- /* RpcDispatchTable.h -- VxDCOM RPC dispatch table */
- /* Copyright (c) 1999 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01c,20sep00,nel Add changes made since T2 branch.
- 01b,27jul99,drm Returning CLSID from interfaceInfoGet().
- 01a,27may99,aim created
- */
- #ifndef __INCRpcDispatchTable_h
- #define __INCRpcDispatchTable_h
- #include "dcomProxy.h"
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // RpcDispatchTable -- defines an abstract base class that all types
- // of dispatch table must implement. It defines 2 methods, which are
- // pure virtual and must be over-ridden.
- //
- // supportsInterface() returns a 'bool' indicating whether the
- // dispatch table supports the indicated interface (designated by the
- // given IID) or not.
- //
- // interfaceInfoGet() takes an IPID and a method-number, and returns
- // the information required to dispatch that method of that interface,
- // namely the stub-function pointer and the IUnknown-ptr of the
- // interface. If the interface is a DCE interface then it may
- // legitimately return NULL as the IUnknown-ptr, and may ignore the
- // IPID value, instead relying on the most-recent IID received via
- // supportsInterface() to determine the interface identity.
- //
- class RpcDispatchTable
- {
- public:
- RpcDispatchTable () {}
- virtual ~RpcDispatchTable () {}
- virtual bool supportsInterface (REFIID) =0;
- virtual HRESULT interfaceInfoGet
- (
- REFIID riid,
- REFIPID ipid,
- ULONG methodNum,
- IUnknown** ppUnk,
- PFN_ORPC_STUB* ppfnStubFunc,
- CLSID & classid
- ) =0;
- private:
- // unsupported
- RpcDispatchTable (const RpcDispatchTable& other);
- RpcDispatchTable& operator= (const RpcDispatchTable& rhs);
- };
- #endif // __INCRpcDispatchTable_h