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- function [xhatRMS, xhatPartRMS, xhatPartRegRMS] = ParticleEx3
- % Particle filter example, adapted from Gordon, Salmond, and Smith paper.
- x = 0.1; % initial state
- Q = 0.001; % process noise covariance
- R = 1; % measurement noise covariance
- tf = 50; % simulation length
- N = 3; % number of particles in the particle filter
- NReg = 5 * N; % number of probability bins in the regularized particle filter
- xhat = x;
- P = 2;
- xhatPart = x;
- xhatPartReg = x;
- % Initialize the particle filter.
- for i = 1 : N
- xpart(i) = x + sqrt(P) * randn; % normal particle filter
- xpartReg(i) = xpart(i); % regularized particle filter
- end
- % Initialization for the regularized particle filter.
- d = length(x); % dimension of the state vector
- c = 2; % volume of unit hypersphere in d-dimensional space
- h = (8 * c^(-1) * (d + 4) * (2 * sqrt(pi))^d)^(1 / (d + 4)) * N^(-1 / (d + 4)); % bandwidth of regularized filter
- % Initialize arrays.
- xArr = [x];
- yArr = [x^2 / 20 + sqrt(R) * randn];
- xhatArr = [x];
- PArr = [P];
- xhatPartArr = [xhatPart];
- xhatPartRegArr = [xhatPartReg];
- close all; % close all open figures
- for k = 1 : tf
- % System simulation
- x = 0.5 * x + 25 * x / (1 + x^2) + 8 * cos(1.2*(k-1)) + sqrt(Q) * randn;
- y = x^2 / 20 + sqrt(R) * randn;
- % Extended Kalman filter
- F = 0.5 + 25 * (1 - xhat^2) / (1 + xhat^2)^2;
- P = F * P * F' + Q;
- H = xhat / 10;
- K = P * H' * (H * P * H' + R)^(-1);
- xhat = 0.5 * xhat + 25 * xhat / (1 + xhat^2) + 8 * cos(1.2*(k-1));
- xhat = xhat + K * (y - xhat^2 / 20);
- P = (1 - K * H) * P;
- % Particle filter
- for i = 1 : N
- xpartminus(i) = 0.5 * xpart(i) + 25 * xpart(i) / (1 + xpart(i)^2) + 8 * cos(1.2*(k-1)) + sqrt(Q) * randn;
- ypart = xpartminus(i)^2 / 20;
- vhat = y - ypart;
- q(i) = (1 / sqrt(R) / sqrt(2*pi)) * exp(-vhat^2 / 2 / R);
- end
- % Normalize the likelihood of each a priori estimate.
- qsum = sum(q);
- for i = 1 : N
- q(i) = q(i) / qsum;
- end
- % Resample.
- for i = 1 : N
- u = rand; % uniform random number between 0 and 1
- qtempsum = 0;
- for j = 1 : N
- qtempsum = qtempsum + q(j);
- if qtempsum >= u
- xpart(i) = xpartminus(j);
- break;
- end
- end
- end
- % The particle filter estimate is the mean of the particles.
- xhatPart = mean(xpart);
- % Now run the regularized particle filter.
- % Perform the time update to the get the a priori regularized particles.
- for i = 1 : N
- xpartminusReg(i) = 0.5 * xpartReg(i) + 25 * xpartReg(i) / (1 + xpartReg(i)^2) + 8 * cos(1.2*(k-1)) + sqrt(Q) * randn;
- ypart = xpartminusReg(i)^2 / 20;
- vhat = y - ypart;
- q(i) = (1 / sqrt(R) / sqrt(2*pi)) * exp(-vhat^2 / 2 / R);
- end
- % Normalize the probabilities of the a priori particles.
- q = q / sum(q);
- % Compute the covariance of the a priori particles.
- S = cov(xpartminusReg');
- A = chol(S)';
- % Define the domain from which we will choose a posteriori particles for
- % the regularized particle filter.
- xreg(1) = min(xpartminusReg) - std(xpartminusReg);
- xreg(NReg) = max(xpartminusReg) + std(xpartminusReg);
- dx = (xreg(NReg) - xreg(1)) / (NReg - 1);
- for i = 2 : NReg - 1
- xreg(i) = xreg(i-1) + dx;
- end
- % Create the pdf approximation that is required for the regularized
- % particle filter.
- for j = 1 : NReg
- qreg(j) = 0;
- for i = 1 : N
- normx = norm(inv(A) * (xreg(j) - xpartminusReg(i)));
- if normx < h
- qreg(j) = qreg(j) + q(i) * (d + 2) * (1 - normx^2 / h^2) / 2 / c / h^d / det(A);
- end
- end
- end
- % Normalize the likelihood of each state estimate for the regularized particle filter.
- qsum = sum(qreg);
- for j = 1 : NReg
- qreg(j) = qreg(j) / qsum;
- end
- % Resample for the regularized particle filter.
- for i = 1 : N
- u = rand; % uniform random number between 0 and 1
- qtempsum = 0;
- for j = 1 : NReg
- qtempsum = qtempsum + qreg(j);
- if qtempsum >= u
- xpartReg(i) = xreg(j);
- break;
- end
- end
- end
- % The regularized particle filter estimate is the mean of the regularized particles.
- xhatPartReg = mean(xpartReg);
- % Plot the discrete pdf and the continuous pdf at a specific time.
- if k == 5
- figure; hold on;
- for i = 1 : N
- plot([xpartminusReg(i) xpartminusReg(i)], [0 q(i)], 'k-');
- plot(xpartminusReg(i), q(i), 'ko');
- end
- plot(xreg, qreg, 'r:');
- set(gca,'FontSize',12); set(gcf,'Color','White');
- set(gca,'box','on');
- xlabel('state estimate'); ylabel('pdf');
- end
- % Save data in arrays for later plotting
- xArr = [xArr x];
- yArr = [yArr y];
- xhatArr = [xhatArr xhat];
- PArr = [PArr P];
- xhatPartArr = [xhatPartArr xhatPart];
- xhatPartRegArr = [xhatPartRegArr xhatPartReg];
- end
- t = 0 : tf;
- %figure;
- %plot(t, xArr);
- %ylabel('true state');
- figure;
- plot(t, xArr, 'b.', t, xhatArr, 'k-', t, xhatArr-2*sqrt(PArr), 'r:', t, xhatArr+2*sqrt(PArr), 'r:');
- axis([0 tf -40 40]);
- set(gca,'FontSize',12); set(gcf,'Color','White');
- xlabel('time step'); ylabel('state');
- legend('True state', 'EKF estimate', '95% confidence region');
- figure;
- plot(t, xArr, 'b.', t, xhatPartArr, 'k-', t, xhatPartRegArr, 'r:');
- set(gca,'FontSize',12); set(gcf,'Color','White');
- xlabel('time step'); ylabel('state');
- legend('True state', 'Particle filter', 'Regularized particle filter');
- xhatRMS = sqrt((norm(xArr - xhatArr))^2 / tf);
- xhatPartRMS = sqrt((norm(xArr - xhatPartArr))^2 / tf);
- xhatPartRegRMS = sqrt((norm(xArr - xhatPartRegArr))^2 / tf);
- disp(['Kalman filter RMS error = ', num2str(xhatRMS)]);
- disp(['Particle filter RMS error = ', num2str(xhatPartRMS)]);
- disp(['Regularized particle filter RMS error = ', num2str(xhatPartRegRMS)]);