- /* wdbUdpLib.c - WDB communication interface UDP datagrams */
- /* Copyright 1994-2001 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01h,14sep01,jhw Fixed warnings from compiling with gnu -pedantic flag
- 01g,22jul98,dbt in udpSendTo(), test wdbComMode rather thant wdbMode (with
- wdbIsNowTasking) to choose if we must use semTake and
- semGive.
- 01f,07apr97,gnn turned version number into a #define
- 01e,07apr97,gnn really added version number, was not really there.
- 01d,22nov96,vin made modifications required for BSD44 cluster code.
- added udpIpHdrBuf.
- 01c,29feb96,ms added IP version number to IP header (SPR #5867).
- 01b,03jun95,ms use new commIf structure (sendto/rvcfrom replaces read/write).
- 01a,06oct94,ms written.
- */
- /*
- The WDB agent communicates with the host using sendto/rcvfrom function
- pointers contained in a WDB_COMM_IF structure.
- This library implements these methods using a lightweight UDP/IP stack
- as the transport.
- It supports two modes of operation; interrupt and polled, and the
- mode can be dynamically toggled.
- During agent initialization (in the file target/src/config/usrWdb.c), this
- libraries udpCommIfInit() routine is called to initializes a WDB_COMM_IF
- structure. A pointer to this structure is then passed to the agent's
- wdbInstallCommIf().
- Note: This particular library is not required by the WDB target agent.
- Other communication libraries can be used instead simply by initializing
- a WDB_COMM_IF structure and installing it in the agent.
- */
- #include "wdb/wdb.h"
- #include "wdb/wdbCommIfLib.h"
- #include "wdb/wdbLibP.h"
- #include "wdb/wdbRtIfLib.h"
- #include "wdb/wdbUdpLib.h"
- #include "wdb/wdbMbufLib.h"
- #include "string.h"
- #include "netinet/in_systm.h"
- #include "netinet/in.h"
- #include "netinet/ip.h"
- #include "netinet/udp.h"
- #define IP_HDR_SIZE 20
- #define UDP_HDR_SIZE 8
- #ifndef MIN
- #define MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
- #endif
- /* State Information */
- static u_int commMode; /* POLL or INT */
- static int agentIp; /* in network byte order */
- /* This is a volatile pointer. Not a pointer to volatile data. */
- static struct mbuf * volatile pInputMbufs;
- static WDB_DRV_IF * pWdbDrvIf;
- static void (*udpHookRtn) (u_int arg);
- static u_int udpHookArg;
- static void * readSyncSem;
- static void * writeSyncSem;
- static char udpIpHdrBuf [128]; /* 128 byte buffer for header */
- /* foward declarations */
- static int udpRcvfrom (WDB_COMM_ID commId, caddr_t addr, u_int len,
- struct sockaddr_in *pAddr, struct timeval *tv);
- static int udpSendto (WDB_COMM_ID commId, caddr_t addr, u_int len,
- struct sockaddr_in *pAddr);
- static int udpModeSet (WDB_COMM_ID commId, u_int newMode);
- static int udpCancel (WDB_COMM_ID commId);
- static int udpHookAdd (WDB_COMM_ID commId, void (*rout)(), u_int arg);
- extern int wdbCksum (char * pData, int nBytes);
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * udpCommIfInit - Initialize the WDB communication function pointers.
- *
- * The configlette for the selected WDB_COMM_TYPE calls this function
- * from its wdbCommDevInit routine. This function can only be called once.
- *
- */
- STATUS udpCommIfInit
- (
- WDB_COMM_IF * pWdbCommIf, /* function pointers to install */
- WDB_DRV_IF * pDrvIf
- )
- {
- pWdbCommIf->rcvfrom = udpRcvfrom;
- pWdbCommIf->sendto = udpSendto;
- pWdbCommIf->modeSet = udpModeSet;
- pWdbCommIf->cancel = udpCancel;
- pWdbCommIf->hookAdd = udpHookAdd;
- pWdbCommIf->notifyHost = NULL;
- pWdbDrvIf = pDrvIf;
- commMode = WDB_COMM_MODE_INT; /* default communication mode */
- if (pWdbRtIf->semCreate != NULL)
- {
- readSyncSem = pWdbRtIf->semCreate();
- writeSyncSem = pWdbRtIf->semCreate();
- }
- return (OK);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * udpModeSet - Set the communication mode to POLL or INT.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK on success, or ERROR if the new mode is not supported.
- */
- static int udpModeSet
- (
- WDB_COMM_ID commId,
- u_int newMode
- )
- {
- if (pWdbDrvIf->modeSetRtn == NULL)
- return (ERROR);
- if ((*pWdbDrvIf->modeSetRtn)(pWdbDrvIf->devId, newMode) == ERROR)
- return (ERROR);
- commMode = newMode;
- return (OK);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * udpRcv - receive a UDP/IP datagram from the driver.
- */
- void udpRcv
- (
- struct mbuf * pMbuf /* mbuf chain received */
- )
- {
- /* store away the data for the next agent read */
- if (pInputMbufs != NULL) /* only allow one queued request */
- {
- wdbMbufChainFree (pInputMbufs);
- return;
- }
- pInputMbufs = pMbuf;
- /* interrupt on first packet mode? Then call the input hook */
- if ((commMode == WDB_COMM_MODE_INT) && (udpHookRtn != NULL))
- {
- (*udpHookRtn) (udpHookArg);
- return;
- }
- /* normal tasking mode? Then unblock the task */
- if (commMode == WDB_COMM_MODE_INT)
- {
- pWdbRtIf->semGive (readSyncSem);
- }
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * udpRcvfrom - read a UDP/IP datagram (after removing the UDP/IP headers).
- *
- * This routine assumes that the mbuf chain received from the driver
- * has a UDP/IP header in the first mbuf.
- *
- * In polled mode operation, there is no timeout. This needs to be fixed
- * because it could cause an infinite loop waiting for data.
- *
- */
- static int udpRcvfrom
- (
- WDB_COMM_ID commId,
- caddr_t addr,
- u_int len,
- struct sockaddr_in *pAddr,
- struct timeval *tv
- )
- {
- struct udphdr * pUdpHdr;
- struct ip * pIpHdr;
- u_int nBytes;
- /* WDB_COMM_MODE_INT means "task mode". Use semaphore to wait for data */
- if (commMode == WDB_COMM_MODE_INT)
- pWdbRtIf->semTake (readSyncSem, tv);
- /*
- * Otherwise poll the driver until data arrives or a timeout occurs.
- * Note that presently the timeout is not implemented
- */
- else
- {
- while (pInputMbufs == NULL)
- (*pWdbDrvIf->pollRtn) (pWdbDrvIf->devId);
- }
- /* Any data available ? */
- if (pInputMbufs == NULL)
- {
- return (0);
- }
- /* If so, break the packet up into components */
- pIpHdr = mtod (pInputMbufs, struct ip *);
- pUdpHdr = (struct udphdr *)((int)pIpHdr + IP_HDR_SIZE);
- /* If this packet is not for the agent, ignore it */
- if ((pIpHdr->ip_p != IPPROTO_UDP) ||
- (pUdpHdr->uh_dport != htons(WDBPORT)) ||
- (pInputMbufs->m_len < UDP_IP_HDR_SIZE))
- {
- nBytes = 0;
- goto done;
- }
- /* Save away reply address info */
- agentIp = pIpHdr->ip_dst.s_addr;
- pAddr->sin_port = pUdpHdr->uh_sport;
- pAddr->sin_addr = pIpHdr->ip_src;
- /* copy the RPC data into the uses buffer */
- pInputMbufs->m_len -= UDP_IP_HDR_SIZE;
- pInputMbufs->m_data += UDP_IP_HDR_SIZE;
- wdbMbufDataGet (pInputMbufs, addr, len, &nBytes);
- done:
- /* free the mbuf chain */
- wdbMbufChainFree (pInputMbufs);
- pInputMbufs = NULL;
- return (nBytes);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * udpCancel - cancel a udpRcvfrom
- */
- static int udpCancel
- (
- WDB_COMM_ID commId
- )
- {
- pWdbRtIf->semGive (readSyncSem);
- return (OK);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * udpSendto - send a reply packet (after adding a UDP/IP header).
- */
- static int udpSendto
- (
- WDB_COMM_ID commId,
- caddr_t addr,
- u_int len,
- struct sockaddr_in *pAddr
- )
- {
- static u_short ip_id;
- struct udphdr * pUdpHdr;
- struct ip * pIpHdr;
- STATUS status;
- struct mbuf * pDataMbuf;
- struct mbuf * pHeaderMbuf;
- /* allocate a couple of mbufs */
- pDataMbuf = wdbMbufAlloc();
- if (pDataMbuf == NULL)
- return (0);
- pHeaderMbuf = wdbMbufAlloc ();
- if (pHeaderMbuf == NULL)
- {
- wdbMbufFree (pDataMbuf);
- return (0);
- }
- /* put the reply data in an mbuf cluster */
- wdbMbufClusterInit (pDataMbuf, addr, len, NULL, 0);
- if (commMode == WDB_COMM_MODE_INT)
- {
- pDataMbuf->m_extFreeRtn = pWdbRtIf->semGive;
- pDataMbuf->m_extArg1 = (int)writeSyncSem;
- }
- /* put the header data in the other mbuf */
- wdbMbufClusterInit (pHeaderMbuf, udpIpHdrBuf, len, NULL, 0);
- pHeaderMbuf->m_data += 40;
- pHeaderMbuf->m_len = UDP_IP_HDR_SIZE;
- pHeaderMbuf->m_type = MT_DATA;
- pHeaderMbuf->m_next = pDataMbuf;
- pIpHdr = mtod (pHeaderMbuf, struct ip *);
- pUdpHdr = (struct udphdr *)((int)pIpHdr + IP_HDR_SIZE);
- pIpHdr->ip_v = IPVERSION;
- pIpHdr->ip_hl = 0x45;
- pIpHdr->ip_tos = 0;
- pIpHdr->ip_off = 0;
- pIpHdr->ip_ttl = 0x20;
- pIpHdr->ip_p = IPPROTO_UDP;
- pIpHdr->ip_src.s_addr = agentIp;
- pIpHdr->ip_dst.s_addr = pAddr->sin_addr.s_addr;
- pIpHdr->ip_len = htons (UDP_IP_HDR_SIZE + len);
- pIpHdr->ip_id = ip_id++;
- pIpHdr->ip_sum = 0;
- pIpHdr->ip_sum = ~wdbCksum ((char *)pIpHdr, IP_HDR_SIZE);
- pUdpHdr->uh_sport = htons(WDBPORT);
- pUdpHdr->uh_dport = pAddr->sin_port;
- pUdpHdr->uh_sum = 0;
- pUdpHdr->uh_ulen = htons (UDP_HDR_SIZE + len);
- /* tell the driver to output the data */
- if (pWdbDrvIf == NULL)
- return (ERROR);
- status = (*pWdbDrvIf->pktTxRtn) (pWdbDrvIf->devId, pHeaderMbuf);
- if (status == ERROR)
- return (ERROR);
- /* wait for the driver to finish transmition before returning */
- if (commMode == WDB_COMM_MODE_INT)
- pWdbRtIf->semTake (writeSyncSem, NULL);
- return (UDP_IP_HDR_SIZE + len);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * udpHookAdd -
- */
- static int udpHookAdd
- (
- WDB_COMM_ID commId,
- void (*rout)(),
- u_int arg
- )
- {
- udpHookRtn = rout;
- udpHookArg = arg;
- return (OK);
- }