- /* rBuffLib.c - dynamic ring buffer (rBuff) library */
- /* Copyright 1984-1997 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- #include "copyright_wrs.h"
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01z,20apr00,max Change tid == NULL to tid == 0 (like in es.coretools)
- 01y,28aug98,dgp FCS man page edit
- 01x,27aug98,dgp add lib description, edit wvRBuffMgrPrioritySet() for manpgs
- 01w,18aug98,cjtc event buffer full handled more gracefully (SPR 22133)
- 01v,22jul98,cjtc optimise ring buffer scheme for windview (SPR 21752)
- Avoids multiple rBuffMgr tasks (SPR 21805)
- 01u,30jun98,cjtc make priority of rBuffMgr task variable (SPR 21543)
- 01t,06may98,pr fix wrong spell of portWorkQAdd1 for x86.
- 01t,01may98,nps reworked msg passing for rBuff maintenance.
- 01s,26mar98,nps fix 2 buffer / continuous upload problem.
- 01r,25mar98,pr used portable portWorkQAdd1 only for the I80X86.
- moved portWorkQAdd1 into trgLib.c
- 01q,20mar98,pr replaced workQAdd1 with portable version (for x86).
- 01p,19mar98,nps only give upload threshold semaphore when necessary.
- 01o,13mar98,nps added rBuffVerify.
- 01n,03mar98,nps Source control structures from specfied source partition.
- 01m,21feb98,nps Don't use msgQ fn to pass msgs - it causes problems when
- used with WV instrumentation.
- 01l,04feb98,nps remove diagnostic messages.
- 01k,03feb98,nps Changed msgQSend option from WAIT_FOREVER to NO_WAIT.
- 01j,12jan98,nps Don't initialise rBuff multiple times.
- 01i,18dec97,cth updated include files, added flushRtn init to rBuffCreate
- 01h,25nov97,nps Tom's fix incorporated.
- Maintain statistic of peak buffer utilisation.
- Fix count of empty buffers.
- 01g,16nov97,cth changed every public routine to accept generic buffer id,
- described in buffer.h, rather than rBuffId.
- added initialization for generic buffer id in rBuffCreate
- 01f,15Sep97,nps rBuffShow moved out to its own file.
- SEMAPHOREs now init'd rather than created.
- added support for 'infinite' extension.
- added support for RBUFF_WRAPAROUND.
- buffers for ring are now added and freed by dedicated task.
- 01e,18Aug97,nps fixed counting of emptyBuffs.
- 01d,18Aug97,nps use semBGiveDefer to signal event upload.
- 01c,11Aug97,nps rBuffReset now resets *all* buffers.
- 01b,28jul97,nps further implementation/testing.
- rBuffReset returns STATUS type.
- added rBuffSetFd.
- 01a,14jul97,nps written.
- */
- /*
- This library contains a routine for changing the default priority of the rBuff
- manager task.
- This library also contains the non-public routines creating and managing the
- dynamic ring buffer. It provides both a WindView-specific version and a
- generic version.
- SEE ALSO: memLib, rngLib,
- .pG "Basic OS"
- */
- #undef RBUFF_DEBUG
- /*
- * Below this point the WindView specific version of the ring buffer
- * library. In order to compile with the old (generic version of the
- * ring buffer, you should use EXTRA_DEFINE='-DGENERIC_RBUFF' in the
- * make command line, or #define GENERIC_RBUFF at the head of this
- * file.
- */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "semLib.h"
- #include "classLib.h"
- #include "errno.h"
- #include "intLib.h"
- #include "logLib.h"
- #include "taskLib.h"
- #include "fioLib.h"
- #include "rBuffLib.h"
- #include "private/wvBufferP.h"
- #include "private/classLibP.h"
- #include "private/objLibP.h"
- #include "private/workQLibP.h"
- #include "stdio.h"
- #include "string.h"
- #include "unistd.h"
- extern int wvRBuffMgr();
- #if (CPU_FAMILY == I80X86)
- extern void portWorkQAdd1();
- #endif
- /* locals */
- #if defined(__STDC__) || defined(__cplusplus)
- (
- RBUFF_ID rBuff,
- RBUFF_PTR buffToAdd
- );
- (
- RBUFF_ID rBuff,
- RBUFF_PTR buffToFree
- );
- LOCAL STATUS rBuffHandleEmpty
- (
- RBUFF_ID rBuff
- );
- #else /* __STDC__ */
- LOCAL STATUS rBuffAdd();
- LOCAL STATUS rBuffFree();
- LOCAL STATUS rBuffHandleEmpty();
- #endif /* __STDC__ */
- extern BOOL kernelState;
- #if (CPU_FAMILY == I80X86)
- # define WQADD1 portWorkQAdd1
- #else /* CPU_FAMILY == I80X86 */
- # define WQADD1 workQAdd1
- #endif
- {
- if ((RB_ID)->nestLevel++ == 0)
- {
- BOOL doIt = TRUE ;
- {
- if ((RB_ID)->msgOutstanding)
- {
- doIt = FALSE;
- }
- (RB_ID)->msgOutstanding = TRUE;
- }
- if (doIt)
- {
- pMgr = (WV_RBUFF_MGR_ID)(RB_ID)->rBuffMgrId;
- pMgr->msg[pMgr->msgWriteIndex].ringId = (RB_ID);
- pMgr->msg[pMgr->msgWriteIndex].msgType = RMSG_TYPE;
- pMgr->msg[pMgr->msgWriteIndex].arg = (UINT32) RMSG_PARAM;
- if(++pMgr->msgWriteIndex > (WV_RBUFF_MGR_MSGQ_MAX - 1))
- {
- pMgr->msgWriteIndex = 0;
- }
- if(kernelState)
- {
- WQADD1 ((FUNCPTR)semCGiveDefer, (int)&pMgr->msgSem);
- }
- else
- {
- semCGiveDefer (&pMgr->msgSem);
- }
- }
- }
- (RB_ID)->nestLevel--;
- }
- LOCAL BOOL rBuffLibInstalled = FALSE; /* protect from multiple inits */
- /* global variables */
- IMPORT BOOL wvEvtBufferFullNotify; /* event buffer full notification */
- OBJ_CLASS rBuffClass; /* rBuff object Class */
- CLASS_ID rBuffClassId = &rBuffClass; /* rBuff class ID */
- WV_RBUFF_MGR_ID wvRBuffMgrId = NULL; /* WV rbuff mgr structure id */
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * rBuffLibInit - initialise the ring of buffers library
- *
- * This routine initialises the ring of buffers library. If INCLUDE_RBUFF is
- * defined in configAll.h, it is called by the root task, usrRoot(), in
- * usrConfig.c.
- *
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if the library could not be initialized.
- */
- STATUS rBuffLibInit (void)
- {
- if (rBuffLibInstalled)
- {
- return(TRUE);
- }
- /* Initialise the WindView rBuff Manager */
- if ((wvRBuffMgrId = malloc (sizeof (WV_RBUFF_MGR_TYPE))) == NULL)
- return (ERROR);
- wvRBuffMgrId->tid = 0;
- wvRBuffMgrId->priorityDefault = WV_RBUFF_MGR_PRIORITY;
- if (semCInit (&wvRBuffMgrId->msgSem, SEM_Q_PRIORITY, 0) == ERROR)
- {
- free (wvRBuffMgrId);
- wvRBuffMgrId = NULL;
- return (ERROR);
- }
- wvRBuffMgrId->msgWriteIndex = 0;
- wvRBuffMgrId->msgReadIndex = 0;
- rBuffLibInstalled = TRUE;
- /* initialize the rBuff class structure */
- return (classInit (rBuffClassId,
- sizeof (RBUFF_TYPE),
- OFFSET (RBUFF_TYPE, buffDesc),
- (FUNCPTR) rBuffCreate,
- (FUNCPTR) rBuffDestroy));
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * rBuffCreate - create an extendable ring of buffers
- *
- * This routine creates an extendable ring of buffers from
- * the specified partition.
- *
- */
- BUFFER_ID rBuffCreate
- (
- void *Params
- )
- {
- RBUFF_ID rBuff;
- UINT32 count;
- RBUFF_PTR newBuff;
- rBuffCreateParamsType * rBuffCreateParams = Params;
- if ((!rBuffLibInstalled) && (rBuffLibInit() == OK))
- {
- rBuffLibInstalled = TRUE;
- }
- if (!rBuffLibInstalled)
- {
- #ifdef RBUFF_DEBUG
- logMsg ("rBuff: rBuffLib not installedn",0,0,0,0,0,0);
- #endif
- return (NULL);
- }
- /* validate params */
- if (rBuffCreateParams->minimum < 2 ||
- ((rBuffCreateParams->minimum > rBuffCreateParams->maximum) ||
- (rBuffCreateParams->maximum < 2 &&
- rBuffCreateParams->maximum != RBUFF_MAX_AVAILABLE)) ||
- rBuffCreateParams->buffSize == 0)
- {
- #ifdef RBUFF_DEBUG
- logMsg ("rBuff: invalid paramsn",0,0,0,0,0,0);
- #endif
- return (NULL);
- }
- /*
- * Set source partition for object class memory allocation
- * - note this only works overall if all rBuffs share a source
- * partition.
- */
- classMemPartIdSet(rBuffClassId,
- rBuffCreateParams->sourcePartition);
- /* allocate control structure */
- rBuff = (RBUFF_ID) objAlloc (rBuffClassId);
- if (rBuff == NULL)
- {
- #ifdef RBUFF_DEBUG
- logMsg ("rBuff: objAlloc failedn",0,0,0,0,0,0);
- #endif
- return (NULL);
- }
- objCoreInit (&rBuff->buffDesc.objCore, rBuffClassId);
- /* record parameters */
- rBuff->info.srcPart = rBuffCreateParams->sourcePartition;
- rBuff->info.options = rBuffCreateParams->options;
- rBuff->info.buffSize = rBuffCreateParams->buffSize;
- rBuff->info.threshold = rBuffCreateParams->threshold;
- rBuff->info.minBuffs = rBuffCreateParams->minimum;
- rBuff->info.maxBuffs = (unsigned int) rBuffCreateParams->maximum;
- rBuff->errorHandler = rBuffCreateParams->errorHandler;
- if (semBInit (&rBuff->buffDesc.threshXSem, SEM_Q_PRIORITY,
- {
- objFree (rBuffClassId, (UINT8 *) rBuff);
- return (NULL);
- }
- if (semBInit (&rBuff->readBlk, SEM_Q_PRIORITY, SEM_FULL) == ERROR)
- {
- semTerminate (&rBuff->buffDesc.threshXSem);
- objFree (rBuffClassId, (UINT8 *) rBuff);
- return (NULL);
- }
- if (semBInit (&rBuff->bufferFull, SEM_Q_PRIORITY, SEM_EMPTY) == ERROR)
- {
- semTerminate (&rBuff->buffDesc.threshXSem);
- semTerminate (&rBuff->readBlk);
- objFree (rBuffClassId, (UINT8 *)rBuff);
- return (NULL);
- }
- if (semCInit (&rBuff->msgSem, SEM_Q_PRIORITY, 0) == ERROR)
- {
- semTerminate (&rBuff->bufferFull);
- semTerminate (&rBuff->buffDesc.threshXSem);
- semTerminate (&rBuff->readBlk);
- objFree (rBuffClassId, (UINT8 *)rBuff);
- return (NULL);
- }
- rBuff->rBuffMgrId = 0; /* ...so we can use rBuffDestroy safely */
- /*
- * If things go wrong from here, use rBuffDestroy to throw back what
- * we've caught.
- */
- /* allocate 'rBuffCreateParams->minimum' buffers */
- rBuff->info.currBuffs =
- rBuff->info.emptyBuffs = 0;
- rBuff->buffWrite = NULL;
- for (count=0; count < rBuffCreateParams->minimum; count++)
- {
- /* First we need a buffer */
- newBuff =
- memPartAlloc (rBuffCreateParams->sourcePartition,
- sizeof(RBUFF_BUFF_TYPE) + rBuffCreateParams->buffSize);
- #ifdef RBUFF_DEBUG
- logMsg ("rBuff: adding buffer %p to ringn",newBuff,0,0,0,0,0);
- #endif
- /* newBuff will be returned as NULL if source partition is exhausted */
- /* Don't need to lock ints around rBuffAdd as no-one knows about
- * this rBuff.
- */
- if ((newBuff == NULL) || (rBuffAdd (rBuff, newBuff) == ERROR))
- {
- #ifdef RBUFF_DEBUG
- logMsg ("rBuff: abandoned creationn",0,0,0,0,0,0);
- #endif
- rBuffDestroy ((BUFFER_ID) rBuff);
- return (NULL);
- }
- }
- /*
- * The first time around, spawn the rBuffMgr task. Once it exists,
- * don't create another one. It should never be deleted. This bit is
- * specific to WindView and will need attention for generic buffers
- */
- if (wvRBuffMgrId->tid == 0)
- {
- wvRBuffMgrId->tid = taskSpawn (
- "tWvRBuffMgr",
- wvRBuffMgrId->priorityDefault,
- 2048,
- wvRBuffMgr,
- (int)wvRBuffMgrId,
- 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);
- }
- rBuff->rBuffMgrId = (int)wvRBuffMgrId;
- if (wvRBuffMgrId->tid == 0)
- {
- #ifdef RBUFF_DEBUG
- logMsg ("rBuff: error creating wvRBuffMgrn",0,0,0,0,0,0);
- #endif
- rBuffDestroy ((BUFFER_ID) rBuff);
- return (NULL);
- }
- /* set control pointers */
- rBuff->nestLevel = 0;
- /* rBuff->buffWrite initialised by rBuffAdd */
- rBuff->buffRead = rBuff->buffWrite;
- rBuff->dataWrite =
- rBuff->dataRead = rBuff->buffWrite->dataStart;
- /* reset info */
- rBuff->info.maxBuffsActual = rBuffCreateParams->minimum;
- rBuff->info.dataContent =
- rBuff->info.writesSinceReset =
- rBuff->info.readsSinceReset =
- rBuff->info.timesExtended =
- rBuff->info.timesXThreshold =
- rBuff->info.bytesWritten =
- rBuff->info.bytesRead =
- rBuff->info.bytesPeak = 0;
- /* Reset msg passing mechanism */
- rBuff->msgOutstanding = FALSE;
- rBuff->msgWriteIndex =
- rBuff->msgReadIndex = 0;
- /* now set up func ptrs allowing it to be called */
- rBuff->buffDesc.readReserveRtn = (FUNCPTR) rBuffReadReserve;
- rBuff->buffDesc.readCommitRtn = (FUNCPTR) rBuffReadCommit;
- rBuff->buffDesc.writeRtn = rBuffWrite;
- rBuff->buffDesc.flushRtn = rBuffFlush;
- rBuff->buffDesc.threshold = rBuffCreateParams->threshold;
- rBuff->buffDesc.nBytesRtn = rBuffNBytes;
- /* made it! */
- #ifdef RBUFF_DEBUG
- logMsg("Created rBuff with ID %pn",rBuff,0,0,0,0,0);
- #endif
- return ((BUFFER_ID) rBuff);
- }
- int rBuffVerify
- (
- )
- {
- if (OBJ_VERIFY (rBuff, rBuffClassId) == OK) /* validate rBuff ID */
- {
- return (OK);
- }
- else
- {
- return (ERROR);
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * rBuffWrite - Write data to a ring of buffers
- *
- * This routine writes data to an extendable ring of buffers. If the existing
- * structure is full, and the existing number of buffers is less than the
- * specified minimum, then this function will attempt to add another buffer to
- * the ring.
- *
- * This function may be called from interrupt level.
- *
- * Mutually exclusive access must be guaranteed by the caller.
- *
- */
- UINT8* rBuffWrite
- (
- BUFFER_ID buffId, /* ring buffer id */
- UINT8 * pDummy, /* not used for WV ring buffer */
- UINT32 numOfBytes /* number of bytes to reserve */
- )
- {
- BOOL startUploading;
- RBUFF_ID rBuff; /* access this particular rBuff */
- UINT8 *returnPtr = (UINT8 *) ~0; /* Return a non-zero value if OK */
- /* Get access to the private members of this buffer's descriptor. */
- rBuff = (RBUFF_ID) buffId;
- /* Get out early if this request makes no sense. */
- if (numOfBytes > rBuff->info.buffSize)
- {
- return (NULL);
- }
- /* Critical Region Start */
- if (rBuff->info.dataContent >= rBuff->info.threshold)
- {
- startUploading = TRUE;
- }
- else
- {
- startUploading = FALSE;
- }
- if (rBuff->buffWrite->spaceAvail >= numOfBytes)
- {
- /* Record the start of the reserved area */
- returnPtr = rBuff->dataWrite;
- /*
- * If we are consuming one of our precious empty buffs,
- * check we have enough in reserve.
- */
- if (rBuff->buffWrite->dataLen == 0)
- {
- --rBuff->info.emptyBuffs;
- }
- if (rBuff->info.emptyBuffs < RBUFF_EMPTY_KEEP &&
- rBuff->info.currBuffs != rBuff->info.maxBuffs)
- {
- /* Schedule the rBuff Mgr to extend the buffer */
- }
- rBuff->buffWrite->dataLen += numOfBytes;
- rBuff->dataWrite += numOfBytes;
- rBuff->buffWrite->spaceAvail -= numOfBytes;
- /*
- * It may be that the current buffer is full at this point,
- * but don't do anything about it yet as the situation will
- * be handled next time through. Also, it's possible that
- * the current buffer may even have been emptied by then.
- */
- }
- else
- {
- /*
- * Data won't fit in this buffer (at least not entirely),
- * is the next buffer available?
- */
- if (rBuff->buffWrite->next == rBuff->buffRead)
- {
- /* We've caught the reader. This will only happen when
- * we have actually filled the maximum allocation of
- * buffers *or* the reserved buffer has been filled
- * before the buffer has had the opportunity to
- * be extended. We cannot extend the buffer at this point
- * as we may be in a critical region, the design is such
- * that if the buffer could be extended it should have
- * been done by now (for that matter, the wrap-around
- * should have also occurred).
- *
- * If we have filled the reserved buffer without having
- * the opportunity to extend the buffer then the buffer
- * is configured badly and must be retuned.
- *
- * Meanwhile, at this moment, options are:
- *
- * 1) If we have filled the entire buffer and cannot wrap-
- * around then return ERROR.
- * 2) If we have filled the entire buffer but can wrap-
- * around then do that.
- */
- if (rBuff->info.options & RBUFF_WRAPAROUND)
- {
- /*
- * OK, perform an inline ring extension supplying NULL
- * as the new buffer forcing the ring to wrap-around.
- * This is a deterministic action.
- */
- /* Interrupts already locked out */
- rBuffAdd(rBuff, NULL);
- }
- else
- {
- /* Oh dear, can't wrap-round */
- wvEvtBufferFullNotify = TRUE;
- return (NULL);
- }
- }
- /*
- * OK.
- * In the case that this function is writing the data, it
- * can be shared between this and next buffer.
- * In the case that we are only reserving the space, we must
- * return a pointer to contiguous space and therefore skip the
- * remainder of the previous buffer.
- */
- /* skip the remainder of the current buffer */
- rBuff->buffWrite->spaceAvail = 0;
- /* Move on to the next buffer */
- rBuff->buffWrite = rBuff->buffWrite->next;
- /* Record the start of the reserved area */
- returnPtr = rBuff->buffWrite->dataStart;
- /* Point dataWrite past the reserved area */
- rBuff->dataWrite = rBuff->buffWrite->dataStart;
- rBuff->buffWrite->dataLen = numOfBytes;
- rBuff->dataWrite += numOfBytes;
- rBuff->buffWrite->spaceAvail =
- rBuff->info.buffSize - numOfBytes;
- if (--rBuff->info.emptyBuffs < RBUFF_EMPTY_KEEP &&
- rBuff->info.currBuffs != rBuff->info.maxBuffs)
- {
- /* Schedule the rBuff Mgr to extend the buffer */
- }
- }
- rBuff->info.dataContent += numOfBytes;
- /* update info */
- if(rBuff->info.dataContent > rBuff->info.bytesPeak)
- {
- rBuff->info.bytesPeak = rBuff->info.dataContent;
- }
- rBuff->info.bytesWritten += numOfBytes;
- rBuff->info.writesSinceReset++;
- if (!startUploading && rBuff->info.dataContent >= rBuff->info.threshold)
- {
- rBuff->info.timesXThreshold++;
- if (!(rBuff->info.options & RBUFF_UP_DEFERRED))
- {
- /*
- * Signal for uploading to begin. Note that if we have just
- * reserved space it is imperative that uploading does not
- * actually begin until the data is in the buffer.
- */
- #if (CPU_FAMILY == I80X86)
- portWorkQAdd1 ((FUNCPTR)semBGiveDefer,
- (int) &rBuff->buffDesc.threshXSem);
- #else
- workQAdd1 ((FUNCPTR)semBGiveDefer,
- (int) &rBuff->buffDesc.threshXSem);
- #endif
- }
- }
- /* Critical Region End */
- return (returnPtr);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * rBuffRead - Read data from a ring of buffers
- *
- * This routine reads data from an extendable ring of buffers.
- *
- * This function assumes mutually exclusive access is guaranteed by the caller.
- *
- */
- INT32 rBuffRead
- (
- BUFFER_ID buffId, /* generic buffer descriptor */
- UINT8 * dataDest,
- UINT32 numOfBytes
- )
- {
- UINT32 bytesToCopy;
- UINT32 remaining = numOfBytes;
- RBUFF_ID rBuff; /* access private members of this rBuff desc */
- /* Get access to the private members of this particular rBuff. */
- rBuff = (RBUFF_ID) buffId;
- /* Critical Region Start */
- while (remaining > 0)
- {
- bytesToCopy = (rBuff->buffRead->dataLen < remaining ?
- rBuff->buffRead->dataLen : remaining);
- if (bytesToCopy > 0)
- {
- memcpy (dataDest,rBuff->dataRead,bytesToCopy);
- remaining -= bytesToCopy;
- dataDest += bytesToCopy;
- /* Update buffer */
- rBuff->buffRead->dataLen -= bytesToCopy;
- rBuff->dataRead += bytesToCopy;
- rBuff->info.dataContent -= bytesToCopy;
- }
- if (rBuff->buffRead->dataLen != 0)
- {
- /* This buffer is now empty */
- rBuffHandleEmpty (rBuff);
- }
- else
- {
- /* this buffer is not yet emptied */
- rBuff->dataRead += bytesToCopy;
- }
- }
- /* update info */
- rBuff->info.bytesRead += (numOfBytes - remaining);
- rBuff->info.readsSinceReset++;
- /* Critical Region End */
- return (numOfBytes - remaining);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * rBuffReadReserve - Return the number of contiguous bytes available for
- * reading.
- *
- */
- UINT32 rBuffReadReserve
- (
- BUFFER_ID buffId, /* generic identifier for this buffer */
- UINT8 **src
- )
- {
- RBUFF_ID rBuff; /* specific identifier for this rBuff */
- INT32 bytesAvailable;
- /* Get access to the private members of this particular rBuff. */
- rBuff = (RBUFF_ID) buffId;
- /* Generate and return the available contiguous bytes. */
- if ((bytesAvailable = rBuff->buffRead->dataLen))
- {
- *src = rBuff->dataRead;
- }
- else
- {
- *src = NULL;
- }
- return (bytesAvailable);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * rBuffReadCommit - Move the read data ptr along a ring of buffers
- *
- * This routine moves the data ptr along a ring of buffers.
- *
- * It is equivalent to reading data from the buffers and should be used
- * when the data has been copied elsewhere.
- *
- * This function assumes mutually exclusive access is guaranteed by the caller.
- *
- */
- STATUS rBuffReadCommit
- (
- BUFFER_ID buffId, /* generic identifier for this buffer */
- UINT32 numOfBytes
- )
- {
- RBUFF_ID rBuff; /* specific identifier for this rBuff */
- /* Get access to the private members of this particular rBuff. */
- if (!numOfBytes)
- {
- return (OK);
- }
- rBuff = (RBUFF_ID) buffId;
- /* Critical Region Start */
- if (numOfBytes == rBuff->buffRead->dataLen)
- {
- rBuffHandleEmpty (rBuff);
- }
- else if (numOfBytes < rBuff->buffRead->dataLen)
- {
- rBuff->buffRead->dataLen -= numOfBytes;
- rBuff->dataRead += numOfBytes;
- }
- else
- {
- /* Moving ahead through multiple buffers */
- /* Not yet supported */
- return(ERROR);
- }
- rBuff->info.dataContent -= numOfBytes;
- /* update info */
- rBuff->info.bytesRead += numOfBytes;
- rBuff->info.readsSinceReset++;
- /* Critical Region End */
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * rBuffFlush - Flush data from a ring of buffers
- *
- * This routine causes any data held in a buffer to be uploaded and is
- * used to clear data that falls below the specified threshold.
- *
- */
- STATUS rBuffFlush
- (
- BUFFER_ID buffId /* generic identifier for this buffer */
- )
- {
- RBUFF_ID rBuff; /* specific identifier for this rBuff */
- int result, originalThreshold;
- /* Get access to the private members of this particular rBuff. */
- rBuff = (RBUFF_ID) buffId;
- result = OK;
- if (!rBuff->info.dataContent)
- {
- return(OK);
- }
- /* Store the original threshold */
- originalThreshold = rBuff->info.threshold;
- rBuff->info.threshold = 0;
- while (rBuff->info.dataContent > 0 && result != ERROR)
- {
- if (semGive (&rBuff->buffDesc.threshXSem) == OK)
- {
- /* Cause a reschedule to allow uploader in */
- taskDelay(0);
- }
- else
- {
- result = ERROR;
- }
- }
- rBuff->info.threshold = originalThreshold;
- return(result);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * rBuffReset - reset an extendable ring of buffers
- *
- * This routine resets an already created extendable ring of buffers to its
- * initial state. This loses any data held in the buffer. Any buffers held
- * above the specified minimum number are deallocated.
- *
- */
- STATUS rBuffReset
- (
- BUFFER_ID buffId /* generic identifier for this buffer */
- )
- {
- RBUFF_ID rBuff; /* specific identifier for this rBuff */
- RBUFF_LOCK (rBuff);
- /* Get access to the private members of this particular rBuff. */
- rBuff = (RBUFF_ID) buffId;
- /* Now reset the ring of buffers. */
- if (rBuff->info.currBuffs > rBuff->info.minBuffs)
- {
- UINT32 excessBuffs, count;
- /* drop the excess buffers */
- excessBuffs = rBuff->info.currBuffs - rBuff->info.minBuffs;
- for (count=0;count < excessBuffs;count++)
- {
- RBUFF_PTR tempPtr;
- tempPtr = rBuff->buffWrite->next; /* should not be NULL! */
- rBuffFree (rBuff,rBuff->buffWrite);
- rBuff->buffWrite = tempPtr;
- }
- }
- /* Make sure the 'read' buffer pointer points somewhere sensible */
- rBuff->buffRead = rBuff->buffWrite;
- /* and reset the byte ptrs */
- rBuff->dataRead =
- rBuff->dataWrite = rBuff->buffWrite->dataStart;
- rBuff->info.currBuffs =
- rBuff->info.maxBuffsActual = rBuff->info.minBuffs;
- /* now traverse the ring resetting the individual buffers */
- {
- RBUFF_PTR backHome = rBuff->buffWrite;
- RBUFF_PTR currBuff = rBuff->buffWrite;
- do
- {
- currBuff->dataLen = 0;
- currBuff->spaceAvail = rBuff->info.buffSize;
- currBuff = currBuff->next;
- }
- while (currBuff != backHome);
- }
- /* Reset msg passing mechanism */
- rBuff->msgOutstanding = FALSE;
- rBuff->msgWriteIndex =
- rBuff->msgReadIndex = 0;
- rBuff->nestLevel = 0;
- /* reset info */
- rBuff->info.emptyBuffs = rBuff->info.minBuffs;
- rBuff->info.dataContent =
- rBuff->info.writesSinceReset =
- rBuff->info.readsSinceReset =
- rBuff->info.timesExtended =
- rBuff->info.timesXThreshold =
- rBuff->info.bytesWritten =
- rBuff->info.bytesRead = 0;
- semGive (&rBuff->bufferFull);
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * rBuffNBytes - Returns the total number of bytes held in a ring of buffers
- *
- */
- INT32 rBuffNBytes
- (
- BUFFER_ID buffId /* generic identifier for this buffer */
- )
- {
- RBUFF_ID rBuff; /* specific identifier for this rBuff */
- /* Get access to the private members of this particular rBuff. */
- rBuff = (RBUFF_ID) buffId;
- return (rBuff->info.dataContent);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * rBuffAdd - Add a new buffer to an extendable ring of buffers
- *
- * This routine adds a further buffer to an already created or partially created
- * extendable ring of buffers unless the maximum number is already allocated.
- *
- * This function assumes mutually exclusive access is guaranteed by the caller.
- *
- */
- STATUS rBuffAdd
- (
- RBUFF_ID rBuff,
- RBUFF_PTR newBuff
- )
- {
- if (rBuff->info.emptyBuffs >= RBUFF_EMPTY_KEEP &&
- rBuff->info.currBuffs >= rBuff->info.minBuffs)
- {
- /*
- * OK, the uploader got in so now we don't need to extend the
- * buffer.
- */
- #ifdef RBUFF_DEBUG
- logMsg ("rBuff: abandoned addn",0,0,0,0,0,0);
- #endif
- if (newBuff)
- {
- memPartFree (rBuff->info.srcPart, (UINT8 *) newBuff);
- }
- return (OK);
- }
- if (rBuff->info.currBuffs == rBuff->info.maxBuffs || newBuff == NULL)
- {
- /*
- * We are at the maximum ring size already or the source
- * partition is exhausted, there's still hope...
- *
- * ...can we wrap-around?
- */
- if (!(rBuff->info.options & RBUFF_WRAPAROUND))
- {
- /* We aren't allowed to wrap around */
- return (ERROR);
- }
- else
- {
- RBUFF_PTR reclaim;
- /* We can wrap around by comandeering the 'oldest'
- * buffer in the ring.
- *
- * It is possible (probable?) that this buffer is the
- * one to be read from next so handle this.
- */
- reclaim = rBuff->buffWrite->next;
- if (rBuff->buffRead == reclaim)
- {
- /* Move the reader along */
- rBuff->buffRead = rBuff->buffRead->next;
- rBuff->dataRead = rBuff->buffRead->dataStart;
- }
- rBuff->info.dataContent -= reclaim->dataLen;
- /* Reset the buffer */
- reclaim->dataLen = 0;
- reclaim->spaceAvail = rBuff->info.buffSize;
- rBuff->info.emptyBuffs++;
- return (OK);
- }
- }
- newBuff->dataStart = (UINT8 *) newBuff + sizeof(RBUFF_BUFF_TYPE);
- newBuff->dataEnd = newBuff->dataStart + rBuff->info.buffSize;
- newBuff->spaceAvail = rBuff->info.buffSize;
- newBuff->dataLen = 0;
- /* Now link the buffer into the ring */
- if (rBuff->buffWrite != NULL)
- {
- RBUFF_PTR tempPtr;
- tempPtr = rBuff->buffWrite->next;
- rBuff->buffWrite->next = newBuff;
- /* close the ring */
- newBuff->next = tempPtr;
- }
- else
- {
- /* ring is empty, must be creation time */
- rBuff->buffWrite =
- rBuff->buffRead =
- newBuff->next = newBuff;
- }
- /* Maintain statistics */
- if (++(rBuff->info.currBuffs) > rBuff->info.maxBuffsActual)
- {
- rBuff->info.maxBuffsActual++;
- }
- rBuff->info.timesExtended++;
- rBuff->info.emptyBuffs++;
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * rBuffFree - Free a specified buffer
- *
- * This function must only be called from task level.
- * Semaphores are used to protect access at task-level. However, protection
- * from access at interrupt level must be guaranteed by the caller.
- *
- */
- STATUS rBuffFree
- (
- RBUFF_ID rBuff,
- RBUFF_PTR buffToFree
- )
- {
- RBUFF_PTR ptrToBuff, backHome, ptrToPreviousBuff;
- if (buffToFree == NULL)
- {
- return(ERROR);
- }
- /* find the pointer to the buffer to be freed */
- ptrToBuff = rBuff->buffWrite->next;
- backHome = rBuff->buffWrite;
- ptrToPreviousBuff = rBuff->buffWrite;
- while ((ptrToBuff != buffToFree) && (ptrToBuff != backHome))
- {
- ptrToPreviousBuff = ptrToBuff;
- ptrToBuff = buffToFree;
- }
- if (ptrToBuff == backHome)
- {
- /* an error has occured, possibly invalid buff ptr passed */
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* OK, de-link the buffer to be freed */
- ptrToPreviousBuff->next = buffToFree->next;
- /* Schedule the rBuff Mgr to actually free the buffer */
- /* Maintain statistics */
- rBuff->info.emptyBuffs--;
- rBuff->info.currBuffs--;
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * rBuffDestroy - Destroy an extendable ring of buffers
- *
- * This routine destroys an already created or partially created extendable ring
- * of buffers. This loses any data held in the buffer. All resources held are
- * returned to the system.
- *
- */
- STATUS rBuffDestroy
- (
- BUFFER_ID buffId /* generic identifier for this buffer */
- )
- {
- RBUFF_ID rBuff; /* specific identifier for this rBuff */
- RBUFF_PTR tempPtr;
- /* Get access to the private members of this particular rBuff. */
- rBuff = (RBUFF_ID) buffId;
- RBUFF_LOCK (rBuff);
- #if 0
- if (OBJ_VERIFY (rBuff, rBuffClassId) != OK) /* validate rBuff ID */
- {
- ((OBJ_ID)rBuff)->pObjClass, rBuffClassId);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- #endif
- objCoreTerminate (&rBuff->buffDesc.objCore); /* invalidate this object */
- /* Break the ring and traverse the list, freeing off */
- /* the buffers. buffWrite is used as the start point */
- /* this works if the ring creation is abandoned early. */
- if (rBuff->buffWrite != NULL)
- {
- /* Break the ring */
- tempPtr = rBuff->buffWrite->next;
- rBuff->buffWrite->next = NULL;
- rBuff->buffWrite = tempPtr;
- /* traverse and free */
- while(rBuff->buffWrite != NULL)
- {
- tempPtr = rBuff->buffWrite->next;
- memPartFree (rBuff->info.srcPart,(UINT8 *)rBuff->buffWrite);
- rBuff->buffWrite = tempPtr;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* ring hasn't been created so don't worry about it */
- }
- /* now free off the control structure */
- semTerminate (&rBuff->buffDesc.threshXSem);
- semTerminate (&rBuff->readBlk);
- semTerminate (&rBuff->bufferFull);
- objFree (rBuffClassId, (UINT8 *) rBuff);
- /* we're done */
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * rBuffSetFd - Set a new fd as the data upload destination
- *
- *
- */
- STATUS rBuffSetFd
- (
- BUFFER_ID buffId, /* generic identifier for this buffer */
- int fd
- )
- {
- RBUFF_ID rBuff; /* specific identifier for this rBuff */
- RBUFF_LOCK (rBuff);
- /* Get access to the private members of this particular rBuff. */
- rBuff = (RBUFF_ID) buffId;
- rBuff->fd = fd;
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * rBuffHandleEmpty - Handles a newly empty buffer by deciding whether to free
- * it off.
- *
- * This function assumes mutually exclusive access is guaranteed by the caller.
- *
- */
- LOCAL STATUS rBuffHandleEmpty
- (
- RBUFF_ID rBuff
- )
- {
- BOOL moveAlong = TRUE;
- RBUFF_PTR buffToFree;
- /*
- * Determine if we are to move around the ring and if the
- * newly empty buffer is to be freed, and then do the actions.
- * This avoids having to fumble with ptrs as we move around
- * from a buffer that has been freed.
- */
- if (rBuff->buffRead == rBuff->buffWrite)
- {
- /*
- * We've caught the writer so might as well reset this
- * buffer and make efficient use of it.
- */
- rBuff->dataRead =
- rBuff->dataWrite = rBuff->buffWrite->dataStart;
- rBuff->buffRead->spaceAvail = rBuff->info.buffSize;
- rBuff->buffRead->dataLen = 0;
- /* In this case, we don't move along to the next buffer */
- moveAlong = FALSE;
- }
- if (++(rBuff->info.emptyBuffs) > RBUFF_EMPTY_KEEP &&
- rBuff->info.currBuffs > rBuff->info.minBuffs)
- {
- /* We already have enough empty buffs, so free one off */
- if (rBuff->buffRead != rBuff->buffWrite)
- {
- buffToFree = rBuff->buffRead;
- }
- else
- {
- /*
- * As the reader and writer are in the same buffer
- * we know it's safe to free off the next buffer.
- */
- buffToFree = rBuff->buffRead->next;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* we've just emptied one of the 'core' buffers */
- rBuff->buffRead->spaceAvail = rBuff->info.buffSize;
- rBuff->buffRead->dataLen = 0;
- /* Don't free */
- buffToFree = NULL;
- }
- if (moveAlong)
- {
- /* Move round the ring */
- rBuff->buffRead = rBuff->buffRead->next;
- rBuff->dataRead = rBuff->buffRead->dataStart;
- }
- else
- {
- /* reset flag for next time */
- moveAlong = TRUE;
- }
- if (/* there's a */ buffToFree)
- {
- #ifdef RBUFF_DEBUG
- logMsg ("rBuff: Freeing buffer %pn",
- buffToFree,0,0,0,0,0);
- #endif
- rBuffFree (rBuff, buffToFree);
- }
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wvRBuffMgr - The function is spawned as a task to manage WV rBuff extension.
- *
- * It waits for a msg which carries the ID of a buffer which has had a change
- * of the number of empty buffers held. If there are less the requested to be
- * reserved than an attempt will be made to make more available. If there are
- * more empty buffers than required than some will be freed.
- *
- * For each msg received, the task will achieve the required number of free
- * buffers. This may result in redundant msgs being received.
- *
- * This manager is specific to WindView
- *
- */
- int wvRBuffMgr
- (
- WV_RBUFF_MGR_TYPE * rBuffMgrId /* id of the WindView rBuffMgr structure */
- )
- {
- UINT32 busy;
- int key;
- RBUFF_PTR newBuff;
- #ifdef RBUFF_DEBUG
- logMsg ("rBuffMgr %p createdn",rBuffMgrId,0,0,0,0,0);
- #endif
- for(;;)
- {
- semTake (&(rBuffMgrId->msgSem), WAIT_FOREVER);
- pMsg = &(rBuffMgrId->msg[rBuffMgrId->msgReadIndex]);
- #ifdef RBUFF_DEBUG
- logMsg ("rBuffMgr: (%d) rBuff %p type 0x%x arg 0x%xn",
- rBuffMgrId->msgReadIndex,
- pMsg->ringId,
- pMsg->msgType,
- pMsg->arg,
- 0, 0);
- #endif
- busy = TRUE;
- /* Determine what needs to be done */
- switch (pMsg->msgType)
- {
- case RBUFF_MSG_ADD :
- {
- /*
- * This message may be generated one or more times by
- * event logging, and the condition that caused the msg
- * may no longer be TRUE, so just take this as a prompt
- * to see if the ring needs extending.
- */
- /* Make sure that we don't request extension recursively */
- pMsg->ringId->nestLevel++;
- while
- (pMsg->ringId->info.emptyBuffs < RBUFF_EMPTY_KEEP &&
- (pMsg->ringId->info.currBuffs < pMsg->ringId->info.maxBuffs ||
- pMsg->ringId->info.options & RBUFF_WRAPAROUND) &&
- busy)
- {
- /* Looks like we are going to need a buffer */
- newBuff = (RBUFF_PTR)
- memPartAlloc (pMsg->ringId->info.srcPart,
- sizeof(RBUFF_BUFF_TYPE) + pMsg->ringId->info.buffSize);
- /* of course, newBuff may be NULL... */
- key = intLock();
- #ifdef RBUFF_DEBUG
- logMsg ("rBuffMgr: adding buffer %pn",newBuff,0,0,0,0,0);
- #endif
- if (rBuffAdd (pMsg->ringId, newBuff) == ERROR)
- {
- /* ring cannot be extended so give up trying */
- busy = FALSE;
- }
- intUnlock (key);
- }
- }
- pMsg->ringId->nestLevel--;
- break;
- {
- /* This message carries a ptr to the buffer to be freed */
- #ifdef RBUFF_DEBUG
- logMsg ("rBuffMgr: freeing buffer %pn", pMsg->arg, 0,0,0,0,0);
- #endif
- memPartFree (pMsg->ringId->info.srcPart, (UINT8 *) pMsg->arg);
- }
- break;
- logMsg ("Ring Buffer %p full. Stopped event logging.n",
- (unsigned int)pMsg->ringId,0,0,0,0,0);
- break;
- default :
- logMsg ("Unknown message type %dn", pMsg->msgType, 0,0,0,0,0);
- break;
- }
- if (++rBuffMgrId->msgReadIndex > (WV_RBUFF_MGR_MSGQ_MAX - 1))
- {
- rBuffMgrId->msgReadIndex = 0;
- }
- pMsg->ringId->msgOutstanding = FALSE;
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * wvRBuffMgrPrioritySet - set the priority of the WindView rBuff manager (WindView)
- *
- * This routine changes the priority of the `tWvRBuffMgr' task to the value of
- * <priority>. Priorities range from 0, the highest priority, to 255, the
- * lowest priority. If the task is not yet running, this priority is
- * used when it is spawned.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if the priority can not be set.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: taskPrioritySet(),
- * .pG "Basic OS"
- */
- STATUS wvRBuffMgrPrioritySet
- (
- int priority /* new priority */
- )
- {
- if (!rBuffLibInstalled)
- {
- if (rBuffLibInit() == OK)
- rBuffLibInstalled = TRUE;
- else
- return (ERROR);
- }
- if (wvRBuffMgrId->tid != 0)
- if (taskPrioritySet (wvRBuffMgrId->tid, priority) != OK)
- return (ERROR);
- wvRBuffMgrId->priorityDefault = priority;
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * rBuffUpload - Copy data that is added to the buffer to the specified 'fd'
- *
- */
- STATUS rBuffUpload
- (
- BUFFER_ID buffId, /* generic identifier for this buffer */
- int fd
- )
- {
- RBUFF_ID rBuff; /* specific identifier for this rBuff */
- UINT8 * src;
- int lockKey;
- STATUS result = OK;
- /* Get access to the private members of this particular rBuff. */
- rBuff = (RBUFF_ID) buffId;
- rBuff->fd = fd;
- while (result == OK)
- {
- /* Wait for the dinner gong */
- logMsg ("Waiting for datan",0,0,0,0,0,0);
- semTake (&rBuff->buffDesc.threshXSem,WAIT_FOREVER);
- logMsg("Uploading...n",0,0,0,0,0,0);
- /* tuck in... */
- while (result == OK && rBuff->info.dataContent >
- (rBuff->info.threshold / 4))
- {
- UINT32 bytesToWrite = rBuffReadReserve(buffId, &src);
- UINT32 bytesWritten;
- if (bytesToWrite > 4096)
- {
- bytesToWrite = 4096;
- }
- #ifdef RBUFF_DEBUG
- logMsg ("%#x bytes from %p (dataContent=%#x)n",
- bytesToWrite,
- (int) src,
- rBuff->info.dataContent,0,0,0);
- #endif
- /* move the data */
- #if 0
- {
- UINT8 buffer[100];
- bcopy(src,buffer,bytesToWrite);
- buffer[bytesToWrite] = ' ';
- printf("%sn",buffer);
- }
- #endif
- if ((bytesWritten =
- write (fd, src, bytesToWrite)) == -1)
- {
- logMsg ("Upload error!n",0,0,0,0,0,0);
- if (rBuff->errorHandler)
- {
- /* Dial 999 / 911 */
- (*rBuff->errorHandler)();
- }
- result = ERROR;
- }
- else
- {
- /* move the buffer pointers along */
- lockKey = intLock();
- result = rBuffReadCommit (buffId,bytesWritten);
- intUnlock (lockKey);
- taskDelay (0);
- }
- }
- }
- return (result);
- }
- #else /* GENERIC_RBUFF */
- /*
- * The code below constitutes the generic ring buffer scheme on which
- * WindView 2.0 was originally based. If there is a need to go back to
- * it, #define GENERIC_RBUFF at the top of this file or build with
- * EXTRA_DEFINE="-DGENERIC_RBUFF" in the make command line
- */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "semLib.h"
- #include "classLib.h"
- #include "errno.h"
- #include "intLib.h"
- #include "logLib.h"
- #include "taskLib.h"
- #include "fioLib.h"
- #include "rBuffLib.h"
- #include "private/wvBufferP.h"
- #include "private/classLibP.h"
- #include "private/objLibP.h"
- #include "private/workQLibP.h"
- #include "stdio.h"
- #include "string.h"
- #include "unistd.h"
- extern int rBuffMgr();
- #if (CPU_FAMILY == I80X86)
- extern void portWorkQAdd1();
- #endif
- /* locals */
- #if defined(__STDC__) || defined(__cplusplus)
- (
- RBUFF_ID rBuff,
- RBUFF_PTR buffToAdd
- );
- (
- RBUFF_ID rBuff,
- RBUFF_PTR buffToFree
- );
- LOCAL STATUS rBuffHandleEmpty
- (
- RBUFF_ID rBuff
- );
- #else /* __STDC__ */
- LOCAL STATUS rBuffAdd();
- LOCAL STATUS rBuffFree();
- LOCAL STATUS rBuffHandleEmpty();
- #endif /* __STDC__ */
- extern BOOL kernelState;
- #if (CPU_FAMILY == I80X86)
- if((!(RMSG_ID)->nestLevel++) && !(RMSG_ID)->msgOutstanding)
- {
- (RMSG_ID)->msgOutstanding = TRUE;
- (RMSG_ID)->msg[(RMSG_ID)->msgWriteIndex][0] = RMSG_TYPE;
- (RMSG_ID)->msg[(RMSG_ID)->msgWriteIndex][1] = (UINT32) RMSG_PARAM;
- if(++(RMSG_ID)->msgWriteIndex > RBUFF_MAX_MSGS)
- {
- (RMSG_ID)->msgWriteIndex = 0;
- }
- if(kernelState)
- {
- portWorkQAdd1((FUNCPTR)semCGiveDefer, (int)&(RMSG_ID)->msgSem);
- }
- else
- {
- semCGiveDefer(&(RMSG_ID)->msgSem);
- }
- }
- (RMSG_ID)->nestLevel--;
- #else /* CPU_FAMILY == I80X86 */
- if((!(RMSG_ID)->nestLevel++) && !(RMSG_ID)->msgOutstanding)
- {
- (RMSG_ID)->msgOutstanding = TRUE;
- (RMSG_ID)->msg[(RMSG_ID)->msgWriteIndex][0] = RMSG_TYPE;
- (RMSG_ID)->msg[(RMSG_ID)->msgWriteIndex][1] = (UINT32) RMSG_PARAM;
- if(++(RMSG_ID)->msgWriteIndex > RBUFF_MAX_MSGS)
- {
- (RMSG_ID)->msgWriteIndex = 0;
- }
- if(kernelState)
- {
- workQAdd1((FUNCPTR)semCGiveDefer, (int)&(RMSG_ID)->msgSem);
- }
- else
- {
- semCGiveDefer(&(RMSG_ID)->msgSem);
- }
- }
- (RMSG_ID)->nestLevel--;
- #endif /* CPU_FAMILY == I80X86 */
- LOCAL BOOL rBuffLibInstalled = FALSE; /* protect from multiple inits */
- /* global variables */
- OBJ_CLASS rBuffClass; /* rBuff object Class */
- CLASS_ID rBuffClassId = &rBuffClass; /* rBuff class ID */
- int rBuffMgrPriorityDefault = RBUFF_MGR_PRIORITY; /* default ring buff */
- /* manager priority */
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * rBuffLibInit - initialise the ring of buffers library
- *
- * This routine initialises the ring of buffers library. If INCLUDE_RBUFF is
- * defined in configAll.h, it is called by the root task, usrRoot(), in
- * usrConfig.c.
- *
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if the library could not be initialized.
- */
- STATUS rBuffLibInit (void)
- {
- if(rBuffLibInstalled) {
- return(TRUE);
- }
- rBuffLibInstalled = TRUE;
- /* Initialise the rBuff Manager */
- /* initialize the rBuff class structure */
- return (classInit (rBuffClassId,
- sizeof (RBUFF_TYPE),
- OFFSET (RBUFF_TYPE, buffDesc),
- (FUNCPTR) rBuffCreate,
- (FUNCPTR) rBuffDestroy));
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * rBuffCreate - create an extendable ring of buffers
- *
- * This routine creates an extendable ring of buffers from
- * the specified partition.
- *
- */
- BUFFER_ID rBuffCreate
- (
- void *Params
- )
- {
- RBUFF_ID rBuff;
- UINT32 count;
- RBUFF_PTR newBuff;
- rBuffCreateParamsType *rBuffCreateParams = Params;
- if ((!rBuffLibInstalled) && (rBuffLibInit()) == OK)
- {
- rBuffLibInstalled = TRUE;
- }
- if(!rBuffLibInstalled)
- {
- #ifdef RBUFF_DEBUG
- logMsg ("rBuff: rBuffLib not installedn",0,0,0,0,0,0);
- #endif
- return(NULL);
- }
- /* validate params */
- if (rBuffCreateParams->minimum < 2 ||
- ((rBuffCreateParams->minimum > rBuffCreateParams->maximum) ||
- (rBuffCreateParams->maximum < 2 &&
- rBuffCreateParams->maximum != RBUFF_MAX_AVAILABLE)) ||
- rBuffCreateParams->buffSize == 0)
- {
- #ifdef RBUFF_DEBUG
- logMsg ("rBuff: invalid paramsn",0,0,0,0,0,0);
- #endif
- return(NULL);
- }
- /*
- * Set source partition for object class memory allocation
- * - note this only works overall if all rBuffs share a source
- * partition.
- */
- classMemPartIdSet(rBuffClassId,
- rBuffCreateParams->sourcePartition);
- /* allocate control structure */
- rBuff = (RBUFF_ID) objAlloc (rBuffClassId);
- if(rBuff == NULL)
- {
- #ifdef RBUFF_DEBUG
- logMsg ("rBuff: objAlloc failedn",0,0,0,0,0,0);
- #endif
- return(NULL);
- }
- objCoreInit (&rBuff->buffDesc.objCore, rBuffClassId);
- /* record parameters */
- rBuff->info.srcPart = rBuffCreateParams->sourcePartition;
- rBuff->info.options = rBuffCreateParams->options;
- rBuff->info.buffSize = rBuffCreateParams->buffSize;
- rBuff->info.threshold = rBuffCreateParams->threshold;
- rBuff->info.minBuffs = rBuffCreateParams->minimum;
- rBuff->info.maxBuffs = (unsigned int) rBuffCreateParams->maximum;
- rBuff->errorHandler = rBuffCreateParams->errorHandler;
- if (semBInit (&rBuff->buffDesc.threshXSem, SEM_Q_PRIORITY,
- {
- objFree (rBuffClassId, (UINT8 *) rBuff);
- return (NULL);
- }
- if (semBInit (&rBuff->readBlk, SEM_Q_PRIORITY, SEM_FULL) == ERROR)
- {
- semTerminate (&rBuff->buffDesc.threshXSem);
- objFree (rBuffClassId, (UINT8 *) rBuff);
- return (NULL);
- }
- if (semBInit (&rBuff->bufferFull, SEM_Q_PRIORITY, SEM_EMPTY) == ERROR)
- {
- semTerminate (&rBuff->buffDesc.threshXSem);
- semTerminate (&rBuff->readBlk);
- objFree (rBuffClassId, (UINT8 *)rBuff);
- return (NULL);
- }
- if (semCInit (&rBuff->msgSem, SEM_Q_PRIORITY, 0) == ERROR)
- {
- semTerminate (&rBuff->bufferFull);
- semTerminate (&rBuff->buffDesc.threshXSem);
- semTerminate (&rBuff->readBlk);
- objFree (rBuffClassId, (UINT8 *)rBuff);
- return (NULL);
- }
- rBuff->rBuffMgrId = 0; /* ...so we can use rBuffDestroy safely */
- /*
- * If things go wrong from here, use rBuffDestroy to throw back what
- * we've caught.
- */
- /* allocate 'rBuffCreateParams->minimum' buffers */
- rBuff->info.currBuffs =
- rBuff->info.emptyBuffs = 0;
- rBuff->buffWrite = NULL;
- for (count=0;count < rBuffCreateParams->minimum;count++)
- {
- /* First we need a buffer */
- newBuff =
- memPartAlloc (rBuffCreateParams->sourcePartition,
- sizeof(RBUFF_BUFF_TYPE) + rBuffCreateParams->buffSize);
- #ifdef RBUFF_DEBUG
- logMsg ("rBuff: adding buffer %p to ringn",newBuff,0,0,0,0,0);
- #endif
- /* newBuff will be returned as NULL if source partition is exhausted */
- /* Don't need to lock ints around rBuffAdd as no-one knows about
- * this rBuff.
- */
- if (newBuff == NULL || rBuffAdd (rBuff, newBuff) == ERROR)
- {
- #ifdef RBUFF_DEBUG
- logMsg ("rBuff: abandoned creationn",0,0,0,0,0,0);
- #endif
- rBuffDestroy ((BUFFER_ID) rBuff);
- return (NULL);
- }
- }
- rBuff->rBuffMgrId = taskSpawn ("tRBuffMgr",
- rBuffMgrPriorityDefault,
- 2048,
- rBuffMgr,
- rBuff,
- 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);
- if(rBuff->rBuffMgrId == NULL)
- {
- #ifdef RBUFF_DEBUG
- logMsg ("rBuff: error creating rBuffMgrn",0,0,0,0,0,0);
- #endif
- rBuffDestroy ((BUFFER_ID) rBuff);
- return (NULL);
- }
- /* set control pointers */
- rBuff->nestLevel = 0;
- /* rBuff->buffWrite initialised by rBuffAdd */
- rBuff->buffRead = rBuff->buffWrite;
- rBuff->dataWrite =
- rBuff->dataRead = rBuff->buffWrite->dataStart;
- /* reset info */
- rBuff->info.maxBuffsActual = rBuffCreateParams->minimum;
- rBuff->info.dataContent =
- rBuff->info.writesSinceReset =
- rBuff->info.readsSinceReset =
- rBuff->info.timesExtended =
- rBuff->info.timesXThreshold =
- rBuff->info.bytesWritten =
- rBuff->info.bytesRead =
- rBuff->info.bytesPeak = 0;
- /* Reset msg passing mechanism */
- rBuff->msgOutstanding = FALSE;
- rBuff->msgWriteIndex =
- rBuff->msgReadIndex = 0;
- /* now set up func ptrs allowing it to be called */
- rBuff->buffDesc.readReserveRtn = (FUNCPTR) rBuffReadReserve;
- rBuff->buffDesc.readCommitRtn = (FUNCPTR) rBuffReadCommit;
- rBuff->buffDesc.writeRtn = rBuffWrite;
- rBuff->buffDesc.flushRtn = rBuffFlush;
- rBuff->buffDesc.threshold = rBuffCreateParams->threshold;
- rBuff->buffDesc.nBytesRtn = rBuffNBytes;
- /* made it! */
- #ifdef RBUFF_DEBUG
- logMsg("Created rBuff with ID %pn",rBuff,0,0,0,0,0);
- #endif
- return ((BUFFER_ID) rBuff);
- }
- int rBuffVerify (BUFFER_ID rBuff)
- {
- if (OBJ_VERIFY (rBuff, rBuffClassId) == OK) /* validate rBuff ID */
- {
- return (OK);
- }
- else
- {
- return (ERROR);
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * rBuffWrite - Write data to a ring of buffers
- *
- * This routine writes data to an extendable ring of buffers. If the existing
- * structure is full, and the existing number of buffers is less than the
- * specified minimum, then this function will attempt to add another buffer to
- * the ring.
- *
- * This function may be called from interrupt level.
- *
- * Mutually exclusive access must be guaranteed by the caller.
- *
- */
- UINT8 *rBuffWrite
- (
- BUFFER_ID buffId,
- UINT8 *dataSrc,
- UINT32 numOfBytes
- )
- {
- BOOL startUploading;
- RBUFF_ID rBuff; /* access this particular rBuff */
- UINT8 *returnPtr = (UINT8 *) ~NULL; /* Return a non-zero value if OK */
- /* Get access to the private members of this buffer's descriptor. */
- rBuff = (RBUFF_ID) buffId;
- /* Get out early if this request makes no sense. */
- if (numOfBytes > rBuff->info.buffSize)
- {
- return (NULL);
- }
- /* Critical Region Start */
- if (rBuff->info.dataContent >= rBuff->info.threshold)
- {
- startUploading = TRUE;
- }
- else
- {
- startUploading = FALSE;
- }
- if (rBuff->buffWrite->spaceAvail >= numOfBytes)
- {
- if (dataSrc)
- {
- /* We are writing the data, not just reserving the space */
- memcpy (rBuff->dataWrite, dataSrc, numOfBytes);
- }
- else
- {
- /* Record the start of the reserved area */
- returnPtr = rBuff->dataWrite;
- }
- /*
- * If we are consuming one of our precious empty buffs,
- * check we have enough in reserve.
- */
- if (rBuff->buffWrite->dataLen == 0) {
- --rBuff->info.emptyBuffs;
- }
- if (rBuff->info.emptyBuffs < RBUFF_EMPTY_KEEP &&
- rBuff->info.currBuffs != rBuff->info.maxBuffs)
- {
- /* Schedule the rBuff Mgr to extend the buffer */
- }
- rBuff->buffWrite->dataLen += numOfBytes;
- rBuff->dataWrite += numOfBytes;
- rBuff->buffWrite->spaceAvail -= numOfBytes;
- /*
- * It may be that the current buffer is full at this point,
- * but don't do anything about it yet as the situation will
- * be handled next time through. Also, it's possible that
- * the current buffer may even have been emptied by then.
- */
- }
- else
- {
- UINT32 dataWritten1stBuff;
- UINT32 dataWritten2ndBuff;
- /*
- * Data won't fit in this buffer (at least not entirely),
- * is the next buffer available?
- */
- if (rBuff->buffWrite->next == rBuff->buffRead)
- {
- /* We've caught the reader. This will only happen when
- * we have actually filled the maximum allocation of
- * buffers *or* the reserved buffer has been filled
- * before the buffer has had the opportunity to
- * be extended. We cannot extend the buffer at this point
- * as we may be in a critical region, the design is such
- * that if the buffer could be extended it should have
- * been done by now (for that matter, the wrap-around
- * should have also occurred).
- *
- * If we have filled the reserved buffer without having
- * the opportunity to extend the buffer then the buffer
- * is configured badly and must be retuned.
- *
- * Meanwhile, at this moment, options are:
- *
- * 1) If we have filled the entire buffer and cannot wrap-
- * around then return ERROR.
- * 2) If we have filled the entire buffer but can wrap-
- * around then do that.
- */
- if (rBuff->info.options & RBUFF_WRAPAROUND)
- {
- /*
- * OK, perform an inline ring extension supplying NULL
- * as the new buffer forcing the ring to wrap-around.
- * This is a deterministic action.
- */
- /* Interrupts already locked out */
- rBuffAdd(rBuff, NULL);
- }
- else
- {
- /* Oh dear, can't wrap-round */
- return (NULL);
- }
- }
- /*
- * OK.
- * In the case that this function is writing the data, it
- * can be shared between this and next buffer.
- * In the case that we are only reserving the space, we must
- * return a pointer to contiguous space and therefore skip the
- * remainder of the previous buffer.
- */
- if (dataSrc == NULL)
- {
- /* skip the remainder of the current buffer */
- rBuff->buffWrite->spaceAvail = 0;
- /* Move on to the next buffer */
- rBuff->buffWrite = rBuff->buffWrite->next;
- /* Record the start of the reserved area */
- returnPtr = rBuff->buffWrite->dataStart;
- /* Point dataWrite past the reserved area */
- rBuff->dataWrite = rBuff->buffWrite->dataStart;
- dataWritten1stBuff = 0;
- dataWritten2ndBuff = numOfBytes;
- }
- else
- {
- /* first make use of the space in this buffer */
- memcpy (rBuff->dataWrite,
- dataSrc,
- (dataWritten1stBuff = rBuff->buffWrite->spaceAvail));
- rBuff->buffWrite->dataLen += dataWritten1stBuff;
- rBuff->buffWrite->spaceAvail = 0;
- /* Move on to the next buffer */
- dataWritten2ndBuff = numOfBytes - dataWritten1stBuff;
- rBuff->buffWrite = rBuff->buffWrite->next;
- rBuff->dataWrite = rBuff->buffWrite->dataStart;
- memcpy (rBuff->dataWrite,
- dataSrc + dataWritten1stBuff,
- dataWritten2ndBuff);
- }
- rBuff->buffWrite->dataLen = dataWritten2ndBuff;
- rBuff->dataWrite += dataWritten2ndBuff;
- rBuff->buffWrite->spaceAvail =
- rBuff->info.buffSize - dataWritten2ndBuff;
- if (--rBuff->info.emptyBuffs < RBUFF_EMPTY_KEEP &&
- rBuff->info.currBuffs != rBuff->info.maxBuffs)
- {
- /* Schedule the rBuff Mgr to extend the buffer */
- }
- }
- rBuff->info.dataContent += numOfBytes;
- /* update info */
- if(rBuff->info.dataContent > rBuff->info.bytesPeak)
- {
- rBuff->info.bytesPeak = rBuff->info.dataContent;
- }
- rBuff->info.bytesWritten += numOfBytes;
- rBuff->info.writesSinceReset++;
- if (!startUploading && rBuff->info.dataContent >= rBuff->info.threshold)
- {
- rBuff->info.timesXThreshold++;
- if (!(rBuff->info.options & RBUFF_UP_DEFERRED))
- {
- /*
- * Signal for uploading to begin. Note that if we have just
- * reserved space it is imperative that uploading does not
- * actually begin until the data is in the buffer.
- */
- #if (CPU_FAMILY == I80X86)
- portWorkQAdd1 ((FUNCPTR)semBGiveDefer,
- (int) &rBuff->buffDesc.threshXSem);
- #else
- workQAdd1 ((FUNCPTR)semBGiveDefer,
- (int) &rBuff->buffDesc.threshXSem);
- #endif
- }
- }
- /* Critical Region End */
- return(returnPtr);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * rBuffRead - Read data from a ring of buffers
- *
- * This routine reads data from an extendable ring of buffers.
- *
- * This function assumes mutually exclusive access is guaranteed by the caller.
- *
- */
- INT32 rBuffRead
- (
- BUFFER_ID buffId, /* generic buffer descriptor */
- UINT8 *dataDest,
- UINT32 numOfBytes
- )
- {
- UINT32 bytesToCopy, remaining = numOfBytes;
- RBUFF_ID rBuff; /* access private members of this rBuff desc */
- /* Get access to the private members of this particular rBuff. */
- rBuff = (RBUFF_ID) buffId;
- /* Critical Region Start */
- while(remaining)
- {
- bytesToCopy = (rBuff->buffRead->dataLen < remaining ?
- rBuff->buffRead->dataLen : remaining);
- if (bytesToCopy > 0)
- {
- memcpy (dataDest,rBuff->dataRead,bytesToCopy);
- remaining -= bytesToCopy;
- dataDest += bytesToCopy;
- /* Update buffer */
- rBuff->buffRead->dataLen -= bytesToCopy;
- rBuff->dataRead += bytesToCopy;
- rBuff->info.dataContent -= bytesToCopy;
- }
- if (!rBuff->buffRead->dataLen)
- {
- /* This buffer is now empty */
- rBuffHandleEmpty (rBuff);
- }
- else
- {
- /* this buffer is not yet emptied */
- rBuff->dataRead += bytesToCopy;
- }
- }
- /* update info */
- rBuff->info.bytesRead += (numOfBytes - remaining);
- rBuff->info.readsSinceReset++;
- /* Critical Region End */
- return (numOfBytes - remaining);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * rBuffReadReserve - Return the number of contiguous bytes available for
- * reading.
- *
- */
- UINT32 rBuffReadReserve
- (
- BUFFER_ID buffId, /* generic identifier for this buffer */
- UINT8 **src
- )
- {
- RBUFF_ID rBuff; /* specific identifier for this rBuff */
- INT32 bytesAvailable;
- /* Get access to the private members of this particular rBuff. */
- rBuff = (RBUFF_ID) buffId;
- /* Generate and return the available contiguous bytes. */
- if ((bytesAvailable = rBuff->buffRead->dataLen))
- {
- *src = rBuff->dataRead;
- }
- else
- {
- *src = NULL;
- }
- return (bytesAvailable);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * rBuffReadCommit - Move the read data ptr along a ring of buffers
- *
- * This routine moves the data ptr along a ring of buffers.
- *
- * It is equivalent to reading data from the buffers and should be used
- * when the data has been copied elsewhere.
- *
- * This function assumes mutually exclusive access is guaranteed by the caller.
- *
- */
- STATUS rBuffReadCommit
- (
- BUFFER_ID buffId, /* generic identifier for this buffer */
- UINT32 numOfBytes
- )
- {
- RBUFF_ID rBuff; /* specific identifier for this rBuff */
- /* Get access to the private members of this particular rBuff. */
- if (!numOfBytes)
- {
- return (OK);
- }
- rBuff = (RBUFF_ID) buffId;
- /* Critical Region Start */
- if (numOfBytes == rBuff->buffRead->dataLen)
- {
- rBuffHandleEmpty (rBuff);
- }
- else if (numOfBytes < rBuff->buffRead->dataLen)
- {
- rBuff->buffRead->dataLen -= numOfBytes;
- rBuff->dataRead += numOfBytes;
- }
- else
- {
- /* Moving ahead through multiple buffers */
- /* Not yet supported */
- return(ERROR);
- }
- rBuff->info.dataContent -= numOfBytes;
- /* update info */
- rBuff->info.bytesRead += numOfBytes;
- rBuff->info.readsSinceReset++;
- /* Critical Region End */
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * rBuffFlush - Flush data from a ring of buffers
- *
- * This routine causes any data held in a buffer to be uploaded and is
- * used to clear data that falls below the specified threshold.
- *
- */
- STATUS rBuffFlush
- (
- BUFFER_ID buffId /* generic identifier for this buffer */
- )
- {
- RBUFF_ID rBuff; /* specific identifier for this rBuff */
- int result, originalThreshold;
- /* Get access to the private members of this particular rBuff. */
- rBuff = (RBUFF_ID) buffId;
- result = OK;
- if (!rBuff->info.dataContent)
- {
- return(OK);
- }
- /* Store the original threshold */
- originalThreshold = rBuff->info.threshold;
- rBuff->info.threshold = 0;
- while (rBuff->info.dataContent > 0 && result != ERROR)
- {
- if (semGive (&rBuff->buffDesc.threshXSem) == OK)
- {
- /* Cause a reschedule to allow uploader in */
- taskDelay(0);
- }
- else
- {
- result = ERROR;
- }
- }
- rBuff->info.threshold = originalThreshold;
- return(result);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * rBuffReset - reset an extendable ring of buffers
- *
- * This routine resets an already created extendable ring of buffers to its
- * initial state. This loses any data held in the buffer. Any buffers held
- * above the specified minimum number are deallocated.
- *
- */
- STATUS rBuffReset
- (
- BUFFER_ID buffId /* generic identifier for this buffer */
- )
- {
- RBUFF_ID rBuff; /* specific identifier for this rBuff */
- RBUFF_LOCK (rBuff);
- /* Get access to the private members of this particular rBuff. */
- rBuff = (RBUFF_ID) buffId;
- /* Now reset the ring of buffers. */
- if(rBuff->info.currBuffs > rBuff->info.minBuffs)
- {
- UINT32 excessBuffs, count;
- /* drop the excess buffers */
- excessBuffs = rBuff->info.currBuffs - rBuff->info.minBuffs;
- for (count=0;count < excessBuffs;count++)
- {
- RBUFF_PTR tempPtr;
- tempPtr = rBuff->buffWrite->next; /* should not be NULL! */
- rBuffFree (rBuff,rBuff->buffWrite);
- rBuff->buffWrite = tempPtr;
- }
- }
- /* Make sure the 'read' buffer pointer points somewhere sensible */
- rBuff->buffRead = rBuff->buffWrite;
- /* and reset the byte ptrs */
- rBuff->dataRead =
- rBuff->dataWrite = rBuff->buffWrite->dataStart;
- rBuff->info.currBuffs =
- rBuff->info.maxBuffsActual = rBuff->info.minBuffs;
- /* now traverse the ring resetting the individual buffers */
- {
- RBUFF_PTR backHome = rBuff->buffWrite;
- RBUFF_PTR currBuff = rBuff->buffWrite;
- do {
- currBuff->dataLen = 0;
- currBuff->spaceAvail = rBuff->info.buffSize;
- currBuff = currBuff->next;
- }
- while (currBuff != backHome);
- }
- rBuff->nestLevel = 0;
- /* reset info */
- rBuff->info.emptyBuffs = rBuff->info.minBuffs;
- rBuff->info.dataContent =
- rBuff->info.writesSinceReset =
- rBuff->info.readsSinceReset =
- rBuff->info.timesExtended =
- rBuff->info.timesXThreshold =
- rBuff->info.bytesWritten =
- rBuff->info.bytesRead = 0;
- semGive (&rBuff->bufferFull);
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * rBuffNBytes - Returns the total number of bytes held in a ring of buffers
- *
- */
- INT32 rBuffNBytes
- (
- BUFFER_ID buffId /* generic identifier for this buffer */
- )
- {
- RBUFF_ID rBuff; /* specific identifier for this rBuff */
- /* Get access to the private members of this particular rBuff. */
- rBuff = (RBUFF_ID) buffId;
- return (rBuff->info.dataContent);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * rBuffAdd - Add a new buffer to an extendable ring of buffers
- *
- * This routine adds a further buffer to an already created or partially created
- * extendable ring of buffers unless the maximum number is already allocated.
- *
- * This function assumes mutually exclusive access is guaranteed by the caller.
- *
- */
- STATUS rBuffAdd
- (
- RBUFF_ID rBuff,
- RBUFF_PTR newBuff
- )
- {
- if (rBuff->info.emptyBuffs >= RBUFF_EMPTY_KEEP &&
- rBuff->info.currBuffs >= rBuff->info.minBuffs)
- {
- /*
- * OK, the uploader got in so now we don't need to extend the
- * buffer.
- */
- #ifdef RBUFF_DEBUG
- logMsg ("rBuff: abandoned addn",0,0,0,0,0,0);
- #endif
- if (newBuff)
- {
- memPartFree (rBuff->info.srcPart, (UINT8 *) newBuff);
- }
- return (OK);
- }
- if (rBuff->info.currBuffs == rBuff->info.maxBuffs || newBuff == NULL)
- {
- /*
- * We are at the maximum ring size already or the source
- * partition is exhausted, there's still hope...
- *
- * ...can we wrap-around?
- */
- if (!(rBuff->info.options & RBUFF_WRAPAROUND))
- {
- /* We aren't allowed to wrap around */
- return (ERROR);
- }
- else
- {
- RBUFF_PTR reclaim;
- /* We can wrap around by comandeering the 'oldest'
- * buffer in the ring.
- *
- * It is possible (probable?) that this buffer is the
- * one to be read from next so handle this.
- */
- reclaim = rBuff->buffWrite->next;
- if (rBuff->buffRead == reclaim)
- {
- /* Move the reader along */
- rBuff->buffRead = rBuff->buffRead->next;
- rBuff->dataRead = rBuff->buffRead->dataStart;
- }
- rBuff->info.dataContent -= reclaim->dataLen;
- /* Reset the buffer */
- reclaim->dataLen = 0;
- reclaim->spaceAvail = rBuff->info.buffSize;
- rBuff->info.emptyBuffs++;
- return (OK);
- }
- }
- newBuff->dataStart = (UINT8 *) newBuff + sizeof(RBUFF_BUFF_TYPE);
- newBuff->dataEnd = newBuff->dataStart + rBuff->info.buffSize;
- newBuff->spaceAvail = rBuff->info.buffSize;
- newBuff->dataLen = 0;
- /* Now link the buffer into the ring */
- if (rBuff->buffWrite != NULL)
- {
- RBUFF_PTR tempPtr;
- tempPtr = rBuff->buffWrite->next;
- rBuff->buffWrite->next = newBuff;
- /* close the ring */
- newBuff->next = tempPtr;
- }
- else
- {
- /* ring is empty, must be creation time */
- rBuff->buffWrite =
- rBuff->buffRead =
- newBuff->next = newBuff;
- }
- /* Maintain statistics */
- if (++(rBuff->info.currBuffs) > rBuff->info.maxBuffsActual)
- {
- rBuff->info.maxBuffsActual++;
- }
- rBuff->info.timesExtended++;
- rBuff->info.emptyBuffs++;
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * rBuffFree - Free a specified buffer
- *
- * This function must only be called from task level.
- * Semaphores are used to protect access at task-level. However, protection
- * from access at interrupt level must be guaranteed by the caller.
- *
- */
- STATUS rBuffFree
- (
- RBUFF_ID rBuff,
- RBUFF_PTR buffToFree
- )
- {
- RBUFF_PTR ptrToBuff, backHome, ptrToPreviousBuff;
- if (buffToFree == NULL)
- {
- return(ERROR);
- }
- /* find the pointer to the buffer to be freed */
- ptrToBuff = rBuff->buffWrite->next;
- backHome = rBuff->buffWrite;
- ptrToPreviousBuff = rBuff->buffWrite;
- while ((ptrToBuff != buffToFree) && (ptrToBuff != backHome))
- {
- ptrToPreviousBuff = ptrToBuff;
- ptrToBuff = buffToFree;
- }
- if (ptrToBuff == backHome)
- {
- /* an error has occured, possibly invalid buff ptr passed */
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* OK, de-link the buffer to be freed */
- ptrToPreviousBuff->next = buffToFree->next;
- /* Schedule the rBuff Mgr to actually free the buffer */
- /* Maintain statistics */
- rBuff->info.emptyBuffs--;
- rBuff->info.currBuffs--;
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * rBuffDestroy - Destroy an extendable ring of buffers
- *
- * This routine destroys an already created or partially created extendable ring
- * of buffers. This loses any data held in the buffer. All resources held are
- * returned to the system.
- *
- */
- STATUS rBuffDestroy
- (
- BUFFER_ID buffId /* generic identifier for this buffer */
- )
- {
- RBUFF_ID rBuff; /* specific identifier for this rBuff */
- RBUFF_PTR tempPtr;
- /* Get access to the private members of this particular rBuff. */
- rBuff = (RBUFF_ID) buffId;
- RBUFF_LOCK (rBuff);
- if(rBuff->rBuffMgrId != NULL)
- {
- taskDelete(rBuff->rBuffMgrId);
- }
- #if 0
- if (OBJ_VERIFY (rBuff, rBuffClassId) != OK) /* validate rBuff ID */
- {
- ((OBJ_ID)rBuff)->pObjClass, rBuffClassId);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- #endif
- objCoreTerminate (&rBuff->buffDesc.objCore); /* invalidate this object */
- /* Break the ring and traverse the list, freeing off */
- /* the buffers. buffWrite is used as the start point */
- /* this works if the ring creation is abandoned early. */
- if (rBuff->buffWrite != NULL)
- {
- /* Break the ring */
- tempPtr = rBuff->buffWrite->next;
- rBuff->buffWrite->next = NULL;
- rBuff->buffWrite = tempPtr;
- /* traverse and free */
- while(rBuff->buffWrite != NULL)
- {
- tempPtr = rBuff->buffWrite->next;
- memPartFree (rBuff->info.srcPart,(UINT8 *)rBuff->buffWrite);
- rBuff->buffWrite = tempPtr;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* ring hasn't been created so don't worry about it */
- }
- /* now free off the control structure */
- semTerminate (&rBuff->buffDesc.threshXSem);
- semTerminate (&rBuff->readBlk);
- semTerminate (&rBuff->bufferFull);
- objFree (rBuffClassId, (UINT8 *) rBuff);
- /* we're done */
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * rBuffSetFd - Set a new fd as the data upload destination
- *
- *
- */
- STATUS rBuffSetFd
- (
- BUFFER_ID buffId, /* generic identifier for this buffer */
- int fd
- )
- {
- RBUFF_ID rBuff; /* specific identifier for this rBuff */
- RBUFF_LOCK (rBuff);
- /* Get access to the private members of this particular rBuff. */
- rBuff = (RBUFF_ID) buffId;
- rBuff->fd = fd;
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * rBuffHandleEmpty - Handles a newly empty buffer by deciding whether to free
- * it off.
- *
- * This function assumes mutually exclusive access is guaranteed by the caller.
- *
- */
- LOCAL STATUS rBuffHandleEmpty
- (
- RBUFF_ID rBuff
- )
- {
- BOOL moveAlong = TRUE;
- RBUFF_PTR buffToFree;
- /*
- * Determine if we are to move around the ring and if the
- * newly empty buffer is to be freed, and then do the actions.
- * This avoids having to fumble with ptrs as we move around
- * from a buffer that has been freed.
- */
- if (rBuff->buffRead == rBuff->buffWrite)
- {
- /*
- * We've caught the writer so might as well reset this
- * buffer and make efficient use of it.
- */
- rBuff->dataRead =
- rBuff->dataWrite = rBuff->buffWrite->dataStart;
- rBuff->buffRead->spaceAvail = rBuff->info.buffSize;
- rBuff->buffRead->dataLen = 0;
- /* In this case, we don't move along to the next buffer */
- moveAlong = FALSE;
- }
- if (++(rBuff->info.emptyBuffs) > RBUFF_EMPTY_KEEP &&
- rBuff->info.currBuffs > rBuff->info.minBuffs)
- {
- /* We already have enough empty buffs, so free one off */
- if (rBuff->buffRead != rBuff->buffWrite)
- {
- buffToFree = rBuff->buffRead;
- }
- else
- {
- /*
- * As the reader and writer are in the same buffer
- * we know it's safe to free off the next buffer.
- */
- buffToFree = rBuff->buffRead->next;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* we've just emptied one of the 'core' buffers */
- rBuff->buffRead->spaceAvail = rBuff->info.buffSize;
- rBuff->buffRead->dataLen = 0;
- /* Don't free */
- buffToFree = NULL;
- }
- if (moveAlong)
- {
- /* Move round the ring */
- rBuff->buffRead = rBuff->buffRead->next;
- rBuff->dataRead = rBuff->buffRead->dataStart;
- }
- else
- {
- /* reset flag for next time */
- moveAlong = TRUE;
- }
- if (/* there's a */ buffToFree)
- {
- #ifdef RBUFF_DEBUG
- logMsg ("rBuff: Freeing buffer %pn",
- buffToFree,0,0,0,0,0);
- #endif
- rBuffFree (rBuff, buffToFree);
- }
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * rBuffMgr - The function is spawned as a task to manage rBuff extension.
- *
- * It waits for a msg which carries the ID of a buffer which has had a change
- * of the number of empty buffers held. If there are less the requested to be
- * reserved than an attempt will be made to make more available. If there are
- * more empty buffers than required than some will be freed.
- *
- * For each msg received, the task will achieve the required number of free
- * buffers. This may result in redundant msgs being received.
- *
- */
- int rBuffMgr(RBUFF_TYPE *rBuffId)
- {
- UINT32 busy;
- int key;
- RBUFF_PTR newBuff;
- #ifdef RBUFF_DEBUG
- logMsg ("rBuff: Mgr for rBuff %p createdn",rBuffId,0,0,0,0,0);
- #endif
- for(;;)
- {
- semTake (&(rBuffId->msgSem), WAIT_FOREVER);
- #ifdef RBUFF_DEBUG
- logMsg ("rBuff: Msg type 0x%x received from rBuff %pn",
- rBuffId->msg[rBuffId->msgReadIndex][0],rBuffId,0,0,0,0);
- #endif
- busy = TRUE;
- /* Determine what needs to be done */
- switch (rBuffId->msg[rBuffId->msgReadIndex][0])
- {
- case RBUFF_MSG_ADD :
- {
- /*
- * This message may be generated one or more times by
- * event logging, and the condition that caused the msg
- * may no longer be TRUE, so just take this as a prompt
- * to see if the ring needs extending.
- */
- /* Make sure that we don't request extension recursively */
- rBuffId->nestLevel++;
- while
- (rBuffId->info.emptyBuffs < RBUFF_EMPTY_KEEP &&
- (rBuffId->info.currBuffs < rBuffId->info.maxBuffs ||
- rBuffId->info.options & RBUFF_WRAPAROUND) &&
- busy)
- {
- /* Looks like we are going to need a buffer */
- newBuff = (RBUFF_PTR)
- memPartAlloc (rBuffId->info.srcPart,
- sizeof(RBUFF_BUFF_TYPE) + rBuffId->info.buffSize);
- /* of course, newBuff may be NULL... */
- key = intLock();
- #ifdef RBUFF_DEBUG
- logMsg ("rBuff: adding buffer %pn",newBuff,0,0,0,0,0);
- #endif
- if (rBuffAdd (rBuffId, newBuff) == ERROR)
- {
- /* ring cannot be extended so give up trying */
- busy = FALSE;
- }
- intUnlock (key);
- }
- }
- rBuffId->nestLevel--;
- break;
- {
- /* This message carries a ptr to the buffer to be freed */
- #ifdef RBUFF_DEBUG
- logMsg ("rBuff: freeing buffer %pn",rBuffId->msg[rBuffId->msgReadIndex][1],0,0,0,0,0);
- #endif
- memPartFree (rBuffId->info.srcPart,
- (UINT8 *) rBuffId->msg[rBuffId->msgReadIndex][1]);
- }
- break;
- }
- if(++rBuffId->msgReadIndex > RBUFF_MAX_MSGS)
- {
- rBuffId->msgReadIndex = 0;
- }
- rBuffId->msgOutstanding = FALSE;
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * rBuffMgrPrioritySet - set the priority of ring Buffer Manager task
- *
- * This routine sets the priority of the rBuffMgr task to the priority given.
- * Two parameters are expected:
- * rBuffId : can be NULL or a valid ring Buffer Id.
- * If NULL, the default priority of any future ring buffer manager
- * tasks spawned will be set to the priority given. The priority of any
- * existing ring buffer manager tasks running will be unaffected.
- *
- * If a valid ring buffer id is given, the priority of its associated
- * ring buffer manager will be changed to that given. In addition, the
- * priority of any future ring buffer manager tasks spawned will be
- * changed to the priority given. If the priority of the associated
- * manager cannot be set for any reason, the routine returns ERROR and
- * the default remains unchanged.
- *
- * priority :The desired priority of the ring buffer manager task (0-255).
- *
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if the priority could not be set.
- */
- STATUS rBuffMgrPrioritySet
- (
- RBUFF_ID rBuffId, /* rBuff identifier */
- int priority /* new priority */
- )
- {
- if (rBuffId != NULL)
- if (taskPrioritySet (rBuffId->rBuffMgrId, priority) != OK)
- return (ERROR);
- rBuffMgrPriorityDefault = priority;
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * rBuffUpload - Copy data that is added to the buffer to the specified 'fd'
- *
- */
- STATUS rBuffUpload
- (
- BUFFER_ID buffId, /* generic identifier for this buffer */
- int fd
- )
- {
- RBUFF_ID rBuff; /* specific identifier for this rBuff */
- UINT8 *src;
- int lockKey;
- STATUS result = OK;
- /* Get access to the private members of this particular rBuff. */
- rBuff = (RBUFF_ID) buffId;
- rBuff->fd = fd;
- while(result == OK)
- {
- /* Wait for the dinner gong */
- logMsg ("Waiting for datan",0,0,0,0,0,0);
- semTake (&rBuff->buffDesc.threshXSem,WAIT_FOREVER);
- logMsg("Uploading...n",0,0,0,0,0,0);
- /* tuck in... */
- while (result == OK && rBuff->info.dataContent >
- (rBuff->info.threshold / 4))
- {
- UINT32 bytesToWrite = rBuffReadReserve(buffId, &src);
- UINT32 bytesWritten;
- if (bytesToWrite > 4096)
- {
- bytesToWrite = 4096;
- }
- #ifdef RBUFF_DEBUG
- logMsg ("%#x bytes from %p (dataContent=%#x)n",
- bytesToWrite,
- (int) src,
- rBuff->info.dataContent,0,0,0);
- #endif
- /* move the data */
- #if 0
- {
- UINT8 buffer[100];
- bcopy(src,buffer,bytesToWrite);
- buffer[bytesToWrite] = ' ';
- printf("%sn",buffer);
- }
- #endif
- if ((bytesWritten =
- write (fd, src, bytesToWrite)) == -1)
- {
- logMsg ("Upload error!n",0,0,0,0,0,0);
- if (rBuff->errorHandler)
- {
- /* Dial 999 / 911 */
- (*rBuff->errorHandler)();
- }
- result = ERROR;
- }
- else
- {
- /* move the buffer pointers along */
- lockKey = intLock();
- result = rBuffReadCommit (buffId,bytesWritten);
- intUnlock (lockKey);
- taskDelay (0);
- }
- }
- }
- return (result);
- }
- #endif /* GENERIC_RBUFF */
- #if (CPU_FAMILY == I80X86)
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * portWorkQAdd1 - add work with one parameter to the wind work queue
- *
- * When the kernel is interrupted, new kernel work must be queued to an internal
- * work queue. The work queue is emptied by whatever task or interrupt service
- * routine that entered the kernel first. The work is emptied as the last
- * code of reschedule().
- *
- * The work queue is single reader, multiple writer, so we should have to lock
- * out interrupts while the writer is copying into the ring, but because the
- * reader can never interrupt a writer, interrupts need only be locked while
- * we advance the write queue pointer.
- *
- *
- * SEE ALSO: reschedule()
- *
- */
- void portWorkQAdd1
- (
- FUNCPTR func, /* function to invoke */
- int arg1 /* parameter one to function */
- )
- {
- int level = intLock (); /* LOCK INTERRUPTS */
- FAST JOB *pJob = (JOB *) &pJobPool [workQWriteIx];
- workQWriteIx += 4; /* advance write index */
- if (workQWriteIx == workQReadIx)
- workQPanic (); /* leave interrupts locked */
- intUnlock (level); /* UNLOCK INTERRUPTS */
- workQIsEmpty = FALSE; /* we put something in it */
- pJob->function = func; /* fill in function */
- pJob->arg1 = arg1; /* fill in argument */
- }
- #endif /* CPU_FAMILY == I80X86 */