- /* database.c - DHCP server data retrieval code */
- /* Copyright 1984 - 2002 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- #include "copyright_wrs.h"
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01o,07may02,wap Put debug messages under DHCPS_DEBUG (SPR #76495)
- 01n,29oct01,wap Fix use of get_integer() with htons()/htonl() (SPR #34808)
- 01m,12oct01,rae merge from truestack ver 01n, base 01j
- SPRs 69547, 65163, 33576
- 01l,24oct00,spm fixed modification history after tor3_x merge
- 01k,23oct00,niq merged from version 01l of tor3_x branch (base version 01j)
- 01j,17dec97,spm fixed byte order of address-based loop boundaries (SPR #20056)
- 01i,04dec97,spm added code review modifications
- 01h,06oct97,spm added newlines and component labels to default output
- 01g,26aug97,spm modified comments for all routines
- 01f,02jun97,spm added test for optional storage routine and updated man pages
- 01e,08may97,spm corrected use of storage routines, removed memory leak, and
- documented shutdown of server
- 01d,30apr97,spm added missing START call to DHCPS_LEASE_HOOK storage routine
- 01c,18apr97,spm added conditional include DHCPS_DEBUG for displayed output
- 01b,08apr97,spm corrected byte ordering when adding MTU plateau table option
- 01a,07apr97,spm created by modifying WIDE project DHCP implementation
- */
- /*
- This library contains the code used by the DHCP server to access permanent
- storage through two optional function hooks provided by the user.
- The function specified by dhcpsAddressHookAdd() is used to store and retrieve
- address pool entries which are added by the user with dhcpsLeaseEntryAdd().
- This capability allows the user to bypass the static table definition and
- add entries without recompiling the runtime image. If the storage hook is
- not provided, only the address pool entries contained in the static tables
- will be retained across server reboots. As a result, any client using other
- address pool entries will be unable to renew its lease.
- The second storage hook, specified by dhcpsLeaseHookAdd(), is much more
- critical. It is used to store and retrieve the subset of address pool entries
- which have been offered to a client, or are currently in use. If this storage
- hook is not provided, the server might issue network addresses which are
- already in use, causing unpredictable results.
- INCLUDE_FILES: dhcpsLib.h
- */
- /*
- * WIDE Project DHCP Implementation
- * Copyright (c) 1995 Akihiro Tominaga
- * Copyright (c) 1995 WIDE Project
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
- * documentation is hereby granted, provided only with the following
- * conditions are satisfied:
- *
- * 1. Both the copyright notice and this permission notice appear in
- * all copies of the software, derivative works or modified versions,
- * and any portions thereof, and that both notices appear in
- * supporting documentation.
- * 2. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software
- * must display the following acknowledgement:
- * This product includes software developed by WIDE Project and
- * its contributors.
- * 3. Neither the name of WIDE Project nor the names of its contributors
- * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
- * without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * Feedback of the results generated from any improvements or
- * extensions made to this software would be much appreciated.
- * Any such feedback should be sent to:
- *
- * Akihiro Tominaga
- * WIDE Project
- * Keio University, Endo 5322, Kanagawa, Japan
- * (E-mail:
- *
- * WIDE project has the rights to redistribute these changes.
- */
- /* includes */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <netinet/in.h>
- #include <arpa/inet.h>
- #include <inetLib.h>
- #include <logLib.h>
- #include "dhcp/dhcp.h"
- #include "dhcp/common.h"
- #include "dhcpsLib.h"
- #include "dhcp/hash.h"
- #include "dhcp/database.h"
- /* global variables for both virtual stack and regular stack */
- IMPORT long dhcps_dflt_lease; /* Default for default lease length. */
- IMPORT long dhcps_max_lease; /* Default for maximum lease length. */
- /* globals */
- struct hash_tbl cidhashtable;
- struct hash_tbl iphashtable;
- struct hash_tbl nmhashtable;
- struct hash_tbl relayhashtable;
- struct hash_tbl paramhashtable;
- struct hash_member *bindlist;
- struct hash_member *reslist;
- #else
- #include "netinet/vsLib.h"
- #include "netinet/vsDhcps.h"
- #endif /* VIRTUAL_STACK */
- IMPORT void dhcpsFreeResource (struct dhcp_resource *);
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * dump_bind_db - write all active bindings to permanent storage
- *
- * This routine takes a snapshot of the linked list which contains the
- * descriptors for each active or pending lease. It calls a hook routine,
- * supplied by the user, to record these entries in permanent storage. This
- * storage is required to maintain the consistency of the server data
- * structures and is the key to the integrity of the entire DHCP protocol.
- *
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- void dump_bind_db (void)
- {
- struct hash_member *bindptr = NULL;
- STATUS result;
- if (dhcpsLeaseHookRtn == NULL)
- return;
- result = (* dhcpsLeaseHookRtn) (DHCPS_STORAGE_STOP, NULL, 0);
- if (result != OK)
- {
- logMsg ("Warning: cannot close the binding database.n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- return;
- }
- /* Remove old values. */
- result = (* dhcpsLeaseHookRtn) (DHCPS_STORAGE_CLEAR, NULL, 0);
- if (result != OK)
- {
- logMsg ("Warning: cannot clear the binding database.n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- return;
- }
- result = (* dhcpsLeaseHookRtn) (DHCPS_STORAGE_START, NULL, 0);
- if (result != OK)
- {
- logMsg ("Warning: cannot open the binding database.n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- return;
- }
- bindptr = bindlist;
- while (bindptr != NULL)
- {
- dump_bind_entry(bindptr->data);
- bindptr = bindptr->next;
- }
- return;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * dump_bind_entry - write a binding record to permanent storage
- *
- * This routine calls a hook routine, supplied by the user, to store the entry
- * for an active lease. The stored entry takes the following form:
- *
- * <client ID>:<subnet number>:<H/W address>:<expiration time>:<entry name>
- *
- * where the entry name identifies the corresponding entry in the address pool.
- *
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- void dump_bind_entry
- (
- struct dhcp_binding * bp /* binding record to add to storage */
- )
- {
- char tmp [30]; /* Maximum length of quoted date string. */
- char new_entry [100]; /*
- * Maximum length of entry -
- * type/ID, subnet, hardware address,
- * expiration time, and entry name.
- */
- /*
- * Do not store incomplete or static entries. Incomplete entries result
- * when the corresponding address fails an ICMP check, indicating
- * it is in use by an unknown client. A static binding entry is
- * created for each manual lease in the address pool. Since they
- * implicitly provide an infinite lease to a specific client, storage
- * of their current state is meaningless.
- */
- if ( (bp->flag & COMPLETE_ENTRY) == 0 || (bp->flag & STATIC_ENTRY) != 0)
- return;
- /* Convert the data structure into a formatted string. */
- sprintf (new_entry, "%s:", cidtos (&bp->cid, 1));
- sprintf (tmp, "%s:", haddrtos (&bp->haddr));
- strcat (new_entry, tmp);
- if (bp->expire_epoch == 0xffffffff)
- {
- if (bp->flag & BOOTP_ENTRY)
- sprintf(tmp, ""bootp":");
- else
- sprintf(tmp, ""infinity":");
- }
- else if (bp->expire_epoch == 0)
- sprintf(tmp, """:");
- else
- {
- sprintf (tmp, ""%s", (char *)ctime (&bp->expire_epoch));
- /* Replace 'n' added by ctime() with the closing quote. */
- tmp [strlen (tmp) - 1] = '"';
- strcat (tmp, ":"); /* Append field delimiter. */
- }
- strcat (new_entry, tmp);
- sprintf (tmp, "%sn", bp->res_name);
- strcat (new_entry, tmp);
- /* Call the user-supplied storage hook to save the entry. */
- (* dhcpsLeaseHookRtn) (DHCPS_STORAGE_WRITE, new_entry, strlen (new_entry));
- return;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * finish - cleanup and remove data structures before exiting
- *
- * This "routine" contains the functions needed for an orderly shutdown of
- * the server task. The dump_bind_db() routine stores a snapshot of all active
- * leases and dhcpsCleanup() removes the installed packet filter device and all
- * dynamically allocated memory. In the original code, this routine was
- * triggered by SIGTERM or SIGINT. This is not a working example, since
- * the server task created at system startup is not removed. The code is not
- * included in the DHCP release.
- *
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- /* void finish (void)
- {
- dump_bind_db ();
- dhcpsCleanup (6);
- /@ Instead of exit(), the entry point of the server task should return. @/
- exit (0);
- }
- */
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * add_bind - record lease offers and active leases
- *
- * This routine stores the pending offers and active leases in the internal
- * linked list. The contents of the list are periodically written to permanent
- * storage by the dump_bind_db() routine defined above.
- *
- * RETURNS: 0 if successful, or -1 on memory allocation error.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- int add_bind
- (
- struct dhcp_binding * bind /* binding record to store in memory */
- )
- {
- struct hash_member *bindptr;
- extern struct hash_member *bindlist;
- #endif
- bindptr = (struct hash_member *)calloc (1, sizeof (struct hash_member));
- if (bindptr == NULL)
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- logMsg ("Warning: memory allocation error adding binding.n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- return (-1);
- }
- bindptr->next = bindlist;
- bindptr->data = (hash_datum *)bind;
- bindlist = bindptr;
- nbind++;
- return (0);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * read_idtype - extract identifier type from input string
- *
- * This routine extracts the single byte which contains the numeric type from
- * a numeric pair of the form <type>:<value>. It is used when parsing entries
- * from the client identifier field of the address pool and binding databases,
- * and for reading from the hardware address field contained in the binding
- * database. Valid values for the ID type are listed in the "Assigned Numbers"
- * RFC under the ARP section. RFC 1700 defined the following types:
- *
- * Number Hardware Type (hrd)
- * ------ -----------------------------------
- * 1 Ethernet (10Mb)
- * 2 Experimental Ethernet (3Mb)
- * 3 Amateur Radio AX.25
- * 4 Proteon ProNET Token Ring
- * 5 Chaos
- * 6 IEEE 802 Networks
- * 7 ARCNET
- * 8 Hyperchannel
- * 9 Lanstar
- * 10 Autonet Short Address
- * 11 LocalTalk
- * 12 LocalNet (IBM PCNet or SYTEK LocalNET)
- * 13 Ultra link
- * 14 SMDS
- * 15 Frame Relay
- * 16 Asynchronous Transmission Mode (ATM)
- * 17 HDLC
- * 18 Fibre Channel
- * 19 Asynchronous Transmission Mode (ATM)
- * 20 Serial Line
- * 21 Asynchronous Transmission Mode (ATM)
- *
- * RETURNS: 0 if successful, or -1 on parse error.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- static int read_idtype
- (
- char **cp, /* current location in input string */
- u_char *idtype /* pointer to storage for extracted value */
- )
- {
- char tmpstr [MAXSTRINGLEN];
- int j;
- get_string (cp, tmpstr);
- if (sscanf (tmpstr, "%d", &j) != 1)
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- logMsg ("Warning: Can't extract type value.n", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- return (-1);
- }
- *idtype = (u_char) j;
- return (0);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * read_cid - extract identifier value from input string
- *
- * This routine extracts the client ID value from a numeric pair of the form
- * <type>:<value>. It is used when parsing entries from the client identifier
- * field of the address pool and binding databases. The value field is
- * represented as a string of characters representing a hexadecimal number,
- * preceded by 0x.
- *
- * RETURNS: 0 if successful, or -1 on parse error.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- static int read_cid
- (
- char **cp, /* current location in input string */
- struct client_id *cid /* pointer to storage for extracted value */
- )
- {
- char tmp [MAXSTRINGLEN];
- int i, j;
- get_string (cp, tmp);
- bzero (cid->id, MAXOPT);
- /*
- * Determine length of field by ignoring the leading "0x" characters,
- * then dividing for the two characters used for each byte.
- */
- cid->idlen = (strlen (tmp) - 2) / 2;
- if (cid->idlen == 0)
- return (-1);
- if (cid->idlen > MAXOPT)
- {
- cid->idlen = MAXOPT;
- logMsg ("Warning: client ID exceeds maximum length. Truncating.n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- }
- bzero (cid->id, cid->idlen);
- /* Interpret characters in string as sequence of hexadecimal bytes. */
- for (i = 0; i < cid->idlen; i++)
- {
- if (sscanf (&tmp [i * 2 + 2], "%2x", &j) != 1)
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- logMsg ("Warning: can't extract client ID.n", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- return (-1);
- }
- cid->id[i] = (char)j;
- }
- return (0);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * read_haddr - extract client hardware address from input string
- *
- * This routine extracts the hardware address value from a numeric pair of the
- * form <type>:<value>. It is used when parsing entries from the hardware
- * address field of the binding database. If preceded by 0x, the string is
- * interpreted as a sequence of hexadecimal numbers. Otherwise, it is copied
- * directly, without interpretation.
- *
- * RETURNS: 0 if successful, or -1 on parse error.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- static int read_haddr
- (
- char **cp, /* current location in input string */
- struct chaddr *haddr /* pointer to storage for extracted value */
- )
- {
- char tmp [MAXSTRINGLEN];
- int i, j;
- get_string (cp, tmp);
- /* Interpret string as hexadecimal number if preceded by 0x. */
- if (tmp[0] != ' ' && tmp[0] == '0' && (tmp[1] == 'x' || tmp[1] == 'X'))
- {
- /*
- * Length consists of number of bytes (two characters each) and does
- * not include the leading 0x.
- */
- haddr->hlen = (strlen (tmp) - 2) / 2;
- if (haddr->hlen > MAX_HLEN)
- {
- haddr->hlen = MAX_HLEN;
- logMsg ("Hardware address exceeds maximum length. Truncating.n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- }
- bzero (haddr->haddr, haddr->hlen);
- for (i = 0; i < haddr->hlen; i++)
- {
- if (sscanf (&tmp [i * 2 + 2], "%2x", &j) != 1)
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- logMsg ("Warning: error extracting hardware address.n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- return (-1);
- }
- haddr->haddr[i] = (char) j;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- haddr->hlen = strlen (tmp);
- if (haddr->hlen > MAX_HLEN)
- {
- haddr->hlen = MAX_HLEN;
- logMsg ("Hardware address exceeds maximum length. Truncating.n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- }
- bzero (haddr->haddr, haddr->hlen);
- bcopy (tmp, haddr->haddr, haddr->hlen);
- }
- return (0);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * read_subnet - extract subnet number from input string
- *
- * This routine extracts the subnet number (in dotted decimal format) from the
- * input string into the provided buffer. It is used when parsing entries from
- * the subnet field of the binding database. If a client has changed subnets,
- * the lease recorded in the binding database will not be renewed.
- *
- * RETURNS: 0 if successful, or -1 on parse error.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- static int read_subnet
- (
- char **cp, /* current location in input string */
- struct in_addr *subnet /* pointer to storage for extracted value */
- )
- {
- char tmpstr [MAXSTRINGLEN];
- char *pTmp;
- STATUS result;
- get_string (cp, tmpstr);
- pTmp = tmpstr;
- result = get_ip (&pTmp, subnet);
- if (result != OK)
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- logMsg ("Warning: can't extract subnet number.n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- return (-1);
- }
- return (0);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * read_bind_db - extract offered and active leases from permanent storage
- *
- * This routine calls a hook routine, supplied by the user, to retrieve the
- * entries for each active or pending lease. It builds the list of these
- * entries and updates the internal data storage to prevent re-assignment of
- * IP addresses already in use. It is called once on server startup.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK if data update completed, or ERROR otherwise.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- STATUS read_bind_db (void)
- {
- char buffer [MAXSTRINGLEN];
- char tmp [MAXSTRINGLEN];
- char *bufptr = NULL;
- unsigned buflen = 0;
- struct dhcp_binding *binding = NULL;
- STATUS result;
- if (dhcpsLeaseHookRtn == NULL)
- return (OK);
- result = (* dhcpsLeaseHookRtn) (DHCPS_STORAGE_START, NULL, 0);
- if (result != OK)
- {
- logMsg ("Warning: cannot open the binding database.n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /*
- * Read binding information from entries with the following format:
- *
- * idtype:id:subnet:htype:haddr:"expire_date":resource_name
- */
- {
- buflen = sizeof (buffer);
- /* Extract single entry from storage as NULL-terminated string. */
- read_entry (buffer, &buflen);
- if (buflen == 0)
- break;
- bufptr = buffer;
- if (buffer[0] == ' ')
- return (OK);
- /* Create linked list element. */
- binding = (struct dhcp_binding *)
- calloc (1, sizeof (struct dhcp_binding));
- if (binding == NULL)
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- logMsg("Error: Couldn't allocate memory in read_bind_dbn",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* read client identifier type */
- if (read_idtype (&bufptr, &binding->cid.idtype) != 0)
- {
- free (binding);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* read client identifier value */
- adjust (&bufptr);
- if (read_cid (&bufptr, &binding->cid) != 0)
- {
- free (binding);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* read subnet number of client */
- adjust (&bufptr);
- if (read_subnet (&bufptr, &binding->cid.subnet) != 0)
- {
- free (binding);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* read hardware address type (e.g. "1" for 10 MB ethernet). */
- adjust (&bufptr);
- if (read_idtype (&bufptr, &binding->haddr.htype) != 0)
- {
- free (binding);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* read client hardware address */
- adjust (&bufptr);
- if (read_haddr (&bufptr, &binding->haddr) != 0)
- {
- free (binding);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* read expiration time for lease */
- adjust (&bufptr);
- get_string (&bufptr, tmp);
- if (strcmp (tmp, "infinity") == 0 || strcmp(tmp, "bootp") == 0)
- binding->expire_epoch = 0xffffffff;
- else
- binding->expire_epoch = strtotime (tmp);
- /* read name of lease descriptor */
- adjust (&bufptr);
- get_string (&bufptr, tmp);
- if (strlen (tmp) > MAX_NAME)
- {
- bcopy (tmp, binding->res_name, MAX_NAME);
- binding->res_name [MAX_NAME] = ' ';
- }
- else
- {
- bcopy (tmp, binding->res_name, strlen (tmp));
- binding->res_name [strlen (tmp)] = ' ';
- }
- /* Find lease descriptor with given name. */
- binding->res = (struct dhcp_resource *) hash_find ( &nmhashtable,
- binding->res_name,
- strlen (binding->res_name),
- resnmcmp,
- binding->res_name);
- if (binding->res == NULL)
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- logMsg ("Warning: can't find the resource "%s"",
- (int)binding->res_name, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- /* free binding info */
- free (binding);
- continue;
- }
- /* Link lease record to lease descriptor and store in hash table. */
- binding->res->binding = binding;
- binding->flag |= COMPLETE_ENTRY;
- if (hash_ins (&cidhashtable, binding->, binding->cid.idlen,
- bindcidcmp, &binding->cid, binding) < 0)
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- logMsg ("Error: Couldn't add client identifier to hash table.n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- free (binding);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* Add lease record to linked list. */
- if (add_bind (binding) != 0)
- {
- free (binding);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- }
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- logMsg ("dhcps: read %d entries from binding and addr-pool database.n",
- nbind, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * read_relay_db - parse relay agent database
- *
- * This routine creates the list of available relay agents. The DHCP server
- * will accept messages forwarded from other subnets if they are delivered
- * by a relay agent contained in the list.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK if list created, or ERROR otherwise.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- void read_relay_db
- (
- int dbsize /* number of relay agents in database */
- )
- {
- char relayIP [INET_ADDR_LEN];
- char subnet_mask [INET_ADDR_LEN];
- int nrelay = 0;
- int loop;
- int result;
- struct relay_acl *acl = NULL;
- /*
- * Read database entries, which contain relay agent's IP address and
- * subnet number. If it finds a NULL entry for pAddress it will stop
- * processing the table.
- */
- for (loop = 0; (loop < dbsize) &&
- (pDhcpsRelaySourceTbl [loop].pAddress); loop++)
- {
- sprintf (relayIP, "%s", pDhcpsRelaySourceTbl [loop].pAddress);
- sprintf (subnet_mask, "%s", pDhcpsRelaySourceTbl [loop].pMask);
- acl = (struct relay_acl *)calloc (1, sizeof (struct relay_acl));
- if (acl == NULL)
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- logMsg ("Memory allocation error reading relay agent database.n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- break;
- }
- acl->relay.s_addr = inet_addr (relayIP);
- acl->subnet_mask.s_addr = inet_addr (subnet_mask);
- if (acl->relay.s_addr == -1 || acl->subnet_mask.s_addr == -1)
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- logMsg ("Conversion error reading relay database.n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- free (acl);
- continue;
- }
- /* Store entry in hash table, keyed on relay agent IP address. */
- result = hash_ins (&relayhashtable, (char *)&acl->relay,
- sizeof (struct in_addr), relayipcmp,
- &acl->relay, acl);
- if (result < 0)
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- logMsg ("hash insertion failed in read_relay_db()",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- free (acl);
- break;
- }
- nrelay++;
- }
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- logMsg ("dhcps: read %d entries from relay agent database.n", nrelay,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- return;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * strtotime - parse lease expiration time
- *
- * This routine converts the lease expiration time stored in the binding
- * database into the internal calendar time. That field has the following
- * format:
- * "Wed Feb 19 14:17:39 1997"
- *
- * On generic VxWorks systems, the internal calendar time is the number of
- * seconds since system startup. For correct operation of DHCP, it should be
- * the number of seconds since some absolute base time, such as 00:00:00 GMT,
- * Jan. 1, 1970, which is the base value used on Unix systems. Adding this
- * functionality to VxWorks requires BSP modifications. Without this feature,
- * rebooting the server automatically extends all leases. This behavior will
- * reduce protocol efficiency, since the server will not re-assign addresses
- * that (incorrectly) are recorded as still in use, but it will not cause
- * duplicate IP address assignment.
- *
- * RETURNS: Calendar time, or 0 if not available.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- static time_t strtotime
- (
- char *date_str /* String containing lease expiration time. */
- )
- {
- struct tm tmval;
- char week[4];
- char month[4];
- int year = 0;
- int i = 0;
- struct map
- {
- char symbol[4];
- int code;
- };
- struct map week_list[7];
- struct map month_list[12];
- if (*date_str == ' ')
- return (0);
- /* Initialize days of week and months of year. */
- week_list[0].code = 0;
- strcpy (week_list[0].symbol, "Sun");
- week_list[1].code = 1;
- strcpy (week_list[1].symbol, "Mon");
- week_list[2].code = 2;
- strcpy (week_list[2].symbol, "Tue");
- week_list[3].code = 3;
- strcpy (week_list[3].symbol, "Wed");
- week_list[4].code = 4;
- strcpy (week_list[4].symbol, "Thu");
- week_list[5].code = 5;
- strcpy (week_list[5].symbol, "Fri");
- week_list[6].code = 6;
- strcpy (week_list[6].symbol, "Sat");
- month_list[0].code = 0;
- strcpy (month_list[0].symbol, "Jan");
- month_list[1].code = 1;
- strcpy (month_list[1].symbol, "Feb");
- month_list[2].code = 2;
- strcpy (month_list[2].symbol, "Mar");
- month_list[3].code = 3;
- strcpy (month_list[3].symbol, "Apr");
- month_list[4].code = 4;
- strcpy (month_list[4].symbol, "May");
- month_list[5].code = 5;
- strcpy (month_list[5].symbol, "Jun");
- month_list[6].code = 6;
- strcpy (month_list[6].symbol, "Jul");
- month_list[7].code = 7;
- strcpy (month_list[7].symbol, "Aug");
- month_list[8].code = 8;
- strcpy (month_list[8].symbol, "Sep");
- month_list[9].code = 9;
- strcpy (month_list[9].symbol, "Oct");
- month_list[10].code = 10;
- strcpy (month_list[10].symbol, "Nov");
- month_list[11].code = 11;
- strcpy (month_list[11].symbol, "Dec");
- bzero ( (char *)&tmval, sizeof (tmval));
- bzero (week, sizeof (week));
- bzero (month, sizeof (month));
- /*
- * Parse date string into separate fields. Day of month, hour,
- * minute, and second are in format used by mktime() below.
- */
- sscanf (date_str, "%s %s %u %u:%u:%u %u", week, month, &(tmval.tm_mday),
- &(tmval.tm_hour), &(tmval.tm_min), &(tmval.tm_sec),
- &year);
- /* Adjust entry for base year. */
- tmval.tm_year = year - 1900;
- /* Store value for day of week. (Sunday = 0). */
- for (i = 0; i < 7; i++)
- if (strcmp(week_list[i].symbol, week) == 0)
- break;
- if (i < 7)
- tmval.tm_wday = week_list[i].code;
- else
- return (0);
- /* Store value for month of year. (January = 0, December = 11). */
- for (i = 0; i < 12; i++)
- if (strcmp (month_list[i].symbol, month) == 0)
- break;
- if (i < 12)
- tmval.tm_mon = month_list[i].code;
- else
- return (0);
- return (mktime (&tmval));
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * get_ip - extract numbers in IP address format
- *
- * This routine extracts IP addresses and subnet masks (in dotted decimal
- * format) from the input string into the provided structure. It is used when
- * retrieving entries from the address pool and binding databases.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK if successful, or ERROR otherwise.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- static STATUS get_ip
- (
- char **src, /* current location in input string */
- struct in_addr *target /* pointer to storage for extracted value */
- )
- {
- if (prs_inaddr (src, &target->s_addr) != 0)
- return (ERROR);
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * resipcmp - verify IP addresses for address pool entries
- *
- * This routine compares a hash table key against the IP address of a address
- * pool entry. It is used when storing and retrieving lease descriptors with
- * the internal hash tables.
- *
- * RETURNS: TRUE if addresses match, or FALSE otherwise.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- int resipcmp
- (
- struct in_addr * key, /* pointer to hash table key */
- struct dhcp_resource * rp /* pointer to lease resource */
- )
- {
- return (key->s_addr == rp->ip_addr.s_addr);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * relayipcmp - verify IP addresses for relay agent entries
- *
- * This routine compares a hash table key against the IP address of a relay
- * agent. It is used when storing and retrieving relay agent entries in the
- * internal hash table.
- *
- * RETURNS: TRUE if addresses match, or FALSE otherwise.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- int relayipcmp
- (
- struct in_addr * key, /* pointer to hash table key */
- struct relay_acl * aclp /* pointer to relay agent entry */
- )
- {
- return (key->s_addr == aclp->relay.s_addr);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * paramcidcmp - verify client identifiers for additional parameters
- *
- * This routine compares a hash table key against the client identifier
- * contained in a lease descriptor to verify matching types and values. It
- * also checks the recorded subnet against the actual subnet. It is used to
- * verify client information when accessing the parameters hash table.
- *
- * RETURNS: TRUE if entries OK, or FALSE otherwise.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- int paramcidcmp
- (
- struct client_id * key, /* pointer to hash table key */
- struct dhcp_resource * rp /* pointer to lease descriptor */
- )
- {
- return (rp != NULL && rp->binding != NULL &&
- key->idtype == rp->binding->cid.idtype &&
- key->idlen == rp->binding->cid.idlen &&
- bcmp (key->id, rp->binding->, key->idlen) == 0);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * bindcidcmp - verify client identifiers for active or offered leases
- *
- * This routine compares a hash table key against the client identifier
- * contained in a lease record to verify matching types and values. It also
- * checks the recorded subnet against the actual subnet. It is used to verify
- * client information when establishing or renewing leases in response to DHCP
- * request messages.
- *
- * RETURNS: TRUE if entries OK, or FALSE otherwise.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- int bindcidcmp
- (
- struct client_id * key, /* pointer to hash table key */
- struct dhcp_binding * bp /* pointer to lease record */
- )
- {
- return (bp != NULL &&
- key->subnet.s_addr == bp->cid.subnet.s_addr &&
- key->idtype == bp->cid.idtype && key->idlen == bp->cid.idlen &&
- bcmp (key->id, bp->, key->idlen) == 0);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * set_default - provide values for mandatory configuration parameters
- *
- * This routine provides default values for fields in a lease descriptor if
- * not specified by the administrator in the corresponding address pool entry.
- * It ensures that every lease descriptor includes a default and maximum lease
- * length, and a subnet mask. Additionally, it makes entries which contain a
- * client identifier available for BOOTP clients, and resets the maximum lease
- * for all such entries to infinity.
- *
- * RETURNS: TRUE if entries OK, or FALSE otherwise.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- void set_default
- (
- struct dhcp_resource * rp /* pointer to lease descriptor */
- )
- {
- if (ISCLR (rp->valid, S_DEFAULT_LEASE))
- {
- SETBIT (rp->valid, S_DEFAULT_LEASE);
- rp->default_lease = dhcps_dflt_lease;
- }
- if (ISCLR (rp->valid, S_MAX_LEASE))
- {
- SETBIT (rp->valid, S_MAX_LEASE);
- rp->max_lease = dhcps_max_lease;
- }
- if (ISSET (rp->valid, S_CLIENT_ID))
- {
- SETBIT (rp->valid, S_ALLOW_BOOTP);
- rp->allow_bootp = TRUE;
- }
- if (ISSET (rp->valid, S_ALLOW_BOOTP) && rp->allow_bootp == TRUE)
- {
- SETBIT(rp->valid, S_MAX_LEASE);
- rp->max_lease = 0xffffffff; /* infinity */
- }
- if (ISCLR(rp->valid, S_SUBNET_MASK))
- {
- SETBIT (rp->valid, S_SUBNET_MASK);
- default_netmask (&rp->ip_addr, &rp->subnet_mask);
- }
- return;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * default_netmask - determine the subnet for an IP address
- *
- * This routine assigns a netmask for the given IP address based on the IP
- * class value. It is called if no netmask was specified in the corresponding
- * address pool entry. It makes no provision for subnetting. The DHCP server
- * will not issue an address to a client if it is not on the client's subnet.
- * Therefore, if subnetting is used, the netmask for each address pool entry
- * must be specified explicitly.
- *
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- static void default_netmask
- (
- struct in_addr *ipaddr, /* pointer to IP address */
- struct in_addr *dfltnetmask /* pointer to storage for extracted value */
- )
- {
- int top = 0;
- top = ntohl (ipaddr->s_addr) >> 30;
- switch (top)
- {
- case 0: /* class A */
- case 1: /* class A */
- dfltnetmask->s_addr = htonl (0xff000000);
- break;
- case 2: /* class B */
- dfltnetmask->s_addr = htonl (0xffff0000);
- break;
- case 3: /* class C */
- dfltnetmask->s_addr = htonl (0xffffff00);
- break;
- default:
- dfltnetmask->s_addr = 0xffffffff;
- break;
- }
- return;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * proc_sname - extract the DHCP server name
- *
- * This routine sets the TFTP server name field of the lease descriptor to the
- * value specified by a "snam" field in the address pool database. The field
- * is cleared when "snam@", specifying deletion, is encountered.
- *
- * RETURNS: 0, always.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- int proc_sname
- (
- int code, /* resource code for address pool field */
- int optype, /* operation type (addition or deletion) */
- char **symbol, /* current location in input string */
- struct dhcp_resource *rp /* pointer to lease descriptor */
- )
- {
- char tmpstr [MAXSTRINGLEN];
- if (optype == OP_ADDITION)
- {
- get_string (symbol, tmpstr);
- if (strlen (tmpstr) > MAX_SNAME)
- {
- bcopy (tmpstr, rp->sname, MAX_SNAME);
- rp->sname [MAX_SNAME] = ' ';
- }
- else
- {
- bcopy (tmpstr, rp->sname, strlen (tmpstr));
- rp->sname [strlen (tmpstr)] = ' ';
- }
- }
- else
- rp->sname[0] = ' ';
- return (0);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * proc_file - extract the boot image filename
- *
- * This routine sets the bootfile name field of the lease descriptor to the
- * value specified by a "file" field in the address pool database. The
- * field is cleared when "file@", specifying deletion, is encountered.
- *
- * RETURNS: 0, always.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- int proc_file
- (
- int code, /* resource code for address pool field */
- int optype, /* operation type (addition or deletion) */
- char **symbol, /* current location in input string */
- struct dhcp_resource *rp /* pointer to lease descriptor */
- )
- {
- char tmpstr [MAXSTRINGLEN];
- if (optype == OP_ADDITION)
- {
- get_string (symbol, tmpstr);
- if (strlen (tmpstr) > MAX_FILE)
- {
- bcopy (tmpstr, rp->file, MAX_FILE);
- rp->file [MAX_FILE] = ' ';
- }
- else
- {
- bcopy (tmpstr, rp->file, strlen (tmpstr));
- rp->file [strlen (tmpstr)] = ' ';
- }
- }
- else
- rp->file[0] = ' ';
- return (0);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * proc_clid - handle the client identifier
- *
- * This routine updates the lease descriptor and internal data structures
- * after extracting a client identifier from "clid" or "pmid" entries in
- * the address pool database. The "clid" symbol specifies a manual lease
- * which will only be issued to a specific client on the appropriate subnet.
- * The "pmid" symbol is included in a lease descriptor specifying additional
- * parameters to be provided to a specific client along with a dynamic lease.
- *
- * RETURNS: 0 if update completed, or -1 on error.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- int proc_clid
- (
- int code, /* resource code for address pool field */
- int optype, /* operation type (addition or deletion) */
- char **symbol, /* current location in input string */
- struct dhcp_resource *rp /* pointer to lease descriptor */
- )
- {
- char bufptr[MAXSTRINGLEN];
- struct in_addr tmpsubnet;
- struct dhcp_binding *binding;
- char *target;
- int result;
- /* For client ID (manual lease), return immediately if no IP address. */
- if (code == S_CLIENT_ID && rp->ip_addr.s_addr == 0)
- return (-1);
- /* For parameter ID, return error if client or class already specified. */
- if (ISSET (rp->valid, S_PARAM_ID) || ISSET (rp->valid, S_CLASS_ID))
- return (-1);
- if (rp->binding != NULL)
- return (-1);
- /* Create a lease record to store the identifier information. */
- binding = (struct dhcp_binding *)calloc (1, sizeof (struct dhcp_binding));
- if (binding == NULL)
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- logMsg ("Warning: memory allocation error reading identifier.n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- return (-1);
- }
- target = (char *)bufptr;
- get_string (symbol, target);
- if (bufptr[0] == ' ')
- {
- if (code == S_CLIENT_ID)
- free (binding);
- return (-1);
- }
- /* read client identifier type */
- if (read_idtype (&target, &binding->cid.idtype) != 0)
- {
- free (binding);
- return (-1);
- }
- /* read client identifier value */
- adjust (&target);
- if (read_cid (&target, &binding->cid) != 0)
- {
- free (binding);
- return (-1);
- }
- /* For manual leases, fill all fields in associated lease record. */
- if (code == S_CLIENT_ID)
- {
- /* get subnet number */
- if (rp->subnet_mask.s_addr != 0)
- binding->cid.subnet.s_addr =
- rp->ip_addr.s_addr & rp->subnet_mask.s_addr;
- else
- {
- default_netmask (&rp->ip_addr, &tmpsubnet);
- binding->cid.subnet.s_addr = rp->ip_addr.s_addr & tmpsubnet.s_addr;
- }
- /* hardware address is unknown, so use client identifer */
- binding->haddr.htype = binding->cid.idtype;
- if (binding->cid.idlen > MAX_HLEN)
- {
- binding->haddr.hlen = MAX_HLEN;
- bcopy (binding->, binding->haddr.haddr, MAX_HLEN);
- }
- else
- {
- binding->haddr.hlen = binding->cid.idlen;
- bcopy (binding->, binding->haddr.haddr, binding->cid.idlen);
- }
- /* Expiration is meaningless for client-specific leases. */
- binding->expire_epoch = 0xffffffff;
- /* Store name of associated lease descriptor. */
- bcopy (rp->entryname, binding->res_name, strlen (rp->entryname));
- binding->res_name [strlen (rp->entryname)] = ' ';
- }
- /* Link identifier record to lease descriptor. */
- binding->res = rp;
- binding->res->binding = binding;
- /* Add entry for manual lease descriptor to appropriate hash table. */
- if (code == S_CLIENT_ID)
- {
- binding->flag = (COMPLETE_ENTRY | STATIC_ENTRY);
- result = hash_ins (&cidhashtable, binding->, binding->cid.idlen,
- bindcidcmp, &binding->cid, binding);
- if (result < 0)
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- logMsg ("Warning: hash table insertion failed for client ID.n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- free (binding);
- return (-1);
- }
- result = add_bind (binding);
- if (result != 0)
- {
- free (binding);
- return (-1);
- }
- }
- else /* For "pmid", insert into parameters hash table */
- {
- result = hash_ins (¶mhashtable,
- binding->, binding->cid.idlen,
- paramcidcmp, &binding->cid, rp);
- if (result < 0)
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- logMsg ("Warning: hash table insertion failed for client ID.n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- free (binding);
- return (-1);
- }
- }
- return (0);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * proc_class - handle the class identifier
- *
- * This routine updates the lease descriptor and internal data structures after
- * extracting a class identifier from "clas" field in the address pool database.
- * The class identifier is included in an address pool entry specifying
- * additional parameters to be provided to any client which is a member of the
- * class.
- *
- * RETURNS: 0 if update completed, or -1 on error.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- int proc_class
- (
- int code, /* resource code for address pool field */
- int optype, /* operation type (always OP_ADDITION) */
- char **symbol, /* current location in input string */
- struct dhcp_resource *rp /* pointer to lease descriptor */
- )
- {
- char buffer[MAXSTRINGLEN];
- struct dhcp_binding *binding;
- char *target;
- int result;
- /* Return error if descriptor already has client or class parameters. */
- if (ISSET (rp->valid, S_PARAM_ID) || ISSET (rp->valid, S_CLASS_ID))
- return (-1);
- if (rp->binding != NULL)
- return (-1);
- target = (char *)buffer;
- get_string (symbol, target);
- /* Create a lease record to store the identifier information. */
- binding = (struct dhcp_binding *)calloc (1, sizeof (struct dhcp_binding));
- if (binding == NULL)
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- logMsg ("Warning: memory allocation error reading identifier.n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- return (-1);
- }
- target = (char *)buffer;
- get_string (symbol, target);
- /*
- * Record class identifier. The type remains 0, which is unused by
- * client identifiers.
- */
- if (strlen (buffer) > MAXOPT - 1)
- {
- binding->cid.idlen = MAXOPT - 1;
- bcopy (buffer, binding->, MAXOPT - 1);
- binding->[MAXOPT - 1] = ' ';
- }
- else
- {
- binding->cid.idlen = strlen (buffer);
- bcopy (buffer, binding->, strlen (buffer));
- binding-> [strlen (buffer)] = ' ';
- }
- /* Link identifier record to lease descriptor. */
- binding->res = rp;
- binding->res->binding = binding;
- /* Add entry to parameters hash table. */
- result = hash_ins (¶mhashtable,
- binding->, binding->cid.idlen,
- paramcidcmp, &binding->cid, rp);
- if (result < 0)
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- logMsg ("Warning: hash table insertion failed for client ID.n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- free (binding);
- return (-1);
- }
- return (0);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * proc_tblc - handle inclusion of address pool entries
- *
- * This routine processes entry quotation specified by a "tblc" (table
- * continuation) entry in the address pool database. After retrieving the
- * named descriptor, any values in the existing entry not already specified in
- * the database are copied from the quoted entry.
- *
- * RETURNS: 0 if quotation completed, or -1 if matching entry not found.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- int proc_tblc
- (
- int code, /* resource code for address pool field */
- int optype, /* operation type (always OP_ADDITION) */
- char **symbol, /* current location in input string */
- struct dhcp_resource *rp1 /* pointer to lease descriptor */
- )
- {
- struct dhcp_resource *rp2 = NULL;
- char tmpstr [MAXSTRINGLEN];
- char *pTmp;
- int i = 0;
- get_string (symbol, tmpstr);
- pTmp = tmpstr;
- rp2 = (struct dhcp_resource *) hash_find (&nmhashtable, pTmp,
- strlen (pTmp), resnmcmp, pTmp);
- if (rp2 == NULL)
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- logMsg ("Warning: Can't find table entry "%s"n", (int)tmpstr,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- return (-1);
- }
- if (ISCLR (rp1->valid, S_SNAME))
- strcpy (rp1->sname, rp2->sname);
- if (ISCLR (rp1->valid, S_FILE))
- strcpy (rp1->file, rp2->file);
- if (ISCLR (rp1->valid, S_SIADDR))
- rp1->siaddr = rp2->siaddr;
- if (ISCLR (rp1->valid, S_ALLOW_BOOTP))
- rp1->allow_bootp = rp2->allow_bootp;
- if (ISCLR (rp1->valid, S_IP_ADDR))
- rp1->ip_addr = rp2->ip_addr;
- if (ISCLR (rp1->valid, S_MAX_LEASE))
- rp1->max_lease = rp2->max_lease;
- if (ISCLR (rp1->valid, S_DEFAULT_LEASE))
- rp1->default_lease = rp2->default_lease;
- if (ISCLR (rp1->valid, S_SUBNET_MASK))
- rp1->subnet_mask = rp2->subnet_mask;
- if (ISCLR (rp1->valid, S_TIME_OFFSET))
- rp1->time_offset = rp2->time_offset;
- if (ISCLR (rp1->valid, S_ROUTER))
- {
- rp1->router.addr = calloc (rp2->router.num, sizeof (struct in_addr));
- if (rp1->router.addr != NULL)
- {
- rp1->router.num = rp2->router.num;
- bcopy ((char *)rp2->router.addr, (char *)rp1->router.addr,
- rp2->router.num * sizeof (struct in_addr));
- }
- }
- if (ISCLR (rp1->valid, S_TIME_SERVER))
- {
- rp1->time_server.addr = calloc (rp2->time_server.num,
- sizeof (struct in_addr));
- if (rp1->time_server.addr != NULL)
- {
- rp1->time_server.num = rp2->time_server.num;
- bcopy ((char *)rp2->time_server.addr, (char *)rp1->time_server.addr,
- rp2->time_server.num * sizeof (struct in_addr));
- }
- }
- if (ISCLR (rp1->valid, S_NAME_SERVER))
- {
- rp1->name_server.addr = calloc (rp2->name_server.num,
- sizeof (struct in_addr));
- if (rp1->name_server.addr != NULL)
- {
- rp1->name_server.num = rp2->name_server.num;
- bcopy ((char *)rp2->name_server.addr, (char *)rp1->name_server.addr,
- rp2->name_server.num * sizeof (struct in_addr));
- }
- }
- if (ISCLR (rp1->valid, S_DNS_SERVER))
- {
- rp1->dns_server.addr = calloc (rp2->dns_server.num,
- sizeof (struct in_addr));
- if (rp1->dns_server.addr != NULL)
- {
- rp1->dns_server.num = rp2->dns_server.num;
- bcopy ((char *)rp2->dns_server.addr, (char *)rp1->dns_server.addr,
- rp2->dns_server.num * sizeof (struct in_addr));
- }
- }
- if (ISCLR (rp1->valid, S_LOG_SERVER))
- {
- rp1->log_server.addr = calloc (rp2->log_server.num,
- sizeof (struct in_addr));
- if (rp1->log_server.addr != NULL)
- {
- rp1->log_server.num = rp2->log_server.num;
- bcopy ((char *)rp2->log_server.addr, (char *)rp1->log_server.addr,
- rp2->log_server.num * sizeof (struct in_addr));
- }
- }
- if (ISCLR (rp1->valid, S_COOKIE_SERVER))
- {
- rp1->cookie_server.addr = calloc (rp2->cookie_server.num,
- sizeof (struct in_addr));
- if (rp1->cookie_server.addr != NULL)
- {
- rp1->cookie_server.num = rp2->cookie_server.num;
- bcopy ((char *)rp2->cookie_server.addr,
- (char *)rp1->cookie_server.addr,
- rp2->cookie_server.num * sizeof (struct in_addr));
- }
- }
- if (ISCLR (rp1->valid, S_LPR_SERVER))
- {
- rp1->lpr_server.addr = calloc (rp2->lpr_server.num,
- sizeof (struct in_addr));
- if (rp1->lpr_server.addr != NULL)
- {
- rp1->lpr_server.num = rp2->lpr_server.num;
- bcopy ((char *)rp2->lpr_server.addr, (char *)rp1->lpr_server.addr,
- rp2->lpr_server.num * sizeof (struct in_addr));
- }
- }
- if (ISCLR (rp1->valid, S_IMPRESS_SERVER))
- {
- rp1->impress_server.addr = calloc (rp2->impress_server.num,
- sizeof (struct in_addr));
- if (rp1->impress_server.addr != NULL)
- {
- rp1->impress_server.num = rp2->impress_server.num;
- bcopy ((char *)rp2->impress_server.addr,
- (char *)rp1->impress_server.addr,
- rp2->impress_server.num * sizeof (struct in_addr));
- }
- }
- if (ISCLR (rp1->valid, S_RLS_SERVER))
- {
- rp1->rls_server.addr = calloc (rp2->rls_server.num,
- sizeof (struct in_addr));
- if (rp1->rls_server.addr != NULL)
- {
- rp1->rls_server.num = rp2->rls_server.num;
- bcopy ((char *)rp2->rls_server.addr, (char *)rp1->rls_server.addr,
- rp2->rls_server.num * sizeof (struct in_addr));
- }
- }
- if (ISCLR (rp1->valid, S_HOSTNAME))
- strcpy (rp1->hostname, rp2->hostname);
- if (ISCLR (rp1->valid, S_BOOTSIZE))
- rp1->bootsize = rp2->bootsize;
- if (ISCLR (rp1->valid, S_MERIT_DUMP))
- strcpy (rp1->merit_dump, rp2->merit_dump);
- if (ISCLR (rp1->valid, S_DNS_DOMAIN))
- strcpy (rp1->dns_domain, rp2->dns_domain);
- if (ISCLR (rp1->valid, S_SWAP_SERVER))
- rp1->swap_server = rp2->swap_server;
- if (ISCLR (rp1->valid, S_ROOT_PATH))
- strcpy (rp1->root_path, rp2->root_path);
- if (ISCLR (rp1->valid, S_EXTENSIONS_PATH))
- strcpy (rp1->extensions_path, rp2->extensions_path);
- if (ISCLR (rp1->valid, S_IP_FORWARD))
- rp1->ip_forward = rp2->ip_forward;
- if (ISCLR (rp1->valid, S_NONLOCAL_SRCROUTE))
- rp1->nonlocal_srcroute = rp2->nonlocal_srcroute;
- if (ISCLR (rp1->valid, S_POLICY_FILTER))
- {
- rp1->policy_filter.addr1 = calloc (rp2->policy_filter.num,
- sizeof (struct in_addr));
- if (rp1->policy_filter.addr1 != NULL)
- {
- rp1->policy_filter.addr2 = calloc (rp2->policy_filter.num,
- sizeof (struct in_addr));
- if (rp1->policy_filter.addr2 != NULL)
- {
- rp1->policy_filter.num = rp2->policy_filter.num;
- bcopy ((char *)rp2->policy_filter.addr1,
- (char *)rp1->policy_filter.addr1,
- rp2->policy_filter.num * sizeof (struct in_addr));
- bcopy ((char *)rp2->policy_filter.addr1,
- (char *)rp1->policy_filter.addr1,
- rp2->policy_filter.num * sizeof (struct in_addr));
- }
- else
- free (rp1->policy_filter.addr1);
- }
- }
- if (ISCLR (rp1->valid, S_MAX_DGRAM_SIZE))
- rp1->max_dgram_size = rp2->max_dgram_size;
- if (ISCLR (rp1->valid, S_DEFAULT_IP_TTL))
- rp1->default_ip_ttl = rp2->default_ip_ttl;
- if (ISCLR (rp1->valid, S_MTU_AGING_TIMEOUT))
- rp1->mtu_aging_timeout = rp2->mtu_aging_timeout;
- if (ISCLR (rp1->valid, S_MTU_PLATEAU_TABLE))
- {
- rp1->mtu_plateau_table.shorts = calloc (rp2->mtu_plateau_table.num,
- sizeof (u_short));
- if (rp1->mtu_plateau_table.shorts != NULL)
- {
- rp1->mtu_plateau_table.num = rp2->mtu_plateau_table.num;
- bcopy ((char *)rp2->mtu_plateau_table.shorts,
- (char *)rp1->mtu_plateau_table.shorts,
- rp2->mtu_plateau_table.num * sizeof (u_short));
- }
- }
- if (ISCLR (rp1->valid, S_IF_MTU))
- rp1->intf_mtu = rp2->intf_mtu;
- if (ISCLR (rp1->valid, S_ALL_SUBNET_LOCAL))
- rp1->all_subnet_local = rp2->all_subnet_local;
- if (ISCLR (rp1->valid, S_BRDCAST_ADDR))
- rp1->brdcast_addr = rp2->brdcast_addr;
- if (ISCLR (rp1->valid, S_MASK_DISCOVER))
- rp1->mask_discover = rp2->mask_discover;
- if (ISCLR (rp1->valid, S_MASK_SUPPLIER))
- rp1->mask_supplier = rp2->mask_supplier;
- if (ISCLR (rp1->valid, S_ROUTER_DISCOVER))
- rp1->router_discover = rp2->router_discover;
- if (ISCLR (rp1->valid, S_ROUTER_SOLICIT))
- rp1->router_solicit = rp2->router_solicit;
- if (ISCLR (rp1->valid, S_STATIC_ROUTE))
- {
- rp1->static_route.addr1 = calloc (rp2->static_route.num,
- sizeof (struct in_addr));
- if (rp1->static_route.addr1 != NULL)
- {
- rp1->static_route.addr2 = calloc (rp2->static_route.num,
- sizeof (struct in_addr));
- if (rp1->static_route.addr2 != NULL)
- {
- rp1->static_route.num = rp2->static_route.num;
- bcopy ( (char *)rp2->static_route.addr1,
- (char *)rp1->static_route.addr1,
- rp2->static_route.num * sizeof (struct in_addr));
- bcopy ( (char *)rp2->static_route.addr1,
- (char *)rp1->static_route.addr1,
- rp2->static_route.num * sizeof (struct in_addr));
- }
- else
- free (rp1->static_route.addr1);
- }
- }
- if (ISCLR (rp1->valid, S_TRAILER))
- rp1->trailer = rp2->trailer;
- if (ISCLR (rp1->valid, S_ARP_CACHE_TIMEOUT))
- rp1->arp_cache_timeout = rp2->arp_cache_timeout;
- if (ISCLR (rp1->valid, S_ETHER_ENCAP))
- rp1->ether_encap = rp2->ether_encap;
- if (ISCLR (rp1->valid, S_DEFAULT_TCP_TTL))
- rp1->default_tcp_ttl = rp2->default_tcp_ttl;
- if (ISCLR (rp1->valid, S_KEEPALIVE_INTER))
- rp1->keepalive_inter = rp2->keepalive_inter;
- if (ISCLR (rp1->valid, S_KEEPALIVE_GARBA))
- rp1->keepalive_garba = rp2->keepalive_garba;
- if (ISCLR (rp1->valid, S_NIS_DOMAIN))
- strcpy (rp1->nis_domain, rp2->nis_domain);
- if (ISCLR (rp1->valid, S_NIS_SERVER))
- {
- rp1->nis_server.addr = calloc (rp2->nis_server.num,
- sizeof (struct in_addr));
- if (rp1->nis_server.addr != NULL)
- {
- rp1->nis_server.num = rp2->nis_server.num;
- bcopy ((char *)rp2->nis_server.addr, (char *)rp1->nis_server.addr,
- rp2->nis_server.num * sizeof (struct in_addr));
- }
- }
- if (ISCLR (rp1->valid, S_NTP_SERVER))
- {
- rp1->ntp_server.addr = calloc (rp2->ntp_server.num,
- sizeof (struct in_addr));
- if (rp1->ntp_server.addr != NULL)
- {
- rp1->ntp_server.num = rp2->ntp_server.num;
- bcopy ((char *)rp2->ntp_server.addr, (char *)rp1->ntp_server.addr,
- rp2->ntp_server.num * sizeof (struct in_addr));
- }
- }
- if (ISCLR (rp1->valid, S_NBN_SERVER))
- {
- rp1->nbn_server.addr = calloc (rp2->nbn_server.num,
- sizeof (struct in_addr));
- if (rp1->nbn_server.addr != NULL)
- {
- rp1->nbn_server.num = rp2->nbn_server.num;
- bcopy ((char *)rp2->nbn_server.addr, (char *)rp1->nbn_server.addr,
- rp2->nbn_server.num * sizeof (struct in_addr));
- }
- }
- if (ISCLR (rp1->valid, S_NBDD_SERVER))
- {
- rp1->nbdd_server.addr = calloc (rp2->nbdd_server.num,
- sizeof (struct in_addr));
- if (rp1->nbdd_server.addr != NULL)
- {
- rp1->nbdd_server.num = rp2->nbdd_server.num;
- bcopy ((char *)rp2->nbdd_server.addr, (char *)rp1->nbdd_server.addr,
- rp2->nbdd_server.num * sizeof (struct in_addr));
- }
- }
- if (ISCLR (rp1->valid, S_NB_NODETYPE))
- rp1->nb_nodetype = rp2->nb_nodetype;
- if (ISCLR (rp1->valid, S_NB_SCOPE))
- strcpy (rp1->nb_scope, rp2->nb_scope);
- if (ISCLR (rp1->valid, S_XFONT_SERVER))
- {
- rp1->xfont_server.addr = calloc (rp2->xfont_server.num,
- sizeof (struct in_addr));
- if (rp1->xfont_server.addr != NULL)
- {
- rp1->xfont_server.num = rp2->xfont_server.num;
- bcopy ((char *)rp2->xfont_server.addr,
- (char *)rp1->xfont_server.addr,
- rp2->xfont_server.num * sizeof (struct in_addr));
- }
- }
- if (ISCLR (rp1->valid, S_XDISPLAY_MANAGER))
- {
- rp1->xdisplay_manager.addr = calloc (rp2->xdisplay_manager.num,
- sizeof (struct in_addr));
- if (rp1->xdisplay_manager.addr != NULL)
- {
- rp1->xdisplay_manager.num = rp2->xdisplay_manager.num;
- bcopy ((char *)rp2->xdisplay_manager.addr,
- (char *)rp1->xdisplay_manager.addr,
- rp2->xdisplay_manager.num * sizeof (struct in_addr));
- }
- }
- if (ISCLR (rp1->valid, S_DHCP_T1))
- rp1->dhcp_t1 = rp2->dhcp_t1;
- if (ISCLR (rp1->valid, S_DHCP_T2))
- rp1->dhcp_t2 = rp2->dhcp_t2;
- if (ISCLR (rp1->valid, S_NISP_DOMAIN))
- strcpy (rp1->nisp_domain, rp2->nisp_domain);
- if (ISCLR (rp1->valid, S_NISP_SERVER))
- {
- rp1->nisp_server.addr = calloc (rp2->nisp_server.num,
- sizeof (struct in_addr));
- if (rp1->nisp_server.addr != NULL)
- {
- rp1->nisp_server.num = rp2->nisp_server.num;
- bcopy ((char *)rp2->nisp_server.addr, (char *)rp1->nisp_server.addr,
- rp2->nisp_server.num * sizeof (struct in_addr));
- }
- }
- if (ISCLR (rp1->valid, S_MOBILEIP_HA))
- {
- rp1->mobileip_ha.addr = calloc (rp2->mobileip_ha.num,
- sizeof (struct in_addr));
- if (rp1->mobileip_ha.addr != NULL)
- {
- rp1->mobileip_ha.num = rp2->mobileip_ha.num;
- bcopy ((char *)rp2->mobileip_ha.addr, (char *)rp1->mobileip_ha.addr,
- rp2->mobileip_ha.num * sizeof (struct in_addr));
- }
- }
- if (ISCLR (rp1->valid, S_SMTP_SERVER))
- {
- rp1->smtp_server.addr = calloc (rp2->smtp_server.num,
- sizeof (struct in_addr));
- if (rp1->smtp_server.addr != NULL)
- {
- rp1->smtp_server.num = rp2->smtp_server.num;
- bcopy ((char *)rp2->smtp_server.addr, (char *)rp1->smtp_server.addr,
- rp2->smtp_server.num * sizeof (struct in_addr));
- }
- }
- if (ISCLR (rp1->valid, S_POP3_SERVER))
- {
- rp1->pop3_server.addr = calloc (rp2->pop3_server.num,
- sizeof (struct in_addr));
- if (rp1->pop3_server.addr != NULL)
- {
- rp1->pop3_server.num = rp2->pop3_server.num;
- bcopy ((char *)rp2->pop3_server.addr, (char *)rp1->pop3_server.addr,
- rp2->pop3_server.num * sizeof (struct in_addr));
- }
- }
- if (ISCLR (rp1->valid, S_NNTP_SERVER))
- {
- rp1->nntp_server.addr = calloc (rp2->nntp_server.num,
- sizeof (struct in_addr));
- if (rp1->nntp_server.addr != NULL)
- {
- rp1->nntp_server.num = rp2->nntp_server.num;
- bcopy ((char *)rp2->nntp_server.addr, (char *)rp1->nntp_server.addr,
- rp2->nntp_server.num * sizeof (struct in_addr));
- }
- }
- if (ISCLR (rp1->valid, S_DFLT_WWW_SERVER))
- {
- rp1->dflt_www_server.addr = calloc (rp2->dflt_www_server.num,
- sizeof (struct in_addr));
- if (rp1->dflt_www_server.addr != NULL)
- {
- rp1->dflt_www_server.num = rp2->dflt_www_server.num;
- bcopy ((char *)rp2->dflt_www_server.addr,
- (char *)rp1->dflt_www_server.addr,
- rp2->dflt_www_server.num * sizeof (struct in_addr));
- }
- }
- if (ISCLR (rp1->valid, S_DFLT_FINGER_SERVER))
- {
- rp1->dflt_finger_server.addr = calloc (rp2->dflt_finger_server.num,
- sizeof (struct in_addr));
- if (rp1->dflt_finger_server.addr != NULL)
- {
- rp1->dflt_finger_server.num = rp2->dflt_finger_server.num;
- bcopy ((char *)rp2->dflt_finger_server.addr,
- (char *)rp1->dflt_finger_server.addr,
- rp2->dflt_finger_server.num * sizeof (struct in_addr));
- }
- }
- if (ISCLR (rp1->valid, S_DFLT_IRC_SERVER))
- {
- rp1->dflt_irc_server.addr = calloc (rp2->dflt_irc_server.num,
- sizeof (struct in_addr));
- if (rp1->dflt_irc_server.addr != NULL)
- {
- rp1->dflt_irc_server.num = rp2->dflt_irc_server.num;
- bcopy ((char *)rp2->dflt_irc_server.addr,
- (char *)rp1->dflt_irc_server.addr,
- rp2->dflt_irc_server.num * sizeof (struct in_addr));
- }
- }
- if (ISCLR (rp1->valid, S_STREETTALK_SERVER))
- {
- rp1->streettalk_server.addr = calloc (rp2->streettalk_server.num,
- sizeof (struct in_addr));
- if (rp1->streettalk_server.addr != NULL)
- {
- rp1->streettalk_server.num = rp2->streettalk_server.num;
- bcopy ((char *)rp2->streettalk_server.addr,
- (char *)rp1->streettalk_server.addr,
- rp2->streettalk_server.num * sizeof (struct in_addr));
- }
- }
- if (ISCLR (rp1->valid, S_STDA_SERVER))
- {
- rp1->stda_server.addr = calloc (rp2->stda_server.num,
- sizeof (struct in_addr));
- if (rp1->stda_server.addr != NULL)
- {
- rp1->stda_server.num = rp2->stda_server.num;
- bcopy ((char *)rp2->stda_server.addr, (char *)rp1->stda_server.addr,
- rp2->stda_server.num * sizeof (struct in_addr));
- }
- }
- for (i = 0; i < VALIDSIZE; i++)
- {
- /*
- * Set active and valid flags for all values provided by quoted
- * entry. The valid flag for an entry is always set if the
- * corresponding active flag is set.
- */
- rp1->active[i] |= (~rp1->valid[i] & rp2->active[i]);
- rp1->valid[i] |= rp2->valid[i];
- }
- return(0);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * proc_mtpt - extract the MTU plateau table values
- *
- * This routine sets the mtu_plateau_table field of a lease descriptor to the
- * values specified by a "mtpt" entry in the address pool database. The
- * structure field is cleared when "mtpt@", specifying deletion, is encountered.
- *
- * RETURNS: 0, always.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- int proc_mtpt
- (
- int code, /* resource code for address pool field */
- int optype, /* operation type (addition or deletion) */
- char **symbol, /* current location in input string */
- struct dhcp_resource *rp /* pointer to lease descriptor */
- )
- {
- int i = 0;
- unsigned short tmpnum [MAX_MTUPLTSZ];
- if (optype == OP_ADDITION)
- {
- for (i = 0; i <= MAX_MTUPLTSZ; i++)
- {
- while (**symbol && isspace ( (int) **symbol))
- {
- (*symbol)++;
- }
- if (! **symbol)
- { /* Quit if nothing more */
- break;
- }
- if (isdigit ( (int) **symbol))
- tmpnum[i] = (u_short)get_integer (symbol);
- else
- break;
- }
- if (i == 0)
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- logMsg ("Warning: invalid MTU plateau table value.n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- return (-1);
- }
- rp->mtu_plateau_table.num = i;
- if (rp->mtu_plateau_table.shorts != NULL)
- free (rp->mtu_plateau_table.shorts);
- rp->mtu_plateau_table.shorts = (u_short *)calloc (i, sizeof (u_short));
- if (rp->mtu_plateau_table.shorts == NULL)
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- logMsg ("Warning: memory allocation error reading MTU plateau.n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- return (-1);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < rp->mtu_plateau_table.num; i++)
- rp->mtu_plateau_table.shorts[i] = htons (tmpnum[i]);
- }
- else
- {
- rp->mtu_plateau_table.num = 0;
- if (rp->mtu_plateau_table.shorts != NULL)
- free (rp->mtu_plateau_table.shorts);
- rp->mtu_plateau_table.shorts = NULL;
- }
- return (0);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * proc_ip - process single IP addresses
- *
- * This routine sets the fields of the lease descriptor containing single IP
- * address values. It is called in response to any "siad", "ipad", "snmk",
- * "swsv", "brda", or "rtsl" entries in the address pool database. When an "@"
- * mark is appended to any of the above specifiers, the corresponding field is
- * cleared.
- *
- * RETURNS: 0 if processing completed, or -1 on parse error.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- int proc_ip
- (
- int code, /* resource code for address pool field */
- int optype, /* operation type (addition or deletion) */
- char **symbol, /* current location in input string */
- struct dhcp_resource *rp /* pointer to lease descriptor */
- )
- {
- struct in_addr *ipp = NULL;
- STATUS result;
- switch (code)
- {
- case S_SIADDR:
- ipp = &rp->siaddr;
- break;
- case S_IP_ADDR:
- ipp = &rp->ip_addr;
- break;
- ipp = &rp->subnet_mask;
- break;
- ipp = &rp->swap_server;
- break;
- ipp = &rp->brdcast_addr;
- break;
- ipp = &rp->router_solicit;
- break;
- }
- if (optype == OP_ADDITION)
- {
- result = get_ip (symbol, ipp);
- if (result != OK)
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- logMsg ("Warning: Invalid or missing IP address.n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- return (-1);
- }
- }
- else
- bzero ( (char *)ipp, sizeof (struct in_addr));
- return (0);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * proc_ips - process multiple IP addresses
- *
- * This routine sets the fields of the lease descriptor containing lists of
- * IP addresses. These entries are indicated by names such as "rout" or "tmsv"
- * in the address pool database. When an "@" mark is appended to any of the
- * corresponding specifiers, the matching field is cleared.
- *
- * RETURNS: 0 if processing completed, or -1 on error.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- int proc_ips
- (
- int code, /* resource code for address pool field */
- int optype, /* operation type (addition or deletion) */
- char **symbol, /* current location in input string */
- struct dhcp_resource *rp /* pointer to lease descriptor */
- )
- {
- struct in_addrs *ipp = NULL;
- int i = 0;
- struct in_addr tmpaddr[MAX_IPS];
- STATUS result;
- switch (code)
- {
- case S_ROUTER:
- ipp = &rp->router;
- break;
- ipp = &rp->time_server;
- break;
- ipp = &rp->name_server;
- break;
- case S_DNS_SERVER:
- ipp = &rp->dns_server;
- break;
- case S_LOG_SERVER:
- ipp = &rp->log_server;
- break;
- ipp = &rp->cookie_server;
- break;
- case S_LPR_SERVER:
- ipp = &rp->lpr_server;
- break;
- ipp = &rp->impress_server;
- break;
- case S_RLS_SERVER:
- ipp = &rp->rls_server;
- break;
- case S_NIS_SERVER:
- ipp = &rp->nis_server;
- break;
- case S_NTP_SERVER:
- ipp = &rp->ntp_server;
- break;
- case S_NBN_SERVER:
- ipp = &rp->nbn_server;
- break;
- ipp = &rp->nbdd_server;
- break;
- ipp = &rp->xfont_server;
- break;
- ipp = &rp->xdisplay_manager;
- break;
- ipp = &rp->nisp_server;
- break;
- ipp = &rp->mobileip_ha;
- break;
- ipp = &rp->smtp_server;
- break;
- case S_POP3_SERVER:
- ipp = &rp->pop3_server;
- break;
- ipp = &rp->nntp_server;
- break;
- ipp = &rp->dflt_www_server;
- break;
- ipp = &rp->dflt_finger_server;
- break;
- ipp = &rp->dflt_irc_server;
- break;
- ipp = &rp->streettalk_server;
- break;
- ipp = &rp->stda_server;
- break;
- }
- if (optype == OP_ADDITION)
- {
- for (i = 0; i <= MAX_IPS; i++)
- {
- while (**symbol && isspace( (int) **symbol))
- {
- (*symbol)++;
- }
- if (! **symbol)
- break;
- result = get_ip (symbol, &tmpaddr[i]);
- if (result != OK)
- break;
- }
- if (i == 0)
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- logMsg ("Warning: Invalid or missing IP address.n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- return (-1);
- }
- ipp->num = i;
- ipp->addr = (struct in_addr *)calloc (i, sizeof (struct in_addr));
- if (ipp->addr == NULL)
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- logMsg ("Warning: Memory allocation error reading IP addresses.n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- return (-1);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < ipp->num; i++)
- ipp->addr[i] = tmpaddr[i];
- }
- else
- {
- ipp->num = 0;
- if (ipp->addr != NULL)
- free (ipp->addr);
- ipp->addr = NULL;
- }
- return (0);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * proc_ippairs - process multiple IP address pairs
- *
- * This routine sets the fields of the lease descriptor containing one or more
- * IP pairs. It is called in response to any "plcy" or "strt", entries in the
- * address pool database. When an "@" mark is appended to either of the above
- * specifiers, the corresponding field is cleared.
- *
- * RETURNS: 0 if processing completed, or -1 on error.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- int proc_ippairs
- (
- int code, /* resource code for address pool field */
- int optype, /* operation type (addition or deletion) */
- char **symbol, /* current location in input string */
- struct dhcp_resource *rp /* pointer to lease descriptor */
- )
- {
- struct ip_pairs *ipp = NULL;
- int i = 0;
- struct in_addr tmpaddr1 [MAX_IPPAIR], tmpaddr2 [MAX_IPPAIR];
- STATUS result;
- switch (code)
- {
- ipp = &rp->policy_filter;
- break;
- ipp = &rp->static_route;
- break;
- }
- if (optype == OP_ADDITION)
- {
- for (i = 0; i <= MAX_IPPAIR; i++)
- {
- /* Skip whitespace before first IP address. */
- while (**symbol && isspace ( (int)**symbol))
- (*symbol)++;
- if (! **symbol)
- break;
- result = get_ip(symbol, &tmpaddr1[i]);
- if (result != OK)
- break;
- /* Skip whitespace before second IP address. */
- while (**symbol && isspace ( (int) **symbol))
- (*symbol)++;
- if (! **symbol)
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- logMsg ("Warning: Second IP address in pair is missing.n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- break;
- }
- result = get_ip(symbol, &tmpaddr2[i]);
- if (result != OK)
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- logMsg ("Warning: Second IP address invalid or missing.n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- break;
- }
- }
- if (i == 0)
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- logMsg ("Warning: No valid IP addresses found.n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- return (-1);
- }
- ipp->num = i;
- ipp->addr1 = (struct in_addr *)calloc (i, sizeof (struct in_addr));
- if (ipp->addr1 == NULL)
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- logMsg ("Warning: Memory allocation error reading IP addresses.n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- return (-1);
- }
- ipp->addr2 = (struct in_addr *)calloc (i, sizeof (struct in_addr));
- if (ipp->addr2 == NULL)
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- logMsg ("Warning: Memory allocation error reading IP addresses.n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- free (ipp->addr1);
- return (-1);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < ipp->num; i++)
- {
- ipp->addr1[i] = tmpaddr1[i];
- ipp->addr2[i] = tmpaddr2[i];
- }
- }
- else
- {
- ipp->num = 0;
- if (ipp->addr1 != NULL)
- free (ipp->addr1);
- if (ipp->addr2 != NULL)
- free (ipp->addr2);
- }
- return (0);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * proc_hl - store long (4 byte) numeric values in host byte order
- *
- * This routine sets the fields of the lease descriptor containing four byte
- * numeric entries which have no corresponding fields in the DHCP message
- * structure. These entries are indicated by "maxl" or "dfll" in the address
- * pool database, and are stored in host byte order. When an "@" mark is
- * appended to either of the corresponding specifiers, the matching field is
- * cleared.
- *
- * RETURNS: 0, always.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- int proc_hl
- (
- int code, /* resource code for address pool field */
- int optype, /* operation type (addition or deletion) */
- char **symbol, /* current location in input string */
- struct dhcp_resource *rp /* pointer to lease descriptor */
- )
- {
- u_long *lp = NULL;
- switch (code)
- {
- case S_MAX_LEASE:
- lp = &rp->max_lease;
- break;
- lp = &rp->default_lease;
- break;
- }
- if (optype == OP_ADDITION)
- *lp = get_integer(symbol);
- else
- *lp = 0;
- return (0);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * proc_hs - store short (2 byte) numeric values in host byte order
- *
- * This routine sets the fields of the lease descriptor containing two byte
- * numeric entries which have no corresponding fields in the DHCP message
- * structure. These entries are indicated by "dht1" or "dht2" in the address
- * pool database, and are stored in host byte order. When an "@" mark is
- * appended to either of the corresponding specifiers, the matching field
- * is cleared.
- *
- * RETURNS: 0, always.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- int proc_hs
- (
- int code, /* resource code for address pool field */
- int optype, /* operation type (addition or deletion) */
- char **symbol, /* current location in input string */
- struct dhcp_resource *rp /* pointer to lease descriptor */
- )
- {
- u_short *sp = NULL;
- switch (code)
- {
- case S_DHCP_T1:
- sp = &rp->dhcp_t1;
- break;
- case S_DHCP_T2:
- sp = &rp->dhcp_t2;
- break;
- }
- if (optype == OP_ADDITION)
- *sp = (short)get_integer (symbol);
- else
- *sp = 0;
- return (0);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * proc_nl - store long (4 byte) numeric values in network byte order
- *
- * This routine sets the fields of the lease descriptor containing four byte
- * numeric entries which are sent directly to the client. These entries are
- * indicated by "maxl" or "dfll" in the address pool database, and are stored
- * in network byte order. When an "@" mark is appended to either of the
- * corresponding specifiers, the matching field is cleared.
- *
- * RETURNS: 0, always.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- int proc_nl
- (
- int code, /* resource code for address pool field */
- int optype, /* operation type (addition or deletion) */
- char **symbol, /* current location in input string */
- struct dhcp_resource *rp /* pointer to lease descriptor */
- )
- {
- u_long *lp = NULL;
- u_long tmp;
- switch (code)
- {
- lp = (u_long *) &rp->time_offset;
- break;
- lp = &rp->mtu_aging_timeout;
- break;
- lp = &rp->arp_cache_timeout;
- break;
- lp = &rp->keepalive_inter;
- break;
- }
- if (optype == OP_ADDITION)
- {
- tmp = get_integer (symbol);
- *lp = htonl (tmp);
- }
- else
- *lp = 0;
- return (0);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * proc_ns - store short (2 byte) numeric values in network byte order
- *
- * This routine sets the fields of the lease descriptor containing two byte
- * numeric entries which are sent directly to the client. These entries are
- * indicated by "btsz", "mdgs", or "ifmt" in the address pool database, and
- * are stored in network byte order. When an "@" mark is appended to any of
- * the corresponding specifiers, the matching field is cleared.
- *
- * RETURNS: 0, always.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- int proc_ns
- (
- int code, /* resource code for address pool field */
- int optype, /* operation type (addition or deletion) */
- char **symbol, /* current location in input string */
- struct dhcp_resource *rp /* pointer to lease descriptor */
- )
- {
- u_short *sp = NULL;
- u_short tmp;
- switch (code)
- {
- case S_BOOTSIZE:
- sp = &rp->bootsize;
- break;
- sp = &rp->max_dgram_size;
- break;
- case S_IF_MTU:
- sp = &rp->intf_mtu;
- break;
- }
- if (optype == OP_ADDITION)
- {
- tmp = (short) get_integer (symbol);
- *sp = htons (tmp);
- }
- else
- *sp = 0;
- return (0);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * proc_octet - store 1 byte numeric values
- *
- * This routine sets the fields of the lease descriptor containing single byte
- * numeric entries. These entries are indicated by "ditl", "dttl", or "nbnt"
- * in the address pool database. When an "@" mark is appended to any of the
- * corresponding specifiers, the matching field is cleared.
- *
- * RETURNS: 0, always.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- int proc_octet
- (
- int code, /* resource code for address pool field */
- int optype, /* operation type (addition or deletion) */
- char **symbol, /* current location in input string */
- struct dhcp_resource *rp /* pointer to lease descriptor */
- )
- {
- u_char *cp = NULL;
- switch (code)
- {
- cp = &rp->default_ip_ttl;
- break;
- cp = &rp->default_tcp_ttl;
- break;
- cp = &rp->nb_nodetype;
- break;
- }
- if (optype == OP_ADDITION)
- *cp = (u_char) get_integer(symbol);
- else
- *cp = 0;
- return (0);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * proc_str - store string values
- *
- * This routine sets the fields of the lease descriptor containing string
- * entries. These entries are indicated by identifiers such as "hstn" and
- * "mdmp" in the address pool database. When an "@" mark is appended to any
- * of the corresponding specifiers, the matching field is cleared.
- *
- * RETURNS: 0, always.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- int proc_str
- (
- int code, /* resource code for address pool field */
- int optype, /* operation type (addition or deletion) */
- char **symbol, /* current location in input string */
- struct dhcp_resource *rp /* pointer to lease descriptor */
- )
- {
- char *cp = NULL;
- char tmpstr [MAXSTRINGLEN];
- switch (code)
- {
- case S_HOSTNAME:
- cp = rp->hostname;
- break;
- case S_MERIT_DUMP:
- cp = rp->merit_dump;
- break;
- case S_DNS_DOMAIN:
- cp = rp->dns_domain;
- break;
- case S_ROOT_PATH:
- cp = rp->root_path;
- break;
- cp = rp->extensions_path;
- break;
- case S_NIS_DOMAIN:
- cp = rp->nis_domain;
- break;
- case S_NB_SCOPE:
- cp = rp->nb_scope;
- break;
- cp = rp->nisp_domain;
- break;
- }
- if (optype == OP_ADDITION)
- {
- get_string (symbol, tmpstr);
- if (strlen (tmpstr) > MAXOPT)
- {
- bcopy (tmpstr, cp, MAXOPT);
- cp [MAXOPT] = ' ';
- }
- else
- {
- bcopy (tmpstr, cp, strlen (tmpstr));
- rp->sname [strlen (tmpstr)] = ' ';
- }
- }
- else
- cp[0] = ' ';
- return (0);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * proc_bool - process boolean values
- *
- * This routine sets the fields of the lease descriptor containing boolean
- * entries. These entries are indicated by identifiers such as "albp"
- * and "ipfd" in the address pool database. When an "@" mark is appended
- * to any of the corresponding specifiers, the matching field is cleared.
- *
- * RETURNS: 0, always.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- int proc_bool
- (
- int code, /* resource code for address pool field */
- int optype, /* operation type (addition or deletion) */
- char **symbol, /* current location in input string */
- struct dhcp_resource *rp /* pointer to lease descriptor */
- )
- {
- char tmpstr [MAXSTRINGLEN];
- char *cp = NULL;
- switch (code)
- {
- cp = &rp->allow_bootp;
- break;
- case S_IP_FORWARD:
- cp = &rp->ip_forward;
- break;
- cp = &rp->nonlocal_srcroute;
- break;
- cp = &rp->all_subnet_local;
- break;
- cp = &rp->mask_discover;
- break;
- cp = &rp->mask_supplier;
- break;
- cp = &rp->router_discover;
- break;
- case S_TRAILER:
- cp = &rp->trailer;
- break;
- cp = &rp->ether_encap;
- break;
- cp = &rp->keepalive_garba;
- break;
- }
- if (optype == OP_ADDITION)
- {
- get_string (symbol, tmpstr);
- if (strcmp (tmpstr, "true") == 0)
- *cp = TRUE;
- else if (strcmp (tmpstr, "false") == 0)
- *cp = FALSE;
- else
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- logMsg("Warning: Invalid boolean value.n", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- *cp = FALSE;
- return (-1);
- }
- }
- else
- *cp = 0;
- return (0);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * read_addrpool_file - extract runtime address pool entries
- *
- * This routine calls an optional hook routine, supplied by the user. It
- * retrieves any address pool entries added with dhcpsLeaseEntryAdd() after
- * DHCP server startup from permanent storage. If no storage hook was provided,
- * any entries in the binding database referencing the runtime address entries
- * will be discarded. The corresponding leases will not be renewed.
- *
- * This routine is called once on server startup.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK if data update completed, or ERROR otherwise.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- STATUS read_addrpool_file (void)
- {
- struct dhcp_resource *rp = NULL;
- struct hash_member *resptr = NULL;
- STATUS result = OK;
- char tmp [10]; /* sizeof ("tblc=dlft") for host requirements defaults. */
- char entryName [BASE_NAME + 1]; /* User-given name for address range. */
- char newName [MAX_NAME + 1]; /* Unique name for each entry in range. */
- char startAddress [INET_ADDR_LEN];
- char endAddress [INET_ADDR_LEN];
- char newAddress [INET_ADDR_LEN];
- char params [MAXENTRYLEN];
- struct in_addr nextAddr;
- int length;
- char *pTmp;
- u_long start = 0;
- u_long end = 0;
- u_long loop;
- u_long limit;
- int nresource = 0;
- if (dhcpsAddressHookRtn == NULL)
- return (OK);
- result = (* dhcpsAddressHookRtn) (DHCPS_STORAGE_START,
- if (result == ERROR)
- {
- /* Fatal error - close address cache before server exits. */
- logMsg ("Unable to access address pool cache.n", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- (* dhcpsAddressHookRtn) (DHCPS_STORAGE_STOP, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- newEntry.pName = newName;
- newEntry.pAddress = newAddress;
- newEntry.pParams = params;
- {
- result = (* dhcpsAddressHookRtn) (DHCPS_STORAGE_READ, entryName,
- startAddress, endAddress, params);
- if (result == ERROR) /* No more data. */
- {
- result = OK;
- break;
- }
- /* check resource entry name */
- length = strlen (entryName);
- if (length == 0)
- {
- logMsg ("Error extracting entry name for entry %d.n",
- nresource + 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- continue;
- }
- /* check IP addresses */
- start = inet_addr (startAddress);
- end = inet_addr (endAddress);
- if (start == ERROR || end == ERROR)
- {
- logMsg ("Invalid address for entry %d.n", nresource + 1,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- continue;
- }
- limit = ntohl (end);
- for (loop = ntohl (start); loop <= limit; loop++)
- {
- rp = (struct dhcp_resource *)calloc (1,
- sizeof (struct dhcp_resource));
- if (rp == NULL)
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- logMsg ("Memory allocation error in read_addrpool_file",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- result = ERROR;
- break;
- }
- /* Generate a unique name by appending IP address value. */
- sprintf (newEntry.pName, "%s%lx", entryName, loop);
- /* Assign current IP address in range. */
- nextAddr.s_addr = htonl (loop);
- inet_ntoa_b (nextAddr, newEntry.pAddress);
- if (process_entry (rp, &newEntry) < 0)
- {
- logMsg ("Error processing file entry %d.n", nresource + 1,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- dhcpsFreeResource (rp);
- break;
- }
- /*
- * Add Host Requirements defaults to resource entry. Do not add
- * to entries containing client-specific or class-specific
- * parameters.
- */
- if (ISCLR (rp->valid, S_PARAM_ID) && ISCLR (rp->valid, S_CLASS_ID))
- {
- sprintf (tmp, "%s", "tblc=dflt");
- pTmp = tmp;
- eval_symbol (&pTmp, rp);
- }
- /* Set default values for entry, if not already assigned. */
- if (ISSET (rp->valid, S_IP_ADDR))
- set_default (rp);
- /*
- * Append entries to lease descriptor list. Exclude entries which
- * specify additional client- or class-specific parameters.
- */
- if (ISCLR (rp->valid, S_PARAM_ID) && ISCLR (rp->valid, S_CLASS_ID))
- {
- resptr = reslist;
- while (resptr->next != NULL)
- resptr = resptr->next;
- resptr->next =
- (struct hash_member *)calloc (1,
- sizeof (struct hash_member));
- if (resptr->next == NULL)
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- logMsg ("Memory allocation error in read_addrpool_file",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- dhcpsFreeResource (rp);
- result = ERROR;
- break;
- }
- resptr = resptr->next;
- resptr->next = NULL;
- resptr->data = (void *)rp;
- if (ISSET (rp->valid, S_IP_ADDR))
- if (hash_ins (&iphashtable, (char *)&rp->ip_addr.s_addr,
- sizeof (u_long), resipcmp, &rp->ip_addr, rp)
- < 0)
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- logMsg ("Hash table error reading address cache.n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- result = ERROR;
- break;
- }
- /* Add entryname to appropriate hash table. */
- result = hash_ins (&nmhashtable, rp->entryname,
- strlen (rp->entryname), resnmcmp,
- rp->entryname, rp);
- if (result < 0)
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- logMsg ("Hash table error reading address cache.n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- result = ERROR;
- break;
- }
- }
- nresource++;
- }
- if (result == ERROR)
- break;
- }
- if (result == OK)
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- logMsg ("dhcps: read %d entries from address pool cache", nresource,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- }
- else
- {
- /* Fatal error - close address cache before server exits. */
- (* dhcpsAddressHookRtn) (DHCPS_STORAGE_STOP, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- }
- return (result);
- }
- /*
- * The following code portions are Copyright (c) 1988 by Carnegie Mellon.
- * Modified by Akihiro Tominaga, 1994.
- * Ported to VxWorks by Stephen Macmanus, 1996.
- */
- /*
- * Copyright (c) 1988 by Carnegie Mellon.
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this program for any
- * purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that this copyright
- * and permission notice appear on all copies and supporting documentation,
- * the name of Carnegie Mellon not be used in advertising or publicity
- * pertaining to distribution of the program without specific prior
- * permission, and notice be given in supporting documentation that copying
- * and distribution is by permission of Carnegie Mellon and Stanford
- * University. Carnegie Mellon makes no representations about the
- * suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is"
- * without express or implied warranty.
- */
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * read_addrpool_db - extract address entries from compiled image
- *
- * This routine retrieves the address pool entries hard-coded into usrNetwork.c
- * as dhcpsLeaseTbl[] and creates the necessary descriptors to assign leases
- * to DHCP or BOOTP clients.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK if database read successfully, or ERROR otherwise.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- STATUS read_addrpool_db
- (
- int poolsize /* number of entries in hard-coded table */
- )
- {
- struct dhcp_resource *rp = NULL;
- struct hash_member *resptr = NULL;
- char newName [MAX_NAME + 1];
- char entryName [BASE_NAME + 1];
- int len;
- char newAddress [INET_ADDR_LEN];
- char * pStartAddr;
- char * pEndAddr;
- struct in_addr newAddr;
- char tmp [10];
- char *pTmp;
- int nresource = 0;
- int loop;
- int result;
- u_long start;
- u_long end;
- u_long loop2;
- u_long limit;
- entryData.pName = newName;
- entryData.pAddress = newAddress;
- for (loop = 0; loop < poolsize; loop++)
- {
- pStartAddr = pDhcpsLeasePool [loop].pStartIp;
- pEndAddr = pDhcpsLeasePool [loop].pEndIp;
- /* Ignore bad values for range. */
- if (pStartAddr != NULL && pEndAddr == NULL)
- continue;
- if (pStartAddr == NULL && pEndAddr != NULL)
- continue;
- /* If no address specified, just process parameters once. */
- if (pStartAddr == NULL && pEndAddr == NULL)
- {
- start = 0;
- end = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- start = inet_addr (pStartAddr);
- end = inet_addr (pEndAddr);
- if (start == ERROR || end == ERROR)
- continue;
- }
- entryData.pParams = pDhcpsLeasePool [loop].pParams;
- len = strlen (pDhcpsLeasePool[loop].pName);
- if (len > BASE_NAME)
- {
- bcopy (pDhcpsLeasePool[loop].pName, entryName, BASE_NAME);
- entryName [BASE_NAME] = ' ';
- }
- else
- {
- bcopy (pDhcpsLeasePool[loop].pName, entryName, len);
- entryName [len] = ' ';
- }
- limit = ntohl (end);
- for (loop2 = ntohl (start); loop2 <= limit; loop2++)
- {
- rp =
- (struct dhcp_resource *)calloc (1, sizeof (struct dhcp_resource));
- if (rp == NULL)
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- logMsg ("Memory allocation error in read_addrpool_db",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* Generate a unique name for each entry in range. */
- if (loop == 0) /* Don't modify name of default entry. */
- sprintf (entryData.pName, "%s", entryName);
- else
- sprintf (entryData.pName, "%s%lx", entryName, loop2);
- /* Store current IP address in range. */
- newAddr.s_addr = htonl (loop2);
- inet_ntoa_b (newAddr, entryData.pAddress);
- /* Add new entry to address pool. */
- if (process_entry (rp, &entryData) < 0)
- {
- logMsg ("Error processing table entry %d.n", loop + 1,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- dhcpsFreeResource (rp);
- break;
- }
- /* Add host requirements defaults to all lease entries. */
- if (loop != 0) /* Ignore first entry, which holds defaults. */
- {
- /* Add Host Requirements Defaults to resource entry. Do not
- * add to entries containing client-specific or class-specific
- * parameters.
- */
- if (ISCLR (rp->valid, S_PARAM_ID) &&
- ISCLR (rp->valid, S_CLASS_ID))
- {
- sprintf (tmp, "%s", "tblc=dflt");
- pTmp = tmp;
- eval_symbol (&pTmp, rp);
- }
- }
- /* Set default values for entry, if not assigned in table. */
- if (ISSET (rp->valid, S_IP_ADDR))
- set_default (rp);
- /*
- * make resource list for lease entries. Exclude entries which
- * specify additional client- or class-specific parameters.
- */
- if (ISCLR (rp->valid, S_PARAM_ID) && ISCLR (rp->valid, S_CLASS_ID))
- {
- if (reslist == NULL)
- {
- resptr = reslist =
- (struct hash_member *)calloc (1,
- sizeof (struct hash_member));
- if (resptr == NULL)
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- logMsg ("Memory allocation error in read_addrpool_db",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- dhcpsFreeResource (rp);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* not first time */
- resptr->next =
- (struct hash_member *)calloc (1,
- sizeof (struct hash_member));
- if (resptr->next == NULL)
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- logMsg ("Memory allocation error in read_addrpool_db",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- dhcpsFreeResource (rp);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- resptr = resptr->next;
- }
- resptr->next = NULL;
- resptr->data = (hash_datum *)rp;
- /* Store entry in hash table with IP address as key. */
- if (ISSET (rp->valid, S_IP_ADDR))
- if (hash_ins (&iphashtable, (char *)&rp->ip_addr.s_addr,
- sizeof (u_long), resipcmp, &rp->ip_addr, rp)
- < 0)
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- logMsg ("Hash table error reading address database.n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- return (ERROR);
- }
- }
- /* Store entry in hash table with resource entryname as key. */
- result = hash_ins (&nmhashtable, rp->entryname,
- strlen (rp->entryname), resnmcmp,
- rp->entryname, rp);
- if (result < 0)
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- logMsg ("Hash table error reading address database.n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- return (ERROR);
- }
- nresource++;
- }
- }
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- logMsg ("dhcps: read %d entries from addr-pool database.n", nresource,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * read_entry - retrieve database entries from permanent storage
- *
- * This routine calls a hook routine, supplied by the user, to retrieve entries
- * from the binding database. Each entry consists of a string with the following
- * format:
- * idtype:id:subnet:htype:haddr:"expire_date":resource_name
- *
- * The colon delimited fields may contain quoted strings. The '' character is
- * used to embed special characters, such as a colon or double quote.
- *
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- static void read_entry
- (
- char *buffer, /* buffer to store extracted data */
- unsigned *bufsiz /* number of characters retrieved */
- )
- {
- int c = ' '; /* Whitespace character. */
- int length = 0;
- int index = 0;
- char data [MAXSTRINGLEN];
- BOOL finished = FALSE;
- BOOL termfound = FALSE; /* Terminator flag for special characters. */
- STATUS result;
- result = (* dhcpsLeaseHookRtn) (DHCPS_STORAGE_READ, data, MAXSTRINGLEN);
- if (result == ERROR)
- {
- buffer[0] = ' '; /* Empty string */
- *bufsiz = 0;
- return;
- }
- /*
- * read binding information
- *
- * idtype:id:subnet:htype:haddr:"expire_date":resource_name
- */
- c = data[index++];
- while (c != ' ')
- {
- /* Store the entry in the data buffer, processing special characters
- * like double quotes (") and backslashes ().
- */
- switch (c)
- {
- case '\': /* Backslash - read a new character. */
- c = data[index++];
- *buffer++ = c; /* Store the literal character */
- length++;
- if (length >= *bufsiz - 1)
- finished = TRUE;
- break;
- case '"':
- *buffer++ = '"'; /* Store double-quote */
- length++;
- if (length >= *bufsiz - 1)
- {
- finished = TRUE;
- break;
- }
- termfound = FALSE;
- c = data[index++];
- while (c != ' ') /* Special quote processing loop */
- {
- switch (c)
- {
- case '"':
- *buffer++ = '"'; /* Store matching quote */
- length++;
- if (length < *bufsiz - 1)
- termfound = TRUE;
- else
- finished = TRUE;
- break;
- case '\':
- c = data[index++]; /* Fall-through */
- default:
- *buffer++ = c; /* Other character, store it */
- length++;
- if (length >= *bufsiz - 1)
- finished = TRUE;
- break;
- }
- if (finished || termfound)
- break;
- c = data[index++];
- }
- if (c == ' ') /* Missing close quote. */
- finished = TRUE;
- break;
- default:
- *buffer++ = c; /* Store other characters */
- length++;
- if (length >= *bufsiz - 1)
- finished = TRUE;
- break;
- }
- if (finished) /* Buffer limit reached - stop reading. */
- break;
- c = data[index++];
- }
- *buffer = ' '; /* Terminate string */
- *bufsiz = length; /* Tell the caller its length */
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * process_entry - parse address pool entries
- *
- * This routine forms lease descriptors from the address pool entries
- * retrieved from permanent storage or the compiled image. Each lease descriptor
- * contains three strings: the entry name, the IP address, and a parameter list.
- * The parameter list contains a colon-separated list of entries. The contents
- * of the parameter list determine the type of lease assignment. That type is
- * used by the server to select the priority with which lease entries are
- * issued to clients.
- *
- * RETURNS: 0 if processed successfully, or -1 otherwise.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- int process_entry
- (
- struct dhcp_resource *rp, /* pointer to lease descriptor */
- DHCPS_ENTRY_DESC * leaseData /* pointer to address pool entry */
- )
- {
- char buffer[MAXENTRYLEN];
- char *src;
- if (!rp)
- return(-1);
- if (strlen (leaseData->pName) > MAX_NAME)
- {
- bcopy (leaseData->pName, rp->entryname, MAX_NAME);
- rp->entryname [MAX_NAME] = ' ';
- }
- else
- {
- bcopy (leaseData->pName, rp->entryname, strlen (leaseData->pName));
- rp->entryname [strlen (leaseData->pName)] = ' ';
- }
- if (leaseData->pAddress != NULL)
- {
- rp->ip_addr.s_addr = inet_addr (leaseData->pAddress);
- if (rp->ip_addr.s_addr != ERROR && rp->ip_addr.s_addr != 0)
- {
- SETBIT (rp->valid, S_IP_ADDR);
- SETBIT (rp->active, S_IP_ADDR); /* Pass value to client. */
- }
- }
- sprintf (buffer, ":%s", leaseData->pParams);
- src = (char *)buffer;
- {
- adjust (&src);
- switch (eval_symbol (&src, rp))
- {
- case E_END_OF_ENTRY: /* No more fields in entry. */
- return(0);
- break;
- case SUCCESS: /* Continue processing fields. */
- break;
- default:
- return(-1); /* Error in parameter entry. */
- break;
- }
- }
- return (0); /* Not reached. */
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * adjust - update pointer to access individual parameters
- *
- * This routine adjusts the caller's pointer to point just past the colon which
- * separates address pool parameters. If it encounters a null character, the
- * pointer update stops.
- *
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- static void adjust
- (
- char **s /* current location in input string */
- )
- {
- FAST char *t = NULL;
- t = *s;
- while (*t && (*t != ':'))
- t++;
- if (*t)
- t++;
- *s = t;
- return;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * eval_symbol - process individual parameter entries
- *
- * This routine parses individual parameter entries. Each entry has one of
- * two formats. Parameters may be added by including a string of the form
- * <name>=<value> in the parameter field. Parameters may be deleted by
- * including a parameter name followed by the "@" sign. This routine extracts
- * the four character parameter name and uses it to determine the appopriate
- * processing function, named proc_* and defined above.
- *
- * Finally, parameter names may be preceded by the "!" character. This indicates
- * that the added parameter is active. This designation is used to identify
- * parameters with values which differ from those specified in the Host
- * Requirements RFC. Parameters designated as active are always sent to the
- * DHCP client, which would otherwise use the Host Requirements values.
- *
- * RETURNS: 0 if processed successfully, or -1 otherwise.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- int eval_symbol
- (
- char **symbol, /* current location in input string */
- struct dhcp_resource *rp /* pointer to lease descriptor */
- )
- {
- struct symbolmap *symbolptr = NULL;
- int i = 0;
- int result;
- int optype = 0; /* Indicates boolean, addition, or deletion */
- int active = 0;
- if ( (*symbol)[0] == ' ')
- return(E_END_OF_ENTRY);
- if ( (*symbol)[0] == ':')
- return (SUCCESS);
- eat_whitespace (symbol);
- /*
- * Is it active parameter?
- * (this parameter is not default of Host Requirements RFC)
- */
- if ( (*symbol)[0] == '!')
- {
- active = TRUE;
- (*symbol)++;
- }
- else
- active = FALSE;
- /* Determine the type of operation to be done on this symbol */
- switch ( (*symbol)[4])
- {
- case '=':
- optype = OP_ADDITION;
- break;
- case '@':
- optype = OP_DELETION;
- break;
- default:
- logMsg ("Warning: Unknown operation in resource database.n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- return (-1);
- }
- symbolptr = symbol_list;
- for (i = 0; i <= S_LAST_OPTION; i++)
- {
- if ( ( (symbolptr->symbol)[0] == (*symbol)[0]) &&
- ( (symbolptr->symbol)[1] == (*symbol)[1]) &&
- ( (symbolptr->symbol)[2] == (*symbol)[2]) &&
- ( (symbolptr->symbol)[3] == (*symbol)[3]))
- break;
- symbolptr++;
- }
- if (i > S_LAST_OPTION)
- {
- logMsg ("Warning: unknown symbol "%c%c%c%c" in "%s"",
- (*symbol)[0], (*symbol)[1], (*symbol)[2], (*symbol)[3],
- (int)rp->entryname, 0);
- return (-1);
- }
- /*
- * Skip past the = or @ character (to point to the data) if this
- * isn't a boolean operation. For boolean operations, just skip
- * over the two-character tag symbol (and nothing else. . . .).
- */
- (*symbol) += 5;
- if (symbolptr->func != NULL)
- {
- result = (*symbolptr->func) (symbolptr->code, optype, symbol, rp);
- if (symbolptr->code != S_TABLE_CONT)
- {
- if (optype == OP_DELETION || result != 0)
- {
- CLRBIT (rp->valid, symbolptr->code);
- CLRBIT (rp->active, symbolptr->code);
- }
- else
- {
- SETBIT (rp->valid, symbolptr->code);
- if (active)
- SETBIT (rp->active, symbolptr->code);
- else
- CLRBIT (rp->active, symbolptr->code);
- }
- }
- return (result);
- }
- else
- {
- #ifdef DHCPS_DEBUG
- logMsg ("Warning: No processing function for symbol.n",
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- #endif
- return (-1);
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * eat_whitespace - update pointer to access meaningful characters
- *
- * This routine adjusts the caller's pointer to point past excess whitespace.
- * If it encounters a null character, the pointer update stops.
- *
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- static void eat_whitespace
- (
- char **s /* current location in input string */
- )
- {
- FAST char *t = NULL;
- t = *s;
- while (*t && isspace ( (int) *t))
- t++;
- *s = t;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * get_string - retrieve characters from input until delimiter reached
- *
- * This routine copies up to MAXSTRINGLEN characters into the provided buffer
- * until the NULL character or a colon delimiter is encountered. The input
- * pointer is also updated to point past the last character retrieved.
- * It handles special characters preceded by "" as well as quoted substrings.
- * Before returning, trailing whitespace is removed from the extracted string.
- *
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- static void get_string
- (
- char **src, /* current location in input string */
- char *target /* pointer to storage for extracted characters */
- )
- {
- int n = 0;
- int len = 0;
- int quoteflag = 0;
- char * tmpp = NULL;
- bzero (target, MAXSTRINGLEN);
- tmpp = target;
- quoteflag = FALSE;
- n = 0;
- len = MAXSTRINGLEN - 1;
- /* Extract characters until EOS or a colon delimiter is reached. */
- while ((n < MAXSTRINGLEN - 1) && (**src))
- {
- if (!quoteflag && (**src == ':'))
- {
- break;
- }
- if (**src == '"')
- {
- (*src)++;
- quoteflag = !quoteflag;
- continue;
- }
- if (**src == '\')
- {
- (*src)++;
- if (! **src)
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- *tmpp++ = *(*src)++;
- n++;
- }
- /* Remove that troublesome trailing whitespace. . . */
- while ((n > 0) && isspace( (int) tmpp[-1]))
- {
- tmpp--;
- n--;
- }
- *tmpp = ' ';
- return;
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * get_integer - retrieve numeric value from input until delimiter reached
- *
- * This routine converts the input string into a numeric value until NULL or
- * a non-digit character is reached. Hexadecimal numbers are specified by a
- * leading 0x and octal numbers by a leading 0. The input pointer is updated
- * to indicate the first non-digit character.
- *
- * RETURNS: Extracted value, or 0 if none.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- static long get_integer
- (
- char **src /* current location in input string */
- )
- {
- FAST long value = 0;
- FAST long base = 0;
- int invert = 1;
- char c = 0;
- /*
- * Collect number up to first illegal character. Values are specified
- * as for C: 0x=hex, 0=octal, other=decimal.
- */
- value = 0;
- base = 10;
- if (**src == '-')
- {
- invert = -1;
- (*src)++;
- }
- if (**src == '0')
- {
- base = 8;
- (*src)++;
- }
- if (**src == 'x' || **src == 'X')
- {
- base = 16;
- (*src)++;
- }
- while ( (c = **src))
- {
- if (isdigit ( (int) c))
- {
- value = (value * base) + (c - '0');
- (*src)++;
- continue;
- }
- if (base == 16 && isxdigit ( (int)c))
- {
- /* Convert hex alpha digits to uppercase, then to numeric value. */
- value = (value << 4) + ((c & ~32) + 10 - 'A');
- (*src)++;
- continue;
- }
- break;
- }
- return (invert * value);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * prs_inaddr - retrieve numeric value for IP address until delimiter reached
- *
- * This routine converts the dot notation input string into a numeric value,
- * and stores the result (in network byte order) in the provided parameter.
- * The input pointer is updated to indicate the next character in the string.
- *
- * RETURNS: 0 if successful, or -1 for bad format.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- static int prs_inaddr
- (
- char **src, /* current location in input string */
- u_long *result /* pointer to storage for extracted value */
- )
- {
- FAST u_long value = 0;
- u_long parts[4];
- u_long * pp = parts;
- int n;
- if (!isdigit ( (int) **src))
- return (-1);
- {
- value = get_integer (src);
- if (**src == '.')
- {
- /*
- * Internet format:
- * a.b.c.d
- * a.b.c (with c treated as 16-bits)
- * a.b (with b treated as 24 bits)
- */
- if (pp >= parts + 4)
- return (-1);
- *pp++ = value;
- (*src)++;
- continue;
- }
- break;
- }
- /*
- * Check for trailing characters.
- */
- if (**src && ! (isspace ( (int) **src) || (**src == ':')))
- return (-1);
- *pp++ = value;
- /* Construct the address according to the number of parts specified. */
- n = pp - parts;
- switch (n)
- {
- case 1: /* a -- 32 bits */
- value = parts[0];
- break;
- case 2: /* a.b -- 8.24 bits */
- value = (parts[0] << 24) | (parts[1] & 0xFFFFFF);
- break;
- case 3: /* a.b.c -- 8.8.16 bits */
- value = (parts[0] << 24) | ((parts[1] & 0xFF) << 16) |
- (parts[2] & 0xFFFF);
- break;
- case 4: /* a.b.c.d -- bits */
- value = (parts[0] << 24) | ( (parts[1] & 0xFF) << 16) |
- ( (parts[2] & 0xFF) << 8) | (parts[3] & 0xFF);
- break;
- default:
- return (-1);
- }
- *result = htonl(value);
- return (0);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * resnmcmp - verify resource name for address pool entries
- *
- * This routine compares a hash table key against the entry name of a
- * lease descriptor. It is used when storing and retrieving lease
- * descriptors with the internal hash tables.
- *
- * RETURNS: TRUE if names match, or FALSE otherwise.
- *
- * ERRNO: N/A
- *
- */
- int resnmcmp
- (
- char *name, /* pointer to hash table key */
- struct dhcp_resource *rp /* pointer to lease descriptor */
- )
- {
- return !strcmp (name, rp->entryname);
- }