- /* wvLib.c - event logging control library (WindView) */
- /* Copyright 1994-2001 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 02x,26oct01,tcr fix problem with half-word alignment in wvLogHeaderCreate()
- 02w,24oct01,tcr Fix comment string for Diab compiler
- 02v,18oct01,tcr move to VxWorks 5.5, add VxWorks Events
- 02u,03mar99,dgp update to reference project facility instead of config.h
- 02t,31aug98,cth FCS man page edit
- 02s,28aug98,dgp FCS man page edit, change order of sections
- 02r,18aug98,cjtc event buffer full handled more gracefully (SPR 22133)
- 02q,06aug98,cth added retry to upload path write on EWOULDBLOCK, updated docs
- 02p,16jul98,cjtc wvUploadStop returns status of upload task (SPR 21461)
- 02o,09jul98,cjtc fix problems with task name preservation (SPR 21350)
- 02n,26may98,dgp final doc editing for WV 2.0
- 02m,14may98,cth added lib man page, other doc changes
- 02l,13may98,cth added continued upload if thresh bytes still in buffer,
- added ints locked on buffer access, added wvUploadTaskConfig
- 02k,07may98,dgp clean up man pages for WV 2.0 beta release
- 02j,20apr98,cth added wvLogHeaderCreate/Upload, changed wvEvtLogInit, cleanup
- removed separate cont/defer upload priorities
- 02i,17apr98,cth reworked event-log header uploading and storage, cleaned up,
- added status to wvUpTaskId
- 02h,15apr98,cth added tnHashTbl functions for post-mortem taskname preserving,
- added wvTaskNameBufAdd, wvTaskNamesPreserve, wvTaskNamesUpload
- 02g,17feb98,pr added memLib support for object instrumentation
- 02f,27jan98,cth removed evtLogHeaderCreate, changed wvLibInit/2, added
- wvEvtLogInit, changed upTask priority to 150, doc changes
- 02e,23jan98,pr modified WV macros, deleted trgCheck binding.
- 02d,18dec97,cth updated includes, removed tmp references, wvOn/Off, and
- rBuffErrorHandler
- 02c,14dec97,pr deleted some windview 1.0 variables.
- 02b,16nov97,cth reworked for wv2.0
- 02a,26aug97,pr modified evtLog functions initialization and added trgCheck.
- cth added wvEvtLogDisable in the event of a buffer overflow.
- 01z,18aug97,pr added temporary function pointer initializer for
- CTX level.
- 01y,11aug97,nps fixed typo causing compilation problem.
- 01x,29jul97,nps added ring buffer support.
- 01w,24jun97,pr replaced evtLogTIsOn with evtInstMode
- Added return (ERROR) for default case in wvEvtLogEnable
- 01v,09aug96,pr deleted obj instrumentation functions from wvEvtLogEnable
- 01u,07aug96,pr Added object instrumentation functions to wvEvtLog[Enable
- ,Disable] for SPR #6998.
- 01t,11jul96,pr added ifdef for PPC function evtLogT1_noTS
- 01s,08jul96,pr added evtLogT1_noTS
- 01r,03feb95,rhp doc tweaks from last printed version of man pages
- 01q,01feb95,rhp lib man page: add SEE ALSO ref to User's Guide
- 01p,15sep94rdc wvEvent insures logging is enabled to minimize overhead
- when logging is turned off.
- 01o,20oct94,rdc increased evtTask stack size.
- 01n,14apr94,smb Changes made to wvObjInst to treat task objects and other
- system object instrumentation differently.
- 01m,05apr94,smb documentation modifications.
- 01l,30mar94,smb fixed event buffer overflow race.
- 01k,07mar94,smb changed prototypes for OSE functionality
- removed PASSIVE_MODE
- documentation modifications
- 01j,22feb94,smb changed typedef EVENT_TYPE to event_t (SPR #3064)
- 01i,15feb94,smb renamed collection modes for wvInstInit SPR #3049
- parameter checking SPR #3050
- added scratch-pad reset.
- 01h,01feb94,smb fixed return values for wvEvtLog[Enable,Disable] SPR #2994
- object are not instrumented until specified SPR #2985
- 01g,24jan94,smb added INT_RESTRICT to wvEvtLogEnable and wvEvtLogDisable
- initialised function pointer for portable kernel
- 01f,19jan94,smb documentation changes
- wvEvtLog changes to wvEvtLogEnable and wvEvtLogDisable
- tEvtTask() is no longer spawned in POST_MODE
- added wvEvtLogStop(), wvOn() and wvOff routines
- 01e,18jan94,maf tEvtTask() no longer calls connectionClose() upon event
- buffer overflow (part of fix for SPR #2800).
- tEvtTask() now uploads last buffer upon event buffer
- overflow (SPR #2888).
- 01d,13jan94,c_s adjusted documentation for wvEvent () and removed NOMANUAL.
- (SPR #2870).
- 01c,04jan94,c_s wvInstInit doesn't attempt to free user-supplied memory
- (SPR #2750).
- 01b,15dec93,smb documentation additions
- allows wvEvtLog() to be called multiple times.
- 01a,10dec93,smb created
- */
- /*
- This library contains routines that control event collection and upload of
- event data from the target to various destinations. The routines define
- the interface for the target component of WindView. When event data has
- been collected, the routines in this library are used to produce event
- logs that can be understood by the WindView host tools.
- An event log is made up of a header, followed by the task names of each
- task present in the system when the log is started, followed by a string of
- events produced by the various event points throughout the kernel and
- associated libraries. In general, this information is gathered and stored
- temporarily on the target, and later uploaded to the host in the proper
- order to form an event log. The routines in this file can be used to
- create logs in various ways, depending on which routines are called, and in
- which order the routines are called.
- There are three methods for uploading event logs. The first is to defer
- upload of event data until after logging has been stopped in order to
- eliminate events associated with upload activity from the event log. The
- second is to continuously upload event data as it is gathered. This
- allows the collection of very large event logs, that may contain more
- events than the target event buffer can store at one time. The third is
- to defer upload of the data until after a target reboot. This
- method allows event data to continuously overwrite earlier data in the
- event buffer, creating a log of the events leading to a target failure (a
- post-mortem event log).
- Each of these three methods is explained in more detail
- Many of the routines in wvLib require access to the buffer used to store event
- data (the event buffer) and to the communication paths from the target to the
- host (the upload paths). Both the buffer and the path are referenced with IDs
- that provide wvLib with the appropriate information for access.
- The event buffering mechanism used by wvLib is provided by rBuffLib.
- The upload paths available for use with wvLib are provided by
- wvFileUploadPathLib, wvTsfsUploadPathLib and wvSockUploadPathLib.
- The upload mechanism backs off and retries writing to the upload path
- if an error occurs during the write attempt with the errno 'EAGAIN'
- or 'EWOULDBLOCK'. Two global variables are used to set the amount of time to
- back off and the number of retries. The variables are:
- .CS
- int wvUploadMaxAttempts /@ number of attempts to try writing @/
- int wvUploadRetryBackoff /@ delay between tries (in ticks - 60/sec) @/
- .CE
- This library is initialized in two steps. The first step, done by calling
- wvLibInit(), associates event logging routines to system objects. This is
- done when the kernel is initialized. The second step, done by calling
- wvLibInit2(), associates all other event logging routines with the
- appropriate event points. Initialization is done automatically when
- INCLUDE_WINDVIEW is defined.
- Before event logging can be started, and each time a new event buffer is
- used to store logged events, wvEvtLogInit() must be called to bind the
- event logging routines to a specific buffer.
- There are three classes of events that can be collected. They are:
- .CS
- WV_CLASS_1 /@ Events causing context switches @/
- WV_CLASS_2 /@ Events causing task-state transitions @/
- WV_CLASS_3 /@ Events from object and system libraries @/
- .CE
- The second class includes all of the events contained within the first
- class, plus additional events causing task-state transitions but not
- causing context switches. The third class contains all of the second, and
- allows logging of events within system libraries. It can also be
- limited to specific objects or groups of objects:
- .iP
- Using wvObjInst() allows individual objects (for example, 'sem1') to be
- instrumented.
- .iP
- Using wvSigInst() allows signals to be instrumented.
- .iP
- Using wvObjInstModeSet() allows finer control over what type of objects are
- instrumented. wvObjInstModeSet() allows types of system objects (for example,
- semaphores, watchdogs) to be instrumented as they are created.
- .LP
- Logging events in Class 3 generates the most data, which may be helpful
- during analysis of the log. It is also the most intrusive on the system,
- and may affect timing and performance. Class 2 is more intrusive than
- Class 1. In general, it is best to use the lowest class that still
- provides the required level of detail.
- To manipulate the class of events being logged, the following routines can
- be used: wvEvtClassSet(), wvEvtClassGet(), wvEvtClassClear(), and
- wvEvtClassClearAll(). To log a user-defined event, wvEvent() can be used.
- It is also possible to log an event from any point during execution using e(),
- located in dbgLib.
- Once the class of events has been specified, event logging can be started
- with wvEvtLogStart() and stopped with wvEvtLogStop().
- An event log consists of a header, a section of task names, and a list of
- events logged after calling wvEvtLogStart(). As discussed above, there are
- three common ways to upload an event log.
- .SS "Deferred Upload"
- When creating an event log by uploading the event data after event logging
- has been stopped (deferred upload), the following series of calls can be
- used to start and stop the collection. In this example the memory
- allocated to store the log header is in the system partition. The event
- buffer should be allocated from the system memory partition as well.
- Error checking has been eliminated to simplify the example.
- .CS
- /@ wvLib and rBuffLib initialized at system start up @/
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "wvLib.h"
- #include "private/wvBufferP.h"
- #include "private/wvUploadPathP.h"
- #include "private/wvFileUploadPathLibP.h"
- BUFFER_ID bufId;
- UPLOAD_ID pathId;
- /@
- @ To prepare the event log and start logging:
- @/
- /@ Create event buffer in memSysPart, yielding bufId. @/
- wvEvtLogInit (bufId);
- hdrId = wvLogHeaderCreate (memSysPartId);
- wvEvtClassSet (WV_CLASS_1); /@ set to log class 1 events @/
- wvEvtLogStart ();
- /@
- @ To stop logging and complete the event log.
- @/
- wvEvtLogStop ();
- /@ Create an uplaod path using wvFileUploadPathLib, yielding pathId. @/
- wvLogHeaderUpload (hdrId, pathId);
- upTaskId = wvUploadStart (bufId, pathId, TRUE);
- wvUploadStop (upTaskId);
- /@ Close the upload path and destroy the event buffer @/
- .CE
- Routines which can be used as they are, or modified to meet the users needs,
- are located in usrWindview.c. These routines, wvOn() and wvOff(), provide a
- way to produce useful event logs without using the host user interface of
- WindView.
- .SS "Continuous Upload"
- When uploading event data as it is still being logged to the event buffer
- (continuous upload), simply rearrange the above calls:
- .CS
- /@ Includes and declarations. @/
- /@
- @ To prepare the event log and start logging:
- @/
- /@ Create event buffer in memSysPart, yielding bufId. @/
- /@ Create an uplaod path, yielding pathId. @/
- wvEvtLogInit (bufId);
- upTaskId = wvUploadStart (bufId, pathId, TRUE);
- hdrId = wvLogHeaderCreate (memSysPartId);
- wvLogHeaderUpload (hdrId, pathId);
- wvEvtClassSet (WV_CLASS_1); /@ set to log class 1 events @/
- wvEvtLogStart ();
- /@
- @ To stop logging and complete the event log:
- @/
- wvEvtLogStop ();
- wvUploadStop (upTaskId);
- /@ Close the upload path and destroy the event buffer @/
- .CE
- .SS "Post-Mortem Event Collection"
- This library also contains routines that preserve task name information
- throughout event logging in order to produce post-mortem event logs:
- wvTaskNamesPreserve() and wvTaskNamesUpload().
- Post-mortem event logs typically contain events leading up to a target
- failure. The memory containing the information to be stored in the log
- must not be zeroed when the system reboots. The event buffer is set up to
- allow event data to be logged to it continuously, overwriting the data
- collected earlier. When event logging is stopped, either by a system
- failure or at the request of the user, the event buffer may not contain
- the first events logged due to the overwriting. As tasks are created the
- EVENT_TASKNAME that is used by the WindView host tools to associate a task
- ID with a task name can be overwritten, while other events pertaining to
- that task ID may still be present in the event buffer. In order to assure
- that the WindView host tools can assign a task name to a context, a copy
- of all task name events can be preserved outside the event buffer and
- uploaded separately from the event buffer.
- Note that several of the routines in wvLib, including
- wvTaskNamesPreserve(), take a memory partition ID as an argument. This
- allows memory to be allocated from a user-specified partition. For
- post-mortem data collection, the memory partition should be within memory
- that is not zeroed upon system reboot. The event buffer, preserved task
- names, and log header should be stored in this partition.
- Generating a post-mortem event log is similar to generating a deferred
- upload log. Typically event logging is stopped due to a system failure,
- but it may be stopped in any way. To retrieve the log header, task name
- buffer, and event buffer after a target reboot, these IDs must be remembered
- or stored along with the collected information in the non-zeroed memory.
- Also, the event buffer should be set to allow continuous logging by
- overwriting earlier event data. The following produces a post-mortem log.
- The non-zeroed memory partition has the ID <postMortemPartId>.
- .CS
- /@ Includes, as in the examples above. @/
- BUFFER_ID bufId;
- UPLOAD_ID pathId;
- WV_TASKBUF_ID taskBufId;
- /@
- @ To prepare the event log and start logging:
- @/
- /@
- @ Create event buffer in non-zeroed memory, allowing overwrite,
- @ yielding bufId.
- @/
- wvEvtLogInit (bufId);
- taskBufId = wvTaskNamesPreserve (postMortemPartId, 32);
- hdrId = wvLogHeaderCreate (postMortemPartId);
- wvEvtClassSet (WV_CLASS_1); /@ set to log class 1 events @/
- wvEvtLogStart ();
- /@
- @ System fails and reboots. Note that taskBufId, bufId and
- @ hdrId must be preserved through the reboot so they can be
- @ used to upload the data.
- @/
- /@ Create an uplaod path, yielding pathId. @/
- wvLogHeaderUpload (hdrId, pathId);
- upTaskId = wvUploadStart (bufId, pathId, TRUE);
- wvUploadStop (upTaskId);
- wvTaskNamesUpload (taskBufId, pathId);
- /@ Close the upload path and destroy the event buffer @/
- .CE
- INCLUDE FILES: wvLib.h eventP.h
- SEE ALSO: rBuffLib, wvFileUploadPathLib, wvSockUploadPathLib,
- wvTsfsUploadPathLib,
- .I WindView User's Guide
- All buffer accesses are made with interrupts locked.
- Event logging is started by setting the evtAction variable, which is done
- by the WV_ACTION_SET macro. This global variable acts as a guard around
- all event points. When the first byte of this 16-bit word is TRUE, the
- windview event point will then check the global wvEvtClass to dertermine
- if this event point belongs to any of the classes being logged. The
- second half of evtAction is used in the same way for triggering. The
- event points that should respond when evtAction's triggering half is TRUE
- are determined by the trgEvtClass variable.
- In the most common case, when neither windview nor triggering is being
- used within the kernel, having two levels of variables (evtAction is the
- first level, wvEvtClass and trgEvtClass are the second) reduces the work
- at each event point to the testing of a single variable, evtAction.
- Unfortunately, when either windview or triggering is on, three tests,
- rather than just two, have to be performed.
- All three global variables, evtAction, wvEvtClass trgEvtClass are managed
- through the macro interface defined in eventP.h. The variables themselves
- never need to be referenced explicitly.
- The event buffer and upload paths provide a fairly simple interface
- that allows wvLib to use them. Other buffers and upload paths can be
- easily added by follwing the same interface.
- The buffer ID passed to many of wvLib's routines is actually a pointer to
- a structure defined in wvBufferP.h. This structure contains function
- pointers for reading and writing, and communicates threshold information from
- the buffering library. evtLogLib also uses this ID to write to the buffers.
- The buffer library usually considers the ID as a pointer to a structure
- whose first members are like the structure defined in wvBufferP.h, but
- whose other members are used to store its own private information.
- Upload paths are accessed in a similar way to the event buffers, but are
- much simpler. The structure that defines their interface is defined in
- wvUploadPathP.h.
- A hash table is implemented within wvLib to maintain task name events for
- post mortem log generation, as described above. This was done because it
- is possible for a tid to be reused, leaving more than one taskname for a
- single tid. In this case one of the names has to be chosen, and in our
- case it is the last. The hash table provides near constant time lookup of
- events as they are logged, in order to ensure that there is only ever one
- name per tid in the table at any time. The hash tables were rewritten here,
- rather than using the vxWorks' hashLib, because the storage has to
- relocatable to other memory partitions than the system partition.
- This hash table is complete overkill however, because the WindView parser
- can accept any number of taskname events with a single tid. It always
- updates the name to the last name it received for a tid. Given this, it
- is not necessary to ensure there are no duplicate names per tid in the
- taskname buffer. With no lookup facility necessary, a simple linked list
- would suffice for this data structure. Well, the hash table works.
- */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "intLib.h"
- #include "logLib.h"
- #include "msgQLib.h"
- #include "semLib.h"
- #include "private/memPartLibP.h"
- #include "string.h"
- #include "taskLib.h"
- #include "wdLib.h"
- #include "sysLib.h"
- #include "errnoLib.h"
- #include "wvLib.h"
- #include "private/eventP.h"
- #include "private/objLibP.h"
- #include "private/sigLibP.h"
- #include "private/eventLibP.h"
- #include "private/taskLibP.h"
- #include "private/kernelLibP.h"
- #include "private/workQLibP.h"
- #include "private/semLibP.h"
- #include "private/evtLogLibP.h"
- #include "private/wvBufferP.h"
- #include "private/wvUploadPathP.h"
- #include "private/wvLibP.h"
- /* global */
- int wvUploadTaskPriority = 150; /* upload task priority */
- int wvUploadTaskStackSize = 5000; /* upload task stack size */
- int wvUploadTaskOptions = VX_UNBREAKABLE; /* upload task options */
- int wvUploadMaxAttempts = 200; /* upload write retries */
- int wvUploadRetryBackoff = 6; /* upload retry delay - ticks */
- PART_ID pmPartId ; /* post mortem partition id */
- BOOL wvEvtBufferFullNotify = FALSE; /* notify the host that the evt buff */
- /* is full. Will be reset by the */
- /* when seen (handshake) or when */
- /* wvEvtLogStart is called */
- /* local */
- static BUFFER_ID wvEvtBufferId; /* a local copy for access by the host
- through wvEvtBufferGet */
- static TN_HASH_TBL *tnHashTbl; /* Local copy of post-mortem taskname
- event hash table. This is required
- for adding events, because events
- are added directly from event points
- and this info isn't known at the
- event point. */
- /* extern */
- extern CLASS_ID msgQClassId;
- extern CLASS_ID wdClassId;
- /* forward declarations */
- static STATUS uploadPathWrite (UPLOAD_ID pathId, char *pData,
- int nBytes);
- static STATUS wvUpload (WV_UPLOADTASK_ID upTaskId);
- static TASKBUF_ID tnHashTblCreate (PART_ID memPart, int tblSize);
- static STATUS tnHashTblDestroy (TN_HASH_TBL *pTbl);
- static int tnHash (TN_HASH_TBL *tbl, int key);
- static TN_ITER_KEY *tnHashTblIterInit (TN_HASH_TBL *pTbl);
- static void tnHashTblIterDone (TN_ITER_KEY *pIterKey,
- TN_HASH_TBL *pTbl);
- static TN_NODE *tnHashTblIterNext (TN_HASH_TBL *pTbl,
- TN_ITER_KEY *pIterKey);
- static TN_EVENT *tnHashTblIterNextEvent (TN_HASH_TBL *pTbl,
- TN_ITER_KEY *pIterKey);
- static STATUS tnHashTblInsert (TN_HASH_TBL *pTbl,
- TN_EVENT *pEvent, int key,
- TN_EVENT *pReplacedEvent);
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wvLibInit - initialize wvLib - first step (WindView)
- *
- * This routine starts initializing wvLib. Its actions should be performed
- * before object creation, so it is called from usrKernelInit() in usrKernel.c.
- *
- */
- void wvLibInit (void)
- {
- evtObjLogFuncBind ();
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wvLibInit2 - initialize wvLib - final step (WindView)
- *
- * This routine is called after wvLibInit() to complete the initialization of
- * wvLib. It should be called before starting any event logging.
- *
- */
- void wvLibInit2 (void)
- {
- evtLogFuncBind ();
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wvEvtLogInit - initialize an event log (WindView)
- *
- * This routine initializes event logging by associating a particular event
- * buffer with the logging functions. It must be called before event logging
- * is turned on.
- *
- */
- void wvEvtLogInit
- (
- BUFFER_ID evtBufId /* event-buffer id */
- )
- {
- /* Bind the buffer identified by evtBufId to the logging functions. */
- evtBufferBind (evtBufId);
- /* Stash a private copy of the id to return from wvEvtBufferGet. */
- wvEvtBufferId = evtBufId;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- * wvEvtLogStart - start logging events to the buffer (WindView)
- *
- * This routine starts event logging. It also resets the timestamp
- * mechanism so that it can be called more than once without stopping event
- * logging.
- *
- */
- void wvEvtLogStart (void)
- {
- /*
- * Initialize the time-stamp facility. If event-logging is already
- * enabled then we must disable the time-stamp facility before re-
- * enabling it.
- */
- if (_func_tmrDisable != NULL && !WV_ACTION_IS_SET)
- (* _func_tmrDisable)();
- if (_func_tmrEnable != NULL)
- (* _func_tmrEnable) ();
- /* Turn on event logging. */
- wvEvtBufferFullNotify = FALSE;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wvEvtLogStop - stop logging events to the buffer (WindView)
- *
- * This routine turns off all event logging, including event-logging of
- * objects and signals specifically requested by the user. In addition,
- * it disables the timestamp facility.
- *
- */
- void wvEvtLogStop (void)
- {
- /* Disable all event logging. */
- /* Turn off any user-requested event logging within objects and signals. */
- {
- wvObjInst (OBJ_WD, 0, INSTRUMENT_OFF);
- }
- wvEventInst (INSTRUMENT_OFF);
- /* Disable the time-stamp facility. */
- if (_func_tmrDisable != NULL)
- (* _func_tmrDisable) ();
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wvEvtClassSet - set the class of events to log (WindView)
- *
- * This routine sets the class of events which are logged when event
- * logging is started. <classDescription> can take the following values:
- *
- * .CS
- * WV_CLASS_1 /@ Events causing context switches @/
- * WV_CLASS_2 /@ Events causing task-state transitions @/
- * WV_CLASS_3 /@ Events from object and system libraries @/
- * .CE
- *
- * See wvLib for more information about these classes, particularly Class 3.
- *
- *
- * wvObjInst(), wvObjInstModeSet(), wvSigInst(), wvEventInst()
- *
- */
- void wvEvtClassSet
- (
- UINT32 classDescription /* description of evt classes to set */
- )
- {
- WV_EVTCLASS_SET (classDescription);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wvEvtClassGet - get the current set of classes being logged (WindView)
- *
- * This routine returns the set of classes currently being logged.
- *
- * RETURNS: The class description.
- */
- UINT32 wvEvtClassGet (void)
- {
- return (wvEvtClass);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wvEvtClassClear - clear the specified class of events from those being logged (WindView)
- *
- * This routine clears the class or classes described by <classDescription>
- * from the set of classes currently being logged.
- *
- */
- void wvEvtClassClear
- (
- UINT32 classDescription /* description of evt classes to clear */
- )
- {
- WV_EVTCLASS_UNSET (classDescription);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wvEvtClassClearAll - clear all classes of events from those logged (WindView)
- *
- * This routine clears all classes of events so that no classes are logged
- * if event logging is started.
- *
- */
- void wvEvtClassClearAll (void)
- {
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wvObjInstModeSet - set object instrumentation on/off (WindView)
- *
- * This routine causes objects to be created either instrumented or not
- * depending on the value of <mode>, which can be INSTRUMENT_ON or
- * INSTRUMENT_OFF. All objects created after wvObjInstModeSet() is called
- * with INSTRUMENT_ON and before it is called with INSTRUMENT_OFF are
- * created as instrumented objects.
- *
- * Use wvObjInst() if you want to enable instrumentation for a specific
- * object or set of objects. Use wvSigInst() if you want to enable
- * instrumentation for all signal activity, and wvEventInst() to
- * enable instrumentation for VxWorks Event activity.
- *
- * This routine has effect only if INCLUDE_WINDVIEW is defined in
- * configAll.h.
- *
- * RETURNS: The previous value of <mode> or ERROR.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: wvObjInst(), wvSigInst(), wvEventInst()
- */
- STATUS wvObjInstModeSet
- (
- int mode /* object instrumentation on/off */
- )
- {
- if (mode == INSTRUMENT_ON) /* turn instrumentation on */
- {
- if (wvObjIsEnabled == TRUE)
- return (INSTRUMENT_ON);
- wvObjIsEnabled = TRUE;
- return (INSTRUMENT_OFF);
- }
- else if (mode == INSTRUMENT_OFF) /* turn instrumentation off */
- {
- if (wvObjIsEnabled == FALSE)
- return (INSTRUMENT_OFF);
- wvObjIsEnabled = FALSE;
- return (INSTRUMENT_ON);
- }
- else
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wvObjInst - instrument objects (WindView)
- *
- * This routine instruments a specified object or set of objects and has
- * effect when system objects have been enabled for event logging.
- *
- * <objType> can be set to one of the following: OBJ_TASK (tasks), OBJ_SEM
- * (semaphores), OBJ_MSG (message queues), or OBJ_WD (watchdogs).
- * <objId> specifies the identifier of the particular object to be instrumented.
- * If <objId> is NULL, then all objects of <objType> have instrumentation
- * turned on or off depending on the value of <mode>.
- *
- * If <mode> is INSTRUMENT_ON, instrumentation is turned on; if it is any
- * other value (including INSTRUMENT_OFF) then instrumentation is turned off
- * for <objId>.
- *
- * Call wvObjInstModeSet() with INSTRUMENT_ON if you want to enable
- * instrumentation for all objects created after a certain place in your code.
- * Use wvSigInst() if you want to enable instrumentation for all signal activity.
- *
- * This routine has effect only if INCLUDE_WINDVIEW is defined in
- * configAll.h.
- *
- *
- * SEE ALSO: wvSigInst(), wvEventInst(), wvObjInstModeSet()
- */
- STATUS wvObjInst
- (
- int objType, /* object type */
- void * objId, /* object ID or NULL for all objects */
- int mode /* instrumentation mode */
- )
- {
- if (objId == NULL) /* all objects of the same type */
- {
- if (mode == INSTRUMENT_ON)
- {
- /* Turn on instrumentation */
- switch (objType)
- {
- case OBJ_TASK:
- taskClassId->instRtn = (FUNCPTR) evtLogOInt;
- break;
- case OBJ_SEM:
- semClassId->instRtn = (FUNCPTR) evtLogOInt;
- break;
- case OBJ_MSG:
- msgQClassId->instRtn = (FUNCPTR) evtLogOInt;
- break;
- case OBJ_WD:
- wdClassId->instRtn = (FUNCPTR) evtLogO;
- break;
- case OBJ_MEM:
- memPartClassId->instRtn = (FUNCPTR) evtLogOInt;
- break;
- default:
- return(ERROR);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* Turn off instrumentation */
- switch (objType)
- {
- case OBJ_TASK:
- taskClassId->instRtn = (FUNCPTR) NULL;
- break;
- case OBJ_SEM:
- semClassId->instRtn = (FUNCPTR) NULL;
- break;
- case OBJ_MSG:
- msgQClassId->instRtn = (FUNCPTR) NULL;
- break;
- case OBJ_WD:
- wdClassId->instRtn = (FUNCPTR) NULL;
- break;
- case OBJ_MEM:
- memPartClassId->instRtn = (FUNCPTR) NULL;
- break;
- default:
- return(ERROR);
- }
- }
- }
- else /* per object basis */
- {
- /* verify the object */
- switch (objType)
- {
- case OBJ_TASK:
- {
- if (TASK_ID_VERIFY ((WIND_TCB *) objId) == ERROR)
- return (ERROR);
- break;
- }
- case OBJ_SEM:
- {
- if (OBJ_VERIFY ((SEM_ID) objId, semClassId) == ERROR)
- return (ERROR);
- break;
- }
- case OBJ_MSG:
- {
- if (OBJ_VERIFY ((MSG_Q_ID) objId, msgQClassId) == ERROR)
- return (ERROR);
- break;
- }
- case OBJ_WD:
- {
- if (OBJ_VERIFY ((WDOG_ID) objId, wdClassId) == ERROR)
- return (ERROR);
- break;
- }
- case OBJ_MEM:
- {
- if (OBJ_VERIFY ((PART_ID) objId, memPartClassId) == ERROR)
- return (ERROR);
- break;
- }
- default:
- return(ERROR);
- }
- /* the event logging routine is set/reset in the object's class */
- if (mode == INSTRUMENT_ON)
- {
- /* change to instrumented class */
- if (TASK_ID_VERIFY ((WIND_TCB *) objId) == ERROR)
- {
- if (OBJ_EVT_RTN (objId) == (FUNCPTR) NULL)
- {
- (((OBJ_ID)(objId))->pObjClass) =
- (struct obj_class *)
- (((OBJ_ID)(objId))->pObjClass->initRtn);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (TASK_EVT_RTN (objId) == (FUNCPTR) NULL)
- {
- ((OBJ_ID)(&((WIND_TCB *)(objId))->objCore))->pObjClass =
- (struct obj_class *) (((OBJ_ID)
- (&((WIND_TCB *)(objId))->objCore))->pObjClass)->initRtn;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* change to non-instrumented class */
- /* change to instrumented class */
- if (TASK_ID_VERIFY ((WIND_TCB *) objId) == ERROR)
- {
- if (OBJ_EVT_RTN (objId) != (FUNCPTR) NULL)
- {
- (((OBJ_ID)(objId))->pObjClass) =
- (struct obj_class *)
- (((OBJ_ID)(objId))->pObjClass->initRtn);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (TASK_EVT_RTN (objId) != (FUNCPTR) NULL)
- {
- ((OBJ_ID)(&((WIND_TCB *)(objId))->objCore))->pObjClass =
- (struct obj_class *) (((OBJ_ID)
- (&((WIND_TCB *)(objId))->objCore))->pObjClass)->initRtn;
- }
- }
- }
- return (OK);
- }
- return (ERROR); /* instrumentation is off */
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wvSigInst - instrument signals (WindView)
- *
- * This routine instruments all signal activity.
- *
- * If <mode> is INSTRUMENT_ON, instrumentation for signals is turned on;
- * if it is any other value (including INSTRUMENT_OFF), instrumentation for
- * signals is turned off.
- *
- * This routine has effect only if INCLUDE_WINDVIEW is defined in
- * configAll.h and event logging has been enabled for system objects.
- *
- * Because signals are not implemented as objects, they need their own logging
- * mechanism.
- *
- */
- STATUS wvSigInst
- (
- int mode /* instrumentation mode */
- )
- {
- if (mode == INSTRUMENT_ON)
- {
- /* set signal event routine */
- sigEvtRtn = (VOIDFUNCPTR) evtLogOInt;
- }
- else if (mode == INSTRUMENT_OFF)
- {
- /* reset signal routine */
- sigEvtRtn = NULL;
- }
- else
- return (ERROR);
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wvEventInst - instrument VxWorks Events (WindView)
- *
- * This routine instruments VxWorks Event activity.
- *
- * If <mode> is INSTRUMENT_ON, instrumentation for VxWorks events is turned on;
- * if it is any other value (including INSTRUMENT_OFF), instrumentation for
- * VxWorks Events is turned off.
- *
- * This routine has effect only if INCLUDE_WINDVIEW is defined in
- * configAll.h and event logging has been enabled for system objects.
- *
- * Because events are not implemented as objects, they need their own logging
- * mechanism.
- *
- */
- STATUS wvEventInst
- (
- int mode /* instrumentation mode */
- )
- {
- if (mode == INSTRUMENT_ON)
- {
- /* set event logging routine */
- eventEvtRtn = (VOIDFUNCPTR) evtLogOInt;
- }
- else if (mode == INSTRUMENT_OFF)
- {
- /* reset logging routine */
- eventEvtRtn = NULL;
- }
- else
- return (ERROR);
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wvEvent - log a user-defined event (WindView)
- *
- * This routine logs a user event. Event logging must have been started with
- * wvEvtLogEnable() or from the WindView GUI to use this routine.
- * The <usrEventId> should be in the
- * range 0-25535. A buffer of data can be associated with the event;
- * <buffer> is a pointer to the start of the data block, and <bufSize> is its
- * length in bytes. The size of the event buffer configured with
- * wvInstInit() should be adjusted when logging large user events.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if the event can not be logged.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: dbgLib, e()
- *
- * This event logging routine stores
- * event id (short )
- * timestamp (int)
- * address (int) - always NULL
- * buffer size (int) - if size is ZERO the buffer does not exist.
- * buffer (char)
- *
- */
- STATUS wvEvent
- (
- event_t usrEventId, /* event */
- char * buffer, /* buffer */
- size_t bufSize /* buffer size */
- )
- {
- return (evtLogPoint (usrEventId, NULL, bufSize, buffer));
- else
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * uploadPathWrite - write data to upload path
- *
- * This routine attempts to write the data pointed to by pData to the uplaod
- * path indicated by pathId. If the data can not be written due to a blocking
- * error such as EWOULDBLOCK or EAGAIN, this routine will delay for some time
- * using taskDelay(), and retry until the data is written. If the data can
- * not be written within a reasonable number of attempts, or an error other
- * than EWOULDBLOCK or EAGAIN is generated while writing, this routine will
- * give up and return an error.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if the data could not be written in a reasonable
- * number of attempts, or if invalid pathId
- *
- *
- */
- static STATUS uploadPathWrite
- (
- UPLOAD_ID pathId, /* path to write to */
- char *pData, /* buffer of data to write */
- int nBytes /* number bytes to write */
- )
- {
- int trys; /* to count the attempts */
- int nToWrite; /* number bytes left to write */
- int nThisTry; /* number bytes written this try */
- int nWritten; /* total bytes written so far */
- char *buf; /* local copy of pData */
- trys = 0;
- nWritten = 0;
- nThisTry = 0;
- nToWrite = nBytes;
- buf = pData;
- if (pathId == NULL || pathId->writeRtn == NULL)
- return (ERROR);
- while (nWritten < nBytes && trys < wvUploadMaxAttempts)
- {
- if ((nThisTry = pathId->writeRtn (pathId, buf, nToWrite)) < 0)
- {
- /* If write failed because it would have blocked, allow retry. */
- if (errno == EWOULDBLOCK || errno == EAGAIN)
- taskDelay (wvUploadRetryBackoff);
- else
- return (ERROR);
- }
- else
- {
- nWritten += nThisTry;
- nToWrite -= nThisTry;
- buf += nThisTry;
- }
- ++trys;
- }
- /* Check if write failed to complete within the max number of tries. */
- if (nWritten < nBytes)
- return (ERROR);
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wvUpload - transfer events to the host (WindView)
- *
- * This routine is used to upload events stored in the event buffer to the
- * host. Events are read from the buffer using the routines and information
- * referenced by the BUFFER_ID. The upload path is accessed using
- * routines referenced by the UPLOAD_ID. Information useful for making this
- * routine exit when desired, and communicating when it has exited is
- * contained in the WV_UPLOADTASK_ID.
- *
- * When exitWhenEmpty, within the WV_UPLOADTASK_ID, is set to true, wvUpload
- * will upload all available events, and then return immediately. If this
- * value is set to false, wvUpload will never exit, but it will block on the
- * buffer's semaphore until sufficient data becomes available to upload.
- * Setting exitWhenEmpty to false is used to continuously upload events as
- * they are logged to the buffer. The semaphore uploadCompleteSem, also
- * contained in the WV_UPLOADTASK_ID, is given when the this routine has
- * emptied the buffer. This allows others to wait until the buffer is
- * empty.
- *
- * If an error occurs when reading from the buffers or writing to the upload
- * path, event logging is stopped and the upload path is closed. The status
- * field in the WV_UPLOADTASK_ID indicates whether the upload was successful
- * or if an error occurred. When writing to the upload path, if an EAGAIN
- * or EWOULDBLOCK error is encountered due to a failure to write to a non-
- * blocking path, this routine will backoff and retry to write to the path.
- * The number of times to attempt writing, and the the amount of time to
- * delay between attempts can be set with the global variables
- *
- * int wvUploadMaxAttempts -- 200 by default
- * int wvUploadRetryBackoff -- 6 by default (in ticks)
- *
- * If the block of data, usually one threshold in size, can not be written
- * within the maximum number of attempts, this routine will stop event
- * logging, close the upload path and indicate the error within the status
- * field of the WV_UPLOADTASK_ID.
- *
- * To avoid copying the event data to a local buffer, only to be copied again
- * to the upload path, reading the buffer is done using a reserve/commit
- * interface. Reserving a number of bytes to read from the buffer provides
- * access, via a pointer, directly to the event data in the buffer. This
- * pointer references only contiguous memory and can be passed directly to the
- * upload mechanism. Hence no extra copying is employed. The buffer's
- * commit interface is used to notify the buffering mechanism that the
- * reserved memory has been consumed.
- *
- * The semaphore on which wvUpload blocks works together with the threshold,
- * also part of the BUFFER_ID, as a general purpose mechanism for telling
- * users of the buffer when threshold bytes of data are contained in the
- * buffer. This gives the the uploader a way of controlling the frequency
- * and size of uploads. The threshold is assigned by the buffer mechanism,
- * but can be an arbitrary value. In general, the buffer may assign threshold
- * to meet a buffer contraint, or it may allow the user to assign it, and
- * allow access to its value in the structure pointed to by the BUFFER_ID.
- *
- * All buffer accesses are protected with interrupts locked out.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK when buffer is successfully emptied and uploaded and
- * the upload task ID's exitWhenEmpty is set to TRUE.
- * ERROR if an error occurs with the upload path or buffers; event
- * logging is stopped if an error occurs.
- *
- *
- */
- static STATUS wvUpload
- (
- WV_UPLOADTASK_ID upTaskId /* this task's descriptor */
- )
- {
- int nReserved; /* num bytes reserved and possible to upload */
- int nToWrite; /* num bytes that should be written to host */
- int nUploaded; /* number of bytes actually written to host */
- int nToCommit; /* number of bytes to commit in the buffer */
- int tmp; /* temporary used to count uploaded bytes */
- BOOL bufferEmpty; /* used to exit when buffer is empty */
- UINT8 *pData; /* pointer to the read-reserved data */
- int lockKey; /* for interrupt locking */
- BUFFER_ID bufId; /* convenient access to upTaskId->bufferId */
- UPLOAD_ID pathId; /* same for upTaskId->uploadPathId */
- /* Check that the upload-task id has appropriate information. */
- if (upTaskId == NULL)
- return (ERROR);
- if (upTaskId->bufferId == NULL)
- {
- upTaskId->status = ERROR;
- return (ERROR);
- }
- if (upTaskId->uploadPathId == NULL)
- {
- upTaskId->status = ERROR;
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* Initialize variables. */
- bufId = upTaskId->bufferId;
- pathId = upTaskId->uploadPathId;
- bufferEmpty = FALSE;
- nToWrite = 0;
- while (TRUE)
- {
- /*
- * Initialize variables that allow us to stop uploading at the right
- * time. Assuming that there is data in the buffer (bufferEmtpy =
- * FALSE) is alright because nothing below will error if there is
- * not. In other words, bufferEmpty accurately describes when the
- * buffer is empty but does not accurately describe when the buffer
- * is not empty.
- */
- nUploaded = 0;
- bufferEmpty = FALSE;
- /*
- * If the caller requested to exit when the buffer is empty, give
- * him/er the result immediately, even if there is no data available.
- * Also, if there is still more than a threshold of data in the buffer,
- * continue uploading. Otherwise block until sufficient data becomes
- * available.
- */
- lockKey = intLock ();
- tmp = bufId->nBytesRtn (bufId);
- intUnlock (lockKey);
- if (! upTaskId->exitWhenEmpty && (tmp < bufId->threshold))
- semTake (& bufId->threshXSem, WAIT_FOREVER);
- /*
- * Upload in chunks of size bufId->threshold. The readReserve
- * routine of the buffer only guarantees that every time the
- * threshXSem is able to be taken there are threshold bytes of data
- * in the buffer. That data may not be contiguous, and so we have
- * to loop until threshold bytes have been uploaded.
- */
- while ((nUploaded < bufId->threshold) && !bufferEmpty)
- {
- /* Reserve as many contiguous bytes as possible from the buffer. */
- lockKey = intLock ();
- nReserved = bufId->readReserveRtn (bufId, &pData);
- intUnlock (lockKey);
- if (nReserved == ERROR)
- {
- /*
- * If an error occurs close the upload path and stop event
- * logging. There is no harm in turning event logging off
- * if it is not currently on.
- */
- lockKey = intLock ();
- wvEvtLogStop();
- intUnlock (lockKey);
- pathId->errorRtn (pathId);
- upTaskId->status = ERROR;
- logMsg ("tWvUpload: failed to read from buffer.n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* Notice when the buffer is emptied. */
- if (nReserved == 0)
- bufferEmpty = TRUE;
- else
- bufferEmpty = FALSE;
- /*
- * Write as many bytes as possible that still need to be uploaed,
- * to the host, but not more than threshold. And, remember how
- * many to commit later.
- */
- nToWrite = (nReserved > (bufId->threshold - nUploaded)) ?
- (bufId->threshold - nUploaded) : nReserved;
- nToCommit = nToWrite;
- if (uploadPathWrite (pathId, pData, nToWrite) == ERROR)
- {
- /*
- * There is still no harm in turning off event logging
- * if it is not currently on.
- */
- lockKey = intLock ();
- wvEvtLogStop();
- intUnlock (lockKey);
- pathId->errorRtn (pathId);
- upTaskId->status = ERROR;
- logMsg ("tWVUpload: failed writing to host.n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /*
- * At this point all the reserved bytes that were possible to
- * read in this pass through the loop have been uploaded. Those
- * bytes are committed before determining whether to loop again.
- */
- lockKey = intLock ();
- tmp = bufId->readCommitRtn (bufId, nToCommit);
- intUnlock (lockKey);
- if (tmp == ERROR)
- {
- /*
- * There is no harm in turning logging off if it is already
- * off.
- */
- lockKey = intLock ();
- wvEvtLogStop();
- intUnlock (lockKey);
- pathId->errorRtn (pathId);
- upTaskId->status = ERROR;
- logMsg ("tWvUpload: failed to commit uploaded bytes.n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- nUploaded += nToCommit;
- }
- /*
- * At this point the buffer is empty or threshold bytes have been
- * uploaded. Exit only if the buffer was emptied and the user
- * requested not to wait for more data.
- */
- if (upTaskId->exitWhenEmpty && bufferEmpty)
- {
- upTaskId->status = OK;
- semGive (& upTaskId->uploadCompleteSem);
- return (OK);
- }
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wvUploadStart - start upload of events to the host (WindView)
- *
- * This routine starts uploading events from the event buffer to the host.
- * Events can be uploaded either continuously or in one pass until the
- * buffer is emptied. If <uploadContinuously> is set to TRUE, the task
- * uploading events pends until more data arrives in the buffer. If FALSE,
- * the buffer is flushed without waiting, but this routine
- * returns immediately with an ID that can be used to kill the upload task.
- * Upload is done by spawning the task 'tWVUpload'. The buffer to upload is
- * identified by <bufId>, and the upload path to use is identified by <pathId>.
- *
- * This routine blocks if no event data is in the buffer, so it should
- * be called before event logging is started to ensure the buffer does
- * not overflow.
- *
- * RETURNS: A valid WV_UPLOADTASK_ID if started for continuous
- * upload, a non-NULL value if started for one-pass upload, and NULL
- * if the task can not be spawned or memory for the descriptor
- * can not be allocated.
- *
- */
- WV_UPLOADTASK_ID wvUploadStart
- (
- BUFFER_ID bufId, /* event data buffer ID */
- UPLOAD_ID pathId, /* upload path to host */
- BOOL uploadContinuously /* upload continuously if true */
- )
- {
- WV_UPLOADTASK_ID upTaskId; /* returned to later identify the upload task */
- /* Check for valid parameters. */
- if (bufId == NULL || pathId == NULL)
- return (NULL);
- /*
- * Create and initialize the upload task descriptor to return to the
- * user. This id is necessary for stopping the task later.
- */
- if ((upTaskId = (WV_UPLOADTASK_ID)
- malloc (sizeof (WV_UPLOADTASK_DESC))) == NULL)
- {
- logMsg ("wvUploadStart: can't alloc uploadTask id memory.n",
- 0,0,0,0,0,0);
- return (NULL);
- }
- if (semBInit (& upTaskId->uploadCompleteSem, SEM_Q_PRIORITY,
- {
- logMsg ("wvUploadStart: can't init uploadTask sem.n",0,0,0,0,0,0);
- return (NULL);
- }
- upTaskId->bufferId = bufId;
- upTaskId->uploadPathId = pathId;
- upTaskId->status = OK;
- if (uploadContinuously)
- upTaskId->exitWhenEmpty = FALSE;
- else
- upTaskId->exitWhenEmpty = TRUE;
- /* Now spawn the task. */
- if ((upTaskId->uploadTaskId = taskSpawn ("tWVUpload", wvUploadTaskPriority,
- wvUploadTaskOptions,
- wvUploadTaskStackSize, wvUpload,
- (int) upTaskId, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 0)) == ERROR)
- {
- logMsg ("wvUploadStart: can't spawn uploadTask.n",0,0,0,0,0,0);
- return (NULL);
- }
- return (upTaskId);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wvUploadStop - stop upload of events to host (WindView)
- *
- * This routine stops continuous upload of events to the host. It does this
- * by making a request to the upload task to terminate after it has emptied
- * the buffer. For this reason it is important to make sure data is no
- * longer being logged to the buffer before calling this routine.
- *
- * This task blocks until the buffer is emptied, and then frees memory
- * associated with <upTaskId>.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK if the upload task terminates successfully,
- * or ERROR either if <upTaskId> is invalid or if the upload task terminates
- * with an ERROR.
- *
- */
- STATUS wvUploadStop
- (
- )
- {
- STATUS retStatus;
- if (upTaskId == NULL)
- return (ERROR);
- /*
- * Ask the upload task to flush the buffer and then exit. The upload
- * task may have emptied the buffer and be waiting on the buffer's
- * threshold-crossed semaphore, so we give that semaphore so the task
- * won't pend forever.
- */
- upTaskId->exitWhenEmpty = TRUE;
- semGive (& upTaskId->bufferId->threshXSem);
- /* Wait for flushing to complete, but only if uploader worked correctly */
- if (upTaskId->status == OK)
- semTake (& upTaskId->uploadCompleteSem, WAIT_FOREVER);
- /* Free up the memory associated with the upload descriptor. */
- semTerminate (& upTaskId->uploadCompleteSem);
- retStatus = upTaskId->status;
- free (upTaskId);
- return (retStatus);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wvUploadTaskConfig - set priority and stacksize of 'tWVUpload' task (WindView)
- *
- * This routine sets the stack size and priority of future instances of
- * the event-data upload task, created by calling wvUploadStart(). The default
- * stack size for this task is 5000 bytes, and the default priority is 150.
- *
- */
- void wvUploadTaskConfig
- (
- int stackSize, /* the new stack size for tWVUpload */
- int priority /* the new priority for tWVUpload */
- )
- {
- wvUploadTaskStackSize = stackSize;
- wvUploadTaskPriority = priority;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wvLogHeaderCreate - create the event-log header (WindView)
- *
- * This routine creates the header of EVENT_CONFIG, EVENT_BUFFER, and EVENT_BEGIN
- * events that is required at the beginning of every event log. These events are
- * stored in a packed array allocated from the specified memory partition.
- * In addition to this separate header, this routine also logs all tasks
- * active in the system to the event buffer for uploading along with the
- * other events.
- *
- * This routine should be called after wvEvtLogInit() is called. If uploading
- * events continuously to the host, this routine should be called after the
- * upload task is started. This ensures that the upload task is included in
- * the snapshot of active tasks. If upload will occur after event logging has
- * stopped (deferred upload), this routine can be called any time before event
- * logging is turned on.
- *
- * RETURNS: A valid WV_LOG_HEADER_ID, or NULL if memory can not be allocated.
- */
- WV_LOG_HEADER_ID wvLogHeaderCreate
- (
- PART_ID memPart /* partition where header should be stored */
- )
- {
- WV_LOG_HEADER *pHead; /* local copy of the log header struct */
- int *pIntCur; /* integer pointer into buf */
- short *pShortCur; /* short pointer into buf */
- char *pByteCur; /* char pointer into buf */
- short cfgEventId; /* EVENT_CONIG */
- int cfgProtocolRev;
- int cfgTimestampFreq;
- int cfgTimestampPeriod;
- int cfgAutoRollover;
- int cfgClkRate;
- int cfgCollectionMode;
- int cfgProcessorNum;
- short bufEventId; /* EVENT_BUFFER */
- int bufTaskIdCurrent;
- short begEventId; /* EVENT_BEGIN */
- int begCpu;
- int begBspSize; /* char *begBspName copied directly to buf */
- int begTaskIdCurrent;
- int begCollectionMode;
- int begRevision;
- char commentString[] = "Windview Version 2.2 Logfile. Copyright
- 1999-2001 Wind River Systems.";
- int commentLen;
- int bspLen;
- /*
- * Get the actual log header structure first, and then figure out how
- * big to make it, considering the variable-length bspName field.
- */
- pHead = (WV_LOG_HEADER *) memPartAlloc (memPart, sizeof (WV_LOG_HEADER));
- if (pHead == NULL)
- return (NULL);
- commentLen = strlen (commentString);
- if (commentLen & 1)
- commentLen++;
- bspLen = strlen (sysModel ());
- if (bspLen & 1)
- bspLen++;
- commentLen + EVENT_COMMENT_SIZE +
- bspLen);
- if (pHead->len & 1)
- ++pHead->len;
- pHead->header = memPartAlloc (memPart, pHead->len);
- if (pHead->header == NULL)
- {
- memPartFree (memPart, (char *) pHead);
- return (NULL);
- }
- pHead->memPart = memPart;
- /*
- * Get memory for an EVENT_CONFIG buffer from the event buffer, using
- * the writeReserve interface. Then fill in that memory.
- */
- cfgEventId = EVENT_CONFIG;
- cfgTimestampFreq = (* _func_tmrFreq) ();
- cfgTimestampPeriod = (* _func_tmrPeriod) ();
- cfgAutoRollover = ((* _func_tmrConnect) ((FUNCPTR) _func_evtLogT0,
- cfgClkRate = sysClkRateGet ();
- cfgCollectionMode = (int)(wvEvtClass & WV_CLASS_3);
- cfgProcessorNum = sysProcNumGet ();
- pShortCur = (short *) pHead->header;
- EVT_STORE_UINT16 (pShortCur, cfgEventId);
- pIntCur = (int *) pShortCur;
- EVT_STORE_UINT32 (pIntCur, cfgProtocolRev);
- EVT_STORE_UINT32 (pIntCur, cfgTimestampFreq);
- EVT_STORE_UINT32 (pIntCur, cfgTimestampPeriod);
- EVT_STORE_UINT32 (pIntCur, cfgAutoRollover);
- EVT_STORE_UINT32 (pIntCur, cfgClkRate);
- EVT_STORE_UINT32 (pIntCur, cfgCollectionMode);
- EVT_STORE_UINT32 (pIntCur, cfgProcessorNum);
- /*
- * Log the EVENT_LOGCOMMENT event to the buffer.
- */
- pShortCur = (short *) pIntCur;
- EVT_STORE_UINT16 (pShortCur, begEventId);
- pIntCur = (int *) pShortCur;
- EVT_STORE_UINT32 (pIntCur, commentLen);
- pByteCur = (char *) pIntCur;
- strncpy (pByteCur, commentString, commentLen);
- pByteCur += commentLen;
- pIntCur = (int *) pByteCur;
- /*
- * Do the same for an EVENT_BUFFER. Reserve memory for the event from
- * the event buffer, and then fill in that memory.
- */
- bufEventId = EVENT_BUFFER;
- bufTaskIdCurrent = (kernelIsIdle) ? (int) ERROR : (int) taskIdCurrent;
- pShortCur = (short *) pIntCur;
- EVT_STORE_UINT16 (pShortCur, bufEventId);
- pIntCur = (int *) pShortCur;
- EVT_STORE_UINT32 (pIntCur, bufTaskIdCurrent);
- /*
- * Log the EVENT_BEGIN event to the buffer. The cpu-type member is
- * tricky because it has to be of even length to transfer to the host.
- * Also the memory reserved has to vary by its length.
- */
- begEventId = EVENT_BEGIN;
- begCpu = sysCpu;
- begBspSize = bspLen;
- begTaskIdCurrent = (int) taskIdCurrent;
- begCollectionMode = (int)(wvEvtClass & WV_CLASS_3);
- pShortCur = (short *) pIntCur;
- EVT_STORE_UINT16 (pShortCur, begEventId);
- pIntCur = (int *) pShortCur;
- EVT_STORE_UINT32 (pIntCur, begCpu);
- EVT_STORE_UINT32 (pIntCur, begBspSize);
- pByteCur = (char *) pIntCur;
- strncpy (pByteCur, sysModel(), begBspSize);
- pByteCur += begBspSize;
- pIntCur = (int *) pByteCur;
- EVT_STORE_UINT32 (pIntCur, begTaskIdCurrent);
- EVT_STORE_UINT32 (pIntCur, begCollectionMode);
- EVT_STORE_UINT32 (pIntCur, begRevision);
- /* Log a snapshot of active tasks to the event buffer. */
- evtLogTasks ();
- return (pHead);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wvLogHeaderUpload - transfer the log header to the host (WindView)
- *
- * This functions transfers the log header events (EVENT_BEGIN, EVENT_CONFIG,
- * EVENT_BUFFER) to the host. These events were saved to a local buffer
- * with the call to wvLogHeaderCreate(). This routine should be called before
- * any events or tasknames are uploaded to the host. The events in the
- * header buffer must be the first things the parser sees.
- *
- * If continuously uploading events, it is best to start the uploader, and
- * then call this routine. If deferring upload until after event logging
- * is stopped, this should be called before the uploader is started.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if there is trouble with the upload path.
- */
- STATUS wvLogHeaderUpload
- (
- WV_LOG_HEADER_ID pHeader, /* pointer to the header */
- UPLOAD_ID pathId /* path by which to upload to host */
- )
- {
- int res; /* partly notice write errors */
- if (pHeader == NULL || pathId == NULL)
- return (ERROR);
- res = pathId->writeRtn (pathId, pHeader->header, pHeader->len);
- if (res < 0)
- return (ERROR);
- if (pmPartId != NULL)
- {
- /* Free the header. */
- memPartFree (pHeader->memPart, (char *) pHeader->header);
- memPartFree (pHeader->memPart, (char *) pHeader);
- }
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wvEvtBufferGet - return the ID of the WindView event buffer (WindView)
- *
- * RETURNS: The event buffer ID if one exists, otherwise NULL.
- */
- BUFFER_ID wvEvtBufferGet (void)
- {
- return ((wvEvtBufferId == 0) ? (BUFFER_ID) NULL : wvEvtBufferId);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wvTaskNamesPreserve - preserve an extra copy of task name events (WindView)
- *
- * This routine initializes the data structures and instrumentation necessary
- * to allow WindView to store an extra copy of each EVENT_TASKNAME event,
- * which is necessary for post-mortem analysis. This routine should be called
- * after wvEvtLogInit() has been called, and before event logging is started.
- *
- * If this routine is called before event logging is started, all
- * EVENT_TASKNAME events that are produced by VxWorks are logged into the
- * standard event buffer, and a copy of each is logged automatically to the
- * task name buffer created by this routine. All tasks running when this
- * routine is called are also added to the buffer. The events in this buffer
- * can be uploaded after the other events have been uploaded, to provide the
- * task names for any events in the log which no longer have a corresponding
- * task name event due to wrapping of data in the buffers. Because there
- * may be two copies of some of the task name events after the buffer data
- * wraps around, the resultant log may have two task name events for the same
- * task. This is not a problem for the parser.
- *
- * Occasionally the task ID of a task is reused, and in this case, only
- * the last instance of the task name event with a particular task ID is
- * maintained.
- *
- * The buffer size must be a power of two.
- *
- * This routine sets the event class WV_CLASS_TASKNAMES_PRESERVE, which can
- * be turned off by calling wvEvtClassClear() or wvEvtClassSet().
- *
- * This routine returns the buffer's ID, which is required later to
- * destroy and upload the buffer. The ID is not required to add an event
- * to the buffer. That is because additions to the buffer will be done
- * from an event point, and the event point will not have access to the
- * buffer's ID. This is exactly how the event buffer is accessed in
- * evtLogLib.
- *
- * The buffer used to store the reserved taskname events is a hash table that
- * is implemented in wvLib. All functions associated with this hash table are
- * prefixed with tnHashTbl. The implementation of the reserved taskname buffer
- * has been hidden (albeit barely) from this function, so that any implemen-
- * tation of a buffer can be used. The type of the buffer is identified as
- * a TASKBUF_ID. The specific implementation of the hash-table buffer is
- * a TN_HASH_TBL.
- *
- * A hash table has been used because, given very specific circumstances, the
- * task IDs of tasks with different names may be reused. A hash table allows
- * easy and fast replacement of the names, so that there is only one name per
- * tid in the table at any time. As new names, corresponding to a given tid,
- * are added, the event is replaced with the newest event.
- *
- * The hash table was used to avoid multiple taskname events with the same tid,
- * however there may be a copy of the same event still in the buffer, providing
- * it has not been overwritten. In this case there will be two of the same
- * events anyway, so the hash table is overkill. Oh well.
- *
- * RETURNS: A valid TASKBUF_ID to be used for later uploading, or NULL if
- * not enough memory exists to create the task buffer.
- */
- TASKBUF_ID wvTaskNamesPreserve
- (
- PART_ID memPart, /* memory where preserved names are stored */
- int size /* must be a power of 2 */
- )
- {
- int nTasks; /* number of active tasks */
- int idList [MAX_WV_TASKS]; /* list of active task IDs */
- int ix; /* counting index */
- TN_HASH_TBL *pTbl; /* the taskname buffer */
- /* Create the buffer where names will be stored. */
- if ((pTbl = tnHashTblCreate (memPart, size)) == NULL)
- return (NULL);
- /*
- * Stash a copy of the the buffer id for table adds, directly from
- * event points later. This has to be done before we add any names.
- */
- tnHashTbl = pTbl;
- /* Store a copy of each taskname already running in the system. */
- nTasks = taskIdListGet (idList, NELEMENTS (idList));
- for (ix = 0; ix < nTasks; ++ix)
- {
- if (taskIdVerify (idList [ix]) == OK)
- {
- wvTaskNamesBufAdd (EVENT_TASKNAME,
- ((WIND_TCB *)idList[ix])->status,
- ((WIND_TCB *)idList[ix])->priority,
- ((WIND_TCB *)idList[ix])->lockCnt,
- idList [ix], taskName (idList [ix]));
- }
- }
- /*
- * Let the event point know that it should reserve a copy of each
- * future event. It will be turned off when event loggin is turned
- * off or reset.
- */
- return ((TASKBUF_ID) pTbl);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wvTaskNamesUpload - upload preserved task name events (WindView)
- *
- * This routine uploads task name events, saved after calling
- * wvTaskNamesPreserve(), to the host by the specified upload path. There
- * is no particular order to the events uploaded. All the events contained
- * in the buffer are uploaded in one pass. After all have been uploaded, the
- * buffer used to store the events is destroyed.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if the upload path or task name buffer is invalid.
- */
- STATUS wvTaskNamesUpload
- (
- TASKBUF_ID taskBufId, /* taskname event buffer to upload */
- UPLOAD_ID pathId /* upload path id */
- )
- {
- TN_ITER_KEY *pIterKey; /* key to iterate over buffer */
- TN_EVENT *pEvent; /* event to upload */
- int res = OK; /* to track errors uploading */
- TN_HASH_TBL *pTbl; /* just in case a taskbuf is not a
- taskname hash table */
- if (taskBufId == NULL || pathId == NULL)
- return (ERROR);
- /*
- * If the buffer implemented to store taskname events is not a TN_HASH_TBL
- * then we need to do the casting here. It usually is.
- */
- pTbl = (TN_HASH_TBL *) taskBufId;
- /* Create an iterator key to use to access all events in buffer. */
- if ((pIterKey = tnHashTblIterInit (pTbl)) == NULL)
- return (ERROR);
- while ((pEvent = tnHashTblIterNextEvent (taskBufId, pIterKey)) != NULL)
- {
- /* Write the values one at a time to eliminate padding in the log. */
- res = pathId->writeRtn (pathId, & pEvent->eventId, sizeof (short));
- res = pathId->writeRtn (pathId, & pEvent->status, sizeof (int));
- res = pathId->writeRtn (pathId, & pEvent->priority, sizeof (int));
- res = pathId->writeRtn (pathId, & pEvent->taskLockCount, sizeof (int));
- res = pathId->writeRtn (pathId, & pEvent->tid, sizeof (int));
- res = pathId->writeRtn (pathId, & pEvent->nameSize, sizeof (int));
- res = pathId->writeRtn (pathId, pEvent->name, pEvent->nameSize);
- if (res < 0)
- {
- tnHashTblIterDone (pIterKey, pTbl);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- }
- tnHashTblIterDone (pIterKey, pTbl);
- tnHashTblDestroy (pTbl);
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wvTaskNamesBufAdd - add a taskname event to the taskname buffer (WindView)
- *
- * This routine reserves a taskname event by adding it to the buffer used to
- * store a copy of all such events for WindView post-mortem use. The buffer
- * must already have been created with wvTaskNamesPreserve(). If the task ID of
- * the task event being added is already in the table, this routine replaces
- * the existing copy of the event with the one being added.
- *
- *
- * The ID of the buffer is not passed as one of the parameters to this
- * routine because this routine will most likely be called from the event
- * point, which does not have access to the ID at logging time. The other
- * buffer-access routines, such as destroy and upload, require the buffer
- * ID as a parameter, but we use a static copy of the ID here.
- *
- * Because this is called when creating a task, we are not in kernelState
- * nor in an ISR. Therefore, anything goes for getting memory and calling
- * utility functions.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if memory can not be allocated or the
- * task name buffer does not exist.
- *
- */
- STATUS wvTaskNamesBufAdd
- (
- short eventId, /* event values */
- int status,
- int priority,
- int taskLockCount,
- int tid,
- char *name
- )
- {
- TN_EVENT *pEvent; /* struct to hold event */
- TN_EVENT *pReplaced; /* iff replaced instead of added */
- /* Create an event structure to hold the event, and fill it. */
- pEvent = (TN_EVENT *) memPartAlloc (tnHashTbl->memPart, sizeof (TN_EVENT));
- if (pEvent == NULL)
- return (ERROR);
- pEvent->eventId = eventId;
- pEvent->status = status;
- pEvent->priority = priority;
- pEvent->taskLockCount = taskLockCount;
- pEvent->tid = tid;
- pEvent->nameSize = strlen (name);
- pEvent->name = (char *) memPartAlloc (tnHashTbl->memPart, pEvent->nameSize);
- if (pEvent->name == NULL)
- {
- memPartFree (tnHashTbl->memPart, (char *) pEvent);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- strncpy (pEvent->name, name, pEvent->nameSize);
- /*
- * If the tid already exists replace the existing event with this
- * one. Otherwise simply add it. This is the policy of the insert
- * routine.
- */
- pReplaced = NULL;
- if (tnHashTblInsert (tnHashTbl, pEvent, pEvent->tid, pReplaced) == ERROR)
- {
- memPartFree (tnHashTbl->memPart, (char *) pEvent->name);
- memPartFree (tnHashTbl->memPart, (char *) pEvent);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* Check if the event was replaced, and if so free the returned event. */
- if (pReplaced != NULL)
- {
- memPartFree (tnHashTbl->memPart, (char *) pReplaced->name);
- memPartFree (tnHashTbl->memPart, (char *) pReplaced);
- }
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * tnHashTblCreate - create hash table to store reserved task name events
- *
- * This routine creates a hash table that will hold the reserved copy of all
- * task-name events generated by the system after wvTaskNamePreserve is
- * called. The hash table allows easy and fast lookup of the task name events
- * based on a the task ID as a key. It allocates the memory for the buffer
- * from the memory partition identified by memPart.
- *
- * The structure of the hash table is very similar to the tables implemented
- * in hashLib. Below is what this table looks like.
- *
- * .CS
- *
- * --------
- * | size | ---------------------
- * | tbl |---> | 0| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| ...
- * -------- ---------------------
- * |
- * |----------
- * v
- * (dummy headers)
- *
- * -------- -------- --------
- * | next |---------->| next |---------> | next |----------
- * | key=0| | key | | key | |
- * | event|-- | event|--- | event|--- v
- * -------- | -------- | -------- | ---
- * v v v -
- * - ------- -------
- * | ... | | ... |
- * | ... | | ... |
- * | ... | | ... |
- * ------- -------
- *
- * TN_NODE (1)
- * ...
- * TN_NODE [size]
- *
- * .CE
- * The size of the table must be a power of two.
- *
- * RETURNS: TN_HASH_TBL, or error if not enough memory could be allocated
- * to create the structure.
- */
- static TN_HASH_TBL * tnHashTblCreate
- (
- PART_ID memPart, /* the memory partion where buf is placed */
- int tblSize /* size of the table */
- )
- {
- TN_HASH_TBL *pTbl; /* the head of the hash table */
- TN_NODE **pEdge; /* the array making the edge of pTbl */
- int ix; /* counting index */
- int jx; /* counting index */
- /* Create the table struct. */
- pTbl = (TN_HASH_TBL *) memPartAlloc (memPart, sizeof (TN_HASH_TBL));
- if (pTbl == NULL)
- return (NULL);
- /* Create the edge vector of the table. */
- pEdge = (TN_NODE **) memPartAlloc (memPart, tblSize * sizeof (TN_NODE *));
- if (pEdge == NULL)
- return (NULL);
- /* Create and initialize the dummy heads on the linked lists. */
- for (ix=0; ix<tblSize; ++ix)
- {
- pEdge[ix] = (TN_NODE *) memPartAlloc (memPart, sizeof (TN_NODE));
- if (pEdge[ix] == NULL)
- {
- for (jx = 0; jx <= ix; ++jx)
- memPartFree (memPart, (char *) pEdge [ix]);
- memPartFree (memPart, (char *) pEdge);
- memPartFree (memPart, (char *) pTbl);
- return (NULL);
- }
- pEdge[ix]->next = NULL;
- pEdge[ix]->key = 0;
- pEdge[ix]->event = NULL;
- }
- /* Set the size, memPart, and edge vector of the table. */
- pTbl->size = tblSize;
- pTbl->memPart = memPart;
- pTbl->tbl = pEdge;
- return ((TASKBUF_ID) pTbl);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * tnHash - return a unique index into the table based on the tid
- *
- * This is the hashing function for the hash table which reserves a copy
- * of taskname events for windview post-mortem use. The hash function
- * simply returns the value of the key modulo 31 (an arbitrary divisor),
- * masking the bits in the result to the size of the table.
- *
- * RETURNS: an index into the hash table unique to the key
- *
- */
- static int tnHash
- (
- TN_HASH_TBL *tbl, /* provides the size of the tbl */
- int key /* usually the tid */
- )
- {
- FAST int hash;
- hash = key % 31;
- return (hash & (tbl->size - 1));
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * tnHashTblInsert - add a node to the hash table
- *
- * This routine inserts a node into the hash table that is used as the
- * taskname event buffer. It replaces the node if the key already exists
- * in the table. If the node was replaced, the replaced node is returned
- * in pReplacedEvent, otherwise this value will be set to NULL. This
- * provides an easy way to let the caller free that memory.
- *
- * The hash table is described in the function header of tnHashTblCreate.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if failed to allocate memory from the partition
- *
- */
- static STATUS tnHashTblInsert
- (
- TN_HASH_TBL *pTbl, /* the hash table to add to */
- TN_EVENT *pEvent, /* the event data to add */
- int key, /* this is part of the data */
- TN_EVENT *pReplacedEvent /* replaced event iff exists */
- )
- {
- int hashIx; /* hash tbl index for insert */
- TN_NODE *pHead; /* dummy head node at hashIx */
- TN_NODE *pNewNode; /* the node to be inserted */
- TN_NODE *pCurNode; /* for updating the table */
- TN_NODE *pPrevNode; /* same */
- BOOL found; /* true iff the node already exists */
- if (pTbl == NULL)
- return (ERROR);
- /* Get the hash index. */
- hashIx = tnHash (pTbl, key);
- pHead = pTbl->tbl [hashIx];
- /* Try to find the key in the table. */
- found = FALSE;
- pCurNode = pHead->next;
- pPrevNode = pHead;
- while (!found && pCurNode != NULL)
- {
- if (pCurNode->key == key)
- {
- found = TRUE;
- }
- else
- {
- pPrevNode = pCurNode;
- pCurNode = pCurNode->next;
- }
- }
- if (found)
- {
- /*
- * If the key was found, pCurNode is pointing to the node we need
- * to replace, but it is only necessary to replace the data and key.
- */
- pReplacedEvent = pCurNode->event;
- pCurNode->key = key;
- pCurNode->event = pEvent;
- }
- else
- {
- /*
- * Otherwise, we didn't find the key in the table. Make a new node
- * and insert it.
- */
- pReplacedEvent = NULL;
- pNewNode = (TN_NODE *) memPartAlloc (pTbl->memPart, sizeof (TN_NODE));
- if (pNewNode == NULL)
- return (ERROR);
- pNewNode->event = pEvent;
- pNewNode->next = NULL;
- pNewNode->key = key;
- /*
- * pCurNode is always null at this point, pPrevNode->next should be
- * updated to point to the new node.
- */
- pPrevNode->next = pNewNode;
- }
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * tnHashTblIterInit - initialize an iterator key for the taskname hash table
- *
- * This routine intializes and returns the iterKey, used when calling
- * tnHashTblIterNext, to iterate over all the nodes in the table. The iterKey
- * is initialized to start interating at the beginning of the table.
- *
- * RETURNS: pointer to a TN_ITER_KEY, or NULL if no memory can be gotten for
- * it or for an invalid hash table
- *
- */
- static TN_ITER_KEY *tnHashTblIterInit
- (
- TN_HASH_TBL *pTbl /* the hash table the key will be used on */
- )
- {
- TN_ITER_KEY *pIterKey;
- if (pTbl == NULL)
- return (NULL);
- /*
- * We should be using a memory region in the main system memory partition
- * to hold the iterator key, since, if we try to upload a post-mortem log
- * immediately following a reboot, we don't want to try to allocate new
- * areas of memory in the post-mortem region which should be left
- * untouched until the upload is complete (SPR 21350)
- */
- pIterKey = (TN_ITER_KEY *) malloc (sizeof (TN_ITER_KEY));
- if (pIterKey == NULL)
- return (NULL);
- pIterKey->index = 0;
- pIterKey->pCur = pTbl->tbl[0]->next;
- return (pIterKey);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * tnHashTblIterDone - destroy an iterator key for the taskname hash table
- *
- * This routine frees the memory associated with an iterator key that was
- * created with tnHashTblIterInit.
- *
- *
- */
- static void tnHashTblIterDone
- (
- TN_ITER_KEY *pIterKey, /* iter key to destroy */
- TN_HASH_TBL *pTbl /* hash table the key belongs to */
- )
- {
- if (pTbl != NULL)
- free ((char *) pIterKey);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * tnHashTblIterNext - iterator routine, returns next node in hash table
- *
- * This routine is used to access each node stored in the hash table. A
- * pointer to the node is returned as the value of the function. An iterator
- * key (pIterKey) is passed into and out of this function in order to store
- * where in the table to go next.
- *
- * The iterator key can be obtained by calling tnHashTblIterInit.
- *
- * The order of nodes returned is from the first to last element in the edge
- * vector of the table (hashTbl->tbl), and then from beginning to end of
- * each linked list pointed to by the element.
- *
- * RETURN: pointer to next node if one exists, NULL if no more events exist
- * in the table
- */
- static TN_NODE *tnHashTblIterNext
- (
- TN_HASH_TBL *pTbl, /* the table to iterate over */
- TN_ITER_KEY *pIterKey /* iterator key */
- )
- {
- TN_NODE *pRetNode; /* node to return */
- if (pTbl == NULL)
- return (NULL);
- /* Find the next node that isn't a dummy header. */
- pRetNode = NULL;
- while (pRetNode == NULL && pIterKey->index < pTbl->size)
- {
- if (pIterKey->pCur == NULL)
- {
- ++pIterKey->index;
- pIterKey->pCur = pTbl->tbl [pIterKey->index]->next;
- }
- else
- {
- pRetNode = pIterKey->pCur;
- pIterKey->pCur = pIterKey->pCur->next;
- }
- }
- return (pRetNode);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * tnHashTblIterNextEvent - returns the next event in the taskname hash table
- *
- * This is exactly like tnHashTblIterNext, but this simply returns the event
- * hanging off the node that tnHashTblIterNext would return. This keep the
- * data independent of the storage mechanism.
- *
- * RETURN: pointer to next event if one exists, NULL if no more events exist
- * in the table
- */
- static TN_EVENT *tnHashTblIterNextEvent
- (
- TN_HASH_TBL *pTbl, /* the table to iterate over */
- TN_ITER_KEY *pIterKey /* iterator key */
- )
- {
- TN_NODE *pNode;
- if ((pNode = tnHashTblIterNext (pTbl, pIterKey)) == NULL)
- return (NULL);
- return (pNode->event);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * tnHashTblDestroy - frees all memory associated with a taskname hash table
- *
- * This routine frees all the memory associated with a taskname hash table.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if invalid hash table
- *
- * In post mortem mode, it is possible after a reboot, to download a post-mortem
- * log from the user reserved memory area. In this case, the hash table will
- * exist, but vxWorks knowledge of the memory partition will have been lost in
- * the reboot. The old (defunct) part id which is held in the hash table
- * (pTbl->memPart) is invalid as far as vxWorks is concerned and any attempt to
- * memPartFree it will actually result in the area of memory being returned to
- * the system's free pool. This leaves a region of memory in the user reserved
- * area linked into the main system free pool. The system would then attempt to
- * use this for its own purposes.
- * Then, when the user hits GO for a new WindView collection, UITcl will
- * create it's post mortem memory partition to take up the whole of user
- * reserved memory, including the bit that the system has just stolen for itself
- * which will then get overwritten, resulting in a target crash.
- *
- * The solution to this is to define an identifer pmPartId which is set
- * by UITcl when the PM Partition is created. This is in normal memory and will
- * be zeroed on reboot. This can be used here to detect if the hash table has
- * been memPartAlloc'd during this reboot and can therefore be safely
- * memPartFree'd
- *
- */
- static STATUS tnHashTblDestroy
- (
- )
- {
- int ix; /* counting index */
- TN_ITER_KEY *pIterKey; /* key to iterate over hash table */
- TN_NODE *pNode; /* current node to be freed */
- if (pmPartId != NULL)
- {
- if (pTbl == NULL)
- return (ERROR);
- /*
- * It is only possible to free the nodes as they are returned from
- * tnHashTblIterNext, because pIterKey does not refer back to a node
- * that may be getting freed. This is only coincidental, but it makes
- * this routine much simpler.
- */
- if ((pIterKey = tnHashTblIterInit (pTbl)) == NULL)
- return (ERROR);
- while ((pNode = tnHashTblIterNext (pTbl, pIterKey)) != NULL)
- {
- memPartFree (pTbl->memPart, (char *) pNode->event->name);
- memPartFree (pTbl->memPart, (char *) pNode->event);
- memPartFree (pTbl->memPart, (char *) pNode);
- }
- tnHashTblIterDone (pIterKey, pTbl);
- /* Free the dummy linked-list headers at each index of the table. */
- for (ix = 0; ix < pTbl->size; ++ix)
- memPartFree (pTbl->memPart, (char *) pTbl->tbl [ix]);
- /* Now free up the edge vector and then the table itself. */
- memPartFree (pTbl->memPart, (char *) pTbl->tbl);
- memPartFree (pTbl->memPart, (char *) pTbl);
- }
- return (OK);
- }