- /* wdbTaskBpLib.c - Break point handing for the target server */
- /* Copyright 1994-2001 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01o,09nov01,jhw Revert WDB_INFO to be inside WIND_TCB.
- 01n,17oct01,jhw Access WDB_INFO through WIND_TCB pointer.
- 01m,21apr98,dbt code cleanup.
- 01l,06nov97,dbt merge with target shell debugger.
- 01k,15jul96,ms fixed problem with trace mode
- 01j,26jun96,ms 2nd paramter to eventpoint call func is now a REG_SET *.
- breakpointIgnore routine no longer checks for VX_UNBREAKABLE.
- 01i,04jun96,kkk replace _sigCtxLoad() with WDB_CTX_LOAD().
- 01h,25apr96,ms support generalized eventPoint handling
- support multiple breakpoints at same address
- lots of cleanup
- 01f,23jan96,tpr added casts to compile with Diab Data tools.
- 01e,26oct95,ms install switch hook in wdbTaskStep if needed (SPR 4920).
- 01d,21sep95,ms fixed SPR 4935 - task BPs work with TEXT_PROTECT now.
- 01c,07jun95,ms no longer use the spare TCB fields
- 01b,01jun95,ms deactivate task BPs when in system mode + some cleanup.
- 01a,02nov94,rrr written.
- */
- /*
- This library contains breakpoint handling routines when the agent runs
- in task mode. Most of those routines are only interfaces for OS specific
- routines (dbgTaskLib.c).
- */
- /* includes */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "regs.h"
- #include "stddef.h"
- #include "intLib.h"
- #include "wdb/wdb.h"
- #include "wdb/dll.h"
- #include "wdb/wdbRegs.h"
- #include "wdb/wdbBpLib.h"
- #include "wdb/wdbLibP.h"
- #include "wdb/wdbLib.h"
- #include "wdb/wdbRtIfLib.h"
- #include "wdb/wdbSvcLib.h"
- #include "wdb/wdbEvtLib.h"
- #include "wdb/wdbDbgLib.h"
- /* defines */
- #define WDB_INFO(p) (&(((WIND_TCB *)(p))->wdbInfo))
- #if CPU_FAMILY==MC680X0
- #undef reg_pc
- #define reg_pc regSet.pc
- #undef reg_sp
- #define reg_sp regSet.addrReg[7]
- #undef reg_fp
- #define reg_fp regSet.addrReg[6]
- #endif /* CPU_FAMILY==MC680X0 */
- /* externals */
- IMPORT FUNCPTR _func_dbgHostNotify;
- /* locals */
- static WDB_EVT_NODE bpEventNode;
- static dll_t bpEventList;
- /* forward static declarations */
- static void wdbTaskBpPost (UINT32 contextId, WDB_IU_REGS * pRegisters,
- UINT32 addr);
- static void wdbBreakpointEventGet (void * pTcb, WDB_EVT_DATA * pEvtData);
- static void wdbBreakpointEventDeq (void * arg);
- static UINT32 wdbTaskBpAdd (WDB_EVTPT_ADD_DESC * pEv);
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wdbTaskBpLibInit - Initialize the task break point library
- *
- *
- */
- void wdbTaskBpLibInit (void)
- {
- _wdbTaskBpAdd = wdbTaskBpAdd;
- _wdbTaskStep = (UINT32 (*)()) dbgTaskStep;
- _wdbTaskCont = (UINT32 (*)()) dbgTaskCont;
- _wdbTaskBpTrap = (VOIDFUNCPTR) dbgTaskBpTrap;
- #else /* DBG_NO_SINGLE_STEP */
- _wdbTaskBpTrace = (VOIDFUNCPTR) dbgTaskBpTrace;
- _wdbTaskBpBreakpoint = (VOIDFUNCPTR) dbgTaskBpBreakpoint;
- #endif /* DBG_NO_SINGLE_STEP */
- _func_dbgHostNotify = (FUNCPTR) wdbTaskBpPost;
- /* initialize breakpoint event list */
- dll_init (&bpEventList);
- wdbEventNodeInit (&bpEventNode, wdbBreakpointEventGet,
- wdbBreakpointEventDeq, (void *) &bpEventNode);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * wdbTaskBpPost - post a breakpoint event to the host
- *
- * This routine posts an event to the host when a task mode breakpoint
- * is hit. It is called when the system is suspended.
- *
- *
- */
- static void wdbTaskBpPost
- (
- UINT32 contextId, /* task ID */
- WDB_IU_REGS * pRegisters, /* task registers */
- UINT32 addr /* breakpoint addr */
- )
- {
- int level;
- dll_t * pEvtList; /* pointer on event list */
- level = intLock ();
- WDB_INFO(contextId)->taskPc = (UINT32) pRegisters->reg_pc;
- WDB_INFO(contextId)->taskFp = (UINT32) pRegisters->reg_fp;
- WDB_INFO(contextId)->taskSp = (UINT32) pRegisters->reg_sp;
- WDB_INFO(contextId)->taskBpAddr = addr;
- /*
- * If the task is already queued in the event list, only overwrite
- * breakpoint informations for this task.
- * Otherwise add this breakpoint in the event list and post the event
- * to the host.
- * If the action associated with a specific breakpoint does not include
- * ACTION_STOP, it is possible that we send several breakpoint events
- * for the same task before the target server reads those events. In
- * that case, we can loose some breakpoint events.
- */
- if (!(WDB_INFO(contextId)->wdbState & WDB_QUEUED))
- {
- pEvtList = (dll_t *)&WDB_INFO(contextId)->wdbEvtList;
- WDB_INFO(contextId)->wdbState |= WDB_QUEUED;
- dll_insert(pEvtList, &bpEventList);
- wdbEventPost (&bpEventNode);
- }
- intUnlock (level);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * wdbBreakpointEventGet - fill in the WDB_EVT_DATA for the host.
- *
- * Earlier, we posted an WDB_EVT_NODE to the event library.
- * The event library is now calling this routine (bpEventNode->getEvent)
- * in order to get the eventMsg associated with this bpEventNode.
- *
- *
- */
- static void wdbBreakpointEventGet
- (
- void * pNode,
- WDB_EVT_DATA * pEvtData
- )
- {
- WDB_BP_INFO * pBpInfo = (WDB_BP_INFO *)&pEvtData->eventInfo;
- int level;
- WIND_TCB * pTcb;
- level = intLock ();
- if (dll_empty (&bpEventList))
- {
- intUnlock (level);
- pEvtData->evtType = WDB_EVT_NONE;
- return;
- }
- /*
- * The return value of dll_tail is the address of WDB breakpoint
- * Event data structure in WDB_INFO. WDB_INFO is located above WIND_TCB
- * in the tasks memory partition. You can therefore calculate the
- * pTcb by subtracting the offset of wdbEvtList in WDB_INFO and the
- * size of the WIND_TCB structure from the return value of dll_tail.
- */
- pTcb = ((WIND_TCB *)((char *)(dll_tail (&bpEventList)) -
- OFFSET (WIND_TCB, wdbInfo.wdbEvtList)));
- dll_remove ((dll_t *)&(WDB_INFO(pTcb)->wdbEvtList));
- /*
- * If the program counter of the task is not the same that the address
- * of the breakpoint we have encountered, it must be a watch point
- */
- if (WDB_INFO(pTcb)->taskPc != WDB_INFO(pTcb)->taskBpAddr)
- {
- /* assume it is a watch point */
- pEvtData->evtType = WDB_EVT_WP;
- pBpInfo->numInts = 6;
- pBpInfo->addr = WDB_INFO(pTcb)->taskBpAddr;
- }
- else
- {
- /* assume it is a break point */
- pEvtData->evtType = WDB_EVT_BP;
- pBpInfo->numInts = 5;
- }
- pBpInfo->context.contextType = WDB_CTX_TASK;
- pBpInfo->context.contextId = (int) pTcb;
- pBpInfo->pc = WDB_INFO(pTcb)->taskPc;
- pBpInfo->fp = WDB_INFO(pTcb)->taskFp;
- pBpInfo->sp = WDB_INFO(pTcb)->taskSp;
- WDB_INFO(pTcb)->wdbState &= ~WDB_QUEUED;
- intUnlock (level);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * wdbBreakpointEventDeq - dequeue an event node.
- *
- * The host has acknowledged the receipt of our eventMsg, so the event
- * library is now calling this routine to dequeue the bpEventNode.
- *
- *
- */
- static void wdbBreakpointEventDeq
- (
- void * pBreakpointNode
- )
- {
- if (!dll_empty(&bpEventList))
- wdbEventPost (&bpEventNode);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * wdbTaskBpAdd - initialize tasking breakpoints
- *
- * This routine initializes tasking breakpoint when the first
- * breakpoint is added.
- *
- * RETURNS : OK always
- *
- */
- static UINT32 wdbTaskBpAdd
- (
- )
- {
- dbgTaskBpHooksInstall();
- return (WDB_OK);
- }