- # Makefile - makefile for target/src/event
- #
- # modification history
- # --------------------
- # 01n,12oct01,tam added repackaging support
- # 01m,09oct98,fle updated DOC_FILES
- # 01l,06aug98,cth removed build for wvHostLib.o
- # 01n,19aug98,pr restored vx libs for building and commented out "echo"
- # 01m,10aug98,pr temporarily restored vxwv libs for building
- # 01l,29jul98,pr removed ADDED_CFLAGS. Changed lib from wv.a to vx.a.
- # 01k,10feb98,pr Added trgShow.o
- # 01j,03feb98,cth fixed missing build of wvTsfsUploadPathLib.c
- # 01i,19dec97,cth changed names of wvXxxxUploadPath.c to wvXxxxUploadPathLib.c
- # 01h,16nov97,cth removed build for evtTsfsSockLib.o, evtSockLib.o,
- # wvRpc_xdr.c, wvRpcSvc.o, wvServer.o
- # added build for wvTsfsUploadPath.o, wvSockUploadPath.o
- # 01g,16nov97,cth removed build for evtBufferLib.o, scrPadLib.o, connLib.o
- # added build for wvFileUploadPath.c
- # 01f,21aug97,cth added build for evtTsfsSockLib
- # 01e,13aug97,pr Added trgLib.c for WindView 2.0
- # 01d,31jul97,nps Removed scrPadLib.o for WindView 2.0
- # 01c,07feb97,dvs updating reference to wv archive and obj dir name
- # 01b.25nov96,ms suppress archive generation
- # 01a.12jul96,yp created from 01h of MakeSkel
- #
- # This file contains the makefile rules for building the vx library
- #
- #
- TGT_DIR=$(WIND_BASE)/target
- DOC_FILES= trgLib.c trgShow.c wvTmrLib.c wvFileUploadPathLib.c
- wvSockUploadPathLib.c wvTsfsUploadPathLib.c wvLib.c
- LIB_BASE_NAME = windview
- OBJS= evtLogLib.o wvTmrLib.o
- seqDrv.o wvLib.o wvTsfsUploadPathLib.o
- wvSockUploadPathLib.o wvFileUploadPathLib.o trgLib.o
- trgShow.o
- include $(TGT_DIR)/h/make/rules.library
- # The normal end when using makeLibrary is to create a lib, but here, we
- # don't need lib creation. The following settings prevent lib creation.
- #AR=echo
- #RANLIB=echo