- /* RemoteSCM.cpp -- VxDCOM Remote SCM class */
- /* Copyright (c) 1999 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01l,17dec01,nel Add include symbol for diab.
- 01k,10dec01,dbs diab build
- 01j,26jul01,dbs use IOrpcClientChannel interface
- 01i,13jul01,dbs fix use of NEW macro to operator new
- 01h,19aug99,aim added TraceCall header
- 01g,22jul99,dbs add re-use of remote-SCM connection
- 01f,16jul99,aim fix UMR in ctor
- 01e,12jul99,dbs re-instate ping code
- 01d,12jul99,dbs simply update existing RemoteOxid object rather than
- creating a new one every time
- 01c,09jul99,dbs implement ping functionality in SCM now
- 01b,09jul99,dbs update RemoteOxid if port changes
- 01a,09jul99,dbs created
- */
- #include "RemoteSCM.h"
- #include "RpcIfClient.h"
- #include "TraceCall.h"
- /* Include symbol for diab */
- extern "C" int include_vxdcom_RemoteSCM (void)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- RemoteSCM::RemoteSCM ()
- : m_mutex (),
- m_dwRefCount (0),
- m_remoteOxidTable (),
- m_strb (),
- m_pChannel (0),
- m_setid (0),
- m_pingSeqNum (1),
- m_oidsToAdd (),
- m_oidsToDel (),
- m_tickCount (0)
- {
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- RemoteSCM::RemoteSCM (const RpcStringBinding& sb)
- : m_mutex (),
- m_dwRefCount (0),
- m_remoteOxidTable (),
- m_strb (sb),
- m_pChannel (0),
- m_setid (0),
- m_pingSeqNum (1),
- m_oidsToAdd (),
- m_oidsToDel (),
- m_tickCount (0)
- {
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- RemoteSCM::~RemoteSCM ()
- {
- // Check if we have any OIDs to delete from the remote SCM's list
- // of OIDs in our set...
- if (m_oidsToDel.size () && m_pChannel)
- {
- unsigned short backoffFactor;
- #ifdef __DCC__
- OID* oidsToDel = new OID [m_oidsToDel.size ()];
- OID* oidsToAdd = new OID [m_oidsToAdd.size ()];
- copy (m_oidsToAdd.begin (), m_oidsToAdd.end (), oidsToAdd);
- copy (m_oidsToDel.begin (), m_oidsToDel.end (), oidsToDel);
- #else
- OID* oidsToDel = m_oidsToDel.begin ();
- OID* oidsToAdd = m_oidsToAdd.begin ();
- #endif
- if (1)
- {
- VxCritSec cs (m_mutex);
- IOXIDResolver_ComplexPing_vxproxy (m_pChannel,
- &m_setid,
- m_pingSeqNum,
- 0,
- m_oidsToDel.size (),
- oidsToAdd,
- oidsToDel,
- &backoffFactor);
- }
- #ifdef __DCC__
- delete oidsToAdd;
- delete oidsToDel;
- #endif
- }
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- void RemoteSCM::oxidBindingUpdate
- (
- OXID oxid,
- REFIPID ipidRemUnk,
- const RpcStringBinding& sbRemoteOxid
- )
- {
- // Always add a new entry, since we don't do this very often (only
- // after activations and oxid-resolutions), and if the server has
- // re-started it may have changed port-number...
- SPRemoteOxid& ro = m_remoteOxidTable [oxid];
- // Create one if there isn't already one, otherwise just update
- // the recorded address and IPID info...
- if (! ro)
- ro = new VxRemoteOxid (oxid, ipidRemUnk, sbRemoteOxid);
- else
- ro->update (ipidRemUnk, sbRemoteOxid);
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // oxidBindingLookup -- this function looks up an existing RemoteOxid
- // entry in the table, and return true if one was found, false if
- // not...
- //
- bool RemoteSCM::oxidBindingLookup (OXID oxid, SPRemoteOxid& ro) const
- {
- // Is this OXID in the map?
- OXIDMAP::const_iterator i = m_remoteOxidTable.find (oxid);
- if (i == m_remoteOxidTable.end ())
- return false;
- ro = (*i).second;
- return true;
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- ULONG RemoteSCM::AddRef ()
- {
- return comSafeInc (&m_dwRefCount);
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- ULONG RemoteSCM::Release ()
- {
- DWORD n = comSafeDec (&m_dwRefCount);
- if (n == 0)
- delete this;
- return n;
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- IOrpcClientChannel* RemoteSCM::connectionGet ()
- {
- // Create connection to remote SCM address
- if (! m_pChannel)
- m_pChannel = new RpcIfClient (m_strb);
- return m_pChannel;
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // RemoteSCM::pingTick -- another 'nSecs' has passed, so we need to
- // determine whether its time to send a ping or not...
- //
- void RemoteSCM::pingTick (size_t nSecs)
- {
- m_tickCount -= nSecs;
- if (m_tickCount <= 0)
- {
- // Restart ping timer...
- m_tickCount = 120;
- // Need a binding to the remote OXID-resolver?
- IOrpcClientChannelPtr pChan = connectionGet ();
- if (! pChan)
- return;
- // Decide whether to send a complex ping (if we have OIDs to
- // add or remove from the set, or we have never pinged yet) or
- // a simple ping (if there are no changes to the set)...
- if (m_oidsToAdd.size () ||
- m_oidsToDel.size () ||
- (m_setid == 0))
- {
- // Need a complex ping...
- unsigned short backoffFactor;
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- #ifdef __DCC__
- OID* oidsToDel = new OID [m_oidsToDel.size ()];
- OID* oidsToAdd = new OID [m_oidsToAdd.size ()];
- copy (m_oidsToAdd.begin (), m_oidsToAdd.end (), oidsToAdd);
- copy (m_oidsToDel.begin (), m_oidsToDel.end (), oidsToDel);
- #else
- OID* oidsToDel = m_oidsToDel.begin ();
- OID* oidsToAdd = m_oidsToAdd.begin ();
- #endif
- if (1)
- {
- VxCritSec cs (m_mutex);
- hr=IOXIDResolver_ComplexPing_vxproxy (pChan,
- &m_setid,
- m_pingSeqNum,
- m_oidsToAdd.size (),
- m_oidsToDel.size (),
- oidsToAdd,
- oidsToDel,
- &backoffFactor);
- }
- #ifdef __DCC__
- delete oidsToAdd;
- delete oidsToDel;
- #endif
- if (SUCCEEDED (hr))
- {
- m_oidsToAdd.erase (m_oidsToAdd.begin (),
- m_oidsToAdd.end ());
- m_oidsToDel.erase (m_oidsToDel.begin (),
- m_oidsToDel.end ());
- ++m_pingSeqNum;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // Just a simple ping...
- IOXIDResolver_SimplePing_vxproxy (pChan,
- &m_setid);
- }
- }
- }