- /* wdbLib.c - WDB agent context management library */
- /* Copyright 1994-2002 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01r,28feb02,jhw Add entry point to tWdbTask. (SPR 73238).
- 01q,09feb99,fle doc : put the code examples between .CS and .CE markups
- 01p,24nov98,cym disabling clock during system mode on simnt.
- 01o,05oct98,jmp doc: fixed DESCRIPTION section.
- 01n,27aug98,fle doc : documented undocumented routines headers
- 01m,25mar98,dbt added wdbSystemSuspend() routine.
- 01l,17dec97,dbt Set driver in interrupt mode in wdbResumeSystem() routine only
- if wdb agent can run in task mode (SPR #5630).
- 01k,02oct96,elp added casts due to TGT_ADDR_T type change in wdb.h.
- 01j,09jul96,ms wdbModeSet to task mode automatically resumes the system.
- 01i,03jun96,kkk replace _sigCtxLoad() with WDB_CTX_LOAD() and _sigCtxSave()
- with WDB_CTX_SAVE().
- 01h,29aug95,ms fixed SPRs #4785 and 4499 for external mode agent I/O
- 01g,21jun95,ms added global variable wdbTaskId.
- 01f,15jun95,ms use intRegsLock instead of _sigCtxIntLock
- 01e,03jun95,ms don't notify host if not connected.
- 01d,25may95,ms added fpp reg support for system mode agent.
- 01c,07feb95,ms pass RPC transport handles and commIf's to both agents.
- 01b,18jan94,rrr made wdbExternSystemResg global.
- 01a,06oct94,ms written.
- */
- /*
- This library provides a routine to transfer control from the run time
- system to the WDB agent running in external mode. This agent in external
- mode allows a system-wide control, including ISR debugging, from a host tool
- (eg: Crosswind, WindSh ...) through the target server and the WDB
- communcation link.
- This library contains all the routines that manipulate
- the WDB agents context, including the agents main command loop.
- INCLUDE FILES: wdb/wdbLib.h
- .I "API Guide: WTX Protocol",
- .tG "Overview"
- */
- #include "wdb/wdb.h"
- #include "wdb/wdbLib.h"
- #include "wdb/wdbLibP.h"
- #include "wdb/wdbRpcLib.h"
- #include "wdb/wdbSvcLib.h"
- #include "wdb/wdbCommIfLib.h"
- #include "wdb/wdbRpcLib.h"
- #include "wdb/wdbRtIfLib.h"
- #include "wdb/wdbArchIfLib.h"
- #include "wdb/wdbEvtLib.h"
- #include "string.h"
- /* Agent variables */
- WDB_RT_IF * pWdbRtIf; /* interface to runtime system */
- static u_int wdbState; /* WDB_STATE_EXTERN_RUNNING? */
- static u_int wdbMode; /* current agent mode. For version 1,
- * only one agent active at a time. */
- static u_int wdbAvailModes; /* available agent modes */
- static struct timeval wdbTv = {3, 0}; /* 3 second timeout on host NOTIFY */
- /* task agent variables */
- static WDB_COMM_IF * pWdbTaskCommIf; /* communication interface */
- static void * pWdbTaskXport; /* RPC transport handle */
- int wdbTaskId; /* agents task ID */
- /* system agent variables */
- static WDB_IU_REGS wdbExternAgentRegs;
- WDB_IU_REGS wdbExternSystemRegs;
- static void (*wdbSuspendCallbackRtn)(); /* callback routine */
- static int wdbSuspendCallbackArg; /* callback argument */
- BOOL wdbOneShot = FALSE; /* resume system after cmd */
- static WDB_COMM_IF * pWdbExternCommIf; /* communication interface */
- static void * pWdbExternXport; /* RPC transport handle */
- static dll_t wdbRegSetList; /* register set list */
- /* forward declarations */
- static void wdbCmdLoop (void);
- static void wdbCmdOnce (void);
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * wdbInstallRtIf - install the runtime interface functions.
- *
- * The WDB agent is independent of the underlying runtime system or OS.
- * This routine installs OS callouts for the agent to use.
- *
- */
- void wdbInstallRtIf
- (
- WDB_RT_IF * pRtIf /* Must be a static structure */
- )
- {
- pWdbRtIf = pRtIf;
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * wdbInstallCommIf - install the communication interface.
- *
- */
- void wdbInstallCommIf
- (
- WDB_COMM_IF * pCommIf, /* communication functions */
- WDB_XPORT * pXport /* RPC xport handle */
- )
- {
- pWdbTaskCommIf = pCommIf;
- pWdbTaskXport = pXport;
- pWdbExternCommIf = pCommIf;
- pWdbExternXport = pXport;
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * wdbInfoGet - get info on the WDB agent.
- *
- */
- void wdbInfoGet
- (
- )
- {
- pInfo->agentVersion = WDB_VERSION_STR;
- pInfo->mtu = wdbCommMtu;
- pInfo->mode = wdbAvailModes;
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * wdbTask - WDB task entry point
- *
- * This is the WDB task entry point. It simply calls wdbCmdLoop() but it has
- * been added to have a "real" entry point to WDB task when one issues
- * a i() command.
- *
- */
- void wdbTask (void)
- {
- wdbCmdLoop ();
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * wdbTaskInit - initialize the task mode agent.
- *
- * This routine creates a task debug agent by making callouts to
- * the runtime system. If the runtime system supports task creation,
- * then this routine should succeed.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if unable to create the task agent.
- *
- */
- STATUS wdbTaskInit
- (
- int wdbTaskPriority, /* agent task priority */
- int wdbTaskOptions, /* agent task options */
- caddr_t wdbTaskStackBase, /* agent task stack base (or NULL) */
- int wdbTaskStackSize /* agent task stack size */
- )
- {
- WDB_CTX context;
- int args[10];
- /* create the agent's task context via callouts to the OS */
- if ((pWdbRtIf->taskCreate == NULL) ||
- (pWdbRtIf->taskResume == NULL) ||
- (pWdbTaskXport == NULL))
- return (ERROR);
- context.contextId = (*pWdbRtIf->taskCreate) ("tWdbTask", wdbTaskPriority,
- wdbTaskOptions, NULL, wdbTaskStackSize, (char *)wdbTask,
- args, 0, 0, 0);
- if (context.contextId == ERROR)
- return (ERROR);
- context.contextType = WDB_CTX_TASK;
- if ((*pWdbRtIf->taskResume)(&context) == ERROR)
- return (ERROR);
- /* record the fact that the agent can run as a task */
- wdbAvailModes |= WDB_MODE_TASK;
- /* store away the task ID in a global variable for all to see */
- wdbTaskId = context.contextId;
- return (OK);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * wdbExternInit - initialize the external mode agent.
- *
- * This routine sets up the external agents context (stack pointer and
- * entry address). It does not start the external agents command loop.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK always.
- *
- */
- STATUS wdbExternInit
- (
- void * stackBase /* stack to use */
- )
- {
- /* set up the external agents context */
- int pArgs[10];
- pArgs[0] = 1;
- if (pWdbExternXport == NULL)
- return (ERROR);
- _sigCtxSetup (&wdbExternAgentRegs, stackBase, wdbCmdLoop, pArgs);
- intRegsLock (&wdbExternAgentRegs);
- /* initialize the linked list of register objects to save/restore */
- dll_init (&wdbRegSetList);
- /* mark the agent as external */
- wdbAvailModes |= WDB_MODE_EXTERN;
- /* install the external agent's interrupt on first packet hook */
- if ((pWdbExternCommIf->hookAdd != NULL))
- (*pWdbExternCommIf->hookAdd) (pWdbExternCommIf->commId, wdbCmdOnce, 0);
- return (OK);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * wdbExternRegSetObjAdd - tell the external agent to manipulate a class of regs.
- *
- */
- void wdbExternRegSetObjAdd
- (
- WDB_REG_SET_OBJ * pRegSet /* reg class object */
- )
- {
- dll_insert (&pRegSet->node, &wdbRegSetList);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * wdbExternRegsSet -
- *
- */
- STATUS wdbExternRegsSet
- (
- char * pRegs
- )
- {
- dll_t * pThisNode;
- WDB_REG_SET_OBJ * pRegSet;
- if (type == WDB_REG_SET_IU)
- {
- bcopy (pRegs, (char *)&wdbExternSystemRegs, sizeof (wdbExternSystemRegs));
- return (OK);
- }
- for (pThisNode = dll_head (&wdbRegSetList);
- pThisNode != dll_end (&wdbRegSetList);
- pThisNode = dll_next (pThisNode))
- {
- pRegSet = (WDB_REG_SET_OBJ *)pThisNode;
- if (pRegSet->regSetType == type)
- {
- (*pRegSet->set) (pRegs);
- return (OK);
- }
- }
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * wdbExternRegsGet - gets external registers
- *
- */
- STATUS wdbExternRegsGet
- (
- char ** ppRegs
- )
- {
- dll_t * pThisNode;
- WDB_REG_SET_OBJ * pRegSet;
- if (type == WDB_REG_SET_IU)
- {
- *ppRegs = (char *)&wdbExternSystemRegs;
- return (OK);
- }
- for (pThisNode = dll_head (&wdbRegSetList);
- pThisNode != dll_end (&wdbRegSetList);
- pThisNode = dll_next (pThisNode))
- {
- pRegSet = (WDB_REG_SET_OBJ *)pThisNode;
- if (pRegSet->regSetType == type)
- {
- (*pRegSet->get) (ppRegs);
- return (OK);
- }
- }
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * wdbModeSet - set the agent mode.
- *
- * This routine activates one of the agents and deactivates the other.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK if the requested mode is supported, else ERROR.
- *
- */
- STATUS wdbModeSet
- (
- int newMode /* agent mode */
- )
- {
- /* check if newMode is OK to set */
- if ((newMode != WDB_MODE_TASK) && (newMode != WDB_MODE_EXTERN))
- return (ERROR); /* requested mode is invalid */
- if (! (newMode & wdbAvailModes))
- return (ERROR); /* requested mode is not available */
- /*
- * if both agents are available, deactivate the other agent
- * since both agents use the same communication port, all we
- * need to do is add or remove the external agents interrupt hook.
- */
- if (wdbAvailModes == WDB_MODE_BI)
- {
- if (newMode == WDB_MODE_TASK)
- {
- if ((pWdbExternCommIf->hookAdd != NULL))
- (*pWdbExternCommIf->hookAdd) (pWdbExternCommIf->commId,
- NULL, 0);
- if (wdbMode == WDB_MODE_EXTERN)
- wdbOneShot = TRUE;
- }
- else
- {
- if ((pWdbExternCommIf->hookAdd != NULL))
- (*pWdbExternCommIf->hookAdd) (pWdbExternCommIf->commId,
- wdbCmdOnce, 0);
- }
- }
- wdbMode = newMode;
- return (OK);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * wdbRunsExternal - check if the agent runs externally.
- *
- */
- BOOL wdbRunsExternal (void)
- {
- return ((wdbAvailModes & WDB_MODE_EXTERN) != 0);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * wdbIsNowExternal - Check if the agent is now in external mode.
- *
- */
- BOOL wdbIsNowExternal (void)
- {
- return (wdbMode & WDB_MODE_EXTERN);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * wdbRunsTasking - check if the agent runs as a task.
- *
- */
- BOOL wdbRunsTasking (void)
- {
- return ((wdbAvailModes & WDB_MODE_TASK) != 0);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * wdbIsNowTasking - Check if the agent is now in tasking mode.
- *
- */
- BOOL wdbIsNowTasking (void)
- {
- return (!wdbIsNowExternal());
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * wdbCmdLoop - agent command loop.
- *
- * This is the command loop used by both agents.
- *
- */
- static void wdbCmdLoop (void)
- {
- WDB_XPORT * pXport;
- /* get the RPC transport handle */
- if (wdbIsNowExternal())
- pXport = pWdbExternXport;
- else
- pXport = pWdbTaskXport;
- /* check if the external agent needs to perform a callback */
- if (wdbIsNowExternal() && (wdbSuspendCallbackRtn != NULL))
- {
- (*wdbSuspendCallbackRtn)(wdbSuspendCallbackArg);
- wdbSuspendCallbackRtn = NULL;
- }
- /* the main command loop */
- while (1)
- {
- /* try to process an RPC command (with timeout) */
- if (!wdbRpcRcv (pXport, (wdbEventListIsEmpty() ? NULL : &wdbTv)))
- {
- /* on time out, see if we need to notify the host of events */
- if (!wdbEventListIsEmpty())
- wdbRpcNotifyHost(pXport);
- }
- if ((wdbState & WDB_STATE_EXTERN_RUNNING) && wdbOneShot && wdbEventListIsEmpty())
- wdbResumeSystem();
- }
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * wdbCmdOnce - Process one external agent command, then return to the system.
- *
- * This routine is installed as an interrupt on first packet hook to
- * notify the external agent.
- *
- * XXX - should really change the way the hook is done. E.g., examine the
- * packet, and if it is for the agent use it, else let the comm layer
- * keep it. Right now we assume that any packet must be for the agent,
- * and the agent just discards packets that are not really for it.
- *
- */
- static void wdbCmdOnce (void)
- {
- wdbOneShot = TRUE;
- wdbSuspendSystemHere (NULL, 0);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * wdbSuspendSystem - suspend the run-time system.
- *
- * This routine transfers control from the runtime system to the extern agent.
- * The integer-unit context of the run-time sstem is passed to us (which we
- * save). We are also passed a callback to execute after the system has been
- * suspended.
- * This routine is called by the system breakpoint library.
- *
- * Do not confuse with wdbSystemSuspend() routine. This routine is not part
- * of the API and should not be called by the user.
- *
- */
- void wdbSuspendSystem
- (
- WDB_IU_REGS * pRegs, /* runtime context to save */
- void (*callBack)(), /* callback after system is stopped */
- int arg /* callback argument */
- )
- {
- dll_t * pThisNode;
- WDB_REG_SET_OBJ * pRegSet;
- intLock();
- wdbSuspendCallbackRtn = callBack; /* install the callback */
- wdbSuspendCallbackArg = arg; /* and the callback argument */
- wdbState |= WDB_STATE_EXTERN_RUNNING; /* mark extern agent running */
- wdbExternEnterHook(); /* call extern enter hook */
- (*pWdbExternCommIf->modeSet) /* reset communication stack */
- (pWdbExternCommIf->commId,
- bcopy ((caddr_t)pRegs, /* save inferior context */
- (caddr_t)&wdbExternSystemRegs,
- sizeof (WDB_IU_REGS));
- for (pThisNode = dll_head (&wdbRegSetList);
- pThisNode != dll_end (&wdbRegSetList);
- pThisNode = dll_next (pThisNode))
- {
- pRegSet = (WDB_REG_SET_OBJ *)pThisNode;
- (*pRegSet->save)();
- }
- #if CPU_FAMILY==MC680X0
- wdbExternAgentRegs.regSet.sr &= 0xefff;
- wdbExternAgentRegs.regSet.sr |= (wdbExternSystemRegs.regSet.sr & 0x1000);
- #endif
- WDB_CTX_LOAD (&wdbExternAgentRegs); /* run external agent */
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * wdbResumeSystem - resume the runtime system.
- *
- * This routine transfers control from the external agent back to the runtime
- * system.
- * This routine is called by the system breakpoint library to continue or step.
- *
- */
- void wdbResumeSystem (void)
- {
- dll_t * pThisNode;
- WDB_REG_SET_OBJ * pRegSet;
- wdbState &= (~WDB_STATE_EXTERN_RUNNING); /* mark extern agent done */
- /*
- * Set driver in interrupt mode only if task mode is supported by the
- * agent. Otherwise, it is not usefull.
- */
- if (wdbRunsTasking ())
- {
- (*pWdbExternCommIf->modeSet) /* reset communication stack */
- (pWdbExternCommIf->commId,
- }
- wdbOneShot = FALSE; /* ... */
- wdbExternExitHook(); /* call extern exit hook */
- /* restore inferior context */
- for (pThisNode = dll_head (&wdbRegSetList);
- pThisNode != dll_end (&wdbRegSetList);
- pThisNode = dll_next (pThisNode))
- {
- pRegSet = (WDB_REG_SET_OBJ *)pThisNode;
- (*pRegSet->load)();
- }
- WDB_CTX_LOAD (&wdbExternSystemRegs);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * wdbNotifyCallback - callback to notify host of target events
- *
- */
- static void wdbNotifyCallback (void)
- {
- wdbRpcNotifyHost (pWdbExternXport);
- wdbResumeSystem();
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * wdbNotifyHost - notify the host that an event has occured on the target.
- *
- * This routine is not called directly by anyone. It is called indirectly
- * by wdbEventPost().
- *
- */
- void wdbNotifyHost (void)
- {
- /* don't notify the host if we are not connected */
- if (!wdbTargetIsConnected())
- return;
- /* if the task agent is currently active, let it do the notify */
- if (wdbIsNowTasking())
- {
- (*pWdbTaskCommIf->cancel)(pWdbTaskCommIf->commId);
- }
- /* if the external agent is running right now, do the notify now */
- else if (wdbState & WDB_STATE_EXTERN_RUNNING)
- {
- wdbRpcNotifyHost(pWdbExternXport);
- }
- /*
- * else the external agent is active, but not currently running.
- * In this case, we suspend the system and have the external agent
- * do the notify as a callback.
- */
- else
- {
- wdbSuspendSystemHere (wdbNotifyCallback, 0);
- }
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * wdbSuspendSystemHere - suspend the system.
- *
- * This routine transfers control from the run time system to the external
- * agent. This routine is just like wdbSuspendSystem, except we don't pass
- * it a register set to save (it uses setjmp to get the register set).
- *
- */
- void wdbSuspendSystemHere
- (
- void (*callback)(),
- int arg
- )
- {
- u_int lockKey;
- WDB_IU_REGS regSet;
- lockKey = intLock();
- #if CPU==SIMNT
- sysClkDisable();
- #endif
- if (WDB_CTX_SAVE (®Set) == 0)
- {
- _sigCtxRtnValSet (®Set, 1);
- wdbSuspendSystem (®Set, callback, arg);
- }
- #if CPU==SIMNT
- sysClkEnable();
- #endif
- intUnlock (lockKey);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * wdbSystemSuspend - suspend the system.
- *
- * This routine transfers control from the run time system to the WDB
- * agent running in external mode. In order to give back the control to
- * the system it must be resumed by the the external WDB agent.
- *
- *
- * The code below, called in a vxWorks application, suspends the system :
- *
- * .CS
- * if (wdbSystemSuspend != OK)
- * printf ("External mode is not supported by the WDB agent.n");
- * .CE
- *
- * From a host tool, we can detect that the system is suspended.
- *
- * First, attach to the target server :
- *
- * .CS
- * wtxtcl> wtxToolAttach EP960CX
- * EP960CX_ps@sevre
- * .CE
- *
- *Then, you can get the agent mode :
- *
- * .CS
- * wtxtcl> wtxAgentModeGet
- * .CE
- *
- * To get the status of the system context, execute :
- *
- * .CS
- * wtxtcl> wtxContextStatusGet CONTEXT_SYSTEM 0
- * .CE
- *
- * In order to resume the system, simply execute :
- *
- * .CS
- * wtxtcl> wtxContextResume CONTEXT_SYSTEM 0
- * 0
- * .CE
- *
- * You will see that the system is now running :
- *
- * .CS
- * wtxtcl> wtxContextStatusGet CONTEXT_SYSTEM 0
- * .CE
- *
- * This routine is only a user interface for wdbSuspendSystemHere() routine.
- * Its name is derived from wdbSuspendSystem but has been modified to
- * handle vxWorks API specifications.
- *
- * OK upon successful completion, ERROR if external mode is not supported
- * by the WDB agent.
- */
- STATUS wdbSystemSuspend (void)
- {
- if (wdbIsNowTasking ()) /* set the agent mode if necessary */
- {
- if (wdbModeSet (WDB_MODE_EXTERN) != OK)
- return (ERROR);
- }
- wdbSuspendSystemHere (NULL, 0); /* suspend the system */
- return (OK);
- }