- /*
- * 68K/386 32-bit C compiler.
- *
- * copyright (c) 1996, David Lindauer
- *
- * This compiler is intended for educational use. It may not be used
- * for profit without the express written consent of the author.
- *
- * It may be freely redistributed, as long as this notice remains intact
- * and sources are distributed along with any executables derived from them.
- *
- * The author is not responsible for damages, either direct or consequential,
- * that may arise from use of this software.
- *
- * v1.5 August 1996
- * David Lindauer,
- *
- * Credits to Mathew Brandt for original K&R C compiler
- *
- */
- /*
- * code generation structures and constants
- */
- /* address mode specifications */
- #define F_DREG 1 /* data register direct mode allowed */
- #define F_AREG 2 /* address register direct mode allowed */
- #define F_MEM 4 /* memory alterable modes allowed */
- #define F_IMMED 8 /* immediate mode allowed */
- #define F_ALT 7 /* alterable modes */
- #define F_DALT 5 /* data alterable modes */
- #define F_FREG 16 /* FP register */
- #define F_INDX 32 /* indexed memory alterable mode allowed */
- #define F_ALL 31 /* all modes allowed */
- #define F_VOL 64 /* need volitile operand */
- #define F_NOVALUE 128 /* dont need result value */
- #define F_NOBIT 256 /* Don't get the bit val, get the address */
- #define F_DEST 512 /* Is going to be used as a destination */
- #define OPE_MATH 1
- #define OPE_ARPL 2
- #define OPE_BOUND 3
- #define OPE_BITSCAN 4
- #define OPE_BIT 5
- #define OPE_CALL 6
- #define OPE_INCDEC 7
- #define OPE_RM 8
- #define OPE_ENTER 9
- #define OPE_IMUL 10
- #define OPE_IN 11
- #define OPE_IMM8 12
- #define OPE_RELBRA 13
- #define OPE_RELBR8 14
- #define OPE_JMP 15
- #define OPE_REGRM 16
- #define OPE_LOADSEG 17
- #define OPE_LGDT 18
- #define OPE_LIDT 19
- #define OPE_RM16 20
- #define OPE_MOV 21
- #define OPE_MOVSX 22
- #define OPE_OUT 23
- #define OPE_PUSHPOP 24
- #define OPE_SHIFT 25
- #define OPE_RET 26
- #define OPE_SET 27
- #define OPE_SHLD 28
- #define OPE_TEST 29
- #define OPE_XCHG 30
- #define OPE_FMATH 31
- #define OPE_FMATHP 32
- #define OPE_FMATHI 33
- #define OPE_FCOM 34
- #define OPE_FREG 35
- #define OPE_FICOM 36
- #define OPE_FILD 37
- #define OPE_FIST 38
- #define OPE_FLD 39
- #define OPE_FST 40
- #define OPE_FSTP 41
- #define OPE_FUCOM 42
- #define OPE_FXCH 43
- #define OPE_MN 44
- #define OPE_M16 45
- #define OPE_CMPS 46
- #define OPE_INS 47
- #define OPE_LODS 48
- #define OPE_MOVS 49
- #define OPE_OUTS 50
- #define OPE_SCAS 51
- #define OPE_STOS 52
- #define OPE_XLAT 53
- #define OPE_REG32 54
- enum e_op { op_reserved, op_line, op_label, op_funclabel, op_seq,
- op_genword,op_dd,
- op_aaa,op_aad,op_aam,op_aas,op_add,op_adc,
- op_and,op_arpl,op_bound,op_bsf,op_bsr,op_bswap,op_btc,
- op_bt,op_bts,op_call,op_cbw,op_cwde,op_cwd,
- op_cdq,op_clc,op_cld,op_cli,op_clts,op_cmc,
- op_cmp,op_cmps,op_cmpsb,op_cmpsw,op_cmpsd,op_daa,
- op_das,op_dec,op_div,op_enter,op_hlt,op_idiv,
- op_imul,op_in,op_inc,op_ins,op_insb,op_insw,
- op_insd,op_int,op_into,op_invd,op_iret,op_iretd,op_ja,
- op_jnbe,op_jae,op_jnb,op_jnc,op_jb,op_jc,
- op_jnae,op_jbe,op_jna,op_jecxz,op_je,op_jg,
- op_jnle,op_jl,op_jnge,op_jge,op_jnl,op_jle,
- op_jng,op_jne,op_jo,op_jno,op_jp,op_jpe,
- op_jpo,op_js,op_jns,op_jmp,op_lahf,op_lar,
- op_lds,op_les,op_lfs,op_lgs,op_lss,op_lea,
- op_leave,op_lgdt,op_lidt,op_lldt,op_lmsw,op_lock,
- op_lods,op_lodsb,op_lodsw,op_lodsd,op_loop,op_loope,
- op_loopz,op_loopne,op_loopnz,op_lsl,op_ltr,op_mov,
- op_movs,op_movsb,op_movsw,op_movsd,op_movsx,op_movzx,
- op_mul,op_neg,op_not,op_nop,op_or,op_out,
- op_outs,op_outsb,op_outsw,op_outsd,op_pop,op_popa,op_popad,
- op_popf,op_popfd,op_push,op_pusha,op_pushad,op_pushf,op_pushfd,op_rcl,op_rcr,
- op_rol,op_ror,op_rep,op_repne, op_repe, op_repnz,
- op_repz,op_ret,op_sahf,op_sal,op_sar,op_shl,
- op_shr,op_sbb,op_scas,op_scasb,op_scasw,op_scasd,
- op_seta,op_setnbe,op_setae,op_setnb,op_setnc,op_setb,
- op_setc,op_setnae,op_setbe,op_setna,op_sete,op_setg,
- op_setnle,op_setl,op_setnge,op_setge,op_setnl,op_setle,
- op_setng,op_setne,op_seto,op_setno,op_setp,op_setpe,
- op_setpo,op_sets,op_setns,op_sgdt,op_sidt,op_sldt,
- op_smsw,op_shld,op_shrd,op_stc,op_std,op_sti,
- op_stos,op_stosb,op_stosw,op_stosd,op_str,op_sub,op_test,
- op_verr,op_verw,op_wait,op_wbinvd,op_xchg,
- op_xlat,op_xlatb,op_xor,op_f2xm1,op_fabs,op_fadd,op_faddp,
- op_fiadd,op_fchs,op_fclex,op_fnclex,op_fcom,op_fcomp,
- op_fcompp,op_fcos,op_fdecstp,op_fdiv,op_fdivp,op_fidiv,
- op_fdivr,op_fdivrp,op_fidivr,op_ffre,op_ficom,op_ficomp,
- op_fild,op_fincstp,op_finit,op_fninit,op_fist,op_fistp,
- op_fld,op_fldz,op_fldpi,op_fld1,op_fld2t,op_fld2e,op_fldlg2,
- op_fldln2,op_fldcw,op_fldsw,op_fldenv,op_fmul,op_fmulp,op_fimul,
- op_fpatan,op_fprem,op_fprem1,op_fptan,op_frndint, op_frstor,op_fsave,
- op_fnsave,op_fscale,op_fsin,op_fsincos,op_fsqrt,op_fst,
- op_fstp,op_fstcw,op_fstsw,op_fnstcw, op_fnstsw,
- op_fstenv,op_fsntenv,op_fsub,
- op_fsubp,op_fisub,op_fsubr,op_fsubrp,op_fisubr,op_ftst,
- op_fucom,op_fucomp,op_fucompp,op_fwait,op_fxam,op_fxch,op_fxtract,
- op_fyl2x,op_fyl2xp1
- };
- enum e_asmw {
- akw_byte, akw_word, akw_dword, akw_fword, akw_qword, akw_tbyte,
- akw_offset, akw_ptr };
- enum e_am {
- am_none, am_dreg, am_freg, am_screg, am_sdreg, am_streg, am_seg,
- am_indisp, am_indispscale,
- am_direct, am_immed, am_ext };
- /* addressing mode structure */
- struct amode {
- enum e_am mode;
- char preg;
- char sreg;
- char tempflag;
- char scale;
- char length;
- enum { e_default, e_cs,e_ds,e_es,e_fs,e_gs, e_ss } seg;
- struct enode *offset;
- };
- /* output code structure */
- struct ocode {
- struct ocode *fwd, *back;
- enum e_op opcode;
- struct amode *oper1, *oper2,*oper3;
- int addr;
- int size;
- char diag;
- char noopt;
- };
- /* Used for fixup gen */
- typedef struct dl {
- struct dl *next;
- char *string;
- int offset;
- short type;
- #define AMODE struct amode
- #define OCODE struct ocode
- #define FLOAT printf("codegen-Floating point not implemented in push/popn");
- /* 386 register set */
- #define EAX 0
- #define ECX 1
- #define EDX 2
- #define EBX 3
- #define ESP 4
- #define EBP 5
- #define ESI 6
- #define EDI 7
- #define AL 0
- #define CL 1
- #define DL 2
- #define BL 3
- #define ES 0
- #define CS 1
- #define SS 2
- #define DS 3
- #include "cc386.p"