- /* RpcProxyMsg.h - VxDCOM RpcProxyMsg class definition */
- /* Copyright (c) 1999 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01f,26jul01,dbs use IOrpcClientChannel interface
- 01e,05aug99,dbs change to byte instead of char
- 01d,06jul99,aim change from RpcBinding to RpcIfClient
- 01c,20may99,dbs move NDR phase into streams
- 01b,17may99,dbs fix DCE usage of class
- 01a,12may99,dbs created
- */
- #ifndef __INCRpcProxyMsg_h
- #define __INCRpcProxyMsg_h
- #include "dcomProxy.h"
- #include "NdrStreams.h"
- #include "orpc.h"
- typedef CComPtr<IOrpcClientChannel> IOrpcClientChannelPtr;
- class RpcProxyMsg
- {
- public:
- RpcProxyMsg (REFIID iid, RpcMode::Mode_t mode, ULONG opnum, void* pv);
- ~RpcProxyMsg ();
- NdrMarshalStream* marshalStreamGet ();
- HRESULT SendReceive ();
- NdrUnmarshalStream* unmarshalStreamGet ();
- void interfaceInfoSet (REFIPID i, IOrpcClientChannel* c)
- { m_ipid = i; m_pChannel = c; }
- private:
- RpcMode::Mode_t m_mode; // mode flag (OBJECT or DCE)
- NdrMarshalStream m_mshlStrm; // stream to marshal into
- NdrUnmarshalStream m_unmshlStrm; // stream to unmarshal from
- IUnknown* m_punkItfPtr; // used only for OBJECT mdoe
- IID m_iid; // IID
- IPID m_ipid; // IPID
- ULONG m_opnum; // method number
- byte* m_pReply; // received reply
- IOrpcClientChannelPtr m_pChannel; // channel to remote server
- };
- #endif