- # Makefile - makefile for target/src/usr
- #
- # modification history
- # --------------------
- # 01i,08dec01,jkf fixing statTbl.c dependencies, per yogu's T3 work and
- # SPR#8389. adding memDrv.c and ramDrv.c into DOCS.
- # 01h,06dec01,jkf SPR#70580, makeStatTbl support readded for Windows host
- # 01g,12oct01,tam added repackaging support
- # 01f,24sep01,jkf moving tarLib.c into src/usr directory, removed
- # DOC_DIR changes.
- # 01e,28jul00,rec changes to support multiple architectures for ARM
- # added $(LIBDIR)/*.o to LOCAL_CLEAN
- # 01e,21jun00,rsh upgrade to dosFs 2.0
- # 01g,26oct99,jkf added DOC_OPTS = $(DOC_OPTS_MAN) -category DOSFS2
- # 01f,08oct99,jkf more doc kludges for T2 component, remove for T3
- # 01e,08oct99,jkf added a kludge to get these into the T2 component
- # documentation directory "dosfs2". This change should be
- # be removed for T3, since dosfs2 will no longer be a
- # component release.
- # 01d,14oct98,lrn added devSplit to OBJS, merged from ms.
- # 01c,06jul98,lrn added new dosFs files, separated I/O utils from usrLib.c
- # 01b,02dec96,yp made build of statTbl.o more reliable. We find makeStatTbl
- # from search path now
- # 01a,17aug96,yp derived from 01e of MakeSkel
- #
- # This file contains the makefile rules for building the vx library
- #
- #*/
- TGT_DIR=$(WIND_BASE)/target
- DOC_FILES= usrLib.c usrFsLib.c usrFdiskPartLib.c ramDiskCbio.c
- tarLib.c memDrv.c ramDrv.c
- # the files that contain status codes are listed here. To prevent
- # the need to update this list every time a new file with status
- # codes is added we wildcard all .h files from the directories
- # specifed. The specified directory is expected to have a file
- # that lists module numbers.
- STATFILES= $(wildcard $(foreach dir, $(STATCODEDIRS), $(dir)/*.h))
- OBJS=usrLib.o statTbl.o memDrv.o ramDrv.o devSplit.o
- usrDosFsOld.o usrFsLib.o usrFdiskPartLib.o ramDiskCbio.o
- tarLib.o
- include $(TGT_DIR)/h/make/rules.library
- $(subst /,$(DIRCHAR),$(TGT_DIR)/lib/$(LIBNAME)): $(LIBDIR)/statTbl.o
- $(LIBDIR)/statTbl.o: statTbl.c
- statTbl.c: $(STATFILES)
- @ $(RM) $@
- ifneq ($(WIND_HOST_TYPE),x86-win32)
- makeStatTbl $(STATCODEDIRS) > statTbl.c
- else
- makeStatTbl $(STATCODEDIRS)
- endif