



  1.     uC-FSDEVICEMMCsddriver.c              0x00000000   Number         0  sddriver.o ABSOLUTE
  2.     uC-FSDEVICEMMCsdhal.c                 0x00000000   Number         0  sdhal.o ABSOLUTE
  3.     uC-FSFSLfatfat_data.c                 0x00000000   Number         0  fat_data.o ABSOLUTE
  4.     uC-FSFSLfatfat_dir.c                  0x00000000   Number         0  fat_dir.o ABSOLUTE
  5.     uC-FSFSLfatfat_in.c                   0x00000000   Number         0  fat_in.o ABSOLUTE
  6.     uC-FSFSLfatfat_ioct.c                 0x00000000   Number         0  fat_ioct.o ABSOLUTE
  7.     uC-FSFSLfatfat_misc.c                 0x00000000   Number         0  fat_misc.o ABSOLUTE
  8.     uC-FSFSLfatfat_open.c                 0x00000000   Number         0  fat_open.o ABSOLUTE
  9.     uC-FSFSLfatfat_out.c                  0x00000000   Number         0  fat_out.o ABSOLUTE
  10.     uC-FSLBLlb_misc.c                      0x00000000   Number         0  lb_misc.o ABSOLUTE
  11.     uC-FSOSfs_x_ucos_ii.c                  0x00000000   Number         0  fs_x_ucos_ii.o ABSOLUTE
  12.     uC-GPSPortsgps_os.c                    0x00000000   Number         0  gps_os.o ABSOLUTE
  13.     uC-GPSSourcegps.c                      0x00000000   Number         0  gps.o ABSOLUTE
  14.     uC-LIBPortslib_mem_a.asm               0x00000000   Number         0  lib_mem_a.o ABSOLUTE
  15.     uC-LIBSourcelib_mem.c                  0x00000000   Number         0  lib_mem.o ABSOLUTE
  16.     uC-LIBSourcelib_str.c                  0x00000000   Number         0  lib_str.o ABSOLUTE
  17.     uC-OSViewPortsos_viewc.c               0x00000000   Number         0  os_viewc.o ABSOLUTE
  18.     uC-OSViewSourceos_view.c               0x00000000   Number         0  os_view.o ABSOLUTE
  19.     uCOS-IIPortsos_cpu_a.asm               0x00000000   Number         0  os_cpu_a.o ABSOLUTE
  20.     uCOS-IIPortsos_cpu_c.c                 0x00000000   Number         0  os_cpu_c.o ABSOLUTE
  21.     uCOS-IIPortsos_dbg.c                   0x00000000   Number         0  os_dbg.o ABSOLUTE
  22.     uCOS-IISourceos_core.c                 0x00000000   Number         0  os_core.o ABSOLUTE
  23.     uCOS-IISourceos_flag.c                 0x00000000   Number         0  os_flag.o ABSOLUTE
  24.     uCOS-IISourceos_mbox.c                 0x00000000   Number         0  os_mbox.o ABSOLUTE
  25.     uCOS-IISourceos_mem.c                  0x00000000   Number         0  os_mem.o ABSOLUTE
  26.     uCOS-IISourceos_mutex.c                0x00000000   Number         0  os_mutex.o ABSOLUTE
  27.     uCOS-IISourceos_q.c                    0x00000000   Number         0  os_q.o ABSOLUTE
  28.     uCOS-IISourceos_sem.c                  0x00000000   Number         0  os_sem.o ABSOLUTE
  29.     uCOS-IISourceos_task.c                 0x00000000   Number         0  os_task.o ABSOLUTE
  30.     uCOS-IISourceos_time.c                 0x00000000   Number         0  os_time.o ABSOLUTE
  31.     uCOS-IISourceos_tmr.c                  0x00000000   Number         0  os_tmr.o ABSOLUTE
  32.     VECT                                     0x08000000   Section      248  vectors.o(VECT)
  33.     App_NMI_ISR                              0x080000ed   Thumb Code     2  vectors.o(VECT)
  34.     App_Fault_ISR                            0x080000ef   Thumb Code     2  vectors.o(VECT)
  35.     App_MemFault_ISR                         0x080000f1   Thumb Code     2  vectors.o(VECT)
  36.     App_BusFault_ISR                         0x080000f3   Thumb Code     2  vectors.o(VECT)
  37.     App_UsageFault_ISR                       0x080000f5   Thumb Code     2  vectors.o(VECT)
  38.     App_Spurious_ISR                         0x080000f7   Thumb Code     2  vectors.o(VECT)
  39.     !!!main                                  0x080000f8   Section        8  __main.o(!!!main)
  40.     !!!scatter                               0x08000100   Section       52  __scatter.o(!!!scatter)
  41.     !!handler_copy                           0x08000134   Section       26  __scatter_copy.o(!!handler_copy)
  42.     !!handler_zi                             0x08000150   Section       28  __scatter_zi.o(!!handler_zi)
  43.     .emb_text                                0x0800016c   Section        4  lib_init.o(.emb_text)
  44.     .text                                    0x08000170   Section       42  cpu_a.o(.text)
  45.     .text                                    0x0800019c   Section      164  os_cpu_a.o(.text)
  46.     .text                                    0x08000240   Section      744  __printf.o(.text)
  47.     .text                                    0x08000528   Section       76  _printf_pad.o(.text)
  48.     .text                                    0x08000574   Section      208  _printf_longlong_hex.o(.text)
  49.     .text                                    0x08000644   Section      120  _printf_dec.o(.text)
  50.     .text                                    0x080006bc   Section       52  __0printf.o(.text)
  51.     .text                                    0x080006f0   Section       44  __0sprintf.o(.text)
  52.     .text                                    0x0800071c   Section       78  rt_memclr_w.o(.text)
  53.     .text                                    0x0800076a   Section      140  rt_memcpy_v6.o(.text)
  54.     .text                                    0x080007f6   Section       74  strcpy.o(.text)
  55.     .text                                    0x08000840   Section        2  compat_c99.o(.text)
  56.     .text                                    0x08000842   Section       62  kernel.o(.text)
  57.     .text                                    0x08000880   Section      162  _printf_intcommon.o(.text)
  58.     .text                                    0x08000924   Section       52  _printf_char_common.o(.text)
  59.     .text                                    0x08000958   Section       10  _sputc.o(.text)
  60.     .text                                    0x08000962   Section       30  ferror.o(.text)
  61.     .text                                    0x08000980   Section      106  rt_memcpy_w.o(.text)
  62.     .text                                    0x080009ea   Section       16  rtudiv10.o(.text)
  63.     .text                                    0x080009fc   Section       20  sys_exit.o(.text)
  64.     .text                                    0x08000a10   Section       26  _printf_outstr_char.o(.text)
  65.     .text                                    0x08000a2a   Section       10  _printf_input_char.o(.text)
  66.     .text                                    0x08000a34   Section       12  exit.o(.text)
  67.     .text                                    0x08000a40   Section       38  stkheap2.o(.text)
  68.     .text                                    0x08000a66   Section      192  lib_init.o(.text)
  69.     .text                                    0x08000b26   Section       10  boardinit2.o(.text)
  70.     .text                                    0x08000b30   Section        8  boardinit3.o(.text)
  71.     .text                                    0x08000b38   Section        2  use_no_semi.o(.text)
  72.     .text                                    0x08000b3c   Section       32  sys_stackheap_scatter2.o(.text)
  73.     .text                                    0x08000b5c   Section       12  rt_stackheap_storage.o(.text)
  74.     .text                                    0x08000b68   Section       12  rt_locale.o(.text)
  75.     .text                                    0x08000b74   Section        2  no_argv.o(.text)
  76.     .text                                    0x08000b78   Section       12  rt_fp_status_addr.o(.text)
  77.     INIT                                     0x08000b84   Section        8  init.o(INIT)
  78.     i.ADC_Cmd                                0x08000b8c   Section       18  stm32f10x_adc.o(i.ADC_Cmd)
  79.     i.ADC_DMACmd                             0x08000b9e   Section       18  stm32f10x_adc.o(i.ADC_DMACmd)
  80.     i.ADC_GetCalibrationStatus               0x08000bb0   Section       16  stm32f10x_adc.o(i.ADC_GetCalibrationStatus)
  81.     i.ADC_GetResetCalibrationStatus          0x08000bc0   Section       16  stm32f10x_adc.o(i.ADC_GetResetCalibrationStatus)
  82.     i.ADC_Init                               0x08000bd0   Section       80  stm32f10x_adc.o(i.ADC_Init)
  83.     i.ADC_RCVTabISRHandler                   0x08000c20   Section      272  bsp.o(i.ADC_RCVTabISRHandler)
  84.     ADC_RCVTabISRHandler                     0x08000c21   Thumb Code   254  bsp.o(i.ADC_RCVTabISRHandler)
  85.     i.ADC_RegularChannelConfig               0x08000d30   Section      144  stm32f10x_adc.o(i.ADC_RegularChannelConfig)
  86.     i.ADC_ResetCalibration                   0x08000dc0   Section       10  stm32f10x_adc.o(i.ADC_ResetCalibration)
  87.     i.ADC_SoftwareStartConvCmd               0x08000dca   Section       18  stm32f10x_adc.o(i.ADC_SoftwareStartConvCmd)
  88.     i.ADC_StartCalibration                   0x08000ddc   Section       10  stm32f10x_adc.o(i.ADC_StartCalibration)
  89.     i.AppTerminalRx                          0x08000de8   Section       16  app.o(i.AppTerminalRx)
  90.     i.App_TCBInitHook                        0x08000df8   Section        2  app.o(i.App_TCBInitHook)
  91.     i.App_TaskCreateHook                     0x08000dfa   Section        4  app.o(i.App_TaskCreateHook)
  92.     i.App_TaskIdleHook                       0x08000dfe   Section        2  app.o(i.App_TaskIdleHook)
  93.     i.App_TaskStart                          0x08000e00   Section      240  app.o(i.App_TaskStart)
  94.     App_TaskStart                            0x08000e01   Thumb Code   188  app.o(i.App_TaskStart)
  95.     i.App_TaskStatHook                       0x08000ef0   Section        2  app.o(i.App_TaskStatHook)
  96.     i.App_TaskSwHook                         0x08000ef2   Section        4  app.o(i.App_TaskSwHook)
  97.     i.App_TimeTickHook                       0x08000ef6   Section        4  app.o(i.App_TimeTickHook)
  98.     i.BSP_CPU_ClkFreq                        0x08000efa   Section       16  bsp.o(i.BSP_CPU_ClkFreq)
  99.     i.BSP_Init                               0x08000f0c   Section      660  bsp.o(i.BSP_Init)
  100.     i.BSP_IntDisAll                          0x080011a0   Section        4  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntDisAll)
  101.     i.BSP_IntEn                              0x080011a4   Section       14  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntEn)
  102.     i.BSP_IntHandlerADC1_2                   0x080011b4   Section       16  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerADC1_2)
  103.     i.BSP_IntHandlerCAN_RX1                  0x080011c4   Section       16  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerCAN_RX1)
  104.     i.BSP_IntHandlerCAN_SCE                  0x080011d4   Section       16  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerCAN_SCE)
  105.     i.BSP_IntHandlerDMA1_CH1                 0x080011e4   Section       16  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerDMA1_CH1)
  106.     i.BSP_IntHandlerDMA1_CH2                 0x080011f4   Section       16  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerDMA1_CH2)
  107.     i.BSP_IntHandlerDMA1_CH3                 0x08001204   Section       16  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerDMA1_CH3)
  108.     i.BSP_IntHandlerDMA1_CH4                 0x08001214   Section       16  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerDMA1_CH4)
  109.     i.BSP_IntHandlerDMA1_CH5                 0x08001224   Section       16  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerDMA1_CH5)
  110.     i.BSP_IntHandlerDMA1_CH6                 0x08001234   Section       16  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerDMA1_CH6)
  111.     i.BSP_IntHandlerDMA1_CH7                 0x08001244   Section       16  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerDMA1_CH7)
  112.     i.BSP_IntHandlerEXTI0                    0x08001254   Section       16  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerEXTI0)
  113.     i.BSP_IntHandlerEXTI1                    0x08001264   Section       16  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerEXTI1)
  114.     i.BSP_IntHandlerEXTI15_10                0x08001274   Section       20  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerEXTI15_10)
  115.     i.BSP_IntHandlerEXTI2                    0x08001288   Section       16  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerEXTI2)
  116.     i.BSP_IntHandlerEXTI3                    0x08001298   Section       16  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerEXTI3)
  117.     i.BSP_IntHandlerEXTI4                    0x080012a8   Section       16  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerEXTI4)
  118.     i.BSP_IntHandlerEXTI9_5                  0x080012b8   Section       16  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerEXTI9_5)
  119.     i.BSP_IntHandlerFLASH                    0x080012c8   Section       16  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerFLASH)
  120.     i.BSP_IntHandlerI2C1_ER                  0x080012d8   Section       20  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerI2C1_ER)
  121.     i.BSP_IntHandlerI2C1_EV                  0x080012ec   Section       16  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerI2C1_EV)
  122.     i.BSP_IntHandlerI2C2_ER                  0x080012fc   Section       20  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerI2C2_ER)
  123.     i.BSP_IntHandlerI2C2_EV                  0x08001310   Section       20  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerI2C2_EV)
  124.     i.BSP_IntHandlerPVD                      0x08001324   Section       16  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerPVD)
  125.     i.BSP_IntHandlerRCC                      0x08001334   Section       16  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerRCC)
  126.     i.BSP_IntHandlerRTC                      0x08001344   Section       16  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerRTC)
  127.     i.BSP_IntHandlerRTCAlarm                 0x08001354   Section       20  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerRTCAlarm)
  128.     i.BSP_IntHandlerSPI1                     0x08001368   Section       20  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerSPI1)
  129.     i.BSP_IntHandlerSPI2                     0x0800137c   Section       20  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerSPI2)
  130.     i.BSP_IntHandlerTAMPER                   0x08001390   Section       16  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerTAMPER)
  131.     i.BSP_IntHandlerTIM1_BRK                 0x080013a0   Section       16  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerTIM1_BRK)
  132.     i.BSP_IntHandlerTIM1_CC                  0x080013b0   Section       16  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerTIM1_CC)
  133.     i.BSP_IntHandlerTIM1_TRG_COM             0x080013c0   Section       16  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerTIM1_TRG_COM)
  134.     i.BSP_IntHandlerTIM1_UP                  0x080013d0   Section       16  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerTIM1_UP)
  135.     i.BSP_IntHandlerTIM2                     0x080013e0   Section       16  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerTIM2)
  136.     i.BSP_IntHandlerTIM3                     0x080013f0   Section       16  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerTIM3)
  137.     i.BSP_IntHandlerTIM4                     0x08001400   Section       16  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerTIM4)
  138.     i.BSP_IntHandlerUSART1                   0x08001410   Section       20  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerUSART1)
  139.     i.BSP_IntHandlerUSART2                   0x08001424   Section       20  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerUSART2)
  140.     i.BSP_IntHandlerUSART3                   0x08001438   Section       20  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerUSART3)
  141.     i.BSP_IntHandlerUSBWakeUp                0x0800144c   Section        2  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerUSBWakeUp)
  142.     i.BSP_IntHandlerUSB_HP_CAN_TX            0x08001450   Section       16  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerUSB_HP_CAN_TX)
  143.     i.BSP_IntHandlerUSB_LP_CAN_RX0           0x08001460   Section       16  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerUSB_LP_CAN_RX0)
  144.     i.BSP_IntHandlerWWDG                     0x08001470   Section       16  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerWWDG)
  145.     i.BSP_IntVectSet                         0x08001480   Section       36  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntVectSet)
  146.     i.BSP_LED_Off                            0x080014a4   Section       40  bsp.o(i.BSP_LED_Off)
  147.     i.BSP_LED_Toggle                         0x080014cc   Section      100  bsp.o(i.BSP_LED_Toggle)
  148.     i.BSP_PeriphEn                           0x08001530   Section      152  bsp_periph.o(i.BSP_PeriphEn)
  149.     i.CPU_IntSrcEn                           0x080015c8   Section      196  cpu_c.o(i.CPU_IntSrcEn)
  150.     i.DMA_ClearITPendingBit                  0x0800168c   Section       20  stm32f10x_dma.o(i.DMA_ClearITPendingBit)
  151.     i.DMA_Cmd                                0x080016a0   Section       18  stm32f10x_dma.o(i.DMA_Cmd)
  152.     i.DMA_DeInit                             0x080016b4   Section      240  stm32f10x_dma.o(i.DMA_DeInit)
  153.     i.DMA_GetITStatus                        0x080017a4   Section       32  stm32f10x_dma.o(i.DMA_GetITStatus)
  154.     i.DMA_ITConfig                           0x080017c4   Section       16  stm32f10x_dma.o(i.DMA_ITConfig)
  155.     i.DMA_Init                               0x080017d4   Section       72  stm32f10x_dma.o(i.DMA_Init)
  156.     i.FLASH_PrefetchBufferCmd                0x0800181c   Section       24  stm32f10x_flash.o(i.FLASH_PrefetchBufferCmd)
  157.     i.FLASH_SetLatency                       0x08001834   Section       24  stm32f10x_flash.o(i.FLASH_SetLatency)
  158.     i.GPIO_Init                              0x0800184c   Section      202  stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_Init)
  159.     i.GPIO_ReadOutputData                    0x08001916   Section        6  stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_ReadOutputData)
  160.     i.GPIO_ResetBits                         0x0800191c   Section        4  stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_ResetBits)
  161.     i.GPIO_SetBits                           0x08001920   Section        4  stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_SetBits)
  162.     i.OSDebugInit                            0x08001924   Section        2  os_dbg.o(i.OSDebugInit)
  163.     i.OSInit                                 0x08001928   Section      396  os_core.o(i.OSInit)
  164.     i.OSInitHookBegin                        0x08001ab4   Section        2  os_cpu_c.o(i.OSInitHookBegin)
  165.     i.OSInitHookEnd                          0x08001ab6   Section        2  os_cpu_c.o(i.OSInitHookEnd)
  166.     i.OSIntExit                              0x08001ab8   Section      112  os_core.o(i.OSIntExit)
  167.     i.OSMboxCreate                           0x08001b28   Section       76  os_mbox.o(i.OSMboxCreate)
  168.     i.OSMboxPend                             0x08001b74   Section      216  os_mbox.o(i.OSMboxPend)
  169.     i.OSMboxPost                             0x08001c4c   Section       76  os_mbox.o(i.OSMboxPost)
  170.     i.OSSemCreate                            0x08001c98   Section       76  os_sem.o(i.OSSemCreate)
  171.     i.OSSemPend                              0x08001ce4   Section      192  os_sem.o(i.OSSemPend)
  172.     i.OSSemPost                              0x08001da4   Section       82  os_sem.o(i.OSSemPost)
  173.     i.OSStart                                0x08001df8   Section       64  os_core.o(i.OSStart)
  174.     i.OSStatInit                             0x08001e38   Section       52  os_core.o(i.OSStatInit)
  175.     i.OSTCBInitHook                          0x08001e6c   Section        4  os_cpu_c.o(i.OSTCBInitHook)
  176.     i.OSTaskCreateExt                        0x08001e70   Section      196  os_task.o(i.OSTaskCreateExt)
  177.     i.OSTaskCreateHook                       0x08001f34   Section        4  os_cpu_c.o(i.OSTaskCreateHook)
  178.     i.OSTaskIdleHook                         0x08001f38   Section        4  os_cpu_c.o(i.OSTaskIdleHook)
  179.     i.OSTaskNameSet                          0x08001f3c   Section       84  os_task.o(i.OSTaskNameSet)
  180.     i.OSTaskStatHook                         0x08001f90   Section        4  os_cpu_c.o(i.OSTaskStatHook)
  181.     i.OSTaskStkChk                           0x08001f94   Section      124  os_task.o(i.OSTaskStkChk)
  182.     i.OSTaskStkInit                          0x08002010   Section      114  os_cpu_c.o(i.OSTaskStkInit)
  183.     i.OSTaskSuspend                          0x08002084   Section      152  os_task.o(i.OSTaskSuspend)
  184.     i.OSTaskSwHook                           0x0800211c   Section        4  os_cpu_c.o(i.OSTaskSwHook)
  185.     i.OSTimeDly                              0x08002120   Section      100  os_time.o(i.OSTimeDly)
  186.     i.OSTimeDlyHMSM                          0x08002184   Section      140  os_time.o(i.OSTimeDlyHMSM)
  187.     i.OSTimeGet                              0x08002210   Section       24  os_time.o(i.OSTimeGet)
  188.     i.OSTimeTick                             0x08002228   Section      180  os_core.o(i.OSTimeTick)
  189.     i.OSTimeTickHook                         0x080022dc   Section        4  os_cpu_c.o(i.OSTimeTickHook)
  190.     i.OSView_CmdParsePkt                     0x080022e0   Section     1256  os_view.o(i.OSView_CmdParsePkt)
  191.     OSView_CmdParsePkt                       0x080022e1   Thumb Code  1256  os_view.o(i.OSView_CmdParsePkt)
  192.     i.OSView_GetCPUName                      0x080027c8   Section       84  os_viewc.o(i.OSView_GetCPUName)
  193.     i.OSView_GetIntStkBase                   0x0800281c   Section        4  os_viewc.o(i.OSView_GetIntStkBase)
  194.     i.OSView_GetIntStkSize                   0x08002820   Section        4  os_viewc.o(i.OSView_GetIntStkSize)
  195.     i.OSView_Init                            0x08002824   Section       36  os_view.o(i.OSView_Init)
  196.     i.OSView_InitTarget                      0x08002848   Section      176  os_viewc.o(i.OSView_InitTarget)
  197.     i.OSView_RxGetINT32U                     0x080028f8   Section       60  os_view.o(i.OSView_RxGetINT32U)
  198.     OSView_RxGetINT32U                       0x080028f9   Thumb Code    50  os_view.o(i.OSView_RxGetINT32U)
  199.     i.OSView_RxHandler                       0x08002934   Section      192  os_view.o(i.OSView_RxHandler)
  200.     i.OSView_RxIntEn                         0x080029f4   Section       16  os_viewc.o(i.OSView_RxIntEn)
  201.     i.OSView_RxTxISRHandler                  0x08002a04   Section       96  os_viewc.o(i.OSView_RxTxISRHandler)
  202.     OSView_RxTxISRHandler                    0x08002a05   Thumb Code    88  os_viewc.o(i.OSView_RxTxISRHandler)
  203.     i.OSView_TaskCreateHook                  0x08002a64   Section       52  os_view.o(i.OSView_TaskCreateHook)
  204.     i.OSView_TaskSwHook                      0x08002a98   Section       72  os_view.o(i.OSView_TaskSwHook)
  205.     i.OSView_TerminalRxSetCallback           0x08002ae0   Section       12  os_view.o(i.OSView_TerminalRxSetCallback)
  206.     i.OSView_TickHook                        0x08002aec   Section       44  os_view.o(i.OSView_TickHook)
  207.     i.OSView_TmrInit                         0x08002b18   Section       76  bsp.o(i.OSView_TmrInit)
  208.     i.OSView_TmrRd                           0x08002b64   Section        8  bsp.o(i.OSView_TmrRd)
  209.     i.OSView_Tx1                             0x08002b6c   Section       12  os_viewc.o(i.OSView_Tx1)
  210.     i.OSView_TxHandler                       0x08002b78   Section      340  os_view.o(i.OSView_TxHandler)
  211.     i.OSView_TxIntDis                        0x08002ccc   Section       16  os_viewc.o(i.OSView_TxIntDis)
  212.     i.OSView_TxIntEn                         0x08002cdc   Section       16  os_viewc.o(i.OSView_TxIntEn)
  213.     i.OSView_TxStoINT16U                     0x08002cec   Section       52  os_view.o(i.OSView_TxStoINT16U)
  214.     OSView_TxStoINT16U                       0x08002ced   Thumb Code    44  os_view.o(i.OSView_TxStoINT16U)
  215.     i.OSView_TxStr                           0x08002d20   Section      148  os_view.o(i.OSView_TxStr)
  216.     i.OS_CPU_SysTickClkFreq                  0x08002db4   Section       16  bsp.o(i.OS_CPU_SysTickClkFreq)
  217.     i.OS_CPU_SysTickHandler                  0x08002dc4   Section       36  os_cpu_c.o(i.OS_CPU_SysTickHandler)
  218.     i.OS_CPU_SysTickInit                     0x08002de8   Section       40  os_cpu_c.o(i.OS_CPU_SysTickInit)
  219.     i.OS_EventTaskRdy                        0x08002e10   Section      208  os_core.o(i.OS_EventTaskRdy)
  220.     i.OS_EventTaskRemove                     0x08002ee0   Section       40  os_core.o(i.OS_EventTaskRemove)
  221.     i.OS_EventTaskWait                       0x08002f08   Section       96  os_core.o(i.OS_EventTaskWait)
  222.     i.OS_EventWaitListInit                   0x08002f68   Section       20  os_core.o(i.OS_EventWaitListInit)
  223.     i.OS_FlagInit                            0x08002f7c   Section      100  os_flag.o(i.OS_FlagInit)
  224.     i.OS_MemClr                              0x08002fe0   Section       22  os_core.o(i.OS_MemClr)
  225.     i.OS_Sched                               0x08002ff8   Section      100  os_core.o(i.OS_Sched)
  226.     i.OS_StrLen                              0x0800305c   Section       22  os_core.o(i.OS_StrLen)
  227.     i.OS_TCBInit                             0x08003074   Section      268  os_core.o(i.OS_TCBInit)
  228.     i.OS_TaskIdle                            0x08003180   Section       28  os_core.o(i.OS_TaskIdle)
  229.     i.OS_TaskStat                            0x0800319c   Section      144  os_core.o(i.OS_TaskStat)
  230.     i.RCC_ADCCLKConfig                       0x0800322c   Section       20  stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_ADCCLKConfig)
  231.     i.RCC_AHBPeriphClockCmd                  0x08003240   Section       24  stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_AHBPeriphClockCmd)
  232.     i.RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd                 0x08003258   Section       24  stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd)
  233.     i.RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd                 0x08003270   Section       24  stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd)
  234.     i.RCC_DeInit                             0x08003288   Section       60  stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_DeInit)
  235.     i.RCC_GetClocksFreq                      0x080032c4   Section      172  stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_GetClocksFreq)
  236.     i.RCC_GetFlagStatus                      0x08003370   Section       48  stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_GetFlagStatus)
  237.     i.RCC_GetSYSCLKSource                    0x080033a0   Section       16  stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_GetSYSCLKSource)
  238.     i.RCC_HCLKConfig                         0x080033b0   Section       20  stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_HCLKConfig)
  239.     i.RCC_HSEConfig                          0x080033c4   Section       56  stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_HSEConfig)
  240.     i.RCC_PCLK1Config                        0x080033fc   Section       20  stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_PCLK1Config)
  241.     i.RCC_PCLK2Config                        0x08003410   Section       20  stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_PCLK2Config)
  242.     i.RCC_PLLCmd                             0x08003424   Section       12  stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_PLLCmd)
  243.     i.RCC_PLLConfig                          0x08003430   Section       20  stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_PLLConfig)
  244.     i.RCC_SYSCLKConfig                       0x08003444   Section       20  stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_SYSCLKConfig)
  245.     i.RCC_WaitForHSEStartUp                  0x08003458   Section       68  stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_WaitForHSEStartUp)
  246.     i.SD_CalTimeout                          0x0800349c   Section      208  sddriver.o(i.SD_CalTimeout)
  247.     i.SD_ChkCard                             0x0800356c   Section        4  sdhal.o(i.SD_ChkCard)
  248.     i.SD_EnableCRC                           0x08003570   Section       54  sdcmd.o(i.SD_EnableCRC)
  249.     i.SD_GetCRC16                            0x080035a8   Section       40  sdcrc.o(i.SD_GetCRC16)
  250.     i.SD_GetCmdByte6                         0x080035d0   Section      126  sdcrc.o(i.SD_GetCmdByte6)
  251.     i.SD_HardWareInit                        0x08003650   Section      176  sdhal.o(i.SD_HardWareInit)
  252.     i.SD_Initialize                          0x08003700   Section      440  sddriver.o(i.SD_Initialize)
  253.     i.SD_ReadBlock                           0x080038b8   Section       96  sddriver.o(i.SD_ReadBlock)
  254.     i.SD_ReadBlockData                       0x08003918   Section      184  sdcmd.o(i.SD_ReadBlockData)
  255.     i.SD_ReadCSD                             0x080039d0   Section      166  sdcmd.o(i.SD_ReadCSD)
  256.     i.SD_ReadOCR                             0x08003a78   Section       78  sdcmd.o(i.SD_ReadOCR)
  257.     i.SD_ReadSingleBlock                     0x08003ac6   Section       66  sdcmd.o(i.SD_ReadSingleBlock)
  258.     i.SD_ResetSD                             0x08003b08   Section       22  sdcmd.o(i.SD_ResetSD)
  259.     i.SD_SPIDelay                            0x08003b1e   Section       28  sdcmd.o(i.SD_SPIDelay)
  260.     i.SD_SendCmd                             0x08003b3a   Section      174  sdcmd.o(i.SD_SendCmd)
  261.     i.SD_SetBlockLen                         0x08003be8   Section       60  sdcmd.o(i.SD_SetBlockLen)
  262.     i.SPI_CS_Assert                          0x08003c24   Section       12  sdhal.o(i.SPI_CS_Assert)
  263.     i.SPI_CS_Deassert                        0x08003c30   Section       12  sdhal.o(i.SPI_CS_Deassert)
  264.     i.SPI_ClkToMax                           0x08003c3c   Section       92  sdhal.o(i.SPI_ClkToMax)
  265.     i.SPI_Cmd                                0x08003c98   Section       18  stm32f10x_spi.o(i.SPI_Cmd)
  266.     i.SPI_I2S_GetFlagStatus                  0x08003caa   Section       14  stm32f10x_spi.o(i.SPI_I2S_GetFlagStatus)
  267.     i.SPI_I2S_ITConfig                       0x08003cb8   Section       26  stm32f10x_spi.o(i.SPI_I2S_ITConfig)
  268.     i.SPI_I2S_ReceiveData                    0x08003cd2   Section        4  stm32f10x_spi.o(i.SPI_I2S_ReceiveData)
  269.     i.SPI_I2S_SendData                       0x08003cd6   Section        4  stm32f10x_spi.o(i.SPI_I2S_SendData)
  270.     i.SPI_Init                               0x08003cda   Section       72  stm32f10x_spi.o(i.SPI_Init)
  271.     i.SPI_RecByte                            0x08003d24   Section       52  sdhal.o(i.SPI_RecByte)
  272.     i.SPI_SendByte                           0x08003d58   Section       36  sdhal.o(i.SPI_SendByte)
  273.     i.TIM_Cmd                                0x08003d7c   Section       22  stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_Cmd)
  274.     i.TIM_GetCounter                         0x08003d92   Section        4  stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_GetCounter)
  275.     i.TIM_PrescalerConfig                    0x08003d96   Section        6  stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_PrescalerConfig)
  276.     i.TIM_SetCounter                         0x08003d9c   Section        4  stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_SetCounter)
  277.     i.TIM_TimeBaseInit                       0x08003da0   Section       60  stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_TimeBaseInit)
  278.     i.TerminalTask                           0x08003ddc   Section      224  app.o(i.TerminalTask)
  279.     i.USART_ClearITPendingBit                0x08003ebc   Section       14  stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_ClearITPendingBit)
  280.     i.USART_ClockInit                        0x08003eca   Section       36  stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_ClockInit)
  281.     i.USART_Cmd                              0x08003eee   Section       18  stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_Cmd)
  282.     i.USART_GetFlagStatus                    0x08003f00   Section       14  stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_GetFlagStatus)
  283.     i.USART_GetITStatus                      0x08003f0e   Section       68  stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_GetITStatus)
  284.     i.USART_ITConfig                         0x08003f52   Section       48  stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_ITConfig)
  285.     i.USART_Init                             0x08003f82   Section      134  stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_Init)
  286.     i.USART_ReceiveData                      0x08004008   Section        8  stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_ReceiveData)
  287.     i.USART_SendData                         0x08004010   Section        8  stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_SendData)
  288.     i.fputc                                  0x08004018   Section       36  bsp.o(i.fputc)
  289.     i.main                                   0x0800403c   Section       88  app.o(i.main)
  290.     x$fpl$fpinit                             0x08004094   Section       14  fpinit.o(x$fpl$fpinit)
  291.     .constdata                               0x080040a2   Section       20  stm32f10x_rcc.o(.constdata)
  292.     ADCPrescTable                            0x080040a2   Data           4  stm32f10x_rcc.o(.constdata)
  293.     APBAHBPrescTable                         0x080040a6   Data          16  stm32f10x_rcc.o(.constdata)
  294.     .constdata                               0x080040b6   Section      256  os_core.o(.constdata)
  295.     .constdata                               0x080041b6   Section      512  sdcrc.o(.constdata)
  296.     .constdata                               0x080043b8   Section       56  sddriver.o(.constdata)
  297.     .constdata                               0x080043f0   Section       17  __printf.o(.constdata)
  298.     maptable@__printf_0                      0x080043f0   Data          17  __printf.o(.constdata)
  299.     .constdata                               0x08004401   Section       34  _printf_longlong_hex.o(.constdata)
  300.     lc_hextab@_printf_longlong_hex_0         0x08004401   Data          17  _printf_longlong_hex.o(.constdata)
  301.     uc_hextab@_printf_longlong_hex_1         0x08004412   Data          17  _printf_longlong_hex.o(.constdata)
  302.     .data                                    0x20000000   Section       92  app.o(.data)
  303.     .data                                    0x2000005c   Section        8  bsp.o(.data)
  304.     .data                                    0x20000064   Section        8  stm32f10x_rcc.o(.data)
  305.     HSEStatus                                0x20000064   Data           1  stm32f10x_rcc.o(.data)
  306.     StartUpCounter                           0x20000068   Data           4  stm32f10x_rcc.o(.data)
  307.     .data                                    0x2000006c   Section       56  os_core.o(.data)
  308.     .data                                    0x200000a4   Section        4  os_core.o(.data)
  309.     .data                                    0x200000a8   Section       40  os_view.o(.data)
  310.     .data                                    0x200000d0   Section        4  sddriver.o(.data)
  311.     .bss                                     0x200000d4   Section     2632  app.o(.bss)
  312.     App_TaskStartStk                         0x200000ec   Data        2048  app.o(.bss)
  313.     .bss                                     0x20000b1c   Section      176  bsp.o(.bss)
  314.     .bss                                     0x20000bcc   Section      168  bsp_int.o(.bss)
  315.     BSP_IntVectTbl                           0x20000bcc   Data         168  bsp_int.o(.bss)
  316.     .bss                                     0x20000c74   Section     2608  os_core.o(.bss)
  317.     .bss                                     0x200016a4   Section       80  os_core.o(.bss)
  318.     .bss                                     0x200016f4   Section      384  os_view.o(.bss)
  319.     .bss                                     0x20001874   Section       28  sddriver.o(.bss)
  320.     .bss                                     0x20001890   Section      204  stdio.o(.bss)
  321.     .bss                                     0x2000195c   Section       16  rt_stackheap_storage.o(.bss)
  322.     __rt_stackheap_storage_data              0x2000195c   Data          16  rt_stackheap_storage.o(.bss)
  323.     .bss                                     0x2000196c   Section       20  rt_locale.o(.bss)
  324.     __rt_locale_data                         0x2000196c   Data          20  rt_locale.o(.bss)
  325.     .bss                                     0x20001980   Section        4  rt_fp_status_addr.o(.bss)
  326.     __rt_fp_status_addr_data                 0x20001980   Data           4  rt_fp_status_addr.o(.bss)
  327.     Global Symbols
  328.     Symbol Name                              Value     Ov Type        Size  Object(Section)
  329.     BuildAttributes$$THM_ISAv4$M$P$D$K$S$PE$A:L22UL41UL21$X:L11$S22US41US21$IEEE1$IW$USESV6$~STKCKD$USESV7$~SHL$OTIME$EBA8$STANDARDLIB$REQ8$PRES8$EABIv2 0x00000000   Number         0  anon$$obj.o ABSOLUTE
  330.     __ARM_use_no_argv                        0x00000000   Number         0  app.o ABSOLUTE
  331.     __ARM_exceptions_init                     - Undefined Weak Reference
  332.     __alloca_initialize                       - Undefined Weak Reference
  333.     __cpp_initialize__aeabi_                  - Undefined Weak Reference
  334.     __cxa_finalize                            - Undefined Weak Reference
  335.     __fpl_infinity                            - Undefined Weak Reference
  336.     __sigvec_lookup                           - Undefined Weak Reference
  337.     __user_heap_extend                        - Undefined Weak Reference
  338.     __user_heap_extent                        - Undefined Weak Reference
  339.     _atexit_init                              - Undefined Weak Reference
  340.     _call_atexit_fns                          - Undefined Weak Reference
  341.     _clock_init                               - Undefined Weak Reference
  342.     _fp_trap_init                             - Undefined Weak Reference
  343.     _get_lc_collate                           - Undefined Weak Reference
  344.     _get_lc_ctype                             - Undefined Weak Reference
  345.     _get_lc_monetary                          - Undefined Weak Reference
  346.     _get_lc_numeric                           - Undefined Weak Reference
  347.     _get_lc_time                              - Undefined Weak Reference
  348.     _getenv_init                              - Undefined Weak Reference
  349.     _handle_redirection                       - Undefined Weak Reference
  350.     _mutex_acquire                            - Undefined Weak Reference
  351.     _mutex_release                            - Undefined Weak Reference
  352.     _printf_charcount                         - Undefined Weak Reference
  353.     _printf_fp_dec                            - Undefined Weak Reference
  354.     _printf_fp_hex                            - Undefined Weak Reference
  355.     _printf_longlong_dec                      - Undefined Weak Reference
  356.     _printf_longlong_oct                      - Undefined Weak Reference
  357.     _printf_mbtowc                            - Undefined Weak Reference
  358.     _printf_str                               - Undefined Weak Reference
  359.     _printf_truncate_signed                   - Undefined Weak Reference
  360.     _printf_truncate_unsigned                 - Undefined Weak Reference
  361.     _printf_wc                                - Undefined Weak Reference
  362.     _printf_wctomb                            - Undefined Weak Reference
  363.     _rand_init                                - Undefined Weak Reference
  364.     _signal_init                              - Undefined Weak Reference
  365.     _tmpfile_delete                           - Undefined Weak Reference
  366.     __main                                   0x080000f9   Thumb Code     8  __main.o(!!!main)
  367.     __scatterload                            0x08000101   Thumb Code     0  __scatter.o(!!!scatter)
  368.     __scatterload_rt2                        0x08000101   Thumb Code    44  __scatter.o(!!!scatter)
  369.     __scatterload_rt2_thumb_only             0x08000101   Thumb Code     0  __scatter.o(!!!scatter)
  370.     __scatterload_null                       0x0800010f   Thumb Code     0  __scatter.o(!!!scatter)
  371.     __scatterload_copy                       0x08000135   Thumb Code    26  __scatter_copy.o(!!handler_copy)
  372.     __scatterload_zeroinit                   0x08000151   Thumb Code    28  __scatter_zi.o(!!handler_zi)
  373.     __ARM_argv_veneer                        0x0800016d   Thumb Code     4  lib_init.o(.emb_text)
  374.     CPU_IntDis                               0x08000171   Thumb Code     0  cpu_a.o(.text)
  375.     CPU_IntEn                                0x08000175   Thumb Code     0  cpu_a.o(.text)
  376.     CPU_SR_Save                              0x08000179   Thumb Code     0  cpu_a.o(.text)
  377.     CPU_SR_Restore                           0x08000181   Thumb Code     0  cpu_a.o(.text)
  378.     CPU_CntLeadZeros                         0x08000187   Thumb Code     0  cpu_a.o(.text)
  379.     CPU_RevBits                              0x0800018d   Thumb Code     0  cpu_a.o(.text)
  380.     CPU_WaitForInt                           0x08000193   Thumb Code     0  cpu_a.o(.text)
  381.     CPU_WaitForExcept                        0x08000197   Thumb Code     0  cpu_a.o(.text)
  382.     OS_CPU_SR_Save                           0x0800019d   Thumb Code     0  os_cpu_a.o(.text)
  383.     OS_CPU_SR_Restore                        0x080001a5   Thumb Code     0  os_cpu_a.o(.text)
  384.     OSStartHighRdy                           0x080001ab   Thumb Code     0  os_cpu_a.o(.text)
  385.     OSCtxSw                                  0x080001cb   Thumb Code     0  os_cpu_a.o(.text)
  386.     OSIntCtxSw                               0x080001d5   Thumb Code     0  os_cpu_a.o(.text)
  387.     OS_CPU_PendSVHandler                     0x080001df   Thumb Code     0  os_cpu_a.o(.text)
  388.     __printf                                 0x08000241   Thumb Code   734  __printf.o(.text)
  389.     _printf_return_value                     0x0800051f   Thumb Code     2  __printf.o(.text)
  390.     _printf_percent                          0x08000521   Thumb Code     2  __printf.o(.text)
  391.     _printf_sizespec                         0x08000523   Thumb Code     2  __printf.o(.text)
  392.     _printf_pre_padding                      0x08000529   Thumb Code    42  _printf_pad.o(.text)
  393.     _printf_post_padding                     0x08000553   Thumb Code    34  _printf_pad.o(.text)
  394.     _printf_longlong_hex                     0x08000575   Thumb Code   188  _printf_longlong_hex.o(.text)
  395.     _printf_int_dec                          0x08000645   Thumb Code   102  _printf_dec.o(.text)
  396.     __0printf                                0x080006bd   Thumb Code    42  __0printf.o(.text)
  397.     __1printf                                0x080006bd   Thumb Code     0  __0printf.o(.text)
  398.     __0sprintf                               0x080006f1   Thumb Code    38  __0sprintf.o(.text)
  399.     __1sprintf                               0x080006f1   Thumb Code     0  __0sprintf.o(.text)
  400.     __aeabi_memclr4                          0x0800071d   Thumb Code     0  rt_memclr_w.o(.text)
  401.     __aeabi_memclr8                          0x0800071d   Thumb Code     0  rt_memclr_w.o(.text)
  402.     __rt_memclr_w                            0x0800071d   Thumb Code    78  rt_memclr_w.o(.text)
  403.     _memset_w                                0x08000721   Thumb Code     0  rt_memclr_w.o(.text)
  404.     __aeabi_memcpy                           0x0800076b   Thumb Code     0  rt_memcpy_v6.o(.text)
  405.     __rt_memcpy                              0x0800076b   Thumb Code   140  rt_memcpy_v6.o(.text)
  406.     _memcpy_lastbytes                        0x080007d3   Thumb Code     0  rt_memcpy_v6.o(.text)
  407.     strcpy                                   0x080007f7   Thumb Code    74  strcpy.o(.text)
  408.     __use_c99_library                        0x08000841   Thumb Code     2  compat_c99.o(.text)
  409.     __rt_entry                               0x08000843   Thumb Code    36  kernel.o(.text)
  410.     __rt_exit                                0x08000867   Thumb Code    18  kernel.o(.text)
  411.     __rt_abort                               0x08000879   Thumb Code     8  kernel.o(.text)
  412.     _printf_int_common                       0x08000881   Thumb Code   162  _printf_intcommon.o(.text)
  413.     _printf_char_common                      0x08000925   Thumb Code    42  _printf_char_common.o(.text)
  414.     _sputc                                   0x08000959   Thumb Code    10  _sputc.o(.text)
  415.     ferror                                   0x08000963   Thumb Code    30  ferror.o(.text)
  416.     __aeabi_memcpy4                          0x08000981   Thumb Code     0  rt_memcpy_w.o(.text)
  417.     __aeabi_memcpy8                          0x08000981   Thumb Code     0  rt_memcpy_w.o(.text)
  418.     __rt_memcpy_w                            0x08000981   Thumb Code   106  rt_memcpy_w.o(.text)
  419.     _memcpy_lastbytes_aligned                0x080009cf   Thumb Code     0  rt_memcpy_w.o(.text)
  420.     __rt_udiv10                              0x080009eb   Thumb Code    16  rtudiv10.o(.text)
  421.     _sys_exit                                0x080009fd   Thumb Code    16  sys_exit.o(.text)
  422.     _printf_outstr_char                      0x08000a11   Thumb Code    26  _printf_outstr_char.o(.text)
  423.     _printf_input_char                       0x08000a2b   Thumb Code    10  _printf_input_char.o(.text)
  424.     exit                                     0x08000a35   Thumb Code    12  exit.o(.text)
  425.     __use_two_region_memory                  0x08000a41   Thumb Code     2  stkheap2.o(.text)
  426.     __rt_stackheap_init                      0x08000a43   Thumb Code    24  stkheap2.o(.text)
  427.     __rt_heap_extend                         0x08000a5b   Thumb Code    12  stkheap2.o(.text)
  428.     __rt_lib_init                            0x08000a67   Thumb Code   174  lib_init.o(.text)
  429.     __rt_lib_shutdown                        0x08000b15   Thumb Code    18  lib_init.o(.text)
  430.     _platform_post_stackheap_init            0x08000b27   Thumb Code    10  boardinit2.o(.text)
  431.     _platform_post_lib_init                  0x08000b31   Thumb Code     8  boardinit3.o(.text)
  432.     __I_use_semihosting                      0x08000b39   Thumb Code     0  use_no_semi.o(.text)
  433.     __use_no_semihosting_swi                 0x08000b39   Thumb Code     2  use_no_semi.o(.text)
  434.     __user_setup_stackheap                   0x08000b3d   Thumb Code    16  sys_stackheap_scatter2.o(.text)
  435.     __rt_stackheap_storage                   0x08000b5d   Thumb Code     6  rt_stackheap_storage.o(.text)
  436.     __rt_locale                              0x08000b69   Thumb Code     6  rt_locale.o(.text)
  437.     __ARM_get_argv                           0x08000b75   Thumb Code     2  no_argv.o(.text)
  438.     __rt_fp_status_addr                      0x08000b79   Thumb Code     6  rt_fp_status_addr.o(.text)
  439.     ResetHndlr                               0x08000b85   Thumb Code     0  init.o(INIT)
  440.     ADC_Cmd                                  0x08000b8d   Thumb Code    18  stm32f10x_adc.o(i.ADC_Cmd)
  441.     ADC_DMACmd                               0x08000b9f   Thumb Code    18  stm32f10x_adc.o(i.ADC_DMACmd)
  442.     ADC_GetCalibrationStatus                 0x08000bb1   Thumb Code    16  stm32f10x_adc.o(i.ADC_GetCalibrationStatus)
  443.     ADC_GetResetCalibrationStatus            0x08000bc1   Thumb Code    16  stm32f10x_adc.o(i.ADC_GetResetCalibrationStatus)
  444.     ADC_Init                                 0x08000bd1   Thumb Code    74  stm32f10x_adc.o(i.ADC_Init)
  445.     ADC_RegularChannelConfig                 0x08000d31   Thumb Code   144  stm32f10x_adc.o(i.ADC_RegularChannelConfig)
  446.     ADC_ResetCalibration                     0x08000dc1   Thumb Code    10  stm32f10x_adc.o(i.ADC_ResetCalibration)
  447.     ADC_SoftwareStartConvCmd                 0x08000dcb   Thumb Code    18  stm32f10x_adc.o(i.ADC_SoftwareStartConvCmd)
  448.     ADC_StartCalibration                     0x08000ddd   Thumb Code    10  stm32f10x_adc.o(i.ADC_StartCalibration)
  449.     AppTerminalRx                            0x08000de9   Thumb Code    12  app.o(i.AppTerminalRx)
  450.     App_TCBInitHook                          0x08000df9   Thumb Code     2  app.o(i.App_TCBInitHook)
  451.     App_TaskCreateHook                       0x08000dfb   Thumb Code     4  app.o(i.App_TaskCreateHook)
  452.     App_TaskIdleHook                         0x08000dff   Thumb Code     2  app.o(i.App_TaskIdleHook)
  453.     App_TaskStatHook                         0x08000ef1   Thumb Code     2  app.o(i.App_TaskStatHook)
  454.     App_TaskSwHook                           0x08000ef3   Thumb Code     4  app.o(i.App_TaskSwHook)
  455.     App_TimeTickHook                         0x08000ef7   Thumb Code     4  app.o(i.App_TimeTickHook)
  456.     BSP_CPU_ClkFreq                          0x08000efb   Thumb Code    16  bsp.o(i.BSP_CPU_ClkFreq)
  457.     BSP_Init                                 0x08000f0d   Thumb Code   628  bsp.o(i.BSP_Init)
  458.     BSP_IntDisAll                            0x080011a1   Thumb Code     4  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntDisAll)
  459.     BSP_IntEn                                0x080011a5   Thumb Code    14  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntEn)
  460.     BSP_IntHandlerADC1_2                     0x080011b5   Thumb Code    12  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerADC1_2)
  461.     BSP_IntHandlerCAN_RX1                    0x080011c5   Thumb Code    12  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerCAN_RX1)
  462.     BSP_IntHandlerCAN_SCE                    0x080011d5   Thumb Code    12  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerCAN_SCE)
  463.     BSP_IntHandlerDMA1_CH1                   0x080011e5   Thumb Code    12  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerDMA1_CH1)
  464.     BSP_IntHandlerDMA1_CH2                   0x080011f5   Thumb Code    12  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerDMA1_CH2)
  465.     BSP_IntHandlerDMA1_CH3                   0x08001205   Thumb Code    12  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerDMA1_CH3)
  466.     BSP_IntHandlerDMA1_CH4                   0x08001215   Thumb Code    12  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerDMA1_CH4)
  467.     BSP_IntHandlerDMA1_CH5                   0x08001225   Thumb Code    12  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerDMA1_CH5)
  468.     BSP_IntHandlerDMA1_CH6                   0x08001235   Thumb Code    12  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerDMA1_CH6)
  469.     BSP_IntHandlerDMA1_CH7                   0x08001245   Thumb Code    12  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerDMA1_CH7)
  470.     BSP_IntHandlerEXTI0                      0x08001255   Thumb Code    12  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerEXTI0)
  471.     BSP_IntHandlerEXTI1                      0x08001265   Thumb Code    12  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerEXTI1)
  472.     BSP_IntHandlerEXTI15_10                  0x08001275   Thumb Code    14  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerEXTI15_10)
  473.     BSP_IntHandlerEXTI2                      0x08001289   Thumb Code    12  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerEXTI2)
  474.     BSP_IntHandlerEXTI3                      0x08001299   Thumb Code    12  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerEXTI3)
  475.     BSP_IntHandlerEXTI4                      0x080012a9   Thumb Code    12  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerEXTI4)
  476.     BSP_IntHandlerEXTI9_5                    0x080012b9   Thumb Code    12  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerEXTI9_5)
  477.     BSP_IntHandlerFLASH                      0x080012c9   Thumb Code    12  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerFLASH)
  478.     BSP_IntHandlerI2C1_ER                    0x080012d9   Thumb Code    14  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerI2C1_ER)
  479.     BSP_IntHandlerI2C1_EV                    0x080012ed   Thumb Code    12  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerI2C1_EV)
  480.     BSP_IntHandlerI2C2_ER                    0x080012fd   Thumb Code    14  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerI2C2_ER)
  481.     BSP_IntHandlerI2C2_EV                    0x08001311   Thumb Code    14  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerI2C2_EV)
  482.     BSP_IntHandlerPVD                        0x08001325   Thumb Code    12  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerPVD)
  483.     BSP_IntHandlerRCC                        0x08001335   Thumb Code    12  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerRCC)
  484.     BSP_IntHandlerRTC                        0x08001345   Thumb Code    12  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerRTC)
  485.     BSP_IntHandlerRTCAlarm                   0x08001355   Thumb Code    14  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerRTCAlarm)
  486.     BSP_IntHandlerSPI1                       0x08001369   Thumb Code    14  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerSPI1)
  487.     BSP_IntHandlerSPI2                       0x0800137d   Thumb Code    14  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerSPI2)
  488.     BSP_IntHandlerTAMPER                     0x08001391   Thumb Code    12  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerTAMPER)
  489.     BSP_IntHandlerTIM1_BRK                   0x080013a1   Thumb Code    12  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerTIM1_BRK)
  490.     BSP_IntHandlerTIM1_CC                    0x080013b1   Thumb Code    12  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerTIM1_CC)
  491.     BSP_IntHandlerTIM1_TRG_COM               0x080013c1   Thumb Code    12  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerTIM1_TRG_COM)
  492.     BSP_IntHandlerTIM1_UP                    0x080013d1   Thumb Code    12  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerTIM1_UP)
  493.     BSP_IntHandlerTIM2                       0x080013e1   Thumb Code    12  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerTIM2)
  494.     BSP_IntHandlerTIM3                       0x080013f1   Thumb Code    12  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerTIM3)
  495.     BSP_IntHandlerTIM4                       0x08001401   Thumb Code    12  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerTIM4)
  496.     BSP_IntHandlerUSART1                     0x08001411   Thumb Code    14  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerUSART1)
  497.     BSP_IntHandlerUSART2                     0x08001425   Thumb Code    14  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerUSART2)
  498.     BSP_IntHandlerUSART3                     0x08001439   Thumb Code    14  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerUSART3)
  499.     BSP_IntHandlerUSBWakeUp                  0x0800144d   Thumb Code     2  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerUSBWakeUp)
  500.     BSP_IntHandlerUSB_HP_CAN_TX              0x08001451   Thumb Code    12  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerUSB_HP_CAN_TX)
  501.     BSP_IntHandlerUSB_LP_CAN_RX0             0x08001461   Thumb Code    12  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerUSB_LP_CAN_RX0)
  502.     BSP_IntHandlerWWDG                       0x08001471   Thumb Code    12  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntHandlerWWDG)
  503.     BSP_IntVectSet                           0x08001481   Thumb Code    30  bsp_int.o(i.BSP_IntVectSet)
  504.     BSP_LED_Off                              0x080014a5   Thumb Code    34  bsp.o(i.BSP_LED_Off)
  505.     BSP_LED_Toggle                           0x080014cd   Thumb Code    94  bsp.o(i.BSP_LED_Toggle)
  506.     BSP_PeriphEn                             0x08001531   Thumb Code   148  bsp_periph.o(i.BSP_PeriphEn)
  507.     CPU_IntSrcEn                             0x080015c9   Thumb Code   192  cpu_c.o(i.CPU_IntSrcEn)
  508.     DMA_ClearITPendingBit                    0x0800168d   Thumb Code    16  stm32f10x_dma.o(i.DMA_ClearITPendingBit)
  509.     DMA_Cmd                                  0x080016a1   Thumb Code    18  stm32f10x_dma.o(i.DMA_Cmd)
  510.     DMA_DeInit                               0x080016b5   Thumb Code   222  stm32f10x_dma.o(i.DMA_DeInit)
  511.     DMA_GetITStatus                          0x080017a5   Thumb Code    26  stm32f10x_dma.o(i.DMA_GetITStatus)
  512.     DMA_ITConfig                             0x080017c5   Thumb Code    16  stm32f10x_dma.o(i.DMA_ITConfig)
  513.     DMA_Init                                 0x080017d5   Thumb Code    72  stm32f10x_dma.o(i.DMA_Init)
  514.     FLASH_PrefetchBufferCmd                  0x0800181d   Thumb Code    18  stm32f10x_flash.o(i.FLASH_PrefetchBufferCmd)
  515.     FLASH_SetLatency                         0x08001835   Thumb Code    18  stm32f10x_flash.o(i.FLASH_SetLatency)
  516.     GPIO_Init                                0x0800184d   Thumb Code   202  stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_Init)
  517.     GPIO_ReadOutputData                      0x08001917   Thumb Code     6  stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_ReadOutputData)
  518.     GPIO_ResetBits                           0x0800191d   Thumb Code     4  stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_ResetBits)
  519.     GPIO_SetBits                             0x08001921   Thumb Code     4  stm32f10x_gpio.o(i.GPIO_SetBits)
  520.     OSDebugInit                              0x08001925   Thumb Code     2  os_dbg.o(i.OSDebugInit)
  521.     OSInit                                   0x08001929   Thumb Code   326  os_core.o(i.OSInit)
  522.     OSInitHookBegin                          0x08001ab5   Thumb Code     2  os_cpu_c.o(i.OSInitHookBegin)
  523.     OSInitHookEnd                            0x08001ab7   Thumb Code     2  os_cpu_c.o(i.OSInitHookEnd)
  524.     OSIntExit                                0x08001ab9   Thumb Code    96  os_core.o(i.OSIntExit)
  525.     OSMboxCreate                             0x08001b29   Thumb Code    62  os_mbox.o(i.OSMboxCreate)
  526.     OSMboxPend                               0x08001b75   Thumb Code   202  os_mbox.o(i.OSMboxPend)
  527.     OSMboxPost                               0x08001c4d   Thumb Code    76  os_mbox.o(i.OSMboxPost)
  528.     OSSemCreate                              0x08001c99   Thumb Code    62  os_sem.o(i.OSSemCreate)
  529.     OSSemPend                                0x08001ce5   Thumb Code   180  os_sem.o(i.OSSemPend)
  530.     OSSemPost                                0x08001da5   Thumb Code    82  os_sem.o(i.OSSemPost)
  531.     OSStart                                  0x08001df9   Thumb Code    46  os_core.o(i.OSStart)
  532.     OSStatInit                               0x08001e39   Thumb Code    48  os_core.o(i.OSStatInit)
  533.     OSTCBInitHook                            0x08001e6d   Thumb Code     4  os_cpu_c.o(i.OSTCBInitHook)
  534.     OSTaskCreateExt                          0x08001e71   Thumb Code   182  os_task.o(i.OSTaskCreateExt)
  535.     OSTaskCreateHook                         0x08001f35   Thumb Code     4  os_cpu_c.o(i.OSTaskCreateHook)
  536.     OSTaskIdleHook                           0x08001f39   Thumb Code     4  os_cpu_c.o(i.OSTaskIdleHook)
  537.     OSTaskNameSet                            0x08001f3d   Thumb Code    72  os_task.o(i.OSTaskNameSet)
  538.     OSTaskStatHook                           0x08001f91   Thumb Code     4  os_cpu_c.o(i.OSTaskStatHook)
  539.     OSTaskStkChk                             0x08001f95   Thumb Code   114  os_task.o(i.OSTaskStkChk)
  540.     OSTaskStkInit                            0x08002011   Thumb Code   114  os_cpu_c.o(i.OSTaskStkInit)
  541.     OSTaskSuspend                            0x08002085   Thumb Code   134  os_task.o(i.OSTaskSuspend)
  542.     OSTaskSwHook                             0x0800211d   Thumb Code     4  os_cpu_c.o(i.OSTaskSwHook)
  543.     OSTimeDly                                0x08002121   Thumb Code    84  os_time.o(i.OSTimeDly)
  544.     OSTimeDlyHMSM                            0x08002185   Thumb Code   124  os_time.o(i.OSTimeDlyHMSM)
  545.     OSTimeGet                                0x08002211   Thumb Code    18  os_time.o(i.OSTimeGet)
  546.     OSTimeTick                               0x08002229   Thumb Code   172  os_core.o(i.OSTimeTick)
  547.     OSTimeTickHook                           0x080022dd   Thumb Code     4  os_cpu_c.o(i.OSTimeTickHook)
  548.     OSView_GetCPUName                        0x080027c9   Thumb Code    48  os_viewc.o(i.OSView_GetCPUName)
  549.     OSView_GetIntStkBase                     0x0800281d   Thumb Code     4  os_viewc.o(i.OSView_GetIntStkBase)
  550.     OSView_GetIntStkSize                     0x08002821   Thumb Code     4  os_viewc.o(i.OSView_GetIntStkSize)
  551.     OSView_Init                              0x08002825   Thumb Code    28  os_view.o(i.OSView_Init)
  552.     OSView_InitTarget                        0x08002849   Thumb Code   162  os_viewc.o(i.OSView_InitTarget)
  553.     OSView_RxHandler                         0x08002935   Thumb Code   182  os_view.o(i.OSView_RxHandler)
  554.     OSView_RxIntEn                           0x080029f5   Thumb Code    12  os_viewc.o(i.OSView_RxIntEn)
  555.     OSView_TaskCreateHook                    0x08002a65   Thumb Code    46  os_view.o(i.OSView_TaskCreateHook)
  556.     OSView_TaskSwHook                        0x08002a99   Thumb Code    58  os_view.o(i.OSView_TaskSwHook)
  557.     OSView_TerminalRxSetCallback             0x08002ae1   Thumb Code     6  os_view.o(i.OSView_TerminalRxSetCallback)
  558.     OSView_TickHook                          0x08002aed   Thumb Code    38  os_view.o(i.OSView_TickHook)
  559.     OSView_TmrInit                           0x08002b19   Thumb Code    76  bsp.o(i.OSView_TmrInit)
  560.     OSView_TmrRd                             0x08002b65   Thumb Code     8  bsp.o(i.OSView_TmrRd)
  561.     OSView_Tx1                               0x08002b6d   Thumb Code     8  os_viewc.o(i.OSView_Tx1)
  562.     OSView_TxHandler                         0x08002b79   Thumb Code   328  os_view.o(i.OSView_TxHandler)
  563.     OSView_TxIntDis                          0x08002ccd   Thumb Code    12  os_viewc.o(i.OSView_TxIntDis)
  564.     OSView_TxIntEn                           0x08002cdd   Thumb Code    12  os_viewc.o(i.OSView_TxIntEn)
  565.     OSView_TxStr                             0x08002d21   Thumb Code   140  os_view.o(i.OSView_TxStr)
  566.     OS_CPU_SysTickClkFreq                    0x08002db5   Thumb Code    16  bsp.o(i.OS_CPU_SysTickClkFreq)
  567.     OS_CPU_SysTickHandler                    0x08002dc5   Thumb Code    30  os_cpu_c.o(i.OS_CPU_SysTickHandler)
  568.     OS_CPU_SysTickInit                       0x08002de9   Thumb Code    40  os_cpu_c.o(i.OS_CPU_SysTickInit)
  569.     OS_EventTaskRdy                          0x08002e11   Thumb Code   196  os_core.o(i.OS_EventTaskRdy)
  570.     OS_EventTaskRemove                       0x08002ee1   Thumb Code    40  os_core.o(i.OS_EventTaskRemove)
  571.     OS_EventTaskWait                         0x08002f09   Thumb Code    92  os_core.o(i.OS_EventTaskWait)
  572.     OS_EventWaitListInit                     0x08002f69   Thumb Code    20  os_core.o(i.OS_EventWaitListInit)
  573.     OS_FlagInit                              0x08002f7d   Thumb Code    86  os_flag.o(i.OS_FlagInit)
  574.     OS_MemClr                                0x08002fe1   Thumb Code    22  os_core.o(i.OS_MemClr)
  575.     OS_Sched                                 0x08002ff9   Thumb Code    82  os_core.o(i.OS_Sched)
  576.     OS_StrLen                                0x0800305d   Thumb Code    22  os_core.o(i.OS_StrLen)
  577.     OS_TCBInit                               0x08003075   Thumb Code   252  os_core.o(i.OS_TCBInit)
  578.     OS_TaskIdle                              0x08003181   Thumb Code    24  os_core.o(i.OS_TaskIdle)
  579.     OS_TaskStat                              0x0800319d   Thumb Code   134  os_core.o(i.OS_TaskStat)
  580.     RCC_ADCCLKConfig                         0x0800322d   Thumb Code    14  stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_ADCCLKConfig)
  581.     RCC_AHBPeriphClockCmd                    0x08003241   Thumb Code    18  stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_AHBPeriphClockCmd)
  582.     RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd                   0x08003259   Thumb Code    18  stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd)
  583.     RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd                   0x08003271   Thumb Code    18  stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd)
  584.     RCC_DeInit                               0x08003289   Thumb Code    52  stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_DeInit)
  585.     RCC_GetClocksFreq                        0x080032c5   Thumb Code   156  stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_GetClocksFreq)
  586.     RCC_GetFlagStatus                        0x08003371   Thumb Code    42  stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_GetFlagStatus)
  587.     RCC_GetSYSCLKSource                      0x080033a1   Thumb Code    10  stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_GetSYSCLKSource)
  588.     RCC_HCLKConfig                           0x080033b1   Thumb Code    14  stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_HCLKConfig)
  589.     RCC_HSEConfig                            0x080033c5   Thumb Code    50  stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_HSEConfig)
  590.     RCC_PCLK1Config                          0x080033fd   Thumb Code    14  stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_PCLK1Config)
  591.     RCC_PCLK2Config                          0x08003411   Thumb Code    16  stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_PCLK2Config)
  592.     RCC_PLLCmd                               0x08003425   Thumb Code     6  stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_PLLCmd)
  593.     RCC_PLLConfig                            0x08003431   Thumb Code    16  stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_PLLConfig)
  594.     RCC_SYSCLKConfig                         0x08003445   Thumb Code    14  stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_SYSCLKConfig)
  595.     RCC_WaitForHSEStartUp                    0x08003459   Thumb Code    58  stm32f10x_rcc.o(i.RCC_WaitForHSEStartUp)
  596.     SD_CalTimeout                            0x0800349d   Thumb Code   182  sddriver.o(i.SD_CalTimeout)
  597.     SD_ChkCard                               0x0800356d   Thumb Code     4  sdhal.o(i.SD_ChkCard)
  598.     SD_EnableCRC                             0x08003571   Thumb Code    54  sdcmd.o(i.SD_EnableCRC)
  599.     SD_GetCRC16                              0x080035a9   Thumb Code    36  sdcrc.o(i.SD_GetCRC16)
  600.     SD_GetCmdByte6                           0x080035d1   Thumb Code   126  sdcrc.o(i.SD_GetCmdByte6)
  601.     SD_HardWareInit                          0x08003651   Thumb Code   162  sdhal.o(i.SD_HardWareInit)
  602.     SD_Initialize                            0x08003701   Thumb Code   428  sddriver.o(i.SD_Initialize)
  603.     SD_ReadBlock                             0x080038b9   Thumb Code    86  sddriver.o(i.SD_ReadBlock)
  604.     SD_ReadBlockData                         0x08003919   Thumb Code   178  sdcmd.o(i.SD_ReadBlockData)
  605.     SD_ReadCSD                               0x080039d1   Thumb Code   166  sdcmd.o(i.SD_ReadCSD)
  606.     SD_ReadOCR                               0x08003a79   Thumb Code    78  sdcmd.o(i.SD_ReadOCR)
  607.     SD_ReadSingleBlock                       0x08003ac7   Thumb Code    66  sdcmd.o(i.SD_ReadSingleBlock)
  608.     SD_ResetSD                               0x08003b09   Thumb Code    22  sdcmd.o(i.SD_ResetSD)
  609.     SD_SPIDelay                              0x08003b1f   Thumb Code    28  sdcmd.o(i.SD_SPIDelay)
  610.     SD_SendCmd                               0x08003b3b   Thumb Code   174  sdcmd.o(i.SD_SendCmd)
  611.     SD_SetBlockLen                           0x08003be9   Thumb Code    60  sdcmd.o(i.SD_SetBlockLen)
  612.     SPI_CS_Assert                            0x08003c25   Thumb Code     8  sdhal.o(i.SPI_CS_Assert)
  613.     SPI_CS_Deassert                          0x08003c31   Thumb Code     8  sdhal.o(i.SPI_CS_Deassert)
  614.     SPI_ClkToMax                             0x08003c3d   Thumb Code    88  sdhal.o(i.SPI_ClkToMax)
  615.     SPI_Cmd                                  0x08003c99   Thumb Code    18  stm32f10x_spi.o(i.SPI_Cmd)
  616.     SPI_I2S_GetFlagStatus                    0x08003cab   Thumb Code    14  stm32f10x_spi.o(i.SPI_I2S_GetFlagStatus)
  617.     SPI_I2S_ITConfig                         0x08003cb9   Thumb Code    26  stm32f10x_spi.o(i.SPI_I2S_ITConfig)
  618.     SPI_I2S_ReceiveData                      0x08003cd3   Thumb Code     4  stm32f10x_spi.o(i.SPI_I2S_ReceiveData)
  619.     SPI_I2S_SendData                         0x08003cd7   Thumb Code     4  stm32f10x_spi.o(i.SPI_I2S_SendData)
  620.     SPI_Init                                 0x08003cdb   Thumb Code    72  stm32f10x_spi.o(i.SPI_Init)
  621.     SPI_RecByte                              0x08003d25   Thumb Code    46  sdhal.o(i.SPI_RecByte)
  622.     SPI_SendByte                             0x08003d59   Thumb Code    30  sdhal.o(i.SPI_SendByte)
  623.     TIM_Cmd                                  0x08003d7d   Thumb Code    22  stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_Cmd)
  624.     TIM_GetCounter                           0x08003d93   Thumb Code     4  stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_GetCounter)
  625.     TIM_PrescalerConfig                      0x08003d97   Thumb Code     6  stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_PrescalerConfig)
  626.     TIM_SetCounter                           0x08003d9d   Thumb Code     4  stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_SetCounter)
  627.     TIM_TimeBaseInit                         0x08003da1   Thumb Code    60  stm32f10x_tim.o(i.TIM_TimeBaseInit)
  628.     TerminalTask                             0x08003ddd   Thumb Code   100  app.o(i.TerminalTask)
  629.     USART_ClearITPendingBit                  0x08003ebd   Thumb Code    14  stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_ClearITPendingBit)
  630.     USART_ClockInit                          0x08003ecb   Thumb Code    36  stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_ClockInit)
  631.     USART_Cmd                                0x08003eef   Thumb Code    18  stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_Cmd)
  632.     USART_GetFlagStatus                      0x08003f01   Thumb Code    14  stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_GetFlagStatus)
  633.     USART_GetITStatus                        0x08003f0f   Thumb Code    68  stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_GetITStatus)
  634.     USART_ITConfig                           0x08003f53   Thumb Code    48  stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_ITConfig)
  635.     USART_Init                               0x08003f83   Thumb Code   134  stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_Init)
  636.     USART_ReceiveData                        0x08004009   Thumb Code     8  stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_ReceiveData)
  637.     USART_SendData                           0x08004011   Thumb Code     8  stm32f10x_usart.o(i.USART_SendData)
  638.     fputc                                    0x08004019   Thumb Code    30  bsp.o(i.fputc)
  639.     main                                     0x0800403d   Thumb Code    66  app.o(i.main)
  640.     _fp_init                                 0x08004095   Thumb Code    14  fpinit.o(x$fpl$fpinit)
  641.     __fplib_config_pureend_doubles           0x080040a1   Thumb Code     0  fpinit.o(x$fpl$fpinit)
  642.     OSUnMapTbl                               0x080040b6   Data         256  os_core.o(.constdata)
  643.     CRCTable                                 0x080041b6   Data         512  sdcrc.o(.constdata)
  644.     r2w_fator                                0x080043b8   Data           8  sddriver.o(.constdata)
  645.     time_unit                                0x080043c0   Data          32  sddriver.o(.constdata)
  646.     time_value                               0x080043e0   Data          16  sddriver.o(.constdata)
  647.     Region$$Table$$Base                      0x08004424   Number         0  anon$$obj.o(Region$$Table)
  648.     Region$$Table$$Limit                     0x08004444   Number         0  anon$$obj.o(Region$$Table)
  649.     AppTerminalRxMboxData                    0x20000000   Data           1  app.o(.data)
  650.     dt                                       0x20000004   Data           4  app.o(.data)
  651.     AppTerminalRxMbox                        0x20000008   Data           4  app.o(.data)
  652.     angleN                                   0x2000000c   Data           4  app.o(.data)
  653.     angleR                                   0x20000010   Data           4  app.o(.data)
  654.     totalG                                   0x20000014   Data           4  app.o(.data)
  655.     gX                                       0x20000018   Data           4  app.o(.data)
  656.     gY                                       0x2000001c   Data           4  app.o(.data)
  657.     calN                                     0x20000020   Data           4  app.o(.data)
  658.     calR                                     0x20000024   Data           4  app.o(.data)
  659.     calY                                     0x20000028   Data           4  app.o(.data)
  660.     P                                        0x2000002c   Data          48  app.o(.data)
  661.     ADC_CurConvCount                         0x2000005c   Data           1  bsp.o(.data)
  662.     App_ADCSem                               0x20000060   Data           4  bsp.o(.data)
  663.     OSCPUUsage                               0x2000006c   Data           1  os_core.o(.data)
  664.     OSStatRdy                                0x2000006d   Data           1  os_core.o(.data)
  665.     OSIntNesting                             0x2000006e   Data           1  os_core.o(.data)
  666.     OSLockNesting                            0x2000006f   Data           1  os_core.o(.data)
  667.     OSPrioCur                                0x20000070   Data           1  os_core.o(.data)
  668.     OSPrioHighRdy                            0x20000071   Data           1  os_core.o(.data)
  669.     OSRdyGrp                                 0x20000072   Data           1  os_core.o(.data)
  670.     OSRunning                                0x20000073   Data           1  os_core.o(.data)
  671.     OSTaskCtr                                0x20000074   Data           1  os_core.o(.data)
  672.     OSTickStepState                          0x20000075   Data           1  os_core.o(.data)
  673.     OSCtxSwCtr                               0x20000078   Data           4  os_core.o(.data)
  674.     OSEventFreeList                          0x2000007c   Data           4  os_core.o(.data)
  675.     OSIdleCtrMax                             0x20000080   Data           4  os_core.o(.data)
  676.     OSIdleCtrRun                             0x20000084   Data           4  os_core.o(.data)
  677.     OSRdyTbl                                 0x20000088   Data           4  os_core.o(.data)
  678.     OSIdleCtr                                0x2000008c   Data           4  os_core.o(.data)
  679.     OSTCBCur                                 0x20000090   Data           4  os_core.o(.data)
  680.     OSTCBFreeList                            0x20000094   Data           4  os_core.o(.data)
  681.     OSTCBHighRdy                             0x20000098   Data           4  os_core.o(.data)
  682.     OSTCBList                                0x2000009c   Data           4  os_core.o(.data)
  683.     OSTime                                   0x200000a0   Data           4  os_core.o(.data)
  684.     OSFlagFreeList                           0x200000a4   Data           4  os_core.o(.data)
  685.     OSView_RxState                           0x200000a8   Data           1  os_view.o(.data)
  686.     OSView_RxRemainLen                       0x200000a9   Data           1  os_view.o(.data)
  687.     OSView_RxChkSum                          0x200000aa   Data           1  os_view.o(.data)
  688.     OSView_RxBufCnt                          0x200000ab   Data           1  os_view.o(.data)
  689.     OSView_RxRdIx                            0x200000ac   Data           1  os_view.o(.data)
  690.     OSView_TxChkSum                          0x200000ad   Data           1  os_view.o(.data)
  691.     OSView_TxState                           0x200000ae   Data           1  os_view.o(.data)
  692.     OSView_TxActiveFlag                      0x200000af   Data           1  os_view.o(.data)
  693.     OSView_TmrCntsPrev                       0x200000b0   Data           2  os_view.o(.data)
  694.     OSView_RxPktCtr                          0x200000b2   Data           2  os_view.o(.data)
  695.     OSView_TxLen                             0x200000b4   Data           2  os_view.o(.data)
  696.     OSView_TxIx                              0x200000b6   Data           2  os_view.o(.data)
  697.     OSView_TxBufCnt                          0x200000b8   Data           2  os_view.o(.data)
  698.     OSView_TxPktCtr                          0x200000ba   Data           2  os_view.o(.data)
  699.     OSView_TxStrLen                          0x200000bc   Data           2  os_view.o(.data)
  700.     OSView_TxStrDlyCtr                       0x200000be   Data           2  os_view.o(.data)
  701.     OSView_CyclesCtr                         0x200000c0   Data           4  os_view.o(.data)
  702.     OSView_RxCtr                             0x200000c4   Data           4  os_view.o(.data)
  703.     OSView_TxCtr                             0x200000c8   Data           4  os_view.o(.data)
  704.     OSView_TerminalRxCallbackFnct            0x200000cc   Data           4  os_view.o(.data)
  705.     pSemSD                                   0x200000d0   Data           4  sddriver.o(.data)
  706.     gyroBias                                 0x200000d4   Data          12  app.o(.bss)
  707.     angleMeasured                            0x200000e0   Data          12  app.o(.bss)
  708.     TerminalTaskStk                          0x200008ec   Data         512  app.o(.bss)
  709.     gyroRate                                 0x20000aec   Data          12  app.o(.bss)
  710.     accelVal                                 0x20000af8   Data          12  app.o(.bss)
  711.     angleEstimate                            0x20000b04   Data          12  app.o(.bss)
  712.     gyroCal                                  0x20000b10   Data          12  app.o(.bss)
  713.     ADC_ValueMux                             0x20000b1c   Data          32  bsp.o(.bss)
  714.     ADC_Mittelwert                           0x20000b3c   Data          32  bsp.o(.bss)
  715.     ADC_Neutral                              0x20000b5c   Data          32  bsp.o(.bss)
  716.     DMA_InitStructure                        0x20000b7c   Data          44  bsp.o(.bss)
  717.     ADC_InitStructure                        0x20000ba8   Data          20  bsp.o(.bss)
  718.     ADC_RCVTab                               0x20000bbc   Data          16  bsp.o(.bss)
  719.     OSEventTbl                               0x20000c74   Data         400  os_core.o(.bss)
  720.     OSTaskStatStk                            0x20000e04   Data         512  os_core.o(.bss)
  721.     OSTaskIdleStk                            0x20001004   Data         512  os_core.o(.bss)
  722.     OSTCBPrioTbl                             0x20001204   Data         128  os_core.o(.bss)
  723.     OSTCBTbl                                 0x20001284   Data        1056  os_core.o(.bss)
  724.     OSFlagTbl                                0x200016a4   Data          80  os_core.o(.bss)
  725.     OSView_RxBuf                             0x200016f4   Data         128  os_view.o(.bss)
  726.     OSView_TxBuf                             0x20001774   Data         128  os_view.o(.bss)
  727.     OSView_TxStrBuf                          0x200017f4   Data         128  os_view.o(.bss)
  728.     sds                                      0x20001874   Data          28  sddriver.o(.bss)
  729.     __stdin                                  0x20001890   Data          68  stdio.o(.bss)
  730.     __stdout                                 0x200018d4   Data          68  stdio.o(.bss)
  731.     __stderr                                 0x20001918   Data          68  stdio.o(.bss)
  732.     Image$$ARM_LIB_HEAP$$Base                0x20004000   Number         0  anon$$obj.o(linker$$defined$$symbols)
  733.     Image$$ARM_LIB_HEAP$$ZI$$Limit           0x20004800   Number         0  anon$$obj.o(linker$$defined$$symbols)
  734.     Image$$ARM_LIB_STACK$$Base               0x20004800   Number         0  anon$$obj.o(linker$$defined$$symbols)
  735.     Image$$ARM_LIB_STACK$$ZI$$Limit          0x20005000   Number         0  anon$$obj.o(linker$$defined$$symbols)
  736. ================================================================================
  737. Memory Map of the image
  738.   Image Entry point : 0x08000b85
  739.   Load Region LR_IROM1 (Base: 0x08000000, Size: 0x00004518, Max: 0x00020000, ABSOLUTE)
  740.     Execution Region ER_IROM1 (Base: 0x08000000, Size: 0x00004444, Max: 0x00020000, ABSOLUTE)
  741.     Base Addr    Size         Type   Attr      Idx    E Section Name        Object
  742.     0x08000000   0x000000f8   Code   RO          267  * VECT                vectors.o
  743.     0x080000f8   0x00000008   Code   RO         4242  * !!!main             __main.o(c_w.l)
  744.     0x08000100   0x00000034   Code   RO         4580    !!!scatter          __scatter.o(c_w.l)
  745.     0x08000134   0x0000001a   Code   RO         4582    !!handler_copy      __scatter_copy.o(c_w.l)
  746.     0x0800014e   0x00000002   PAD
  747.     0x08000150   0x0000001c   Code   RO         4584    !!handler_zi        __scatter_zi.o(c_w.l)
  748.     0x0800016c   0x00000004   Code   RO         4455    .emb_text           lib_init.o(c_w.l)
  749.     0x08000170   0x0000002a   Code   RO         2275    .text               cpu_a.o
  750.     0x0800019a   0x00000002   PAD
  751.     0x0800019c   0x000000a4   Code   RO         2833    .text               os_cpu_a.o
  752.     0x08000240   0x000002e8   Code   RO         4216    .text               __printf.o(c_w.l)
  753.     0x08000528   0x0000004c   Code   RO         4219    .text               _printf_pad.o(c_w.l)
  754.     0x08000574   0x000000d0   Code   RO         4221    .text               _printf_longlong_hex.o(c_w.l)
  755.     0x08000644   0x00000078   Code   RO         4224    .text               _printf_dec.o(c_w.l)
  756.     0x080006bc   0x00000034   Code   RO         4226    .text               __0printf.o(c_w.l)
  757.     0x080006f0   0x0000002c   Code   RO         4228    .text               __0sprintf.o(c_w.l)
  758.     0x0800071c   0x0000004e   Code   RO         4234    .text               rt_memclr_w.o(c_w.l)
  759.     0x0800076a   0x0000008c   Code   RO         4236    .text               rt_memcpy_v6.o(c_w.l)
  760.     0x080007f6   0x0000004a   Code   RO         4238    .text               strcpy.o(c_w.l)
  761.     0x08000840   0x00000002   Code   RO         4240    .text               compat_c99.o(c_w.l)
  762.     0x08000842   0x0000003e   Code   RO         4305    .text               kernel.o(c_w.l)
  763.     0x08000880   0x000000a2   Code   RO         4310    .text               _printf_intcommon.o(c_w.l)
  764.     0x08000922   0x00000002   PAD
  765.     0x08000924   0x00000034   Code   RO         4312    .text               _printf_char_common.o(c_w.l)
  766.     0x08000958   0x0000000a   Code   RO         4314    .text               _sputc.o(c_w.l)
  767.     0x08000962   0x0000001e   Code   RO         4316    .text               ferror.o(c_w.l)
  768.     0x08000980   0x0000006a   Code   RO         4322    .text               rt_memcpy_w.o(c_w.l)
  769.     0x080009ea   0x00000010   Code   RO         4324    .text               rtudiv10.o(c_w.l)
  770.     0x080009fa   0x00000002   PAD
  771.     0x080009fc   0x00000014   Code   RO         4371    .text               sys_exit.o(c_w.l)
  772.     0x08000a10   0x0000001a   Code   RO         4434    .text               _printf_outstr_char.o(c_w.l)
  773.     0x08000a2a   0x0000000a   Code   RO         4436    .text               _printf_input_char.o(c_w.l)
  774.     0x08000a34   0x0000000c   Code   RO         4445    .text               exit.o(c_w.l)
  775.     0x08000a40   0x00000026   Code   RO         4453    .text               stkheap2.o(c_w.l)
  776.     0x08000a66   0x000000c0   Code   RO         4456    .text               lib_init.o(c_w.l)
  777.     0x08000b26   0x0000000a   Code   RO         4461    .text               boardinit2.o(c_w.l)
  778.     0x08000b30   0x00000008   Code   RO         4463    .text               boardinit3.o(c_w.l)
  779.     0x08000b38   0x00000002   Code   RO         4476    .text               use_no_semi.o(c_w.l)
  780.     0x08000b3a   0x00000002   PAD
  781.     0x08000b3c   0x00000020   Code   RO         4478    .text               sys_stackheap_scatter2.o(c_w.l)
  782.     0x08000b5c   0x0000000c   Code   RO         4488    .text               rt_stackheap_storage.o(c_w.l)
  783.     0x08000b68   0x0000000c   Code   RO         4493    .text               rt_locale.o(c_w.l)
  784.     0x08000b74   0x00000002   Code   RO         4528    .text               no_argv.o(c_w.l)
  785.     0x08000b76   0x00000002   PAD
  786.     0x08000b78   0x0000000c   Code   RO         4536    .text               rt_fp_status_addr.o(c_w.l)
  787.     0x08000b84   0x00000008   Code   RO          699  * INIT                init.o
  788.     0x08000b8c   0x00000012   Code   RO          705    i.ADC_Cmd           stm32f10x_adc.o
  789.     0x08000b9e   0x00000012   Code   RO          706    i.ADC_DMACmd        stm32f10x_adc.o
  790.     0x08000bb0   0x00000010   Code   RO          711    i.ADC_GetCalibrationStatus  stm32f10x_adc.o
  791.     0x08000bc0   0x00000010   Code   RO          709    i.ADC_GetResetCalibrationStatus  stm32f10x_adc.o
  792.     0x08000bd0   0x00000050   Code   RO          703    i.ADC_Init          stm32f10x_adc.o
  793.     0x08000c20   0x00000110   Code   RO          271    i.ADC_RCVTabISRHandler  bsp.o
  794.     0x08000d30   0x00000090   Code   RO          716    i.ADC_RegularChannelConfig  stm32f10x_adc.o
  795.     0x08000dc0   0x0000000a   Code   RO          708    i.ADC_ResetCalibration  stm32f10x_adc.o
  796.     0x08000dca   0x00000012   Code   RO          712    i.ADC_SoftwareStartConvCmd  stm32f10x_adc.o
  797.     0x08000ddc   0x0000000a   Code   RO          710    i.ADC_StartCalibration  stm32f10x_adc.o
  798.     0x08000de6   0x00000002   PAD
  799.     0x08000de8   0x00000010   Code   RO           11    i.AppTerminalRx     app.o
  800.     0x08000df8   0x00000002   Code   RO           19    i.App_TCBInitHook   app.o
  801.     0x08000dfa   0x00000004   Code   RO           14    i.App_TaskCreateHook  app.o
  802.     0x08000dfe   0x00000002   Code   RO           16    i.App_TaskIdleHook  app.o
  803.     0x08000e00   0x000000f0   Code   RO           12    i.App_TaskStart     app.o
  804.     0x08000ef0   0x00000002   Code   RO           17    i.App_TaskStatHook  app.o
  805.     0x08000ef2   0x00000004   Code   RO           18    i.App_TaskSwHook    app.o
  806.     0x08000ef6   0x00000004   Code   RO           20    i.App_TimeTickHook  app.o
  807.     0x08000efa   0x00000010   Code   RO          273    i.BSP_CPU_ClkFreq   bsp.o
  808.     0x08000f0a   0x00000002   PAD
  809.     0x08000f0c   0x00000294   Code   RO          272    i.BSP_Init          bsp.o
  810.     0x080011a0   0x00000004   Code   RO          363    i.BSP_IntDisAll     bsp_int.o
  811.     0x080011a4   0x0000000e   Code   RO          364    i.BSP_IntEn         bsp_int.o
  812.     0x080011b2   0x00000002   PAD
  813.     0x080011b4   0x00000010   Code   RO          387    i.BSP_IntHandlerADC1_2  bsp_int.o
  814.     0x080011c4   0x00000010   Code   RO          390    i.BSP_IntHandlerCAN_RX1  bsp_int.o
  815.     0x080011d4   0x00000010   Code   RO          391    i.BSP_IntHandlerCAN_SCE  bsp_int.o
  816.     0x080011e4   0x00000010   Code   RO          380    i.BSP_IntHandlerDMA1_CH1  bsp_int.o
  817.     0x080011f4   0x00000010   Code   RO          381    i.BSP_IntHandlerDMA1_CH2  bsp_int.o
  818.     0x08001204   0x00000010   Code   RO          382    i.BSP_IntHandlerDMA1_CH3  bsp_int.o
  819.     0x08001214   0x00000010   Code   RO          383    i.BSP_IntHandlerDMA1_CH4  bsp_int.o
  820.     0x08001224   0x00000010   Code   RO          384    i.BSP_IntHandlerDMA1_CH5  bsp_int.o
  821.     0x08001234   0x00000010   Code   RO          385    i.BSP_IntHandlerDMA1_CH6  bsp_int.o
  822.     0x08001244   0x00000010   Code   RO          386    i.BSP_IntHandlerDMA1_CH7  bsp_int.o
  823.     0x08001254   0x00000010   Code   RO          375    i.BSP_IntHandlerEXTI0  bsp_int.o
  824.     0x08001264   0x00000010   Code   RO          376    i.BSP_IntHandlerEXTI1  bsp_int.o
  825.     0x08001274   0x00000014   Code   RO          409    i.BSP_IntHandlerEXTI15_10  bsp_int.o
  826.     0x08001288   0x00000010   Code   RO          377    i.BSP_IntHandlerEXTI2  bsp_int.o
  827.     0x08001298   0x00000010   Code   RO          378    i.BSP_IntHandlerEXTI3  bsp_int.o
  828.     0x080012a8   0x00000010   Code   RO          379    i.BSP_IntHandlerEXTI4  bsp_int.o
  829.     0x080012b8   0x00000010   Code   RO          392    i.BSP_IntHandlerEXTI9_5  bsp_int.o
  830.     0x080012c8   0x00000010   Code   RO          373    i.BSP_IntHandlerFLASH  bsp_int.o
  831.     0x080012d8   0x00000014   Code   RO          401    i.BSP_IntHandlerI2C1_ER  bsp_int.o
  832.     0x080012ec   0x00000010   Code   RO          400    i.BSP_IntHandlerI2C1_EV  bsp_int.o
  833.     0x080012fc   0x00000014   Code   RO          403    i.BSP_IntHandlerI2C2_ER  bsp_int.o
  834.     0x08001310   0x00000014   Code   RO          402    i.BSP_IntHandlerI2C2_EV  bsp_int.o
  835.     0x08001324   0x00000010   Code   RO          370    i.BSP_IntHandlerPVD  bsp_int.o
  836.     0x08001334   0x00000010   Code   RO          374    i.BSP_IntHandlerRCC  bsp_int.o
  837.     0x08001344   0x00000010   Code   RO          372    i.BSP_IntHandlerRTC  bsp_int.o
  838.     0x08001354   0x00000014   Code   RO          410    i.BSP_IntHandlerRTCAlarm  bsp_int.o
  839.     0x08001368   0x00000014   Code   RO          404    i.BSP_IntHandlerSPI1  bsp_int.o
  840.     0x0800137c   0x00000014   Code   RO          405    i.BSP_IntHandlerSPI2  bsp_int.o
  841.     0x08001390   0x00000010   Code   RO          371    i.BSP_IntHandlerTAMPER  bsp_int.o
  842.     0x080013a0   0x00000010   Code   RO          393    i.BSP_IntHandlerTIM1_BRK  bsp_int.o
  843.     0x080013b0   0x00000010   Code   RO          396    i.BSP_IntHandlerTIM1_CC  bsp_int.o
  844.     0x080013c0   0x00000010   Code   RO          395    i.BSP_IntHandlerTIM1_TRG_COM  bsp_int.o
  845.     0x080013d0   0x00000010   Code   RO          394    i.BSP_IntHandlerTIM1_UP  bsp_int.o
  846.     0x080013e0   0x00000010   Code   RO          397    i.BSP_IntHandlerTIM2  bsp_int.o
  847.     0x080013f0   0x00000010   Code   RO          398    i.BSP_IntHandlerTIM3  bsp_int.o
  848.     0x08001400   0x00000010   Code   RO          399    i.BSP_IntHandlerTIM4  bsp_int.o
  849.     0x08001410   0x00000014   Code   RO          406    i.BSP_IntHandlerUSART1  bsp_int.o
  850.     0x08001424   0x00000014   Code   RO          407    i.BSP_IntHandlerUSART2  bsp_int.o
  851.     0x08001438   0x00000014   Code   RO          408    i.BSP_IntHandlerUSART3  bsp_int.o
  852.     0x0800144c   0x00000002   Code   RO          411    i.BSP_IntHandlerUSBWakeUp  bsp_int.o
  853.     0x0800144e   0x00000002   PAD
  854.     0x08001450   0x00000010   Code   RO          388    i.BSP_IntHandlerUSB_HP_CAN_TX  bsp_int.o
  855.     0x08001460   0x00000010   Code   RO          389    i.BSP_IntHandlerUSB_LP_CAN_RX0  bsp_int.o
  856.     0x08001470   0x00000010   Code   RO          369    i.BSP_IntHandlerWWDG  bsp_int.o
  857.     0x08001480   0x00000024   Code   RO          365    i.BSP_IntVectSet    bsp_int.o
  858.     0x080014a4   0x00000028   Code   RO          277    i.BSP_LED_Off       bsp.o
  859.     0x080014cc   0x00000064   Code   RO          278    i.BSP_LED_Toggle    bsp.o
  860.     0x08001530   0x00000098   Code   RO          676    i.BSP_PeriphEn      bsp_periph.o
  861.     0x080015c8   0x000000c4   Code   RO         2281    i.CPU_IntSrcEn      cpu_c.o
  862.     0x0800168c   0x00000014   Code   RO         2218    i.DMA_ClearITPendingBit  stm32f10x_dma.o
  863.     0x080016a0   0x00000012   Code   RO         2212    i.DMA_Cmd           stm32f10x_dma.o
  864.     0x080016b2   0x00000002   PAD
  865.     0x080016b4   0x000000f0   Code   RO         2209    i.DMA_DeInit        stm32f10x_dma.o
  866.     0x080017a4   0x00000020   Code   RO         2217    i.DMA_GetITStatus   stm32f10x_dma.o
  867.     0x080017c4   0x00000010   Code   RO         2213    i.DMA_ITConfig      stm32f10x_dma.o
  868.     0x080017d4   0x00000048   Code   RO         2210    i.DMA_Init          stm32f10x_dma.o
  869.     0x0800181c   0x00000018   Code   RO         1245    i.FLASH_PrefetchBufferCmd  stm32f10x_flash.o
  870.     0x08001834   0x00000018   Code   RO         1243    i.FLASH_SetLatency  stm32f10x_flash.o
  871.     0x0800184c   0x000000ca   Code   RO         1137    i.GPIO_Init         stm32f10x_gpio.o
  872.     0x08001916   0x00000006   Code   RO         1142    i.GPIO_ReadOutputData  stm32f10x_gpio.o
  873.     0x0800191c   0x00000004   Code   RO         1144    i.GPIO_ResetBits    stm32f10x_gpio.o
  874.     0x08001920   0x00000004   Code   RO         1143    i.GPIO_SetBits      stm32f10x_gpio.o
  875.     0x08001924   0x00000002   Code   RO         2921    i.OSDebugInit       os_dbg.o
  876.     0x08001926   0x00000002   PAD
  877.     0x08001928   0x0000018c   Code   RO         2331    i.OSInit            os_core.o
  878.     0x08001ab4   0x00000002   Code   RO         2836    i.OSInitHookBegin   os_cpu_c.o
  879.     0x08001ab6   0x00000002   Code   RO         2837    i.OSInitHookEnd     os_cpu_c.o
  880.     0x08001ab8   0x00000070   Code   RO         2333    i.OSIntExit         os_core.o
  881.     0x08001b28   0x0000004c   Code   RO         2572    i.OSMboxCreate      os_mbox.o
  882.     0x08001b74   0x000000d8   Code   RO         2574    i.OSMboxPend        os_mbox.o
  883.     0x08001c4c   0x0000004c   Code   RO         2576    i.OSMboxPost        os_mbox.o
  884.     0x08001c98   0x0000004c   Code   RO         2644    i.OSSemCreate       os_sem.o
  885.     0x08001ce4   0x000000c0   Code   RO         2646    i.OSSemPend         os_sem.o
  886.     0x08001da4   0x00000052   Code   RO         2648    i.OSSemPost         os_sem.o
  887.     0x08001df6   0x00000002   PAD
  888.     0x08001df8   0x00000040   Code   RO         2336    i.OSStart           os_core.o
  889.     0x08001e38   0x00000034   Code   RO         2337    i.OSStatInit        os_core.o
  890.     0x08001e6c   0x00000004   Code   RO         2844    i.OSTCBInitHook     os_cpu_c.o
  891.     0x08001e70   0x000000c4   Code   RO         2700    i.OSTaskCreateExt   os_task.o
  892.     0x08001f34   0x00000004   Code   RO         2838    i.OSTaskCreateHook  os_cpu_c.o
  893.     0x08001f38   0x00000004   Code   RO         2840    i.OSTaskIdleHook    os_cpu_c.o
  894.     0x08001f3c   0x00000054   Code   RO         2704    i.OSTaskNameSet     os_task.o
  895.     0x08001f90   0x00000004   Code   RO         2841    i.OSTaskStatHook    os_cpu_c.o
  896.     0x08001f94   0x0000007c   Code   RO         2706    i.OSTaskStkChk      os_task.o
  897.     0x08002010   0x00000072   Code   RO         2842    i.OSTaskStkInit     os_cpu_c.o
  898.     0x08002082   0x00000002   PAD
  899.     0x08002084   0x00000098   Code   RO         2707    i.OSTaskSuspend     os_task.o
  900.     0x0800211c   0x00000004   Code   RO         2843    i.OSTaskSwHook      os_cpu_c.o
  901.     0x08002120   0x00000064   Code   RO         2789    i.OSTimeDly         os_time.o
  902.     0x08002184   0x0000008c   Code   RO         2790    i.OSTimeDlyHMSM     os_time.o
  903.     0x08002210   0x00000018   Code   RO         2792    i.OSTimeGet         os_time.o
  904.     0x08002228   0x000000b4   Code   RO         2338    i.OSTimeTick        os_core.o
  905.     0x080022dc   0x00000004   Code   RO         2845    i.OSTimeTickHook    os_cpu_c.o
  906.     0x080022e0   0x000004e8   Code   RO         3067    i.OSView_CmdParsePkt  os_view.o
  907.     0x080027c8   0x00000054   Code   RO         3152    i.OSView_GetCPUName  os_viewc.o
  908.     0x0800281c   0x00000004   Code   RO         3153    i.OSView_GetIntStkBase  os_viewc.o
  909.     0x08002820   0x00000004   Code   RO         3154    i.OSView_GetIntStkSize  os_viewc.o
  910.     0x08002824   0x00000024   Code   RO         3061    i.OSView_Init       os_view.o
  911.     0x08002848   0x000000b0   Code   RO         3156    i.OSView_InitTarget  os_viewc.o
  912.     0x080028f8   0x0000003c   Code   RO         3066    i.OSView_RxGetINT32U  os_view.o
  913.     0x08002934   0x000000c0   Code   RO         3069    i.OSView_RxHandler  os_view.o
  914.     0x080029f4   0x00000010   Code   RO         3158    i.OSView_RxIntEn    os_viewc.o
  915.     0x08002a04   0x00000060   Code   RO         3155    i.OSView_RxTxISRHandler  os_viewc.o
  916.     0x08002a64   0x00000034   Code   RO         3063    i.OSView_TaskCreateHook  os_view.o
  917.     0x08002a98   0x00000048   Code   RO         3064    i.OSView_TaskSwHook  os_view.o
  918.     0x08002ae0   0x0000000c   Code   RO         3060    i.OSView_TerminalRxSetCallback  os_view.o
  919.     0x08002aec   0x0000002c   Code   RO         3065    i.OSView_TickHook   os_view.o
  920.     0x08002b18   0x0000004c   Code   RO          279    i.OSView_TmrInit    bsp.o
  921.     0x08002b64   0x00000008   Code   RO          280    i.OSView_TmrRd      bsp.o
  922.     0x08002b6c   0x0000000c   Code   RO         3160    i.OSView_Tx1        os_viewc.o
  923.     0x08002b78   0x00000154   Code   RO         3068    i.OSView_TxHandler  os_view.o
  924.     0x08002ccc   0x00000010   Code   RO         3161    i.OSView_TxIntDis   os_viewc.o
  925.     0x08002cdc   0x00000010   Code   RO         3162    i.OSView_TxIntEn    os_viewc.o
  926.     0x08002cec   0x00000034   Code   RO         3071    i.OSView_TxStoINT16U  os_view.o
  927.     0x08002d20   0x00000094   Code   RO         3070    i.OSView_TxStr      os_view.o
  928.     0x08002db4   0x00000010   Code   RO          274    i.OS_CPU_SysTickClkFreq  bsp.o
  929.     0x08002dc4   0x00000024   Code   RO         2846    i.OS_CPU_SysTickHandler  os_cpu_c.o
  930.     0x08002de8   0x00000028   Code   RO         2847    i.OS_CPU_SysTickInit  os_cpu_c.o
  931.     0x08002e10   0x000000d0   Code   RO         2342    i.OS_EventTaskRdy   os_core.o
  932.     0x08002ee0   0x00000028   Code   RO         2341    i.OS_EventTaskRemove  os_core.o
  933.     0x08002f08   0x00000060   Code   RO         2343    i.OS_EventTaskWait  os_core.o
  934.     0x08002f68   0x00000014   Code   RO         2344    i.OS_EventWaitListInit  os_core.o
  935.     0x08002f7c   0x00000064   Code   RO         2502    i.OS_FlagInit       os_flag.o
  936.     0x08002fe0   0x00000016   Code   RO         2330    i.OS_MemClr         os_core.o
  937.     0x08002ff6   0x00000002   PAD
  938.     0x08002ff8   0x00000064   Code   RO         2324    i.OS_Sched          os_core.o
  939.     0x0800305c   0x00000016   Code   RO         2320    i.OS_StrLen         os_core.o
  940.     0x08003072   0x00000002   PAD
  941.     0x08003074   0x0000010c   Code   RO         2346    i.OS_TCBInit        os_core.o
  942.     0x08003180   0x0000001c   Code   RO         2329    i.OS_TaskIdle       os_core.o
  943.     0x0800319c   0x00000090   Code   RO         2328    i.OS_TaskStat       os_core.o
  944.     0x0800322c   0x00000014   Code   RO          939    i.RCC_ADCCLKConfig  stm32f10x_rcc.o
  945.     0x08003240   0x00000018   Code   RO          945    i.RCC_AHBPeriphClockCmd  stm32f10x_rcc.o
  946.     0x08003258   0x00000018   Code   RO          947    i.RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd  stm32f10x_rcc.o
  947.     0x08003270   0x00000018   Code   RO          946    i.RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd  stm32f10x_rcc.o
  948.     0x08003288   0x0000003c   Code   RO          924    i.RCC_DeInit        stm32f10x_rcc.o
  949.     0x080032c4   0x000000ac   Code   RO          944    i.RCC_GetClocksFreq  stm32f10x_rcc.o
  950.     0x08003370   0x00000030   Code   RO          926    i.RCC_GetFlagStatus  stm32f10x_rcc.o
  951.     0x080033a0   0x00000010   Code   RO          933    i.RCC_GetSYSCLKSource  stm32f10x_rcc.o
  952.     0x080033b0   0x00000014   Code   RO          934    i.RCC_HCLKConfig    stm32f10x_rcc.o
  953.     0x080033c4   0x00000038   Code   RO          925    i.RCC_HSEConfig     stm32f10x_rcc.o
  954.     0x080033fc   0x00000014   Code   RO          935    i.RCC_PCLK1Config   stm32f10x_rcc.o
  955.     0x08003410   0x00000014   Code   RO          936    i.RCC_PCLK2Config   stm32f10x_rcc.o
  956.     0x08003424   0x0000000c   Code   RO          931    i.RCC_PLLCmd        stm32f10x_rcc.o
  957.     0x08003430   0x00000014   Code   RO          930    i.RCC_PLLConfig     stm32f10x_rcc.o
  958.     0x08003444   0x00000014   Code   RO          932    i.RCC_SYSCLKConfig  stm32f10x_rcc.o
  959.     0x08003458   0x00000044   Code   RO          927    i.RCC_WaitForHSEStartUp  stm32f10x_rcc.o
  960.     0x0800349c   0x000000d0   Code   RO         3714    i.SD_CalTimeout     sddriver.o
  961.     0x0800356c   0x00000004   Code   RO         3795    i.SD_ChkCard        sdhal.o
  962.     0x08003570   0x00000036   Code   RO         3557    i.SD_EnableCRC      sdcmd.o
  963.     0x080035a6   0x00000002   PAD
  964.     0x080035a8   0x00000028   Code   RO         3691    i.SD_GetCRC16       sdcrc.o
  965.     0x080035d0   0x0000007e   Code   RO         3692    i.SD_GetCmdByte6    sdcrc.o
  966.     0x0800364e   0x00000002   PAD
  967.     0x08003650   0x000000b0   Code   RO         3789    i.SD_HardWareInit   sdhal.o
  968.     0x08003700   0x000001b8   Code   RO         3718    i.SD_Initialize     sddriver.o
  969.     0x080038b8   0x00000060   Code   RO         3719    i.SD_ReadBlock      sddriver.o
  970.     0x08003918   0x000000b8   Code   RO         3558    i.SD_ReadBlockData  sdcmd.o
  971.     0x080039d0   0x000000a6   Code   RO         3548    i.SD_ReadCSD        sdcmd.o
  972.     0x08003a76   0x00000002   PAD
  973.     0x08003a78   0x0000004e   Code   RO         3556    i.SD_ReadOCR        sdcmd.o
  974.     0x08003ac6   0x00000042   Code   RO         3552    i.SD_ReadSingleBlock  sdcmd.o
  975.     0x08003b08   0x00000016   Code   RO         3546    i.SD_ResetSD        sdcmd.o
  976.     0x08003b1e   0x0000001c   Code   RO         3562    i.SD_SPIDelay       sdcmd.o
  977.     0x08003b3a   0x000000ae   Code   RO         3543    i.SD_SendCmd        sdcmd.o
  978.     0x08003be8   0x0000003c   Code   RO         3551    i.SD_SetBlockLen    sdcmd.o
  979.     0x08003c24   0x0000000c   Code   RO         3793    i.SPI_CS_Assert     sdhal.o
  980.     0x08003c30   0x0000000c   Code   RO         3794    i.SPI_CS_Deassert   sdhal.o
  981.     0x08003c3c   0x0000005c   Code   RO         3790    i.SPI_ClkToMax      sdhal.o
  982.     0x08003c98   0x00000012   Code   RO         2070    i.SPI_Cmd           stm32f10x_spi.o
  983.     0x08003caa   0x0000000e   Code   RO         2084    i.SPI_I2S_GetFlagStatus  stm32f10x_spi.o
  984.     0x08003cb8   0x0000001a   Code   RO         2072    i.SPI_I2S_ITConfig  stm32f10x_spi.o
  985.     0x08003cd2   0x00000004   Code   RO         2075    i.SPI_I2S_ReceiveData  stm32f10x_spi.o
  986.     0x08003cd6   0x00000004   Code   RO         2074    i.SPI_I2S_SendData  stm32f10x_spi.o
  987.     0x08003cda   0x00000048   Code   RO         2066    i.SPI_Init          stm32f10x_spi.o
  988.     0x08003d22   0x00000002   PAD
  989.     0x08003d24   0x00000034   Code   RO         3792    i.SPI_RecByte       sdhal.o
  990.     0x08003d58   0x00000024   Code   RO         3791    i.SPI_SendByte      sdhal.o
  991.     0x08003d7c   0x00000016   Code   RO         1284    i.TIM_Cmd           stm32f10x_tim.o
  992.     0x08003d92   0x00000004   Code   RO         1348    i.TIM_GetCounter    stm32f10x_tim.o
  993.     0x08003d96   0x00000006   Code   RO         1297    i.TIM_PrescalerConfig  stm32f10x_tim.o
  994.     0x08003d9c   0x00000004   Code   RO         1337    i.TIM_SetCounter    stm32f10x_tim.o
  995.     0x08003da0   0x0000003c   Code   RO         1268    i.TIM_TimeBaseInit  stm32f10x_tim.o
  996.     0x08003ddc   0x000000e0   Code   RO           10    i.TerminalTask      app.o
  997.     0x08003ebc   0x0000000e   Code   RO         1860    i.USART_ClearITPendingBit  stm32f10x_usart.o
  998.     0x08003eca   0x00000024   Code   RO         1837    i.USART_ClockInit   stm32f10x_usart.o
  999.     0x08003eee   0x00000012   Code   RO         1839    i.USART_Cmd         stm32f10x_usart.o
  1000.     0x08003f00   0x0000000e   Code   RO         1857    i.USART_GetFlagStatus  stm32f10x_usart.o
  1001.     0x08003f0e   0x00000044   Code   RO         1859    i.USART_GetITStatus  stm32f10x_usart.o
  1002.     0x08003f52   0x00000030   Code   RO         1840    i.USART_ITConfig    stm32f10x_usart.o
  1003.     0x08003f82   0x00000086   Code   RO         1835    i.USART_Init        stm32f10x_usart.o
  1004.     0x08004008   0x00000008   Code   RO         1848    i.USART_ReceiveData  stm32f10x_usart.o
  1005.     0x08004010   0x00000008   Code   RO         1847    i.USART_SendData    stm32f10x_usart.o
  1006.     0x08004018   0x00000024   Code   RO          281    i.fputc             bsp.o
  1007.     0x0800403c   0x00000058   Code   RO           13    i.main              app.o
  1008.     0x08004094   0x0000000e   Code   RO         4532    x$fpl$fpinit        fpinit.o(fz_ws.l)
  1009.     0x080040a2   0x00000014   Data   RO          957    .constdata          stm32f10x_rcc.o
  1010.     0x080040b6   0x00000100   Data   RO         2348    .constdata          os_core.o
  1011.     0x080041b6   0x00000200   Data   RO         3693    .constdata          sdcrc.o
  1012.     0x080043b6   0x00000002   PAD
  1013.     0x080043b8   0x00000038   Data   RO         3723    .constdata          sddriver.o
  1014.     0x080043f0   0x00000011   Data   RO         4217    .constdata          __printf.o(c_w.l)
  1015.     0x08004401   0x00000022   Data   RO         4222    .constdata          _printf_longlong_hex.o(c_w.l)
  1016.     0x08004423   0x00000001   PAD
  1017.     0x08004424   0x00000020   Data   RO         4577    Region$$Table       anon$$obj.o
  1018.     Execution Region RW_IRAM1 (Base: 0x20000000, Size: 0x00001984, Max: 0x00005000, ABSOLUTE)
  1019.     Base Addr    Size         Type   Attr      Idx    E Section Name        Object
  1020.     0x20000000   0x0000005c   Data   RW           21    .data               app.o
  1021.     0x2000005c   0x00000008   Data   RW          283    .data               bsp.o
  1022.     0x20000064   0x00000008   Data   RW          956    .data               stm32f10x_rcc.o
  1023.     0x2000006c   0x00000038   Data   RW         2347    .data               os_core.o
  1024.     0x200000a4   0x00000004   Data   RW         2351    .data               os_core.o
  1025.     0x200000a8   0x00000028   Data   RW         3072    .data               os_view.o
  1026.     0x200000d0   0x00000004   Data   RW         3722    .data               sddriver.o
  1027.     0x200000d4   0x00000a48   Zero   RW           22    .bss                app.o
  1028.     0x20000b1c   0x000000b0   Zero   RW          284    .bss                bsp.o
  1029.     0x20000bcc   0x000000a8   Zero   RW          412    .bss                bsp_int.o
  1030.     0x20000c74   0x00000a30   Zero   RW         2349    .bss                os_core.o
  1031.     0x200016a4   0x00000050   Zero   RW         2350    .bss                os_core.o
  1032.     0x200016f4   0x00000180   Zero   RW         3073    .bss                os_view.o
  1033.     0x20001874   0x0000001c   Zero   RW         3724    .bss                sddriver.o
  1034.     0x20001890   0x000000cc   Zero   RW         4320    .bss                stdio.o(c_w.l)
  1035.     0x2000195c   0x00000010   Zero   RW         4489    .bss                rt_stackheap_storage.o(c_w.l)
  1036.     0x2000196c   0x00000014   Zero   RW         4494    .bss                rt_locale.o(c_w.l)
  1037.     0x20001980   0x00000004   Zero   RW         4537    .bss                rt_fp_status_addr.o(c_w.l)
  1038.     Execution Region ARM_LIB_HEAP (Base: 0x20004000, Size: 0x00000800, Max: 0x00000800, ABSOLUTE, UNINIT)
  1039.     Base Addr    Size         Type   Attr      Idx    E Section Name        Object
  1040.     0x20004000   0x00000800   Zero   RW            1    ARM_LIB_HEAP.bss    anon$$obj.o
  1041.     Execution Region ARM_LIB_STACK (Base: 0x20004800, Size: 0x00000800, Max: 0x00000800, ABSOLUTE, UNINIT)
  1042.     Base Addr    Size         Type   Attr      Idx    E Section Name        Object
  1043.     0x20004800   0x00000800   Zero   RW            2    ARM_LIB_STACK.bss   anon$$obj.o
  1044. ================================================================================
  1045. Image component sizes
  1046.       Code (inc. data)   RO Data    RW Data    ZI Data      Debug   Object Name
  1047.        586        202          0         92       2632     109676   app.o
  1048.       1224         68          0          8        176      10065   bsp.o
  1049.        768        194          0          0        168      18857   bsp_int.o
  1050.        152         42          0          0          0        499   bsp_periph.o
  1051.         42          0          0          0          0        236   cpu_a.o
  1052.        196         20          0          0          0        775   cpu_c.o
  1053.          8          4          0          0          0        196   init.o
  1054.       1752        180        256         60       2688      19007   os_core.o
  1055.        164         32          0          0          0        288   os_cpu_a.o
  1056.        218          6          0          0          0      14325   os_cpu_c.o
  1057.          2          0          0          0          0        354   os_dbg.o
  1058.        100         14          0          0          0        506   os_flag.o
  1059.        368         28          0          0          0       2429   os_mbox.o
  1060.        350         26          0          0          0       2198   os_sem.o
  1061.        556         54          0          0          0       4117   os_task.o
  1062.        264         38          0          0          0       1964   os_time.o
  1063.       2264        146          0         40        384      13910   os_view.o
  1064.        424         74          0          0          0       4155   os_viewc.o
  1065.        832          6          0          0          0       8337   sdcmd.o
  1066.        166          4        512          0          0       2038   sdcrc.o
  1067.        744         48         56          4         28      15064   sddriver.o
  1068.        384         38          0          0          0       3263   sdhal.o
  1069.        330          6          0          0          0       6277   stm32f10x_adc.o
  1070.        398         28          0          0          0       3871   stm32f10x_dma.o
  1071.         48         12          0          0          0        813   stm32f10x_flash.o
  1072.        216          0          0          0          0       2806   stm32f10x_gpio.o
  1073.        624        108         20          8          0       9693   stm32f10x_rcc.o
  1074.        138          0          0          0          0       3537   stm32f10x_spi.o
  1075.         96          0          0          0          0       4725   stm32f10x_tim.o
  1076.        348          0          0          0          0       6013   stm32f10x_usart.o
  1077.        248        236          0          0          0        228   vectors.o
  1078.     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1079.      14040       1614        878        212      10172     270224   Object Totals
  1080.          0          0         32          0       4096          0   (incl. Generated)
  1081.         30          0          2          0          0          2   (incl. Padding)
  1082.     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1083.       Code (inc. data)   RO Data    RW Data    ZI Data      Debug   Library Member Name
  1084.         52         10          0          0          0          0   __0printf.o
  1085.         44          6          0          0          0          0   __0sprintf.o
  1086.          8          0          0          0          0          0   __main.o
  1087.        744          4         17          0          0          0   __printf.o
  1088.         52          8          0          0          0          0   __scatter.o
  1089.         26          0          0          0          0          0   __scatter_copy.o
  1090.         28          0          0          0          0          0   __scatter_zi.o
  1091.         52         10          0          0          0          0   _printf_char_common.o
  1092.        120         18          0          0          0          0   _printf_dec.o
  1093.         10          0          0          0          0          0   _printf_input_char.o
  1094.        162          0          0          0          0          0   _printf_intcommon.o
  1095.        208         20         34          0          0          0   _printf_longlong_hex.o
  1096.         26          0          0          0          0          0   _printf_outstr_char.o
  1097.         76          0          0          0          0          0   _printf_pad.o
  1098.         10          0          0          0          0          0   _sputc.o
  1099.         10          0          0          0          0          0   boardinit2.o
  1100.          8          0          0          0          0          0   boardinit3.o
  1101.          2          0          0          0          0          0   compat_c99.o
  1102.         12          0          0          0          0          0   exit.o
  1103.         30          0          0          0          0          0   ferror.o
  1104.         14          0          0          0          0          0   fpinit.o
  1105.         62          0          0          0          0          0   kernel.o
  1106.        196          0          0          0          0          0   lib_init.o
  1107.          2          0          0          0          0          0   no_argv.o
  1108.         12          6          0          0          4          0   rt_fp_status_addr.o
  1109.         12          6          0          0         20          0   rt_locale.o
  1110.         78          0          0          0          0          0   rt_memclr_w.o
  1111.        140          0          0          0          0          0   rt_memcpy_v6.o
  1112.        106          0          0          0          0          0   rt_memcpy_w.o
  1113.         12          6          0          0         16          0   rt_stackheap_storage.o
  1114.         16          0          0          0          0          0   rtudiv10.o
  1115.          0          0          0          0        204          0   stdio.o
  1116.         38          0          0          0          0          0   stkheap2.o
  1117.         74          0          0          0          0          0   strcpy.o
  1118.         20         10          0          0          0          0   sys_exit.o
  1119.         32         16          0          0          0          0   sys_stackheap_scatter2.o
  1120.          2          0          0          0          0          0   use_no_semi.o
  1121.     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1122.       2506        120         52          0        244          0   Library Totals
  1123.         10          0          1          0          0          0   (incl. Padding)
  1124.     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1125.       Code (inc. data)   RO Data    RW Data    ZI Data      Debug   Library Name
  1126.       2482        120         51          0        244          0   c_w.l
  1127.         14          0          0          0          0          0   fz_ws.l
  1128.     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1129.       2506        120         52          0        244          0   Library Totals
  1130.     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1131. ================================================================================
  1132.       Code (inc. data)   RO Data    RW Data    ZI Data      Debug   
  1133.      16546       1734        930        212      10416     270224   Grand Totals
  1134.      16546       1734        930        212      10416     270224   ELF Image Totals
  1135.      16546       1734        930        212          0          0   ROM Totals
  1136. ================================================================================
  1137.     Total RO  Size (Code + RO Data)                17476 (  17.07kB)
  1138.     Total RW  Size (RW Data + ZI Data)             10628 (  10.38kB)
  1139.     Total ROM Size (Code + RO Data + RW Data)      17688 (  17.27kB)
  1140. ================================================================================