- /* comLib.h - VxWorks COM public API */
- /* Copyright (c) 1998 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 02u,02jan02,nel Fix alloca for diab build.
- 02t,10dec01,dbs diab build
- 02s,08aug01,nel Removed V_DECIMAL macros, not supported.
- 02r,16jul01,dbs correct definition of comLibInit func
- 02q,13jul01,dbs change vxcom back to vxidl
- 02p,28jun01,dbs move VxMutex to private header
- 02o,27jun01,nel Add extra SafeArray API.
- 02n,21jun01,dbs move some definitions to comCoreLib
- 02m,20jun01,nel Remove WindTypes and replace with vxcom.h.
- 02l,08feb01,nel SPR#63885. SAFEARRAYs added.
- 02k,30may00,nel Add more variant support
- 02j,02feb00,dbs add some Variant-related APIs
- 02i,22sep99,dbs fix VARIANT type (moved to vxidl.idl)
- 02h,20sep99,dbs move main typedefs into vxidl.idl/.h
- 02g,16sep99,dbs add uchar typedef
- 02f,01sep99,dbs add more IDL types
- 02e,18aug99,aim fix GUID structure for SIMNT
- 02d,05aug99,dbs add byte typedef
- 02c,30jul99,aim changed mutex types to void*
- 02b,30jul99,dbs fix build issues on SIMNT
- 02a,29jul99,dbs add SIMNT support
- 01z,28jul99,drm Changing g_defaultServerPriority to g_defaultServerPriority.
- 01y,27jul99,drm Removing PS_CLNT_ASSIGNED enum entry.
- 01x,16jul99,dbs reverse T2OLE expression, remove need for USES_CONVERSION
- 01w,10jun99,dbs move vxdcom-private funcs out of here
- 01v,04jun99,dbs remove public registry APIs
- 01u,03jun99,dbs make mutex lock return void
- 01t,03jun99,dbs fix long long type for W32
- 01s,02jun99,aim #undef Free if it's defined
- 01r,02jun99,dbs use new OS-specific macros
- 01q,20may99,dbs add SysAllocStringByteLen() API
- 01p,07may99,dbs add PROTSEQ typedef
- 01o,03may99,drm adding priority scheme support
- 01n,28apr99,dbs remove COM_NO_WINDOWS_H
- 01m,20apr99,dbs add TLS defs for Win32, remove CoSetMalloc() API
- 01l,14apr99,dbs fix alloca() definition for Win32
- 01k,14apr99,dbs add definition for alloca() in gcc
- 01j,31mar99,dbs added SysAllocStringLen API
- 01i,19mar99,drm added CoCreateGuid() declaration
- 01h,01mar99,dbs add GUID_NULL definition
- 01g,19feb99,dbs add more wide-char support
- 01f,11feb99,dbs add CoSetMalloc API
- 01e,04feb99,dbs fix wide-char type for portability
- 01d,03feb99,dbs use STDMETHOD macros
- 01c,20jan99,dbs fix file names - vxcom becomes com
- 01b,08jan99,dbs add TLS functions
- 01a,18dec98,dbs created (from dcomLib.h)
- */
- /*
- This file defines a working subset of the COM API (as defined by
- Microsoft) for support of plain COM in VxWorks.
- A slight difference from the MS implementation is that
- CoCreateInstance() only works for CLSCTX_INPROC servers, and
- CoCreateInstanceEx() must be used for CLSCTX_REMOTE servers.
- Also, CoGetClassObject() is only available when DCOM is included, and
- not under plain VXCOM.
- */
- #ifndef __INCcomLib_h
- #define __INCcomLib_h
- #include <string.h>
- #include "vxidl.h"
- #include "comCoreLib.h"
- #include "semLib.h"
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- extern int g_defaultServerPriority;
- /*
- * The COM initialization type -- only COINIT_MULTITHREADED is
- * accepted by VxCOM / VxDCOM, the others are provided for Win32
- * compatibility.
- */
- typedef enum
- {
- COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED = 0x2, // apartment model - not supported
- COINIT_MULTITHREADED = 0x0, // call objects on any thread.
- COINIT_DISABLE_OLE1DDE = 0x4, // [don't use DDE for Ole1 support]
- COINIT_SPEED_OVER_MEMORY = 0x8, // [trade memory for speed?]
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // Public API Functions - these mimic the Win32 CoXxxx API calls.
- //
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- STATUS comLibInit (void);
- HRESULT CoCreateInstance
- (
- REFCLSID rclsid, // CLSID of the object
- IUnknown* pUnkOuter, // pointer to aggregating object
- DWORD dwClsContext, // one of CLSCTX values
- REFIID riid, // IID of desired interface
- void** ppv // output interface ptr
- );
- HRESULT CoInitialize (void*);
- HRESULT CoInitializeEx (void*, DWORD);
- void CoUninitialize (void);
- DWORD CoGetCurrentProcess (void);
- void* CoTaskMemAlloc (ULONG cb);
- void* CoTaskMemRealloc (LPVOID pv, ULONG cb);
- void CoTaskMemFree (LPVOID pv);
- HRESULT CoGetMalloc
- (
- DWORD dwMemContext, // private or shared
- IMalloc** ppMalloc // output ptr
- );
- HRESULT CoCreateGuid (GUID *pguid);
- BSTR SysAllocString (const OLECHAR*);
- BSTR SysAllocStringLen (const OLECHAR*, unsigned long);
- BSTR SysAllocStringByteLen (const char*, unsigned long);
- HRESULT SysFreeString (BSTR);
- DWORD SysStringLen (BSTR);
- DWORD SysStringByteLen (BSTR);
- int StringFromGUID2
- (
- REFGUID rguid, // IID to be converted
- LPOLESTR lpsz, // resulting string
- int cbMax // max size of returned string
- );
- (
- REFCLSID rclsid, // CLSID to be converted
- LPOLESTR* ppsz // output var to receive string
- );
- (
- REFIID riid, // IID to be converted
- LPOLESTR* ppsz // output var to receive string
- );
- (
- LPCOLESTR lpsz, // string representation of CLSID
- LPCLSID pclsid // pointer to CLSID
- );
- (
- LPCOLESTR lpsz, // string representation of IID
- LPIID piid // pointer to IID
- );
- (
- REFGUID guid1,
- REFGUID guid2
- );
- (
- REFCLSID clsid1,
- REFCLSID clsid2
- );
- (
- REFIID iid1,
- REFIID iid2
- );
- HRESULT WriteClassStm
- (
- IStream * pStm, // IStream to store in
- REFCLSID rclsid // CLSID to be stored in stream
- );
- HRESULT ReadClassStm
- (
- IStream * pStm, // stream holding the CLSID
- CLSID * pclsid // output CLSID
- );
- #ifndef V_VT
- /* Variant access macros */
- #define V_VT(X) ((X)->vt)
- #define V_ISARRAY(X) (V_VT(X)&VT_ARRAY)
- #define V_UI1(X) ((X)->bVal)
- #define V_I2(X) ((X)->iVal)
- #define V_I4(X) ((X)->lVal)
- #define V_R4(X) ((X)->fltVal)
- #define V_R8(X) ((X)->dblVal)
- #define V_CY(X) ((X)->cyVal)
- #define V_DATE(X) ((X)->date)
- #define V_BSTR(X) ((X)->bstrVal)
- #define V_ERROR(X) ((X)->scode)
- #define V_BOOL(X) ((X)->boolVal)
- #define V_UNKNOWN(X) ((X)->punkVal)
- #define V_ARRAY(X) ((X)->parray)
- #define V_VARIANT(X) ((X)->pvarVal)
- #endif /* V_VT */
- void VariantInit (VARIANT* v);
- HRESULT VariantClear (VARIANT* v);
- HRESULT VariantCopy (VARIANT* d, VARIANT* s);
- HRESULT VariantChangeType (VARIANT * d,
- VARIANT * s,
- USHORT wFlags,
- VARTYPE vt);
- SAFEARRAY * SafeArrayCreate
- (
- UINT cDims,
- SAFEARRAYBOUND * rgsabound
- );
- HRESULT SafeArrayDestroy
- (
- );
- HRESULT SafeArrayLock (SAFEARRAY * psa);
- HRESULT SafeArrayUnlock (SAFEARRAY * psa);
- HRESULT SafeArrayPutElement
- (
- SAFEARRAY * psa,
- long * rgIndicies,
- void * pv
- );
- HRESULT SafeArrayGetElement
- (
- SAFEARRAY * psa,
- long * rgIndicies,
- void * pv
- );
- HRESULT SafeArrayAccessData
- (
- SAFEARRAY * psa,
- void ** ppvData
- );
- HRESULT SafeArrayUnaccessData
- (
- );
- HRESULT SafeArrayCopy
- (
- SAFEARRAY * psa,
- SAFEARRAY ** ppsaOut
- );
- HRESULT SafeArrayGetLBound
- (
- SAFEARRAY * psa,
- unsigned int nDim,
- long * plLbound
- );
- HRESULT SafeArrayGetUBound
- (
- SAFEARRAY * psa,
- unsigned int nDim,
- long * plUbound
- );
- UINT SafeArrayGetDim
- (
- );
- UINT SafeArrayGetElemsize
- (
- );
- HRESULT SafeArrayGetVartype
- (
- SAFEARRAY * psa,
- VARTYPE * pvt
- );
- const char* vxcomGUID2String (REFGUID guid);
- HRESULT comStreamCreate
- (
- const void* pMem, // raw memory block
- unsigned long len, // length
- IStream** ppStream // output stream-ptr
- );
- int comWideToAscii
- (
- char* result, // resulting ascii string
- const OLECHAR* wstr, // input wide-string
- int maxLen // max length to convert
- );
- int comAsciiToWide
- (
- OLECHAR* result, // resulting wide string
- const char* str, // input string
- int maxLen // max length to convert
- );
- size_t comWideStrLen
- (
- const OLECHAR* wsz // wide string
- );
- OLECHAR* comWideStrCopy
- (
- OLECHAR* wszDst, // destination
- const OLECHAR* wszSrc // source
- );
- HRESULT vxdcomClassRegister
- (
- REFCLSID clsid, // key
- PFN_GETCLASSOBJECT pFnGCO, // ptr to GetClassObject() fn
- VXDCOMPRIORITYSCHEME priorityScheme, // priority scheme
- int priority // priority assoc. with scheme
- );
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // Inline ASCII/WIDE conversion macros a la ATL. Unlike ATL, a
- // function need not declare USES_CONVERSION at the top, but can
- // freely use the macros to do inline conversion of wide-to-ascii
- // (e.g. OLE2T(pwszSomeWideString)) or ascii-to-wide (e.g. T2OLE("some
- // ASCII text")) on any architecture. Currently, OLECHAR != wchar_t on
- // all VxWorks architectures, so use of Wide Literal Strings
- // (e.g. L"some wide text") is not recommended.
- //
- #ifdef __GNUC__
- # ifndef alloca
- # define alloca __builtin_alloca
- # endif
- #elif defined(__DCC__)
- /* its a builtin for DCC */
- #else
- #include <malloc.h>
- #endif
- #endif
- OLECHAR* comT2OLEHelper (void*,const char*);
- char* comOLE2THelper (void*,const OLECHAR*);
- #define T2OLE(psz)
- ((psz) ? (comT2OLEHelper (alloca (sizeof (OLECHAR) * (strlen (psz) + 1)),
- psz)) : 0)
- #define OLE2T(pwsz)
- ((pwsz) ? (comOLE2THelper(alloca (comWideStrLen (pwsz) + 1), pwsz)) : 0)
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif
- #endif