- /* comGuidLib.c - vxcom GUID library */
- /* Copyright (c) 2001 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01d,19nov01,nel Add delay back into GUID creation routine.
- 01c,01nov01,nel SPR#71383. Correct time adjustment algorithm.
- 01b,27jun01,dbs fix compiler warnings
- 01a,21jun01,nel created
- */
- /*
- A library for generated GUIDs as defined in the DCE spec. There is
- a protection mechanism against generating GUIDs to quickly for the
- timer granularity to cope with.
- */
- typedef struct _GUID
- {
- unsigned long timeLow;
- unsigned short timeMid;
- unsigned short timeHiAndVersion;
- unsigned char clockSeqHiAndReserved;
- unsigned char clockSeqLow;
- unsigned char node[6];
- } GUID;
- /*
- * Various constants and masks used in uuid generation.
- */
- #define UUID_C_VERSION (1)
- #define CLOCK_SEQ_LOW_MASK (0xff)
- #define CLOCK_SEQ_HIGH_MASK (0x3f00)
- #define CLOCK_SEQ_FIRST (1)
- #define CLOCK_SEQ_LAST (0x3fff) /* same as RAND_MASK */
- /* 'adjustment' for backwards clocks */
- static int clockSeq = 0;
- /* Last time a UUID was generated or 0 if first time class is exectued. */
- static long unsigned long last = 0;
- /* Adjustment to cope with reduced granularity of the clock. */
- static int adjustment = 0;
- /* Used to store last uuid generated so that duplicates can be checked for. */
- static GUID lastGuid = { 0, };
- /*
- * Create's a new clock sequence value. This is a randomnly gerenated field
- * in the UUID which ensures that two UUIDs generated at the same time stand
- * some chance of being unique.
- */
- static void newClockSeq (void)
- {
- clockSeq = rand() & RAND_MASK;
- clockSeq = (clockSeq + 1) & CLOCK_SEQ_LAST;
- if (clockSeq == 0)
- {
- clockSeq++;
- }
- }
- static long unsigned long clockGet (void)
- {
- long unsigned long usec;
- long unsigned long clockReg;
- /* convert seconds to usecs */
- usec = (long unsigned long)comSysTimeGet () * 1000000;
- if (last == 0)
- {
- newClockSeq();
- last = usec - 1;
- }
- if (usec < last )
- {
- clockSeq = (clockSeq + 1) & 0x1FFF;
- adjustment = 0;
- }
- else if (usec == last)
- {
- if (adjustment >= 999)
- {
- newClockSeq ();
- adjustment = 0;
- }
- else
- adjustment++;
- }
- else
- adjustment = 0;
- last = usec;
- clockReg = usec * 10;
- clockReg += adjustment;
- clockReg += 0x01B21DD213814000LL; /* Difference between DTSS UTC and Unix */
- /* DTSS starts October 15, 1582. */
- return clockReg;
- }
- void comSysGuidCreate
- (
- void * result /* Result that is mapped onto an */
- /* IDL GUID structure by higher layers*/
- )
- {
- do
- {
- long unsigned long timeNow = clockGet ();
- ((GUID *)result)->timeLow = timeNow & 0xffffffff;
- ((GUID *)result)->timeMid = (timeNow >> 32) & 0xffff;
- ((GUID *)result)->timeHiAndVersion = ((timeNow >> 48) & 0xffff) |
- (UUID_C_VERSION << 12);
- ((GUID *)result)->clockSeqLow = (short) (clockSeq & CLOCK_SEQ_LOW_MASK);
- ((GUID *)result)->clockSeqHiAndReserved =
- ((short) ((clockSeq & CLOCK_SEQ_HIGH_MASK) >>
- comSysAddressGet ( ((GUID *)result)->node );
- /**
- * check to see if the last guid has been duplicated, if it has then
- * wait a bit and try again. this should ensure that the next guid
- * generated is unique.
- */
- if (memcmp (&lastGuid, result, sizeof (GUID)) != 0)
- {
- /* last GUID is different from current GUID so is correct */
- memcpy (&lastGuid, result, sizeof (GUID));
- return;
- }
- taskDelay (1);
- } while (1); /* loop until a vaild GUID is generated */
- }