- /* ip_mroute.c - internet multicast routing routines */
- /* Copyright 1984-2001 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- #include "copyright_wrs.h"
- /*
- * IP multicast forwarding procedures
- *
- * Written by David Waitzman, BBN Labs, August 1988.
- * Modified by Steve Deering, Stanford, February 1989.
- * Modified by Mark J. Steiglitz, Stanford, May, 1991
- * Modified by Van Jacobson, LBL, January 1993
- * Modified by Ajit Thyagarajan, PARC, August 1993
- * Modified by Bill Fenner, PARC, April 1995
- *
- * MROUTING Revision: 3.5
- * $Id: ip_mroute.c,v 1.53 1999/01/18 02:06:57 fenner Exp $
- */
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01i,16jul02,gls removed include of igmpRouterLib.h
- 01h,25oct01,rae _mCastRouteFwdHook must be IMPORT
- 01g,12oct01,rae merge from truestack ver 01x, base 01e (SPRs 70325,
- 69594, 69643, upgrade to MROUTE 3.5, etc).
- 01f,24sep01,gls removed definition and use of __P() macro (SPR #28330)
- 01e,21aug98,n_s fixed add_lgrp () call to MALLOC(). spr20595.
- 01d,08apr97,vin added mCastRouteFwdHook deleted ip_mrouter.
- 01c,05dec96,vin changed malloc(..) to MALLOC(..) to use only network buffers,
- changed free(..) to FREE(..).
- 01b,22nov96,vin added cluster support replaced m_gethdr(..) with mHdrClGet(..)
- 01a,03mar96,vin created from BSD4.4 stuff.
- */
- #include "vxWorks.h"/* mandatory vxWorks header */
- #include "errno.h"
- #include "timers.h"
- #include "net/mbuf.h"
- #include "sys/socket.h"
- #include "sys/times.h"
- #include "net/socketvar.h"
- #include "net/protosw.h"
- #include "sys/times.h"
- #include "net/route.h"
- #include "net/mbuf.h"
- #include "netinet/in.h"
- #include "netinet/in_systm.h"
- #include "netinet/ip.h"
- #include "netinet/ip_var.h"
- #include "netinet/in_var.h"
- #include "netinet/igmp.h"
- #include "netinet/igmp_var.h"
- #include "memPartLib.h"
- #include "tickLib.h"
- #include "wdLib.h"
- #include "sockLib.h"
- #include "timers.h"
- #include "net/mbuf.h"
- #include "wdLib.h"
- #include "netinet/ip_mroute.h"
- #include "netinet/udp.h"
- #include "netLib.h"
- #include "net/systm.h"
- #include "wvNetLib.h"
- #endif
- #endif
- #include "netinet/vsLib.h"
- #include "netinet/vsIgmp.h"
- #include "netinet/vsMcast.h"
- #endif /* VIRTUAL_STACK */
- #ifndef NTOHL
- #define NTOHL(d) ((d) = ntohl((d)))
- #define NTOHS(d) ((d) = ntohs((u_short)(d)))
- #define HTONL(d) ((d) = htonl((d)))
- #define HTONS(d) ((d) = htons((u_short)(d)))
- #else
- #define NTOHL(d)
- #define NTOHS(d)
- #define HTONL(d)
- #define HTONS(d)
- #endif
- #endif
- /*
- * Macros for handling bitmaps with one bit per virtual interface.
- */
- #define ALL_VIFS (vifi_t)-1
- #define VIFM_SET(n, m) ((m) |= (1 << (n)))
- #define VIFM_CLR(n, m) ((m) &= ~(1 << (n)))
- #define VIFM_ISSET(n, m) ((m) & (1 << (n)))
- #define VIFM_CLRALL(m) ((m) = 0x00000000)
- #define VIFM_COPY(mfrom, mto) ((mto) = (mfrom))
- #define VIFM_SAME(m1, m2) ((m1) == (m2))
- /*
- * Globals. All but ip_mrouter and ip_mrtproto could be static,
- * except for netstat or debugging purposes.
- */
- extern USHORT ip_id;
- struct socket * ip_mrouter = 0;
- IMPORT FUNCPTR _mCastRouteFwdHook;
- FUNCPTR _pimCacheMissSendHook;
- static struct mrtstat mrtstat;
- /* table of mfc entries */
- static struct mfc *mfctable[MFCTBLSIZ];
- static u_char nexpire[MFCTBLSIZ];
- /* table of virtual interfaces */
- static struct vif viftable[MAXVIFS];
- static u_int mrtdebug = 0; /* debug level */
- static u_int tbfdebug = 0; /* tbf debug level */
- struct mroute_timer_struct* expire_upcalls_ch;
- /*
- * Define the token bucket filter structures
- * tbftable -> each vif has one of these for storing info
- */
- static struct tbf tbftable[MAXVIFS];
- /*
- * 'Interfaces' associated with decapsulator (so we can tell
- * packets that went through it from ones that get reflected
- * by a broken gateway). These interfaces are never linked into
- * the system ifnet list & no routes point to them. I.e., packets
- * can't be sent this way. They only exist as a placeholder for
- * multicast source verification.
- */
- static struct ifnet multicast_decap_if[MAXVIFS];
- /*
- * Private variables.
- */
- static vifi_t numvifs = 0;
- static int have_encap_tunnel = 0;
- /*
- * one-back cache used by ipip_input to locate a tunnel's vif
- * given a datagram's src ip address.
- */
- static u_long last_encap_src;
- static struct vif *last_encap_vif;
- int pim_assert;
- #endif /* VIRTUAL_STACK */
- /* Set common fields of event identifiers for this module. */
- LOCAL UCHAR wvNetModuleId = WV_NET_IPMROUTE_MODULE; /* Value for ip_mroute.c */
- LOCAL UCHAR wvNetLocalFilter = WV_NET_NONE; /* Available event filter */
- LOCAL ULONG wvNetEventId; /* Event identifier: see wvNetLib.h */
- #endif /* INCLUDE_WVNET */
- #endif
- /* prototype IP hdr for encapsulated packets */
- static struct ip multicast_encap_iphdr = {
- sizeof(struct ip) >> 2, IPVERSION,
- #else
- IPVERSION, sizeof(struct ip) >> 2,
- #endif
- 0, /* tos */
- sizeof(struct ip), /* total length */
- 0, /* id */
- 0, /* frag offset */
- 0, /* checksum */
- };
- /*
- * The timer is a wrapper for watchdog timers... functionality from the net/3 release of the bsd code.
- */
- enum sopt_dir { SOPT_GET, SOPT_SET };
- struct sockopt {
- enum sopt_dir sopt_dir; /* is this a get or a set? */
- int sopt_level; /* second arg of [gs]etsockopt */
- int sopt_name; /* third arg of [gs]etsockopt */
- void *sopt_val; /* fourth arg of [gs]etsockopt */
- size_t sopt_valsize; /* (almost) fifth arg of [gs]etsockopt */
- struct proc *sopt_p; /* calling process or null if kernel */
- };
- /* timer struct here enables */
- typedef struct mroute_timer_struct
- {
- WDOG_ID watchdog_id;
- VOIDFUNCPTR expire_routine;
- void* argument;
- static u_long X_ip_mcast_src __P((int vifi));
- static int X_ip_mforward __P(( struct mbuf *m, struct ifnet *ifp, struct ip *ip, struct ip_moptions *imo) );
- static int X_ip_mrouter_done __P((void));
- static int X_ip_mrouter_get __P((struct socket *so, struct sockopt *m));
- static int X_ip_mrouter_set __P((struct socket *so, struct sockopt *m));
- static int X_legal_vif_num __P((int vif));
- static int X_mrt_ioctl __P((int cmd, caddr_t data));
- static int get_sg_cnt(struct sioc_sg_req *);
- static int get_vif_cnt(struct sioc_vif_req *);
- static int ip_mrouter_init(struct socket *, int);
- static int add_vif(struct vifctl *);
- static int del_vif(vifi_t);
- static int add_mfc(struct mfcctl *);
- static int del_mfc(struct mfcctl *);
- static int set_assert(FUNCPTR);
- static int setDebug(int);
- static void expire_upcalls(void *);
- static int ip_mdq(struct mbuf *, struct ifnet *, struct mfc *,
- vifi_t);
- static void phyint_send(struct ip *, struct vif *, struct mbuf *);
- static void encap_send(struct ip *, struct vif *, struct mbuf *);
- static void tbf_control(struct vif *, struct mbuf *, struct ip *, u_long);
- static void tbf_queue(struct vif *, struct mbuf *);
- static void tbf_process_q(struct vif *);
- static void tbf_reprocess_q(void *);
- static int tbf_dq_sel(struct vif *, struct ip *);
- static void tbf_send_packet(struct vif *, struct mbuf *);
- static void tbf_update_tokens(struct vif *);
- static int priority(struct vif *, struct ip *);
- void multiencap_decap(struct mbuf *);
- static void mRouteDumpMfctable();
- static BOOL oifListIsEmpty(struct mfc* rt);
- static int mRouteOifsAdd(struct mfc* rt, int oif, int ttl);
- static int mRouteOifsRemove(struct mfc* rt, int oif);
- static int mRouteGroupLoopRemove(struct mfc* rt, struct mfc* root);
- int (*ip_mrouter_done)(void) = X_ip_mrouter_done;
- u_long (*ip_mcast_src)(int) = X_ip_mcast_src;
- /* From other BSD code that has yet to be ported */
- static int
- sooptcopyin(struct sockopt *, void *, size_t, size_t);
- static int
- sooptcopyout(struct sockopt *, void *, size_t);
- static int
- if_allmulti(struct ifnet *, int);
- /* wrappers for timers in mroute */
- static void mRouteNetJobAdd(MROUTE_TIMER_STRUCT* p_timer_struct_object);
- static MROUTE_TIMER_STRUCT* mRouteTimeout(VOIDFUNCPTR expire_routine, void* argument, int number_of_ticks);
- static void mRouteUntimeOut(MROUTE_TIMER_STRUCT* p_timer_struct);
- #define timeout mRouteTimeout
- #define untimeout mRouteUntimeOut
- /* vxWorks wrapper for tickGet */
- #define GET_TIME(t) t = tickGet();
- #ifdef _WRS_VXWORKS_5_X
- #define mRouteNameToPort(ignore, both) 1
- #else
- #define mRouteNameToPort igmpNameToPort
- #endif
- #ifndef MRT_ALLOC
- #endif
- #ifndef MRT_FREE
- #endif
- /* wrapper for header length */
- #define MLEN (MSIZE - sizeof(M_BLK_HDR)) /* normal data len */
- #define MHLEN (MLEN - sizeof(M_PKT_HDR)) /* data len w/pkthdr */
- #define MRTDEBUG(printThis, string, param1, param2, param3, param4, param5, param6)
- {
- if ( (_func_logMsg != NULL) && (printThis) )
- (* _func_logMsg) (string, param1, param2, param3, param4, param5, param6);
- }
- /* bsd function wrapper */
- #define MGETHDR(m, how, type) {
- m = mHdrClGet(M_DONTWAIT, MT_DATA, sizeof(*m), TRUE);
- }
- /*
- * Hash function for a source, group entry
- */
- #define MFCHASH(a, g) MFCHASHMOD(((a) >> 20) ^ ((a) >> 10) ^ (a) ^
- ((g) >> 20) ^ ((g) >> 10) ^ (g))
- /*
- * Find a route for a given origin IP address and Multicast group address
- * Type of service parameter to be added in the future!!!
- */
- #define MFCFIND(o, g, rt) {
- struct mfc *_rt = mfctable[MFCHASH(o,g)];
- rt = NULL;
- ++mrtstat.mrts_mfc_lookups;
- while (_rt) {
- if ((_rt->mfc_origin.s_addr == o) &&
- (_rt->mfc_mcastgrp.s_addr == g) &&
- (_rt->mfc_stall == NULL)) {
- rt = _rt;
- break;
- }
- _rt = _rt->mfc_next;
- }
- if (rt == NULL) {
- ++mrtstat.mrts_mfc_misses;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Macros to compute elapsed time efficiently
- * Borrowed from Van Jacobson's scheduling code
- */
- #define TV_DELTA(a, b, delta) delta = (a) - (b);
- #define TV_LT(a, b) (((a).tv_usec < (b).tv_usec &&
- (a).tv_sec <= (b).tv_sec) || (a).tv_sec < (b).tv_sec)
- /* The net/3 code uses the X_ip_mrouter_set command to handle socket options in
- * a slightly different format. X_ip_mrouter_cmd reformats the parameters */
- int
- X_ip_mrouter_cmd(cmd, so, m)
- int cmd;
- struct socket* so;
- struct mbuf* m;
- {
- struct sockopt socket_option;
- int result;
- socket_option.sopt_name = cmd;
- if (m == NULL)
- {
- return (ERROR);
- }
- else
- {
- socket_option.sopt_val = m->m_data;
- socket_option.sopt_valsize = m->mBlkHdr.mLen;
- }
- result = X_ip_mrouter_set(so, &socket_option);
- return (0);
- }
- int ip_mrouter_cmd (int cmd, struct socket* so, struct mbuf* m)
- {
- #ifdef INCLUDE_WVNET /* WV_NET_INFO event */
- WV_NETEVENT_IPMRT_START, so->so_fd, cmd)
- #endif /* INCLUDE_WVNET */
- #endif
- return X_ip_mrouter_cmd(cmd, so, m);
- }
- /*
- * Handle MRT setsockopt commands to modify the multicast routing tables.
- */
- static int
- X_ip_mrouter_set(so, sopt)
- struct socket *so;
- struct sockopt *sopt;
- {
- int error, optval;
- vifi_t vifi;
- struct vifctl vifc;
- struct mfcctl mfc;
- error = 0;
- optval = 0;
- switch (sopt->sopt_name) {
- case MRT_INIT:
- error = sooptcopyin(sopt, &optval, sizeof (optval),
- sizeof (optval) );
- optval = (int)(sopt->sopt_val);
- if (error)
- break;
- (
- (mrtdebug &DEBUG_MFC),
- "MROUTE: IP_MROUTER received ip_mrouter init so=%p, optval=%i.n",
- (int)so,
- optval,3,4,5,6
- );
- error = ip_mrouter_init(so, optval);
- break;
- case MRT_DONE:
- (
- (mrtdebug &DEBUG_MFC),
- 1,2,3,4,5,6
- );
- error = ip_mrouter_done();
- break;
- case MRT_ADD_VIF:
- (
- (mrtdebug &DEBUG_MFC),
- 1,2,3,4,5,6
- );
- error = sooptcopyin(sopt, &vifc, sizeof vifc, sizeof vifc);
- if (error)
- break;
- error = add_vif(&vifc);
- break;
- case MRT_DEL_VIF:
- (
- (mrtdebug &DEBUG_MFC),
- 1,2,3,4,5,6
- );
- error = sooptcopyin(sopt, &vifi, sizeof (vifi), sizeof (vifi));
- if (error)
- break;
- error = del_vif(vifi);
- break;
- case MRT_ADD_MFC:
- case MRT_DEL_MFC:
- (
- (mrtdebug &DEBUG_MFC),
- 1,2,3,4,5,6
- );
- error = sooptcopyin(sopt, &mfc, sizeof mfc, sizeof mfc);
- if (error){
- MRTDEBUG(mrtdebug,"MROUTE: I am not dqing... sooptcopyin error.n",1,2,3,4,5,6);
- break;
- }
- if (sopt->sopt_name == MRT_ADD_MFC)
- error = add_mfc(&mfc);
- else
- error = del_mfc(&mfc);
- break;
- case MRT_ASSERT:
- (
- (mrtdebug &DEBUG_MFC),
- 1,2,3,4,5,6
- );
- error = sooptcopyin(sopt, &optval, sizeof optval,
- sizeof optval);
- if (error)
- break;
- set_assert( (FUNCPTR) optval);
- break;
- case MRT_DEBUG:
- (
- (mrtdebug &DEBUG_MFC),
- 1,2,3,4,5,6
- );
- error = sooptcopyin(sopt, &optval, sizeof optval,
- sizeof optval);
- if (error)
- break;
- setDebug(optval);
- break;
- default:
- #ifdef INCLUDE_WVNET /* WV_NET_ERROR event */
- WV_NETEVENT_IPMRT_BADCMD, sopt->sopt_name)
- #endif /* INCLUDE_WVNET */
- #endif
- error = EOPNOTSUPP;
- break;
- }
- return (error);
- }
- int (*ip_mrouter_set)(struct socket *, struct sockopt *) = X_ip_mrouter_set;
- /*
- * Handle MRT getsockopt commands
- */
- static int
- X_ip_mrouter_get(so, sopt)
- struct socket *so;
- struct sockopt *sopt;
- {
- int error;
- static int version = 0x0305; /* !!! why is this here? XXX */
- switch (sopt->sopt_name) {
- error = sooptcopyout(sopt, &version, sizeof version);
- break;
- case MRT_ASSERT:
- error = sooptcopyout(sopt, &pim_assert, sizeof pim_assert);
- break;
- default:
- error = EOPNOTSUPP;
- break;
- }
- (
- (mrtdebug),
- "MROUTE: ip_mrouter_get returns %i error",
- error,2,3,4,5,6
- );
- return (error);
- }
- int (*ip_mrouter_get)(struct socket *, struct sockopt *) = X_ip_mrouter_get;
- /*
- * Handle ioctl commands to obtain information from the cache
- */
- static int
- X_mrt_ioctl(cmd, data)
- int cmd;
- caddr_t data;
- {
- int error = 0;
- switch (cmd) {
- return (get_vif_cnt((struct sioc_vif_req *)data));
- break;
- return (get_sg_cnt((struct sioc_sg_req *)data));
- break;
- default:
- return (EINVAL);
- break;
- }
- return error;
- }
- int (*mrt_ioctl)(int, caddr_t) = X_mrt_ioctl;
- /*
- * returns the packet, byte, rpf-failure count for the source group provided
- */
- static int
- get_sg_cnt(req)
- struct sioc_sg_req *req;
- {
- struct mfc *rt;
- int s;
- s = splnet();
- MFCFIND(req->src.s_addr, req->grp.s_addr, rt);
- splx(s);
- if (rt != NULL) {
- req->pktcnt = rt->mfc_pkt_cnt;
- req->bytecnt = rt->mfc_byte_cnt;
- req->wrong_if = rt->mfc_wrong_if;
- } else
- req->pktcnt = req->bytecnt = req->wrong_if = 0xffffffff;
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * returns the input and output packet and byte counts on the vif provided
- */
- static int
- get_vif_cnt(req)
- struct sioc_vif_req *req;
- {
- vifi_t vifi = req->vifi;
- if (vifi >= numvifs) return EINVAL;
- req->icount = viftable[vifi].v_pkt_in;
- req->ocount = viftable[vifi].v_pkt_out;
- req->ibytes = viftable[vifi].v_bytes_in;
- req->obytes = viftable[vifi].v_bytes_out;
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * Enable multicast routing
- */
- static int
- ip_mrouter_init(so, version)
- struct socket *so;
- int version;
- {
- if (so == NULL)
- return (EINVAL);
- (
- (mrtdebug),
- "MROUTE: ip_mrouter_init: so_type = %d, pr_protocol = %dn",
- so->so_type,
- so->so_proto->pr_protocol,
- 3,4,5,6
- );
- if ( _mCastRouteFwdHook != NULL) /* if already installed */
- return (EADDRINUSE);
- else
- _mCastRouteFwdHook = X_ip_mforward; /* forwarding func ptr */
- if (so->so_type != SOCK_RAW ||
- so->so_proto->pr_protocol != IPPROTO_IGMP) return EOPNOTSUPP;
- if (ip_mrouter != 0)
- {
- return EADDRINUSE;
- }
- ip_mrouter = (struct socket*) so->so_fd;
- bzero((caddr_t)mfctable, sizeof(mfctable));
- bzero((caddr_t)nexpire, sizeof(nexpire));
- pim_assert = 0;
- expire_upcalls_ch = timeout(expire_upcalls, (caddr_t)NULL, EXPIRE_TIMEOUT);
- (
- (mrtdebug),
- "MROUTE: ip_mrouter_init returning success.n",
- 1,2,3,4,5,6
- );
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * Disable multicast routing
- */
- static int
- X_ip_mrouter_done()
- {
- vifi_t vifi;
- int i;
- struct ifnet *ifp;
- struct ifreq ifr;
- struct mfc *rt;
- struct rtdetq *rte;
- int s;
- s = splnet();
- /*
- * For each phyint in use, disable promiscuous reception of all IP
- * multicasts.
- */
- for (vifi = 0; vifi < numvifs; vifi++) {
- if (viftable[vifi].v_lcl_addr.s_addr != 0 &&
- !(viftable[vifi].v_flags & VIFF_TUNNEL)) {
- ((struct sockaddr_in *)&(ifr.ifr_addr))->sin_family = AF_INET;
- ((struct sockaddr_in *)&(ifr.ifr_addr))->sin_addr.s_addr
- ifp = viftable[vifi].v_ifp;
- if_allmulti(ifp, 0);
- }
- }
- bzero((caddr_t)tbftable, sizeof(tbftable));
- bzero((caddr_t)viftable, sizeof(viftable));
- numvifs = 0;
- pim_assert = 0;
- untimeout(expire_upcalls_ch);
- expire_upcalls_ch = 0;
- _mCastRouteFwdHook = NULL;
- _pimCacheMissSendHook = NULL;
- /*
- * Free all multicast forwarding cache entries.
- */
- for (i = 0; i < MFCTBLSIZ; i++) {
- for (rt = mfctable[i]; rt != NULL; ) {
- struct mfc *nr = rt->mfc_next;
- for (rte = rt->mfc_stall; rte != NULL; ) {
- struct rtdetq *n = rte->next;
- m_freem(rte->m);
- MRT_FREE((char*) rte);
- rte = n;
- }
- MRT_FREE((char*) rt);
- rt = nr;
- }
- }
- bzero((caddr_t)mfctable, sizeof(mfctable));
- /*
- * Reset de-encapsulation cache
- */
- last_encap_src = 0;
- last_encap_vif = NULL;
- have_encap_tunnel = 0;
- ip_mrouter = 0;
- splx(s);
- (
- (mrtdebug),
- "MROUTE: ip_mrouter_donen",
- 1,2,3,4,5,6
- );
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * Set PIM assert processing global
- */
- static int
- set_assert(FUNCPTR i)
- {
- pim_assert = (int)i;
- _pimCacheMissSendHook = (FUNCPTR)i;
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * Sets mroute debug processing global
- */
- static int
- setDebug( int i)
- {
- mrtdebug = i;
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * Add a vif to the vif table
- */
- static int
- add_vif(vifcp)
- struct vifctl *vifcp;
- {
- struct vif *vifp = viftable + vifcp->vifc_vifi;
- static struct sockaddr_in sin = {sizeof sin, AF_INET};
- struct ifaddr *ifa;
- struct ifnet *ifp;
- int error, s;
- struct tbf *v_tbf = tbftable + vifcp->vifc_vifi;
- if (vifcp->vifc_vifi >= MAXVIFS)
- {
- #ifdef INCLUDE_WVNET /* WV_NET_ERROR event */
- vifcp->vifc_vifi, MAXVIFS)
- #endif /* INCLUDE_WVNET */
- #endif
- return EINVAL;
- }
- if (vifp->v_lcl_addr.s_addr != 0)
- {
- #ifdef INCLUDE_WVNET /* WV_NET_ERROR event */
- vifcp->vifc_vifi, vifp->v_lcl_addr.s_addr)
- #endif /* INCLUDE_WVNET */
- #endif
- return EADDRINUSE;
- }
- /* Find the interface with an address in AF_INET family */
- sin.sin_addr = vifcp->vifc_lcl_addr;
- ifa = ifa_ifwithaddr((struct sockaddr *)&sin);
- if (ifa == 0)
- {
- #ifdef INCLUDE_WVNET /* WV_NET_ERROR event */
- vifcp->vifc_vifi, sin.sin_addr.s_addr)
- #endif /* INCLUDE_WVNET */
- #endif
- }
- ifp = ifa->ifa_ifp;
- if (vifcp->vifc_flags & VIFF_TUNNEL) {
- if ((vifcp->vifc_flags & VIFF_SRCRT) == 0) {
- /*
- * An encapsulating tunnel is wanted. Tell ipip_input() to
- * start paying attention to encapsulated packets.
- */
- if (have_encap_tunnel == 0) {
- have_encap_tunnel = 1;
- for (s = 0; s < MAXVIFS; ++s) {
- multicast_decap_if[s].if_name = "mdecap";
- multicast_decap_if[s].if_unit = s;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Set interface to fake encapsulator interface
- */
- ifp = &multicast_decap_if[vifcp->vifc_vifi];
- /*
- * Prepare cached route entry
- */
- bzero((char*)&vifp->v_route, sizeof(vifp->v_route));
- } else {
- (
- (mrtdebug),
- "MROUTE: source routed tunnels not supportedn",
- 1,2,3,4,5,6
- );
- return EOPNOTSUPP;
- }
- } else {
- /* Make sure the interface supports multicast */
- if ((ifp->if_flags & IFF_MULTICAST) == 0)
- {
- #ifdef INCLUDE_WVNET /* WV_NET_ERROR event */
- vifcp->vifc_vifi, ifp)
- #endif /* INCLUDE_WVNET */
- #endif
- return EOPNOTSUPP;
- }
- /* Enable promiscuous reception of all IP multicasts from the if */
- s = splnet();
- error = if_allmulti(ifp, 1);/* Many wrs drivers don't support this */
- splx(s);
- if (error)
- return error;
- }
- s = splnet();
- /* define parameters for the tbf structure */
- vifp->v_tbf = v_tbf;
- GET_TIME(vifp->v_tbf->tbf_last_pkt_t);
- vifp->v_tbf->tbf_n_tok = 0;
- vifp->v_tbf->tbf_q_len = 0;
- vifp->v_tbf->tbf_max_q_len = MAXQSIZE;
- vifp->v_tbf->tbf_q = vifp->v_tbf->tbf_t = NULL;
- vifp->v_flags = vifcp->vifc_flags;
- vifp->v_threshold = vifcp->vifc_threshold;
- vifp->v_lcl_addr = vifcp->vifc_lcl_addr;
- vifp->v_rmt_addr = vifcp->vifc_rmt_addr;
- vifp->v_ifp = ifp;
- /* scaling up here allows division by 1024 in critical code */
- vifp->v_rate_limit= vifcp->vifc_rate_limit * 1024 / 1000;
- /* initialize per vif pkt counters */
- vifp->v_pkt_in = 0;
- vifp->v_pkt_out = 0;
- vifp->v_bytes_in = 0;
- vifp->v_bytes_out = 0;
- splx(s);
- /* Adjust numvifs up if the vifi is higher than numvifs */
- if (numvifs <= vifcp->vifc_vifi) numvifs = vifcp->vifc_vifi + 1;
- (
- (mrtdebug),
- "MROUTE: add_vif #%d, lcladdr %lx, %s %lx, thresh %x, rate %dn",
- vifcp->vifc_vifi,
- (u_long)ntohl(vifcp->vifc_lcl_addr.s_addr),
- (vifcp->vifc_flags & VIFF_TUNNEL) ? (int)"rmtaddr" : (int)"mask",
- (u_long)ntohl(vifcp->vifc_rmt_addr.s_addr),
- (int)vifcp->vifc_threshold,
- 1
- );
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * Delete a vif from the vif table
- */
- static int
- del_vif(vifi)
- vifi_t vifi;
- {
- struct vif *vifp = &viftable[vifi];
- struct mbuf *m;
- struct ifnet *ifp;
- struct ifreq ifr;
- int s;
- if (vifi >= numvifs)
- {
- #ifdef INCLUDE_WVNET /* WV_NET_ERROR event */
- #endif /* INCLUDE_WVNET */
- #endif
- return EINVAL;
- }
- if (vifp->v_lcl_addr.s_addr == 0)
- {
- #ifdef INCLUDE_WVNET /* WV_NET_ERROR event */
- #endif /* INCLUDE_WVNET */
- #endif
- }
- s = splnet();
- if (!(vifp->v_flags & VIFF_TUNNEL)) {
- ((struct sockaddr_in *)&(ifr.ifr_addr))->sin_family = AF_INET;
- ((struct sockaddr_in *)&(ifr.ifr_addr))->sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
- ifp = vifp->v_ifp;
- if_allmulti(ifp, 0);
- }
- if (vifp == last_encap_vif) {
- last_encap_vif = 0;
- last_encap_src = 0;
- }
- /*
- * Free packets queued at the interface
- */
- while (vifp->v_tbf->tbf_q) {
- m = vifp->v_tbf->tbf_q;
- vifp->v_tbf->tbf_q = m->m_act;
- m_freem(m);
- }
- bzero((caddr_t)vifp->v_tbf, sizeof(*(vifp->v_tbf)));
- bzero((caddr_t)vifp, sizeof (*vifp));
- (
- (mrtdebug),
- "MROUTE: del_vif %d, numvifs %dn",
- vifi,
- numvifs,
- 3,4,5,6
- );
- /* Adjust numvifs down */
- for (vifi = numvifs; vifi > 0; vifi--)
- if (viftable[vifi-1].v_lcl_addr.s_addr != 0) break;
- numvifs = vifi;
- splx(s);
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * modifies the outgoing viftable for an s,g entry
- */
- static int
- mRouteOifsAdd
- (
- struct mfc* rt,
- int oif,
- int ttl
- )
- {
- struct mfc* probe;
- if(rt->mfc_root_rt== NULL)
- return (ERROR);
- rt->mfc_root_rt->mfc_ttls[oif] = ttl;
- probe = rt->mfc_root_rt;
- while (probe->mfc_next_g != probe->mfc_root_rt)
- {
- probe = probe->mfc_next_g;
- probe->mfc_ttls[oif] = ttl;
- }
- return (OK);
- }
- /*
- * Add an mfc entry
- */
- static int
- add_mfc(mfccp)
- struct mfcctl *mfccp;
- {
- struct mfc *rt;
- struct mfc *root_rt;
- u_long hash;
- struct rtdetq *rte;
- u_short nstl;
- int s;
- int i;
- rt = NULL;
- (
- (mrtdebug & DEBUG_MFC),
- "MROUTE: add_mfc received o %p g %p p %pn",
- ntohl(mfccp->mfcc_origin.s_addr),
- ntohl(mfccp->mfcc_mcastgrp.s_addr),
- (u_long)mfccp->mfcc_parent,
- 4,5,6
- );
- (
- (mrtdebug & DEBUG_MFC),
- "MROUTE: add_mfc ttls%i%i%i%i%in.",
- mfccp->mfcc_ttls[0],
- mfccp->mfcc_ttls[1],
- mfccp->mfcc_ttls[2],
- mfccp->mfcc_ttls[3],
- mfccp->mfcc_ttls[4],
- 6
- );
- MFCFIND(mfccp->mfcc_origin.s_addr, mfccp->mfcc_mcastgrp.s_addr, rt);
- /* If an entry already exists, just update the fields */
- if (rt)
- {
- (
- (mrtdebug & DEBUG_MFC),
- "MROUTE: add_mfc update o %lx g %lx p %xn",
- (u_long)ntohl(mfccp->mfcc_origin.s_addr),
- (u_long)ntohl(mfccp->mfcc_mcastgrp.s_addr),
- mfccp->mfcc_parent,
- 4,5,6
- );
- s = splnet();
- if (mfccp->mfcc_origin.s_addr == 0)
- {/* updating a 0,g entry updates all s,g entries for that interface*/
- rt->mfc_parent = mfccp->mfcc_parent;
- (
- (mrtdebug & DEBUG_FORWARD),
- "MROUTE: add_mfc updating all rts %p p %x, val=%xn",
- ntohl(mfccp->mfcc_mcastgrp.s_addr),
- rt->mfc_parent,
- viftable[rt->mfc_parent].v_threshold,
- 4,5,6
- );
- if (mfccp->mfcc_ttls[rt->mfc_parent] != 0)
- mRouteOifsAdd(rt,
- rt->mfc_parent,
- viftable[rt->mfc_parent].v_threshold);
- else
- mRouteOifsAdd(rt, rt->mfc_parent, 0);
- }
- else
- {
- for (i=0; i<numvifs; i++)
- {/* an s,g add/update doesn't affect other entries*/
- rt->mfc_parent = mfccp->mfcc_parent;
- (
- (mrtdebug & DEBUG_FORWARD),
- "MROUTE: add_mfc updating rts o=%p g=%p p %x, val=%xn",
- ntohl(rt->mfc_origin.s_addr),
- ntohl(rt->mfc_mcastgrp.s_addr),
- rt->mfc_parent,
- viftable[rt->mfc_parent].v_threshold,
- 5,6
- );
- rt->mfc_ttls[i] = mfccp->mfcc_ttls[i];
- }
- rt->mfc_notify = mfccp->mfcc_notify;
- }
- (
- (mrtdebug & DEBUG_MFC),
- "MROUTE: add_mfc updated o %p g%p p%p, root_rt=%p.n",
- ntohl(mfccp->mfcc_origin.s_addr),
- ntohl(mfccp->mfcc_mcastgrp.s_addr),
- (u_long)rt->mfc_parent,
- (u_long)rt->mfc_root_rt,
- 5,6
- );
- splx(s);
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * Find the entry for which the upcall was made and update
- */
- s = splnet();
- hash = MFCHASH(mfccp->mfcc_origin.s_addr, mfccp->mfcc_mcastgrp.s_addr);
- for (rt = mfctable[hash], nstl = 0; rt; rt = rt->mfc_next)
- {
- if ((rt->mfc_origin.s_addr == mfccp->mfcc_origin.s_addr) &&
- (rt->mfc_mcastgrp.s_addr == mfccp->mfcc_mcastgrp.s_addr) &&
- (rt->mfc_stall != NULL))
- {/* looking for entry with packet waiting on it */
- if (nstl++)
- {
- (
- (mrtdebug),
- "MROUTE: add_mfc multiple kernel entries
- o %p g %p p %x dbx %pn",
- ntohl(mfccp->mfcc_origin.s_addr),
- ntohl(mfccp->mfcc_mcastgrp.s_addr),
- mfccp->mfcc_parent,
- (int)rt->mfc_stall,
- 5,6
- );
- }
- (
- (mrtdebug & DEBUG_MFC),
- "MROUTE: add_mfc o %p g %p p %x dbg %pn",
- ntohl(mfccp->mfcc_origin.s_addr),
- ntohl(mfccp->mfcc_mcastgrp.s_addr),
- mfccp->mfcc_parent,
- (int)rt->mfc_stall,
- 5,6
- );
- /* copy the information into rt entry */
- rt->mfc_origin = mfccp->mfcc_origin;
- rt->mfc_mcastgrp = mfccp->mfcc_mcastgrp;
- rt->mfc_notify = mfccp->mfcc_notify;
- if (! (mfccp->mfcc_parent > numvifs) ) /* can't be less, it's a USHORT value */
- rt->mfc_parent = mfccp->mfcc_parent;
- if (mfccp->mfcc_origin.s_addr == 0)
- {
- (
- (mrtdebug & DEBUG_FORWARD),
- "MROUTE: add_mfc updating rts o=%p g=%p p %x, val=%xn",
- ntohl(rt->mfc_origin.s_addr),
- ntohl(rt->mfc_mcastgrp.s_addr),
- rt->mfc_parent,
- viftable[rt->mfc_parent].v_threshold,
- 5,6
- );
- mRouteOifsAdd(rt, rt->mfc_parent, viftable[rt->mfc_parent].v_threshold);
- }/* update all routes for *,g entry add */
- else for (i = 0; i < numvifs; i++)
- {
- if ( (mfccp->mfcc_origin.s_addr != 0)
- &&(mfccp->mfcc_ttls[i] != 0)
- )
- {
- (
- (mrtdebug & DEBUG_FORWARD),
- "MROUTE: add_mfc changing rt %p,%p vif %i to %in",
- ntohl(rt->mfc_origin.s_addr),
- ntohl(rt->mfc_mcastgrp.s_addr),
- i,
- viftable[i].v_threshold,
- 5,6
- );
- rt->mfc_ttls[i] = viftable[i].v_threshold;
- }/* copy the oif list for s,g entries */
- }
- /* initialize pkt counters per src-grp */
- rt->mfc_pkt_cnt = 0;
- rt->mfc_byte_cnt = 0;
- rt->mfc_wrong_if = 0;
- rt->mfc_last_assert = 0;
- rt->mfc_last_assert = 0;
- rt->mfc_expire = 0; /* Don't clean this guy up */
- nexpire[hash]--;
- /* free packets Qed at the end of this entry */
- for (rte = rt->mfc_stall; rte != NULL; )
- {
- struct rtdetq *n = rte->next;
- (
- (mrtdebug & DEBUG_FORWARD),
- "MROUTE: add_mfc add_mfc calls ip_mdq.n",
- 1,2,3,4,5,6
- );
- ip_mdq(rte->m, rte->ifp, rt, -1);
- (
- (mrtdebug & DEBUG_FORWARD),
- "MROUTE: add_mfc add_mfc done calling ip_mdq.n",
- 1,2,3,4,5,6
- );
- m_freem(rte->m);
- MRT_FREE((char*) rte);
- rte = n;
- }
- rt->mfc_stall = NULL;
- }/* dQing stall entries */
- }/* for mfctable[hash] loop */
- /*
- * It is possible that an entry is being inserted without an upcall
- * This would be primarily found in s,g joins from an overlying protcol
- * e.g. PIM
- */
- if (nstl == 0)
- {
- (
- (mrtdebug & DEBUG_MFC),
- "MROUTE: add_mfc no upcall h %lu o %lx g %lx p %xn",
- hash,
- (u_long)ntohl(mfccp->mfcc_origin.s_addr),
- (u_long)ntohl(mfccp->mfcc_mcastgrp.s_addr),
- mfccp->mfcc_parent,
- 5,6
- );
- for (rt = mfctable[hash]; rt != NULL; rt = rt->mfc_next)
- {
- if ((rt->mfc_origin.s_addr == mfccp->mfcc_origin.s_addr) &&
- (rt->mfc_mcastgrp.s_addr == mfccp->mfcc_mcastgrp.s_addr)) {
- for (i = 0; i < numvifs; i++)
- {/* if the entry exists, copy the oiflist */
- if (mfccp->mfcc_ttls[i] != 0)
- rt->mfc_ttls[i] = viftable[i].v_threshold;
- else
- rt->mfc_ttls[i] = 0;
- }
- /* initialize pkt counters per src-grp */
- rt->mfc_pkt_cnt = 0;
- rt->mfc_byte_cnt = 0;
- rt->mfc_wrong_if = 0;
- rt->mfc_last_assert = 0;
- rt->mfc_last_assert = 0;
- if (rt->mfc_expire)
- nexpire[hash]--;
- rt->mfc_expire = 0;
- }
- }
- if (rt == NULL)
- {
- /* no upcall, so make a new entry */
- rt = MRT_ALLOC(sizeof(struct mfc));
- if (rt == NULL) {
- splx(s);
- #endif /* INCLUDE_WVNET */
- #endif
- return ENOBUFS;
- }
- rt->mfc_notify = 0;
- rt->mfc_origin = mfccp->mfcc_origin;
- rt->mfc_mcastgrp = mfccp->mfcc_mcastgrp;
- /* link into hash chain now so the search for the root_rt will work */
- rt->mfc_next = mfctable[hash];
- mfctable[hash] = rt;
- for (i = 0; i < numvifs; i++)
- {
- if (mfccp->mfcc_ttls[i] != 0)
- rt->mfc_ttls[i] = viftable[i].v_threshold;
- else
- rt->mfc_ttls[i] = 0;
- }
- /* find the *,g entry and link in */
- MFCFIND(0, mfccp->mfcc_mcastgrp.s_addr, root_rt);
- if (root_rt == NULL)
- {
- root_rt = MRT_ALLOC(sizeof(struct mfc));
- if (root_rt == NULL)
- {
- MRT_FREE((char*) rt);
- splx(s);
- return ENOBUFS;
- }
- root_rt->mfc_notify = 0;
- /* inset NULL entry at head of hash chain */
- root_rt->mfc_origin.s_addr = 0;
- root_rt->mfc_mcastgrp = mfccp->mfcc_mcastgrp;
- root_rt->mfc_parent = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < numvifs; i++)
- {
- root_rt->mfc_ttls[i] = mfccp->mfcc_ttls[i];
- }
- /* initialize pkt counters per src-grp */
- root_rt->mfc_pkt_cnt = 0;
- root_rt->mfc_byte_cnt = 0;
- root_rt->mfc_wrong_if = 0;
- root_rt->mfc_last_assert = 0;
- rt->mfc_last_assert = 0;
- root_rt->mfc_expire = 0;
- root_rt->mfc_stall = NULL;
- /* link *,g into table */
- root_rt->mfc_next =
- mfctable[MFCHASH(root_rt->mfc_origin.s_addr, root_rt->mfc_mcastgrp.s_addr)];
- mfctable[MFCHASH(root_rt->mfc_origin.s_addr, root_rt->mfc_mcastgrp.s_addr)] = root_rt;
- root_rt->mfc_next_g = root_rt; /* next group in same chain */
- root_rt->mfc_root_rt = root_rt; /* 0,g entry in hash table, itself in this case*/
- }
- rt->mfc_root_rt = root_rt;
- /* insert into front of group chain*/
- rt->mfc_next_g = root_rt->mfc_next_g;
- root_rt->mfc_next_g = rt;
- if (!(mfccp->mfcc_parent > numvifs) )/* can't be less than 0, it's a USHORT */
- rt->mfc_parent = mfccp->mfcc_parent;
- /* take care of the details before you alter the forwarding state. */
- rt->mfc_pkt_cnt = 0;
- rt->mfc_byte_cnt = 0;
- rt->mfc_wrong_if = 0;
- rt->mfc_last_assert = 0;
- rt->mfc_last_assert = 0;
- rt->mfc_expire = 0;
- rt->mfc_stall = NULL;
- }/* rt == null */
- }/* nstl == 0 */
- splx(s);
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * Resets the passed oif to 0 for a chain
- */
- static int
- mRouteOifsRemove
- (
- struct mfc* rt,
- int oif
- )
- {
- struct mfc* probe;
- if (rt == NULL)
- return (EINVAL);
- rt->mfc_root_rt->mfc_ttls[oif] = 0;
- probe = rt->mfc_root_rt;
- while (probe->mfc_next_g != probe->mfc_root_rt)
- {
- probe = probe->mfc_next_g;
- probe->mfc_ttls[oif] = 0;
- }
- return (OK);
- }
- /*
- * Removes from the chain of all g entries
- */
- static int
- mRouteGroupLoopRemove
- (
- struct mfc* rt,
- struct mfc* root
- )
- {
- struct mfc* probe;
- probe = root;
- while (probe->mfc_next_g != probe->mfc_root_rt)
- {
- probe = probe->mfc_next_g ;
- if (probe->mfc_next_g == rt)
- break;
- }
- if (probe->mfc_next_g == rt)
- {
- probe->mfc_next_g = rt->mfc_next_g ;
- }
- return (OK);
- }
- /*
- * Delete an mfc entry
- */
- static int
- del_mfc(mfccp)
- struct mfcctl *mfccp;
- {
- struct in_addr origin;
- struct in_addr mcastgrp;
- struct mfc *rt;
- struct mfc *root;
- struct mfc **nptr;
- u_long hash;
- int s;
- origin = mfccp->mfcc_origin;
- mcastgrp = mfccp->mfcc_mcastgrp;
- hash = MFCHASH(origin.s_addr, mcastgrp.s_addr);
- (
- (mrtdebug & DEBUG_MFC),
- "MROUTE: del_mfc orig %lx mcastgrp %lxn",
- (u_long)ntohl(origin.s_addr),
- (u_long)ntohl(mcastgrp.s_addr),
- 3,4,5,6
- );
- s = splnet();
- nptr = &mfctable[hash];
- while ((rt = *nptr) != NULL)
- {
- if (origin.s_addr == rt->mfc_origin.s_addr &&
- mcastgrp.s_addr == rt->mfc_mcastgrp.s_addr &&
- rt->mfc_stall == NULL)
- break;
- nptr = &rt->mfc_next;
- }
- if (rt == NULL)
- {
- splx(s);
- }
- /* if *,g remove, remove all oifs from group chain */
- if (rt->mfc_origin.s_addr == 0)
- mRouteOifsRemove(rt, mfccp->mfcc_parent);
- else
- {
- /* remove entry from group chain */
- root = rt->mfc_root_rt;
- mRouteGroupLoopRemove(rt, root);
- *nptr = rt->mfc_next;/* removes from hash chain */
- MRT_FREE((char*) rt);/* removes the s,g entry */
- if ( (u_long)root->mfc_next_g == (u_long)root->mfc_root_rt == (u_long)root)
- /* this is the only g entry in the table */
- {
- hash = MFCHASH(0, mcastgrp.s_addr);
- nptr = &mfctable[hash];
- while ((rt = *nptr) != NULL)
- {
- if (origin.s_addr == rt->mfc_origin.s_addr &&
- mcastgrp.s_addr == rt->mfc_mcastgrp.s_addr &&
- rt->mfc_stall == NULL)
- break;
- nptr = &rt->mfc_next;
- }
- if (root == rt)
- {
- *nptr = rt->mfc_next;/* removes from hash chain */
- MRT_FREE((char*) rt);/* frees up the 0,g entry */
- }
- }
- }/* origin not == NULL */
- splx(s);
- return 0;
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * mRouteGroupAdd - add a multicast group to the given interface
- *
- * Adds the given group to the list of multicast groups on the given port.
- * Thus, multicast packets to that address will go out the port.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK if successful, ERROR otherwise
- *
- */
- STATUS mRouteGroupAdd
- (
- struct ifnet* ifp,
- struct in_addr srcAddr, /* multicast source to add */
- struct in_addr groupAddr /* multicast group to add */
- )
- {
- struct mfcctl gCtl;
- int sockfd;
- int port;
- struct mfc *rt;
- rt = NULL;
- MFCFIND(0, groupAddr.s_addr, rt);
- if (ifp == NULL)
- {
- return (ERROR);
- }
- port = mRouteNameToPort(ifp->if_name, ifp->if_unit);
- if ( (port == ERROR) )
- return (ERROR);
- gCtl.mfcc_parent = port;
- /* ports are vifs for now */
- gCtl.mfcc_mcastgrp = groupAddr;
- gCtl.mfcc_origin = srcAddr;/* 0 for a star,g entry */
- gCtl.mfcc_notify = 0; /* mfcc_notify set to 0 so pimNotify never called */
- if (rt != NULL)
- {
- memcpy(gCtl.mfcc_ttls, rt->mfc_ttls, numvifs);
- }
- else
- {
- bzero (gCtl.mfcc_ttls, 32);
- }
- sockfd = (int)ip_mrouter;
- if (sockfd <= 0)
- return (ERROR);
- (
- (mrtdebug & DEBUG_MFC),
- "MROUTE: IP_MROUTER calling mfc_add.n",
- 1,2,3,4,5,6
- );
- if (setsockopt (sockfd, IPPROTO_IP, MRT_ADD_MFC,
- (char *) &gCtl, sizeof(gCtl)) == ERROR)
- {
- (
- (mrtdebug),
- "MROUTE: igmpGroupAdd failed with errno: %d",
- errno,2,3,4,5,6
- );
- return ERROR;
- }
- return (OK);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * pimNotify - notifies pim daemon about new packet on an interface
- *
- * RETURNS: OK for success, ERROR for failure
- *
- */
- static int pimNotify
- (
- struct ip * pIp,
- struct mbuf* pMbuf,
- struct mfc* pRt,
- vifi_t vifi,
- struct ifnet* pIfnet
- )
- {
- struct sockaddr_in k_igmpsrc;
- struct mbuf *pMbufCopy;
- struct igmpmsg *pIGMPMessage;
- struct ip * pIpNew;
- UINT now;
- int hlen;
- if (
- (pIp == NULL)
- ||(pMbuf == NULL)
- ||(pRt == NULL)
- ||(pIfnet == NULL)
- )
- {
- return (ERROR);
- }
- GET_TIME(now);
- (
- (mrtdebug),
- "MROUTE: pimNotify calling overlying routing protocol.n",
- 1,2,3,4,5,6
- );
- pMbufCopy = m_copy(pMbuf, 0, M_COPYALL);
- if (pMbufCopy == NULL)
- {
- return ENOBUFS;
- }
- hlen = pIp->ip_hl << 2;
- if (pMbufCopy && (M_HASCL(pMbufCopy) || pMbufCopy->m_len < hlen))
- pMbufCopy = m_pullup(pMbufCopy, hlen);
- pRt->mfc_last_assert = now;
- /* It looks like they're overlaying the igmpmsg structure on top of the
- ip structure. This will allow us to access the im_src member
- (which in IP corresponds to the ip_src member of struct ip. Note that
- both members are offset by 12 bytes.
- struct igmpmsg {
- u_long unused1;
- u_long unused2;
- u_char im_msgtype;
- u_char im_mbz;
- u_char im_vif;
- u_char unused3;
- struct in_addr im_src, im_dst;
- };
- struct ip {
- u_int ip_hl:4,
- ip_v:4,
- #endif
- u_int ip_v:4,
- ip_hl:4,
- #endif
- ip_tos:8,
- ip_len:16;
- u_short ip_id;
- short ip_off;
- #define IP_DF 0x4000
- #define IP_MF 0x2000
- #define IP_OFFMASK 0x1fff
- u_char ip_ttl;
- u_char ip_p;
- u_short ip_sum;
- struct in_addr ip_src,ip_dst;
- };
- */
- pIGMPMessage = mtod(pMbufCopy, struct igmpmsg *);
- if (pIGMPMessage == NULL)
- {
- return (ERROR);
- }
- k_igmpsrc.sin_addr = pIGMPMessage->im_src;
- /* The kernel stores these values in host order, pim requires net order*/
- pIpNew = mtod (pMbufCopy, struct ip*);
- if (pIpNew == NULL)
- {
- return (ERROR);
- }
- pIpNew->ip_len = htons(pIpNew->ip_len);
- pIpNew->ip_off = htons(pIpNew->ip_off);
- /* these values are in the wrong order for PIM*/
- (
- (mrtdebug),
- "MROUTE: pimNotify calling pim=%p.n",
- (int)_pimCacheMissSendHook,2,3,4,5,6
- );
- if ( _pimCacheMissSendHook != 0)
- {
- _pimCacheMissSendHook (pMbufCopy, pIfnet, &k_igmpsrc);
- }
- return (OK);
- }
- /*
- * IP multicast forwarding function. This function assumes that the packet
- * pointed to by "ip" has arrived on (or is about to be sent to) the interface
- * pointed to by "ifp", and the packet is to be relayed to other networks
- * that have members of the packet's destination IP multicast group.
- *
- * The packet is returned unscathed to the caller, unless it is
- * erroneous, in which case a non-zero return value tells the caller to
- * discard it.
- */
- #define IP_HDR_LEN 20 /* # bytes of fixed IP header (excluding options) */
- #define TUNNEL_LEN 12 /* # bytes of IP option for tunnel encapsulation */
- static int
- X_ip_mforward(m, ifp, ip, imo )
- struct mbuf *m;
- struct ifnet *ifp;
- struct ip *ip;
- struct ip_moptions *imo;
- {
- struct mfc *rt;
- struct mfc *root_rt;
- u_char *ipoptions;
- static struct sockaddr_in k_igmpsrc = { sizeof k_igmpsrc, AF_INET };
- static int srctun = 0;
- int s;
- BOOL null_list;
- vifi_t vifi = -1;
- (
- (mrtdebug & DEBUG_FORWARD),
- "ip_mforward: src %lx, dst %lx, if=%p, %s%in",
- (u_long)ntohl(ip->ip_src.s_addr),
- (u_long)ntohl(ip->ip_dst.s_addr),
- (int)ifp,
- (int)ifp->if_name,
- ifp->if_unit,
- 6
- );
- if ( (mrtdebug & DEBUG_TABLE) != 0)
- mRouteDumpMfctable();
- if (ip->ip_hl < (IP_HDR_LEN + TUNNEL_LEN) >> 2 ||
- (ipoptions = (u_char *)(ip + 1))[1] != IPOPT_LSRR ) {
- /*
- * Packet arrived via a physical interface or
- * an encapsulated tunnel.
- */
- } else {
- (
- (mrtdebug & DEBUG_FORWARD),
- "MROUTE: Packet arrived through a source-route tunnel.
- Source-route tunnels are no longer supported.n",
- 1,2,3,4,5,6
- );
- /*
- * Packet arrived through a source-route tunnel.
- * Source-route tunnels are no longer supported.
- */
- if ((srctun++ % 1000) == 0)
- {
- (
- (mrtdebug),
- "MROUTE: ip_mforward: received source-routed packet from %lxn",
- (u_long)ntohl(ip->ip_src.s_addr),
- 2,3,4,5,6
- );
- }
- return 1;
- }
- if ( (imo) && (vifi < numvifs) )
- {
- if (ip->ip_ttl < 255)
- ip->ip_ttl++; /* compensate for -1 in *_send routines */
- vifi = -1;
- return (ip_mdq(m, ifp, NULL, vifi));/* this is for a specific forwarding scenario...
- explicitly chosen vif. we no longer support this */
- }
- /*
- * Don't forward a packet with time-to-live of zero or one,
- * or a packet destined to a local-only group.
- */
- if (ip->ip_ttl <= 1 ||
- (ntohl(ip->ip_dst.s_addr) <= INADDR_MAX_LOCAL_GROUP) )
- {
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * Determine forwarding vifs from the forwarding cache table
- */
- s = splnet();
- MFCFIND(ip->ip_src.s_addr, ip->ip_dst.s_addr, rt);
- /* Entry exists, so forward if necessary */
- if (rt != NULL)
- {
- null_list = oifListIsEmpty(rt);
- splx(s);
- if (
- (
- (null_list)
- && (pim_assert )
- && (ifp->if_flags & IFF_BROADCAST)
- )
- ||
- (
- rt->mfc_notify != 0
- )
- )
- {
- rt->mfc_notify = 1;
- pimNotify(ip, m, rt, vifi, ifp);
- /* tell pim about new packet for old group.
- * Pim will be responsible for forwarding*/
- if (null_list )
- {
- return (OK);
- }
- }
- return (ip_mdq(m, ifp, rt, -1));
- }
- else
- {
- /*
- * If we don't have a route for packet's origin,
- * Make a copy of the packet &
- * send message to routing daemon
- */
- struct mbuf *mb0;
- struct rtdetq *rte;
- u_long hash;
- int hlen = ip->ip_hl << 2;
- mrtstat.mrts_no_route++;
- (
- (mrtdebug & (DEBUG_FORWARD | DEBUG_MFC)),
- "MROUTE: ip_mforward: origin unknown no rte s %lx g %lxn",
- (u_long)ntohl(ip->ip_src.s_addr),
- (u_long)ntohl(ip->ip_dst.s_addr),
- 3,4,5,6
- );
- /*
- * Allocate mbufs early so that we don't do extra work if we are
- * just going to fail anyway. Make sure to pullup the header so
- * that other people can't step on it.
- */
- rte = MRT_ALLOC (sizeof (struct rtdetq ) );
- if (rte == NULL) {
- splx(s);
- return ENOBUFS;
- }
- rte->m = 0;
- mb0 = m_copy(m, 0, M_COPYALL);
- if (mb0 && (M_HASCL(mb0) || mb0->m_len < hlen))
- mb0 = m_pullup(mb0, hlen);
- if (mb0 == NULL) {
- MRT_FREE((char*) rte);
- splx(s);
- return ENOBUFS;
- }
- /* is there an upcall waiting for this packet? */
- hash = MFCHASH(ip->ip_src.s_addr, ip->ip_dst.s_addr);
- for (rt = mfctable[hash]; rt; rt = rt->mfc_next)
- {
- if ((ip->ip_src.s_addr == rt->mfc_origin.s_addr) &&
- (ip->ip_dst.s_addr == rt->mfc_mcastgrp.s_addr) &&
- (rt->mfc_stall != NULL)
- )
- break;
- }
- if (rt == NULL)
- {
- int i;
- /* no upcall, so make a new entry */
- rt = MRT_ALLOC(sizeof(struct mfc));
- if (rt == NULL)
- {
- MRT_FREE((char*) rte);
- m_freem(mb0);
- splx(s);
- return ENOBUFS;
- }
- /* Make a copy of the header to send to the user level process */
- rt->mfc_notify = 0;
- /*
- * Send message to routing daemon to install
- * a route into the kernel table
- */
- k_igmpsrc.sin_addr = ip->ip_src;
- mrtstat.mrts_upcalls++;
- rt->mfc_origin.s_addr = ip->ip_src.s_addr;
- rt->mfc_mcastgrp.s_addr = ip->ip_dst.s_addr;
- rt->mfc_expire = UPCALL_EXPIRE;
- nexpire[hash]++;
- /* find the root route */
- MFCFIND(0, rt->mfc_mcastgrp.s_addr, root_rt);
- if (root_rt != NULL)
- {/* it exists, do nothing */
- }
- else if (root_rt == NULL)
- {/* create one */
- root_rt = MRT_ALLOC(sizeof(struct mfc));
- if (root_rt == NULL)
- {
- MRT_FREE((char*) rt);
- splx(s);
- return ENOBUFS;
- }
- root_rt->mfc_notify = 0;
- /* inset NULL entry at head of hash chain */
- root_rt->mfc_origin.s_addr = 0;
- root_rt->mfc_mcastgrp = rt->mfc_mcastgrp;
- root_rt->mfc_parent = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < numvifs; i++)
- root_rt->mfc_ttls[i] = 0;
- /* initialize pkt counters per src-grp */
- root_rt->mfc_pkt_cnt = 0;
- root_rt->mfc_byte_cnt = 0;
- root_rt->mfc_wrong_if = 0;
- rt->mfc_last_assert = 0;
- root_rt->mfc_last_assert = 0;
- root_rt->mfc_expire = 0;
- root_rt->mfc_stall = NULL;
- /* link into table */
- root_rt->mfc_next = mfctable[MFCHASH(root_rt->mfc_origin.s_addr, root_rt->mfc_mcastgrp.s_addr) ];
- mfctable[MFCHASH(root_rt->mfc_origin.s_addr, root_rt->mfc_mcastgrp.s_addr) ]= root_rt;
- root_rt->mfc_next_g = root_rt; /* next group in same chain */
- root_rt->mfc_root_rt = root_rt; /* 0,g entry in hash table, itself in this case*/
- }
- rt->mfc_parent = mRouteNameToPort(ifp->if_name, ifp->if_unit);
- rt->mfc_root_rt = root_rt;/* set root_rt*/
- rt->mfc_next_g = root_rt->mfc_next_g; /* insert into from of group chain*/
- for (i = 0; i < numvifs; i++)
- rt->mfc_ttls[i] = root_rt->mfc_ttls[i];
- root_rt->mfc_next_g = rt;
- /* insert new entry at head of hash chain */
- /* link into table */
- rt->mfc_next = mfctable[hash];
- mfctable[hash] = rt;
- rt->mfc_stall = rte;
- if (rte->m == 0)
- {
- rte->m = mb0;
- rte->ifp = ifp;
- rte->next = NULL;
- }
- if (pim_assert == 0)
- {/* new route automatically inherits *,g entries */
- if (mRouteGroupAdd( ifp, ip->ip_src, ip->ip_dst ) < 0)
- {
- (
- (mrtdebug),
- "MROUTE: ip_mforward: ip_mrouter socket queue full, mRouteGroupAdd failedn",
- 1,2,3,4,5,6
- );
- ++mrtstat.mrts_upq_sockfull;
- MRT_FREE((char*) rte);
- m_freem(mb0);
- MRT_FREE((char*) rt);
- splx(s);
- return ENOBUFS;
- }
- }
- else if (pim_assert
- && (ifp->if_flags & IFF_BROADCAST)
- )
- {
- pimNotify(ip, m, rt, vifi, ifp);/* tell pim about new group */
- }
- } else {
- /* determine if q has overflowed */
- int npkts = 0;
- struct rtdetq **p;
- for (p = &rt->mfc_stall; *p != NULL; p = &(*p)->next)
- npkts++;
- if (npkts > MAX_UPQ) {
- mrtstat.mrts_upq_ovflw++;
- MRT_FREE((char*) rte);
- m_freem(mb0);
- splx(s);
- return 0;
- }
- /* Add this entry to the end of the queue */
- *p = rte;
- }
- if (rte->m == 0)
- {
- rte->m = mb0;
- rte->ifp = ifp;
- rte->next = NULL;
- }
- splx(s);
- return 0;
- }
- }
- int ip_mforward (struct mbuf * m, struct ifnet * ifp, struct ip *ip, struct ip_moptions *imo)
- {
- return(X_ip_mforward(m, ifp, ip, imo));
- };
- /*
- * Clean up the cache entry if upcall is not serviced
- */
- static void
- expire_upcalls(void *unused)
- {
- struct rtdetq *rte;
- struct mfc *mfc, **nptr;
- int i;
- int s;
- s = splnet();
- for (i = 0; i < MFCTBLSIZ; i++)
- {
- if (nexpire[i] == 0)
- continue;
- nptr = &mfctable[i];
- for (mfc = *nptr; mfc != NULL; mfc = *nptr)
- {
- /*
- * Skip real cache entries
- * Make sure it wasn't marked to not expire (shouldn't happen)
- * If it expires now
- */
- if (mfc->mfc_stall != NULL &&
- mfc->mfc_expire != 0 &&
- --mfc->mfc_expire == 0)
- {
- (
- (mrtdebug & DEBUG_EXPIRE),
- "MROUTE: expire_upcalls: expiring (%lx %lx)n",
- (u_long)ntohl(mfc->mfc_origin.s_addr),
- (u_long)ntohl(mfc->mfc_mcastgrp.s_addr),
- 3,4,5,6
- );
- /*
- * drop all the packets
- * free the mbuf with the pkt, if, timing info
- */
- for (rte = mfc->mfc_stall; rte; )
- {
- struct rtdetq *n = rte->next;
- m_freem(rte->m);
- MRT_FREE((char*) rte);
- rte = n;
- }
- ++mrtstat.mrts_cache_cleanups;
- nexpire[i]--;
- *nptr = mfc->mfc_next;
- MRT_FREE((char*) mfc);
- }
- else
- {
- nptr = &mfc->mfc_next;
- }
- }
- }
- splx(s);
- expire_upcalls_ch = timeout(expire_upcalls, (caddr_t)NULL, EXPIRE_TIMEOUT);
- }
- /*
- * Packet forwarding routine once entry in the cache is made
- */
- static int
- ip_mdq(m, ifp, rt, xmt_vif)
- struct mbuf *m;
- struct ifnet *ifp;
- struct mfc *rt;
- vifi_t xmt_vif;
- {
- struct ip *ip = mtod(m, struct ip *);
- vifi_t vifi;
- vifi_t vifi_original;
- struct vif *vifp;
- USHORT old_len;
- int port;
- int plen = ip->ip_len;
- int forwarded = 0;
- /*
- * Macro to send packet on vif. Since RSVP packets don't get counted on
- * input, they shouldn't get counted on output, so statistics keeping is
- * seperate.
- */
- #define MC_SEND(ip,vifp,m) {
- if ((vifp)->v_flags & VIFF_TUNNEL)
- encap_send((ip), (vifp), (m));
- else
- phyint_send((ip), (vifp), (m));
- }
- /*
- * If xmt_vif is not -1, send on only the requested vif.
- *
- * (since vifi_t is u_short, -1 becomes MAXUSHORT, which > numvifs.)
- */
- port = mRouteNameToPort(ifp->if_name, ifp->if_unit);
- (
- (mrtdebug),
- "MROUTE: MDQ found VIF=%i, parent=%i.n",
- port,
- rt->mfc_parent,
- 3,4,5,6
- );
- if ( (xmt_vif < numvifs) || (rt == NULL) ) {/* rt== NULL makes up for missing xmit vif in x_ip_mforward */
- (
- (mrtdebug),
- "MROUTE: MDQ sending packet on VIF, xmt_vif=%i, numvifs=%i.n",
- xmt_vif,
- numvifs,
- 3,4,5,6
- );
- MC_SEND(ip, viftable + xmt_vif, m);
- forwarded ++;
- return 1;
- }
- /*
- * Don't forward if it didn't arrive from the parent vif for its origin.
- */
- vifi = rt->mfc_parent;
- if ((vifi >= numvifs) || (viftable[vifi].v_ifp != ifp))
- {
- /* came in the wrong interface */
- (
- (mrtdebug),
- "MROUTE: wrong if: ifp %p vifi %d vififp %pn",
- (int)ifp,
- vifi,
- (int)viftable[vifi].v_ifp,
- 4,5,6
- );
- ++mrtstat.mrts_wrong_if;
- ++rt->mfc_wrong_if;
- /*
- * If we are doing PIM assert processing, and we are forwarding
- * packets on this interface, and it is a broadcast medium
- * interface (and not a tunnel), send a message to the routing daemon.
- */
- if (pim_assert && rt->mfc_ttls[port] &&
- (ifp->if_flags & IFF_BROADCAST) &&
- !(viftable[vifi].v_flags & VIFF_TUNNEL))
- {
- pimNotify(ip, m, rt, vifi, ifp);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- vifi_original = vifi;
- /* If I sourced this packet, it counts as output, else it was input. */
- if (ip->ip_src.s_addr == viftable[vifi].v_lcl_addr.s_addr)
- {
- viftable[vifi].v_pkt_out++;
- viftable[vifi].v_bytes_out += plen;
- }
- else
- {
- viftable[vifi].v_pkt_in++;
- viftable[vifi].v_bytes_in += plen;
- }
- rt->mfc_pkt_cnt++;
- rt->mfc_byte_cnt += plen;
- /*
- * For each vif, decide if a copy of the packet should be forwarded.
- * Forward if:
- * - the ttl exceeds the vif's threshold
- * - there are group members downstream on interface
- */
- (
- (mrtdebug),
- "MROUTE: MDQ iterating through vifs to find oifs.n",
- 1,2,3,4,5,6
- );
- for (vifp = viftable, vifi = 0; vifi < numvifs; vifp++, vifi++)
- {
- (
- (mrtdebug),
- "MROUTE: mdq vif %i has forward threshold %i. ip->ttl=%i, parent=%i.n",
- vifi,
- rt->mfc_ttls[vifi],
- ip->ip_ttl,
- rt->mfc_parent,
- 5,6
- );
- if (
- (rt->mfc_ttls[vifi] > 0)
- &&(ip->ip_ttl > rt->mfc_ttls[vifi])
- &&(vifi != rt->mfc_parent)
- )
- {
- vifp->v_pkt_out++;
- vifp->v_bytes_out += plen;
- (
- (mrtdebug),
- "MROUTE: sending packet out vif %i name %s , ifp=%p.n",
- vifi,
- (int)vifp->v_ifp->if_name,
- (int)ifp,
- 4,5,6
- );
- old_len = ip->ip_len;
- MC_SEND(ip, vifp, m);
- if (old_len != ip->ip_len)
- {
- HTONS(ip->ip_len);/* the kernel sometimes changes
- the byte ordering,
- so we have to change it back */
- HTONS(ip->ip_off);
- }
- ip->ip_ttl ++; /* compensate for -1 in send routine */
- forwarded ++;
- }
- }
- (
- (mrtdebug),
- "MROUTE: MDQ forwarded %i times.n", forwarded,
- 2,3,4,5,6
- );
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * check if a vif number is legal/ok. This is used by ip_output, to export
- * numvifs there,
- */
- static int
- X_legal_vif_num(vif)
- int vif;
- {
- if (vif >= 0 && vif < numvifs)
- return(1);
- else
- return(0);
- }
- int (*legal_vif_num)(int) = X_legal_vif_num;
- /*
- * Return the local address used by this vif
- */
- static u_long
- X_ip_mcast_src(vifi)
- int vifi;
- {
- if (vifi >= 0 && vifi < numvifs)
- return viftable[vifi].v_lcl_addr.s_addr;
- else
- return INADDR_ANY;
- }
- static void
- phyint_send(ip, vifp, m)
- struct ip *ip;
- struct vif *vifp;
- struct mbuf *m;
- {
- struct mbuf *mb_copy;
- int hlen = ip->ip_hl << 2;
- /*
- * Make a new reference to the packet; make sure that
- * the IP header is actually copied, not just referenced,
- * so that ip_output() only scribbles on the copy.
- */
- mb_copy = m_copy(m, 0, M_COPYALL);
- if (mb_copy && (M_HASCL(mb_copy) || mb_copy->m_len < hlen))
- mb_copy = m_pullup(mb_copy, hlen);
- if (mb_copy == NULL)
- return;
- if (vifp->v_rate_limit == 0)
- tbf_send_packet(vifp, mb_copy);
- else
- tbf_control(vifp, mb_copy, mtod(mb_copy, struct ip *), ip->ip_len);
- }
- static void
- encap_send(ip, vifp, m)
- struct ip *ip;
- struct vif *vifp;
- struct mbuf *m;
- {
- struct mbuf *mb_copy;
- struct ip *ip_copy;
- int i, len = ip->ip_len;
- /*
- * copy the old packet & pullup its IP header into the
- * new mbuf so we can modify it. Try to fill the new
- * mbuf since if we don't the ethernet driver will.
- */
- if (mb_copy == NULL)
- return;
- mb_copy->m_data += max_linkhdr;
- mb_copy->m_len = sizeof(multicast_encap_iphdr);
- if ((mb_copy->m_next = m_copy(m, 0, M_COPYALL)) == NULL) {
- m_freem(mb_copy);
- return;
- }
- i = MHLEN - M_LEADINGSPACE(mb_copy);
- if (i > len)
- i = len;
- mb_copy = m_pullup(mb_copy, i);
- if (mb_copy == NULL)
- return;
- mb_copy->m_pkthdr.len = len + sizeof(multicast_encap_iphdr);
- /*
- * fill in the encapsulating IP header.
- */
- ip_copy = mtod(mb_copy, struct ip *);
- *ip_copy = multicast_encap_iphdr;
- ip_copy->ip_id = htons(ip_id++);
- #else
- ip_copy->ip_id = htons(_ip_id++);
- #endif
- ip_copy->ip_len += len;
- ip_copy->ip_src = vifp->v_lcl_addr;
- ip_copy->ip_dst = vifp->v_rmt_addr;
- /*
- * turn the encapsulated IP header back into a valid one.
- */
- ip = (struct ip *)((caddr_t)ip_copy + sizeof(multicast_encap_iphdr));
- --ip->ip_ttl;
- HTONS(ip->ip_len);
- HTONS(ip->ip_off);
- ip->ip_sum = 0;
- mb_copy->m_data += sizeof(multicast_encap_iphdr);
- ip->ip_sum = in_cksum(mb_copy, ip->ip_hl << 2);
- mb_copy->m_data -= sizeof(multicast_encap_iphdr);
- if (vifp->v_rate_limit == 0)
- tbf_send_packet(vifp, mb_copy);
- else
- tbf_control(vifp, mb_copy, ip, ip_copy->ip_len);
- }
- /*
- * De-encapsulate a packet and feed it back through ip input (this
- * routine is called whenever IP gets a packet with proto type
- * ENCAP_PROTO and a local destination address).
- */
- void
- ipip_input(m, iphlen)
- struct mbuf *m;
- int iphlen;
- {
- struct ifnet *ifp = m->m_pkthdr.rcvif;
- struct ip *ip = mtod(m, struct ip *);
- int hlen = ip->ip_hl << 2;
- int s;
- struct ifqueue *ifq;
- struct vif *vifp;
- if (!have_encap_tunnel)
- {
- rip_input(m);
- return;
- }
- /*
- * dump the packet if it's not to a multicast destination or if
- * we don't have an encapsulating tunnel with the source.
- * Note: This code assumes that the remote site IP address
- * uniquely identifies the tunnel (i.e., that this site has
- * at most one tunnel with the remote site).
- */
- if (! IN_MULTICAST(ntohl(((struct ip *)((char *)ip + hlen))->ip_dst.s_addr)))
- {
- ++mrtstat.mrts_bad_tunnel;
- m_freem(m);
- return;
- }
- if (ip->ip_src.s_addr != last_encap_src)
- {
- struct vif *vife;
- vifp = viftable;
- vife = vifp + numvifs;
- last_encap_src = ip->ip_src.s_addr;
- last_encap_vif = 0;
- for ( ; vifp < vife; ++vifp)
- if (vifp->v_rmt_addr.s_addr == ip->ip_src.s_addr)
- {
- if ((vifp->v_flags & (VIFF_TUNNEL|VIFF_SRCRT))
- last_encap_vif = vifp;
- break;
- }
- }
- if ((vifp = last_encap_vif) == 0)
- {
- last_encap_src = 0;
- mrtstat.mrts_cant_tunnel++; /*XXX*/
- m_freem(m);
- (
- (mrtdebug),
- "MROUTE: ip_mforward: no tunnel with %lxn",
- (u_long)ntohl(ip->ip_src.s_addr),
- 2,3,4,5,6
- );
- return;
- }
- ifp = vifp->v_ifp;
- if (hlen > IP_HDR_LEN)
- ip_stripoptions(m, (struct mbuf *) 0);
- m->m_data += IP_HDR_LEN;
- m->m_len -= IP_HDR_LEN;
- m->m_pkthdr.len -= IP_HDR_LEN;
- m->m_pkthdr.rcvif = ifp;
- ifq = &ipintrq;
- s = splimp();
- if (IF_QFULL(ifq))
- {
- IF_DROP(ifq);
- m_freem(m);
- } else
- {
- IF_ENQUEUE(ifq, m);
- /*
- * normally we would need a "schednetisr(NETISR_IP)"
- * here but we were called by ip_input and it is going
- * to loop back & try to dequeue the packet we just
- * queued as soon as we return so we avoid the
- * unnecessary software interrrupt.
- */
- }
- splx(s);
- }
- static BOOL oifListIsEmpty
- (
- struct mfc* rt
- )
- {
- int i;
- int j = 0;
- if (rt == NULL) return (TRUE);
- for (i=0;i<numvifs; i++)
- {
- j+=rt->mfc_ttls[i];
- }
- if (j == 0)
- return (TRUE);
- return(FALSE);
- }
- static void mRouteDumpMfctable()
- {
- int i;
- int j;
- struct mfc* rt;
- vifi_t vifi;
- struct vif *vifp;
- (
- (1),
- "MROUTE: IP_MROUTE dumping mfctable.n",
- 1,2,3,4,5,6
- );
- for (vifp = viftable, vifi = 0; vifi < numvifs; vifp++, vifi++)
- {
- (
- (1),
- "MROUTE: vif %i is named %s%i.n",
- vifi,
- (int)vifp->v_ifp->if_name, vifp->v_ifp->if_index,
- 4,5,6
- );
- }
- for (i=0;i<MFCTBLSIZ; i++)
- {
- if (mfctable[i] != NULL)
- {
- (
- (1),
- "MROUTE: mfctable postion %i.n", i,
- 2,3,4,5,6
- );
- for (rt = mfctable[i]; rt != NULL; rt = rt->mfc_next)
- {
- (
- (1),
- "MROUTE: tEntry g=%p, s=%p.n",
- ntohl(rt->mfc_mcastgrp.s_addr),
- ntohl(rt->mfc_origin.s_addr),
- 3,4,5,6
- );
- (
- (1),
- "MROUTE: tt OIFLIST=",1,2,3,4,5,6
- );
- for (j=0;j<=numvifs; j++)
- (
- (1),
- "vif %i ttl=%i,",j,(int)rt->mfc_ttls[j],3,4,5,6
- );
- (
- (1),
- "MROUTE: n.",
- 1,2,3,4,5,6
- );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Token bucket filter module
- */
- static void
- tbf_control(vifp, m, ip, p_len)
- struct vif *vifp;
- struct mbuf *m;
- struct ip *ip;
- u_long p_len;
- {
- struct tbf *t = vifp->v_tbf;
- if (p_len > MAX_BKT_SIZE) {
- /* drop if packet is too large */
- mrtstat.mrts_pkt2large++;
- m_freem(m);
- return;
- }
- tbf_update_tokens(vifp);
- /* if there are enough tokens,
- * and the queue is empty,
- * send this packet out
- */
- if (t->tbf_q_len == 0) {
- /* queue empty, send packet if enough tokens */
- if (p_len <= t->tbf_n_tok) {
- t->tbf_n_tok -= p_len;
- tbf_send_packet(vifp, m);
- } else {
- /* queue packet and timeout till later */
- tbf_queue(vifp, m);
- timeout(tbf_reprocess_q, (caddr_t)vifp, TBF_REPROCESS);
- }
- } else if (t->tbf_q_len < t->tbf_max_q_len) {
- /* finite queue length, so queue pkts and process queue */
- tbf_queue(vifp, m);
- tbf_process_q(vifp);
- } else {
- /* queue length too much, try to dq and queue and process */
- if (!tbf_dq_sel(vifp, ip)) {
- mrtstat.mrts_q_overflow++;
- m_freem(m);
- return;
- } else {
- tbf_queue(vifp, m);
- tbf_process_q(vifp);
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- /*
- * adds a packet to the queue at the interface
- */
- static void
- tbf_queue(vifp, m)
- struct vif *vifp;
- struct mbuf *m;
- {
- int s = splnet();
- struct tbf *t = vifp->v_tbf;
- if (t->tbf_t == NULL) {
- /* Queue was empty */
- t->tbf_q = m;
- } else {
- /* Insert at tail */
- t->tbf_t->m_act = m;
- }
- /* Set new tail pointer */
- t->tbf_t = m;
- /* Make sure we didn't get fed a bogus mbuf */
- if (m->m_act)
- panic("tbf_queue: m_act");
- #endif
- m->m_act = NULL;
- t->tbf_q_len++;
- splx(s);
- }
- /*
- * processes the queue at the interface
- */
- static void
- tbf_process_q(vifp)
- struct vif *vifp;
- {
- struct mbuf *m;
- int len;
- int s = splnet();
- struct tbf *t = vifp->v_tbf;
- /* loop through the queue at the interface and send as many packets
- * as possible
- */
- while (t->tbf_q_len > 0) {
- m = t->tbf_q;
- len = mtod(m, struct ip *)->ip_len;
- /* determine if the packet can be sent */
- if (len <= t->tbf_n_tok) {
- /* if so,
- * reduce no of tokens, dequeue the packet,
- * send the packet.
- */
- t->tbf_n_tok -= len;
- t->tbf_q = m->m_act;
- if (--t->tbf_q_len == 0)
- t->tbf_t = NULL;
- m->m_act = NULL;
- tbf_send_packet(vifp, m);
- } else break;
- }
- splx(s);
- }
- static void
- tbf_reprocess_q(xvifp)
- void *xvifp;
- {
- struct vif *vifp = xvifp;
- if (ip_mrouter == 0)
- return;
- tbf_update_tokens(vifp);
- tbf_process_q(vifp);
- if (vifp->v_tbf->tbf_q_len)
- timeout(tbf_reprocess_q, (caddr_t)vifp, TBF_REPROCESS);
- }
- /* function that will selectively discard a member of the queue
- * based on the precedence value and the priority
- */
- static int
- tbf_dq_sel(vifp, ip)
- struct vif *vifp;
- struct ip *ip;
- {
- int s = splnet();
- u_int p;
- struct mbuf *m, *last;
- struct mbuf **np;
- struct tbf *t = vifp->v_tbf;
- p = priority(vifp, ip);
- np = &t->tbf_q;
- last = NULL;
- while ((m = *np) != NULL) {
- if (p > priority(vifp, mtod(m, struct ip *))) {
- *np = m->m_act;
- /* If we're removing the last packet, fix the tail pointer */
- if (m == t->tbf_t)
- t->tbf_t = last;
- m_freem(m);
- /* it's impossible for the queue to be empty, but
- * we check anyway. */
- if (--t->tbf_q_len == 0)
- t->tbf_t = NULL;
- splx(s);
- mrtstat.mrts_drop_sel++;
- return(1);
- }
- np = &m->m_act;
- last = m;
- }
- splx(s);
- return(0);
- }
- static void
- tbf_send_packet(vifp, m)
- struct vif *vifp;
- struct mbuf *m;
- {
- struct ip_moptions imo;
- int error;
- static struct route ro;
- int s = splnet();
- struct ip *ip = mtod(m, struct ip *);
- u_long dstAddr; /* Destination group, unavailable if output fails. */
- #endif
- #endif
- if (vifp->v_flags & VIFF_TUNNEL) {
- /* If tunnel options */
- /*
- * Save the multicast destination address from the original packet,
- * since it will be unavailable if the ip_output() call fails.
- */
- dstAddr = ip->ip_dst.s_addr;
- #endif
- #endif
- error = ip_output(m, (struct mbuf *)0, &vifp->v_route,
- IP_FORWARDING, (struct ip_moptions *)0);
- #ifdef INCLUDE_WVNET /* WV_NET_NOTICE event */
- vifp->v_lcl_addr.s_addr, vifp->v_rmt_addr.s_addr,
- error, vifp->v_lcl_addr.s_addr,
- vifp->v_rmt_addr.s_addr, dstAddr)
- #endif /* INCLUDE_WVNET */
- #endif
- } else {
- imo.imo_multicast_ifp = vifp->v_ifp;
- imo.imo_multicast_ttl = mtod(m, struct ip *)->ip_ttl - 1;
- imo.imo_multicast_loop = 1;
- /*imo.imo_multicast_vif = -1;*/
- /*
- * Re-entrancy should not be a problem here, because
- * the packets that we send out and are looped back at us
- * should get rejected because they appear to come from
- * the loopback interface, thus preventing looping.
- */
- error = ip_output(m, (struct mbuf *)0, &ro,
- #ifdef INCLUDE_WVNET /* WV_NET_NOTICE event */
- error, vifp->v_ifp)
- #endif /* INCLUDE_WVNET */
- #endif
- (
- (mrtdebug & DEBUG_XMIT),
- "MROUTE: phyint_send on vif %p err %pn",
- (vifp - viftable),
- error,3,4,5,6
- );
- }
- splx(s);
- }
- /* determine the current time and then
- * the elapsed time (between the last time and time now)
- * in milliseconds & update the no. of tokens in the bucket
- */
- static void
- tbf_update_tokens(vifp)
- struct vif *vifp;
- {
- UINT tp;
- u_long tm;
- int s = splnet();
- struct tbf *t = vifp->v_tbf;
- GET_TIME(tp);
- TV_DELTA(tp, t->tbf_last_pkt_t, tm);
- /*
- * This formula is actually
- * "time in seconds" * "bytes/second".
- *
- * (tm / 1000000) * (v_rate_limit * 1000 * (1000/1024) / 8)
- *
- * The (1000/1024) was introduced in add_vif to optimize
- * this divide into a shift.
- */
- t->tbf_n_tok += tm * vifp->v_rate_limit / 1024 / 8;
- t->tbf_last_pkt_t = tp;
- if (t->tbf_n_tok > MAX_BKT_SIZE)
- t->tbf_n_tok = MAX_BKT_SIZE;
- splx(s);
- }
- static int
- priority(vifp, ip)
- struct vif *vifp;
- struct ip *ip;
- {
- int prio;
- /* temporary hack; may add general packet classifier some day */
- /*
- * The UDP port space is divided up into four priority ranges:
- * [0, 16384) : unclassified - lowest priority
- * [16384, 32768) : audio - highest priority
- * [32768, 49152) : whiteboard - medium priority
- * [49152, 65536) : video - low priority
- */
- if (ip->ip_p == IPPROTO_UDP) {
- struct udphdr *udp = (struct udphdr *)(((char *)ip) + (ip->ip_hl << 2));
- switch (ntohs(udp->uh_dport) & 0xc000) {
- case 0x4000:
- prio = 70;
- break;
- case 0x8000:
- prio = 60;
- break;
- case 0xc000:
- prio = 55;
- break;
- default:
- prio = 50;
- break;
- }
- if (tbfdebug > 1)
- (
- (1),
- "MROUTE: port %x prio%dn", ntohs(udp->uh_dport), prio,3,4,5,6
- );
- } else {
- prio = 50;
- }
- return prio;
- }
- /*
- * End of token bucket filter modifications
- */
- /*
- * sooptcopyout copies out of the sockopt into a buffer
- * it comes from the /kern/uipc_socket.c in the BSD releases
- */
- static
- int
- sooptcopyout(sopt, buf, len)
- struct sockopt *sopt;
- void *buf;
- size_t len;
- {
- int error;
- size_t valsize;
- error = 0;
- (
- (mrtdebug),
- "MROUTE: soopcopyout sopt->sopt_valsize=%i len=%i.n",
- (int)sopt->sopt_valsize,
- (int)len,
- 3,4,5,6
- );
- /*
- * Documented get behavior is that we always return a value,
- * possibly truncated to fit in the user's buffer.
- * Traditional behavior is that we always tell the user
- * precisely how much we copied, rather than something useful
- * like the total amount we had available for her.
- * Note that this interface is not idempotent; the entire answer must
- * generated ahead of time.
- */
- valsize = min(len, sopt->sopt_valsize);
- sopt->sopt_valsize = valsize;
- if (sopt->sopt_val != 0) {
- if (sopt->sopt_p != 0)
- error = copyout(buf, sopt->sopt_val, valsize);
- else
- memcpy(sopt->sopt_val, buf, valsize);
- }
- return error;
- }
- /*
- * sooptcopyin copies from a buffer into a sockopt
- * it comes from the /kern/uipc_socket.c in the BSD releases
- */
- static int
- sooptcopyin(sopt, buf, len, minlen)
- struct sockopt *sopt;
- void *buf;
- size_t len;
- size_t minlen;
- {
- size_t valsize;
- /*
- * If the user gives us more than we wanted, we ignore it,
- * but if we don't get the minimum length the caller
- * wants, we return EINVAL. On success, sopt->sopt_valsize
- * is set to however much we actually retrieved.
- */
- if ((valsize = sopt->sopt_valsize) < minlen){
- return EINVAL;}
- if (valsize > len)
- sopt->sopt_valsize = valsize = len;
- if (sopt->sopt_p != 0)
- {
- valsize = copyin(sopt->sopt_val, buf, valsize);
- return (valsize );
- }
- memcpy(buf, sopt->sopt_val, valsize);
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * if_allmulti copies sets multicast characteristics on
- * an interface. I have left it in for forward compatibility
- * it comes from the net/if.c in the net/3 BSD releases
- */
- static int
- if_allmulti(ifp, onswitch)
- struct ifnet *ifp;
- int onswitch;
- {
- struct ifreq ifr;
- int error = 0;
- int s;
- bzero ((char*)&ifr, IFNAMSIZ);
- s = splimp();
- /* ifp->amcount was removed from the ifnet structure,
- but this code was left for future compatibility issues */
- if (onswitch) {
- if (1 /*ifp->if_amcount++ == 0*/) {
- ifp->if_flags |= IFF_ALLMULTI;
- error = ifp->if_ioctl(ifp, SIOCSIFFLAGS, (char*)&ifr);
- }
- } else {
- if (1/*ifp->if_amcount > 1*/) {
- /*ifp->if_amcount--*/;
- } else {
- /*ifp->if_amcount = 0;*/
- ifp->if_flags &= ~IFF_ALLMULTI;
- error = ifp->if_ioctl(ifp, SIOCSIFFLAGS, (char*)&ifr);
- }
- }
- splx(s);
- return (error);
- }
- /*
- * Adds a timer task to the netJob ring buffer
- */
- static void mRouteNetJobAdd(MROUTE_TIMER_STRUCT* p_timer_struct_object)
- {
- if ( netJobAdd ( (FUNCPTR)(*p_timer_struct_object->expire_routine) , (int) (p_timer_struct_object->argument), 0, 0,
- 0, 0) == ERROR)
- {
- MRTDEBUG((mrtdebug), "MROUTE failed to execute timer expire.n", 1,2,3,4,5,6);
- /* log error */
- }
- wdDelete(p_timer_struct_object->watchdog_id);
- MRT_FREE((char*) p_timer_struct_object);
- return;
- }
- /*
- * Sets the timeout of an routine, calls mRouteNetJobAdd
- */
- static MROUTE_TIMER_STRUCT* mRouteTimeout(VOIDFUNCPTR expire_routine, void* argument, int number_of_ticks)
- {
- WDOG_ID timer_id;
- MROUTE_TIMER_STRUCT* p_timer_struct_object;
- p_timer_struct_object = MRT_ALLOC(sizeof (MROUTE_TIMER_STRUCT));
- timer_id = wdCreate();
- p_timer_struct_object->argument = argument;
- p_timer_struct_object->expire_routine = expire_routine;
- if (timer_id == NULL)
- {
- return (NULL);
- }
- p_timer_struct_object->watchdog_id = timer_id;
- if (wdStart(timer_id, number_of_ticks, (FUNCPTR)(*mRouteNetJobAdd), (UINT)p_timer_struct_object) == ERROR)
- {
- /* log_error */
- wdDelete(timer_id);
- MRT_FREE((char*) p_timer_struct_object);
- return (NULL);
- }
- return (p_timer_struct_object);
- }
- /*
- * Unsets the timeout of an routine, calls mRouteNetJobAdd
- */
- static void mRouteUntimeOut(MROUTE_TIMER_STRUCT* p_timer_struct)
- {
- if (p_timer_struct == NULL)
- return;
- if (wdCancel(p_timer_struct->watchdog_id) == ERROR)
- {
- (
- (mrtdebug),
- "MROUTE: untimeout failed to cancel timer!n",
- 1,2,3,4,5,6
- );
- }
- if (wdDelete(p_timer_struct->watchdog_id) == ERROR)
- {
- (
- (mrtdebug),
- "MROUTE: untimeout failed to delete watchdog id!n",
- 1,2,3,4,5,6
- );
- }
- MRT_FREE((char*) p_timer_struct);
- return;
- }