- /*
- * 68K/386 32-bit C compiler.
- *
- * copyright (c) 1996, David Lindauer
- *
- * This compiler is intended for educational use. It may not be used
- * for profit without the express written consent of the author.
- *
- * It may be freely redistributed, as long as this notice remains intact
- * and sources are distributed along with any executables derived from them.
- *
- * The author is not responsible for damages, either direct or consequential,
- * that may arise from use of this software.
- *
- * v1.5 August 1996
- * David Lindauer, gclind01@starbase.spd.louisville.edu
- *
- * Credits to Mathew Brandt for original K&R C compiler
- *
- */
- /* expression tree descriptions */
- enum e_node {
- en_void, /* used for parameter lists */
- en_cb, en_cub, en_cw, en_cuw, en_cl, en_cul, en_cf, en_cd, en_cp, en_cld,
- en_icon, en_lcon,en_iucon, en_lucon, en_rcon, en_fcon, en_lrcon,
- en_ccon, en_labcon, en_nacon, en_autocon, en_absacon, en_nalabcon,
- en_napccon, en_b_ref, en_w_ref, en_l_ref, en_ub_ref, en_uw_ref,
- en_floatref, en_doubleref, en_longdoubleref, en_autoreg, en_trapcall,
- en_ul_ref, en_fcall, en_fcallb, en_intcall, en_tempref, en_regref,
- en_pfcallb, en_pfcall, en_pcallblock,
- en_add, en_sub, en_mul, en_mod,
- en_div, en_lsh, en_rsh, en_cond, en_assign, en_refassign, en_eq, en_ne,
- en_asadd, en_assub, en_asmul, en_asdiv, en_asmod, en_asrsh,
- en_asumul, en_asudiv, en_asumod, en_pmul,
- en_aslsh, en_asand, en_asor, en_asxor, en_uminus, en_not, en_compl,
- en_lt, en_le, en_gt, en_ge, en_and, en_or, en_land, en_lor,
- en_xor, en_ainc, en_adec, en_umul, en_udiv, en_umod, en_ugt,
- en_uge, en_ule, en_ult, en_moveblock, en_stackblock, en_callblock,
- en_pdiv, en_alsh, en_arsh, en_asarsh,en_asalsh, en_bits};
- /* statement node descriptions */
- enum e_stmt {
- st_line, st_expr, st_while, st_for, st_do, st_if, st_switch,
- st_case, st_goto, st_break, st_continue, st_label, st_asm,
- st_return, st_block, st__genword };
- struct enode {
- enum e_node nodetype;
- char bits;
- char startbit;
- char cflags;
- long size; /* For block moves */
- union {
- long i;
- double f;
- char *sp;
- struct enode *p[2];
- } v;
- };
- struct snode {
- enum e_stmt stype;
- struct snode *next; /* next statement */
- struct enode *exp; /* condition or expression */
- struct snode *s1, *s2,*lst; /* internal statements &lineno*/
- /* changed */
- struct snode *label; /* label number for goto */
- };
- struct cse {
- struct cse *next;
- struct enode *exp; /* optimizable expression */
- short uses; /* number of uses */
- short duses; /* number of dereferenced uses */
- char size; /* Size of the expresion */
- char voidf; /* cannot optimize flag */
- char reg; /* allocated register */
- };
- #define ENODE struct enode
- #define SNODE struct snode
- #define CSE struct cse