- /* PSFactory.h - COM/DCOM PSFactory class definition */
- /* Copyright (c) 1999 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01n,25jul01,dbs revise facelet/proxy classes
- 01m,13jul01,dbs fix up includes
- 01l,08jun99,dbs remove use of mtmap
- 01k,04jun99,dbs change GuidMap to mtmap
- 01j,28may99,dbs make stub disp-tbl a structure
- 01i,14may99,dbs use new stub-func type
- 01h,11may99,dbs simplify proxy remoting architecture
- 01g,11may99,dbs change name of ChannelBuffer.h to Remoting.h
- 01f,11may99,dbs simplify stub remoting architecture
- 01e,29apr99,dbs fix -Wall warnings
- 01d,27apr99,dbs make PSFactory a true singleton
- 01c,27apr99,dbs add mem-pool to classes
- 01b,21apr99,dbs add include for IRpcChannelBuffer
- 01a,20apr99,dbs created during Grand Renaming
- */
- #ifndef __INCPSFactory_h
- #define __INCPSFactory_h
- #include "dcomLib.h"
- #include "private/comMisc.h"
- #include "private/comStl.h"
- #include "Stublet.h"
- #include "InterfaceProxy.h"
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // VxPSFactory - proxy/stub factory class - there is only ever one of
- // these objects, and it remains around forever...
- //
- struct psentry
- {
- const void* pvProxyVtbl;
- const VXDCOM_STUB_DISPTBL* pStubDispTbl;
- psentry (const void* pp, const VXDCOM_STUB_DISPTBL* ps)
- : pvProxyVtbl (pp), pStubDispTbl (ps)
- {}
- psentry () : pvProxyVtbl (0), pStubDispTbl (0)
- {}
- };
- class VxPSFactory
- {
- typedef STL_MAP(IID, psentry) PSMAP;
- PSMAP m_psMap;
- VxMutex m_mutex;
- VxPSFactory () {}
- public:
- static VxPSFactory* theInstance ();
- virtual ~VxPSFactory () {}
- // Register a proxy/stub pair with the factory...
- HRESULT Register
- (
- REFIID iid,
- const void* pvProxyVtbl,
- const VXDCOM_STUB_DISPTBL* pStubDispTbl
- );
- // Create a stublet...
- VxStublet* CreateStublet
- (
- IUnknown* punkServer,
- REFIID iid,
- REFIPID ipid
- );
- // Create a facelet...
- HRESULT CreateProxy
- (
- IUnknown * pUnkOuter,
- REFIID iid,
- REFIPID ipid,
- IOrpcProxy** ppProxy
- );
- };
- #endif