- /* SCM - Service Control Manager */
- /* Copyright (c) 1999 - 2001 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01q,06aug01,dbs remove instance-creation from SCM
- 01p,03aug01,dbs obj exp is a proper COM object
- 01o,13jul01,dbs fix up includes
- 01n,18aug99,dbs improve resilience by use of RC-ptr to ObjExp
- 01m,26jul99,dbs move marshaling into exporter
- 01l,16jul99,dbs convert map/set with long long key to use new macros
- 01k,15jul99,aim serverAddress now in base class
- 01j,12jul99,aim added timers
- 01i,09jul99,dbs implement ping functionality in SCM now
- 01h,08jul99,dbs add oxidResolve() method
- 01g,07jul99,aim change from RpcBinding to RpcIfClient
- 01f,06jul99,dbs simplify activation mechanism
- 01e,06jul99,dbs make SCM create ObjectExporter at startup
- 01d,28jun99,dbs remove defaultInstance method
- 01c,25jun99,dbs use channel-ID to determine channel authn status
- 01b,08jun99,aim rework
- 01a,27may99,aim created
- */
- #ifndef __INCSCM_h
- #define __INCSCM_h
- #include "RpcIfServer.h"
- #include "RemoteSCM.h"
- #include "comObjLib.h"
- #include "dcomLib.h"
- #include "OxidResolver.h"
- #include "ObjectExporter.h"
- #include "DceDispatchTable.h"
- #include "orpc.h"
- class NTLMSSP;
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // Default (current) protocol-sequence and endpoints for the SCM
- // itself. If we ever add more protocols, then we need to expand this
- // list somehow...
- //
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // SCM -- implements the 'Service Control Manager' for VxDCOM.
- //
- class SCM : public RpcIfServer
- {
- class PingTimer : public EventHandler
- {
- public:
- virtual int handleTimeout (const TimeValue& tv);
- };
- friend class PingTimer;
- HRESULT instanceCreate
- (
- DWORD mode, // get-class-obj?
- REFCLSID clsid, // CLSID to create
- DWORD nInterfaces, // num i/f's to return
- MULTI_QI* mqi // resulting itf ptrs
- );
- public:
- SCM (Reactor* r = Reactor::instance (), NTLMSSP* ssp = 0);
- virtual ~SCM ();
- // IPrivateSCM methods
- HRESULT IndirectActivation
- (
- LPWSTR pwszServerName, // PROTSEQ + server name
- REFGUID clsid, // CLSID to activate
- DWORD mode, // all-1's == get-class-obj
- DWORD nItfs, // num of interfaces
- IID* pIIDs, // array of IIDs
- MInterfacePointer** ppItfData, // returned interface(s)
- HRESULT* pResults // returned results per i/f
- );
- HRESULT GetNextOid (OID*);
- HRESULT GetOxidResolverBinding
- (
- USHORT cProtseqs,
- USHORT arProtseqs[],
- DUALSTRINGARRAY** ppdsaBindings
- );
- // SCM Singleton access
- static SCM* theSCM ();
- // called by dcomLibInit
- static int startService ();
- static int stopService ();
- // return next free Object ID / OXID
- OXID nextOXID ();
- OID nextOid ();
- static ObjectExporter* objectExporter ();
- static NTLMSSP* ssp ();
- HRESULT addressBinding (BSTR*);
- void oidAdd (const RpcStringBinding& resAddr, OID oid);
- void oidDel (const RpcStringBinding& resAddr, OID oid);
- // methods for registering / unregistering OXIDs and Object
- // Exporters as they are created and destroyed...
- void oxidRegister (OXID, ObjectExporter*);
- void oxidUnregister (OXID);
- // method to register DCE RPC interface with stub dispatch-table
- HRESULT dceInterfaceRegister (REFIID, const VXDCOM_STUB_DISPTBL*);
- // method to resolve an OXID (and a string-binding) into a
- // RemoteOxid object (which contains a string-binding)...
- HRESULT oxidResolve
- (
- OXID oxid,
- const RpcStringBinding& resAddr,
- SPRemoteOxid& remOxid
- );
- // IRemoteActivation method (called by remote clients)...
- HRESULT RemoteActivation
- (
- int channelId, // channel ID
- ORPCTHIS* pOrpcThis, // housekeeping
- ORPCTHAT* pOrpcThat, // returned housekeeping
- GUID* pClsid, // CLSID to activate
- OLECHAR* pwszObjName, // NULL
- MInterfacePointer* pObjStorage, // NULL
- DWORD clientImpLevel, // security
- DWORD mode, // all-1's == get-class-obj
- DWORD nItfs, // num of interfaces
- IID* pIIDs, // size_is (nItfs)
- USHORT cReqProtseqs, // num of protseqs
- USHORT arReqProtseqs[],// array of protseqs
- OXID* pOxid, // returned OXID
- DUALSTRINGARRAY** ppdsaOxidBindings,// returned bindings
- IPID* pipidRemUnknown,// returned IPID
- DWORD* pAuthnHint, // returned security info
- COMVERSION* pSvrVersion, // returned server version
- HRESULT* phr, // returned activation result
- MInterfacePointer** ppItfData, // returned interface(s)
- HRESULT* pResults // returned results per i/f
- );
- // IOXIDResolver methods - the method ResolveOxid() is not
- // implemented directly as its functionality is contained in
- // ResolveOxid2()...
- HRESULT SimplePing
- (
- SETID pSetid // [in] set ID
- );
- HRESULT ComplexPing
- (
- SETID* pSetid, // [in,out] set ID
- USHORT SeqNum, // [in] sequence number
- USHORT cAddToSet, // [in]
- USHORT cDelFromSet, // [in]
- OID AddToSet [], // [in]
- OID DelFromSet [], // [in]
- USHORT* pPingBackoffFactor // [out]
- );
- HRESULT ResolveOxid2
- (
- OXID oxid, // [in] OXID to resolve
- USHORT cReqProtseqs, // [in] num of protseqs
- USHORT arReqProtseqs[],// [in] array of protseqs
- DUALSTRINGARRAY* oxidBindings [],// [out] bindings
- IPID* pipidRemUnknown,// [out] IPID
- DWORD* pAuthnHint, // [out] security info
- COMVERSION* pComVersion // [out] COM version
- );
- private:
- void oxidBindingUpdate
- (
- OXID oxid,
- const RpcStringBinding& sbRemoteScm,
- REFIPID ipidRemUnk,
- const RpcStringBinding& sbRemoteOxid
- );
- HRESULT mqiMarshal (REFCLSID, const MULTI_QI&, MInterfacePointer**);
- enum { MAX_EXPORTERS=32 };
- typedef CComPtr<ObjectExporter> ObjectExporterPtr;
- typedef STL_SET_LL OIDSET;
- typedef STL_MAP_LL(ObjectExporterPtr) OXIDMAP;
- typedef STL_MAP(RpcStringBinding, SPRemoteSCM) REMOTESCMMAP;
- VxMutex m_mutex; // task-safety
- OXIDMAP m_exporters; // object exporters
- OIDSETMAP m_oidSets; // all OID sets
- SETID m_nextSetid; // for OID sets
- DceDispatchTable m_dispatchTable;
- RpcDispatcher m_dispatcher;
- NTLMSSP* m_ssp;
- REMOTESCMMAP m_remoteScmTable;
- OXID m_nextOxid; // next free OX id
- OID m_nextOid; // next free object ID
- static SCM* s_theSCM; // the one-and-only instance
- void tick (size_t);
- void registerStdInterfaces ();
- int init (INETSockAddr&);
- HRESULT newObjectExporter (ObjectExporter**);
- // unsupported
- SCM (const SCM& other);
- SCM& operator= (const SCM& rhs);
- };
- #endif // __INCSCM_h