked, m_bLastrbRingToneIDChecked;
  2709.     bool m_bIsIDPlaying;
  2710.     // Acoustic FIR coefficient
  2711.     // common
  2712.     CSPCOEF  m_SP_COEF_Object;
  2713.     E_AUDIO_FIR_VER_T m_eAudioParamType;
  2714.     S_FIR_COEFF_T m_sFirCoeff;
  2715.     bool m_bFirRuntime;
  2716.     //l1audio_param_T m_sFirCoef;
  2717.     //l1audio_param_W0547_T m_sFirCoef0547;
  2718.     //l1audio_param_W0547_45_T m_sFirCoef45Tap;
  2719.     //l1audio_param_W0712_T m_sFirCoef0712;
  2720.     //l1audio_param_W0740_T m_sFirCoef0740;
  2721.     // 8k
  2722.     bool m_bFirstFIRCoeffShow;
  2723.     bool m_bLastcbEnableHICChecked;
  2724.     bool m_bLastcbEnableEICChecked;
  2725.     bool m_bLastcbEnableHOCChecked;
  2726.     bool m_bLastcbEnableEOCChecked;
  2727.     bool m_bLastcbEnableLOCChecked;
  2728.     TEdit *m_edtFirCoef[2*SPEECH_FIR_30_TAPS_NUM];
  2729.     TEdit *m_edtFir2Coef[2*SPEECH_FIR_30_TAPS_NUM];
  2730.     TEdit *m_edtLOCCoef[SPEECH_FIR_30_TAPS_NUM];
  2731.     TLabel *m_lblHICCol[SPEECH_FIR_30_TAPS_NUM];
  2732.     TLabel *m_lblHOCCol[SPEECH_FIR_30_TAPS_NUM];
  2733.     TLabel *m_lblEICCol[SPEECH_FIR_30_TAPS_NUM];
  2734.     TLabel *m_lblEOCCol[SPEECH_FIR_30_TAPS_NUM];
  2735.     TLabel *m_lblLOCCol[SPEECH_FIR_30_TAPS_NUM];
  2736.     TLabel *m_lblHICRow[ACOUSTIC_FIR_ROW_NUM];
  2737.     TLabel *m_lblHOCRow[ACOUSTIC_FIR_ROW_NUM];
  2738.     TLabel *m_lblEICRow[ACOUSTIC_FIR_ROW_NUM];
  2739.     TLabel *m_lblEOCRow[ACOUSTIC_FIR_ROW_NUM];
  2740.     TLabel *m_lblLOCRow[ACOUSTIC_FIR_ROW_NUM];
  2741.     // 8k additional
  2742.     bool  m_bLastcbEnable1stOCChecked;
  2743.     bool  m_bLastcbEnable2ndOCChecked;
  2744.     bool  m_bLastcbEnable3rdOCChecked;
  2745.     bool  m_bLastcbEnable4thOCChecked;
  2746.     TEdit  *m_edtAdditionalFirCoef[4][SPEECH_FIR_30_TAPS_NUM];
  2747.     TLabel *m_lbl1stOCCol[SPEECH_FIR_30_TAPS_NUM];
  2748.     TLabel *m_lbl2ndOCCol[SPEECH_FIR_30_TAPS_NUM];
  2749.     TLabel *m_lbl3rdOCCol[SPEECH_FIR_30_TAPS_NUM];
  2750.     TLabel *m_lbl4thOCCol[SPEECH_FIR_30_TAPS_NUM];
  2751.     TLabel *m_lbl1stOCRow[ACOUSTIC_FIR_ROW_NUM];
  2752.     TLabel *m_lbl2ndOCRow[ACOUSTIC_FIR_ROW_NUM];
  2753.     TLabel *m_lbl3rdOCRow[ACOUSTIC_FIR_ROW_NUM];
  2754.     TLabel *m_lbl4thOCRow[ACOUSTIC_FIR_ROW_NUM];
  2755.     // 16k
  2756.     TEdit *m_edtFirCoef16k[2*ACOUSTIC_FIR_COEFF_16K_NUM];
  2757.     TEdit *m_edtFir2Coef16k[2*ACOUSTIC_FIR_COEFF_16K_NUM];
  2758.     TLabel *m_lbl16kICCol[ACOUSTIC_FIR_COEFF_16K_NUM];
  2759.     TLabel *m_lbl16kOCCol[ACOUSTIC_FIR_COEFF_16K_NUM];
  2760.     TLabel *m_lbl16kICRow[ACOUSTIC_FIR_ROW_16K_NUM];
  2761.     TLabel *m_lbl16kOCRow[ACOUSTIC_FIR_ROW_16K_NUM];
  2762.     bool m_bEnable16kIC[AUDIO_16K_MODE_NUM], m_bEnable16kOC[AUDIO_16K_MODE_NUM];
  2763.     // Melody FIR coeff.
  2764.     int m_iMelodyModeIndex;
  2765.     TEdit *m_edtFirCoefMelody[MELODY_FIR_COEFF_45_TAPS_NUM];
  2766.     bool m_bEnableMelodyCoeff[FIR_COEFF_MELODY_MODE_NUM];
  2767.     TLabel *m_lblMelodyCol[MELODY_FIR_COEFF_45_TAPS_NUM];
  2768.     TLabel *m_lblMelodyRow[ACOUSTIC_FIR_MELODY_ROM_NUM];
  2769.     // DSP speech enhancement
  2770.     TLabel *m_lblSC[SE_SPEECH_COMMON_NUM_12];
  2771.     TEdit *m_edtSC[SE_SPEECH_COMMON_NUM_12];
  2772.     TLabel *m_lblMode[SE_MODE_NUM][SE_MODE_PARA_NUM_16];
  2773.     TEdit *m_edtMode[SE_MODE_NUM][SE_MODE_PARA_NUM_16];
  2774.     TPanel *m_pnlMode[SE_MODE_NUM];
  2775.     TPanel *m_pnlModeHeader[SE_MODE_NUM];
  2779.     // 45 taps
  2780.     bool m_bSIFC2G3GCoefChanged;
  2781.     bool m_bSIFCVoIPCoefChanged;
  2782.     bool m_bSOFC2G3GCoefChanged;
  2783.     bool m_bSOFCVoIPCoefChanged;
  2784.     TEdit  *m_edtSIFC2G3GChanged;
  2785.     TEdit  *m_edtSIFCVoIPChanged;
  2786.     TEdit  *m_edtSOFC2G3GChanged;
  2787.     TEdit  *m_edtSOFCVoIPChanged;
  2788.    // bool  m_bFirstSOFCChange;
  2789.     //S_FIR_COEFF_SUPPORT m_FirCoeffSupport;
  2790.     bool m_bLastcbSIFCEanble2G3GChecked;
  2791.     bool m_bLastcbSIFCEanbleVoIPChecked;
  2792.     bool m_bLastcbSOFCEanble2G3GChecked;
  2793.     bool m_bLastcbSOFCEanbleVoIPChecked;
  2794.     TLabel *m_lblSIFC2G3GCol[SPEECH_FIR_45_TAPS_NUM];
  2795.     TLabel *m_lblSIFCVoIPCol[SPEECH_FIR_45_TAPS_NUM];
  2796.     TLabel *m_lblSOFC2G3GCol[SPEECH_FIR_45_TAPS_NUM];
  2797.     TLabel *m_lblSOFCVoIPCol[SPEECH_FIR_45_TAPS_NUM];
  2798.     TLabel *m_lblSIFC2G3GRow[SPEECH_FIR_45_TAPS_ROM_NUM];
  2799.     TLabel *m_lblSIFCVoIPRow[SPEECH_FIR_45_TAPS_ROM_NUM];
  2800.     TLabel *m_lblSOFC2G3GRow[SPEECH_FIR_45_TAPS_ROM_NUM];
  2801.     TLabel *m_lblSOFCVoIPRow[SPEECH_FIR_45_TAPS_ROM_NUM];
  2802.     TEdit *m_edtSIFC2G3GCoef[SPEECH_FIR_45_TAPS_NUM];
  2803.     TEdit *m_edtSIFCVoIPCoef[SPEECH_FIR_45_TAPS_NUM];
  2804.     TEdit *m_edtSOFC2G3GCoef[SPEECH_FIR_45_TAPS_NUM];
  2805.     TEdit *m_edtSOFCVoIPCoef[SPEECH_FIR_45_TAPS_NUM];
  2806.     // audio compensation
  2807.     TLabel *m_lblACRow[AUDIO_COMPENSATION_ROM_NUM];
  2808.     TLabel *m_lblACCol[AUDIO_COMPENSATION_TAPS_NUM];
  2809.     TEdit *m_edtACCoef[AUDIO_COMPENSATION_TAPS_NUM];
  2810.     // AEC
  2811.     bool m_bFirstAECShow;
  2812.     CAECCMN m_cAECCMN_Obj;
  2813.     CAECLS m_cAECLS_Obj;
  2814.     TThread *m_ptAECNM;
  2815.     S_AEC_LS_T m_sAecLs;
  2816.     S_AEC_NM_T m_sAecNm;
  2817.     //CAECNM m_cAECNM_Obj;
  2818.     bool m_bAECSupport;
  2819.     bool m_bDRCSupport;
  2820.     bool m_bAEC2kSupport;
  2821.     bool m_bAECNMSupport;
  2822.     E_AEC_RESULT_T m_eAECResult;
  2823.     // Customer volume setting
  2824.     bool m_bFirstCustVolSetShow;
  2825.     bool m_bCustVolExSupport;
  2826.     int m_iLastVoluemTabIndex;
  2827.     int m_iModeIndex;
  2828.     TButton    *m_btnTone[TOTAL_TONE_NUM];
  2829.     int m_iCurVolGainPanelTag[TOTAL_AUDIO_MODE_NUM];
  2830.     unsigned char m_ucToneLevel[TOTAL_AUDIO_MODE_NUM-1][TOTAL_TONE_NUM];
  2831.     unsigned char m_ucVolumeGain[TOTAL_AUDIO_MODE_NUM-1][TOTAL_TONE_NUM][TOTAL_VOLUME_LEVEL_NUM];
  2832.     unsigned char m_ucMaxMelodyVolGain[TOTAL_AUDIO_MODE_NUM];  // 16 level
  2833.     unsigned char m_ucMelodyVolGainStep[TOTAL_AUDIO_MODE_NUM];  // 16 level
  2834.     unsigned char m_ucTvOutVolGain[TOTAL_VOLUME_LEVEL_NUM];
  2835.     CVOLSET  m_Volume_Setting_Obj;
  2836.     bool m_bCustVolRuntime;
  2837.     bool m_bVolGainVisible[TOTAL_TONE_NUM][TOTAL_VOLUME_LEVEL_NUM];
  2838.    // bool m_bHideEnable;
  2839.     TEdit *m_edtVolGain[TOTAL_VOLUME_LEVEL_NUM];
  2840.     TEdit *m_edtCVSTvOutVolGain[TOTAL_VOLUME_LEVEL_NUM];
  2841.     TComboBox  *m_cbTone[TOTAL_TONE_NUM];
  2842.     // echo loop
  2843.     CECHOLOOP  m_cECHO_LOOP_Obj;
  2844.     // loud speaker test
  2846. protected:
  2847. public:
  2848.     // User declarations
  2849.    __fastcall TfrmAudio(TComponent* Owner);
  2850.    void _fastcall SubClassWndProc(Messages::TMessage &Message);
  2851.    void Init(void);
  2852.    // Acoustic FIR coef. common
  2853.    void  CurrentPageReset(E_PAGEIDX_AUDIO_T idx);
  2854.    void  CurrentPageLock(E_PAGEIDX_AUDIO_T idx);
  2855.    void  DisplayFirCoefUI(void);
  2856.    bool  CheckAllFirCoefFields(void);
  2857.    void  UpdateFirCoefStausBar(AnsiString as_msg);
  2858.    void  UploadFirCoeffFromNVRAM(void);
  2859.    void  DownloadFirCoeffToNVRAM(void);
  2860.    void  InitFirCoeffConst(void);
  2861.    void  ShowHintLabel(TControl *sender, char* hint);
  2862.    void  Force_Audio_Stop(void);
  2863.    void  UploadFromFlashDone(void);
  2864.    void  DownloadToFlashDone(void);
  2865.    void  ReadFirCoefFromIniFile(void);
  2866.    void  SaveFirCoefToIniFile(void);
  2867.    void  ChangeFirCoefDBExcute(void);
  2868.    void  ReDrawTimeConstFields(void);
  2869.    void  ReDrawVolConstFields(void);
  2870.    void  ReDrawTimeConst2Fields(void);
  2871.    void  ReDrawVolConst2Fields(void);
  2872.    void  ReDrawMediaPlaybackMaximumSwingFields(void);
  2873.    void  ReDrawAllCoeffFields(void);
  2874.    void  SetFirCoeff(void);
  2875.    void  GetFirCoeff(void);
  2876.    // 8k
  2877.    void  Init8kFIRCoeff(void);
  2878.    bool  Check8kFields(void);
  2879.    void  ReDraw8kFields(int CoeffIndex);
  2880.    void  Enable8kCoeffEditor(int CoeffIndex);
  2881.    void  Disable8kCoeffEditor(int CoeffIndex);
  2882.    // 8k additional
  2883.    void  Init8kAdditionalFIRCoeff(void);
  2884.    bool  Check8kAdditionalFields(void);
  2885.    void  ReDraw8kAdditionalFields(int CoeffIndex);
  2886.    void  Enable8kAdditionalCoeffEditor(int CoeffIndex);
  2887.    void  Disable8kAdditionalCoeffEditor(int CoeffIndex);
  2888.    // 16k
  2889.    void Init16kFIRCoeff(void);
  2890.   // void  Upload16kFromFlashDone( void );
  2891.    bool  Check16kFields(void);
  2892.    void  Redraw16kCoeffConst(void);
  2893.    void  ReDraw16kFields(int CoeffIndex);
  2894.    void  Download16kToFlashDone(void);
  2895.    void  Enable16kCoeffEditor(int CoeffIndex);
  2896.    void  Disable16kCoeffEditor(int CoeffIndex);
  2897.    void  Redraw16kInputCoeff(int ModeIndex);
  2898.    void  Redraw16kOutputCoeff(int ModeIndex);
  2899.    void  Update16kLabel(int CoeffIndex);
  2900.   // void  Update16kInputLabel(int ModeIndex);
  2901.    // Speech input FIR coeff
  2902.    void  InitSIFCFIRCoeff(void);
  2903.    bool  CheckSIFCCoeffFields(void);
  2904.    void  ReDrawSIFCFields(void);
  2905.    unsigned int Get_SIFC2G3GModeIndex(void);
  2906.    unsigned int Get_SIFCVoIPModeIndex(void);
  2907.    void  EnableSIFCCoeffEditor(E_SIFC_IDX CoeffIndex);
  2908.    void  DisableSIFCCoeffEditor(E_SIFC_IDX CoeffIndex);
  2909.    // Speech output FIR coefficient
  2910.    void  InitSOFCFIRCoeff(void);
  2911.    bool  CheckSOFCCoeffFields(void);
  2912.    void  ReDrawSOFCFields(void);
  2913.    unsigned int Get_SOFC2G3GModeIndex(void);
  2914.    unsigned int Get_SOFCVoIPModeIndex(void);
  2915.    void  EnableSOFCCoeffEditor(E_SOFC_IDX CoeffIndex);
  2916.    void  DisableSOFCCoeffEditor(E_SOFC_IDX CoeffIndex);
  2917.    // Melody FIR coeff.
  2918.    bool  CheckMelodyCoeffFields(void);
  2919.    void  ReDrawMelodyFields(void);
  2920.    void  InitMelodyFIRCoeff(void);
  2921.    void  EnableMelodyCoeffEditor(void);
  2922.    void  DisableMelodyCoeffEditor(void);
  2923.    void  UpdateMelodyLabel(void);
  2924.    void  RedrawMelodyCoeffConst(void);
  2925.    // DSP speech enhancement
  2926.    void  InitSEFIRCoeff(void);
  2927.    void  ReDrawSEFields(int CoeffIndex);
  2928.    bool  CheckSECoeffFields(void);
  2929.    void  setSEVisible(void);
  2930.    // audio compensation
  2931.    void InitACCoeff(void);
  2932.    bool CheckACFields(void);
  2933.    void EnableACCoeffEditor(void);
  2934.    void DisableACCoeffEditor(void);
  2935.    void ReDrawACFields(void);
  2936.    void UpdateACLabel(void);
  2937.    // AEC
  2938.    void UnVisibleAecLsResult(void);
  2939.    void UnVisibleAecNmResult(void);
  2940.    void DisplayAecUI(void);
  2941.    void DisplayAECFileSetup(void);
  2942.    void SaveAECFileSetup(void);
  2943.    void ReadAECNvramDB(AnsiString asFileName);
  2944.    void ReadAECInitialSettingFile(AnsiString asFileName);
  2945.    void SetupAECOutputSpeechFirFile(AnsiString asFileName);
  2946.    void SetupAECAudCoeffDefaultH(AnsiString asFileName);
  2947.    void SetupAECVolumeGainFile(AnsiString asFileName);
  2948.    void ReDrawAECFields(E_DRAW_AEC_MASK_T mask);
  2949.    void CNF_AEC_LS(void);
  2950.    void CNF_AEC_LS_Handler(void);
  2951.    void CNF_AEC_NVRAM_Init(void);
  2952.    void CNF_AEC_NVRAM_Init_Handler(void);
  2953.    void __fastcall on_AECNM_TerminateFail(TObject *Sender);
  2954.    void __fastcall on_AECNM_TerminateByUser(TObject *Sender);
  2955.    void __fastcall on_AECNM_TerminateSuccess(TObject *Sender);
  2956.    // Common
  2957.    void  CNF_AudioStop(void);
  2958.    void SetAllPlayButtonEnabled(void);
  2959.    void SetAllPlayButtonDisabled(void);
  2960.    void SetAllStopButtonEnabled(void);
  2961.    void SetAllStopButtonDisabled(void);
  2962.    // audio test
  2963.    bool imelody_play_req_audiotest_allocated;
  2964.    void __stdcall imelody_play_over_ind_cb_audiotest(const short token, void *usrData);
  2965.    short IMELODY_PLAY_token_audiotest;
  2966.    short IMELODY_STOP_token_audiotest;
  2967.    bool IsAudiotestPlaying;
  2968.    void CNF_AT_StopLoudSpeakerAudioTest(void);
  2969.      bool melody_play_req_allocated;
  2970.      short MELODY_PLAY_token;
  2971.      short MELODY_STOP_token;
  2972.      META_RESULT mr1;
  2973.      bool IsMelodyPlaying;
  2974.      void __stdcall melody_play_over_ind_cb(const short token, void *usrData);
  2975.     // Ring composer
  2976.     //  FT_IMELODY_PLAY_REQ *imelody_play_req_RingComposer;
  2977.       bool imelody_play_req_RingComposer_allocated;
  2978.       bool IsFirstOctave;
  2979.       bool IsContinueOctaveChange;
  2980.       char NotesBuf[MAX_NOTES_BUF_SIZE];
  2981.       char lastOctave[10];
  2982.       char RingComposerBuf[MAX_RING_COMPSER_SIZE];
  2983.       bool IsRingComposerPlaying;
  2984.       // audio test
  2985.       void AudioPlayAudioTestDone(void);
  2986.       void CNF_EchoLoopOn(void);
  2987.       void CNF_EchoLoopOff(void);
  2988.       void CNF_AT_LoudSpeakerAudioTest(void);
  2989.       // FAT
  2990.       int fs_handle;
  2991.       short MelodyToken, iMelodyToken, iMP3Token;
  2992.       char filepath[MAX_FILE_PATH_LEN];
  2993.       int filesize;
  2994.       // play Midi & iMelody by name
  2995.       void GetMidiFileListFromFAT(char *FAT_file_path);
  2996.       void GetiMelodyFileListFromFAT(char *FAT_file_path);
  2997.       void GetiMP3FileListFromFAT(char *FAT_file_path);
  2998.       void AudioPlayByNameDone(void);
  2999.       // play ID
  3000.       void  Req_Audio_Query_ID_Start(void);
  3001.       void  CNF_AudioQueryID(void);
  3002.       void  CNF_AudioSetVolume_Melody(void);
  3003.       void  CNF_AudioSetVolume_RingComposer(void);
  3004.       void  CNF_AudioSetVolume_AudioTest(void);
  3005.       void  CNF_AudioSetVolume_IDC(void);
  3006.       void  AudioPlayDone(void);
  3007.       void  ReDrawIDFields(void);
  3008.       void  AudioPlayRingComposerDone(void);
  3009.       // Customer volume setting
  3010.       void  DisplayCustVolSettingUI(void);
  3011.       void  UploadFromFlashDone_Vol(void);
  3012.       void  DownloadToFlashDone_Vol(void);
  3013.       void  ReDrawVolumeFields(int index, E_DRAW_CVS_MASK_T draw_mask);
  3014.       void  hideLevel0toLevel6(void);
  3015.       void  unhideLevel0toLevel6(void);
  3016.       void  setVolGainVisible(void);
  3017. };
  3018. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3019. extern PACKAGE TfrmAudio *frmAudio;
  3020. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3021. #endif