- /*
- * 68K/386 32-bit C compiler.
- *
- * copyright (c) 1997, David Lindauer
- *
- * This compiler is intended for educational use. It may not be used
- * for profit without the express written consent of the author.
- *
- * It may be freely redistributed, as long as this notice remains intact
- * and either the original sources or derived sources
- * are distributed along with any executables derived from the originals.
- *
- * The author is not responsible for any damages that may arise from use
- * of this software, either idirect or consequential.
- *
- * v1.35 March 1997
- * David Lindauer,
- *
- * Credits to Mathew Brandt for original K&R C compiler
- *
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "expr.h"
- #include "c.h"
- #include "gen68.h"
- /*
- * this module handles the allocation and de-allocation of
- * temporary registers. when a temporary register is allocated
- * the stack depth is saved in the field deep of the address
- * mode structure. when validate is called on an address mode
- * structure the stack is popped until the register is restored
- * to it's pre-push value.
- */
- extern int cf_freedata,cf_freeaddress,cf_freefloat,maxdata,maxaddress;
- AMODE push[] = { {am_adec,7} },
- pop[] = { {am_ainc,7} };
- int next_data, /* Next available */
- next_addr;
- int max_data, /* Max available */
- max_addr;
- int next_float, max_float;
- long stackdepth,framedepth;
- char regstack[20],rsold[30],rsdepth = 0,rsodepth=0;
- char aregs[8],dregs[8],fregs[8];
- void regini(void)
- {
- int i;
- for (i=0; i < 8; i++) {
- aregs[0] = dregs[0] = fregs[0] = 0;
- }
- rsdepth = rsodepth = 0;
- }
- void gen_push(int reg, int rmode, int flag)
- /*
- * this routine generates code to push a register onto the stack
- */
- { AMODE *ap1;
- ap1 = xalloc(sizeof(AMODE));
- ap1->preg = reg;
- ap1->mode = rmode;
- if (rmode == am_freg) {
- gen_code(op_fmove,10,ap1,push);
- stackdepth +=8;
- }
- else {
- gen_code(op_move,4,ap1,push);
- stackdepth +=4;
- }
- }
- void gen_pop(int reg, int rmode, int flag)
- /*
- * generate code to pop the primary register in ap from the
- * stack.
- */
- { AMODE *ap1;
- ap1 = xalloc(sizeof(AMODE));
- ap1->preg = reg;
- ap1->mode = rmode;
- if (rmode == am_freg) {
- gen_code(op_fmove,10,pop,ap1);
- stackdepth -=8;
- }
- else {
- gen_code(op_move,4,pop,ap1);
- stackdepth -=4;
- }
- }
- void initstack(void)
- /*
- * this routine should be called before each expression is
- * evaluated to make sure the stack is balanced and all of
- * the registers are marked free.
- */
- {
- int i;
- for (i=0; i < 8; i++)
- aregs[0] = dregs[0] = fregs[0] = 0;
- rsdepth = rsodepth = 0;
- next_data = 0;
- next_addr = 0;
- max_data = cf_freedata-1;
- max_addr = cf_freeaddress-1;
- next_float = 0;
- max_float = cf_freefloat-1;
- }
- void mark(void)
- {
- rsold[rsodepth++] = rsdepth;
- }
- void release(void)
- {
- if (!rsodepth)
- return;
- rsodepth--;
- while (rsdepth > rsold[rsodepth]) {
- int data = regstack[--rsdepth];
- if (data <8) {
- gen_pop(data,am_dreg,0);
- dregs[data] = 1;
- }
- else
- if (data < 16) {
- gen_pop(data & 7,am_areg,0);
- aregs[data-8] = 1;
- }
- else {
- gen_pop(data & 7,am_freg,0);
- fregs[data-16] = 1;
- }
- }
- max_addr = next_addr < cf_freeaddress ? cf_freeaddress-1 : next_addr-1;
- max_data = next_data < cf_freedata ? cf_freedata-1 : next_data-1;
- max_float = next_float < cf_freefloat ? cf_freefloat-1 : next_float-1;
- }
- AMODE *temp_data(void)
- /*
- * allocate a temporary data register and return it's
- * addressing mode.
- */
- { AMODE *ap;
- ap = xalloc(sizeof(AMODE));
- ap->mode = am_dreg;
- ap->preg = next_data % cf_freedata;
- if( next_data > max_data )
- {
- gen_push(ap->preg,am_dreg,0);
- dregs[ap->preg] = 1;
- regstack[rsdepth++] = ap->preg;
- max_data = next_data;
- }
- ++next_data;
- return ap;
- }
- AMODE *temp_addr(void)
- /*
- * allocate a temporary address register and return it's
- * addressing mode.
- */
- { AMODE *ap;
- ap = xalloc(sizeof(AMODE));
- ap->mode = am_areg;
- ap->preg = next_addr % cf_freeaddress;
- if( next_addr > max_addr )
- {
- gen_push(ap->preg,am_areg,0);
- aregs[ap->preg] = 1;
- regstack[rsdepth++] = ap->preg+8;
- max_addr = next_addr;
- }
- ++next_addr;
- return ap;
- }
- AMODE *temp_float(void)
- /*
- * allocate a temporary address register and return it's
- * addressing mode.
- */
- { AMODE *ap;
- ap = xalloc(sizeof(AMODE));
- ap->mode = am_freg;
- ap->preg = next_float % cf_freefloat;
- if( next_float > max_float )
- {
- gen_push(ap->preg,am_freg,0);
- fregs[ap->preg] = 1;
- regstack[rsdepth++] = ap->preg+16;
- max_addr = next_float;
- }
- ++next_float;
- return ap;
- }
- void freedata(int dreg)
- {
- if (dreg < cf_freedata && next_data > 0) {
- dregs[dreg] = 0;
- --next_data;
- }
- }
- void freeaddr(int areg)
- {
- if (areg < cf_freeaddress && next_addr > 0) {
- aregs[areg] = 0;
- --next_addr;
- }
- }
- void freeop(AMODE *ap)
- /*
- * release any temporary registers used in an addressing mode.
- */
- { if( ap->mode == am_immed || ap->mode == am_direct )
- return; /* no registers used */
- if( ap->mode == am_dreg)
- freedata(ap->preg);
- else if( ap->mode == am_areg || ap->mode == am_ind || ap->mode == am_indx || ap->mode == am_adec || ap->mode == am_ainc)
- freeaddr(ap->preg);
- else if( ap->mode == am_freg && ap->preg < cf_freefloat && next_float>0) {
- fregs[ap->preg] = 0;
- --next_float;
- }
- else if (ap->mode == am_baseindxdata) {
- freeaddr(ap->preg);
- freedata(ap->sreg);
- }
- else if (ap->mode == am_baseindxaddr) {
- freeaddr(ap->preg);
- freeaddr(ap->sreg);
- }
- }