- /* NdrStreams.cpp - VxDCOM NDR marshaling streams */
- /* Copyright (c) 1999 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01s,17dec01,nel Add include symbol for diab build.
- 01r,01oct01,nel SPR#69557. Add extra padding bytes to make VT_BOOL type work.
- 01q,13jul01,dbs fix up includes
- 01p,09feb01,nel SPR#63068. Correct NdrStreams::reserve algorithm to allocate
- at least required amount of memory, not just double the
- existing amount.
- 01o,18oct00,nel SPR#34927. Init some member variables.
- 01n,18sep00,nel SPR#33730. Merge T2 OPC fixes into T3 branch.
- 01m,19jan00,nel Modifications for Linux debug build
- 01l,05aug99,dbs fix align() when buffer empty
- 01k,20jul99,dbs optimise NDR reformatting
- 01j,20jul99,aim removed call to print_this()
- 01i,09jul99,dbs make sure reserve() is called before attempting to align the
- stream
- 01h,17jun99,aim includes vxdcom.h
- 01g,17jun99,dbs change to COM_MEM_ALLOC
- 01f,02jun99,aim changes for solaris build
- 01e,25may99,dbs make sure stream dtors free buffer memory
- 01d,20may99,dbs move NDR phase into streams
- 01c,18may99,dbs no need to memcpy() when addresses are same
- 01b,17may99,dbs replace realloc() with vxdcom calls
- 01a,12may99,dbs created
- */
- /*
- */
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include "NdrStreams.h"
- #include "dcomProxy.h"
- #include "orpcLib.h"
- #include "private/comMisc.h"
- #include <memLib.h>
- #else
- #include <memory.h>
- #endif
- #include <stdio.h>
- /* Include symbol for diab */
- extern "C" int include_vxdcom_NdrStreams (void)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- #if 0
- static void
- print_this (NdrMarshalStream* p)
- {
- byte* a = p->begin ();
- int len = p->size ();
- for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
- {
- int b = 0;
- b = (int) *a;
- ++a;
- }
- }
- #endif
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // ndrMakeRight -- only ever called for 2, 4 or 8-byte quantities
- //
- inline void ndrMakeRight (size_t nb, void* pv)
- {
- char *a = (char*) pv;
- char *b = ((char*) pv) + nb - 1;
- char tmp;
- for (size_t n=0; n < (nb / 2); ++n)
- {
- tmp = *a;
- *a++ = *b;
- *b-- = tmp;
- }
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- NdrMarshalStream::NdrMarshalStream
- (
- NdrPhase::Phase_t ph,
- DREP drep,
- byte* pb,
- size_t nb
- )
- : m_drep (drep),
- m_buffer (pb),
- m_iptr (pb),
- m_end (pb + nb),
- m_bOwnMemory (false),
- m_phase (ph),
- m_endPadding (0)
- {
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- NdrMarshalStream::~NdrMarshalStream ()
- {
- if (m_bOwnMemory && m_buffer)
- delete [] m_buffer;
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- NdrMarshalStream::NdrMarshalStream (NdrPhase::Phase_t ph, DREP drep)
- : m_drep (drep),
- m_buffer (0),
- m_iptr (0),
- m_end (0),
- m_bOwnMemory (true),
- m_phase (ph),
- m_endPadding (0)
- {
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- size_t NdrMarshalStream::size () const
- {
- return (m_iptr - m_buffer);
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- HRESULT NdrMarshalStream::align (size_t n)
- {
- // Reserve as many bytes as we are trying to align to
- reserve (n);
- // Now align the buffer-pointer
- unsigned long p1 = (unsigned long) m_buffer;
- unsigned long p2 = (unsigned long) m_iptr;
- unsigned long p3 = (unsigned long) m_iptr;
- const unsigned long mask = n - 1;
- // Align p2 w.r.t. p1
- p2 = p1 + (((p2 - p1) + mask) & ~mask);
- if (p3 != p2)
- memset (m_iptr, 0, p2 - p3);
- m_iptr = (byte*) p2;
- if (m_iptr > m_end)
- return E_FAIL;
- return S_OK;
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // NdrMarsalStream::reserve -- reserve space for 'nb' more bytes in
- // the stream. If necessary, the stream expands to allow space...
- //
- HRESULT NdrMarshalStream::reserve (size_t nb)
- {
- // There should never be 'negative space' in the buffer...
- int space = m_end - m_iptr;
- COM_ASSERT(space >= 0);
- // Make sure the space is enough to hold the requested amount, if
- // not, then we need to expand the buffer...
- if (space < (int) nb)
- {
- // Cannot expand if we don't own the memory...
- if (! m_bOwnMemory)
- return E_UNEXPECTED;
- // Need to expand - make it worthwhile for small values of
- // 'nb' by having a minimum expansion size of MINEXPAND...
- const size_t MINEXPAND = 512;
- size_t expansion = (nb < MINEXPAND) ? MINEXPAND : nb;
- // New total length 'len' is old total plus expansion...
- size_t len = (m_end - m_buffer) + expansion;
- // Allocate new memory...
- byte* ptmp = new byte [len];
- if (! ptmp)
- // Copy in previous contents, if there were any...
- if (m_buffer)
- memcpy (ptmp, m_buffer, m_iptr - m_buffer);
- // update members and free previous buffer
- m_end = ptmp + len;
- m_iptr = ptmp + (m_iptr - m_buffer);
- if (m_buffer)
- delete [] m_buffer;
- m_buffer = ptmp;
- }
- return S_OK;
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- HRESULT NdrMarshalStream::insert
- (
- size_t nb,
- const void* pvData,
- bool reformat
- )
- {
- HRESULT hr = reserve (nb);
- if (FAILED (hr))
- return hr;
- memcpy (m_iptr, pvData, nb);
- if ((m_drep != VXDCOM_DREP_LOCAL) && reformat)
- ndrMakeRight (nb, m_iptr);
- m_iptr += nb;
- // enable this for UMR checks.
- // print_this (this);
- return S_OK;
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // NdrUnmarshalStream ctor -- allocate stub-buffer (if in stub
- // unmarshal phase) of same size as supplied buffer...
- //
- NdrUnmarshalStream::NdrUnmarshalStream
- (
- NdrPhase::Phase_t ph,
- DREP drep,
- byte* pb,
- size_t nb
- )
- : m_drep (drep),
- m_buffer (pb),
- m_optr (pb),
- m_end (pb + nb),
- m_phase (ph),
- m_stubBuffer (0),
- m_stubNext (0)
- {
- // If we are in the stub-unmarshaling pahse, its safe to allocate
- // memory for stub variables (arrays, etc) from a private heap,
- // which will automatically be reclaimed in the stream's dtor. We
- // allocate twice the stream's stub-data size, just to be safe...
- if (m_phase == NdrPhase::STUB_UNMSHL)
- {
- m_stubBuffer = new byte [2 * nb];
- m_stubNext = m_stubBuffer;
- }
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- NdrUnmarshalStream::~NdrUnmarshalStream ()
- {
- if (m_stubBuffer)
- delete [] m_stubBuffer;
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // NdrUnmarshalStream::stubAlloc -- allocate 'nb' bytes from the safe
- // stub memory. Since the stub-buffer is always as big as the original
- // packet stub-data, then it should never run out...
- //
- byte* NdrUnmarshalStream::stubAlloc (size_t nb)
- {
- if (m_phase != NdrPhase::STUB_UNMSHL)
- return 0;
- if (m_stubBuffer == 0)
- return 0;
- // Round up m_stubNext to multiple of 4...
- m_stubNext = (byte*) (((ULONG)(m_stubNext + 3)) & ~3);
- byte* p = m_stubNext;
- m_stubNext += nb;
- return p;
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- //
- NdrUnmarshalStream::NdrUnmarshalStream ()
- : m_drep (0),
- m_buffer (0),
- m_optr (0),
- m_end (0),
- m_phase (NdrPhase::NOPHASE),
- m_stubBuffer (0),
- m_stubNext (0)
- {
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // assignment -- as we don't own the buffer, we just copy the pointers
- //
- NdrUnmarshalStream& NdrUnmarshalStream::operator=
- (
- const NdrUnmarshalStream& rhs
- )
- {
- m_drep = rhs.m_drep;
- m_buffer = rhs.m_buffer;
- m_optr = rhs.m_optr;
- m_end = rhs.m_end;
- m_phase = rhs.m_phase;
- // set stub-buffer ptrs to NULL...
- m_stubBuffer = 0;
- m_stubNext = 0;
- return *this;
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- size_t NdrUnmarshalStream::size () const
- {
- return (m_optr - m_buffer);
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- HRESULT NdrUnmarshalStream::align (size_t n)
- {
- unsigned long p1 = (unsigned long) m_buffer;
- unsigned long p2 = (unsigned long) m_optr;
- unsigned long p3 = (unsigned long) m_optr;
- const unsigned long mask = n - 1;
- // Align p2 w.r.t. p1
- p2 = p1 + (((p2 - p1) + mask) & ~mask);
- byte* oldptr = m_optr;
- m_optr = (byte*) p2;
- // If we have gone beyond the end, fail...
- if (m_optr > m_end)
- return E_FAIL;
- // Clear the gap we have just opened to zeroes...
- if (p3 != p2)
- memset (oldptr, 0, p2 - p3);
- return S_OK;
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // NdrUnmarshalStream::extract -- extract data from the stream to the
- // supplied location at 'pvData' - if pvData is NULL then don't
- // actually copy any data, just adjust the stream pointers
- //
- HRESULT NdrUnmarshalStream::extract
- (
- size_t nb,
- void* pvData,
- bool reformat
- )
- {
- if ((m_end - m_optr) < (int) nb)
- return E_FAIL;
- // only copy data out if pvData is non-NULL, and does not point
- // back into this stream's buffer, as it will when unmarshaling by
- // copying occurs in optimised cases...
- if (pvData && (pvData != ((void*) m_optr)))
- memcpy (pvData, m_optr, nb);
- m_optr += nb;
- if ((m_drep != VXDCOM_DREP_LOCAL) && reformat && pvData)
- ndrMakeRight (nb, pvData);
- return S_OK;
- }