- /* windLib.c - internal VxWorks kernel library */
- /* Copyright 1984-2002 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- #include "copyright_wrs.h"
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 02a,22may02,jgn updated tick counter to be 64 bit - SPR #70255
- 01z,20mar02,bwa windPendQRemove() now moves task out of the tick Q. (SPR
- #74673).
- 01y,18dec00,pes Correct compiler warnings
- 01x,29oct97,cth removed references to scrPad for WV2.0
- 01w,03dec96,dbt Added intLock and intUnlock in windWdStart to protect the
- decrement of the defer start counter (fixed spr #7070).
- 01v,24jun96,sbs made windview instrumentation conditionally compiled
- 01t,31jan95,tmk added OBJ_VERIFY clause to windSemDelete()
- +rrr
- 01s,27jan95,ms windDestroy flushes the right saftey queue now
- +rrr
- 01u,02feb94,smb windPendQFlush no longer causes scratch-pad overflow SPR #2981
- 01t,24jan94,smb added tid to EVENT_WINDTICKTIMEOUT
- 01s,10dec93,smb added instrumentation
- 01r,13nov92,dnw added include of smObjLib.h
- 01q,19jul92,pme Added windReadyQPut, made windDelete and windPendQRemove
- return STATUS, made windTickAnnounce set task return
- value acording to possible shared memory objects errors.
- 01p,04jul92,jcf private headers.
- 01n,05jun92,ajm intCnt is now fixed, see excALib.s
- 01o,26may92,rrr the tree shuffle
- 01n,15oct91,ajm intCnt change for mips, this must be FIXED correctly soon
- 01m,04oct91,rrr passed through the ansification filter
- -changed functions to ansi style
- -changed includes to have absolute path from h/
- -changed VOID to void
- -changed copyright notice
- 01l,28sep90,jcf documentation.
- 01k,04sep90,jcf documentation.
- 01j,03aug90,jcf fixed bug in watchdog routine calling wdStart.
- 01i,15jul90,jcf fixed bug in watchdog handling which allowed work q to overflow
- 01h,03jul90,jcf added windPendQTerminate().
- added timer queue rollover algorithm.
- 01g,26jun90,jcf simplified priority inheritance algorithm.
- changed windSem*() to windPendQ*().
- 01f,28aug89,jcf modified to support version 2.0 of wind.
- 01e,09aug89,gae SPARCintized windDummyCreate.
- 01d,19nov88,jcf validated task id before operations undertaken.
- changed lstFirst, lstPrevious, lstNext to macros.
- 01c,23aug88,gae documentation.
- 01b,12aug88,jcf cleanup.
- 01a,12mar88,jcf written.
- */
- /*
- The VxWorks kernel provides tasking control services to an application. The
- libraries kernelLib, taskLib, semLib, tickLib, and wdLib comprise the kernel
- functionality. This library is internal to the VxWorks kernel and contains
- no user callable routines.
- This is a description of the architecture of Wind version 2.0. The information
- here applies to the following libraries: kernelLib, taskLib, semLib, tickLib,
- wdLib, schedLib, workQLib, windLib, windALib, semALib, and workQALib.
- The kernel is a small state machine. Each task contains state information in
- the status field. The possible states in wind 2.0 are:
- WIND_READY, Ready for execution, in readyQHead.
- WIND_DELAY, Sleeping, in tickQHead.
- WIND_PEND, Blocked, in resource pendQHead.
- WIND_PEND | WIND_DELAY, Blocked w/timeout in pendQHead/tickQHead
- WIND_SUSPEND, Suspended, in no queue.
- WIND_DELAY | WIND_SUSPEND, Suspended sleeping, in tickQHead
- WIND_PEND | WIND_SUSPEND, Suspended blocked, in pendQHead.
- WIND_PEND|WIND_DELAY|WIND_SUSPEND, Susp blocked w/tout, pendQHead/tickQHead
- WIND_DEAD Extinct, gone, deceased, an Ex-Task.
- We provide a rich set of routines to move routines from state to another in
- the aforementioned libraries. The actual work of changing a task's state and
- shuffling it into the appropriate queue is done within this library as a
- lower level call to the user routines elsewhere. For instance taskSuspend()
- calls windSuspend(). This decomposition is not purely aesthetic, the separation
- is necessary as part of the mutual exclusion method used by the kernel.
- By the time we arrive in the routines located here, higher level routines have
- obtained mutual exclusion to all kernel queues by entering kernel state. The
- routines located here have free reign over any kernel data structure. Kernel
- state is a powerful means of mutual exclusion, unfortunately preemption is
- disabled for the duration of kernel state. High preemptive latency undermines
- the reactive latency of a real time system, so it is crucial to use this
- mechanism sparingly. Indeed the basic design philosophy of the kernel is to
- keep it as minimal as possible, while still capable of supporting higher level
- facilities.
- Kernel routines fit the template illuminated by taskResume():
- if (kernelState) /@ defer work if in kernel @/
- {
- workQAdd1 (windResume, tid); /@ add work to kernel work q @/
- return (OK);
- }
- kernelState = TRUE; /@ KERNEL ENTER @/
- windResume ((WIND_TCB *) tid); /@ resume task @/
- windExit (); /@ KERNEL EXIT @/
- To enter kernel state one simply sets the global variable kernelState to TRUE.
- From that point, all kernel data structures are protected from contention.
- When finished with the kernel operation, kernel state is left via windExit()
- which sets kernelState back to FALSE. Lets consider who, in fact, contends
- for the internal data structures. An interrupt service routine is the only
- possible initiator of additional kernel work. That is, once a system enters
- kernel state the only way an application could request more kernel work is
- from an ISR.
- Notice in the above template that kernelState is always checked before it
- is set. This is the backbone of the mutual exclusion. The kernel uses a
- technique of work deferral as a means of mutual exclusion. When kernelState
- is TRUE, the function of interest is not invoked directly, but rather
- the work is deferred by enqueueing the job to the kernel work queue.
- The kernel work queue is emptied by windExit(), (or intExit in the case of an
- ISR entering the kernel first), before loading the context of the appropriate
- task. At the very end of kernel state we lock interrupts, check the work
- queue is still empty, and enter a selected task's context. The deferral of
- kernel work is necessary for all kernel routines which are ISR callable.
- Some facilities are quite elaborate and require special discussions. Most are
- areas still under research or involve some form of tricky code.
- Watchdogs present two ugly problems. The first problem is the routine wdStart()
- takes four parameters: the watchdog id, the timeout, the routine, and a routine
- parameter. A work queue job only has room for 3 parameters. So if an ISR
- calls wdStart() after interrupting the kernel, we cannot simply defer the
- work to the work queue. The solution is to write windWdStart to take only
- two parameters, the watchdog id, and a timeout. The routine and parmeter
- are stored in the watchdog itself. We're not out of the woods yet, because
- what if five different ISRs which interrupt the kernel perform a wdStart on the
- same watchdog? Where do we keep all the parameters? The answer is to simply
- clobber the existing routine and parameter with the new routine and new
- parameter and bump a defer count variable within the watchdog. Every time
- windWdStart() is called as kernel work (or otherwise), the defer count is
- decremented. If the resulting defer count is zero, the watchdog is sorted to
- the appropriate timeout in the tick queue. We know that the timeout
- corresponds to the watchdog routine and parameter resident in the watchdog
- structure because the defer count has been decremented as many times as it
- was incremented.
- The second problem is even uglier. Watchdogs routines may be any arbitrary
- routine including kernel routines. The problem is watchdog routines are
- now called from deep within the kernel, in kernel state. All kernel routines
- made from a watchdog will be deferred to the work queue. The kicker is that
- there is no limit to the number of watchdogs that can go off in the same tick.
- If all kernel work is deferred by a limitless number of watchdog routines
- expiring at the same tick, there is a chance that we will overflow the kernel
- work queue. The work queue is implemented as circular queue with a capacity
- of 64 jobs. The solution to this problem is to empty the work queue after
- each watchdog routine is called. We assume that a watchdog routine will never
- make more than 64 kernel calls.
- Watchdogs are being rethought. They were not initially considered as part
- of the kernel, but to make them utilize the tick queue, they got dragged in.
- As is evident from the problems outlined above, its not a marriage made in
- heaven. They are serviceable, but a future version of VxWorks will probably
- elect to demote watchdog routines to execute at task level within the context
- of a dedicated alarm task.
- Priority inversion arises when a higher-priority task is forced to wait an
- indefinite period of time for the completion of a lower-priority task.
- Consider the following scenario: T1, T2, and T3 are tasks of high, medium,
- and low priority, respectively. T3 has acquired some resource by taking
- its associated semaphore. When T1 preempts T3 and contends for the
- resource by taking the same semaphore, it becomes blocked. If we could be
- assured that T1 would be blocked no longer than the time it normally takes
- T3 to finish with the resource, the situation would not be particularly
- problematic. After all the resource is non-preemptible. However, the
- low-priority task is vulnerable to preemption by medium-priority tasks; a
- preempting task, T2, will inhibit T3 from relinquishing the resource. This
- condition could persist, blocking T1 for an indefinite period of time.
- A priority inheritance protocal solves the problem of priority inversion by
- elevating the priority of T3 to the priority of T1 during the time T1 is
- blocked on T3. This protects T3, and indirectly T1, from preemption by
- T2. Stated more generally, the priority inheritance protocol assures that
- a task which owns a resource will execute at the priority of the highest
- priority task blocked on that resource. When execution is complete, the
- task gives up the resource and returns to its normal, or standard,
- priority. Hence, the "inheriting" task is protected from preemption by any
- intermediate-priority tasks.
- Special circumstances apply to nested priority inheritance. When a task
- owns multiple resources guarded from priority inversion, the task's priority
- will `ratchet up' as higher priority tasks contend for the resources. For
- efficiency and simplicity of implementation, task priorities are only allowed
- to be lowered when a task owns no resources guarded from priority inversion.
- This rule is useful for situations where a high priority task contends for
- an owned resource, the priority is inheritted by the owner, but then the high
- priority task is deleted. Strictly speaking, it would be fair game to lower
- the resource owner back to its original priority, but the implemenation is
- a collosal waste of time and space. The small price to pay is that tasks
- may inherit a priority for a little longer than is actually necessary but I
- won't tell anyone if you won't.
- The deletion problem has two prongs. The first is that a resource
- may be deleted right ought from under a task. Nothing protects a task
- from a semaphore, for example, from being deleted by another task. We expect
- that applications will discipline object deletion to take place safely. In
- the case of a semaphore, for example, the semaphore should be taken by the
- deleter before deletion. Also note, that the actual invalidation of an
- object must be done with mutual exclusion. Objects which may be utilized
- from interrupt level must, therefore, protect the object invalidation with
- interrupt locks.
- Object reference counts were considered as an alternative, the difficulty
- lies in the fact that objects are shared in VxWorks without prior consent
- from the operating system. Some OS require tasks to bind to an object by
- name before gaining the capability of access. Object binding does not fit
- with current thinking on the matter, but as we explore
- distributed/multiprocessor extensions to VxWorks, object id binding may
- resurface.
- The second prong of the deletion problem is harder. It is possible that
- a task may be deleted while engaged in some operation on some resource. This
- could leave the resource in an unusable, unavailable state. Tasks are a
- special class of object, an active object which engages passive objects. The
- deletion of an active object must account for the passive objects currently
- engaged. We solve this problem in the same way we approach kernel work
- deferral. The deletion of a task is deferred until the task is safe to delete.
- A deleter will block while a task is protected from deletion, otherwise a
- deleter might get the false impression that the task deleted is acutually gone.
- Applications must assist the kernel in determining when a task should be
- protected from deletion. The routine taskSafe() and taskUnsafe() are the
- basic operations controlling task deletion protection. For convenience, a
- mutual exclusion semaphore type is available which has an implicit taskSafe()
- call on a semTake(), and an implicit taskUnsafe() call on semGive(). Resource
- deletion protection by use of mutual exclusion semaphores is strong step
- towards making VxWorks truly capable of dynamic object deletion.
- ---------
- |semBLib|
- |semMLib|
- |semCLib|
- U S E R |semOLib| I N T E R F A C E
- ----------- ----------- --------- -.-.-.-.- ------- ------------ ---------
- |kernelLib| |<msgQLib>| |taskLib| |semLib | |wdLib| |<eventLib>| |tickLib|
- ----------- ----------- --------- -.-.-.-.- ------- ------------ ---------
- | | | |semALib| | | |
- | | | --------- | | |
- | | | | | | |
- --------- / / /
- ==========================> |windLib| <========================
- | | | --------- | | |
- | | | | | |
- | | | | | |
- ---------- / / /
- =========================> |windALib| <======================
- |schedLib|
- ----------
- taskDelete taskSpawn
- | / |
- | taskCreat |
- | / |
- taskTerminate taskInit taskActivate
- | | |
- taskPrioritySet@* taskDelay* taskDestroy* | taskResume@*
- | | | | |
- tickAnnounce@* | | | | taskSuspend@*
- | | | | /
- windDelay windDelete windSpawn windResume /
- /
- windTickAnnounce * windSuspend
- |
- windPriNormalSet--windPrioritySet windExit windPendQPut-semTake*
- | msgQRecv*
- wdStart@* |
- | windPendQGet-semGive@*
- ----windWdStart reschedule msgQSend@*
- | |
- wdCancel@* @ | | windPendQFlush-semFlush@*
- ------windWdCancel | | | msgQBroadcast@*
- workQAdd# | workQDoWork
- loadContext
- .CS
- ------------------------
- windSpawn causes EVENT_WINDSPAWN
- windDelete causes EVENT_WINDDELETE
- windSuspend causes EVENT_WINDSUSPEND
- windResume causes EVENT_WINDRESUME
- windSemDelete causes EVENT_WINDSEMDELETE
- windTickAnnounce causes EVENT_WINDTICKUNDELAY
- windDelay causes EVENT_WINDDELAY
- windUndelay causes EVENT_WINDUNDELAY
- windWdStart causes EVENT_WINDWDSTART
- windWdCancel causes EVENT_WINDWDCANCEL
- windPendQGet causes EVENT_WINDPENDQGET
- windPendQFlush causes EVENT_WINDPENDQFLUSH
- windPendQPut causes EVENT_WINDPENDQPUT
- windPendQTerminate causes EVENT_WINDPENDQTERMINATE
- .CE
- SEE ALSO: "Basic OS", windALib
- */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "tickLib.h"
- #include "taskArchLib.h"
- #include "semLib.h"
- #include "smLib.h"
- #include "wdLib.h"
- #include "errno.h"
- #include "qFifoLib.h"
- #include "qFifoGLib.h"
- #include "intLib.h"
- #include "smObjLib.h"
- #include "private/eventP.h"
- #include "private/funcBindP.h"
- #include "private/objLibP.h"
- #include "private/windLibP.h"
- #include "private/taskLibP.h"
- #include "private/workQLibP.h"
- #include "private/kernelLibP.h"
- /* global variables */
- BOOL kernelState; /* mutex to enter kernel state */
- BOOL kernelIsIdle; /* boolean reflecting idle state */
- /* shared memory objects globals */
- int smObjPoolMinusOne; /* set to smObj pool local address - 1 */
- int localToGlobalOffset; /* localAdrs - globalAdrs */
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * windSpawn - create a task and leave it in the suspend state
- *
- * This routine inserts the specified tcb into the active queue.
- * A newly created task is initially in the suspended state.
- *
- */
- void windSpawn
- (
- FAST WIND_TCB *pTcb /* address of new task's tcb */
- )
- {
- /* windview - level 2 event logging */
- EVT_TASK_2 (EVENT_WINDSPAWN, (int) pTcb, pTcb->priority);
- #endif
- Q_PUT (&activeQHead, &pTcb->activeNode, FIFO_KEY_TAIL); /* in active q*/
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * windDelete - delete a task
- *
- * Delete task and reorganize any queue the task was in.
- * Assumes that the task owns no inheritance semaphores.
- *
- */
- STATUS windDelete
- (
- FAST WIND_TCB *pTcb /* address of task's tcb */
- )
- {
- FAST int ix;
- int status = OK; /* status return by windPendQRemove */
- /* windview - level 2 event logging */
- EVT_TASK_1 (EVENT_WINDDELETE, (int) pTcb); /* log event */
- #endif
- if (pTcb->status == WIND_READY) /* if task is ready */
- Q_REMOVE (&readyQHead, pTcb); /* remove from queue */
- else
- {
- if (pTcb->status & WIND_PEND) /* if task is pended */
- status = windPendQRemove (pTcb); /* remove from queue */
- if (pTcb->status & WIND_DELAY) /* if task is delayed */
- Q_REMOVE (&tickQHead, &pTcb->tickNode); /* remove from queue */
- }
- /* disconnect all the swap in hooks the task has connected to */
- for (ix = 0, mask = pTcb->swapInMask; mask != 0; ix++, mask = mask << 1)
- if (mask & 0x8000)
- taskSwapReference [ix] --;
- /* disconnect all the swap out hooks the task has connected to */
- for (ix = 0, mask = pTcb->swapOutMask; mask != 0; ix++, mask = mask << 1)
- if (mask & 0x8000)
- taskSwapReference [ix] --;
- Q_REMOVE (&activeQHead, &pTcb->activeNode); /* deactivate it */
- pTcb->status = WIND_DEAD; /* kill it */
- return (status);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * windSuspend - suspend a task
- *
- * Suspension is an additive state. When a task is on the ready queue it
- * is removed and changed to suspended. Otherwise, the status is updated
- * to include suspended in addition to the state it is already in.
- *
- */
- void windSuspend
- (
- FAST WIND_TCB *pTcb /* address of task's tcb, 0 = current task */
- )
- {
- /* windview - level 2 event logging */
- EVT_TASK_1 (EVENT_WINDSUSPEND, (int) pTcb); /* log event */
- #endif
- if (pTcb->status == WIND_READY)
- Q_REMOVE (&readyQHead, pTcb);
- pTcb->status |= WIND_SUSPEND; /* update status */
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * windResume - resume a task
- *
- * Resume the specified task and place in the ready queue if necessary.
- *
- */
- void windResume
- (
- FAST WIND_TCB *pTcb /* task to resume */
- )
- {
- /* windview - level 2 event logging */
- EVT_TASK_1 (EVENT_WINDRESUME, (int) pTcb); /* log event */
- #endif
- if (pTcb->status == WIND_SUSPEND) /* just suspended so */
- Q_PUT (&readyQHead, pTcb, pTcb->priority); /* put in ready queue */
- pTcb->status &= ~WIND_SUSPEND; /* mask out the suspend state */
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * windPriNormalSet - set the normal priority of a task
- *
- * Set the normal priority of a task. A task will execute at its normal priority
- * as long as no priority inheritance has taken place.
- *
- */
- void windPriNormalSet
- (
- WIND_TCB *pTcb, /* address of task's tcb */
- UINT priNormal /* new normal priority */
- )
- {
- pTcb->priNormal = priNormal; /* update normal priority */
- windPrioritySet (pTcb, priNormal); /* resort to appropriate priority */
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * windPrioritySet - resort the specified task to the appropriate priority
- *
- * This routine sets the actual priority of task, taking into account priority
- * inversion safety. If a task owns any priority inversion safety semaphores
- * then the priority will not be allowed to lower.
- *
- */
- void windPrioritySet
- (
- FAST WIND_TCB *pTcb, /* address of task's tcb */
- FAST UINT priority /* new priority */
- )
- {
- /* if lowering the current priority and the task doesn't own any mutex
- * semaphores with inheritance, then go ahead and lower current priority.
- */
- if ((pTcb->priMutexCnt == 0) && (pTcb->priority < priority))
- {
- /* windview - level 2 event logging */
- pTcb->priority, priority);
- #endif
- pTcb->priority = priority; /* lower current priority */
- if (pTcb->status == WIND_READY) /* task is in ready Q? */
- {
- Q_RESORT (&readyQHead, pTcb, priority);
- }
- else if (pTcb->status & WIND_PEND) /* task is in pend Q? */
- {
- Q_RESORT (pTcb->pPendQ, pTcb, priority);
- }
- return; /* no inheritance if lowering */
- }
- while (pTcb->priority > priority) /* current priority too low? */
- {
- /* windview - level 2 event logging */
- pTcb->priority, priority);
- #endif
- pTcb->priority = priority; /* raise current priority */
- if (pTcb->status == WIND_READY) /* task is in ready Q? */
- {
- Q_RESORT (&readyQHead, pTcb, priority);
- }
- else if (pTcb->status & WIND_PEND) /* task is in pend Q? */
- {
- Q_RESORT (pTcb->pPendQ, pTcb, priority);
- if (pTcb->pPriMutex != NULL) /* chain up for inheritance */
- pTcb = pTcb->pPriMutex->semOwner;
- }
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * windSemDelete - delete a semaphore
- *
- * Delete a semaphore and unblock any tasks pended on it. Unblocked tasks
- * will be returned ERROR.
- *
- */
- void windSemDelete
- (
- FAST SEM_ID semId /* semaphore to delete */
- )
- {
- /* windview - level 2 event logging */
- EVT_TASK_1 (EVENT_WINDSEMDELETE, (int) semId); /* log event */
- #endif
- windPendQTerminate (&semId->qHead); /* terminate pend q */
- if ((semId->semType == SEM_TYPE_MUTEX) && /* mutex semaphore? */
- ((pTcb = semId->semOwner) != NULL) && /* is there an owner? */
- (OBJ_VERIFY (&((WIND_TCB *)(pTcb))->objCore, taskClassId) == OK))
- {
- if ((semId->options & SEM_INVERSION_SAFE) && /* inversion safe opt?*/
- (-- pTcb->priMutexCnt == 0) && /* last mutex owned? */
- (pTcb->priority != pTcb->priNormal)) /* priority inherited?*/
- {
- windPrioritySet (pTcb, pTcb->priNormal); /* back to normal pri */
- }
- if ((semId->options & SEM_DELETE_SAFE) && /* deletion safe opt? */
- ((-- pTcb->safeCnt) == 0) && /* unsafe now? */
- (Q_FIRST (&pTcb->safetyQHead) != NULL)) /* deleters pended? */
- {
- windPendQFlush (&pTcb->safetyQHead); /* flush deleters */
- }
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * windTickAnnounce - acknowledge the passing of time
- *
- * Process delay list. Make tasks at the end of their delay, ready.
- * Perform round robin scheduling if selected.
- * Call any expired watchdog routines.
- *
- */
- void windTickAnnounce (void)
- {
- FAST Q_NODE * pNode; /* node of tick queue */
- FAST WIND_TCB * pTcb; /* pointer to task control block */
- FAST WDOG * wdId; /* pointer to a watchdog */
- FUNCPTR wdRtn; /* watch dog routine to invoke */
- int wdArg; /* watch dog argument to pass with wdRtn */
- int status; /* status return by Q_REMOVE */
- /* advance and manage the tick queue */
- vxTicks ++; /* advance rel time */
- vxAbsTicks++; /* advance abs time */
- Q_ADVANCE (&tickQHead); /* advance tick queue */
- while ((pNode = (Q_NODE *) Q_GET_EXPIRED (&tickQHead)) != NULL)
- {
- pTcb = (WIND_TCB *) ((int)pNode - OFFSET (WIND_TCB, tickNode));
- if (
- (pTcb->objCore.pObjClass == taskClassId) /* is it a task? */
- || (pTcb->objCore.pObjClass == taskInstClassId)
- #endif
- )
- { pTcb->status &= ~WIND_DELAY; /* out of delay state */
- if (pTcb->status == WIND_READY) /* taskDelay done */
- {
- /* windview - level 2 event logging */
- #endif
- taskRtnValueSet (pTcb, OK); /* return OK */
- }
- else if (pTcb->status & WIND_PEND) /* semaphore timeout */
- {
- /*
- * if the task was pended on a shared semaphore
- * windPendQRemove can return :
- * ERROR if lock cannot be taken
- * ALREADY_REMOVED if the shared tcb is already removed
- * from the pend Q on the give side but has not
- * shows up on this side.
- */
- #endif
- status = windPendQRemove (pTcb); /* out of semaphore q */
- switch (status)
- {
- {
- /* the semaphore was given in time, return OK */
- taskRtnValueSet (pTcb, OK);
- break;
- }
- case ERROR:
- {
- taskRtnValueSet (pTcb, ERROR); /* return ERROR */
- pTcb->errorStatus = S_smObjLib_LOCK_TIMEOUT;
- break;
- }
- default:
- {
- taskRtnValueSet (pTcb, ERROR); /* return ERROR */
- pTcb->errorStatus = S_objLib_OBJ_TIMEOUT;
- }
- }
- }
- if (pTcb->status == WIND_READY) /* if ready, enqueue */
- Q_PUT (&readyQHead, pTcb, pTcb->priority);
- }
- else /* must be a watchdog */
- {
- wdId = (WDOG *) ((int)pNode - OFFSET (WDOG, tickNode));
- /* windview - level 2 event logging */
- #endif
- wdId->status = WDOG_OUT_OF_Q; /* mark as out of q */
- /* We get the watch dog routine and argument before testing
- * deferStartCnt to avoid having to lock interrupts. The RACE
- * to worry about is a wdStart () or wdCancel () occuring after
- * the test of deferStartCnt and before invoking the routine.
- */
- wdRtn = wdId->wdRoutine; /* get watch dog rtn */
- wdArg = wdId->wdParameter; /* get watch dog arg */
- intCnt ++; /* fake ISR context */
- if (wdId->deferStartCnt == 0) /* check validity */
- (* wdRtn) (wdArg); /* invoke wdog rtn */
- intCnt --; /* unfake ISR context */
- workQDoWork (); /* do deferred work */
- }
- }
- /* perform round robin scheduling if selected */
- if ((roundRobinOn) && (taskIdCurrent->lockCnt == 0) &&
- (taskIdCurrent->status == WIND_READY) &&
- (++ taskIdCurrent->tslice >= roundRobinSlice))
- {
- /* windview - level 2 event logging */
- #endif
- taskIdCurrent->tslice = 0; /* reset time slice */
- Q_REMOVE (&readyQHead, taskIdCurrent); /* no Q_RESORT here! */
- Q_PUT (&readyQHead, taskIdCurrent, taskIdCurrent->priority);
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * windDelay - put running task asleep for specified ticks
- *
- * Insert task in delay queue at correct spot dictated by the specified duration.
- *
- *
- */
- STATUS windDelay
- (
- FAST int timeout
- )
- {
- /* windview - level 2 event logging */
- EVT_TASK_1 (EVENT_WINDDELAY, timeout); /* log event */
- #endif
- Q_REMOVE (&readyQHead, taskIdCurrent); /* out of ready queue */
- if ((unsigned)(vxTicks + timeout) < vxTicks) /* rollover? */
- {
- Q_CALIBRATE (&tickQHead, ~vxTicks + 1);
- vxTicks = 0;
- }
- Q_PUT (&tickQHead, &taskIdCurrent->tickNode, timeout + vxTicks);
- taskIdCurrent->status |= WIND_DELAY; /* set delay status */
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * windUndelay - wake a sleeping task up
- *
- * Remove task from the delay queue and return to it ERROR.
- *
- *
- */
- STATUS windUndelay
- (
- WIND_TCB *pTcb
- )
- {
- if ((pTcb->status & WIND_DELAY) == 0) /* in not delayed then done */
- return (OK);
- /* windview - level 2 event logging */
- EVT_TASK_1 (EVENT_WINDUNDELAY, (int) pTcb); /* log event */
- #endif
- pTcb->status &= ~WIND_DELAY; /* undelay status */
- Q_REMOVE (&tickQHead, &pTcb->tickNode); /* remove from tick queue */
- taskRtnValueSet (pTcb, ERROR); /* return ERROR */
- pTcb->errorStatus = S_taskLib_TASK_UNDELAYED;
- if (pTcb->status == WIND_READY) /* if ready, enqueue */
- Q_PUT (&readyQHead, pTcb, pTcb->priority);
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * windWdStart - start a watchdog timer
- *
- * This routine will start or restart a watchdog. If the watchdog is already
- * in the queue, it is resorted to the appropriate timeout. If there are
- * more windWdStart() jobs still in the kernel work queue, as counted by the
- * variable deferStartCnt, then no action is taken.
- *
- *
- */
- STATUS windWdStart
- (
- WDOG *wdId, /* watch dog to start */
- int timeout /* timeout in ticks */
- )
- {
- int deferStartCnt; /* temp variable to hold deferStartCnt */
- int level;
- /* windview - level 2 event logging */
- EVT_TASK_1 (EVENT_WINDWDSTART, (int) wdId); /* log event */
- #endif
- /* Protect the decrement from interrupts to avoid the race condition
- that spr 7070 describes */
- level = intLock ();
- deferStartCnt = -- wdId->deferStartCnt;
- intUnlock (level);
- if (deferStartCnt == 0)
- {
- if ((unsigned)(vxTicks + timeout) < vxTicks) /* rollover? */
- {
- Q_CALIBRATE (&tickQHead, ~vxTicks + 1);
- vxTicks = 0;
- }
- if (wdId->status == WDOG_IN_Q) /* resort if in queue */
- Q_RESORT (&tickQHead, &wdId->tickNode, timeout + vxTicks);
- else
- Q_PUT (&tickQHead, &wdId->tickNode, timeout + vxTicks);
- wdId->status = WDOG_IN_Q;
- }
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * windWdCancel - cancel a watchdog timer
- *
- * This routine cancels a watchdog, removing it from the timer queue if needed.
- *
- */
- void windWdCancel
- (
- WDOG *wdId /* watch dog to cancel */
- )
- {
- /* windview - level 2 event logging */
- EVT_TASK_1 (EVENT_WINDWDCANCEL, (int) wdId); /* log event */
- #endif
- if (wdId->status == WDOG_IN_Q)
- {
- Q_REMOVE (&tickQHead, &wdId->tickNode); /* remove from queue */
- wdId->status = WDOG_OUT_OF_Q;
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * windPendQGet - remove and next task on pend queue and make ready
- *
- * Take the next task on the specified pend queue and unpend it. It will either
- * be ready or suspended. If ready it is added to the ready queue.
- *
- */
- void windPendQGet
- (
- Q_HEAD *pQHead /* pend queue to get first task off */
- )
- {
- FAST WIND_TCB *pTcb = (WIND_TCB *) Q_GET (pQHead);
- /* windview - level 2 event logging */
- EVT_TASK_1 (EVENT_WINDPENDQGET, (int) pTcb); /* log event */
- #endif
- pTcb->status &= ~WIND_PEND; /* clear pended flag */
- taskRtnValueSet (pTcb, OK); /* return OK */
- if (pTcb->status & WIND_DELAY) /* task was timing out */
- {
- pTcb->status &= ~WIND_DELAY;
- Q_REMOVE (&tickQHead, &pTcb->tickNode); /* remove from queue */
- }
- if (pTcb->status == WIND_READY) /* task is now ready */
- Q_PUT (&readyQHead, pTcb, pTcb->priority);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * windReadyQPut - put a task on the ready queue
- *
- * This routine adds a task previously blocked on a shared
- * semaphore to the ready Queue.
- *
- * The shared TCB of this task has been removed from the shared semaphore
- * pending queue by the CPU that gives the semaphore.
- *
- */
- void windReadyQPut
- (
- WIND_TCB * pTcb /* TCB to add to ready Q */
- )
- {
- pTcb->status &= ~WIND_PEND; /* clear pended flag */
- taskRtnValueSet (pTcb, OK); /* return OK */
- if (pTcb->status & WIND_DELAY) /* task was timing out */
- {
- pTcb->status &= ~WIND_DELAY;
- Q_REMOVE (&tickQHead, &pTcb->tickNode); /* remove from queue */
- }
- if (pTcb->status == WIND_READY) /* task is now ready */
- Q_PUT (&readyQHead, pTcb, pTcb->priority);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * windReadyQRemove - remove pend task from the ready Q
- *
- * This routines removes the current task from the pend. The task must have
- * been previously added to a shared semaphore pend Q by using Q_PUT.
- * If the task is timing out, also add the task to the delay queue.
- *
- *
- */
- void windReadyQRemove
- (
- Q_HEAD *pQHead, /* pend queue to put taskIdCurrent on */
- int timeout /* timeout in ticks */
- )
- {
- Q_REMOVE (&readyQHead, taskIdCurrent); /* out of ready q */
- taskIdCurrent->status |= WIND_PEND; /* update status */
- taskIdCurrent->pPendQ = pQHead; /* pQHead pended on */
- if (timeout != WAIT_FOREVER) /* timeout specified? */
- {
- if ((unsigned)(vxTicks + timeout) < vxTicks) /* rollover? */
- {
- Q_CALIBRATE (&tickQHead, ~vxTicks + 1);
- vxTicks = 0;
- }
- Q_PUT (&tickQHead, &taskIdCurrent->tickNode, timeout + vxTicks);
- taskIdCurrent->status |= WIND_DELAY;
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * windPendQFlush - flush all tasks off of pend queue making them ready
- *
- * Take all of the tasks on the specified pend queue and unpend them. They will
- * either be ready or suspended. All ready tasks will be added to the ready
- * queue.
- *
- */
- void windPendQFlush
- (
- Q_HEAD *pQHead /* pend queue to flush tasks from */
- )
- {
- #if FALSE
- int level = 0;
- #endif
- #endif /* FALSE */
- while ((pTcb = (WIND_TCB *) Q_GET (pQHead)) != NULL)/* get next task */
- {
- /* windview - level 2 event logging */
- #endif
- pTcb->status &= ~WIND_PEND; /* clear pended flag */
- taskRtnValueSet (pTcb, OK); /* return OK */
- if (pTcb->status & WIND_DELAY) /* task is timeout */
- {
- pTcb->status &= ~WIND_DELAY;
- Q_REMOVE (&tickQHead, &pTcb->tickNode); /* remove from queue */
- }
- if (pTcb->status == WIND_READY) /* task is now ready */
- Q_PUT (&readyQHead, pTcb, pTcb->priority);
- }
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * windPendQPut - add current task to a pend queue
- *
- * Add a taskIdCurrent to a pend queue. If the task is timing out, also add the
- * task to the delay queue. If the NO_WAIT value is passed for a timeout,
- * return ERROR.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if NO_WAIT timeout is specified.
- *
- *
- */
- STATUS windPendQPut
- (
- FAST Q_HEAD *pQHead, /* pend queue to put taskIdCurrent on */
- FAST int timeout /* timeout in ticks */
- )
- {
- if (timeout == NO_WAIT) /* NO_WAIT = no block */
- {
- errno = S_objLib_OBJ_UNAVAILABLE; /* resource gone */
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* windview - level 2 event logging */
- EVT_TASK_0 (EVENT_WINDPENDQPUT); /* log event */
- #endif
- Q_REMOVE (&readyQHead, taskIdCurrent); /* out of ready q */
- taskIdCurrent->status |= WIND_PEND; /* update status */
- taskIdCurrent->pPendQ = pQHead; /* pQHead pended on */
- Q_PUT (pQHead, taskIdCurrent, taskIdCurrent->priority);
- if (timeout != WAIT_FOREVER) /* timeout specified? */
- {
- if ((unsigned)(vxTicks + timeout) < vxTicks) /* rollover? */
- {
- Q_CALIBRATE (&tickQHead, ~vxTicks + 1);
- vxTicks = 0;
- }
- Q_PUT (&tickQHead, &taskIdCurrent->tickNode, timeout + vxTicks);
- taskIdCurrent->status |= WIND_DELAY;
- }
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * windPendQRemove - move a task out of the pend queue
- *
- * This routine removes a task from a pend queue.
- *
- *
- */
- STATUS windPendQRemove
- (
- WIND_TCB *pTcb /* task to remove from pend queue */
- )
- {
- int status = Q_REMOVE (pTcb->pPendQ, pTcb); /* out of pend queue */
- /*
- * When shared semaphore are used Q_REMOVE can return ERROR if lock
- * cannot be taken, or ALREADY_REMOVED if the shared tcb is currently
- * in the event list, ie removed from the shared semaphore pend Q.
- */
- pTcb->status &= ~WIND_PEND; /* turn off pend bit */
- pTcb->pPriMutex = NULL; /* clear pPriMutex */
- if (pTcb->status & WIND_DELAY) /* task was timing out */
- {
- pTcb->status &= ~WIND_DELAY;
- Q_REMOVE (&tickQHead, &pTcb->tickNode); /* remove from queue */
- }
- return (status);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * windPendQTerminate - flush all tasks off of pend queue making them ready
- *
- * Take all of the tasks on the specified pend queue and unpend them. They will
- * either be ready or suspended. All ready tasks will be added to the ready
- * queue. Unlike windPendQFlush (2), this routine returns the ERROR
- * S_objLib_OBJ_DELETED.
- *
- */
- void windPendQTerminate
- (
- Q_HEAD *pQHead /* pend queue to terminate */
- )
- {
- while ((pTcb = (WIND_TCB *) Q_GET (pQHead)) != NULL)/* get next task */
- {
- /* windview - level 2 event logging */
- #endif
- pTcb->status &= ~WIND_PEND; /* clear pended flag */
- pTcb->pPriMutex = NULL; /* clear mutex pend */
- pTcb->errorStatus = S_objLib_OBJ_DELETED; /* set error status */
- taskRtnValueSet (pTcb, ERROR); /* return ERROR */
- if (pTcb->status & WIND_DELAY) /* task is timeout */
- {
- pTcb->status &= ~WIND_DELAY;
- Q_REMOVE (&tickQHead, &pTcb->tickNode); /* remove from queue */
- }
- if (pTcb->status == WIND_READY) /* task is now ready */
- Q_PUT (&readyQHead, pTcb, pTcb->priority);
- }
- }