- //
- // Compile with Borland C/C++ v3.1 : bcc -v- -ml cl386.c
- // Compile with Watcom C/C++ v10.6 : wcl -y -ox -ml cl386.c
- //
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <dos.h>
- #include <process.h>
- #ifdef __TURBOC__
- #include <dir.h>
- #else
- #include <direct.h>
- #endif
- #define VERSION "1.0"
- static char usage[] = /* Usage */
- "MK386 Version " VERSION " (c) Kirill Joss. Compile " __DATE__ "n"
- "Usage: MK386.EXE [options] filesn"
- "Options: (default parameters if first)n"
- "/l[-|+] dump listing file /w-xxx disable a warning n"
- "/i[-|+] dump preprocessed file /Dxxx define something n"
- "/e[+|-] dump errors to file /Ennn max number of errors n"
- "/k[+|-] keep generate files /Ipath specify include path n"
- "/K[-|+] keep response files /Lpath specify .LIB & .OBJ dir n"
- "/A[+|-] disable extensions /Cxxx codegen parameters n"
- "/v[-|+] debug info /Oxxx optimzer parameters n"
- "/m[-|+] generate .MAP file /Tp use TLINK & PMODE n"
- "/n[-|+] no default .LIB & .OBJ /Tl use TLINK & PMODE(low) n"
- "/M[+|-] run MAKE /Tw use WLINK & PMODE/W n"
- "/B[-|+] build all /Td use WLINK & DOS/4GW n"
- "/a generate .ASM file /c generate .OBJ file n"
- "/ename set name of .EXE file /opath set out path .OBJ files n"
- "/?,/h,/H this help @fname specify response file n";
- #define FALSE 0
- #define TRUE 1
- #define MAX_STR 256 /* Max len of string in .CFG file */
- // is param ?
- #define isparam(s) ( *(s) == '-' || *(s) == '/' || *(s) == '+' )
- // check for NOT NULL !!!
- #define chkNULL(exp, msg ) if ( !(exp) ) error( ERR_FATAL, msg )
- // empty string ?
- #define empty_string(s) ( (s) == NULL || *(s) == ' ' )
- typedef struct _Item {
- struct _Item *next;
- char data[1];
- } Item;
- typedef struct _List {
- Item *head;
- Item *tail;
- unsigned count;
- } List;
- Item *ItemCreate( char *dat );
- #define ItemDelete(item) free(item)
- void ListAdd( List *list, char *data );
- void ListDelete( List *list );
- int ListFind( List *list, char *data );
- void ListIter( List *list, void (*iter)( Item *) );
- #define FileAdd(list, file) ListAdd((list),(file))
- #define ParamAdd(list, param) ListAdd((list),(param));
- List files; // list of all files
- List l_inc; // list of INCLUDE path
- List l_def; // list of DEFINE var
- List l_cc386; // list of CC386 options
- int _compile = TRUE;
- int _assemble = TRUE;
- int _link = TRUE;
- int _dump_cpp = FALSE; // dump preprocessed file
- int _dump_err = TRUE; // dump error file
- int _dump_lst = FALSE; // dump listing file
- int _ansi = TRUE; // ANSI
- int _map_file = FALSE; // map file
- int _nodef_lib= FALSE; // no default lib
- int _debug = FALSE; // debug info
- int _keep_rsp = FALSE; // keep response files
- int _keep_gen = TRUE; // keep generate files
- int _make_run = TRUE;
- int _build_all = FALSE;
- int _output = 'p'; // Output format, same /Tx, can be 'p', 'l', 'w', 'd'
- char path_lib[ _MAX_PATH ]; // path for default LIB & OBJ
- char path_obj[ _MAX_PATH ]; // path for output .OBJ files
- char name_exe[ _MAX_PATH ]; // name of .EXE file
- // For error()
- #define ERR_NO 0 /* no error ! */
- #define ERR_FATAL 128 /* fatal error */
- #define ERR_RUNTIME 129 /* stdlib error - see 'errno' */
- // output errmsg & exit()
- void error( int exitcode, char *msg );
- // output help & exit(0)
- void help( void );
- // get parameters from <name>.CFG, CL386, cmdline ...
- void get_param( char *exe_name, char *env_var, int argc, char *argv[] );
- // get parameters from file
- int get_param_file( char *file );
- // get parameters from string
- void get_param_str( char *str );
- // check ONE parameter
- void get_one_param( char *param );
- // get ONE options
- void get_option( char *param );
- // get ONE file ( can '*' & '?' )
- void get_source( char *filename );
- // get ONE file without '*' & '?'
- void get_one_source( char *filename );
- // find source files
- void find_source( char *fpath, char *fname );
- // clear all list
- void cleanup( void );
- // generate MAKEFILE.
- void gen_makefile( void );
- // run overlay MAKE
- void make( char *maker );
- void main( int argc, char *argv[] ) {
- if ( argc == 1 ) // no argument
- help();
- get_param( argv[0], "CL386", argc - 1, argv + 1 );
- atexit( cleanup ); // set exit function
- if ( files.count == 0 ) // no files
- help();
- gen_makefile();
- cleanup();
- if ( _make_run )
- make( "MAKE.EXE" );
- }
- void help( void ) {
- printf( usage ); exit( 0 );
- }
- static char _file[ _MAX_PATH ];
- static char fdisk[ _MAX_DRIVE ];
- static char fpath[ _MAX_DIR ];
- static char fname[ _MAX_FNAME ];
- static char fext [ _MAX_EXT ];
- void get_param( char *exe_name, char *env_var, int argc, char *argv[] ) {
- static char _cfg[] = ".CFG";
- int i;
- char *env;
- _splitpath( exe_name, fdisk, fpath, fname, fext );
- _makepath( _file, NULL, NULL, fname, _cfg );
- if ( ! get_param_file( _file ) ) {
- _makepath( _file, fdisk, fpath, fname, _cfg );
- get_param_file( _file );
- }
- if ( (env = getenv( env_var ) ) != NULL )
- get_param_str( env );
- for ( i = 0; i < argc; i++ )
- get_one_param( argv[ i ] );
- }
- int get_param_file( char *file ) {
- static char str[ MAX_STR ];
- FILE *f = fopen( file, "rt" );
- if ( f == NULL )
- return FALSE;
- while( fgets( str, MAX_STR - 1, f) != NULL )
- get_param_str( str );
- fclose( f );
- return TRUE;
- }
- void get_param_str( char *s ) {
- char arg[ MAX_STR ];
- int len;
- for ( len = 0; *s; s++ ) {
- if ( *s == ' ' || *s == 't' || *s == 'n' ) {
- if ( len > 0 ) {
- arg[ len ] = ' ';
- get_one_param( arg );
- }
- arg[ len = 0 ] = ' ';
- }
- else {
- arg[ len++ ] = *s;
- }
- }
- if ( len > 0 ) {
- arg[ len ] = ' ';
- get_one_param( arg );
- }
- }
- void get_one_param( char *arg ) {
- if ( isparam( arg ) ) // -X , +X or /X
- get_option( arg );
- else if ( *arg == '@' ) { // @filename
- if ( ! get_param_file( arg + 1 ) )
- error( ERR_RUNTIME, arg + 1 );
- }
- else
- get_source( arg ); // file.ext
- }
- void error( int exitcode, char *msg ) {
- switch ( exitcode ) {
- case ERR_NO: break;
- case ERR_FATAL: fprintf( stderr, "Fatal : %sn", msg );
- break;
- case ERR_RUNTIME: fprintf( stderr, "%s : %s", msg, strerror( errno ) );
- break;
- default: fprintf( stderr, "Program error : %s !n", msg );
- break;
- }
- exit( exitcode );
- }
- static int setop( char *param, int *option ) {
- if ( param[2] == '-' && param[3] == ' ' )
- *option = FALSE;
- else if ( ( param[2] == '+' && param[3] == ' ' ) || param[2] == ' ' )
- *option = TRUE;
- else
- return FALSE;
- return TRUE;
- }
- void get_option( char *param ) {
- int len;
- switch( param[ 1 ] ) {
- case 'i' : // dump preprocessed file
- if ( setop( param, &_dump_cpp ) )
- return;
- break;
- case 'e' : // dump errors to file
- if ( setop( param, &_dump_err ) )
- return;
- else
- strupr( strncpy( name_exe, param + 2, _MAX_PATH ) );
- break;
- case 'l' : // dump listing file
- if ( setop( param, &_dump_lst ) )
- return;
- break;
- case 'A' : // disable extensions
- if ( setop( param, &_ansi ) )
- return;
- break;
- case 'm' : // gen map file
- if ( setop( param, &_map_file ) )
- return;
- break;
- case 'n' : // no default lib
- if ( setop( param, &_nodef_lib ) )
- return;
- break;
- case 'v' : // debug info
- if ( setop( param, &_debug ) )
- return;
- break;
- case 'K' : // keep response files
- if ( setop( param, &_keep_rsp ) )
- return;
- break;
- case 'k' : // keep generate files
- if ( setop( param, &_keep_gen ) )
- return;
- break;
- case 'B' : // building all
- if ( setop( param, &_build_all ) )
- return;
- break;
- case 'M' : // run make, else ONLY generate MAKEFILE.
- if ( setop( param, &_make_run ) )
- return;
- break;
- case 'a' :
- if ( param[2] == ' ' ) {
- _compile = TRUE;
- _assemble = _link = FALSE;
- return;
- }
- break;
- case 'c' :
- if ( param[2] == ' ' ) {
- _compile = _assemble = TRUE;
- _link = FALSE;
- return;
- }
- break;
- case '?' :
- case 'h' :
- case 'H' :
- help(); /* Not return ! */
- case 'D' : // define
- ParamAdd( &l_def, param + 2 );
- return;
- case 'I' : // include path
- ParamAdd( &l_inc, param + 2 );
- return;
- case 'L' : // lib path
- strupr( strncpy( path_lib, param + 2, _MAX_PATH ) );
- len = strlen( path_lib );
- if ( len > 0 && path_lib[ len - 1 ] == '\' )
- path_lib[ len - 1 ] = ' ';
- return;
- case 'o' : // output obj path
- strupr( strncpy( path_obj, param + 2, _MAX_PATH ) );
- len = strlen( path_obj );
- if ( len > 0 && path_obj[ len - 1 ] == '\' )
- path_obj[ len - 1 ] = ' ';
- return;
- case 'w' :
- case 'C' :
- case 'E' :
- case 'O' :
- ParamAdd( &l_cc386, param );
- return;
- case 'T' :
- if ( param[3] == ' ' )
- if ( param[2] == 'p' || param[2] == 'l' ||
- param[2] == 'w' || param[2] == 'd' ) {
- _output = param[2]; return;
- }
- break;
- }
- fprintf( stderr, "Warning! Parameter error : %sn", param );
- }
- Item *ItemCreate( char *dat ) {
- Item *item;
- int len;
- if ( empty_string( dat ) )
- return NULL;
- len = strlen( dat );
- if ( (item = (Item *)malloc( sizeof( Item ) + len )) != NULL ) {
- item->next = NULL;
- strcpy( item->data, dat );
- }
- return item;
- }
- void ListDelete( List *list ) {
- Item *p, *q;
- chkNULL( list, "Pointer is NULL !" );
- for( p = list->head; p; p = q ) {
- q = p->next;
- free(p);
- }
- list->head = list->tail = NULL;
- list->count = 0;
- }
- void ListAdd( List *list, char *file ) {
- Item *item;
- chkNULL( list, "Pointer is NULL !" );
- item = ItemCreate( file );
- chkNULL( item, "Out of memory !" );
- if ( list->count == 0 )
- list->head = list->tail = item;
- else {
- (list->tail)->next = item;
- list->tail = item;
- }
- list->count++;
- }
- void ListIter( List *list, void (*iter)( Item *) ) {
- Item *p;
- chkNULL( list, "Pointer is NULL !" );
- if ( list->count && iter ) {
- for ( p = list->head; p; p = p->next )
- (*iter)(p);
- }
- }
- static char *need;
- static int found = 0;
- static void find( Item *item ) {
- if ( strcmp( item->data, need ) == 0 )
- found = 1;
- }
- int ListFind( List *list, char *data ) {
- found = 0;
- need = data;
- ListIter( list, find );
- return found;
- }
- char findpath[ _MAX_PATH ];
- char findname[ _MAX_PATH ];
- void get_source( char *filename ) {
- _splitpath( filename, fdisk, fpath, fname, fext );
- if ( strchr( filename, '?' ) || strchr( filename, '*' ) ) { /* Check for '*' and '?' */
- _makepath( findpath, fdisk, fpath, NULL, NULL );
- _makepath( findname, NULL, NULL, fname, fext );
- find_source( findpath, findname );
- }
- else
- get_one_source( filename );
- }
- #ifdef __TURBOC__
- void find_source( char *fpath, char *fname ) {
- int fpath_len = strlen( fpath );
- struct ffblk fb;
- if ( !findfirst( strcat( fpath, fname), &fb, FA_ARCH) )
- do {
- fpath[ fpath_len ] = ' ';
- get_one_source( strcat( fpath, fb.ff_name) );
- } while (! findnext(&fb) );
- }
- #else
- void find_source( char *fpath, char *fname ) {
- int fpath_len = strlen( fpath );
- struct find_t fb;
- if (!_dos_findfirst( strcat( fpath, fname), _A_NORMAL, &fb ) )
- do {
- fpath[ fpath_len ] = ' ';
- get_one_source( strcat( fpath, );
- } while( ! _dos_findnext( &fb ) );
- }
- #endif
- void get_one_source( char *srcfile ) {
- char file[ _MAX_PATH ];
- strupr( strncpy( file, srcfile, _MAX_PATH ) );
- FileAdd( &files, file );
- }
- void cleanup( void ) { // for atexit()
- ListDelete( &files );
- ListDelete( &l_def );
- ListDelete( &l_inc );
- ListDelete( &l_cc386 );
- }
- #define Def(v) ( (v) ? 'D' : 'U' )
- void make( char *maker ) {
- static char make_opt[ _MAX_PATH ];
- // static char *args[3];
- int err;
- sprintf( make_opt,
- Def( _map_file), Def( _debug), Def( _nodef_lib),
- Def( _keep_gen ), Def( _dump_lst ),
- Def( _link), Def( _assemble ), Def( _compile ) );
- if ( _keep_rsp )
- strcat( make_opt, " -K" );
- if ( _build_all )
- strcat( make_opt, " -B" );
- printf( "%s%sn", maker, make_opt );
- err = spawnlp( P_OVERLAY, maker, maker, make_opt, NULL );
- if ( err < 0 )
- error( ERR_RUNTIME, maker );
- else if ( err > 0 )
- error( err, maker );
- }
- char *name( void ) {
- if ( strlen( name_exe ) > 0 )
- return name_exe;
- _splitpath( files.head->data, fdisk, fpath, fname, fext );
- return fname;
- }
- char *libpath( char *lib ) {
- if ( strlen( path_lib ) == 0 )
- return lib;
- strcpy( _file, path_lib );
- strcat( _file, "\" );
- return strcat( _file, lib );
- }
- #define L_( s ) fprintf( frsp, "t%s", (s) )
- #define L0( s ) fprintf( frsp, "%s", (s) )
- #define L1( s ) fprintf( frsp, "%sn", (s) )
- static FILE *frsp;
- static void compile_inc ( Item *p ) { fprintf( frsp, "%s;", p->data ); }
- static void compile_def ( Item *p ) { fprintf( frsp, " /D%s", p->data ); }
- static void compile_opt ( Item *p ) { fprintf( frsp, " %s", p->data ); }
- static void assemble_def( Item *p ) { fprintf( frsp, " /d%s", p->data ); }
- static void assemble_inc( Item *p ) { fprintf( frsp, " /i%s", p->data ); }
- static void get_obj( Item *p ) {
- _splitpath( p->data, fdisk, fpath, fname, fext );
- if ( strcmp( fext, ".OBJ" ) == 0 )
- fprintf( frsp, "%s \n", p->data );
- else if ( strcmp( fext, ".ASM" ) == 0 ) {
- fprintf( frsp, "$(PATH_OBJ)\%s.OBJ \n", fname );
- }
- else if ( strcmp( fext, ".LIB" ) != 0 ) {
- fprintf( frsp, "$(PATH_OBJ)\%s.OBJ \n", fname );
- }
- }
- static void get_asm( Item *p ) {
- _splitpath( p->data, fdisk, fpath, fname, fext );
- if ( strcmp( fext, ".OBJ" ) == 0 || strcmp( fext, ".LIB" ) == 0 )
- return;
- else if ( strcmp( fext, ".ASM" ) == 0 )
- fprintf( frsp, "%s \n", p->data );
- else
- fprintf( frsp, "%s.ASM \n", fname );
- }
- static void get_lib( Item *p ) {
- _splitpath( p->data, fdisk, fpath, fname, fext );
- if ( strcmp( fext, ".LIB" ) == 0 ) {
- fprintf( frsp, "%s \n", p->data );
- }
- }
- static void get_dep( Item *p ) {
- _splitpath( p->data, fdisk, fpath, fname, fext );
- if ( strcmp( fext, ".LIB" ) == 0 )
- return; // .LIB file
- else if ( strcmp( fext, ".OBJ" ) == 0 )
- return; // .OBJ file
- else if ( strcmp( fext, ".ASM" ) == 0 ) { // .ASM file
- fprintf( frsp, "$(PATH_OBJ)\%s.OBJ : %sn", fname, p->data );
- fprintf( frsp, " $(AS) %s,$(PATH_OBJ)\%s.OBJ,$(PATH_OBJ)\%s.LST,NULn",
- p->data, fname, fname );
- fprintf( frsp, " $(DEL_LST) $(PATH_OBJ)\%s.LSTn", fname );
- }
- else { // .CPP file
- fprintf( frsp, "$(PATH_OBJ)\%s.OBJ : %s.ASMn", fname, fname );
- fprintf( frsp, " $(AS) %s.ASM,$(PATH_OBJ)\%s.OBJ,$(PATH_OBJ)\%s.LST,NULn",
- fname, fname, fname );
- fprintf( frsp, " $(DEL_LST) $(PATH_OBJ)\%s.LSTn", fname );
- fprintf( frsp, " $(DEL_SRC) %s.ASMn", fname );
- fprintf( frsp, "%s.ASM : %sn", fname, p->data );
- fprintf( frsp, " $(CC) %sn", p->data );
- }
- }
- static void wout_obj( Item *p) {
- _splitpath( p->data, fdisk, fpath, fname, fext );
- if ( strcmp( fext, ".LIB" ) == 0 )
- return;
- else if ( strcmp( fext, ".OBJ" ) == 0 )
- fprintf( frsp, "file %sn", p->data );
- else if ( strcmp( fext, ".ASM" ) == 0 )
- fprintf( frsp, "file $(PATH_OBJ)\%s.OBJn", fname );
- else
- fprintf( frsp, "file $(PATH_OBJ)\%s.OBJn", fname );
- }
- static void wout_lib( Item *p) {
- _splitpath( p->data, fdisk, fpath, fname, fext );
- if ( strcmp( fext, ".LIB" ) == 0 )
- fprintf( frsp, "library %sn", p->data );
- }
- static void delete_obj( Item *p ) {
- _splitpath( p->data, fdisk, fpath, fname, fext );
- if ( strcmp( fext, ".LIB" ) == 0 || strcmp( fext, ".OBJ" ) == 0 )
- return;
- else
- fprintf( frsp, " $(DEL_SRC) $(PATH_OBJ)\%s.OBJn", fname );
- }
- void gen_makefile( void ) {
- int tlink = ( _output == 'p' || _output == 'l' );
- frsp = fopen( "MAKEFILE.", "wt" );
- if ( frsp == NULL )
- error( ERR_RUNTIME, "MAKEFILE." );
- L1( "#" );
- L1( "# this MAKEFILE. generate MK386.EXE program" );
- L1( "#" );
- L1( ".AUTODEPEND" );
- L1( ".SWAP" );
- L1( "# LINK = # define LINK for COMPILE, ASSEMBLE & LINK" );
- L1( "# ASSEMBLE = # define ASSEMBLE for COMPILE & ASSEMBLE" );
- L1( "# COMPILE = # define COMPILER for ONLY COMPILE" );
- L1( "!ifndef LINK" );
- L1( "!ifndef ASSEMBLE" );
- L1( "!ifndef COMPILE" );
- L1( "LINK =" );
- L1( "!endif" );
- L1( "!endif" );
- L1( "!endif" );
- L1( "# DEBUG = # define DEBUG for debug info and debug startup module" );
- L1( "# MAP = # define MAP for generate .MAP file" );
- L1( "# NODEFLIB = # define NODEFLIB for NO link default .OBJ & .LIB" );
- L1( "# KEEP_SRC = # define KEEP_SRC for save generate .ASM & .OBJ files" );
- L1( "# KEEP_LST = # define KEEP_LST for save generate .LST files" );
- L1( "" );
- L1( " ### name of .EXE file" );
- L0( "NAME = " ); L1( name() );
- L1( " ### define tools" );
- L1( "CC = CC386.EXE" );
- L1( "AS = TASM.EXE" );
- L1( " ### define options for CC" );
- L0( "CC_INC = " );
- if ( l_inc.count > 0 ) {
- L0( "/I" ); ListIter( &l_inc, compile_inc );
- }
- L1( "" );
- L0( "CC_DEF = " );
- ListIter( &l_def, compile_def );
- L1( "" );
- L0( "CC_OPT = " );
- fprintf( frsp, "%ci %ce %cA",
- ( _dump_cpp ? '+' : '-' ), ( _dump_err ? '+' : '-' ), ( !_ansi ? '+' : '-' ) );
- ListIter( &l_cc386, compile_opt );
- L1( "" );
- L1( "!ifdef KEEP_LST" );
- L1( "CC_OPT = $(CC_OPT) +l" );
- L1( "!endif" );
- L1( "" );
- L1( "CC = $(CC) $(CC_OPT) $(CC_DEF) $(CC_INC)" );
- L1( " ### define options for AS" );
- L0( "AS_INC = " );
- ListIter( &l_inc, assemble_inc );
- L1( "" );
- L0( "AS_DEF = " );
- ListIter( &l_def, assemble_def );
- L1( "" );
- L1( "!ifdef DEBUG");
- L1( "AS_OPT = /t /m3 /ml /zi" );
- L1( "!else" );
- L1( "AS_OPT = /t /m3 /ml /zn" );
- L1( "!endif");
- L1( "!ifdef KEEP_LST" );
- L1( "AS_OPT = $(AS_OPT) /la" );
- L1( "!endif" );
- L1( "" );
- L1( "AS = $(AS) $(AS_OPT) $(AS_DEF) $(AS_INC)" );
- L1( " ### .LIB & output .OBJ path" );
- L0( "PATH_LIB = " ); L1( path_lib );
- L0( "PATH_OBJ = " );
- if ( strlen( path_obj ) > 0 )
- L1( path_obj );
- else
- L1( "." );
- L1( " ### default .OBJ & .LIB" );
- L1( "!ifdef NODEFLIB");
- L1( "DEFAULT_OBJS =" );
- L1( "DEFAULT_LIBS =" );
- L1( "WLINK_OBJS =" );
- L1( "WLINK_LIBS =" );
- L1( "!else" );
- L1( "WLINK_LIBS = library $(DEFAULT_LIBS)" );
- L1( "!ifdef DEBUG" );
- if ( _output == 'l' )
- else if ( _output == 'p' )
- else
- L1( "!else" );
- if ( _output == 'l' )
- else if ( _output == 'p' )
- else
- L1( "!endif" );
- L1( "WLINK_OBJS = file $(DEFAULT_OBJS)" );
- L1( "!endif" );
- L1( " ### define macro for KEEP_SRC" );
- L1( "!ifdef KEEP_SRC");
- L1( "DEL_SRC = @rem" );
- L1( "!else" );
- L1( "DEL_SRC = -del" );
- L1( "!endif");
- L1( " ### define macro for KEEP_LST" );
- L1( "!ifdef KEEP_LST");
- L1( "DEL_LST = @rem" );
- L1( "!else" );
- L1( "DEL_LST = -del" );
- L1( "!endif");
- L1( " ### define macro for MAP" );
- L1( "!ifdef MAP");
- L1( "TLINK_OPT = /3/d/c/m/l/s" );
- L1( "WLINK_OPT = option map" );
- L1( "!else" );
- L1( "TLINK_OPT = /3/d/c/x" );
- L1( "WLINK_OPT = " );
- L1( "!endif");
- L1( " ### define macro for DEBUG" );
- L1( "!ifdef DEBUG");
- L1( "TLINK_DBG = /v" );
- L1( "WLINK_DBG = debug option symf" );
- L1( "!else" );
- L1( "TLINK_DBG = " );
- L1( "WLINK_DBG = option quiet" );
- L1( "!endif");
- L1( " ### .ASM files" );
- fprintf( frsp, "ASMS = \n" );
- ListIter( &files, get_asm );
- L1( " ### .OBJ files" );
- fprintf( frsp, "OBJS = $(DEFAULT_OBJS) \n" );
- ListIter( &files, get_obj );
- L1( " ### .LIB files" );
- fprintf( frsp, "LIBS = $(DEFAULT_LIBS) \n" );
- ListIter( &files, get_lib );
- L1( " ### main make depend" );
- L1( "!ifdef LINK" );
- L1( "$(NAME).EXE : $(OBJS) $(LIBS) makefile." );
- if ( tlink )
- {
- L1( " TLINK.EXE @&&|" );
- L1( "$(TLINK_OPT) $(TLINK_DBG) $(OBJS), $(NAME), $(NAME), $(LIBS)" );
- }
- else
- {
- L1( " WLINK.EXE @&&|" );
- L1( "$(WLINK_OPT) $(WLINK_DBG)" );
- L1( "format os2 le" );
- L1( "option nod" );
- if ( _output == 'w' ) {
- L1( "option osname='CC386+PMODE/W'" );
- L1( "option stub=$(PATH_LIB)\PMODEW.EXE" );
- }
- else {
- L1( "option osname='CC386+DOS/4GW'" );
- L1( "option stub=$(PATH_LIB)\D4GWSTUB.EXE" );
- }
- L1( "name $(NAME)" );
- L1( "$(WLINK_OBJS)" );
- ListIter( &files, wout_obj );
- L1( "$(WLINK_LIBS)" );
- ListIter( &files, wout_lib );
- }
- L1( "|" );
- ListIter( &files, delete_obj );
- L1( "!else" );
- L1( "!ifdef ASSEMBLE");
- L1( "assemble : $(OBJS) " );
- L1( "!else" );
- L1( "!ifdef COMPILE");
- L1( "compile : $(ASMS) " );
- L1( "!endif" );
- L1( "!endif" );
- L1( "!endif" );
- L1( " ### files depend" );
- ListIter( &files, get_dep );
- fclose( frsp );
- }