- // opc_ae.idl : IDL source for opc_aeps.dll
- //
- // REVISION: 05/25/99 09:32 AM (GMT)
- //
- // This file will be processed by the MIDL tool to
- // produce the type library (opc_ae.tlb) and marshalling code (opc_aeps.dll).
- // The type library is embedded in the resource of opc_aeps.dll
- #ifdef _WIN32
- import "oaidl.idl";
- import "ocidl.idl";
- #else
- import "vxidl.idl";
- #endif
- // define OPC Alarm & Events Component Categories
- [
- uuid(58E13251-AC87-11d1-84D5-00608CB8A7E9),
- helpstring("OPC Event Server Category ID (CATID)"),
- pointer_default(unique)
- ]
- interface OPCEventServerCATID
- {
- // This empty interface is here so that
- // IID_OPCEventServerCATID will be defined
- };
- typedef enum { OPCAE_BROWSE_UP = 1,
- typedef enum { OPC_AREA = 1,
- typedef enum { OPCAE_STATUS_RUNNING = 1,
- typedef struct tagONEVENTSTRUCT {
- WORD wChangeMask;
- WORD wNewState;
- [string] LPWSTR szSource;
- FILETIME ftTime;
- [string] LPWSTR szMessage;
- DWORD dwEventType;
- DWORD dwEventCategory;
- DWORD dwSeverity;
- [string] LPWSTR szConditionName;
- [string] LPWSTR szSubconditionName;
- WORD wQuality;
- WORD wReserved; // added for natural alignment
- BOOL bAckRequired;
- FILETIME ftActiveTime;
- DWORD dwCookie;
- DWORD dwNumEventAttrs;
- [size_is(dwNumEventAttrs)] VARIANT* pEventAttributes;
- [string] LPWSTR szActorID;
- typedef struct tagOPCEVENTSERVERSTATUS {
- FILETIME ftStartTime;
- FILETIME ftCurrentTime;
- FILETIME ftLastUpdateTime;
- WORD wMajorVersion;
- WORD wMinorVersion;
- WORD wBuildNumber;
- WORD wReserved; // added for natural alignment
- [string] LPWSTR szVendorInfo;
- typedef struct tagOPCCONDITIONSTATE {
- WORD wState;
- WORD wReserved1; // added for natural alignment
- LPWSTR szActiveSubCondition;
- LPWSTR szASCDefinition;
- DWORD dwASCSeverity;
- LPWSTR szASCDescription;
- WORD wQuality;
- WORD wReserved2; // added for natural alignment
- FILETIME ftLastAckTime;
- FILETIME ftSubCondLastActive;
- FILETIME ftCondLastActive;
- FILETIME ftCondLastInactive;
- LPWSTR szAcknowledgerID;
- LPWSTR szComment;
- DWORD dwNumSCs;
- [size_is (dwNumSCs)] LPWSTR * pszSCNames;
- [size_is (dwNumSCs)] LPWSTR * pszSCDefinitions;
- [size_is (dwNumSCs)] DWORD * pdwSCSeverities;
- [size_is (dwNumSCs)] LPWSTR * pszSCDescriptions;
- DWORD dwNumEventAttrs;
- [size_is(dwNumEventAttrs)] VARIANT* pEventAttributes;
- [size_is(dwNumEventAttrs)] HRESULT* pErrors;
- [
- uuid(65168851-5783-11D1-84A0-00608CB8A7E9),
- helpstring("IOPCEventServer Interface"),
- pointer_default(unique)
- ]
- interface IOPCEventServer : IUnknown
- {
- HRESULT GetStatus(
- [out] OPCEVENTSERVERSTATUS **ppEventServerStatus
- );
- HRESULT CreateEventSubscription(
- [in] BOOL bActive,
- [in] DWORD dwBufferTime,
- [in] DWORD dwMaxSize,
- [in] OPCHANDLE hClientSubscription,
- [in] REFIID riid,
- [out, iid_is(riid)] LPUNKNOWN * ppUnk,
- [out] DWORD *pdwRevisedBufferTime,
- [out] DWORD *pdwRevisedMaxSize
- );
- HRESULT QueryAvailableFilters(
- [out] DWORD* pdwFilterMask
- );
- HRESULT QueryEventCategories(
- [in] DWORD dwEventType,
- [out] DWORD* pdwCount,
- [out, size_is(,*pdwCount)] DWORD** ppdwEventCategories,
- [out, size_is(,*pdwCount)] LPWSTR** ppszEventCategoryDescs
- );
- HRESULT QueryConditionNames(
- [in] DWORD dwEventCategory,
- [out] DWORD* pdwCount,
- [out, size_is(,*pdwCount)] LPWSTR** ppszConditionNames
- );
- HRESULT QuerySubConditionNames(
- [in] LPWSTR szConditionName,
- [out] DWORD* pdwCount,
- [out, size_is(,*pdwCount)] LPWSTR** ppszSubConditionNames
- );
- HRESULT QuerySourceConditions(
- [in] LPWSTR szSource,
- [out] DWORD* pdwCount,
- [out, size_is(,*pdwCount)] LPWSTR** ppszConditionNames
- );
- HRESULT QueryEventAttributes(
- [in] DWORD dwEventCategory,
- [out] DWORD* pdwCount,
- [out, size_is(,*pdwCount)] DWORD** ppdwAttrIDs,
- [out, size_is(,*pdwCount)] LPWSTR** ppszAttrDescs,
- [out, size_is(,*pdwCount)] VARTYPE** ppvtAttrTypes
- );
- HRESULT TranslateToItemIDs(
- [in] LPWSTR szSource,
- [in] DWORD dwEventCategory,
- [in] LPWSTR szConditionName,
- [in] LPWSTR szSubconditionName,
- [in] DWORD dwCount,
- [in, size_is(dwCount)] DWORD* pdwAssocAttrIDs,
- [out, size_is(,dwCount)] LPWSTR** ppszAttrItemIDs,
- [out, size_is(,dwCount)] LPWSTR** ppszNodeNames,
- [out, size_is(,dwCount)] CLSID** ppCLSIDs
- );
- HRESULT GetConditionState (
- [in] LPWSTR szSource,
- [in] LPWSTR szConditionName,
- [in] DWORD dwNumEventAttrs,
- [in, size_is(dwNumEventAttrs)] DWORD* pdwAttributeIDs,
- [out] OPCCONDITIONSTATE ** ppConditionState
- );
- HRESULT EnableConditionByArea(
- [in] DWORD dwNumAreas,
- [in, size_is(dwNumAreas)] LPWSTR* pszAreas
- );
- HRESULT EnableConditionBySource(
- [in] DWORD dwNumSources,
- [in, size_is(dwNumSources)] LPWSTR* pszSources
- );
- HRESULT DisableConditionByArea(
- [in] DWORD dwNumAreas,
- [in, size_is(dwNumAreas)] LPWSTR* pszAreas
- );
- HRESULT DisableConditionBySource(
- [in] DWORD dwNumSources,
- [in, size_is(dwNumSources)] LPWSTR* pszSources
- );
- HRESULT AckCondition(
- [in] DWORD dwCount,
- [in, string] LPWSTR szAcknowledgerID ,
- [in, string] LPWSTR szComment ,
- [in, size_is(dwCount)] LPWSTR* pszSource,
- [in, size_is(dwCount)] LPWSTR* pszConditionName,
- [in, size_is(dwCount)] FILETIME* pftActiveTime,
- [in, size_is(dwCount)] DWORD* pdwCookie,
- [out, size_is(,dwCount)] HRESULT **ppErrors
- );
- HRESULT CreateAreaBrowser(
- [in] REFIID riid,
- [out, iid_is(riid)] LPUNKNOWN* ppUnk
- );
- };
- [
- uuid(65168855-5783-11D1-84A0-00608CB8A7E9),
- helpstring("IOPCEventSubscriptionMgt Interface"),
- pointer_default(unique)
- ]
- interface IOPCEventSubscriptionMgt : IUnknown
- {
- HRESULT SetFilter(
- [in] DWORD dwEventType,
- [in] DWORD dwNumCategories,
- [in, size_is(dwNumCategories)] DWORD* pdwEventCategories,
- [in] DWORD dwLowSeverity,
- [in] DWORD dwHighSeverity,
- [in] DWORD dwNumAreas,
- [in, size_is(dwNumAreas)] LPWSTR* pszAreaList,
- [in] DWORD dwNumSources,
- [in, size_is(dwNumSources)] LPWSTR* pszSourceList
- );
- HRESULT GetFilter(
- [out] DWORD* pdwEventType,
- [out] DWORD* pdwNumCategories,
- [out, size_is(,*pdwNumCategories)] DWORD** ppdwEventCategories,
- [out] DWORD* pdwLowSeverity,
- [out] DWORD* pdwHighSeverity,
- [out] DWORD* pdwNumAreas,
- [out, size_is(,*pdwNumAreas)] LPWSTR** ppszAreaList,
- [out] DWORD* pdwNumSources,
- [out, size_is(,*pdwNumSources)] LPWSTR** ppszSourceList
- );
- HRESULT SelectReturnedAttributes(
- [in] DWORD dwEventCategory,
- [in] DWORD dwCount,
- [in, size_is(dwCount)] DWORD* dwAttributeIDs
- );
- HRESULT GetReturnedAttributes(
- [in] DWORD dwEventCategory,
- [out] DWORD * pdwCount,
- [out, size_is(,*pdwCount)] DWORD** ppdwAttributeIDs
- );
- HRESULT Refresh(
- [in] DWORD dwConnection
- );
- HRESULT CancelRefresh(
- [in] DWORD dwConnection
- );
- HRESULT GetState(
- [out] BOOL * pbActive,
- [out] DWORD * pdwBufferTime,
- [out] DWORD * pdwMaxSize,
- [out] OPCHANDLE * phClientSubscription
- );
- HRESULT SetState(
- [unique, in] BOOL * pbActive,
- [unique, in] DWORD * pdwBufferTime,
- [unique, in] DWORD * pdwMaxSize,
- [in] OPCHANDLE hClientSubscription,
- [out] DWORD * pdwRevisedBufferTime,
- [out] DWORD * pdwRevisedMaxSize
- );
- };
- [
- uuid(65168857-5783-11D1-84A0-00608CB8A7E9),
- helpstring("IOPCEventAreaBrowser Interface"),
- pointer_default(unique)
- ]
- interface IOPCEventAreaBrowser : IUnknown
- {
- HRESULT ChangeBrowsePosition(
- [in] OPCAEBROWSEDIRECTION dwBrowseDirection,
- [in, string] LPCWSTR szString
- );
- HRESULT BrowseOPCAreas(
- [in] OPCAEBROWSETYPE dwBrowseFilterType,
- [in, string] LPCWSTR szFilterCriteria,
- [out] LPENUMSTRING * ppIEnumString
- );
- HRESULT GetQualifiedAreaName(
- [in] LPCWSTR szAreaName,
- [out, string] LPWSTR *pszQualifiedAreaName
- );
- HRESULT GetQualifiedSourceName(
- [in] LPCWSTR szSourceName,
- [out, string] LPWSTR *pszQualifiedSourceName
- );
- };
- [
- uuid(6516885F-5783-11D1-84A0-00608CB8A7E9),
- helpstring("IOPCEventSink Interface"),
- pointer_default(unique)
- ]
- interface IOPCEventSink : IUnknown
- {
- HRESULT OnEvent(
- [in] OPCHANDLE hClientSubscription,
- [in] BOOL bRefresh,
- [in] BOOL bLastRefresh,
- [in] DWORD dwCount,
- [in, size_is(dwCount)] ONEVENTSTRUCT* pEvents
- );
- };
- [
- uuid(65168844-5783-11D1-84A0-00608CB8A7E9),
- version(1.0),
- helpstring("opc_ae 1.0 Type Library")
- ]
- library OPC_AE
- {
- importlib("stdole32.tlb");
- importlib("stdole2.tlb");
- interface IOPCEventServer;
- interface IOPCEventSubscriptionMgt;
- interface IOPCEventAreaBrowser;
- interface IOPCEventSink;
- interface OPCEventServerCATID;
- };