- /* trgLib.c - trigger events control library */
- /* Copyright 1994-2001 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- #include "copyright_wrs.h"
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01x,21mar02,tcr Fix SPR 74465
- 01w,11oct01,tcr Fix SPR 70133 - trigger action routine cannot take
- zero-valued argument
- 01v,02mar99,dgp removed reference to e() from trgEvent()
- 01u,11sep98,cjtc deferred action queue for triggering modified
- 01t,28aug98,dgp FCS man page edit
- 01s,28may98,dgp final doc editing for WV 2.0 beta
- 01r,07may98,dgp clean up man pages for WV 2.0 beta release
- 01q,08apr98,pr added some comments and some cleanup
- 01p,25mar98,pr deleted portWorkQAdd1 (see rBuffLib.c)
- 01p,25mar98,pr added trgEvent function
- 01o,22mar98,pr replaced workQAdd1 with portable version
- 01n,21feb98,pr commented out hitCnt reset in trgOn. Fix obj enable in
- trgCheck.
- 01m,22feb98,pr added hitCnt. Cleanup
- 01l,13feb98,nps made trgDelete more defensive by verifying object exists.
- 01k,12feb98,pr moved trgShow to trgShow.c. Added hitCnt support.
- 01j,27jan98,nps Fix merge errors.
- 01i,27jan98,nps modified switch so all current deferred actions are
- handled in the same way.
- incorporated support for library condition fns.
- 01h,23jan98,pr moved _func_trgCheck initialization, replaced macro names.
- 01g,16jan98,pr modified option for msgQSend.
- 01f,14dec97,pr moved declaration of some global variables into funcBind.c
- 01e,14dec97,pr deleted reference to myCnt
- 01d,13dec97,pr deleted some temporary variables. Reduced the number of
- arguments passed to trgCheck
- 01c,20nov97,pr added the deferred execution of tasks, fixed some bugs
- added trgChainSet, trgAddTcl
- modified trgCondTest, added support for EVENT_ANY_EVENT
- 01b,09oct97,pr modified the prototype: changed the structure in an obj
- replaced the list with an array
- modified the search algorithm
- 01a,25jun97,pr written
- */
- /*
- This library provides the interface for triggering events. The routines
- provide tools for creating, deleting, and controlling triggers. However,
- in most cases it is preferable to use the GUI to create and manage
- triggers, since all order and dependency factors are automatically
- accounted for there.
- The event types are defined as in WindView. Triggering and WindView share
- the same instrumentation points. Furthermore, one of the main uses of
- triggering is to start and stop WindView instrumentation. Triggering is
- started by the routine trgOn(), which sets the shared variable 'evtAction'.
- Once the variable is set, when an instrumented point is hit, trgCheck() is
- called. The routine looks for triggers that apply to this event. The
- routine trgOff() stops triggering. The routine trgEnable() enables a
- specific trigger that was previously disabled with trgDisable(). (At
- creation time all triggers are enabled by default.) This routine also
- checks the number of triggers currently enabled, and when this is zero, it
- turns triggering off.
- NOTE: It is important to create a trigger before calling trgOn(). trgOn()
- checks the trigger list to see if there is at least one trigger there, and if
- not, it exits without setting 'evtAction'.
- .I WindView User's Guide
- */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "intLib.h"
- #include "taskLib.h"
- #include "stdio.h"
- #include "logLib.h"
- #include "private/trgLibP.h"
- #include "private/kernelLibP.h"
- #include "private/windLibP.h"
- #include "private/workQLibP.h"
- /* extern */
- extern int trgCnt;
- int trgNone;
- extern VOIDFUNCPTR _func_trgCheck;
- #if (CPU_FAMILY == I80X86)
- extern void portWorkQAdd1();
- #endif /* CPU_FAMILY == I80X86 */
- /* global */
- UINT trgWorkQReader; /* work queue index */
- UINT trgWorkQWriter; /* work queue index */
- BOOL trgWorkQFullNotify; /* work queue full notification*/
- SEM_ID trgDefSem;
- OBJ_CLASS trgClass; /* trg object Class */
- CLASS_ID trgClassId = &trgClass; /* trg class ID */
- MSG_Q_ID trgActionDefMsgQId = NULL;
- /* local */
- TRIGGER_ID * trgList;
- LOCAL BOOL trgLibInstalled = FALSE; /* protect from multiple inits */
- LOCAL BOOL trgActionDefStarted = FALSE; /* protect from multiple inits */
- void trgCheck(event_t event, int index, int obj,int arg1,int arg2,int arg3,int arg4,int arg5);
- TRIGGER_ID trgAdd(event_t event, int status, int contextType, UINT32 contextId,
- OBJ_ID objId, int conditional, int condType, int * condEx1,
- int condOp, int condEx2, BOOL disable, TRIGGER_ID chain,
- int actionType, FUNCPTR actionFunc, BOOL actionDef, int arg);
- STATUS trgInit();
- STATUS trgDelete(TRIGGER_ID trgId);
- void trgOff();
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * trgLibInit - initialize the triggering library
- *
- * This routine initializes the trigger class. Triggers are VxWorks objects
- * and therefore require a class to be initialized.
- *
- *
- */
- STATUS trgLibInit (void)
- {
- int index;
- if ((!trgLibInstalled) &&
- (classInit (trgClassId, sizeof(TRIGGER),
- OFFSET(TRIGGER, objCore), (FUNCPTR) trgAdd,
- (FUNCPTR) trgInit, (FUNCPTR) trgDelete) == OK))
- {
- trgList = (TRIGGER_ID *)malloc (sizeof(TRIGGER_ID)*TRG_MAX_REQUESTS );
- if ( trgInit() != OK)
- return(ERROR);
- trgWorkQFullNotify = FALSE;
- trgWorkQReader = 0;
- trgWorkQWriter = 0;
- for (index = 0 ; index < TRG_MAX_REQUESTS ; index ++)
- trgWorkQ[index] = NULL;
- trgLibInstalled = TRUE;
- }
- return ((trgLibInstalled) ? OK : ERROR);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * trgInit - Initializes triggering list and function
- *
- * initialize/reset the list and the _func_trgCheck pointer
- *
- *
- */
- STATUS trgInit ()
- {
- int index;
- if ( trgList == NULL )
- return(ERROR);
- for (index = 0 ; index < TRG_MAX_REQUESTS ; index ++)
- trgList[index] = NULL;
- /* set the function for the event points */
- _func_trgCheck = (VOIDFUNCPTR) trgCheck;
- return(OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * trgActionDefInit - Initializes the daemon for deferred execution of tasks
- *
- * Tasks can be executed in deferred mode (this is the default). That is, if
- * they are in a critical part of the code (i.e. Kernel state) their execution
- * does not occur until they are out of the critical code.
- * This task will initialize the task for the deferred execution,
- * trgActionDefPerform.
- *
- *
- */
- STATUS trgActionDefStart ()
- {
- if ( trgActionDefStarted == TRUE)
- return (OK);
- if ((!trgLibInstalled) && (trgLibInit () != OK))
- return (ERROR);
- taskSpawn ("trgActDef",
- trgActionDefPerform,
- 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);
- trgActionDefStarted = TRUE;
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * trgWorkQReset - Resets the trigger work queue task and queue
- *
- * When a trigger fires, if the assocated action requires a function to be called
- * in "safe" mode, a pointer to the required function will be placed on a queue
- * known as the "triggering work queue". A system task "tActDef" is spawned to
- * action these requests at task level. Should the user have need to reset this
- * work queue (e.g. if a called task causes an exception which causes the
- * trgActDef task to be SUSPENDED, or if the queue gets out of sync and becomes
- * unresponsive), trgWorkQReset() may be called.
- *
- * Its effect is to delete the trigger work queue task and its associated
- * resources and then recreate them. Any entries pending on the triggering work
- * queue will be lost. Calling this function with triggering on will result in
- * triggering being turned off before the queue reset takes place. It is the
- * responsibility of the user to turn triggering back on.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if the triggering task and its associated resources
- * cannot be deleted and recreated.
- *
- */
- STATUS trgWorkQReset (void)
- {
- int index;
- if ((!trgLibInstalled) && (trgLibInit () != OK))
- return (ERROR);
- trgOff();
- if (trgActionDefStarted != TRUE)
- return OK;
- if (taskDelete (taskNameToId ("trgActDef")) == ERROR)
- return ERROR;
- trgActionDefStarted = FALSE;
- if (semDelete (trgDefSem) == ERROR)
- return ERROR;
- /* re-initialise the work queue */
- trgWorkQFullNotify = FALSE;
- trgWorkQReader = 0;
- trgWorkQWriter = 0;
- for (index = 0 ; index < TRG_MAX_REQUESTS ; index ++)
- trgWorkQ[index] = NULL;
- /* restart the work queue task */
- return (trgActionDefStart ());
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * trgEvtToIndex - calculate the list the trigger belongs to given the event ID
- *
- * The routine returns the index of the list where the trigger belongs to. The
- * index are based on WindView event type classification.
- *
- *
- */
- int trgEvtToIndex
- (
- event_t event
- )
- {
- if (event == EVENT_ANY_EVENT)
- if (IS_CLASS1_EVENT(event))
- return(TRG_CLASS1_INDEX);
- if (IS_CLASS2_EVENT(event))
- return(TRG_CLASS2_INDEX);
- if (IS_CLASS3_EVENT(event))
- return(TRG_CLASS3_INDEX);
- if (IS_USER_EVENT(event))
- return(TRG_USER_INDEX);
- /* this is probably never reached, since it is a subclass of class1 */
- if (IS_INT_ENT_EVENT(event))
- return(TRG_INT_ENT_INDEX);
- #if 0
- if (IS_CONTROL_EVENT(event))
- #endif
- return(ERROR);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * trgAddTcl - calls trgAdd but accepts one single parameter
- *
- * Since Tcl does not take more than 10 parameters, they have been saved in one
- * memory location. This routine retrieves the values and passes them to trgAdd.
- *
- *
- */
- TRIGGER_ID trgAddTcl
- (
- char * buff
- )
- {
- int * buffIndex = (int *)buff;
- int event;
- int status;
- int conditional;
- int condType, contextType, actionType;
- int * condEx1, condOp, condEx2;
- int actionArg;
- UINT32 contextId;
- OBJ_ID objId;
- BOOL disable, actionDef;
- FUNCPTR actionFunc;
- TRIGGER *chain;
- event = (int) *buffIndex++;
- status = (int) *buffIndex++;
- contextType = (int) *buffIndex++;
- contextId = (UINT32) *buffIndex++;
- objId = (OBJ_ID) *buffIndex++;
- conditional = (int) *buffIndex++;
- condType = (int) *buffIndex++;
- condEx1 = (int *) *buffIndex++;
- condOp = (int) *buffIndex++;
- condEx2 = (int) *buffIndex++;
- disable = (BOOL) *buffIndex++;
- chain = (TRIGGER *) *buffIndex++;
- actionType = (int) *buffIndex++;
- actionFunc = (FUNCPTR) *buffIndex++;
- actionDef = (BOOL) *buffIndex++;
- actionArg = (int) *buffIndex;
- #if 0
- printf ("event = %hd n", (event_t)event);
- printf(" %dn", status);
- printf(" %d n", contextType);
- printf(" %dn", contextId);
- printf(" %pn", objId);
- printf(" %dn", conditional);
- printf("%d n", condType);
- printf(" %pn", condEx1);
- printf(" %dn", condOp);
- printf(" %dn", condEx2);
- printf(" %dn", disable);
- printf(" %pn", chain);
- printf(" %dn", actionType);
- printf(" %pn", actionFunc);
- printf(" %dn", actionDef);
- printf(" %dn", actionArg);
- #endif
- return (trgAdd ( (event_t)event, status, contextType, contextId, objId, conditional,
- condType, condEx1, condOp, condEx2, disable, chain, actionType,
- actionFunc, actionDef, actionArg ));
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * trgAdd - add a new trigger to the trigger list
- *
- * This routine creates a new trigger and adds it to the proper trigger list. It
- * takes the following parameters:
- * .iP <event> 50
- * as defined in eventP.h for WindView, if given.
- * .iP <status>
- * the initial status of the trigger (enabled or disabled).
- * .iP <contextType>
- * the type of context where the event occurs.
- * .iP <contextId>
- * the ID (if any) of the context where the event occurs.
- * .iP <objectId>
- * if given and applicable.
- * .iP <conditional>
- * the indicator that there is a condition on the trigger.
- * .iP <condType>
- * the indicator that the condition is either a variable or a function.
- * .iP <condEx1>
- * the first element in the comparison.
- * .iP <condOp>
- * the type of operator (==, !=, <, <=, >, >=, |, &).
- * .iP <condEx2>
- * the second element in the comparison (a constant).
- * .iP <disable>
- * the indicator of whether the trigger must be disabled once it is hit.
- * .iP <chain>
- * a pointer to another trigger associated to this one (if any).
- * .iP <actionType>
- * the type of action associated with the trigger (none, func, lib).
- * .iP <actionFunc>
- * the action associated with the trigger (the function).
- * .iP <actionDef>
- * the indicator of whether the action can be deferred (deferred is the default).
- * .iP <actionArg>
- * the argument passed to the function, if any.
- * .LP
- *
- * Attempting to call trgAdd whilst triggering is enabled is not allowed
- * and will return NULL.
- *
- * RETURNS: TRIGGER_ID, or NULL if either the trigger ID can not be allocated,
- * or if called whilst triggering is enabled.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: trgDelete()
- */
- (
- event_t event,
- int status,
- int contextType,
- UINT32 contextId,
- OBJ_ID objId,
- int conditional,
- int condType,
- int * condEx1,
- int condOp,
- int condEx2,
- BOOL disable,
- TRIGGER *chain,
- int actionType,
- FUNCPTR actionFunc,
- BOOL actionDef,
- int actionArg
- )
- {
- TRIGGER_ID trgId, pTrg;
- int index;
- return (NULL);
- if ((!trgLibInstalled) && (trgLibInit () != OK))
- return (NULL);
- if ((trgId = (TRIGGER_ID)objAlloc(trgClassId)) == NULL)
- return(NULL);
- objCoreInit (&trgId->objCore, trgClassId);
- /* set all the trigger parameters */
- trgId->eventId = event;
- trgId->conditional = conditional;
- if (conditional == 1)
- {
- trgId->condType = condType;
- /* FIXME: I think this should just be a pointer and not an union
- I am not changing it right now, since I do not want to make
- too many changes at the same time
- */
- switch (condType)
- {
- trgId->condEx1 = condEx1;
- break;
- trgId->condEx1 = condEx1;
- break;
- trgId->condEx1 = condEx1;
- break;
- }
- trgId->condOp = condOp;
- trgId->condEx2 = condEx2;
- }
- else
- {
- trgId->condType = -1;
- trgId->condEx1 = (void *)(-1);
- trgId->condOp = -1;
- trgId->condEx2 = -1;
- }
- trgId->objId = objId;
- trgId->contextType = contextType;
- trgId->contextId = contextId;
- trgId->disable = disable;
- trgId->chain = chain;
- trgId->actionType = actionType;
- trgId->actionDef = actionDef;
- trgId->actionFunc = actionFunc;
- trgId->actionArg = actionArg;
- trgId->status = status;
- trgId->hitCnt = 0;
- trgId->next = NULL;
- if ( actionDef && !trgActionDefStarted )
- trgActionDefStart();
- if ( status == TRG_ENABLE )
- trgCnt++;
- index = trgEvtToIndex(event);
- TRG_EVTCLASS_SET(trgClassList[index]);
- #if 0
- printf ("index is %d, class is %xn", index , trgClassList[index]);
- printf ("pTrg NULL: trList[%d] is %pn", index , trgList[index]);
- #endif
- pTrg = trgList[index];
- /* add the trigger to the list */
- if (trgList[index] == NULL)
- {
- trgList[index] = trgId;
- }
- else
- {
- while (pTrg->next != NULL)
- pTrg = pTrg->next;
- pTrg->next = trgId;
- }
- return(trgId);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * trgDelete - delete a trigger from the trigger list
- *
- * This routine deletes a trigger by removing it from the trigger list. It
- * also checks that no other triggers are still active. If there are no
- * active triggers and triggering is still on, it turns triggering off.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if the trigger is not found.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: trgAdd()
- */
- STATUS trgDelete
- (
- )
- {
- int index;
- /* if the id is NULL, exit */
- if (trgId == NULL)
- return(ERROR);
- /* Verify the trigger exists */
- if (OBJ_VERIFY (trgId, trgClassId) != OK) {
- return(ERROR);
- }
- /* if the trigger was still enabled then decrease the counter
- * and if the counter goes to zero, then turn the instrumentation off
- */
- if ( (trgId->status == TRG_ENABLE) && (--trgCnt == 0))
- trgOff();
- objCoreTerminate(&trgId->objCore);
- /* first, let's find the list where the trigger should be */
- index = trgEvtToIndex(trgId->eventId);
- pTrg = trgList[index];
- /* if it is empty, then there is some mistake: where did the trigger go? */
- if (pTrg == NULL)
- return (ERROR);
- if (pTrg == trgId)
- {
- pTrg = pTrg->next;
- trgId->next = NULL;
- objFree(trgClassId, (char *)trgId);
- trgList[index] = pTrg;
- /* if this is the last in the list we should also reset
- * the trgEvtClass
- */
- if (pTrg == NULL)
- {
- TRG_EVTCLASS_UNSET(trgClassList[index]);
- trgOff();
- }
- return(OK);
- }
- while (pTrg->next != NULL)
- {
- if ( pTrg->next != trgId)
- pTrg = pTrg->next;
- else
- break;
- }
- /* if it is not NULL, then it is the one we are looking for */
- if (pTrg->next != NULL)
- {
- pTrg->next = pTrg->next->next;
- trgId->next = NULL;
- objFree(trgClassId, (char *)trgId);
- return(OK);
- }
- return(ERROR); /* if we are here, then we did not found it! */
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * trgOn - set triggering on
- *
- * This routine activates triggering. From this time on, any time an event
- * point is hit, a check for the presence of possible triggers is performed.
- * Start triggering only when needed since some overhead is introduced.
- *
- * NOTE
- * If trgOn() is called when there are no triggers in the trigger list, it
- * immediately sets triggering off again. If trgOn() is called with at least
- * one trigger in the list, triggering begins. Triggers should not be
- * added to the list while triggering is on since this can create
- * instability.
- *
- *
- * SEE ALSO: trgOff()
- */
- STATUS trgOn (void)
- {
- int level;
- {
- if ((!trgLibInstalled) && (trgLibInit () != OK))
- return (ERROR);
- level = intLock();
- intUnlock(level);
- return (OK);
- }
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * trgOff - set triggering off
- *
- * This routine turns triggering off. From this time on, when an event point
- * is hit, no search on triggers is performed.
- *
- *
- * SEE ALSO: trgOn()
- */
- void trgOff (void)
- {
- int level;
- {
- level = intLock();
- /* reset the variable */
- intUnlock(level);
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * trgEnable - enable a trigger
- *
- * This routine enables a trigger that has been created with trgAdd(). A counter
- * is incremented to keep track of the total number of enabled triggers so that
- * trgDisable() knows when to set triggering off. If the maximum number of
- * enabled triggers is reached, an error is returned.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if the trigger ID is not found or if the maximum
- * number of triggers has already been enabled.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: trgDisable()
- */
- STATUS trgEnable
- (
- )
- {
- if (trgId == NULL)
- return(ERROR);
- if ( trgId->status != TRG_ENABLE )
- {
- trgCnt++;
- trgId->status = TRG_ENABLE;
- }
- return(OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * trgDisable - turn a trigger off
- *
- * This routine disables a trigger. It also checks to see if there are triggers
- * still active. If this is the last active trigger it sets triggering off.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if the trigger ID is not found.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: trgEnable()
- */
- STATUS trgDisable
- (
- )
- {
- int level;
- if (trgId == NULL)
- return(ERROR);
- level = intLock();
- if ( trgId->status != TRG_DISABLE )
- {
- trgId->status = TRG_DISABLE;
- intUnlock(level);
- if ( (--trgCnt == 0) && TRG_ACTION_IS_SET )
- trgOff();
- }
- else
- {
- intUnlock(level);
- return(ERROR);
- }
- return(OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * trgChainSet - chains two triggers
- *
- * This routine chains two triggers together. When the first trigger fires, it
- * calls trgEnable() for the second trigger. The second trigger must be created
- * disabled in order to maintain the correct sequence.
- *
- *
- * SEE ALSO: trgEnable()
- */
- STATUS trgChainSet
- (
- TRIGGER_ID fromId,
- )
- {
- if ( fromId == NULL )
- return(ERROR);
- if ( fromId->chain != NULL && toId != NULL )
- return(ERROR);
- fromId->chain = toId;
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * trgContextMatch - show the trigger list
- *
- *
- */
- BOOL trgContextMatch
- (
- )
- {
- switch ( pTrg->contextType )
- {
- case TRG_CTX_ANY:
- return (TRUE);
- return(kernelState);
- case TRG_CTX_TASK:
- return ( (!kernelState) && (!INT_CONTEXT ()) &&
- ((WIND_TCB *)(pTrg->contextId) == taskIdCurrent) );
- return ((!kernelState) && (!INT_CONTEXT ()));
- case TRG_CTX_ISR:
- return (INT_CONTEXT ());
- default:
- return(FALSE);
- }
- return(FALSE);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * trgCondTest - show the trigger list
- *
- *
- */
- BOOL trgCondTest
- (
- int objId
- )
- {
- BOOL retval;
- int level = intLock();
- switch (pTrg->condOp)
- {
- case TRIGGER_EQ:
- switch (pTrg->condType)
- {
- retval = ((* ((BOOL *)pTrg->condEx1) == pTrg->condEx2));
- intUnlock(level);
- return(retval);
- retval = (((* ((FUNCPTR)pTrg->condEx1)) () == pTrg->condEx2));
- intUnlock(level);
- return(retval);
- retval = (*((FUNCPTR)pTrg->condEx1)) (objId,pTrg->condEx2);
- intUnlock(level);
- return(retval);
- default:
- intUnlock(level);
- return(FALSE);
- }
- switch (pTrg->condType)
- {
- retval = ((* ((BOOL *)pTrg->condEx1) != pTrg->condEx2));
- intUnlock(level);
- return(retval);
- retval = (((* ((FUNCPTR)pTrg->condEx1)) () != pTrg->condEx2));
- intUnlock(level);
- return(retval);
- default:
- intUnlock(level);
- return(FALSE);
- }
- switch (pTrg->condType)
- {
- retval = ((* ((BOOL *)pTrg->condEx1) > pTrg->condEx2));
- intUnlock(level);
- return(retval);
- retval = (((* ((FUNCPTR)pTrg->condEx1)) () > pTrg->condEx2));
- intUnlock(level);
- return(retval);
- default:
- intUnlock(level);
- return(FALSE);
- }
- switch (pTrg->condType)
- {
- retval = ((* ((BOOL *)pTrg->condEx1) < pTrg->condEx2));
- intUnlock(level);
- return(retval);
- retval = (((* ((FUNCPTR)pTrg->condEx1)) () < pTrg->condEx2));
- intUnlock(level);
- return(retval);
- default:
- intUnlock(level);
- return(FALSE);
- }
- switch (pTrg->condType)
- {
- retval = ((* ((BOOL *)pTrg->condEx1) >= pTrg->condEx2));
- intUnlock(level);
- return(retval);
- retval = (((* ((FUNCPTR)pTrg->condEx1)) () >= pTrg->condEx2));
- intUnlock(level);
- return(retval);
- default:
- intUnlock(level);
- return(FALSE);
- }
- switch (pTrg->condType)
- {
- retval = ((* ((BOOL *)pTrg->condEx1) <= pTrg->condEx2));
- intUnlock(level);
- return(retval);
- retval = (((* ((FUNCPTR)pTrg->condEx1)) () <= pTrg->condEx2));
- intUnlock(level);
- return(retval);
- default:
- intUnlock(level);
- return(FALSE);
- }
- case TRIGGER_OR:
- switch (pTrg->condType)
- {
- retval = ((* ((BOOL *)pTrg->condEx1) || pTrg->condEx2));
- intUnlock(level);
- return(retval);
- retval = (((* ((FUNCPTR)pTrg->condEx1)) () || pTrg->condEx2));
- intUnlock(level);
- return(retval);
- default:
- intUnlock(level);
- return(FALSE);
- }
- switch (pTrg->condType)
- {
- retval = ((* ((BOOL *)pTrg->condEx1) && pTrg->condEx2));
- intUnlock(level);
- return(retval);
- retval = (((* ((FUNCPTR)pTrg->condEx1)) () && pTrg->condEx2));
- intUnlock(level);
- return(retval);
- default:
- intUnlock(level);
- return(FALSE);
- }
- default:
- intUnlock(level);
- return (FALSE);
- }
- intUnlock(level);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * trgActionPerform - perform the action associated to a trigger
- *
- *
- */
- void trgActionPerform
- (
- )
- {
- switch (pTrg->actionType)
- {
- case TRG_ACT_FUNC:
- if ( pTrg->actionFunc != NULL)
- {
- (* (pTrg->actionFunc)) (pTrg->actionArg);
- }
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * trgActionDefPerform - perform the trigger action in deferred mode
- *
- *
- */
- STATUS trgActionDefPerform ()
- {
- /* loop, executing actions and pending on the next request */
- if ((trgDefSem = semBCreate (SEM_Q_FIFO, SEM_EMPTY)) == NULL)
- {
- return (ERROR);
- }
- while (TRUE)
- {
- semTake (trgDefSem, WAIT_FOREVER); /* pend on event semaphore */
- if ( trgWorkQFullNotify )
- {
- logMsg ("Error: Triggering Work Queue overflow! n",
- 0,0,0,0,0,0);
- trgWorkQFullNotify = FALSE;
- }
- while (TRUE)
- {
- if (trgWorkQ[trgWorkQReader] != NULL)
- {
- /* there is an entry here on the queue. Process it */
- trgActionPerform ((TRIGGER_ID)trgWorkQ[trgWorkQReader]);
- trgWorkQ[trgWorkQReader] = NULL;
- }
- else
- {
- if (trgWorkQReader == trgWorkQWriter)
- {
- /*
- * this entry is marked as unused and the read pointer
- * has caught up the write pointer. The queue is now
- * empty
- */
- break; /* exit the inner loop */
- }
- }
- /* increment the read pointer so it remains valid at all times */
- if (trgWorkQReader >= (TRG_MAX_REQUESTS - 1))
- trgWorkQReader = 0;
- else
- trgWorkQReader++;
- }
- }
- /* never returns */
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * trgCheck - check if there is a trigger associated to the event
- *
- *
- * This routine is the core of the triggering mechanism. It is called whenever
- * an event point is hit. It determines if a trigger exists for this event and
- * performs the action associated to the trigger. In order to verify a trigger
- * has been set for the event point, the routine performs the following steps:
- * - selects the trigger list the event belongs to, so not to look for all
- * triggers. Triggers are divided in different lists, depending on the class
- * they belong to. Classes are similar but not identical to the Windview ones.
- * - verifies the trigger is a valid object
- * - verifies the type of event matches the trigger event id
- * - verifies the object ID of the event point (if any) matches the one defined
- * in the trigger (if any)
- * - check the contect we are in is the same as the one specified in the trigger.
- * Contexts can be of the following type: ANY, ANY_TASK, TASK, SYSTEM, ANY_ISR.
- * - if a condition is also defined for the trigger, it checks it is verified.
- * Conditions, can be a function, a var or a library function. They can use
- * different operands (==, !=, >, <, ...) and are matched against a value
- * - if we ever get here, well, we have hit a trigger! At this point 3 things,
- * not necessarily mutually exclusive can happen:
- * . disable the current trigger (we want the action performed only once)
- * . perform an action
- * . enable a chained trigger (similar to a state machine)
- *
- * The action can be either a user/system defined routine or a library (such
- * as WV_START/STOP). Action axecution represent the most complex part of the
- * triggering mechanism. Event points are often set in critical regions of the
- * kernel where the number of actions that can be performed is limited. In order
- * to avoid conflicts and still allow the user full range of action, we have
- * provided a deferred execution mode. In this way, when an action should be
- * performed a request is sent to a task. Therefore the action itself will not be
- * executed in the context where the event happens, but in a safer one. If a user
- * really needs the action to be performed on the spot, this mode can be switched
- * off. The way the deferred mode is implemented represent the critical part of
- * the code, and it is still a work in progress.
- * The first approach we followed was to use message queues. It logically satisfies
- * the need we had to send information to a task pending waiting for it.
- * The implementation of this approach raised a few issues:
- * - recursion: msgQSend/Receive (directly and indirectly) refer to several event
- * points. Things get worse if a trigger is set on one of them. First of all,
- * we are introducing a form of intrusion, since the triggers will be fired on
- * events generated by the trigger itself. More than that, if triggers are not
- * disabled, it will go into a loop.
- * - context switch: msgQSend can generate a context switch, which is not the most
- * desirable thing.
- * - queue does not work well with interrupts: if we are in an interrupt we can not
- * use the WAITFOREVER option. This will generate potential inconsistency in the
- * queue.
- *
- * A second approach was to put a task on the workQueue, using workQAdd, but this will
- * cause the execution of the action when we are doing windExit.
- * A solution to this problem would be to add some "harmless" action in the workQueue,
- * that does not cause context switch, and eventually will wake up the task. Therefore,
- * the idea of semBGiveDefer. The problem now is to tell the pending task what to do.
- * This is solved by putting the request into a triggering work queue.
- * This is the current implementation. The work queue mechanism needs definitely to be
- * revised. Atthe moment it could cause starvation. The requests are executed from the
- * top of the list down, but a new request will be put at the top of the list, even if
- * the list is not empty. This could be solved by using a rotation mechanism, so that
- * request are alway put at the end of the queue. This part has not been implemented yet.
- *
- * It requires two arguments and a few optional ones.
- *
- */
- void trgCheck
- (
- event_t event,
- int index,
- int obj,
- int arg1,
- int arg2,
- int arg3,
- int arg4,
- int arg5
- )
- {
- int level;
- int any = 0;
- pTrg = trgList[index];
- restart:
- if (index == TRG_CLASS_3_ON)
- trgNone = 20;
- while (pTrg != NULL)
- {
- if (OBJ_VERIFY (pTrg, trgClassId) != OK)
- pTrg = pTrg->next;
- else if ( pTrg->status != TRG_ENABLE )
- pTrg = pTrg->next;
- else if ((pTrg->eventId != EVENT_ANY_EVENT) &&
- (pTrg->eventId != event) )
- pTrg = pTrg->next;
- else if ((pTrg->objId != NULL) && (((OBJ_ID)obj != NULL) &&
- ((OBJ_ID)obj != pTrg->objId)) )
- pTrg = pTrg->next;
- else
- {
- switch ( pTrg->contextType )
- {
- case TRG_CTX_ANY:
- break;
- if (kernelState)
- break;
- else
- goto end;
- case TRG_CTX_TASK:
- if ((!kernelState) && (!INT_CONTEXT ()) &&
- ((WIND_TCB *)(pTrg->contextId) == taskIdCurrent) )
- break;
- else
- goto end;
- if ((!kernelState) && (!INT_CONTEXT ()))
- break;
- else
- goto end;
- case TRG_CTX_ISR:
- if (INT_CONTEXT ())
- break;
- else
- goto end;
- default:
- goto end;
- }
- /* check if it is a conditional trigger and in case
- * test the condition
- */
- if ((pTrg->conditional == TRIGGER_COND_YES) &&
- (pTrg->condEx1 != NULL) && (trgCondTest(pTrg,obj) == FALSE))
- goto end;
- level = intLock();
- /* disable the current trigger, if requested */
- if ((pTrg->disable == TRUE) && (trgDisable(pTrg) == ERROR))
- {
- intUnlock(level);
- goto end;
- }
- intUnlock(level);
- pTrg->hitCnt++;
- /* perform the action associated with the trigger, if any */
- if ( pTrg->actionType != TRG_ACT_NONE )
- {
- if ( pTrg->actionDef == FALSE )
- trgActionPerform(pTrg);
- else /* defer the action */
- {
- /*
- * This will put a request in the triggering work queue
- * and release a semaphore so that the task trgActDef
- * can execute the request once we are out of this
- * code. We might be in Kernel state and we do not want
- * to perform action here, if possible.
- */
- level = intLock();
- if ( trgWorkQ[trgWorkQWriter] == NULL )
- {
- trgWorkQ[trgWorkQWriter] = pTrg;
- /*
- * Increment the writer index.
- * Ensure that trgWorkQWriter NEVER goes to an invalid
- * value when wrapping round. This assurance is needed
- * in the trgActDef task
- */
- if (trgWorkQWriter >= (TRG_MAX_REQUESTS - 1))
- trgWorkQWriter = 0;
- else
- trgWorkQWriter++;
- }
- else
- {
- /* If the workQ is full need to stop triggering */
- trgWorkQFullNotify = TRUE;
- trgOff();
- intUnlock(level);
- return ;
- }
- #if (CPU_FAMILY == I80X86)
- portWorkQAdd1((FUNCPTR)semBGiveDefer,
- (int)trgDefSem);
- #else
- workQAdd1((FUNCPTR)semBGiveDefer,
- (int)trgDefSem);
- #endif /* CPU_FAMILY == I80X86 */
- intUnlock(level);
- }
- }
- /* check if there is any trigger chained to the current
- * one, and if any, enable it
- if (OBJ_VERIFY (&(pTrg->chain), trgClassId) == OK)
- */
- if ( pTrg->chain != NULL )
- {
- trgEnable(pTrg->chain);
- trgOn();
- }
- /*
- * let's loop for the next one!
- */
- end:
- pTrg = pTrg->next;
- }
- }
- if ((any == 0) && (trgList[TRG_ANY_EVENT_INDEX] != NULL))
- {
- any = 1;
- pTrg = trgList[TRG_ANY_EVENT_INDEX];
- goto restart;
- }
- }
- /* Conditional library fn */
- int isTaskNew(int taskId, int arg)
- {
- REG_SET regs;
- /* Load the regs of the task being resumed */
- taskRegsGet (taskId,®s);
- /* Compare the current PC with the initial entry point */
- #if 0
- logMsg("entry = %p, pc = %pn",((WIND_TCB *) taskId)->entry,regs.pc,0,0,0,0);
- #endif
- if ((FUNCPTR) regs.pc == (FUNCPTR) vxTaskEntry)
- {
- /*
- * Task is at entry point, we can therefore deduce it has
- * just been created.
- */
- /* now match actual user entry point */
- if((int) ((WIND_TCB *) taskId)->entry != 0 &&
- (int) ((WIND_TCB *) taskId)->entry == arg)
- {
- /* Suspend the task! */
- #if 0
- logMsg ("Suspending task %pn",taskId);
- #endif
- #if 1
- #if (CPU_FAMILY == I80X86)
- portWorkQAdd1 ((FUNCPTR)taskSuspend, taskId);
- #else
- workQAdd1 ((FUNCPTR)taskSuspend, taskId);
- #endif /* CPU_FAMILY == I80X86 */
- #else
- excJobAdd ((VOIDFUNCPTR)taskSuspend, taskId,0,0,0,0,0);
- #endif
- return (TRUE);
- }
- else
- {
- /* This is not the entry point of interest */
- return (FALSE);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /*
- * Task is been resumed after running on from entry point.
- */
- return (FALSE);
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * trgEvent - trigger a user-defined event
- *
- * This routine triggers a user event. A trigger must exist and triggering must
- * have been started with trgOn() or from the triggering GUI to use this routine.
- * The <evtId> should be in the range 40000-65535.
- *
- *
- * SEE ALSO: dbgLib, e()
- *
- *
- */
- void trgEvent
- (
- event_t evtId /* event */
- )
- {
- trgCheck (evtId, TRG_USER_INDEX, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- }