



  1. ARM Macro Assembler    Page 1 
  2.     1 00000000         ;*******************************************************
  3.                        *************************************************
  4.     2 00000000         ;                                               uC/OS-II
  6.     3 00000000         ;                                         The Real-Time 
  7.                        Kernel
  8.     4 00000000         ;
  9.     5 00000000         ;                               (c) Copyright 1992-2006,
  10.                         Micrium, Weston, FL
  11.     6 00000000         ;                                          All Rights Re
  12.                        served
  13.     7 00000000         ;
  14.     8 00000000         ;                                           Generic ARM 
  15.                        Port
  16.     9 00000000         ;
  17.    10 00000000         ; File      : OS_CPU_A.ASM
  18.    11 00000000         ; Version   : V2.86(fix)
  19.    12 00000000         ; By        : Jean J. Labrosse
  20.    13 00000000         ;
  21.    14 00000000         ; For       : ARMv7M Cortex-M3
  22.    15 00000000         ; Mode      : Thumb2
  23.    16 00000000         ; Toolchain : RealView Development Suite
  24.    17 00000000         ;             RealView Microcontroller Development Kit (
  25.                        MDK)
  26.    18 00000000         ;             ARM Developer Suite (ADS)
  27.    19 00000000         ;             Keil uVision
  28.    20 00000000         ;*******************************************************
  29.                        *************************************************
  30.    21 00000000         
  31.    22 00000000         ;*******************************************************
  32.                        *************************************************
  33.    23 00000000         ;                                           PUBLIC FUNCT
  34.                        IONS
  35.    24 00000000         ;*******************************************************
  36.                        *************************************************
  37.    25 00000000         
  38.    26 00000000                 EXTERN           OSRunning   ; External referenc
  39.                                                             es
  40.    27 00000000                 EXTERN           OSPrioCur
  41.    28 00000000                 EXTERN           OSPrioHighRdy
  42.    29 00000000                 EXTERN           OSTCBCur
  43.    30 00000000                 EXTERN           OSTCBHighRdy
  44.    31 00000000                 EXTERN           OSIntNesting
  45.    32 00000000                 EXTERN           OSIntExit
  46.    33 00000000                 EXTERN           OSTaskSwHook
  47.    34 00000000         
  48.    35 00000000         
  49.    36 00000000                 EXPORT           OS_CPU_SR_Save ; Functions decl
  50.                                                             ared in this file
  51.    37 00000000                 EXPORT           OS_CPU_SR_Restore
  52.    38 00000000                 EXPORT           OSStartHighRdy
  53.    39 00000000                 EXPORT           OSCtxSw
  54.    40 00000000                 EXPORT           OSIntCtxSw
  55.    41 00000000                 EXPORT           OS_CPU_PendSVHandler
  56.    42 00000000         
  57.    43 00000000         ;*******************************************************
  58.                        *************************************************
  59.    44 00000000         ;                                                EQUATES
  61. ARM Macro Assembler    Page 2 
  62.    45 00000000         ;*******************************************************
  63.                        *************************************************
  64.    46 00000000         
  65.    47 00000000 E000ED04 
  66.                        NVIC_INT_CTRL
  67.                                EQU              0xE000ED04  ; Interrupt control
  68.                                                              state register.
  69.    48 00000000 E000ED20 
  70.                        NVIC_SYSPRI2
  71.                                EQU              0xE000ED20  ; System priority r
  72.                                                             egister (priority 2
  73.                                                             ).
  74.    49 00000000 0000FFFF 
  75.                        NVIC_PENDSV_PRI
  76.                                EQU              0xFFFF      ; PendSV priority v
  77.                                                             alue (lowest).
  78.    50 00000000 10000000 
  79.                        NVIC_PENDSVSET
  80.                                EQU              0x10000000  ; Value to trigger 
  81.                                                             PendSV exception.
  82.    51 00000000         
  83.    52 00000000         ;*******************************************************
  84.                        *************************************************
  85.    53 00000000         ;                                      CODE GENERATION D
  86.                        IRECTIVES
  87.    54 00000000         ;*******************************************************
  88.                        *************************************************
  89.    55 00000000         
  90.    56 00000000                 AREA             |.text|, CODE, READONLY, ALIGN=
  91. 2
  92.    57 00000000                 THUMB
  93.    58 00000000                 REQUIRE8
  94.    59 00000000                 PRESERVE8
  95.    60 00000000         
  96.    61 00000000         ;*******************************************************
  97.                        *************************************************
  98.    62 00000000         ;                                   CRITICAL SECTION MET
  99.                        HOD 3 FUNCTIONS
  100.    63 00000000         ;
  101.    64 00000000         ; Description: Disable/Enable interrupts by preserving t
  102.                        he state of interrupts.  Generally speaking you
  103.    65 00000000         ;              would store the state of the interrupt di
  104.                        sable flag in the local variable 'cpu_sr' and then
  105.    66 00000000         ;              disable interrupts.  'cpu_sr' is allocate
  106.                        d in all of uC/OS-II's functions that need to
  107.    67 00000000         ;              disable interrupts.  You would restore th
  108.                        e interrupt disable state by copying back 'cpu_sr'
  109.    68 00000000         ;              into the CPU's status register.
  110.    69 00000000         ;
  111.    70 00000000         ; Prototypes :     OS_CPU_SR  OS_CPU_SR_Save(void);
  112.    71 00000000         ;                  void       OS_CPU_SR_Restore(OS_CPU_S
  113.                        R cpu_sr);
  114.    72 00000000         ;
  115.    73 00000000         ;
  116.    74 00000000         ; Note(s)    : 1) These functions are used in general li
  117.                        ke this:
  118.    75 00000000         ;
  119.    76 00000000         ;                 void Task (void *p_arg)
  120.    77 00000000         ;                 {
  121. ARM Macro Assembler    Page 3 
  122.    78 00000000         ;                 #if OS_CRITICAL_METHOD == 3          /
  123.                        * Allocate storage for CPU status register */
  124.    79 00000000         ;                     OS_CPU_SR  cpu_sr;
  125.    80 00000000         ;                 #endif
  126.    81 00000000         ;
  127.    82 00000000         ;                          :
  128.    83 00000000         ;                          :
  129.    84 00000000         ;                     OS_ENTER_CRITICAL();             /
  130.                        * cpu_sr = OS_CPU_SaveSR();                */
  131.    85 00000000         ;                          :
  132.    86 00000000         ;                          :
  133.    87 00000000         ;                     OS_EXIT_CRITICAL();              /
  134.                        * OS_CPU_RestoreSR(cpu_sr);                */
  135.    88 00000000         ;                          :
  136.    89 00000000         ;                          :
  137.    90 00000000         ;                 }
  138.    91 00000000         ;*******************************************************
  139.                        *************************************************
  140.    92 00000000         
  141.    93 00000000         OS_CPU_SR_Save
  142.    94 00000000 F3EF 8010       MRS              R0, PRIMASK ; Set prio int mask
  143.                                                              to mask all (excep
  144.                                                             t faults)
  145.    95 00000004 B672            CPSID            I
  146.    96 00000006 4770            BX               LR
  147.    97 00000008         
  148.    98 00000008         OS_CPU_SR_Restore
  149.    99 00000008 F380 8810       MSR              PRIMASK, R0
  150.   100 0000000C 4770            BX               LR
  151.   101 0000000E         
  152.   102 0000000E         ;*******************************************************
  153.                        *************************************************
  154.   103 0000000E         ;                                          START MULTITA
  155.                        SKING
  156.   104 0000000E         ;                                       void OSStartHigh
  157.                        Rdy(void)
  158.   105 0000000E         ;
  159.   106 0000000E         ; Note(s) : 1) This function triggers a PendSV exception
  160.                         (essentially, causes a context switch) to cause
  161.   107 0000000E         ;              the first task to start.
  162.   108 0000000E         ;
  163.   109 0000000E         ;           2) OSStartHighRdy() MUST:
  164.   110 0000000E         ;              a) Setup PendSV exception priority to low
  165.                        est;
  166.   111 0000000E         ;              b) Set initial PSP to 0, to tell context 
  167.                        switcher this is first run;
  168.   112 0000000E         ;              c) Set OSRunning to TRUE;
  169.   113 0000000E         ;              d) Trigger PendSV exception;
  170.   114 0000000E         ;              e) Enable interrupts (tasks will run with
  171.                         interrupts enabled).
  172.   115 0000000E         ;*******************************************************
  173.                        *************************************************
  174.   116 0000000E         
  175.   117 0000000E         OSStartHighRdy
  176.   118 0000000E 481D            LDR              R0, =NVIC_SYSPRI2 ; Set the Pen
  177.                                                             dSV exception prior
  178.                                                             ity
  179.   119 00000010 F64F 71FF       LDR              R1, =NVIC_PENDSV_PRI
  180.   120 00000014 7001            STRB             R1, [R0]
  181. ARM Macro Assembler    Page 4 
  182.   121 00000016         
  183.   122 00000016 2000            MOVS             R0, #0      ; Set the PSP to 0 
  184.                                                             for initial context
  185.                                                              switch call
  186.   123 00000018 F380 8809       MSR              PSP, R0
  187.   124 0000001C         
  188.   125 0000001C 481A            LDR              R0, =OSRunning 
  189.                                                             ; OSRunning = TRUE
  190.   126 0000001E 2101            MOVS             R1, #1
  191.   127 00000020 7001            STRB             R1, [R0]
  192.   128 00000022         
  193.   129 00000022 481A            LDR              R0, =NVIC_INT_CTRL ; Trigger th
  194.                                                             e PendSV exception 
  195.                                                             (causes context swi
  196.                                                             tch)
  197.   130 00000024 F04F 5180       LDR              R1, =NVIC_PENDSVSET
  198.   131 00000028 6001            STR              R1, [R0]
  199.   132 0000002A         
  200.   133 0000002A B662            CPSIE            I           ; Enable interrupts
  201.                                                              at processor level
  203.   134 0000002C         
  204.   135 0000002C         OSStartHang
  205.   136 0000002C E7FE            B                OSStartHang ; Should never get 
  206.                                                             here
  207.   137 0000002E         
  208.   138 0000002E         
  209.   139 0000002E         ;*******************************************************
  210.                        *************************************************
  211.   140 0000002E         ;                               PERFORM A CONTEXT SWITCH
  212.                         (From task level)
  213.   141 0000002E         ;                                           void OSCtxSw
  214.                        (void)
  215.   142 0000002E         ;
  216.   143 0000002E         ; Note(s) : 1) OSCtxSw() is called when OS wants to perf
  217.                        orm a task context switch.  This function
  218.   144 0000002E         ;              triggers the PendSV exception which is wh
  219.                        ere the real work is done.
  220.   145 0000002E         ;*******************************************************
  221.                        *************************************************
  222.   146 0000002E         
  223.   147 0000002E         OSCtxSw
  224.   148 0000002E 4817            LDR              R0, =NVIC_INT_CTRL ; Trigger th
  225.                                                             e PendSV exception 
  226.                                                             (causes context swi
  227.                                                             tch)
  228.   149 00000030 F04F 5180       LDR              R1, =NVIC_PENDSVSET
  229.   150 00000034 6001            STR              R1, [R0]
  230.   151 00000036 4770            BX               LR
  231.   152 00000038         
  232.   153 00000038         ;*******************************************************
  233.                        *************************************************
  234.   154 00000038         ;                             PERFORM A CONTEXT SWITCH (
  235.                        From interrupt level)
  236.   155 00000038         ;                                         void OSIntCtxS
  237.                        w(void)
  238.   156 00000038         ;
  239.   157 00000038         ; Notes:    1) OSIntCtxSw() is called by OSIntExit() whe
  240.                        n it determines a context switch is needed as
  241. ARM Macro Assembler    Page 5 
  242.   158 00000038         ;              the result of an interrupt.  This functio
  243.                        n simply triggers a PendSV exception which will
  244.   159 00000038         ;              be handled when there are no more interru
  245.                        pts active and interrupts are enabled.
  246.   160 00000038         ;*******************************************************
  247.                        *************************************************
  248.   161 00000038         
  249.   162 00000038         OSIntCtxSw
  250.   163 00000038 4814            LDR              R0, =NVIC_INT_CTRL ; Trigger th
  251.                                                             e PendSV exception 
  252.                                                             (causes context swi
  253.                                                             tch)
  254.   164 0000003A F04F 5180       LDR              R1, =NVIC_PENDSVSET
  255.   165 0000003E 6001            STR              R1, [R0]
  256.   166 00000040 4770            BX               LR
  257.   167 00000042         
  258.   168 00000042         ;*******************************************************
  259.                        *************************************************
  260.   169 00000042         ;                                         HANDLE PendSV 
  261.                        EXCEPTION
  262.   170 00000042         ;                                     void OS_CPU_PendSV
  263.                        Handler(void)
  264.   171 00000042         ;
  265.   172 00000042         ; Note(s) : 1) PendSV is used to cause a context switch.
  266.                          This is a recommended method for performing
  267.   173 00000042         ;              context switches with Cortex-M3.  This is
  268.                         because the Cortex-M3 auto-saves half of the
  269.   174 00000042         ;              processor context on any exception, and r
  270.                        estores same on return from exception.  So only
  271.   175 00000042         ;              saving of R4-R11 is required and fixing u
  272.                        p the stack pointers.  Using the PendSV exception
  273.   176 00000042         ;              this way means that context saving and re
  274.                        storing is identical whether it is initiated from
  275.   177 00000042         ;              a thread or occurs due to an interrupt or
  276.                         exception.
  277.   178 00000042         ;
  278.   179 00000042         ;           2) Pseudo-code is:
  279.   180 00000042         ;              a) Get the process SP, if 0 then skip (go
  280.                        to d) the saving part (first context switch);
  281.   181 00000042         ;              b) Save remaining regs r4-r11 on process 
  282.                        stack;
  283.   182 00000042         ;              c) Save the process SP in its TCB, OSTCBC
  284.                        ur->OSTCBStkPtr = SP;
  285.   183 00000042         ;              d) Call OSTaskSwHook();
  286.   184 00000042         ;              e) Get current high priority, OSPrioCur =
  287.                         OSPrioHighRdy;
  288.   185 00000042         ;              f) Get current ready thread TCB, OSTCBCur
  289.                         = OSTCBHighRdy;
  290.   186 00000042         ;              g) Get new process SP from TCB, SP = OSTC
  291.                        BHighRdy->OSTCBStkPtr;
  292.   187 00000042         ;              h) Restore R4-R11 from new process stack;
  294.   188 00000042         ;              i) Perform exception return which will re
  295.                        store remaining context.
  296.   189 00000042         ;
  297.   190 00000042         ;           3) On entry into PendSV handler:
  298.   191 00000042         ;              a) The following have been saved on the p
  299.                        rocess stack (by processor):
  300.   192 00000042         ;                 xPSR, PC, LR, R12, R0-R3
  301. ARM Macro Assembler    Page 6 
  302.   193 00000042         ;              b) Processor mode is switched to Handler 
  303.                        mode (from Thread mode)
  304.   194 00000042         ;              c) Stack is Main stack (switched from Pro
  305.                        cess stack)
  306.   195 00000042         ;              d) OSTCBCur      points to the OS_TCB of 
  307.                        the task to suspend
  308.   196 00000042         ;                 OSTCBHighRdy  points to the OS_TCB of 
  309.                        the task to resume
  310.   197 00000042         ;
  311.   198 00000042         ;           4) Since PendSV is set to lowest priority in
  312.                         the system (by OSStartHighRdy() above), we
  313.   199 00000042         ;              know that it will only be run when no oth
  314.                        er exception or interrupt is active, and
  315.   200 00000042         ;              therefore safe to assume that context bei
  316.                        ng switched out was using the process stack (PSP).
  317.   201 00000042         ;*******************************************************
  318.                        *************************************************
  319.   202 00000042         
  320.   203 00000042         OS_CPU_PendSVHandler
  321.   204 00000042 B672            CPSID            I           ; Prevent interrupt
  322.                                                             ion during context 
  323.                                                             switch
  324.   205 00000044 F3EF 8009       MRS              R0, PSP     ; PSP is process st
  325.                                                             ack pointer
  326.   206 00000048 B128            CBZ              R0, OS_CPU_PendSVHandler_nosave
  328.                                                             ; Skip register sav
  329.                                                             e the first time
  330.   207 0000004A         
  331.   208 0000004A 3820            SUBS             R0, R0, #0x20 ; Save remaining 
  332.                                                             regs r4-11 on proce
  333.                                                             ss stack
  334.   209 0000004C E880 0FF0       STM              R0, {R4-R11}
  335.   210 00000050         
  336.   211 00000050 490F            LDR              R1, =OSTCBCur ; OSTCBCur->OSTCB
  337.                                                             StkPtr = SP;
  338.   212 00000052 6809            LDR              R1, [R1]
  339.   213 00000054 6008            STR              R0, [R1]    ; R0 is SP of proce
  340.                                                             ss being switched o
  341.                                                             ut
  342.   214 00000056         
  343.   215 00000056         ; At this point, entire context of process has been save
  344.                        d
  345.   216 00000056         OS_CPU_PendSVHandler_nosave
  346.   217 00000056 B500            PUSH             {R14}       ; Save LR exc_retur
  347.                                                             n value
  348.   218 00000058 480E            LDR              R0, =OSTaskSwHook 
  349.                                                             ; OSTaskSwHook();
  350.   219 0000005A 4780            BLX              R0
  351.   220 0000005C F85D EB04       POP              {R14}
  352.   221 00000060         
  353.   222 00000060 480D            LDR              R0, =OSPrioCur ; OSPrioCur = OS
  354.                                                             PrioHighRdy;
  355.   223 00000062 490E            LDR              R1, =OSPrioHighRdy
  356.   224 00000064 780A            LDRB             R2, [R1]
  357.   225 00000066 7002            STRB             R2, [R0]
  358.   226 00000068         
  359.   227 00000068 4809            LDR              R0, =OSTCBCur ; OSTCBCur  = OST
  360.                                                             CBHighRdy;
  361. ARM Macro Assembler    Page 7 
  362.   228 0000006A 490D            LDR              R1, =OSTCBHighRdy
  363.   229 0000006C 680A            LDR              R2, [R1]
  364.   230 0000006E 6002            STR              R2, [R0]
  365.   231 00000070         
  366.   232 00000070 6810            LDR              R0, [R2]    ; R0 is new process
  367.                                                              SP; SP = OSTCBHigh
  368.                                                             Rdy->OSTCBStkPtr;
  369.   233 00000072 E890 0FF0       LDM              R0, {R4-R11} ; Restore r4-11 fr
  370.                                                             om new process stac
  371.                                                             k
  372.   234 00000076 3020            ADDS             R0, R0, #0x20
  373.   235 00000078 F380 8809       MSR              PSP, R0     ; Load PSP with new
  374.                                                              process SP
  375.   236 0000007C F04E 0E04       ORR              LR, LR, #0x04 ; Ensure exceptio
  376.                                                             n return uses proce
  377.                                                             ss stack
  378.   237 00000080 B662            CPSIE            I
  379.   238 00000082 4770            BX               LR          ; Exception return 
  380.                                                             will restore remain
  381.                                                             ing context
  382.   239 00000084         
  383.   240 00000084                 END
  384.               E000ED20 
  385.               00000000 
  386.               E000ED04 
  387.               00000000 
  388.               00000000 
  389.               00000000 
  390.               00000000 
  391.               00000000 
  392. Command Line: --debug --xref --device=DARMSTM --apcs=interwork -o.Outputos_cp
  393. u_a.o -IC:KeilARMINCSTSTM32F10x --list=.Outputos_cpu_a.lst uCOS-IIPorts
  394. os_cpu_a.asm
  395. ARM Macro Assembler    Page 1 Alphabetic symbol ordering
  396. Relocatable symbols
  397. .text 00000000
  398. Symbol: .text
  399.    Definitions
  400.       At line 56 in file uCOS-IIPortsos_cpu_a.asm
  401.    Uses
  402.       None
  403. Comment: .text unused
  404. OSCtxSw 0000002E
  405. Symbol: OSCtxSw
  406.    Definitions
  407.       At line 147 in file uCOS-IIPortsos_cpu_a.asm
  408.    Uses
  409.       At line 39 in file uCOS-IIPortsos_cpu_a.asm
  410. Comment: OSCtxSw used once
  411. OSIntCtxSw 00000038
  412. Symbol: OSIntCtxSw
  413.    Definitions
  414.       At line 162 in file uCOS-IIPortsos_cpu_a.asm
  415.    Uses
  416.       At line 40 in file uCOS-IIPortsos_cpu_a.asm
  417. Comment: OSIntCtxSw used once
  418. OSStartHang 0000002C
  419. Symbol: OSStartHang
  420.    Definitions
  421.       At line 135 in file uCOS-IIPortsos_cpu_a.asm
  422.    Uses
  423.       At line 136 in file uCOS-IIPortsos_cpu_a.asm
  424. Comment: OSStartHang used once
  425. OSStartHighRdy 0000000E
  426. Symbol: OSStartHighRdy
  427.    Definitions
  428.       At line 117 in file uCOS-IIPortsos_cpu_a.asm
  429.    Uses
  430.       At line 38 in file uCOS-IIPortsos_cpu_a.asm
  431. Comment: OSStartHighRdy used once
  432. OS_CPU_PendSVHandler 00000042
  433. Symbol: OS_CPU_PendSVHandler
  434.    Definitions
  435.       At line 203 in file uCOS-IIPortsos_cpu_a.asm
  436.    Uses
  437.       At line 41 in file uCOS-IIPortsos_cpu_a.asm
  438. Comment: OS_CPU_PendSVHandler used once
  439. OS_CPU_PendSVHandler_nosave 00000056
  440. Symbol: OS_CPU_PendSVHandler_nosave
  441.    Definitions
  442.       At line 216 in file uCOS-IIPortsos_cpu_a.asm
  443.    Uses
  444.       At line 206 in file uCOS-IIPortsos_cpu_a.asm
  445. Comment: OS_CPU_PendSVHandler_nosave used once
  446. OS_CPU_SR_Restore 00000008
  447. Symbol: OS_CPU_SR_Restore
  448. ARM Macro Assembler    Page 2 Alphabetic symbol ordering
  449. Relocatable symbols
  450.    Definitions
  451.       At line 98 in file uCOS-IIPortsos_cpu_a.asm
  452.    Uses
  453.       At line 37 in file uCOS-IIPortsos_cpu_a.asm
  454. Comment: OS_CPU_SR_Restore used once
  455. OS_CPU_SR_Save 00000000
  456. Symbol: OS_CPU_SR_Save
  457.    Definitions
  458.       At line 93 in file uCOS-IIPortsos_cpu_a.asm
  459.    Uses
  460.       At line 36 in file uCOS-IIPortsos_cpu_a.asm
  461. Comment: OS_CPU_SR_Save used once
  462. 9 symbols
  463. ARM Macro Assembler    Page 1 Alphabetic symbol ordering
  464. Relocatable symbols
  465. .debug_info$$$.text 00000000
  466. Symbol: .debug_info$$$.text
  467.    Definitions
  468.       None
  469.    Uses
  470.       None
  471. Warning: .debug_info$$$.text undefinedComment: .debug_info$$$.text unused
  472. 1 symbol
  473. ARM Macro Assembler    Page 1 Alphabetic symbol ordering
  474. Relocatable symbols
  475. .debug_line$$$.text 00000000
  476. Symbol: .debug_line$$$.text
  477.    Definitions
  478.       None
  479.    Uses
  480.       None
  481. Warning: .debug_line$$$.text undefinedComment: .debug_line$$$.text unused
  482. 1 symbol
  483. ARM Macro Assembler    Page 1 Alphabetic symbol ordering
  484. Relocatable symbols
  485. .debug_abbrev 00000000
  486. Symbol: .debug_abbrev
  487.    Definitions
  488.       None
  489.    Uses
  490.       None
  491. Warning: .debug_abbrev undefinedComment: .debug_abbrev unused
  492. __ARM_asm.debug_abbrev 00000000
  493. Symbol: __ARM_asm.debug_abbrev
  494.    Definitions
  495.       None
  496.    Uses
  497.       None
  498. Warning: __ARM_asm.debug_abbrev undefinedComment: __ARM_asm.debug_abbrev unused
  499. 2 symbols
  500. ARM Macro Assembler    Page 1 Alphabetic symbol ordering
  501. Absolute symbols
  502. NVIC_INT_CTRL E000ED04
  503. Symbol: NVIC_INT_CTRL
  504.    Definitions
  505.       At line 47 in file uCOS-IIPortsos_cpu_a.asm
  506.    Uses
  507.       At line 129 in file uCOS-IIPortsos_cpu_a.asm
  508.       At line 148 in file uCOS-IIPortsos_cpu_a.asm
  509.       At line 163 in file uCOS-IIPortsos_cpu_a.asm
  510. NVIC_PENDSVSET 10000000
  511. Symbol: NVIC_PENDSVSET
  512.    Definitions
  513.       At line 50 in file uCOS-IIPortsos_cpu_a.asm
  514.    Uses
  515.       At line 130 in file uCOS-IIPortsos_cpu_a.asm
  516.       At line 149 in file uCOS-IIPortsos_cpu_a.asm
  517.       At line 164 in file uCOS-IIPortsos_cpu_a.asm
  519. Symbol: NVIC_PENDSV_PRI
  520.    Definitions
  521.       At line 49 in file uCOS-IIPortsos_cpu_a.asm
  522.    Uses
  523.       At line 119 in file uCOS-IIPortsos_cpu_a.asm
  524. Comment: NVIC_PENDSV_PRI used once
  525. NVIC_SYSPRI2 E000ED20
  526. Symbol: NVIC_SYSPRI2
  527.    Definitions
  528.       At line 48 in file uCOS-IIPortsos_cpu_a.asm
  529.    Uses
  530.       At line 118 in file uCOS-IIPortsos_cpu_a.asm
  531. Comment: NVIC_SYSPRI2 used once
  532. 4 symbols
  533. ARM Macro Assembler    Page 1 Alphabetic symbol ordering
  534. External symbols
  535. OSIntExit 00000000
  536. Symbol: OSIntExit
  537.    Definitions
  538.       At line 32 in file uCOS-IIPortsos_cpu_a.asm
  539.    Uses
  540.       None
  541. Comment: OSIntExit unused
  542. OSIntNesting 00000000
  543. Symbol: OSIntNesting
  544.    Definitions
  545.       At line 31 in file uCOS-IIPortsos_cpu_a.asm
  546.    Uses
  547.       None
  548. Comment: OSIntNesting unused
  549. OSPrioCur 00000000
  550. Symbol: OSPrioCur
  551.    Definitions
  552.       At line 27 in file uCOS-IIPortsos_cpu_a.asm
  553.    Uses
  554.       At line 222 in file uCOS-IIPortsos_cpu_a.asm
  555. Comment: OSPrioCur used once
  556. OSPrioHighRdy 00000000
  557. Symbol: OSPrioHighRdy
  558.    Definitions
  559.       At line 28 in file uCOS-IIPortsos_cpu_a.asm
  560.    Uses
  561.       At line 223 in file uCOS-IIPortsos_cpu_a.asm
  562. Comment: OSPrioHighRdy used once
  563. OSRunning 00000000
  564. Symbol: OSRunning
  565.    Definitions
  566.       At line 26 in file uCOS-IIPortsos_cpu_a.asm
  567.    Uses
  568.       At line 125 in file uCOS-IIPortsos_cpu_a.asm
  569. Comment: OSRunning used once
  570. OSTCBCur 00000000
  571. Symbol: OSTCBCur
  572.    Definitions
  573.       At line 29 in file uCOS-IIPortsos_cpu_a.asm
  574.    Uses
  575.       At line 211 in file uCOS-IIPortsos_cpu_a.asm
  576.       At line 227 in file uCOS-IIPortsos_cpu_a.asm
  577. OSTCBHighRdy 00000000
  578. Symbol: OSTCBHighRdy
  579.    Definitions
  580.       At line 30 in file uCOS-IIPortsos_cpu_a.asm
  581.    Uses
  582.       At line 228 in file uCOS-IIPortsos_cpu_a.asm
  583. Comment: OSTCBHighRdy used once
  584. OSTaskSwHook 00000000
  585. ARM Macro Assembler    Page 2 Alphabetic symbol ordering
  586. External symbols
  587. Symbol: OSTaskSwHook
  588.    Definitions
  589.       At line 33 in file uCOS-IIPortsos_cpu_a.asm
  590.    Uses
  591.       At line 218 in file uCOS-IIPortsos_cpu_a.asm
  592. Comment: OSTaskSwHook used once
  593. 8 symbols
  594. 346 symbols in table