- /* wdbSioTestLib.c - test the serial line connection to the agent */
- /* Copyright 1995-2001 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01b,14sep01,jhw Fixed warnings from compiling with gnu -pedantic flag
- Added copyright.
- 01a,19jun95,ms written.
- */
- /*
- This module is used to test the serial connection to the agent.
- If the macro INCLUDE_SIO_TEST is defined in configAll.h, then
- this library will be called to test the serial connection.
- It does the following:
- prints "WDB READY" over the serial line when VxWorks comes up,
- thus verifying that the serial transmitter works.
- optionally echos characters until some designated character (e.g., EOF
- for SLIP) arrives, thus verifying that both the transmitter and
- receiver work.
- */
- #include "wdb/wdb.h"
- #include "wdb/wdbRtIfLib.h"
- #include "errno.h"
- #include "string.h"
- #include "sioLib.h"
- /* locals */
- static void * wdbSioTestSem;
- static char * msg = "WDB READYnr"; /* greeting message */
- static int msgSize; /* size of message */
- static int msgIx; /* index into the message */
- static char lastInChar; /* last input character recieved */
- static char lastInCharValid; /* lastInChar is valid */
- static char eofChar; /* end of test character */
- /* forward declarations */
- static STATUS wdbSioTestRcv (void *pDev, char thisChar);
- static STATUS wdbSioTestTx (void *pDev, char * pThisChar);
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * wdbSioTest - test a serial channel
- */
- void wdbSioTest
- (
- SIO_CHAN * pSioChan, /* serial channel to test */
- int mode, /* mode in which to test the device */
- char eof /* character to terminate test */
- )
- {
- msgSize = strlen (msg);
- eofChar = eof;
- if (mode == SIO_MODE_POLL)
- {
- if (sioIoctl (pSioChan, SIO_MODE_SET, (void *)SIO_MODE_POLL) != OK)
- return;
- /* send the greeting */
- for (msgIx = 0; msgIx < msgSize; msgIx++)
- {
- while (sioPollOutput (pSioChan, msg[msgIx]) == EAGAIN)
- ;
- }
- /* echo characters until eofChar is recieved */
- if (eofChar == 0)
- return;
- for (;;)
- {
- char thisChar;
- while (sioPollInput (pSioChan, &thisChar) == EAGAIN)
- ;
- if (thisChar == eofChar)
- return;
- while (sioPollOutput (pSioChan, thisChar) == EAGAIN)
- ;
- }
- }
- else if (mode == SIO_MODE_INT)
- {
- /*
- * The WDB agent will take control of the serial port once
- * we return, so we must block until we finish the serial test.
- * Here we create a semaphore to block on.
- */
- if ((pWdbRtIf->semCreate == NULL) ||
- (pWdbRtIf->semGive == NULL) ||
- (pWdbRtIf->semTake == NULL))
- return;
- wdbSioTestSem = pWdbRtIf->semCreate();
- /* install our interrupt handlers */
- sioCallbackInstall (pSioChan, SIO_CALLBACK_GET_TX_CHAR,
- (FUNCPTR) wdbSioTestTx, (void *)pSioChan);
- sioCallbackInstall (pSioChan, SIO_CALLBACK_PUT_RCV_CHAR,
- (FUNCPTR) wdbSioTestRcv, (void *)pSioChan);
- /* put the device in interupt mode and start transmitting */
- if (sioIoctl (pSioChan, SIO_MODE_SET, (void *)SIO_MODE_INT) != OK)
- return;
- sioTxStartup (pSioChan);
- /* wait until the test is done */
- pWdbRtIf->semTake (wdbSioTestSem, NULL);
- }
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * wdbSioTestRcv - recieve characters in interrupt mode.
- */
- static STATUS wdbSioTestRcv
- (
- void * pDev,
- char thisChar
- )
- {
- /* end the test when an EOF char arrives */
- if (thisChar == eofChar)
- {
- pWdbRtIf->semGive (wdbSioTestSem);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* don't start echoing until we finish printing the greeting msg */
- if (msgIx < msgSize)
- return (ERROR);
- /* else store away the character and start the transmitter */
- lastInChar = thisChar;
- lastInCharValid = TRUE;
- sioTxStartup ((SIO_CHAN *)pDev);
- return (OK);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * wdbSioTestTx - transmit characters in interrupt mode.
- */
- static STATUS wdbSioTestTx
- (
- void * pDev,
- char * pThisChar
- )
- {
- /* first transmit the greeting message */
- if (msgIx < msgSize)
- {
- *pThisChar = msg[msgIx];
- msgIx++;
- return (OK);
- }
- /* end the test after the greeting if no eofChar is specified */
- if (eofChar == 0)
- {
- pWdbRtIf->semGive (wdbSioTestSem);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* echo recieved characters */
- if (lastInCharValid)
- {
- *pThisChar = lastInChar;
- lastInCharValid = FALSE;
- return (OK);
- }
- return (ERROR);
- }