- /*
- * gif2png.c
- * Copyright (C) 1995 Alexander Lehmann
- * Bug fixes and enhancements by Greg Roelofs, 5 September 1999.
- * Production release packaging by Eric S. Raymond <>.
- * For conditions of distribution and use, see the file COPYING.
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <unistd.h> /* for isatty() */
- #define FALSE 0
- #define TRUE 1
- #define PNG_INTERNAL
- #include "gif2png.h"
- struct GIFelement first={NULL};
- struct GIFelement *current;
- int delete = FALSE;
- int optimize = FALSE;
- int histogram = FALSE;
- int interlaced = PNG_INTERLACE_LAST;
- int progress = FALSE;
- int verbose = FALSE;
- int recover = FALSE;
- int webconvert = FALSE;
- int software_chunk = TRUE;
- int filtermode = FALSE;
- int matte = FALSE;
- int gamma_srgb = FALSE;
- GifColor matte_color;
- long numgifs = 0L;
- long numpngs = 0L;
- int interlace_line(int height, int line)
- /* return the actual line # used to store an interlaced line */
- {
- int res;
- if ((line & 7) == 0) {
- return line >> 3;
- }
- res = (height+7) >> 3;
- if ((line & 7) == 4) {
- return res+((line-4) >> 3);
- }
- res += (height+3) >> 3;
- if ((line & 3) == 2) {
- return res + ((line-2) >> 2);
- }
- return res + ((height+1) >> 2) + ((line-1) >> 1);
- }
- int inv_interlace_line(int height, int line)
- /* inverse function of above, used for recovery of interlaced images */
- {
- if ((line << 3)<height) {
- return line << 3;
- }
- line -= (height+7) >> 3;
- if ((line << 3) + 4 < height) {
- return (line << 3) + 4;
- }
- line -= (height+3) >> 3;
- if ((line << 2) + 2 < height) {
- return (line << 2) + 2;
- }
- line -= (height + 1) >> 2;
- return (line << 1) + 1;
- }
- /*
- * Do some adjustments of the color palette.
- *
- * We won't check for duplicate colors, this is probably only a very
- * rare case, but we check if all used colors are grays. Some GIF
- * writers (e.g. some versions of ppmtogif) leave the unused entries
- * uninitialized, which breaks the detection of grayscale images
- * (e.g. in QPV).
- *
- * If the image is grayscale we will use PNG color type 0, except when
- * the transparency color is also appearing as a visible color. In
- * this case we write a paletted image. Another solution would be
- * gray+alpha, but that would probably increase the image size too
- * much.
- *
- * If there are only few gray levels (<=16), we try to create a 4-bit
- * or less grayscale file, but if the gray levels do not fit into the
- * necessary grid, we write a paletted image--e.g., if the image
- * contains black, white and 50% gray, the grayscale image would
- * require 8-bit, but the paletted image only 2-bit. Even with
- * filtering, the 8-bit file will be larger.
- */
- int is_gray(png_color c)
- {
- /* check if r==g==b, moved to function to work around NeXTstep 3.3 cc bug.
- * life could be so easy if at least the basic tools worked as expected.
- */
- return == && ==;
- }
- int writefile(struct GIFelement *s,struct GIFelement *e, FILE *fp, int lastimg)
- {
- int i;
- struct GIFimagestruct *img = e->imagestruct;
- unsigned long *count = img->color_count;
- GifColor *colors = img->colors;
- int colors_used = 0;
- byte remap[MAXCMSIZE];
- int low_prec;
- png_struct *png_ptr = xalloc(sizeof (png_struct));
- png_info *info_ptr = xalloc(sizeof (png_info));
- int p;
- int gray_bitdepth;
- png_color pal_rgb[MAXCMSIZE], *pltep;
- png_byte pal_trans[MAXCMSIZE];
- png_color_16 color16trans, color16back;
- byte buffer[24]; /* used for gIFt and gIFg */
- byte *data;
- int j;
- png_uint_16 histogr[MAXCMSIZE];
- unsigned long hist_maxvalue;
- int passcount;
- int errorcount = 0;
- png_text software;
- /* these volatile declarations prevent gcc warnings ("variable might be
- * clobbered by `longjmp' or `vfork'") */
- volatile int gray = TRUE;
- volatile int last_color = 0;
- volatile int remapping = FALSE;
- volatile int bitdepth;
- /* ignore the transparency value if no pixel in the image uses it */
- if (img->trans != -1 && !count[img->trans])
- img->trans = -1;
- if (optimize) {
- /* zero out unused color table entries and use zlib level 9 */
- for (i = 0; i < MAXCMSIZE; i++)
- if(!count[i])
- colors[i].red = colors[i].green = colors[i].blue = 0;
- /*
- * The way that last_color is computed ensures that trailing zeroed-out
- * entries will be dropped.
- * FIXME: someday, actually compact unused colors out of the table
- * and remap pixels appropriately.
- */
- } else if (!recover) {
- /* report unused colors so user can choose to reconvert */
- int unused = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < MAXCMSIZE; i++)
- if (!count[i])
- unused++;
- if (unused)
- {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "gif2png: %d unused colors; convert with -O to removen",
- unused);
- errorcount++;
- }
- }
- for (i = 0; i < MAXCMSIZE; i++)
- if (count[i]) {
- gray &= is_gray(colors[i]);
- colors_used++;
- if (last_color < i)
- last_color = i;
- }
- if (gray) {
- if (verbose > 1)
- fprintf(stderr, "gif2png: input image is grayscalen");
- if (img->trans != -1) {
- for (i = 0; i < MAXCMSIZE; i++) {
- if (i!=img->trans && colors[i].red == colors[img->trans].red) {
- gray = FALSE;
- if (verbose > 1)
- fprintf(stderr,
- "gif2png: transparent color is repeated in visible colors, using paletten");
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- bitdepth = 8;
- if (last_color<16) bitdepth = 4;
- if (last_color<4) bitdepth = 2;
- if (last_color<2) bitdepth = 1;
- if (gray) {
- remapping = TRUE;
- for (i = 0; i < MAXCMSIZE; i++)
- remap[i] = colors[i].red;
- gray_bitdepth = 8;
- /* try to adjust to 4-bit precision grayscale */
- low_prec = TRUE;
- for (i = 0; i < MAXCMSIZE; i++) {
- if ((remap[i]&0xf)*0x11 != remap[i]) {
- low_prec = FALSE;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (low_prec) {
- for (i = 0; i < MAXCMSIZE; i++) {
- remap[i] &= 0xf;
- }
- gray_bitdepth = 4;
- }
- /* try to adjust to 2-bit precision grayscale */
- if (low_prec) {
- for (i = 0; i < MAXCMSIZE; i++) {
- if ((remap[i]&3)*5 != remap[i]) {
- low_prec = FALSE;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (low_prec) {
- for (i = 0; i < MAXCMSIZE; i++) {
- remap[i] &= 3;
- }
- gray_bitdepth = 2;
- }
- /* try to adjust to 1-bit precision grayscale */
- if (low_prec) {
- for (i = 0; i < MAXCMSIZE; i++) {
- if ((remap[i]&1)*3 != remap[i]) {
- low_prec = FALSE;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (low_prec) {
- for (i = 0; i < MAXCMSIZE; i++) {
- remap[i] &= 1;
- }
- gray_bitdepth=1;
- }
- if (bitdepth<gray_bitdepth) {
- gray = FALSE; /* write palette file */
- remapping = FALSE;
- } else {
- bitdepth = gray_bitdepth;
- }
- }
- if (verbose > 1)
- fprintf(stderr, "gif2png: %d colors used, highest color %d, %s, bitdepth %dn",
- colors_used, last_color, gray ? "gray":"palette", bitdepth);
- if (verbose > 2)
- for (i = 0; i <= last_color; i++) {
- fprintf(stderr, "(%3d, %3d, %3d)n",
- colors[i].red, colors[i].blue, colors[i].green);
- }
- if (setjmp(png_ptr->jmpbuf)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "gif2png: libpng returns fatal error conditionn");
- free(png_ptr);
- free(info_ptr);
- return 1;
- }
- /* initialize PNG writing */
- png_write_init(png_ptr);
- png_info_init(info_ptr);
- png_init_io(png_ptr, fp);
- if(optimize)
- png_set_compression_level(png_ptr, Z_BEST_COMPRESSION);
- if (gamma_srgb)
- {
- png_set_gAMA(png_ptr, info_ptr, 1./2.2);
- #if (PNG_LIBPNG_VER > 96)
- png_set_sRGB(png_ptr, info_ptr, PNG_sRGB_INTENT_PERCEPTUAL);
- #endif
- }
- /* set basic image properties: width/height, type, bit depth, interlace */
- if (interlaced == PNG_INTERLACE_LAST)
- interlaced = current->imagestruct->interlace ? PNG_INTERLACE_ADAM7 : PNG_INTERLACE_NONE;
- png_set_IHDR(png_ptr, info_ptr,
- current->imagestruct->width, current->imagestruct->height,
- bitdepth,
- interlaced,
- /* if the GIF specified an aspect ratio, turn it into a pHYs chunk */
- if (GifScreen.AspectRatio != 0 && GifScreen.AspectRatio != 49)
- png_set_pHYs(png_ptr, info_ptr,
- GifScreen.AspectRatio+15, 64, PNG_RESOLUTION_UNKNOWN);
- /* if the GIF specified an image offset, turn it into a oFFs chunk */
- if (img->offset_x>0 && img->offset_y>0)
- png_set_oFFs(png_ptr, info_ptr,
- img->offset_x, img->offset_y, PNG_OFFSET_PIXEL);
- if (GifScreen.Background > 0) { /* no background for palette entry 0 */
- /* if the background color doesn't appear in local palette, we just
- leave it out, if the pic is part of an animation, at least some will
- use the global palette */
- if (gray) {
- if (is_gray(GifScreen.ColorMap[GifScreen.Background])) {
- color16back.gray = remap[GifScreen.Background];
- png_set_bKGD(png_ptr, info_ptr, &color16back);
- }
- } else {
- for (i = 0; i < MAXCMSIZE; i++) {
- if (GifScreen.ColorMap[GifScreen.Background].red == colors[i].red &&
- GifScreen.ColorMap[GifScreen.Background].green == colors[i].green &&
- GifScreen.ColorMap[GifScreen.Background].blue == colors[i].blue) {
- if (last_color < i)
- last_color = i;
- color16back.index = i;
- info_ptr->background = color16back;
- info_ptr->valid |= PNG_INFO_bKGD;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /* transparency handling */
- if (img->trans != -1) {
- if (gray) {
- if (verbose > 2)
- fprintf(stderr, "gif2png: handling grayscale transparencyn");
- color16trans.gray = remap[img->trans];
- png_set_tRNS(png_ptr, info_ptr, NULL, 0, &color16trans);
- } else {
- if (verbose > 2)
- fprintf(stderr, "gif2png: handling palette transparencyn");
- #if 0
- for (i = 0; i < MAXCMSIZE; i++)
- pal_trans[i] = 255;
- pal_trans[img->trans] = 0;
- png_set_tRNS(png_ptr, info_ptr, pal_trans, img->trans+1, NULL);
- #else
- /* GRR NOTE: may be inconsistent with background-color logic (above) */
- remapping = TRUE;
- for (i = 0; i < MAXCMSIZE; i++)
- remap[i] = i;
- remap[0] = img->trans;
- remap[img->trans] = 0;
- pal_trans[0] = 0;
- png_set_tRNS(png_ptr, info_ptr, pal_trans, 1, NULL);
- #endif
- }
- }
- /* generate the PNG palette */
- if (!gray) {
- if (remapping) {
- if (verbose > 2)
- fprintf(stderr, "Remapping palette...n");
- for (i = 0; i <= last_color; i++) {
- pal_rgb[i].red = current->imagestruct->colors[remap[i]].red;
- pal_rgb[i].green = current->imagestruct->colors[remap[i]].green;
- pal_rgb[i].blue = current->imagestruct->colors[remap[i]].blue;
- }
- pltep = pal_rgb;
- } else {
- if (verbose > 2)
- fprintf(stderr, "Palette copied from GIF colors...n");
- pltep = current->imagestruct->colors;
- }
- png_set_PLTE(png_ptr, info_ptr, pltep, last_color+1);
- if (verbose > 2) {
- fprintf(stderr,"PNG palette generated with %d colors:n",last_color+1);
- for (i = 0; i <= last_color; i++) {
- fprintf(stderr, "(%3d, %3d, %3d)n",
- pltep[i].red, pltep[i].blue, pltep[i].green);
- }
- }
- }
- /* generate histogram chunk for paletted images only */
- if (histogram && !gray) {
- hist_maxvalue = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < MAXCMSIZE; i++)
- if (count[i]>hist_maxvalue)
- hist_maxvalue = count[i];
- if (hist_maxvalue <= 65535) {
- /* no scaling necessary */
- for (i = 0; i < MAXCMSIZE; i++)
- histogr[i] = (png_uint_16)count[i];
- } else {
- for (i = 0; i < MAXCMSIZE; i++)
- if (count[i]) {
- histogr[i] = (png_uint_16)
- #ifdef __GO32__
- /* avoid using fpu instructions on djgpp, so we don't need emu387 */
- (((long long)count[i]*65535)/hist_maxvalue);
- #else
- ((double)count[i]*65535.0/hist_maxvalue);
- #endif
- if (histogr[i] == 0)
- histogr[i] = 1;
- } else {
- histogr[i] = 0;
- }
- }
- png_set_hIST(png_ptr, info_ptr, histogr);
- }
- /* transcribe software chunk if necessary */
- if (software_chunk) {
- software.compression = PNG_TEXT_COMPRESSION_NONE;
- software.key = "Software";
- software.text = (char*)version;
- software.text_length = strlen(software.text);
- png_set_text(png_ptr, info_ptr, &software, 1);
- }
- png_write_info(png_ptr, info_ptr);
- if (info_ptr->bit_depth<8)
- png_set_packing(png_ptr);
- /* loop over elements until we reach the image or the last element if
- this is the last image in a GIF */
- while(lastimg ? s != NULL : s != e->next) {
- switch((byte)s->GIFtype) {
- case GIFimage:
- passcount = png_set_interlace_handling(png_ptr);
- for (p = 0; p<passcount;p++)
- for (i = 0; i<current->imagestruct->height; i++) {
- if (progress) {
- if (passcount>1)
- fprintf(stderr, "%d/%d ", p+1, passcount);
- fprintf(stderr, "%2d%%r",
- (int)(((long)i*100)/current->imagestruct->height));
- fflush(stderr);
- }
- data = access_data(current, (long) (img->interlace ?
- interlace_line(current->imagestruct->height,i) : i) *
- current->imagestruct->width,
- current->imagestruct->width);
- #ifndef TMPFILE
- /* if we store the image in memory, we have to remap once */
- if (remapping && p == 0)
- #else
- /* if we store the image in a file, we have to remap each time */
- if (remapping)
- #endif
- {
- for (j = 0; j < img->width; j++) {
- data[j] = remap[data[j]];
- }
- }
- png_write_row(png_ptr, data);
- }
- break;
- case GIFcomment:
- data = access_data(s, 0, s->size);
- j = s->size;
- if (data[j-1] == ' ') /* some apps include a NULL in GIF comment */
- --j;
- if (j<500) {
- png_write_tEXt(png_ptr, "Comment", (png_charp)data, j);
- } else {
- png_write_zTXt(png_ptr, "Comment", (png_charp)data, j, 0);
- }
- break;
- case GIFapplication:
- data = access_data(s, 0, s->size);
- png_write_chunk_start(png_ptr, "gIFx", s->size);
- png_write_chunk_data(png_ptr, data, s->size);
- png_write_chunk_end(png_ptr);
- break;
- /* Plain Text Extensions are not supported because they represent a separate
- subimage, and PNG is explicitly a single-image format. PNG's gIFt chunk
- has been officially deprecated.
- */
- #if 0
- case GIFplaintext:
- data = access_data(s, 0, s->size);
- /* gIFt is 12 bytes longer than GCE, due to 32-bit ints and
- rgb colors */
- png_write_chunk_start(png_ptr, "gIFt", s->size+12);
- memset(buffer, 0, 24);
- buffer[2] = data[1];
- buffer[3] = data[0];
- buffer[6] = data[3];
- buffer[7] = data[2];
- buffer[10] = data[5];
- buffer[11] = data[4];
- buffer[14] = data[7];
- buffer[15] = data[6];
- buffer[16] = data[8];
- buffer[17] = data[9];
- buffer[18] = GifScreen.ColorMap[data[10]].red;
- buffer[19] = GifScreen.ColorMap[data[10]].green;
- buffer[20] = GifScreen.ColorMap[data[10]].blue;
- buffer[21] = GifScreen.ColorMap[data[11]].red;
- buffer[22] = GifScreen.ColorMap[data[11]].green;
- buffer[23] = GifScreen.ColorMap[data[11]].blue;
- png_write_chunk_data(png_ptr, buffer, 24);
- png_write_chunk_data(png_ptr, data+12, s->size-12);
- png_write_chunk_end(png_ptr);
- break;
- #endif
- case GIFgraphicctl:
- data = access_data(s, 0, s->size);
- buffer[0] = (data[0] >> 2) & 7;
- buffer[1] = (data[0] >> 1) & 1;
- buffer[2] = data[2];
- buffer[3] = data[1];
- png_write_chunk(png_ptr, "gIFg", buffer, 4);
- break;
- default:
- fprintf(stderr, "gif2png internal error: encountered unused element type %cn", s->GIFtype);
- break;
- }
- s = s->next;
- }
- png_write_end(png_ptr, info_ptr);
- png_write_destroy(png_ptr);
- free(png_ptr);
- free(info_ptr);
- return errorcount;
- }
- int
- MatteGIF(GifColor matte)
- /* convert transparent pixels to a matte of given color */
- {
- int icount = 0;
- /* apply matte color to image-local transparency values */
- for (current = &first; current ; current = current->next) {
- if (current->imagestruct) {
- if (current->imagestruct->trans == -1)
- fprintf(stderr,
- "gif2png: no transparency color in image %d, matte argument ignoredn",
- icount);
- else if (verbose) {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "gif2png: transparent value in image %d is %dn",
- icount, current->imagestruct->trans);
- }
- current->imagestruct->colors[current->imagestruct->trans] = matte;
- current->imagestruct->trans = -1;
- }
- }
- return icount;
- }
- int processfilter(void)
- {
- int num_pics;
- struct GIFelement *start;
- current = &first;
- num_pics = ReadGIF (stdin);
- fclose(stdin);
- if (num_pics != 1) {
- fprintf(stderr, "gif2png: %d images in -1 (oneonly) moden", num_pics);
- return 1;
- }
- /* eliminate use of transparency, if that is called for */
- if (matte)
- MatteGIF(matte_color);
- start = NULL;
- for (current =; current ; current = current->next) {
- if (start == NULL) start = current;
- if (current->GIFtype == GIFimage) {
- (void)writefile(start, current, stdout, TRUE);
- start = NULL;
- ++numpngs;
- }
- }
- free_mem();
- return 0;
- }
- int processfile(char *fname, FILE *fp)
- {
- char outname[1025]; /* MAXPATHLEN comes under too many names */
- int num_pics;
- struct GIFelement *start;
- int i, suppress_delete = FALSE;
- char *file_ext;
- if (fp == NULL) return 1;
- #ifdef TMPFILE
- fseek(tempfile, 0, SEEK_SET);
- #endif
- current = &first;
- num_pics = ReadGIF (fp);
- fclose(fp);
- if (num_pics >= 0 && verbose > 1)
- fprintf(stderr, "gif2png: number of images %dn", num_pics);
- if (num_pics <= 0)
- return 1;
- if (webconvert)
- if (num_pics != 1)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "gif2png: %s is multi-imagen", fname);
- return 0;
- }
- else if (current->imagestruct && current->imagestruct->trans != -1)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "gif2png: %s has a transparency colorn", fname);
- return 0;
- }
- else
- {
- printf("%sn", fname);
- return 0;
- }
- /* eliminate use of transparency, if that is called for */
- if (matte)
- MatteGIF(matte_color);
- /* create output filename */
- strcpy(outname, fname);
- file_ext = outname+strlen(outname)-4;
- if (strcmp(file_ext, ".gif") != 0 && strcmp(file_ext, ".GIF") != 0 &&
- strcmp(file_ext, "_gif") != 0 && strcmp(file_ext, "_GIF") != 0) {
- /* try to derive basename */
- file_ext = outname+strlen(outname);
- while(file_ext >= outname) {
- if (*file_ext == '.' || *file_ext == '/' || *file_ext == '\') break;
- file_ext--;
- }
- if (file_ext<outname || *file_ext != '.') {
- /* as a last resort, just add .png to the filename */
- file_ext = outname+strlen(outname);
- }
- }
- strcpy(file_ext, ".png"); /* images are named .png, .p01, .p02, ... */
- start = NULL;
- i = 0;
- for (current =; current ; current = current->next) {
- if (start == NULL) start = current;
- if (current->GIFtype == GIFimage) {
- i++;
- if ((fp = fopen(outname, "wb")) == NULL) {
- perror(outname);
- return 1;
- } else {
- suppress_delete |= writefile(start, current, fp, i == num_pics);
- fclose(fp);
- ++numpngs;
- start = NULL;
- sprintf(file_ext, ".p%02d", i);
- }
- }
- }
- free_mem();
- if (delete && !suppress_delete) {
- unlink(fname);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* check if stdin is a terminal, if your compiler is lacking isatty or fileno
- (non-ANSI functions), just return 0
- */
- int input_is_terminal(void)
- {
- return isatty(fileno(stdin));
- }
- int main(int argc, char *argv[])
- {
- FILE *fp;
- int i, background;
- int errors = 0;
- char name[1025];
- int ac;
- char *color;
- software_chunk = 1;
- ac = 1;
- for (ac = 1; ac<argc && argv[ac][0] == '-'; ac++)
- {
- for (i = 1;i<strlen(argv[ac]); i++)
- switch(argv[ac][i]) {
- case 'b':
- if (ac >= argc - 1)
- {
- fputs("gif2png: missing background-matte argumentn",
- stderr);
- exit(1);
- }
- color = argv[++ac];
- if (*color == '#')
- color++;
- sscanf(color, "%x", &background);
- = (background >> 16) & 0xff;
- = (background >> 8) & 0xff;
- = background & 0xff;
- matte = TRUE;
- goto skiparg;
- case 'd':
- delete = TRUE;
- break;
- case 'f':
- filtermode = TRUE;
- break;
- case 'g':
- gamma_srgb = TRUE;
- break;
- case 'h':
- histogram = TRUE;
- break;
- case 'i':
- interlaced = PNG_INTERLACE_ADAM7;
- break;
- case 'n':
- interlaced = PNG_INTERLACE_NONE;
- break;
- case 'p':
- progress = TRUE;
- break;
- case 'r':
- recover = TRUE;
- break;
- case 's':
- software_chunk = FALSE;
- break;
- case 'v':
- ++verbose;
- break;
- case 'w':
- webconvert = TRUE;
- break;
- case 'O':
- optimize = TRUE;
- break;
- default:
- fprintf(stderr, "gif2png: unknown option `-%c'n", argv[ac][i]);
- usage:
- fprintf(stderr,
- "n"
- "usage: gif2png [ -bdfghinprsvwO ] [file[.gif]] ...n"
- "n"
- " -b replace background pels with given RRGGBB color (hex digits)n"
- " -d delete source GIF files after successful conversionn"
- " -g write gamma=(1.0/2.2) and sRGB chunksn"
- " -h generate PNG histogram chunks into color output filesn"
- " -i force conversion to interlaced PNG filesn"
- " -n force conversion to noninterlaced PNG filesn"
- " -p display progress of PNG writing in %%n"
- " -r try to recover corrupted GIF filesn"
- " -s do not write Software text chunkn"
- " -v verbose; display conversion statistics and debugging messagesn"
- " -w web probe, list images without animation or transparencyn"
- " -O optimize; remove unused color-table entries; use zlib level 9n"
- " -1 one-only; allow use as filter, die on multi-image GIFn"
- "n"
- " If no source files are listed, stdin is converted to noname.png.n"
- "n"
- " This is %s, %sn", version, compile_info);
- return 1;
- }
- skiparg:;
- }
- if (verbose > 1)
- fprintf(stderr, "gif2png: %s, %sn", version, compile_info);
- #ifdef TMPFILE
- if ((tempfile = tmpfile()) == NULL) {
- perror("tempfile");
- exit(1);
- }
- #endif
- /* loop over arguments or use stdin */
- if (argc == ac) {
- if (input_is_terminal()) {
- goto usage;
- }
- if (verbose > 1)
- fprintf(stderr, "stdin:n");
- if (filtermode) {
- if (processfilter() != 0) ++errors;
- } else {
- processfile("noname.gif", stdin);
- ++numgifs;
- }
- } else {
- for (i = ac;i<argc; i++) {
- strcpy(name, argv[i]);
- if ((fp = fopen(name, "rb")) == NULL) {
- /* retry with .gif appended */
- strcat(name, ".gif");
- fp = fopen(name,"rb");
- }
- if (fp == NULL) {
- perror(argv[i]);
- errors = 1;
- } else {
- if (verbose > 1)
- fprintf(stderr, "%s:n", name);
- errors |= processfile(name, fp);
- /* fp is closed in processfile */
- ++numgifs;
- }
- }
- }
- if (verbose)
- fprintf(stderr, "Done (%s). Converted %ld GIF%s into %ld PNG%s.n",
- errors? "with one or more errors" : "no errors detected",
- numgifs, (numgifs == 1) ? "" : "s", numpngs, (numpngs == 1)? "" : "s");
- return errors;
- }