- /* orpcLib.cpp -- DCOM / ORPC interface functions */
- /* Copyright (c) 1998 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 02z,17dec01,nel Add include symbol for diab.
- 02y,13jul01,dbs fix up includes
- 02x,15feb00,dbs fix ORPCTHIS (un)marshaling
- 02w,08feb00,dbs update struct-descs to latest NDR impl
- 02v,14sep99,dbs use newest NDR marshaling routines
- 02u,19aug99,aim change assert to VXDCOM_ASSERT
- 02t,12aug99,dbs comply with new NDR struct support
- 02s,30jul99,dbs tighten up type-safety of NDR types
- 02r,30jul99,dbs fix cstruct initialiser to bind to address
- 02q,16jul99,dbs fix possible alignment problem in ipid/oid conversions
- 02p,12jul99,dbs always use method of ORPC_EXTENT_ARRAY to allocate storage
- when unmarshaling, manually unmarshal extents
- 02o,09jul99,dbs removing obsolete files (Scm.h) and obsolete code
- 02n,07jul99,dbs fix comments in line with previous change
- 02m,07jul99,dbs fix (un)marshaling of ORPCTHIS extents
- 02l,24jun99,dbs move authn into new class
- 02k,17jun99,aim changed assert to assert
- 02j,17jun99,dbs change to COM_MEM_ALLOC
- 02i,07jun99,dbs need to include stdlib
- 02h,02jun99,dbs use new OS-specific macros
- 02g,01jun99,dbs fix error condition handling
- 02f,28may99,dbs simplify allocator usage
- 02e,28may99,dbs remove obsolete include
- 02d,27may99,dbs check method number is in range
- 02c,27may99,dbs change to vxdcomTarget.h
- 02b,25may99,dbs make sure PDUs are deleted after use
- 02a,19may99,dbs change orpcListenTaskCreate to orpcEndpointCreate
- 01z,19may99,dbs add ORPC_EXTENT marshalers
- 01y,18may99,dbs remove old marshaling scheme
- 01x,10may99,dbs simplify rpc-binding usage
- 01w,07may99,dbs move major functionality into this lib
- 01v,30apr99,dbs change name of ComSCM to SCM
- 01u,29apr99,dbs fix -Wall warnings
- 01t,28apr99,dbs init RPCOLEMESSAGE with RPC-channel in rpcCallback
- 01s,26apr99,aim added TRACE_CALL
- 01r,22apr99,dbs tidy up potential leaks
- 01q,21apr99,dbs change RPCMSG to RPCPDU
- 01p,21apr99,dbs add length arg to orpcDSAFormat()
- 01o,13apr99,dbs fix VxSocket usage
- 01n,09apr99,drm adding diagnostic output
- 01m,12mar99,dbs add IOXIDResolver support
- 01l,01mar99,dbs help tidy up RPC startup
- 01k,15feb99,dbs move ORPC dispatch into orpcLib
- 01j,10feb99,dbs improve handling of endpoints
- 01i,08feb99,dbs formalise naming convention and ORPC/RPC interface
- 01h,04feb99,dbs change wchar_t to OLECHAR
- 01g,22jan99,dbs move some stuff into new rpcLib
- 01f,22dec98,dbs improve ORPC interface
- 01e,18dec98,dbs fix after changes for VXCOM
- 01d,16dec98,dbs add flag to control packet-printing, remove
- obsolete NDR-related code.
- 01c,10dec98,dbs format packet headers for NDR
- 01b,07dec98,dbs handle return-codes correctly in many cases.
- 01a,11nov98,dbs created
- */
- /*
- This library implements some parts of the ORPC functionality which
- do not reside in any of the implementation classes (yet - in future
- it will hopefully become obsolete) and deals mainly with the
- provision of endpoints.
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "orpcLib.h"
- #include "SCM.h"
- #include "private/comMisc.h"
- #include "RpcPdu.h"
- #include "NdrStreams.h"
- /* Include symbol for diab */
- extern "C" int include_vxdcom_orpcLib (void)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- NdrTypeDesc StructDesc__GUID(NDRTYPES&);
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // Globals...
- //
- {0x8A885D04,0x1CEB,0x11C9,{0x9F,0xE8,0x08,0x00,0x2B,0x10,0x48,0x60}};
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // orpcIpidCreate -- create an IPID (Interface Pointer ID) given the
- // interface pointer value, and the OID of the object it points to.
- //
- IPID orpcIpidCreate (void* itf, OID oid)
- {
- GUID ipid;
- ipid.Data1 = (DWORD) itf;
- ipid.Data2 = 0;
- ipid.Data3 = 0;
- memcpy (ipid.Data4, &oid, sizeof(OID));
- return ipid;
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // orpcOidFromIpid -- given an IPID (created by orpcIpidCreate())
- // return the OID of the object represented by that IPID.
- //
- OID orpcOidFromIpid (REFIPID ipid)
- {
- OID oid;
- ::memcpy (&oid, ipid.Data4, sizeof (oid));
- return oid;
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // orpcDSAFormat -- format a DUALSTRINGARRAY given the address and
- // security info in string format. The address info should have the
- // PROTSEQ in the first character, followed by the NULL-terninated
- // address. An extra NULL is appended, followed by the security info,
- // followed by two NULLs. As there is no security support, we ignore
- // the arg...
- //
- // Assumes the memory pointer-to by 'pdsa' is large enough to handle
- // the information...
- //
- HRESULT orpcDSAFormat
- (
- DWORD dsaLen,
- LPCOLESTR addrInfo,
- )
- {
- OLECHAR* p = pdsa->aStringArray;
- size_t addrLen=0;
- size_t secLen=0;
- // Length check...
- if (addrInfo)
- addrLen = vxcom_wcslen (addrInfo);
- if (secInfo)
- secLen = vxcom_wcslen (secInfo);
- if ((addrLen + secLen + 4) > dsaLen)
- return E_FAIL;
- if (addrInfo)
- {
- // Write address-info wide-chars into DSA...
- vxcom_wcscpy (p, addrInfo);
- p += addrLen;
- }
- // Write 2 terminating NULLs...
- *p++ = 0;
- *p++ = 0;
- // Set security-offset...
- pdsa->wSecurityOffset = p - pdsa->aStringArray;
- if (secInfo)
- {
- // Write security-info wide-chars into DSA...
- vxcom_wcscpy (p, secInfo);
- p += secLen;
- }
- // Write 2 terminating NULLs...
- *p++ = 0;
- *p++ = 0;
- // Set size...
- pdsa->wNumEntries = p - pdsa->aStringArray;
- return S_OK;
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // ndrMarshalOBJREF -- marshal an OBJREF into a marshaling stream...
- //
- HRESULT ndrMarshalOBJREF (NdrMarshalStream* pms, OBJREF* pObjRef)
- {
- NDRTYPES ndrtypes;
- // OBJREF header first...
- widlMarshal (&pObjRef->signature, pms, ndrtypes.ulong_t ());
- widlMarshal (&pObjRef->flags, pms, ndrtypes.ulong_t ());
- widlMarshal (&pObjRef->iid, pms, StructDesc__GUID(ndrtypes));
- // Now union part, depending on flags-field...
- if (pObjRef->flags != OBJREF_STANDARD)
- return E_NOTIMPL;
- // Fields of STDOBJREF...
- STDOBJREF* pStd = &pObjRef->u_objref.u_standard.std;
- widlMarshal (&pStd->flags, pms, ndrtypes.ulong_t ());
- widlMarshal (&pStd->cPublicRefs, pms, ndrtypes.ulong_t ());
- widlMarshal (&pStd->oxid, pms, ndrtypes.longlong_t ());
- widlMarshal (&pStd->oid, pms, ndrtypes.longlong_t ());
- widlMarshal (&pStd->ipid, pms, StructDesc__GUID(ndrtypes));
- // DUALSTRINGARRAY - in a std OBJREF this is marshaled as
- // contiguous USHORTs, with no preceding length field...
- DUALSTRINGARRAY* pdsa = &pObjRef->u_objref.u_standard.saResAddr;
- widlMarshal (&pdsa->wNumEntries, pms, ndrtypes.ushort_t ());
- widlMarshal (&pdsa->wSecurityOffset, pms, ndrtypes.ushort_t ());
- return widlMarshal (pdsa->aStringArray,
- pms,
- ndrtypes.array_t (ndrtypes.ushort_t (),
- NDR_SIZEOF(short),
- pdsa->wNumEntries));
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- HRESULT ndrUnmarshalOBJREF (NdrUnmarshalStream* pus, OBJREF* pObjRef)
- {
- NDRTYPES ndrtypes;
- // OBJREF header first...
- widlUnmarshal (&pObjRef->signature, pus, ndrtypes.ulong_t ());
- widlUnmarshal (&pObjRef->flags, pus, ndrtypes.ulong_t ());
- widlUnmarshal (&pObjRef->iid, pus, StructDesc__GUID(ndrtypes));
- // Now union part, depending on flags-field...
- if (pObjRef->flags != OBJREF_STANDARD)
- return E_NOTIMPL;
- // Fields of STDOBJREF...
- STDOBJREF* pStd = &pObjRef->u_objref.u_standard.std;
- widlUnmarshal (&pStd->flags, pus, ndrtypes.ulong_t ());
- widlUnmarshal (&pStd->cPublicRefs, pus, ndrtypes.ulong_t ());
- widlUnmarshal (&pStd->oxid, pus, ndrtypes.longlong_t ());
- widlUnmarshal (&pStd->oid, pus, ndrtypes.longlong_t ());
- widlUnmarshal (&pStd->ipid, pus, StructDesc__GUID(ndrtypes));
- // DUALSTRINGARRAY - in a std OBJREF this is marshaled as
- // contiguous USHORTs, with no preceding length field...
- DUALSTRINGARRAY* pdsa = &pObjRef->u_objref.u_standard.saResAddr;
- widlUnmarshal (&pdsa->wNumEntries, pus, ndrtypes.ushort_t ());
- widlUnmarshal (&pdsa->wSecurityOffset, pus, ndrtypes.ushort_t ());
- return widlUnmarshal (pdsa->aStringArray,
- pus,
- ndrtypes.array_t (ndrtypes.ushort_t (),
- NDR_SIZEOF(short),
- pdsa->wNumEntries));
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // Declare type-desc function for externally defined structures.
- //
- NdrTypeDesc StructDesc_tagORPCTHIS (NDRTYPES& ndrtypes);
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // ndrMarshalORPCTHIS -- marshal an ORPCTHIS
- //
- // This routine marshals an ORPCTHIS, which may also contain an
- // ORPC_EXTENT_ARRAY. In the NDR specification, a structure with a
- // conformant array has the maximum count marshalled first, followed
- // by the members of the structure, and then finally the elements of
- // the array. In the NDR specification, arrays of pointers are
- // marshalled with the representations deferred. That is, an array of
- // pointers is marshalled as an array of arbitrary referent IDs
- // followed by the deferred representations.
- //
- // Thus, with the DCOM spec as reference, the ORPC_EXTENT_ARRAY is
- // marshalled as follows:-
- //
- // Type Contents
- // ---------- -------------------------------------
- // ulong 'size' structure member // ORPC_EXTENT_ARRAY
- // ulong 'reserved' structure member (must be 0)// ORPC_EXTENT_ARRAY
- // ulong 'extent' structure member // ORPC_EXTENT_ARRAY
- // ulong array-size (rounded up to multiple of 2)
- // long referent ID 1 // ORPC_EXTENT_ARRAY
- // long referent ID n ((size+1) & ~1) // ORPC_EXTENT_ARRAY
- //
- // To marshal the ORPC_EXTENT values, according to the NDR
- // specification, the marshalled format is as follows:
- //
- // Type Contents
- // ---------- -------------------------------------
- // long size_is of 'data' array // ORPC_EXTENT
- // ulong 'size' structure member // ORPC_EXTENT
- // byte 'data' byte 1 // ORPC_EXTENT
- // ... // ORPC_EXTENT
- // ... // ORPC_EXTENT
- // byte 'data' byte n // ORPC_EXTENT
- //
- //
- //
- // RETURNS: S_OK if successful and an HRESULT indicating error otherwise
- //
- // .iP S_OK
- // The operation was successful.
- //
- // SEE ALSO: ndrUnmarshalORPCTHIS()
- //
- // nomanual
- //
- (
- NdrMarshalStream* pStrm,
- ORPCTHIS* pOrpcThis
- )
- {
- NDRTYPES ndrtypes;
- return widlMarshal (pOrpcThis, pStrm, StructDesc_tagORPCTHIS(ndrtypes));
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // ndrUnmarshalORPCTHIS -- unmarshal an ORPCTHIS structure from an
- // NDR-stream. This function does not use the NdrTypes 'cstruct' class
- // to do its unmarshaling, instead it does it 'manually' because the
- // NDR-engine is designed for use with plain structures, whereas the
- // classes, and so cannot be manipulated with raw-memory operations
- // (due to destructors being called, etc).
- //
- // Also, the ORPCTHIS dtor will try to free all memory it thinks it
- // owns, but the NDR-engine will economise by simply pointing into the
- // unmarshaling buffer in the stub-unmarshal phase, which effectively
- // would leave a non-heap pointer inside the ORPCTHIS structures, and
- // casue problems when the dtor fired.
- //
- (
- NdrUnmarshalStream* pStrm,
- ORPCTHIS* pOrpcThis
- )
- {
- NDRTYPES ndrtypes;
- return widlUnmarshal (pOrpcThis, pStrm, StructDesc_tagORPCTHIS(ndrtypes));
- }