- /*
- * 68K/386 32-bit C compiler.
- *
- * copyright (c) 1997, David Lindauer
- *
- * This compiler is intended for educational use. It may not be used
- * for profit without the express written consent of the author.
- *
- * It may be freely redistributed, as long as this notice remains intact
- * and either the original sources or derived sources
- * are distributed along with any executables derived from the originals.
- *
- * The author is not responsible for any damages that may arise from use
- * of this software, either idirect or consequential.
- *
- * v1.35 March 1997
- * David Lindauer,
- *
- * Credits to Mathew Brandt for original K&R C compiler
- *
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "expr.h"
- #include "c.h"
- #include "gen68.h"
- #include "diag.h"
- /* pc-relative expressions not optimized */
- extern int linkreg,basereg;
- extern AMODE push[], pop[];
- extern OCODE *peep_tail;
- extern SYM *currentfunc;
- extern int prm_stackcheck,prm_phiform,prm_linkreg,prm_rel, prm_smalldata;
- extern int floatregs,dataregs,addrregs;
- extern long framedepth,stackdepth;
- extern int cf_maxfloat, cf_maxaddress,cf_maxdata;
- extern int cf_freedata,cf_freeaddress;
- extern CSE *olist; /* list of optimizable expressions */
- long lc_maxauto;
- int save_mask, fsave_mask;
- void reserveregs(int *datareg, int *addreg, int *floatreg)
- /*
- * Reserve regs goes through and reserves a register for variables with
- * the REGISTER keyword. Note that it currently does register allocation
- * backwards...
- */
- {
- CSE *csp = olist;
- while (csp) {
- switch (csp->exp->nodetype) {
- case en_floatref:
- case en_doubleref:
- case en_longdoubleref:
- case en_b_ref:
- case en_w_ref:
- case en_l_ref:
- case en_ub_ref:
- case en_uw_ref:
- case en_ul_ref:
- if (csp->exp->v.p[0]->nodetype != en_autoreg)
- break;
- if (csp->exp->nodetype == en_floatref || csp->exp->nodetype == en_doubleref
- || csp->exp->nodetype == en_longdoubleref) {
- if (*floatreg <cf_maxfloat && floatregs)
- csp->reg = (*floatreg)++;
- }
- else if( (*datareg < cf_maxdata) && (csp->duses <= csp->uses/4) && dataregs)
- csp->reg = (*datareg)++;
- else if(!(csp->size == 1 || csp->size == -1) && (*addreg < cf_maxaddress) &&addrregs)
- csp->reg = (*addreg)++;
- if (csp->reg != -1) {
- ((SYM *)csp->exp->v.p[0]->v.p[0])->inreg = TRUE;
- ((SYM *)csp->exp->v.p[0]->v.p[0])->value.i = -csp->reg;
- }
- break;
- }
- csp = csp->next;
- }
- }
- void allocate(int datareg, int addreg, int floatreg, SNODE *block )
- /*
- * allocate will allocate registers for the expressions that have
- * a high enough desirability.
- */
- { CSE *csp;
- ENODE *exptr;
- unsigned mask, rmask,i,fmask,frmask,size;
- AMODE *ap, *ap2;
- framedepth = 4+lc_maxauto;
- mask = 0;
- rmask = 0;
- fmask = frmask = 0;
- for (i=cf_freedata; i < datareg; i++) {
- framedepth+=4;
- rmask = rmask | (1 << (15 - i));
- mask = mask | (1 << i);
- }
- for (i=cf_freeaddress+16; i < addreg; i++) {
- framedepth+=4;
- rmask = rmask | (1 << (23 - i));
- mask = mask | (1 << (i-8));
- }
- while( bsort(&olist) ); /* sort the expression list */
- csp = olist;
- while( csp != 0 ) {
- if (csp->reg == -1 && !(csp->exp->cflags & DF_VOL) && !csp->voidf) {
- if( desire(csp) < 3 )
- csp->reg = -1;
- else {
- if (csp->exp->nodetype == en_rcon || csp->exp->nodetype == en_fcon || csp->exp->nodetype == en_lrcon
- || csp->exp->nodetype == en_floatref || csp->exp->nodetype ==en_doubleref
- || csp->exp->nodetype == en_longdoubleref) {
- if (floatreg <24 && floatregs)
- csp->reg = floatreg++;
- }
- else if( (datareg < cf_maxdata) && (csp->duses <= csp->uses/4) && dataregs)
- csp->reg = (datareg)++;
- else if( !(csp->size == 1 || csp->size == -1) && (addreg < cf_maxaddress) &&addrregs)
- csp->reg = (addreg)++;
- }
- }
- if( csp->reg != -1 )
- {
- if (lvalue(csp->exp) && !((SYM *)csp->exp->v.p[0]->v.p[0])->funcparm) {
- ((SYM *)csp->exp->v.p[0]->v.p[0])->inreg = TRUE;
- ((SYM *)csp->exp->v.p[0]->v.p[0])->value.i = -csp->reg;
- }
- if (csp->reg < 16) {
- framedepth+=4;
- rmask = rmask | (1 << (15 - csp->reg));
- mask = mask | (1 << csp->reg);
- }
- else if (csp->reg < 32) {
- framedepth+=4;
- rmask = rmask | (1 << (23 - csp->reg));
- mask = mask | (1 << (csp->reg-8));
- }
- else {
- framedepth+=12;
- frmask = frmask | (1 << (39 - csp->reg));
- fmask = fmask | (1 << (csp->reg-32));
- }
- }
- csp = csp->next;
- }
- allocstack(); /* Allocate stack space for the local vars */
- if (currentfunc->tp->lst.head !=0 && currentfunc->tp->lst.head != (SYM *)-1) {
- if (prm_phiform || currentfunc->intflag) {
- mask |= (1 << (linkreg +8));
- rmask |= (1 << (15 - linkreg -8));
- framedepth+=4;
- }
- if (currentfunc->intflag) {
- mask |= 0xffff;
- rmask |= 0xffff;
- framedepth = lc_maxauto;
- }
- }
- if (prm_linkreg && !currentfunc->intflag && (currentfunc->tp->lst.head && currentfunc->tp->lst.head != (SYM *)-1 || lc_maxauto)) {
- gen_code(op_link,0,makeareg(linkreg),make_immed(-lc_maxauto));
- }
- if( mask != 0 )
- gen_code(op_movem,4,make_mask(rmask,0,0),push);
- save_mask = mask;
- if (fmask!=0)
- gen_code(op_fmovem,10,make_mask(frmask,0,1),push);
- fsave_mask = fmask;
- if ((prm_phiform || currentfunc->intflag) && currentfunc->tp->lst.head && currentfunc->tp->lst.head != (SYM *) -1) {
- gen_code(op_move,4,makeareg(0), makeareg(linkreg));
- }
- if ((!prm_linkreg || currentfunc->intflag) && lc_maxauto) {
- AMODE *ap = xalloc(sizeof(AMODE));
- ap->mode = am_indx;
- ap->offset = makenode(en_icon,(char *)-lc_maxauto,0);
- ap->preg = 7;
- gen_code(op_lea,0,ap,makeareg(7));
- }
- if (prm_stackcheck) {
- AMODE *ap1;
- ap = set_symbol("_stackerror",1);
- ap1 = set_symbol("_stackbottom",0);
- if (prm_rel) {
- ap1->mode = am_indx;
- ap1->preg = basereg;
- }
- else {
- ap1->mode = am_adirect;
- if (prm_smalldata)
- ap1->preg = 2;
- else
- ap1->preg = 4;
- }
- gen_code(op_cmp,4,ap1,makeareg(7));
- gen_code(op_bhi,0,ap,0);
- }
- }
- void loadregs(void)
- /*
- * Initailze allocated regs
- *
- */
- { CSE *csp;
- ENODE *exptr;
- unsigned mask, rmask,i,fmask,frmask,size;
- AMODE *ap, *ap2;
- csp = olist;
- while( csp != 0 ) {
- int sz;
- if( csp->reg != -1 )
- { /* see if preload needed */
- exptr = csp->exp;
- if( !lvalue(exptr) || ((SYM *)exptr->v.p[0]->v.p[0])->funcparm )
- {
- exptr = csp->exp;
- initstack();
- sz = csp->size;
- ap = gen_expr(exptr,F_ALL,sz);
- if (sz == 0 && ap->mode == am_immed)
- sz = 4;
- if( csp->reg < 16 ) {
- if (sz == 0 && ap->mode == am_immed)
- sz = 4;
- if (ap->mode == am_dreg)
- peep_tail->oper2->preg = csp->reg;
- else {
- ap2 = makedreg(csp->reg);
- gen_code(op_move,sz,ap,ap2);
- do_extend(ap2,sz,4,F_DREG);
- }
- }
- else
- if (csp->reg < 32) {
- if (sz == 0 && ap->mode == am_immed)
- sz = 4;
- if (ap->mode == am_areg)
- peep_tail->oper2->preg = csp->reg - 16;
- else {
- ap2 = makeareg(csp->reg - 16);
- gen_code(op_move,4,ap,ap2);
- }
- }
- else {
- if (sz == 0 && ap->mode == am_immed)
- sz = 8;
- if (ap->mode == am_freg)
- peep_tail->oper2->preg = csp->reg - 32;
- else {
- ap2 = makefreg(csp->reg - 32);
- size = 8;
- if (exptr->nodetype == en_floatref)
- size = 6;
- gen_code(op_fmove,size,ap,ap2);
- }
- }
- freeop(ap);
- if (lvalue(exptr) && ((SYM *)exptr->v.p[0]->v.p[0])->funcparm) {
- ((SYM *)exptr->v.p[0]->v.p[0])->inreg = TRUE;
- ((SYM *)exptr->v.p[0]->v.p[0])->value.i = -csp->reg;
- }
- }
- }
- csp = csp->next;
- }
- }
- void voidfloat(SNODE *block)
- {
- }
- void asm_scan(OCODE *cd)
- {
- }
- void asm_repcse(OCODE *cd)
- {
- }