- /* smUtilLib.c - VxWorks shared memory utility library */
- /* Copyright 1984-2002 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01l,03may02,mas cache flush and volatile fix (SPR 68334); bridge flush fix
- (SPR 68844)
- 01k,24oct01,mas fixed diab warnings (SPR 71120); doc update (SPR 71149)
- 01j,23nov99,tm smUtilIntConnect() now returns OK for USER_1/2 (SPR 29548)
- 01i,17mar99,dat added SM_INT_USER_1 and SM_INT_USER_2, spr 25804
- 01h,08feb96,dat fixed smUtilSoftTas, SPR #5888, fixed some
- compiler warnings.
- 01g,12oct94,ism added philm's workaround for SPR#2578
- 01f,12feb93,jdi fixed parameter comments in smUtilIntGen() to keep mangen
- happy -- in case we ever publish this one.
- 01e,23jun92,elh cleanup, documentation.
- 01d,02jun92,elh the tree shuffle
- -changed includes to have absolute path from h/
- 01c,27may92,elh fixed bug in smUtilIntRoutine && smUtilPollTask.
- 01b,15may92,pme added smUtilIntConnect, smUtilIntRoutine, smUtilPollTask.
- 01a,07feb92,elh created.
- */
- /*
- This module is the shared memory utility library. It contains the
- routines needed of VxWorks by the shared memory libraries (smPktLib,
- smObjLib and smLib).
- To fully support this library, a BSP and the associated architecture must have
- support for the following system calls: vxMemProbe(), sysClkRateGet(),
- sysProcNumGet(), sysBusTas(), sysBusIntGen(), sysBusToLocalAdrs(),
- sysMailboxConnect(), and sysMailboxEnable().
- SunOS is no longer supported.
- Refer to smLib for more information about the layering of shared
- memory modules.
- SEE ALSO: if_sm, smPktLib, smLib, smObjLib
- */
- /* includes */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "smLib.h"
- #include "smUtilLib.h"
- #include "netinet/in.h"
- #include "iv.h"
- #include "vxLib.h"
- #include "taskLib.h"
- #include "cacheLib.h"
- #include "logLib.h"
- #include "intLib.h"
- #include "stdio.h"
- #include "stdlib.h"
- #include "sysLib.h"
- /* defines */
- #define DEFAULT_TAS_CHECKS 10 /* rechecks for soft tas */
- #define TAS_CONST 0x80
- /* globals */
- int smUtilVerbose = FALSE; /* verbose mode */
- int smUtilTasChecks = DEFAULT_TAS_CHECKS;
- VOIDFUNCPTR smUtilTasClearRtn = NULL;
- FUNCPTR smUtilUser1Rtn = NULL; /* returns STATUS */
- FUNCPTR smUtilUser2Rtn = NULL; /* returns STATUS */
- /* number of times to recheck soft tas */
- /* list of shared memory event handling routines */
- SM_ROUTINE smUtilNetRoutine = { NULL, 0};
- SM_ROUTINE smUtilObjRoutine = { NULL, 0};
- /* poll task parameters */
- int smUtilPollTaskStackSize = 0x2000; /* stack size */
- int smUtilPollTaskOptions = 0; /* options */
- int smUtilPollTaskPriority = 254; /* priority */
- /* locals */
- LOCAL int smUtilTasValue = 0; /* special soft tas value */
- LOCAL int smUtilPollTaskID; /* polling task id */
- /* forwards */
- LOCAL void smUtilPollTask (void);
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * smUtilSoftTas - software emulation of test-and-set function
- *
- * This routine emulates an inidivisable hardware test-and-set function.
- * The lock specified by <lockLocalAdrs> is read to confirm that it is
- * initially zero. The lock is then set to a special value used only by
- * this cpu, and is repeatedly re-read to check if any other processor
- * has attempted to obtain access to the lock. If no such conflict is
- * detected, this routine returns TRUE.
- *
- * The number of checks made after setting the lock value may be changed
- * by setting the global variable, smUtilTasChecks. The default number
- * is 10.
- *
- * All the above is performed with interrupts disabled on the local processor.
- *
- * RETURNS: TRUE if value successfully set (was previously not set), or
- * FALSE if value already set or another CPU stole lock.
- */
- BOOL smUtilSoftTas
- (
- volatile int * lockLocalAdrs /* local address of lock variable */
- )
- {
- int value; /* value to place in lock variable */
- int nChecks; /* number of times to re-check lock */
- int count; /* running count of re-checks */
- int oldLvl; /* previous interrupt level */
- int tmp; /* temp storage */
- if (smUtilTasValue == 0)
- {
- smUtilTasValue = htonl ((TAS_CONST + sysProcNumGet())<< 24);
- }
- value = smUtilTasValue; /* special value to write */
- nChecks = smUtilTasChecks; /* number of checks to do */
- /* Lock out interrupts */
- oldLvl = intLock ();
- /* Test that lock variable is initially empty */
- tmp = *lockLocalAdrs; /* PCI bridge bug [SPR 68844]*/
- if (*lockLocalAdrs != 0)
- {
- intUnlock (oldLvl);
- return (FALSE); /* someone else has lock */
- }
- /* Set lock value */
- *lockLocalAdrs = value;
- /* preliminary read compensates for PCI bridge failure (SPR 68844) */
- count = *lockLocalAdrs;
- /* Check that no one else is trying to take lock */
- for (count = 0; count < nChecks; count++)
- {
- if (*lockLocalAdrs != value)
- {
- intUnlock (oldLvl);
- return (FALSE); /* someone else stole lock */
- }
- }
- intUnlock (oldLvl);
- return (TRUE); /* exclusive access obtained */
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * smUtilDelay - delay
- *
- * This routine delays task execution by <ticks> number of system clock ticks.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK if successful, otherwise ERROR.
- */
- STATUS smUtilDelay
- (
- char * pAddr, /* address [not used] */
- int ticks /* number of ticks to delay */
- )
- {
- /* appease the Diab gods (SPR 71120) */
- if (pAddr == NULL)
- ;
- return (taskDelay (ticks));
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * smUtilMemProbe - probe memory
- *
- * This routine safely probes a location in memory.
- *
- * OK if the probe is successful, or ERROR if the probe caused a bus error or
- * an address misalignment.
- */
- STATUS smUtilMemProbe
- (
- char * pAddr, /* address to be probed */
- int op, /* VX_READ or VX_WRITE */
- int size, /* 1, 2, or 4 */
- char * pVal /* where to return value, */
- /* or ptr to value to be written */
- )
- {
- if (smUtilVerbose)
- {
- printf ("smUtilMemProbe:op[%s] addr:[0x%x] size:[%d]n",
- (op == VX_READ) ? "read" : "write", (UINT) pAddr, size);
- }
- return (vxMemProbe (pAddr, op, size, pVal));
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * smUtilRateGet - get the system clock rate
- *
- * This routine calls the BSP-specific routine sysClkRateGet() which returns
- * the local system clock rate in ticks per second.
- *
- * RETURNS: The number of ticks per second of the system clock.
- */
- int smUtilRateGet (void)
- {
- return (sysClkRateGet ());
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * smUtilProcNumGet - get the processor number
- *
- * This routine calls the BSP-specific routine sysProcNumGet() which returns
- * the number assigned to the local CPU.
- *
- * RETURNS: The processor number for this CPU board.
- */
- int smUtilProcNumGet (void)
- {
- return (sysProcNumGet ());
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * smUtilTas - shared memory hardware test-and-set function
- *
- * This routine calls the BSP-specific TAS routine sysBusTas() which performs
- * an atomic test-and-set (TAS) on the specified address <adrs>.
- *
- * RETURNS: TRUE if the value had not been set but is now, or
- * FALSE if the value was set already.
- */
- BOOL smUtilTas
- (
- char * adrs /* address to be tested and set */
- )
- {
- return (sysBusTas (adrs));
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * smUtilTasClear - shared memory clear hardware test-and-set function
- *
- * This routine calls a TAS clear routine through the hook 'smUtilTasClearRtn'
- * if it is not NULL, else, it clears the address <adrs> itself.
- *
- * The function pointer smUtilTasClearRtn is currently set by the BSPs
- * if a test-and-set clear routine is required of the board support package.
- * Ultimately, the desired solution is that each BSP will provide a
- * sysBusTasClear routine that can be called directly from smUtilTasClear().
- *
- */
- void smUtilTasClear
- (
- char * adrs /* address to be tested and set */
- )
- {
- int tmp; /* temp storage */
- if (smUtilTasClearRtn != NULL)
- {
- (*smUtilTasClearRtn) (adrs);
- }
- else
- {
- *adrs = 0;
- tmp = *adrs; /* BRIDGE FLUSH [SPR 68334] */
- }
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * smUtilIntGen - interrupt the destination cpu.
- *
- * smUtilIntGen() gets called by the shared memory libraries to interrupt a
- * CPU to notify it of an incoming packet or an event. smUtilIntGen() provides
- * the following methods for interrupting the destination CPU:
- * mail box interrupts (SM_INT_MAILBOX), bus interrupts (SM_INT_BUS), user
- * defined procedure 1 (SM_INT_USER1), user defined procedure 2 (SM_INT_USER2),
- * and none (SM_INT_NONE). Refer to smLib.h for the actual values.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK if successful, otherwise ERROR.
- */
- STATUS smUtilIntGen
- (
- SM_CPU_DESC * pCpuDesc, /* local addr of destination */
- /* cpu descriptor */
- int cpuNum /* destination cpu number */
- )
- {
- volatile int bogus; /* bogus space */
- char * pMailbox = NULL;/* mailbox */
- int intType; /* interrupt type */
- int intArg1;
- int intArg2;
- int intArg3;
- /* appease the Diab gods (SPR 71120) */
- if (cpuNum == 0)
- ;
- intType = ntohl (pCpuDesc->intType); /* byte swap */
- /* polling needs no arguments */
- if (intType == SM_INT_NONE)
- {
- return (OK); /* destination polling */
- }
- /* Bus interrupts use 2 arguments */
- intArg1 = ntohl (pCpuDesc->intArg1);
- intArg2 = ntohl (pCpuDesc->intArg2);
- if (intType == SM_INT_BUS)
- {
- return (sysBusIntGen (intArg1, intArg2));
- }
- /* all other methods use all 3 arguments */
- intArg3 = ntohl (pCpuDesc->intArg3);
- if ((intType >= SM_INT_MAILBOX_1) && (intType <= SM_INT_MAILBOX_R4))
- {
- /* For mailboxes, arg1 is addrSpaceId, arg2 is address */
- if (sysBusToLocalAdrs (intArg1, (char *) intArg2, &pMailbox) == ERROR)
- {
- if (smUtilVerbose)
- {
- logMsg ("smUtilIntGen:unable to calculate mailbox [0x%x]n",
- intArg2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- }
- return (ERROR);
- }
- }
- switch (intType)
- {
- case SM_INT_MAILBOX_1:
- *pMailbox = (char) intArg3;
- bogus = *(volatile char *) pMailbox; /* BRIDGE FLUSH [SPR 68334] */
- break;
- case SM_INT_MAILBOX_2:
- *(short *) pMailbox = (short) intArg3;
- bogus = *(volatile short *) pMailbox; /* BRIDGE FLUSH [SPR 68334]*/
- break;
- case SM_INT_MAILBOX_4:
- *(long *) pMailbox = (long) intArg3;
- bogus = *(volatile long *) pMailbox; /* BRIDGE FLUSH [SPR 68334] */
- break;
- bogus = *(volatile char *) pMailbox;
- break;
- bogus = *(volatile short *) pMailbox;
- break;
- bogus = *(volatile long *) pMailbox;
- break;
- case SM_INT_USER_1:
- if (smUtilUser1Rtn != NULL)
- {
- return (*smUtilUser1Rtn)(intArg1, intArg2, intArg3);
- }
- return ERROR;
- case SM_INT_USER_2:
- if (smUtilUser2Rtn != NULL)
- {
- return (*smUtilUser2Rtn)(intArg1, intArg2, intArg3);
- }
- return ERROR;
- default:
- printf ("smUtilIntGen:Unknown intType [%x]n", intType);
- return (ERROR); /* unknown interrupt type */
- }
- return (OK);
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * smUtilIntConnect - connect the shared memory interrupts
- *
- * This routine connects up how this CPU (ie mailbox, bus or polling task) gets
- * notified of incoming shared memory packets or shared memory events.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK if successful, otherwise ERROR.
- */
- STATUS smUtilIntConnect
- (
- int priorityType, /* handler priority LOW or HIGH */
- FUNCPTR routine, /* routine to connect */
- int param, /* unit number */
- int intType, /* interrupt method */
- int intArg1, /* interrupt argument #1 */
- int intArg2, /* interrupt argument #2 */
- int intArg3 /* interrupt argument #3 */
- )
- {
- STATUS status = ERROR; /* return status */
- /* appease the Diab gods (SPR 71120) */
- if (intArg3 == 0)
- ;
- if (priorityType == LOW_PRIORITY)
- {
- smUtilNetRoutine.routine = routine;
- smUtilNetRoutine.param = param;
- }
- else
- {
- smUtilObjRoutine.routine = routine;
- smUtilObjRoutine.param = param;
- }
- switch (intType)
- {
- case SM_INT_BUS: /* bus interrupts */
- if ((intConnect (INUM_TO_IVEC (intArg2), smUtilIntRoutine, 0)
- != ERROR) && (sysIntEnable (intArg1) != ERROR))
- {
- status = OK;
- }
- break;
- case SM_INT_NONE: /* polling */
- if ((taskIdVerify (smUtilPollTaskID) == OK) ||
- ((smUtilPollTaskID =
- taskSpawn ("tsmPollTask", smUtilPollTaskPriority,
- smUtilPollTaskOptions, smUtilPollTaskStackSize,
- (FUNCPTR) smUtilPollTask, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0)) != ERROR))
- {
- status = OK;
- }
- break;
- case SM_INT_MAILBOX_1: /* mailbox interrupts */
- case SM_INT_MAILBOX_2:
- case SM_INT_MAILBOX_4:
- if ((sysMailboxConnect ((FUNCPTR) smUtilIntRoutine, 0) != ERROR) &&
- (sysMailboxEnable ((char *) intArg2) != ERROR))
- {
- status = OK;
- }
- break;
- case SM_INT_USER_1:
- case SM_INT_USER_2:
- /* No special action, user code does it all */
- status = OK;
- break;
- default:
- logMsg ("smUtilIntConnect:Unknown interrupt type %dn",
- intType, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- break;
- }
- return (status);
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * smUtilIntRoutine - generic shared memory interrupt handler
- *
- * This routine is connected to the shared memory interrupts. It calls
- * dedicated handlers for incoming shared memory packets or shared
- * memory objects events.
- *
- */
- void smUtilIntRoutine (void)
- {
- /* call each routine stored in the list */
- if (smUtilObjRoutine.routine != NULL)
- {
- (* smUtilObjRoutine.routine) (smUtilObjRoutine.param);
- }
- if (smUtilNetRoutine.routine != NULL)
- {
- (* smUtilNetRoutine.routine) (smUtilNetRoutine.param);
- }
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * smUtilPollTask - task level generic shared memory events handler
- *
- * This task handles the shared memory events. It calls dedicated
- * handlers for incomming shared memory packets or shared memory
- * objects events.
- *
- */
- LOCAL void smUtilPollTask (void)
- {
- {
- if (smUtilObjRoutine.routine != NULL)
- {
- (* smUtilObjRoutine.routine) (smUtilObjRoutine.param);
- }
- if (smUtilNetRoutine.routine != NULL)
- {
- (* smUtilNetRoutine.routine) (smUtilNetRoutine.param);
- }
- }
- }