- # Makefile - makefile for target/src/vxdcom/com
- #
- # modification history
- # --------------------
- # 01q,06dec01,nel Add dcomShow.cpp to docs build.
- # 01p,17oct01,dbs improve build rules to allow for veloce hacks
- # 01o,11oct01,nel Include defs file by default as it's required by SIMNT
- # build.
- # 01n,13jul01,dbs become common to t2/3
- # 01m,30oct00,wsl change chapter name for documentation to "COM and VxDCOM
- # Libraries"
- # 01l,21mar00,dgp add SYN_OPTS to correct synopsis build
- # 01k,16mar00,dgp change doc build options again
- # 01j,17feb00,dgp change doc build options for dcomLib.cpp
- # 01i,10feb00,dbs fix doc build
- # 01h,19oct99,dbs fix up doc dirs for references
- # 01g,13oct99,dbs add reference material/man pages
- # 01f,28apr99,aim makefile rework
- # 01e,22apr99,aim added dcom.out rule
- # 01d,21apr99,dbs add ntlmssp to build
- # 01c,21apr99,dbs add RpcOleMessage to build
- # 01b,21apr99,dbs change RPCMSG to RPCPDU
- # 01a,20apr99,dbs created during Grand Renaming
- #
- # This file contains the makefile rules for building the vx library
- #
- #
- DOC_FILES=dcomLib.cpp dcomShow.cpp
- DEFS_VXCOM = $(WIND_BASE)/target/h/make/defs.vxcom
- include $(DEFS_VXCOM)
- include $(VXDCOM_BASE)/h/make/rules.library.$(VXDCOM_BUILD_HOST)
- # to change the DOC_DIR, its definition has to be placed after the include,
- # because a default value for DOC_DIR is set in the defs.default file
- DOC_DIR = $(DOCS_ROOT)/vxworks/ref/vxdcom
- DOC_CHAPTER = COM_and_VxDCOM_Libraries
- DOC_OPTS = -config C2html
- SYN_OPTS = -config C2html