- /* smNameLib.c - shared memory objects name database library (VxMP Option) */
- /* Copyright 1984-2002 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01k,03may02,mas cache flush and volatile fix (SPR 68334); bridge flush fix
- (SPR 68844)
- 01j,24oct01,mas fixed gnu warnings (SPR 71113) and diab warnings (SPR 71120);
- doc update (SPR 71149)
- 01i,30mar99,jdi doc: fixed bad table style that refgen can't cope with.
- 01h,14mar99,jdi doc: removed refs to config.h and/or configAll.h (SPR 25663).
- 01g,12mar99,p_m Fixed SPR 20159 by adding missing parameters in examples.
- 01f,14feb93,jdi documentation cleanup for 5.1.
- 01e,29jan93,pme added little endian support.
- modified name facility initialized test.
- changed name copying to use strcpy().
- 01d,21nov92,jdi documentation cleanup.
- 01c,02oct92,pme added SPARC support. documentation cleanup.
- 01b,29sep92,pme changed function names for coherency.
- cleanup.
- changed previous release number to 01a.
- 01a,19jul92,pme moved smNameInfoGet() and smNameShow to smNameShow.c
- code review cleanup.
- added smNameInfoGet ().
- written.
- */
- /*
- This library provides facilities for managing the shared memory objects
- name database. The shared memory objects name database associates a name
- and object type with a value and makes that information available to all
- CPUs. A name is an arbitrary, null-terminated string. An object
- type is a small integer, and its value is a global (shared) ID or
- a global shared memory address.
- Names are added to the shared memory name database with smNameAdd(). They
- are removed by smNameRemove().
- Objects in the database can be accessed by either name or value. The
- routine smNameFind() searches the shared memory name database for an
- object of a specified name. The routine smNameFindByValue() searches the
- shared memory name database for an object of a specified identifier or
- address.
- Name database contents can be viewed using smNameShow().
- The maximum number of names to be entered in the database is defined in the
- configuration parameter SM_OBJ_MAX_NAME . This value is used to determine
- the size of a dedicated shared memory partition from which name database
- fields are allocated.
- The estimated memory size required for the name database can be calculated as
- follows:
- cs
- name database pool size = SM_OBJ_MAX_NAME * 40 (bytes)
- ce
- The display facility for the shared memory objects name database is provided by
- the smNameShow module.
- The following code fragment allows a task on one CPU to enter the
- name, associated ID, and type of a created shared semaphore into
- the name database. Note that CPU numbers can belong to any CPU using the
- shared memory objects facility.
- On CPU 1 :
- cs
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "semLib.h"
- #include "smNameLib.h"
- #include "semSmLib.h"
- #include "stdio.h"
- testSmSem1 (void)
- {
- SEM_ID smSemId;
- /@ create a shared semaphore @/
- if ((smSemId = semBSmCreate(SEM_Q_FIFO, SEM_EMPTY)) == NULL)
- {
- printf ("Shared semaphore creation error.");
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /@
- * make created semaphore Id available to all CPUs in
- * the system by entering its name in shared name database.
- @/
- if (smNameAdd ("smSem", smSemId, T_SM_SEM_B) != OK )
- {
- printf ("Cannot add smSem into shared database.");
- return (ERROR);
- }
- ...
- /@ now use the semaphore @/
- semGive (smSemId);
- ...
- }
- ce
- On CPU 2 :
- cs
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "semLib.h"
- #include "smNameLib.h"
- #include "stdio.h"
- testSmSem2 (void)
- {
- SEM_ID smSemId;
- int objType; /@ place holder for smNameFind() object type @/
- /@ get semaphore ID from name database @/
- smNameFind ("smSem", (void **) &smSemId, &objType, WAIT_FOREVER);
- ...
- /@ now that we have the shared semaphore ID, take it @/
- semTake (smSemId, WAIT_FOREVER);
- ...
- }
- ce
- The data base is protected against concurrent access by a shared binary
- semaphore. Each routine in this library provides task deletion safety
- while holding the database semaphore to prevent database access lock.
- Shared name database is based on a doubly linked list created during
- shared memory objects initialization. A doubly linked list is used to allow
- future extensions like alphabeticaly ordered database and global management
- speed up. Each database field requires 44 bytes and is allocated from the
- shared memory name database pool using smMemPartAlloc(). Names are added in
- FIFO order to the list. The search for a name or a value is done by scanning
- the list from first to last node.
- Before routines in this library can be called, the shared memory object
- facility must be initialized by calling usrSmObjInit().
- This is done automatically during VxWorks initialization when the component
- INCLUDE_SM_OBJ is included.
- This module is distributed as a component of the unbundled shared memory
- objects support option, VxMP.
- INCLUDE FILES: smNameLib.h
- SEE ALSO: smNameShow, smObjLib, smObjShow, usrSmObjInit(),
- tb VxWorks Programmer's Guide: Shared Memory Objects
- */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "errno.h"
- #include "semLib.h"
- #include "string.h"
- #include "taskLib.h"
- #include "cacheLib.h"
- #include "smDllLib.h"
- #include "smObjLib.h"
- #include "smMemLib.h"
- #include "netinet/in.h"
- #include "private/smNameLibP.h"
- #include "private/smMemLibP.h"
- /* forward declarations */
- LOCAL STATUS smNameFindOnce (char * name, void ** pValue, int * pType);
- /* globals */
- SM_OBJ_NAME_DB volatile * pSmNameDb; /* pointer to name database header */
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * smNameLibInit - dummy function to drag in smNameLib
- *
- * This routine is required to reference the shared name library
- * during linking.
- *
- */
- void smNameLibInit(void)
- {
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * smNameInit - initialize the shared memory objects name database
- *
- * This routine initializes the shared memory objects name facility by filling
- * reserved fields in the shared memory header.
- *
- * It is called during shared memory objects setup if the configuration
- * macro INCLUDE_SM_OBJ is defined.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if database cannot be initialized.
- *
- * ERRNO:
- *
- * SEE ALSO: smNameLib
- *
- */
- STATUS smNameInit
- (
- int maxNames /* max # of names in database */
- )
- {
- if ((pSmObjHdr == NULL) || !(pSmObjHdr->initDone)) /* smObj initialized?*/
- {
- errno = S_smObjLib_NOT_INITIALIZED;
- return (ERROR);
- }
- pSmNameDb = &pSmObjHdr->nameDtb; /* get name database header */
- /* initialize name data base shared semaphore */
- semSmBInit ((SM_SEM_ID)&pSmNameDb->sem, SEM_Q_FIFO, SEM_FULL);
- smDllInit ((SM_DL_LIST *)&pSmNameDb->nameList); /* initialise name list */
- pSmNameDb->maxName = htonl (maxNames); /* fill header */
- pSmNameDb->curNumName = 0;
- pSmNameDb->initDone = htonl (TRUE); /* name facility initialized*/
- maxNames = pSmNameDb->maxName; /* BRIDGE FLUSH [SPR 68334] */
- return (OK);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * smNameAdd - add a name to the shared memory name database (VxMP Option)
- *
- * This routine adds a name of specified object type and value to the shared
- * memory objects name database.
- *
- * The <name> parameter is an arbitrary null-terminated string with a
- * maximum of 20 characters, including EOS.
- *
- * By convention, <type> values of less than 0x1000 are reserved by VxWorks;
- * all other values are user definable. The following types are predefined
- * in smNameLib.h :
- *
- * ts
- * Name | Value | Type
- * -------------+-------+-------------------------------
- * T_SM_SEM_B | = 0 | shared binary semaphore
- * T_SM_SEM_C | = 1 | shared counting semaphore
- * T_SM_MSG_Q | = 2 | shared message queue
- * T_SM_PART_ID | = 3 | shared memory Partition
- * T_SM_BLOCK | = 4 | shared memory allocated block
- * te
- *
- * A name can be entered only once in the database, but there can be more
- * than one name associated with an object ID.
- *
- * This routine is distributed as a component of the unbundled shared memory
- * objects support option, VxMP.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if there is insufficient memory for <name> to be
- * allocated, if <name> is already in the database, or if the database is
- * already full.
- *
- * ERRNO:
- * S_smNameLib_NAME_TOO_LONG
- *
- * SEE ALSO: smNameShow
- *
- * Database fields are allocated from a dedicated shared memory partition
- * called smNamePartId.
- */
- STATUS smNameAdd
- (
- char * name, /* name string to enter in database */
- void * value, /* value associated with name */
- int type /* type associated with name */
- )
- {
- SM_OBJ_NAME volatile * smName; /* name database field pointer */
- void * dummyValue; /* dummy value to call smNameFindOnce*/
- int dummyType; /* dummy type to call smNameFindOnce */
- int tmp; /* temp storage */
- if (pSmNameDb == NULL) /* name facility initialized ? */
- {
- errno = S_smNameLib_NOT_INITIALIZED;
- return (ERROR);
- }
- tmp = pSmNameDb->maxName; /* PCI bug [SPR 68844] */
- if (pSmNameDb->maxName == pSmNameDb->curNumName) /* database full ? */
- {
- errno = S_smNameLib_DATABASE_FULL;
- return (ERROR);
- }
- if (strlen (name) > MAX_NAME_LENGTH) /* name too long */
- {
- errno = S_smNameLib_NAME_TOO_LONG;
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* check if name already in database */
- if (smNameFindOnce (name, &dummyValue, &dummyType) == OK)
- {
- errno = S_smNameLib_NAME_ALREADY_EXIST;
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* get exclusive access to DB */
- if (semSmTake ((SM_SEM_ID)&pSmNameDb->sem, WAIT_FOREVER) != OK)
- {
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* allocate space for name in dedicated shared memory partition */
- smName = (SM_OBJ_NAME volatile *) smMemPartAlloc ((SM_PART_ID)smNamePartId,
- sizeof(SM_OBJ_NAME));
- if (smName == NULL)
- {
- semSmGive ((SM_SEM_ID)&pSmNameDb->sem); /* release access */
- return (ERROR);
- }
- bzero ((char *) smName, sizeof(SM_OBJ_NAME)); /* clear element */
- smName->value = (void *) htonl ((int) value); /* fill element */
- strcpy ((char *) smName->name, name);
- smName->type = htonl (type);
- dummyType = smName->type; /* BRIDGE FLUSH [SPR 68334] */
- smDllAdd ((SM_DL_LIST *) &pSmNameDb->nameList, (SM_DL_NODE *) smName);
- /* add element to list */
- /* update element number */
- pSmNameDb->curNumName = htonl (ntohl (pSmNameDb->curNumName) + 1);
- /* update shared infos data */
- pSmObjHdr->curNumName = htonl (ntohl (pSmObjHdr->curNumName) + 1);
- dummyType = smName->type; /* BRIDGE FLUSH [SPR 68334] */
- if (semSmGive ((SM_SEM_ID)&pSmNameDb->sem) != OK) /* release access */
- {
- return (ERROR);
- }
- return (OK);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * smNameFindOnce - look up a shared symbol by name one time
- *
- * This routine searches the shared name database for an object matching a
- * specified name <name>. If the object is found, its value and type are copied
- * to <pValue> and <pType>.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if the object is not found.
- *
- * ERRNO:
- * S_smNameLib_NAME_NOT_FOUND
- *
- */
- LOCAL STATUS smNameFindOnce
- (
- char * name, /* name to search for */
- void ** pValue, /* pointer where to return value */
- int * pType /* pointer where to return object type */
- )
- {
- SM_OBJ_NAME volatile * smName; /* name database field pointer */
- if (semSmTake ((SM_SEM_ID)&pSmNameDb->sem, WAIT_FOREVER) != OK)
- { /* get exclusive access */
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* get first name in database */
- smName = (SM_OBJ_NAME volatile *) SM_DL_FIRST (&pSmNameDb->nameList);
- /* scan name list until name is found or end of list is reached */
- while (smName != LOC_NULL)
- {
- if (strcmp((char *)smName->name, name) == 0) /* name found */
- {
- *pValue = (void *) ntohl ((int) smName->value);/* return value */
- *pType = ntohl (smName->type); /* return object type */
- if (semSmGive ((SM_SEM_ID)&pSmNameDb->sem) != OK)
- { /* release access */
- return (ERROR);
- }
- return (OK);
- }
- /* get next name in list */
- smName = (SM_OBJ_NAME volatile *) SM_DL_NEXT (smName);
- }
- if (semSmGive ((SM_SEM_ID)&pSmNameDb->sem) != OK) /* release access */
- {
- return (ERROR);
- }
- errno = S_smNameLib_NAME_NOT_FOUND;
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * smNameFind - look up a shared memory object by name (VxMP Option)
- *
- * This routine searches the shared memory objects name database for an object
- * matching a specified <name>. If the object is found, its value and type
- * are copied to the addresses pointed to by <pValue> and <pType>. The value of
- * <waitType> can be one of the following:
- * is
- * i `NO_WAIT (0)'
- * The call returns immediately, even if <name> is not in the database.
- * i `WAIT_FOREVER (-1)'
- * The call returns only when <name> is available in the database. If <name>
- * is not already in, the database is scanned periodically as the routine
- * waits for <name> to be entered.
- * ie
- *
- * This routine is distributed as a component of the unbundled shared memory
- * objects support option, VxMP.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if the object is not found, if <name> is too long, or
- * the wait type is invalid.
- *
- * ERRNO:
- * S_smNameLib_NAME_TOO_LONG
- * S_smNameLib_NAME_NOT_FOUND
- *
- * SEE ALSO: smNameShow
- */
- STATUS smNameFind
- (
- char * name, /* name to search for */
- void ** pValue, /* pointer where to return value */
- int * pType, /* pointer where to return object type */
- int waitType /* NO_WAIT or WAIT_FOREVER */
- )
- {
- BOOL found;
- if (pSmNameDb == NULL) /* name facility initialized ? */
- {
- errno = S_smNameLib_NOT_INITIALIZED;
- return (ERROR);
- }
- if (strlen (name) > MAX_NAME_LENGTH) /* name too long */
- {
- errno = S_smNameLib_NAME_TOO_LONG;
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /*
- * Now if waitType is NO_WAIT, look for name in database once
- * an return OK if name is found or ERROR if not found.
- * if waitType is WAIT_FOREVER, do a loop until name is entered
- * in the database by another task.
- * In order to avoid CPU and BUS over use we use taskDelay (1) to
- * delay and reschedule between each loop.
- */
- switch (waitType)
- {
- case NO_WAIT :
- {
- return (smNameFindOnce (name, pValue, pType));
- }
- {
- do
- {
- found = smNameFindOnce (name, pValue, pType);
- /* look for name in database */
- /* ERROR not because name is not in database */
- if ((found == ERROR) && (errno != S_smNameLib_NAME_NOT_FOUND))
- {
- return (ERROR);
- }
- taskDelay (1); /* force reschedule */
- } while (found != OK);
- return (found);
- }
- default :
- {
- errno = S_smNameLib_INVALID_WAIT_TYPE;
- return (ERROR);
- }
- }
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * smNameFindByValueOnce - look up a shared symbol by value one time
- *
- * This routine searches the shared name database for an object matching a
- * specified identifier. If the object is found, its name and type are copied
- * to <name> and <pType>.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if the object is not found.
- *
- * ERRNO:
- *
- */
- LOCAL STATUS smNameFindByValueOnce
- (
- void * value, /* value to search for */
- char * name, /* pointer where to return name */
- int * pType /* pointer where to return object type */
- )
- {
- SM_OBJ_NAME volatile * smName;
- if (semSmTake ((SM_SEM_ID)&pSmNameDb->sem, WAIT_FOREVER) != OK)
- { /* get exclusive access */
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* get first name in list */
- smName = (SM_OBJ_NAME volatile *) SM_DL_FIRST (&pSmNameDb->nameList);
- /* scan name list until id is found or end of list reached */
- while (smName != LOC_NULL)
- {
- if ((void *) ntohl ((int) smName->value) == value)/* value found */
- {
- /* copy name and type */
- strcpy (name, (char *) smName->name);
- *pType = ntohl (smName->type);
- if (semSmGive ((SM_SEM_ID)&pSmNameDb->sem) != OK)
- { /* release access */
- return (ERROR);
- }
- return (OK);
- }
- /* get next name in list */
- smName = (SM_OBJ_NAME volatile *) SM_DL_NEXT (smName);
- }
- if (semSmGive ((SM_SEM_ID)&pSmNameDb->sem) != OK) /* release access */
- {
- return (ERROR);
- }
- errno = S_smNameLib_VALUE_NOT_FOUND;
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * smNameFindByValue - look up a shared memory object by value (VxMP Option)
- *
- * This routine searches the shared memory name database for an object matching
- * a specified value. If the object is found, its name and type are copied
- * to the addresses pointed to by <name> and <pType>. The value of <waitType>
- * can be one of the following:
- *
- * is
- * i `NO_WAIT (0)'
- * The call returns immediately, even if the object value is not in the database.
- * i `WAIT_FOREVER (-1)'
- * The call returns only when the object value is available in the database.
- * ie
- *
- * This routine is distributed as a component of the unbundled shared memory
- * objects support option, VxMP.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if <value> is not found or if the wait type is invalid.
- *
- * ERRNO:
- *
- * SEE ALSO: smNameShow
- */
- STATUS smNameFindByValue
- (
- void * value, /* value to search for */
- char * name, /* pointer where to return name */
- int * pType, /* pointer where to return object type */
- int waitType /* NO_WAIT or WAIT_FOREVER */
- )
- {
- BOOL found;
- if (pSmNameDb == NULL) /* name facility initialized ? */
- {
- errno = S_smNameLib_NOT_INITIALIZED;
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /*
- * Now if waitType is NO_WAIT, look for id in database once
- * an return OK if id is found or ERROR if not found.
- * if waitType is WAIT_FOREVER, do a loop until id is entered
- * in the database by another task.
- * In order to avoid CPU and BUS over use we use taskDelay (1) to
- * delay and reschedule between each loop.
- */
- switch (waitType)
- {
- case NO_WAIT :
- {
- return (smNameFindByValueOnce (value, name, pType));
- }
- {
- do
- {
- found = smNameFindByValueOnce (value, name, pType);
- /* look for name in database */
- /* ERROR not because id is not in database */
- if ((found == ERROR) && (errno != S_smNameLib_VALUE_NOT_FOUND))
- {
- return (ERROR);
- }
- taskDelay (1); /* force reschedule */
- }while (found != OK);
- return (found);
- }
- default :
- {
- errno = S_smNameLib_INVALID_WAIT_TYPE;
- return (ERROR);
- }
- }
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * smNameRemove - remove an object from the shared memory objects name database (VxMP Option)
- *
- * This routine removes an object called <name> from the shared memory objects
- * name database.
- *
- * This routine is distributed as a component of the unbundled shared memory
- * objects support option, VxMP.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if the object name is not in the database or if
- * <name> is too long.
- *
- * ERRNO:
- * S_smNameLib_NAME_TOO_LONG
- * S_smNameLib_NAME_NOT_FOUND
- *
- * SEE ALSO: smNameShow
- */
- STATUS smNameRemove
- (
- char * name /* name of object to remove */
- )
- {
- SM_OBJ_NAME volatile * smName;
- int temp; /* value for bus bridge flush */
- if (pSmNameDb == NULL) /* name facility initialized ? */
- {
- errno = S_smNameLib_NOT_INITIALIZED;
- return (ERROR);
- }
- if (strlen (name) > MAX_NAME_LENGTH) /* name too long */
- {
- errno = S_smNameLib_NAME_TOO_LONG;
- return (ERROR);
- }
- TASK_SAFE (); /* get exclusive access */
- if (semSmTake ((SM_SEM_ID)&pSmNameDb->sem, WAIT_FOREVER) != OK)
- {
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* get first name in list */
- smName = (SM_OBJ_NAME volatile *) SM_DL_FIRST (&pSmNameDb->nameList);
- /* loop until name is found or end of list */
- while (smName != LOC_NULL)
- {
- if (strcmp((char *)smName->name, name) == 0) /* name found */
- {
- smDllRemove ((SM_DL_LIST *)&pSmNameDb->nameList,
- (SM_DL_NODE *)smName);
- smMemPartFree ((SM_PART_ID)smNamePartId, (char *) smName);
- /* update element number */
- pSmNameDb->curNumName = htonl (ntohl (pSmNameDb->curNumName) - 1);
- /* update shared infos data */
- pSmObjHdr->curNumName = htonl (ntohl (pSmObjHdr->curNumName) - 1);
- temp = pSmNameDb->curNumName; /* BRIDGE FLUSH [SPR 68334] */
- if (semSmGive ((SM_SEM_ID)&pSmNameDb->sem) != OK)
- { /* release access */
- return (ERROR);
- }
- return (OK);
- }
- /* get next name in list */
- smName = (SM_OBJ_NAME volatile *) SM_DL_NEXT (smName);
- }
- if (semSmGive ((SM_SEM_ID)&pSmNameDb->sem) != OK) /* release access */
- {
- return (ERROR);
- }
- errno = S_smNameLib_NAME_NOT_FOUND;
- return (ERROR);
- }