- /* vxidl.idl -- VxCOM IDL definitions */
- /* Copyright (c) 2001 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01b,07aug01,dbs move MULTI_QI structure to comCoreTypes
- 01a,13jul01,dbs add import of ConnectionPoints, rename to vxidl
- 01a,20jul01,nel created
- */
- cpp_quote("/* vxidl.h -- Copyright (c) Wind River Systems, Inc. 2001 */")
- import "comCoreTypes.idl";
- import "comAutomation.idl";
- import "vxStream.idl";
- import "ConnectionPoint.idl";
- [
- local,
- object,
- uuid(00000003-0000-0000-C000-000000000046)
- ]
- interface IMarshal : IUnknown
- {
- typedef [unique] IMarshal *LPMARSHAL;
- HRESULT GetUnmarshalClass
- (
- [in] REFIID riid,
- [in, unique] void *pv,
- [in] DWORD dwDestContext,
- [in, unique] void *pvDestContext,
- [in] DWORD mshlflags,
- [out] CLSID *pCid
- );
- HRESULT GetMarshalSizeMax
- (
- [in] REFIID riid,
- [in, unique] void *pv,
- [in] DWORD dwDestContext,
- [in, unique] void *pvDestContext,
- [in] DWORD mshlflags,
- [out] DWORD *pSize
- );
- HRESULT MarshalInterface
- (
- [in, unique] IStream *pStm,
- [in] REFIID riid,
- [in, unique] void *pv,
- [in] DWORD dwDestContext,
- [in, unique] void *pvDestContext,
- [in] DWORD mshlflags
- );
- HRESULT UnmarshalInterface
- (
- [in, unique] IStream *pStm,
- [in] REFIID riid,
- [out] void **ppv
- );
- HRESULT ReleaseMarshalData
- (
- [in, unique] IStream *pStm
- );
- HRESULT DisconnectObject
- (
- [in] DWORD dwReserved
- );
- }