- /* m2IfLib.c - MIB-II interface-group API for SNMP agents */
- /* Copyright 1984 - 2002 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- #include "copyright_wrs.h"
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01w,25jun02,ann making a temporary fix to the counter update code
- 01v,10may02,kbw making man page edits
- 01u,07may02,kbw making man page edits
- 01t,25apr02,vvv added semaphore protection in m2IfTableUpdate (SPR #74394)
- 01s,05dec01,vvv fixed stack table search for high index values (SPR #71316)
- 01r,15oct01,rae merge from truestack
- 01q,14jun01,vvv fixed compilation warnings
- 01p,30mar01,rae allow m2 stuff to be excluded (SPR# 65428)
- 01o,23jan01,spm fixed modification history after RFC 2233 merge
- 01n,13nov00,niq merged version 01p of tor2_0.open_stack-f1 branch (base 01l):
- added RFC 2233 support
- 01m,03nov00,zhu fix SPR#30082: ifIndex should remain constant
- 01l,24mar99,ead Finally fixed the ifLastChange problem!
- Created the m2SetIfLastChange() function which is called
- from ifioctl() in if.c. (SPR #23290)
- 01k,16mar99,ead additional fixes to SPR #23290, not indexing in pm2IfTable
- also zeroed each instance of ifLastChange in m2IfInit so
- the correct zero value is set during a reboot
- 01j,16mar99,spm recovered orphaned code from tor1_0_1.sens1_1 (SPR #25770)
- 01i,11mar99,ead ifLastChange was not getting updated properly (SPR #23290)
- 01h,06oct98,ann corrected the flag check in m2IfTblEntryGet() for
- ifOperStatus (SPR #22275)
- 01g,26aug97,spm removed compiler warnings (SPR #7866)
- 01f,03apr96,rjc set the m2InterfaceSem semaphore to NULL in m2IfDelete
- 01e,25jan95,jdi doc cleanup.
- 01d,11nov94,rhp edited man pages some more
- 01c,11nov94,rhp edited man pages
- 01b,22feb94,elh added extern to quiet compiler.
- 01a,08dec93,jag written
- */
- /*
- This library provides MIB-II services for the interface group. It
- provides routines to initialize the group, access the group scalar
- variables, read the table interfaces and change the state of the interfaces.
- For a broader description of MIB-II services, see the manual entry for m2Lib.
- To use this feature, include the following component:
- This library can be initialized and deleted by calling m2IfInit() and
- m2IfDelete() respectively, if only the interface group's services are
- needed. If full MIB-II support is used, this group and all other groups
- can be initialized and deleted by calling m2Init() and m2Delete().
- The interface group supports the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
- concept of traps, as specified by RFC 1215. The traps supported by this
- group are "link up" and "link down." This library enables an application
- to register a hook routine and an argument. This hook routine can be
- called by the library when a "link up" or "link down" condition is
- detected. The hook routine must have the following prototype:
- .CS
- void TrapGenerator (int trapType, /@ M2_LINK_DOWN_TRAP or M2_LINK_UP_TRAP @/
- int interfaceIndex,
- void * myPrivateArg);
- .CE
- The trap routine and argument can be specified at initialization time as
- input parameters to the routine m2IfInit() or to the routine m2Init().
- The interface-group global variables can be accessed as follows:
- .CS
- M2_INTERFACE ifVars;
- if (m2IfGroupInfoGet (&ifVars) == OK)
- /@ values in ifVars are valid @/
- .CE
- An interface table entry can be retrieved as follows:
- .CS
- M2_INTERFACETBL interfaceEntry;
- /@ Specify zero as the index to get the first entry in the table @/
- interfaceEntry.ifIndex = 2; /@ Get interface with index 2 @/
- if (m2IfTblEntryGet (M2_EXACT_VALUE, &interfaceEntry) == OK)
- /@ values in interfaceEntry are valid @/
- .CE
- An interface entry operational state can be changed as follows:
- .CS
- ifEntryToSet.ifIndex = 2; /@ Select interface with index 2 @/
- /@ MIB-II value to set the interface @/
- /@ to the down state. @/
- ifEntryToSet.ifAdminStatus = M2_ifAdminStatus_down;
- if (m2IfTblEntrySet (&ifEntryToSet) == OK)
- /@ Interface is now in the down state @/
- .CE
- SEE ALSO: m2Lib, m2SysLib, m2IpLib, m2IcmpLib, m2UdpLib, m2TcpLib
- */
- /* includes */
- #include "vxWorks.h"
- #include "stdio.h"
- #include "stdlib.h"
- #include "m2IfLib.h"
- #include "private/m2LibP.h"
- #include "ioctl.h"
- #include "semLib.h"
- #include "string.h"
- #include "tickLib.h"
- #include "sysLib.h"
- #include "errnoLib.h"
- #include "limits.h"
- #include "float.h"
- #include "memPartLib.h"
- #include "ipProto.h"
- #include "private/muxLibP.h"
- #include "netinet/vsLib.h"
- #endif /* VIRTUAL_STACK */
- /* defines */
- #define END_OBJ_MIB 1 /* Used in ifnetToEndFieldsGet() */
- #define END_OBJ_FLAGS 2 /* Used in ifnetToEndFieldsGet() */
- /* imports */
- IMPORT FUNCPTR _m2SetIfLastChange; /* def'd in if.c for scalability */
- IMPORT FUNCPTR _m2IfTableUpdate;
- /* globals */
- static const UI64 U64_MAX = { UINT_MAX, UINT_MAX };
- AVL_TREE pM2IfRoot = NULL;
- AVL_TREE * pM2IfRootPtr = &pM2IfRoot;
- M2_IFINDEX * pm2IfTable; /* Network I/F table (Allocated Dynamically) */
- int m2IfCount; /* Number of network interfaces */
- int ifsInList; /* Actual number of interfaces in our list */
- LOCAL FUNCPTR pM2TrapRtn; /* Pointer to trap routine supplied by the user */
- LOCAL void * pM2TrapRtnArg; /* Pointer to trap routine argument supplied by */
- /* the user */
- /* last time a row was added/removed from the ifTable/ifXTable */
- LOCAL ULONG ifTableLastChange;
- /* last time a row was added/removed from the ifStackTable or when the
- * ifStackStatus was last changed */
- LOCAL ULONG ifStackLastChange;
- /* Semaphore used to protect the Interface group */
- SEM_ID m2InterfaceSem;
- /*
- * Global variable used to keep the group startup time in hundreds of a second.
- * The functionality here is the same as the functionality provided in the
- * module m2SysLib.c. It is duplicated to allow for both modules to exist
- * independently.
- */
- LOCAL unsigned long startCentiSecs; /* Hundred of Seconds at start */
- #endif /* VIRTUAL_STACK */
- /*
- * The zero object id is used throught out the MIB-II library to fill OID
- * requests when an object ID is not provided by a group variable.
- */
- LOCAL M2_OBJECTID ifZeroObjectId = { 2, {0,0} };
- extern int ifioctl ();
- LOCAL void m2IfIncr32Bit (M2_DATA *, ULONG *, ULONG);
- LOCAL void m2IfIncr64Bit (M2_DATA *, UI64 *, ULONG);
- LOCAL void m2IfDefaultValsGet (M2_DATA *, M2_IFINDEX *);
- LOCAL void m2IfCommonValsGet (M2_DATA *, M2_IFINDEX *);
- LOCAL STATUS rcvEtherAddrGet (struct ifnet *, M2_IFINDEX *);
- LOCAL STATUS rcvEtherAddrAdd (M2_IFINDEX *, unsigned char *);
- LOCAL unsigned long centiSecsGet (void);
- LOCAL BOOL stackEntryIsTop(int);
- LOCAL BOOL stackEntryIsBottom(int);
- LOCAL void * ifnetToEndFieldsGet (struct ifnet *, int);
- /***************************************************************************
- *
- * m2IfAlloc - allocate the structure for the interface table
- *
- * This routine is called by the driver during initialization of the interface.
- * The memory for the interface table is allocated here. We also set the
- * default update routines in the M2_ID struct. These fields can later be
- * overloaded using the installed routines in the M2_ID. Once this function
- * returns, it is the driver's responsibility to set the pMib2Tbl pointer in
- * the END object to the new M2_ID.
- *
- * When this call returns, the calling routine must set the END_MIB_2233
- * bit of the flags field in the END object.
- *
- * RETURNS: Pointer to the M2_ID structure that was allocated.
- */
- M2_ID * m2IfAlloc
- (
- ULONG ifType, /* If type of the interface */
- UCHAR * pEnetAddr, /* Physical address of interface */
- ULONG addrLen, /* Address length */
- ULONG mtuSize, /* MTU of interface */
- ULONG speed, /* Speed of the interface */
- char * pName, /* Name of the device */
- int unit /* Unit number of the device */
- )
- {
- M2_ID * pM2Id;
- M2_2233TBL * pM2233Tbl;
- /* Allocate memory for the interface table */
- pM2Id = KHEAP_ALLOC(sizeof(M2_ID));
- if (!pM2Id)
- return NULL;
- memset(pM2Id, 0, sizeof(M2_ID));
- /* Enter the values provided by the driver */
- pM2IfTbl = &pM2Id->m2Data.mibIfTbl;
- pM2233Tbl = &pM2Id->m2Data.mibXIfTbl;
- pM2IfTbl->ifType = ifType;
- pM2IfTbl->ifMtu = mtuSize;
- pM2IfTbl->ifSpeed = speed;
- memcpy (&pM2IfTbl->ifPhysAddress.phyAddress[0], pEnetAddr, addrLen);
- pM2IfTbl->ifPhysAddress.addrLength = addrLen;
- sprintf (&pM2233Tbl->ifName[0], "%s%d", pName, unit);
- /* Set the default update routines */
- pM2Id->m2PktCountRtn = m2IfGenericPacketCount;
- pM2Id->m2CtrUpdateRtn = m2IfCounterUpdate;
- pM2Id->m2VarUpdateRtn = m2IfVariableUpdate;
- return (pM2Id);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- *
- * m2IfFree - free an interface data structure
- *
- * This routine frees the given M2_ID. Note if the driver is not an RFC 2233
- * driver then the M2_ID is NULL and this function simply returns.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK if successful, ERROR otherwise
- */
- STATUS m2IfFree
- (
- M2_ID * pId /* pointer to the driver's M2_ID object */
- )
- {
- if (pId == NULL)
- {
- return ERROR;
- }
- else
- {
- KHEAP_FREE((char *)pId);
- return OK;
- }
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- *
- * m2IfIncr32Bit - increment a 32 bit interface counter
- *
- * This function is used to increment an interface counter. The counter
- * to update is pointed to by pStat and amount specifies how much to increment
- * the counter. If the counter would roll-over if incremented by the amount,
- * the the ifCounterDiscontinuityTime is set to the system uptime.
- *
- */
- LOCAL void m2IfIncr32Bit
- (
- M2_DATA * pMib2Data, /* pointer to interface stat struct */
- ULONG * pStat, /* pointer to the counter to update */
- ULONG amount /* amount to update the counter */
- )
- {
- #ifdef notdef
- if (*pStat > UINT_MAX)
- {
- *pStat = UINT_MAX;
- }
- if ((UINT_MAX - *pStat) < amount)
- {
- *pStat = UINT_MAX;
- pMib2Data->mibXIfTbl.ifCounterDiscontinuityTime = centiSecsGet();
- }
- else
- {
- *pStat += amount;
- }
- #endif
- *pStat += amount;
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- *
- * m2IfIncr64Bit - increment a 64 bit interface counter
- *
- * This function is used to increment an interface counter. The counter
- * to update is pointed to by pStat and amount specifies how much to increment
- * the counter. If the counter would roll-over if incremented by the amount,
- * the the ifCounterDiscontinuityTime is set to the system uptime.
- *
- */
- LOCAL void m2IfIncr64Bit
- (
- M2_DATA * pMib2Data, /* pointer to interface stat struct */
- UI64 * pStat, /* pointer to the counter to update */
- ULONG amount /* amount to update the counter */
- )
- {
- UI64 u64Diff;
- UI64 u64Amount;
- if (UI64_COMP(pStat, &U64_MAX) >= 0)
- {
- UI64_COPY(pStat, &U64_MAX);
- }
- UI64_ZERO(&u64Diff);
- UI64_ZERO(&u64Amount);
- u64Amount.low = amount;
- UI64_SUB64(&u64Diff, &U64_MAX, pStat);
- if (UI64_COMP(&u64Diff, &u64Amount) < 0)
- {
- UI64_COPY(pStat, &U64_MAX);
- pMib2Data->mibXIfTbl.ifCounterDiscontinuityTime = centiSecsGet();
- }
- else
- {
- UI64_ADD32(pStat, amount);
- }
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- *
- * m2IfGenericPacketCount - increment the interface packet counters
- *
- * This function updates the basic interface counters for a packet. It knows
- * nothing of the underlying media. Thus, so only the 'ifInOctets',
- * 'ifHCInOctets', 'ifOutOctets', 'ifHCOutOctets', and
- * 'ifCounterDiscontinuityTime' variables are incremented. The <ctrl>
- * argument specifies whether the packet is being sent or just received
- *
- * RETURNS: ERROR if the M2_ID is NULL, OK if the counters were updated.
- */
- STATUS m2IfGenericPacketCount
- (
- M2_ID * pId, /* The pointer to the device M2_ID object */
- UINT ctrl, /* Update In or Out counters */
- UCHAR * pPkt, /* The incoming/outgoing packet */
- ULONG pktLen /* Length of the packet */
- )
- {
- M2_DATA * pMib2Data;
- if (pId == NULL)
- return ERROR;
- pMib2Data = &(pId->m2Data);
- switch (ctrl)
- {
- case M2_PACKET_IN:
- m2IfIncr32Bit(pMib2Data, &(pMib2Data->mibIfTbl.ifInOctets),
- pktLen);
- break;
- case M2_PACKET_OUT:
- m2IfIncr32Bit(pMib2Data, &(pMib2Data->mibIfTbl.ifOutOctets),
- pktLen);
- break;
- default:
- return ERROR;
- }
- return OK;
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- *
- * m2If8023PacketCount - increment the packet counters for an 802.3 device
- *
- * This function is used to update basic interface counters for a packet. The
- * ctrl argument specifies whether the packet is being sent or just received
- * (M2_PACKET_IN or M2_PACKET_OUT). This function only works for 802.3
- * devices as it understand the Ethernet packet format. The following counters
- * are updated:
- * ml
- * m -
- * ifInOctets
- * m -
- * ifInUcastPkts
- * m -
- * ifInNUcastPkts
- * m -
- * ifOutOctets
- * m -
- * ifOutUcastPkts
- * m -
- * ifOutNUcastPkts
- * m -
- * ifInMulticastPkts
- * m -
- * ifInBroadcastPkts
- * m -
- * ifOutMulticastPkts
- * m -
- * ifOutBroadcastPkts
- * m -
- * ifHCInOctets
- * m -
- * ifHCInUcastPkts
- * m -
- * ifHCOutOctets
- * m -
- * ifHCOutUcastPkts
- * m -
- * ifHCInMulticastPkts
- * m -
- * ifHCInBroadcastPkts
- * m -
- * ifHCOutMulticastPkts
- * m -
- * ifHCOutBroadcastPkts
- * m -
- * ifCounterDiscontinuityTime
- * me
- * This function should be called right after the netMblkToBufCopy() function
- * has been completed. The first 6 bytes in the resulting buffer must contain
- * the destination MAC address and the second 6 bytes of the buffer must
- * contain the source MAC address.
- *
- * The type of MAC address (i.e. broadcast, multicast, or unicast) is
- * determined by the following:
- * ml
- * m broadcast address:
- * ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
- * m multicast address:
- * first bit is set
- * m unicast address:
- * any other address not matching the above
- * me
- * RETURNS: ERROR, if the M2_ID is NULL, or the ctrl is invalid; OK, if
- * the counters were updated.
- */
- STATUS m2If8023PacketCount
- (
- M2_ID * pId, /* The pointer to the device M2_ID object */
- UINT ctrl, /* Update In or Out counters */
- UCHAR * pPkt, /* The incoming/outgoing packet */
- ULONG pktLen /* Length of the packet */
- )
- {
- M2_DATA * pMib2Data;
- UCHAR pBcastAddr[6] = { 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff };
- UCHAR mcastBit = 0x01;
- USHORT *pSrc, *pDst;
- if (pId == NULL)
- return ERROR;
- pMib2Data = &(pId->m2Data);
- pDst = (USHORT *)pBcastAddr;
- pSrc = (USHORT *)pPkt;
- switch (ctrl)
- {
- case M2_PACKET_IN:
- {
- m2IfIncr32Bit(pMib2Data, &(pMib2Data->mibIfTbl.ifInOctets),
- pktLen);
- /* the first 6 bytes is the destination MAC address */
- if (*pPkt & mcastBit) /* multicast address */
- {
- if (pSrc[0] == pDst[0] &&
- pSrc[1] == pDst[1] &&
- pSrc[2] == pDst[2])
- m2IfIncr32Bit(pMib2Data, /* broadcast address */
- &(pMib2Data->mibXIfTbl.ifInBroadcastPkts), 1);
- else
- m2IfIncr32Bit(pMib2Data,
- &(pMib2Data->mibXIfTbl.ifInMulticastPkts), 1);
- m2IfIncr32Bit(pMib2Data,
- &(pMib2Data->mibIfTbl.ifInNUcastPkts), 1);
- }
- else /* unicast address */
- {
- m2IfIncr32Bit(pMib2Data,
- &(pMib2Data->mibIfTbl.ifInUcastPkts), 1);
- }
- break;
- }
- case M2_PACKET_OUT:
- {
- m2IfIncr32Bit(pMib2Data, &(pMib2Data->mibIfTbl.ifOutOctets),
- pktLen);
- /* the first 6 bytes is the destination MAC address */
- if (*pPkt & mcastBit) /* multicast address */
- {
- if (pSrc[0] == pDst[0] &&
- pSrc[1] == pDst[1] &&
- pSrc[2] == pDst[2])
- m2IfIncr32Bit(pMib2Data,
- &(pMib2Data->mibXIfTbl.ifOutBroadcastPkts), 1);
- else
- m2IfIncr32Bit(pMib2Data,
- &(pMib2Data->mibXIfTbl.ifOutMulticastPkts), 1);
- m2IfIncr32Bit(pMib2Data,
- &(pMib2Data->mibIfTbl.ifOutNUcastPkts), 1);
- }
- else /* unicast address */
- {
- m2IfIncr32Bit(pMib2Data,
- &(pMib2Data->mibIfTbl.ifOutUcastPkts), 1);
- }
- break;
- }
- default:
- return ERROR;
- }
- return OK;
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- *
- * m2IfCounterUpdate - increment interface counters
- *
- * This function is used to directly update an interface counter. The counter
- * is specified by <ctrId> and the amount to increment it is specified by value.
- * If the counter would roll over then the 'ifCounterDiscontinuityTime' is
- * updated with the current system uptime.
- *
- * RETURNS: ERROR if the M2_ID is NULL, OK if the counter was updated.
- */
- STATUS m2IfCounterUpdate
- (
- M2_ID * pId, /* The pointer to the device M2_ID object */
- UINT ctrId, /* Counter to update */
- ULONG value /* Amount to update the counter by */
- )
- {
- M2_DATA * pMib2Data;
- if (pId == NULL)
- return ERROR;
- pMib2Data = &(pId->m2Data);
- switch (ctrId)
- {
- case M2_ctrId_ifInOctets:
- m2IfIncr32Bit(pMib2Data, &(pMib2Data->mibIfTbl.ifInOctets),
- value);
- break;
- case M2_ctrId_ifInUcastPkts:
- m2IfIncr32Bit(pMib2Data, &(pMib2Data->mibIfTbl.ifInUcastPkts),
- value);
- break;
- case M2_ctrId_ifInNUcastPkts:
- m2IfIncr32Bit(pMib2Data, &(pMib2Data->mibIfTbl.ifInNUcastPkts),
- value);
- break;
- case M2_ctrId_ifInDiscards:
- m2IfIncr32Bit(pMib2Data, &(pMib2Data->mibIfTbl.ifInDiscards),
- value);
- break;
- case M2_ctrId_ifInErrors:
- m2IfIncr32Bit(pMib2Data, &(pMib2Data->mibIfTbl.ifInErrors),
- value);
- break;
- case M2_ctrId_ifInUnknownProtos:
- m2IfIncr32Bit(pMib2Data, &(pMib2Data->mibIfTbl.ifInUnknownProtos),
- value);
- break;
- case M2_ctrId_ifOutOctets:
- m2IfIncr32Bit(pMib2Data, &(pMib2Data->mibIfTbl.ifOutOctets),
- value);
- break;
- case M2_ctrId_ifOutUcastPkts:
- m2IfIncr32Bit(pMib2Data, &(pMib2Data->mibIfTbl.ifOutUcastPkts),
- value);
- break;
- case M2_ctrId_ifOutNUcastPkts:
- m2IfIncr32Bit(pMib2Data, &(pMib2Data->mibIfTbl.ifOutNUcastPkts),
- value);
- break;
- case M2_ctrId_ifOutDiscards:
- m2IfIncr32Bit(pMib2Data, &(pMib2Data->mibIfTbl.ifOutDiscards),
- value);
- break;
- case M2_ctrId_ifOutErrors:
- m2IfIncr32Bit(pMib2Data, &(pMib2Data->mibIfTbl.ifOutErrors),
- value);
- break;
- case M2_ctrId_ifInMulticastPkts:
- m2IfIncr32Bit(pMib2Data, &(pMib2Data->mibXIfTbl.ifInMulticastPkts),
- value);
- break;
- case M2_ctrId_ifInBroadcastPkts:
- m2IfIncr32Bit(pMib2Data, &(pMib2Data->mibXIfTbl.ifInBroadcastPkts),
- value);
- break;
- case M2_ctrId_ifOutMulticastPkts:
- m2IfIncr32Bit(pMib2Data, &(pMib2Data->mibXIfTbl.ifOutMulticastPkts),
- value);
- break;
- case M2_ctrId_ifOutBroadcastPkts:
- m2IfIncr32Bit(pMib2Data, &(pMib2Data->mibXIfTbl.ifOutBroadcastPkts),
- value);
- break;
- case M2_ctrId_ifHCInOctets:
- m2IfIncr64Bit(pMib2Data, &(pMib2Data->mibXIfTbl.ifHCInOctets),
- value);
- break;
- case M2_ctrId_ifHCInUcastPkts:
- m2IfIncr64Bit(pMib2Data, &(pMib2Data->mibXIfTbl.ifHCInUcastPkts),
- value);
- break;
- case M2_ctrId_ifHCInMulticastPkts:
- m2IfIncr64Bit(pMib2Data,
- &(pMib2Data->mibXIfTbl.ifHCInMulticastPkts), value);
- break;
- case M2_ctrId_ifHCInBroadcastPkts:
- m2IfIncr64Bit(pMib2Data,
- &(pMib2Data->mibXIfTbl.ifHCInBroadcastPkts), value);
- break;
- case M2_ctrId_ifHCOutOctets:
- m2IfIncr64Bit(pMib2Data,
- &(pMib2Data->mibXIfTbl.ifHCOutOctets), value);
- break;
- case M2_ctrId_ifHCOutUcastPkts:
- m2IfIncr64Bit(pMib2Data,
- &(pMib2Data->mibXIfTbl.ifHCOutUcastPkts), value);
- break;
- case M2_ctrId_ifHCOutMulticastPkts:
- m2IfIncr64Bit(pMib2Data,
- &(pMib2Data->mibXIfTbl.ifHCOutMulticastPkts), value);
- break;
- case M2_ctrId_ifHCOutBroadcastPkts:
- m2IfIncr64Bit(pMib2Data,
- &(pMib2Data->mibXIfTbl.ifHCOutBroadcastPkts), value);
- break;
- default:
- return ERROR;
- }
- return OK;
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- *
- * m2IfVariableUpdate - update the contents of an interface non-counter object
- *
- * This function is used to update an interface variable. The variable is
- * specified by varId and the data to use is specified by pData. Note that
- * different variable expect different types of data. Here is a list of the
- * variables and the type of data expected. Therefore, pData will be cast to
- * the type listed below for each variable.
- * ts
- * Variable | Casted to Type
- * ----------------------------------------
- * ifDescr | char *
- * ifType | UINT
- * ifMtu | ULONG
- * ifSpeed | ULONG
- * ifPhysAddress | M2_PHYADDR *
- * ifAdminStatus | ULONG
- * ifOperStatus | ULONG
- * ifLastChange | ULONG
- * ifOutQLen | ULONG
- * ifSpecific | M2_OBJECTID *
- * ifName | char *
- * ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable | UINT
- * ifHighSpeed | ULONG
- * ifPromiscuousMode | UINT
- * ifConnectorPresent | UINT
- * ifAlias | char *
- * te
- * RETURNS: ERROR, if the M2_ID is NULL; OK, if the variable was updated.
- */
- STATUS m2IfVariableUpdate
- (
- M2_ID * pId, /* The pointer to the device M2_ID object */
- UINT varId, /* Variable to update */
- caddr_t pData /* Data to use */
- )
- {
- M2_DATA * pMib2Data;
- if (pId == NULL)
- return ERROR;
- pMib2Data = &(pId->m2Data);
- switch (varId)
- {
- case M2_varId_ifDescr:
- strcpy(pMib2Data->mibIfTbl.ifDescr, (char *)pData);
- break;
- case M2_varId_ifType:
- pMib2Data->mibIfTbl.ifType = (UINT)pData;
- break;
- case M2_varId_ifMtu:
- pMib2Data->mibIfTbl.ifMtu = (ULONG)pData;
- break;
- case M2_varId_ifSpeed:
- pMib2Data->mibIfTbl.ifSpeed = (ULONG)pData;
- break;
- case M2_varId_ifPhysAddress:
- memcpy(&(pMib2Data->mibIfTbl.ifPhysAddress), (M2_PHYADDR *)pData,
- sizeof(M2_PHYADDR));
- break;
- case M2_varId_ifAdminStatus:
- pMib2Data->mibIfTbl.ifAdminStatus = (ULONG)pData;
- break;
- case M2_varId_ifOperStatus:
- pMib2Data->mibIfTbl.ifOperStatus = (ULONG)pData;
- break;
- case M2_varId_ifLastChange:
- pMib2Data->mibIfTbl.ifLastChange = (ULONG)pData;
- break;
- case M2_varId_ifOutQLen:
- pMib2Data->mibIfTbl.ifOutQLen = (ULONG)pData;
- break;
- case M2_varId_ifSpecific:
- memcpy(&(pMib2Data->mibIfTbl.ifSpecific), (M2_OBJECTID *)pData,
- sizeof(M2_OBJECTID));
- break;
- case M2_varId_ifName:
- strcpy(pMib2Data->mibXIfTbl.ifName, (char *)pData);
- break;
- case M2_varId_ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable:
- pMib2Data->mibXIfTbl.ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable = (UINT)pData;
- break;
- case M2_varId_ifHighSpeed:
- pMib2Data->mibXIfTbl.ifHighSpeed = (ULONG)pData;
- break;
- case M2_varId_ifPromiscuousMode:
- pMib2Data->mibXIfTbl.ifPromiscuousMode = (UINT)pData;
- break;
- case M2_varId_ifConnectorPresent:
- pMib2Data->mibXIfTbl.ifConnectorPresent = (UINT)pData;
- break;
- case M2_varId_ifAlias:
- strcpy(pMib2Data->mibXIfTbl.ifAlias, (char *)pData);
- break;
- default:
- return ERROR;
- }
- return OK;
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- *
- * m2IfPktCountRtnInstall - install an interface packet counter routine
- *
- * This function installs a routine in the M2_ID. This routine is a packet
- * counter which is able to update all the interface counters.
- *
- * RETURNS: ERROR if the M2_ID is NULL, OK if the routine was installed.
- */
- STATUS m2IfPktCountRtnInstall
- (
- M2_ID * pId,
- )
- {
- if (pId == NULL)
- return ERROR;
- pId->m2PktCountRtn = pRtn;
- return OK;
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- *
- * m2IfCtrUpdateRtnInstall - install an interface counter update routine
- *
- * This function installs a routine in the M2_ID. This routine is able to
- * update a single specified interface counter.
- *
- * RETURNS: ERROR if the M2_ID is NULL, OK if the routine was installed.
- */
- STATUS m2IfCtrUpdateRtnInstall
- (
- M2_ID * pId,
- )
- {
- if (pId == NULL)
- return ERROR;
- pId->m2CtrUpdateRtn = pRtn;
- return OK;
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- *
- * m2IfVarUpdateRtnInstall - install an interface variable update routine
- *
- * This function installs a routine in the M2_ID. This routine is able to
- * update a single specified interface variable.
- *
- * RETURNS: ERROR if the M2_ID is NULL, OK if the routine was installed.
- */
- STATUS m2IfVarUpdateRtnInstall
- (
- M2_ID * pId,
- )
- {
- if (pId == NULL)
- return ERROR;
- pId->m2VarUpdateRtn = pRtn;
- return OK;
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * centiSecsGet - get hundreds of a second
- *
- * The number of hundreds of a second that have passed since this routine was
- * first called.
- *
- * RETURNS: Hundreds of a second since the group was initialized.
- *
- */
- LOCAL unsigned long centiSecsGet (void)
- {
- unsigned long currCentiSecs;
- unsigned long clkRate = sysClkRateGet ();
- if (startCentiSecs == 0)
- startCentiSecs = (tickGet () * 100) / clkRate;
- currCentiSecs = (tickGet () * 100) / clkRate;
- return (currCentiSecs - startCentiSecs);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * m2IfInit - initialize MIB-II interface-group routines
- *
- * This routine allocates the resources needed to allow access to the
- * MIB-II interface-group variables. This routine must be called before any
- * interface variables can be accessed. The input parameter <pTrapRtn> is an
- * optional pointer to a user-supplied SNMP trap generator. The input parameter
- * <pTrapArg> is an optional argument to the trap generator. Only one trap
- * generator is supported.
- *
- * Under VxWorks AE, you can call m2IfInit() from within the kernel
- * protection domain only, and the data referenced in the <pTrapRtn> and
- * <pTrapArg> parameters must reside in the kernel protection domain.
- * This restriction does not apply to non-AE versions of VxWorks.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, if successful; ERROR, if an error occurred.
- *
- * ERRNO:
- *
- * m2IfGroupInfoGet(), m2IfTblEntryGet(), m2IfTblEntrySet(), m2IfDelete()
- */
- STATUS m2IfInit
- (
- FUNCPTR pTrapRtn, /* pointer to user trap generator */
- void * pTrapArg /* pointer to user trap generator argument */
- )
- {
- /* add hooks for if.c */
- _m2SetIfLastChange = (FUNCPTR) m2SetIfLastChange;
- _m2IfTableUpdate = (FUNCPTR) m2IfTableUpdate;
- /* Create the Interface semaphore */
- if (m2InterfaceSem == NULL)
- {
- m2InterfaceSem = semMCreate (SEM_Q_PRIORITY | SEM_INVERSION_SAFE |
- if (m2InterfaceSem == NULL)
- {
- errnoSet (S_m2Lib_CANT_CREATE_IF_SEM);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- }
- /* Take the interface semaphore, and initialize group global variables */
- semTake (m2InterfaceSem, WAIT_FOREVER);
- pM2TrapRtn = pTrapRtn;
- pM2TrapRtnArg = pTrapArg;
- _ifTableLastChange = 0;
- _ifStackLastChange = 0;
- #else /* VIRTUAL_STACK */
- ifTableLastChange = 0;
- ifStackLastChange = 0;
- #endif /* VIRTUAL_STACK */
- semGive (m2InterfaceSem);
- (void) centiSecsGet (); /* Initialize group time reference */
- return (OK);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- *
- * m2IfTableUpdate - insert or remove an entry in the ifTable
- *
- * This routine is called by if_attach and if_detach to insert/remove
- * an entry from the local m2IfLib ifTable. The status can be either
- * M2_IF_TABLE_INSERT or M2_IF_TABLE_REMOVE. The ifIndex that is searched
- * for in the AVL tree is specified in given the ifnet struct.
- * <if_ioctl> is a function pointer to change the flags on the interface.
- * <addr_get> is a function pointer to add the interface's addresses to
- * ifRcvAddressTable. Ethernet interfaces can use NULL for both function
- * pointers, other interfaces will need to pass an appropriate function.
- *
- * RETURNS: ERROR if entry does not exist, OK if the entry was deleted
- */
- STATUS m2IfTableUpdate
- (
- struct ifnet * pIfNet,
- UINT status, /* attaching or detaching */
- int (*if_ioctl) /* protocol specific ioctl or null for default (ethernet) */
- (struct socket*,u_long,caddr_t),
- STATUS (*addr_get) /* func to grab the interface's addrs, null for default (ethernet) */
- (struct ifnet*, M2_IFINDEX*)
- )
- {
- UINT index;
- M2_IFINDEX * pIfIndex;
- M2_IFSTACKTBL * pIfStackTbl;
- M2_IFRCVADDRTBL * pIfRcvAddrTbl;
- M2_ID * pM2Id = NULL;
- long * pFlags = NULL;
- index = pIfNet->if_index;
- switch (status)
- {
- {
- pIfIndex = KHEAP_ALLOC(sizeof(M2_IFINDEX));
- if (!pIfIndex)
- return ERROR;
- memset(pIfIndex, 0, sizeof(M2_IFINDEX));
- pIfIndex->ifIndex = index;
- pIfIndex->pIfStats = pIfNet;
- /* Set the MIB style flag */
- pFlags = (long *) ifnetToEndFieldsGet (pIfNet, END_OBJ_FLAGS);
- if (pFlags)
- {
- if (*pFlags & END_MIB_2233)
- pIfIndex->mibStyle = TRUE;
- else
- pIfIndex->mibStyle = FALSE;
- }
- if (if_ioctl) /* use supplied ioctl */
- {
- pIfIndex->ifIoctl = if_ioctl;
- }
- else /* default */
- {
- pIfIndex->ifIoctl = ifioctl;
- }
- if (addr_get)
- {
- pIfIndex->rcvAddrGet = addr_get;
- }
- else
- {
- pIfIndex->rcvAddrGet = rcvEtherAddrGet;
- }
- /* Set Interface OID to default */
- memcpy(pIfIndex->ifOid.idArray, ifZeroObjectId.idArray,
- ifZeroObjectId.idLength * sizeof(long));
- pIfIndex->ifOid.idLength = ifZeroObjectId.idLength;
- /* Fill in the unicast and the multicast addresses */
- (*pIfIndex->rcvAddrGet)(pIfNet, pIfIndex);
- semTake (m2InterfaceSem, WAIT_FOREVER);
- /* Insert the node in the tree */
- if (avlInsert(pM2IfRootPtr, pIfIndex, (GENERIC_ARGUMENT)index,
- nextIndex) != OK)
- {
- semGive (m2InterfaceSem);
- KHEAP_FREE((char *)pIfIndex);
- return ERROR;
- }
- m2IfCount++;
- ifsInList = index;
- _ifTableLastChange = centiSecsGet();
- #else /* VIRTUAL_STACK */
- ifTableLastChange = centiSecsGet();
- #endif /* VIRTUAL_STACK */
- semGive (m2InterfaceSem);
- if (pM2TrapRtn != NULL)
- {
- (*pM2TrapRtn)(M2_LINK_UP_TRAP,
- pIfIndex->ifIndex, pM2TrapRtnArg);
- }
- return OK;
- }
- {
- semTake (m2InterfaceSem, WAIT_FOREVER);
- /* Remove the node from the tree */
- if ((pIfIndex = (M2_IFINDEX *)avlDelete(pM2IfRootPtr,
- nextIndex)) == NULL)
- {
- semGive (m2InterfaceSem);
- return ERROR;
- }
- pIfStackTbl = pIfIndex->pNextLower;
- while (pIfStackTbl != NULL)
- {
- pTempS = pIfStackTbl;
- pIfStackTbl = pIfStackTbl->pNextLower;
- KHEAP_FREE((char *)pTempS);
- }
- pIfRcvAddrTbl = pIfIndex->pRcvAddr;
- while (pIfRcvAddrTbl != NULL)
- {
- pTempR = pIfRcvAddrTbl;
- pIfRcvAddrTbl = pIfRcvAddrTbl->pNextEntry;
- KHEAP_FREE((char *)pTempR);
- }
- KHEAP_FREE((char *)pIfIndex);
- m2IfCount--;
- _ifTableLastChange = centiSecsGet();
- #else /* VIRTUAL_STACK */
- ifTableLastChange = centiSecsGet();
- #endif /* VIRTUAL_STACK */
- semGive (m2InterfaceSem);
- if ( (pM2TrapRtn != NULL) && (pIfNet->if_ioctl != NULL) &&
- ((*pIfNet->if_ioctl)(pIfNet, SIOCGMIB2233,
- (caddr_t)&pM2Id) == 0) )
- {
- if (pM2Id->m2Data.mibXIfTbl.ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable
- {
- (*pM2TrapRtn)(M2_LINK_DOWN_TRAP,
- pIfIndex->ifIndex, pM2TrapRtnArg);
- }
- }
- return OK;
- }
- default:
- return ERROR;
- }
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * rcvEtherAddrGet - populate the rcvAddr fields for the ifRcvAddressTable
- *
- * This function needs to be called to add all physical addresses for which an
- * interface may receive or send packets. This includes unicast and multicast
- * addresses. The address is inserted into the linked list maintained in the
- * AVL node corresponding to the interface. Given the ifnet struct and the
- * AVL node corresponding to the interface, this function goes through all the
- * physical addresses associated with this interface and adds them into the
- * linked list.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, if successful; ERROR, otherwise.
- */
- STATUS rcvEtherAddrGet
- (
- struct ifnet * pIfNet, /* pointer to the interface's ifnet */
- M2_IFINDEX * pIfIndexEntry /* avl node */
- )
- {
- struct arpcom * pIfArpcom = (struct arpcom*) pIfNet;
- unsigned char * pEnetAddr = pIfArpcom->ac_enaddr;
- LIST * pMCastList = NULL;
- ETHER_MULTI * pEtherMulti = NULL;
- /* Copy the list of mcast addresses */
- if ( (pIfArpcom->ac_if.if_ioctl != NULL) &&
- ((*pIfArpcom->ac_if.if_ioctl)((struct ifnet *)pIfArpcom,
- SIOCGMCASTLIST, (caddr_t)&pMCastList) != 0) )
- {
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* First create the entry for the unicast address */
- rcvEtherAddrAdd (pIfIndexEntry, pEnetAddr);
- /* Loop thru the mcast linked list and add the addresses */
- for ( pEtherMulti = (ETHER_MULTI *) lstFirst (pMCastList);
- pEtherMulti != NULL;
- pEtherMulti = (ETHER_MULTI *) lstNext ((NODE *)pEtherMulti) )
- {
- rcvEtherAddrAdd (pIfIndexEntry, (unsigned char *)pEtherMulti->addr);
- }
- return (OK);
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- *
- * rcvEtherAddrAdd - add a physical address into the linked list
- *
- * This function is a helper function for rcvEtherAddrGet. It is called to
- * add a single physical address into the linked list of addresses maintained
- * by the AVL node.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, if successful; ERROR, otherwise.
- */
- STATUS rcvEtherAddrAdd
- (
- M2_IFINDEX * pIfIndexEntry, /* the avl node */
- unsigned char * pEnetAddr /* the addr to be added */
- )
- {
- M2_IFRCVADDRTBL ** ppTemp = &pIfIndexEntry->pRcvAddr;
- if (pEnetAddr)
- {
- pIfRcvAddr = KHEAP_ALLOC(sizeof (M2_IFRCVADDRTBL));
- if (!pIfRcvAddr)
- return ERROR;
- bcopy (pEnetAddr, pIfRcvAddr->ifRcvAddrAddr.phyAddress, ETHERADDRLEN);
- pIfRcvAddr->ifRcvAddrAddr.addrLength = ETHERADDRLEN;
- pIfRcvAddr->ifRcvAddrStatus = ROW_ACTIVE;
- pIfRcvAddr->ifRcvAddrType = STORAGE_NONVOLATILE;
- pIfRcvAddr->pNextEntry = NULL;
- if (pIfIndexEntry->pRcvAddr)
- {
- while (*ppTemp)
- {
- if (memcmp (pEnetAddr, (*ppTemp)->ifRcvAddrAddr.phyAddress,
- {
- ppTemp = &(*ppTemp)->pNextEntry;
- continue;
- }
- else
- {
- pIfRcvAddr->pNextEntry = *ppTemp;
- break;
- }
- *ppTemp = pIfRcvAddr;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- pIfIndexEntry->pRcvAddr = pIfRcvAddr;
- }
- return (OK);
- }
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * m2IfTblEntryGet - get a MIB-II interface-group table entry
- *
- * This routine maps the MIB-II interface index to the system's internal
- * interface index. The internal representation is in the form of a balanced
- * AVL tree indexed by ifIndex of the interface. The <search> parameter is
- * set to either M2_EXACT_VALUE or M2_NEXT_VALUE; for a discussion of its use, see
- * the manual entry for m2Lib. The interface table values are returned in a
- * structure of type M2_DATA, which is passed as the second argument to this
- * routine.
- *
- * OK, or ERROR if the input parameter is not specified, or a match is not found.
- *
- * ERRNO:
- *
- * m2Lib, m2IfInit(), m2IfGroupInfoGet(), m2IfTblEntrySet(), m2IfDelete()
- */
- STATUS m2IfTblEntryGet
- (
- int search, /* M2_EXACT_VALUE or M2_NEXT_VALUE */
- void * pIfReqEntry /* pointer to requested interface entry */
- )
- {
- M2_IFINDEX * pIfIndexEntry = NULL;
- struct ifnet * pIfNetEntry = NULL;
- int index;
- M2_ID * pM2Id = NULL;
- M2_DATA * pM2Entry = (M2_DATA *)pIfReqEntry;
- M2_NETDRVCNFG ifDrvCnfg;
- /* Validate pointer to requeste structure */
- if (pIfReqEntry == NULL)
- {
- errnoSet (S_m2Lib_INVALID_PARAMETER);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- semTake (m2InterfaceSem, WAIT_FOREVER);
- /*
- * For a M2_EXACT_VALUE search, look up the index provided in the
- * request and get the node from our internal tree. For a
- * M2_NEXT_VALUE search, look up the successor of this node.
- */
- /* First, Validate the bounds of the requested index */
- index = pM2Entry->mibIfTbl.ifIndex;
- if (index > ifsInList || index < 0)
- {
- semGive (m2InterfaceSem);
- errnoSet (S_m2Lib_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* Check to see if it is a EXACT search or a next search */
- if (search == M2_EXACT_VALUE)
- {
- pIfIndexEntry = (M2_IFINDEX *) avlSearch (pM2IfRoot,
- (GENERIC_ARGUMENT)index, nextIndex);
- }
- else
- {
- pIfIndexEntry = (M2_IFINDEX *) avlSuccessorGet (pM2IfRoot,
- (GENERIC_ARGUMENT)index, nextIndex);
- }
- if (!pIfIndexEntry)
- {
- semGive (m2InterfaceSem);
- errnoSet (S_m2Lib_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* Get the pointer to the ifnet struct for this ifIndex */
- pIfNetEntry = (struct ifnet *) pIfIndexEntry->pIfStats;
- /* Get the interface data from the driver via the Ioctl */
- if (pIfIndexEntry->mibStyle == TRUE)
- {
- /* Call the RFC 2233 Ioctl */
- if ( (pIfNetEntry->if_ioctl != NULL) &&
- ((*pIfNetEntry->if_ioctl)(pIfNetEntry, SIOCGMIB2233,
- (caddr_t)&pM2Id) != 0) )
- {
- /* ioctl failed, copy default values and return */
- m2IfDefaultValsGet (pM2Entry, pIfIndexEntry);
- pM2Entry->mibIfTbl.ifIndex = pIfIndexEntry->ifIndex;
- m2IfCommonValsGet (pM2Entry, pIfIndexEntry);
- semGive(m2InterfaceSem);
- return (OK);
- }
- memcpy ((char *)pM2Entry, (char *)&pM2Id->m2Data, sizeof (M2_DATA));
- pM2Entry->mibIfTbl.ifIndex = pIfIndexEntry->ifIndex;
- semGive (m2InterfaceSem);
- return (OK);
- }
- else
- {
- /* Declare variables for RFC 1213 support */
- M2_INTERFACETBL * pM2IntTblEntry = &pM2Entry->mibIfTbl;
- M2_NETDRVCNTRS m2DrvCounters;
- bzero ((char *)pM2IntTblEntry, sizeof (M2_INTERFACETBL));
- /* Enter some of the values that we already know */
- pM2IntTblEntry->ifIndex = pIfIndexEntry->ifIndex;
- /* Do what we used to do before for the RFC 1213 only counters */
- if ( (pIfNetEntry->if_ioctl != NULL) &&
- ((*pIfNetEntry->if_ioctl)(pIfNetEntry, SIOCGMIB2CNTRS,
- (caddr_t)&m2DrvCounters) != 0) )
- {
- m2IfDefaultValsGet (pM2Entry, pIfIndexEntry);
- }
- else
- {
- /* Fill parameters with driver counters */
- m2IfDefaultValsGet (pM2Entry, pIfIndexEntry);
- pM2IntTblEntry->ifSpeed = m2DrvCounters.ifSpeed;
- pM2IntTblEntry->ifInOctets = m2DrvCounters.ifInOctets;
- pM2IntTblEntry->ifInDiscards = m2DrvCounters.ifInDiscards;
- pM2IntTblEntry->ifInUnknownProtos = m2DrvCounters.ifInUnknownProtos;
- pM2IntTblEntry->ifOutOctets = m2DrvCounters.ifOutOctets;
- pM2IntTblEntry->ifOutDiscards = m2DrvCounters.ifOutDiscards;
- /* We can now do the second ioctl to get drv cnfg params */
- if ( (*pIfNetEntry->if_ioctl) &&
- ((*pIfNetEntry->if_ioctl)(pIfNetEntry, SIOCGMIB2CNFG,
- (caddr_t)&ifDrvCnfg) == 0) )
- {
- /* Copy the ifType and the ifSpecific values */
- pM2IntTblEntry->ifType = ifDrvCnfg.ifType;
- if (ifDrvCnfg.ifSpecific.idLength > 0)
- {
- bcopy (((char *) ifDrvCnfg.ifSpecific.idArray),
- ((char *) pM2IntTblEntry->ifSpecific.idArray),
- ifDrvCnfg.ifSpecific.idLength * sizeof (long));
- pM2IntTblEntry->ifSpecific.idLength =
- ifDrvCnfg.ifSpecific.idLength;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /*
- * no info from ioctl, make an educated guess at
- * the driver configuration
- */
- if (strncmp(pIfNetEntry->if_name, "lo", 2) == 0)
- {
- /* IP Loop back interface. */
- pM2IntTblEntry->ifType =
- M2_ifType_softwareLoopback;
- pM2IntTblEntry->ifSpeed = 0;
- }
- else
- if (strncmp(pIfNetEntry->if_name, "sl", 2) == 0)
- {
- /* Slip Network Interface */
- pM2IntTblEntry->ifType = M2_ifType_slip;
- pM2IntTblEntry->ifSpeed = 19200; /* Baud Rate ??? */
- }
- else
- if (strncmp(pIfNetEntry->if_name, "ppp", 3) == 0)
- {
- /* PPP Network Interface */
- pM2IntTblEntry->ifType = M2_ifType_ppp;
- pM2IntTblEntry->ifSpeed = 19200; /* Baud Rate ??? */
- }
- else
- {
- /* Use Ethernet parameters as defaults */
- pM2IntTblEntry->ifType =
- M2_ifType_ethernet_csmacd;
- pM2IntTblEntry->ifSpeed = 10000000;
- }
- }
- }
- /* Fill in the other parameters */
- m2IfCommonValsGet (pM2Entry, pIfIndexEntry);
- }
- semGive (m2InterfaceSem);
- return (OK);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * m2IfDefaultValsGet - get the default values for the counters
- *
- * This function fills the given struct with the default values as
- * specified in the RFC. We will enter this routine only if the ioctl
- * to the driver fails.
- *
- * RETURNS: n/a
- */
- void m2IfDefaultValsGet
- (
- M2_DATA * pM2Data, /* The requested entry */
- M2_IFINDEX * pIfIndexEntry /* The ifindex node */
- )
- {
- struct ifnet * pIfNetEntry = (struct ifnet *)pIfIndexEntry->pIfStats;
- /* We will check only for loopback here */
- if (strncmp(pIfNetEntry->if_name, "lo", 2) == 0)
- pM2Data->mibIfTbl.ifType = M2_ifType_softwareLoopback;
- else
- pM2Data->mibIfTbl.ifType = M2_ifType_other;
- if (pIfIndexEntry->mibStyle == TRUE)
- {
- pM2Data->mibIfTbl.ifInOctets = 0;
- pM2Data->mibIfTbl.ifInUcastPkts = 0;
- pM2Data->mibIfTbl.ifInNUcastPkts = 0;
- pM2Data->mibIfTbl.ifInDiscards = 0;
- pM2Data->mibIfTbl.ifInErrors = 0;
- pM2Data->mibIfTbl.ifInUnknownProtos = 0;
- pM2Data->mibIfTbl.ifOutOctets = 0;
- pM2Data->mibIfTbl.ifOutUcastPkts = 0;
- pM2Data->mibIfTbl.ifOutNUcastPkts = 0;
- pM2Data->mibIfTbl.ifOutDiscards = 0;
- pM2Data->mibIfTbl.ifOutErrors = 0;
- pM2Data->mibIfTbl.ifOutQLen = 0;
- }
- pM2Data->mibXIfTbl.ifInMulticastPkts = 0;
- pM2Data->mibXIfTbl.ifInBroadcastPkts = 0;
- pM2Data->mibXIfTbl.ifOutMulticastPkts = 0;
- pM2Data->mibXIfTbl.ifOutBroadcastPkts = 0;
- memset(&(pM2Data->mibXIfTbl.ifHCInOctets), 0, sizeof(UI64));
- memset(&(pM2Data->mibXIfTbl.ifHCInUcastPkts), 0, sizeof(UI64));
- memset(&(pM2Data->mibXIfTbl.ifHCInMulticastPkts), 0, sizeof(UI64));
- memset(&(pM2Data->mibXIfTbl.ifHCInBroadcastPkts), 0, sizeof(UI64));
- memset(&(pM2Data->mibXIfTbl.ifHCOutOctets), 0, sizeof(UI64));
- memset(&(pM2Data->mibXIfTbl.ifHCOutUcastPkts), 0, sizeof(UI64));
- memset(&(pM2Data->mibXIfTbl.ifHCOutMulticastPkts), 0, sizeof(UI64));
- memset(&(pM2Data->mibXIfTbl.ifHCOutBroadcastPkts), 0, sizeof(UI64));
- memset(pM2Data->mibXIfTbl.ifName, 0, M2DISPLAYSTRSIZE);
- pM2Data->mibXIfTbl.ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable = M2_LINK_UP_DOWN_TRAP_DISABLED;
- pM2Data->mibXIfTbl.ifHighSpeed = 0;
- pM2Data->mibXIfTbl.ifPromiscuousMode = M2_PROMISCUOUS_MODE_OFF;
- pM2Data->mibXIfTbl.ifConnectorPresent = M2_CONNECTOR_NOT_PRESENT;
- memset(pM2Data->mibXIfTbl.ifAlias, 0, M2DISPLAYSTRSIZE);
- pM2Data->mibXIfTbl.ifCounterDiscontinuityTime = 0;
- return;
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * m2IfCommonValsGet - get the common values
- *
- * This function updates the requested struct with all the data that is
- * independent of the driver ioctl. This information can be obtained
- * from the ifnet structures.
- *
- * RETURNS: n/a
- */
- void m2IfCommonValsGet
- (
- M2_DATA * pM2Data, /* The requested struct */
- M2_IFINDEX * pIfIndexEntry /* The ifindex node */
- )
- {
- struct ifnet * pIfNetEntry = (struct ifnet *)pIfIndexEntry->pIfStats;
- M2_INTERFACETBL * pM2IntTblEntry = &pM2Data->mibIfTbl;
- struct arpcom * pArpcomEntry = (struct arpcom *)pIfNetEntry;
- sprintf (pM2IntTblEntry->ifDescr, "%s%d",
- pIfNetEntry->if_name, pIfNetEntry->if_unit);
- if (!pM2IntTblEntry->ifSpecific.idLength)
- {
- memcpy (pM2IntTblEntry->ifSpecific.idArray, pIfIndexEntry->ifOid.idArray,
- ((int) pIfIndexEntry->ifOid.idLength * sizeof (long)));
- pM2IntTblEntry->ifSpecific.idLength = pIfIndexEntry->ifOid.idLength;
- }
- pM2IntTblEntry->ifMtu = pIfNetEntry->if_mtu;
- /* If the device does not have a hardware address set it to zero */
- if (pIfNetEntry->if_flags &
- {
- memset(&(pM2IntTblEntry->ifPhysAddress), 0, sizeof(M2_PHYADDR));
- }
- else
- {
- bcopy (((char *) pArpcomEntry->ac_enaddr),
- ((char *) pM2IntTblEntry->ifPhysAddress.phyAddress),
- pM2IntTblEntry->ifPhysAddress.addrLength = ETHERADDRLEN;
- }
- /* Get the ifAdminStatus, ifLastChange, and ifOperStatus */
- pM2IntTblEntry->ifAdminStatus = (((pIfNetEntry->if_flags & IFF_UP) != 0) ?
- M2_ifAdminStatus_up :
- M2_ifAdminStatus_down);
- /*
- pNetIf->netIfAdminStatus = pIfReqEntry->ifAdminStatus;
- pM2IntTblEntry->ifLastChange = pIfNetEntry->netIfLastChange;
- */
- pM2IntTblEntry->ifOperStatus = (((pIfNetEntry->if_flags & IFF_UP) != 0) ?
- M2_ifOperStatus_up : M2_ifOperStatus_down);
- if (pIfIndexEntry->mibStyle != TRUE)
- {
- pM2IntTblEntry->ifInUcastPkts = pIfNetEntry->if_ipackets -
- pIfNetEntry->if_imcasts;
- pM2IntTblEntry->ifInNUcastPkts = pIfNetEntry->if_imcasts;
- pM2IntTblEntry->ifInErrors = pIfNetEntry->if_ierrors;
- pM2IntTblEntry->ifOutUcastPkts = pIfNetEntry->if_opackets -
- pIfNetEntry->if_omcasts;
- pM2IntTblEntry->ifOutNUcastPkts= pIfNetEntry->if_omcasts;
- pM2IntTblEntry->ifOutErrors = pIfNetEntry->if_oerrors;
- pM2IntTblEntry->ifOutQLen = pIfNetEntry->if_snd.ifq_len;
- /*
- * XXX Due to inconsistant increment between ifInUnknownProtos by
- * muxReceive and if_noproto by do_protocol_with_type, this routine
- * will synchronize both statistics here. In future, these increments
- * should be consistantly updated at the same place.
- */
- pIfNetEntry->if_noproto = pM2IntTblEntry->ifInUnknownProtos; /* XXX */
- }
- return;
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * m2IfTblEntrySet - set the state of a MIB-II interface entry to UP or DOWN
- *
- * This routine selects the interface specified in the input parameter
- * <pIfReqEntry> and sets the interface parameters to the requested state.
- * It is the responsibility of the calling routine to set the interface
- * index, and to make sure that the state specified in the
- * `ifAdminStatus' field of the structure at <pIfTblEntry> is a valid
- * MIB-II state, up(1) or down(2).
- *
- * The fields that can be modified by this routine are the following:
- * ifAdminStatus, ifAlias, ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable and ifName.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if the input parameter is not specified, an interface
- * is no longer valid, the interface index is incorrect, or the ioctl() command
- * to the interface fails.
- *
- * ERRNO:
- *
- * m2IfInit(), m2IfGroupInfoGet(), m2IfTblEntryGet(), m2IfDelete()
- */
- STATUS m2IfTblEntrySet
- (
- void * pIfReqEntry /* pointer to requested entry to change */
- )
- {
- int index;
- M2_IFINDEX * pIfIndexEntry = NULL;
- struct ifnet * pIfNetEntry = NULL;
- struct ifreq ifReqChange;
- IF_SETENTRY * pM2Entry = (IF_SETENTRY *)pIfReqEntry;
- M2_ID * pM2Id = NULL;
- semTake (m2InterfaceSem, WAIT_FOREVER);
- /* Validate the bounds of the requested index */
- index = pM2Entry->ifIndex;
- if (index < 0 || index > ifsInList)
- {
- errnoSet (S_m2Lib_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND);
- semGive (m2InterfaceSem);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* Get the node associated with the index */
- pIfIndexEntry = (M2_IFINDEX *) avlSearch (pM2IfRoot,
- (GENERIC_ARGUMENT)index, nextIndex);
- if (!pIfIndexEntry)
- {
- semGive (m2InterfaceSem);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- pIfNetEntry = (struct ifnet *) pIfIndexEntry->pIfStats;
- /*
- * The only supported state changes for the interface are UP and DOWN.
- * The TEST case is not supported by the drivers.
- */
- if (pM2Entry->varToSet & M2_varId_ifAdminStatus)
- {
- if (pM2Entry->ifAdminStatus == M2_ifAdminStatus_up)
- {
- /*
- * If the driver is in the UP state, there is no need to send the
- * IOCTL command, otherwise format the IOCTL request.
- */
- if ( (pIfNetEntry->if_flags & IFF_UP) == 0)
- ifReqChange.ifr_flags = pIfNetEntry->if_flags | IFF_UP;
- else
- pM2Entry->varToSet =
- pM2Entry->varToSet & ~M2_varId_ifAdminStatus;
- }
- else
- {
- /*
- * If the driver is in the DOWN state, there is no need to send the
- * IOCTL command, otherwise format the IOCTL request.
- */
- if ((pIfNetEntry->if_flags & IFF_UP) != 0)
- ifReqChange.ifr_flags = pIfNetEntry->if_flags & ~IFF_UP;
- else
- pM2Entry->varToSet =
- pM2Entry->varToSet & ~M2_varId_ifAdminStatus;
- }
- /* Stop if no work is needed. */
- if (pM2Entry->varToSet == 0)
- {
- semGive (m2InterfaceSem);
- return (OK);
- }
- }
- /* Check to see if we have to set the promiscuous mode */
- if (pM2Entry->varToSet & M2_varId_ifPromiscuousMode)
- {
- if (pM2Entry->ifPromiscuousMode == M2_ifPromiscuousMode_on)
- ifReqChange.ifr_flags = pIfNetEntry->if_flags | IFF_PROMISC;
- else
- ifReqChange.ifr_flags = pIfNetEntry->if_flags & ~IFF_PROMISC;
- }
- /* Do we need to call the Ioctl as a result of any of the above */
- if (pM2Entry->varToSet & (M2_varId_ifAdminStatus |
- M2_varId_ifPromiscuousMode))
- {
- /*
- * The network semaphore is not taken for this operation because the
- * called routine takes the network semphore. Issue the IOCTL to the
- * driver routine, and verify that the request is honored.
- */
- sprintf (ifReqChange.ifr_name,"%s%d", pIfNetEntry->if_name,
- pIfNetEntry->if_unit);
- if ((*pIfIndexEntry->ifIoctl)(0, SIOCSIFFLAGS, (char *)&ifReqChange) != 0)
- {
- semGive (m2InterfaceSem);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- if ( (pIfNetEntry->if_ioctl != NULL) &&
- ((*pIfNetEntry->if_ioctl)(pIfNetEntry, SIOCGMIB2233,
- (caddr_t)&pM2Id) == OK) )
- {
- if (pM2Entry->varToSet & M2_varId_ifAdminStatus)
- {
- (*pM2Id->m2VarUpdateRtn)(pM2Id, M2_varId_ifAdminStatus,
- (caddr_t)pM2Entry->ifAdminStatus);
- }
- if (pM2Entry->varToSet & M2_varId_ifPromiscuousMode)
- {
- (*pM2Id->m2VarUpdateRtn)(pM2Id, M2_varId_ifPromiscuousMode,
- (caddr_t)pM2Entry->ifPromiscuousMode);
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /*
- * For the others, we have to get a pointer to the interface
- * table, so we call the SIOCSMIB2233 IOCTL and let the driver
- * call our appropriate set routine. In this case, the set
- * routine is m2IfSnmpSet().
- */
- if ( (pIfNetEntry->if_ioctl) &&
- ((*pIfNetEntry->if_ioctl) (pIfNetEntry, SIOCSMIB2233,
- (caddr_t)pIfReqEntry) != 0) )
- {
- semGive (m2InterfaceSem);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- }
- semGive (m2InterfaceSem);
- return (OK);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * m2IfGroupInfoGet - get the MIB-II interface-group scalar variables
- *
- * This routine fills the interface-group structure at <pIfInfo> with
- * the values of MIB-II interface-group global variables.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if <pIfInfo> is not a valid pointer.
- *
- * ERRNO:
- *
- * m2IfInit(), m2IfTblEntryGet(), m2IfTblEntrySet(), m2IfDelete()
- */
- STATUS m2IfGroupInfoGet
- (
- M2_INTERFACE * pIfInfo /* pointer to interface group structure */
- )
- {
- semTake (m2InterfaceSem, WAIT_FOREVER);
- /* Validate the input parameter pointer */
- if (pIfInfo == NULL)
- {
- semGive (m2InterfaceSem);
- errnoSet (S_m2Lib_INVALID_PARAMETER);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /*
- * Number of network interfaces in the system independent of
- * their state
- */
- pIfInfo->ifNumber = m2IfCount;
- pIfInfo->ifTableLastChange = _ifTableLastChange;
- pIfInfo->ifStackLastChange = _ifStackLastChange;
- #else /* VIRTUAL_STACK */
- pIfInfo->ifTableLastChange = ifTableLastChange;
- pIfInfo->ifStackLastChange = ifStackLastChange;
- #endif /* VIRTUAL_STACK */
- semGive (m2InterfaceSem);
- return OK;
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * m2IfStackTblUpdate - update the relationship between the sub-layers
- *
- * This function must be called to setup the relationship between the
- * ifIndex values for each sub-layer. This information is required to
- * support the ifStackTable for RFC 2233. Using this data, we can easily
- * determine which sub-layer runs on top of which other.
- *
- * <action> is either M2_STACK_TABLE_INSERT or M2_STACK_TABLE_REMOVE.
- *
- * Each AVL node keeps a linked list of all the layers that are
- * directly beneath it. Thus by walking through the AVL nodes in an
- * orderly way, we can understand the relationships between all the
- * interfaces.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK upon successful addition
- * ERROR otherwise.
- */
- STATUS m2IfStackTblUpdate
- (
- UINT lowerIndex, /* The ifIndex of the lower sub-layer */
- UINT higherIndex, /* The ifIndex of the higher sub-layer */
- int action /* insert or remove */
- )
- {
- M2_IFINDEX * pIfIndexLow = NULL;
- M2_IFINDEX * pIfIndexHigh = NULL;
- M2_IFSTACKTBL * pIfStackPtr = NULL;
- M2_IFSTACKTBL ** ppTempPtr = NULL;
- /* Check to see if the indexes are within the limits */
- if ( (lowerIndex < (UINT) 0) || (lowerIndex > (UINT) ifsInList) ||
- (higherIndex < (UINT) 0) || (higherIndex > (UINT) ifsInList) )
- {
- return (ERROR);
- }
- semTake(m2InterfaceSem, WAIT_FOREVER);
- /* Get the nodes associated with the interfaces */
- pIfIndexLow = (M2_IFINDEX *) avlSearch (pM2IfRoot,
- (GENERIC_ARGUMENT)lowerIndex, nextIndex);
- pIfIndexHigh = (M2_IFINDEX *) avlSearch (pM2IfRoot,
- (GENERIC_ARGUMENT)higherIndex, nextIndex);
- if ( (!pIfIndexLow) || (!pIfIndexHigh) )
- {
- semGive(m2InterfaceSem);
- return (ERROR);
- };
- /* Check the slot to insert a new index */
- pIfStackPtr = pIfIndexHigh->pNextLower;
- ppTempPtr = &pIfIndexHigh->pNextLower;
- if (action == M2_STACK_TABLE_INSERT)
- {
- while (pIfStackPtr && pIfStackPtr->index < lowerIndex)
- {
- ppTempPtr = &pIfStackPtr->pNextLower;
- pIfStackPtr = pIfStackPtr->pNextLower;
- }
- *ppTempPtr = (M2_IFSTACKTBL*) malloc(sizeof(M2_IFSTACKTBL));
- (*ppTempPtr)->index = lowerIndex;
- (*ppTempPtr)->pNextLower = pIfStackPtr;
- (*ppTempPtr)->status = ROW_ACTIVE;
- }
- else
- {
- while (pIfStackPtr && pIfStackPtr->index < lowerIndex)
- {
- ppTempPtr = &pIfStackPtr->pNextLower;
- pIfStackPtr = pIfStackPtr->pNextLower;
- }
- if (pIfStackPtr && pIfStackPtr->index == lowerIndex)
- {
- *ppTempPtr = pIfStackPtr->pNextLower;
- free(pIfStackPtr);
- }
- }
- _ifStackLastChange = centiSecsGet();
- #else /* VIRTUAL_STACK */
- ifStackLastChange = centiSecsGet();
- #endif /* VIRTUAL_STACK */
- semGive(m2InterfaceSem);
- return (OK);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * stackEntryIsTop - test if an ifStackTable interface has no layers above
- *
- * This routine returns TRUE if an interface is not below any other interface.
- * That is, it returns TRUE if the given interface is topmost on a stack. This
- * helper function is not exported.
- *
- * TRUE is interface is topmost
- * FALSE otherwise or for errors
- *
- */
- BOOL stackEntryIsTop
- (
- int index /* the interface to examine */
- )
- {
- M2_IFINDEX * pIfIndexEntry;
- M2_IFSTACKTBL * pIfStackEntry;
- UINT i = 0;
- while ((pIfIndexEntry = (M2_IFINDEX*) avlSuccessorGet (pM2IfRoot,
- (GENERIC_ARGUMENT)i, nextIndex)))
- {
- pIfStackEntry = pIfIndexEntry->pNextLower;
- while (pIfStackEntry)
- {
- if (pIfStackEntry->index == (UINT) index)
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- pIfStackEntry = pIfStackEntry->pNextLower;
- }
- i = pIfIndexEntry->ifIndex;
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * stackEntryIsBottom - test if an interface has no layers beneath it
- *
- * This routine returns TRUE if an interface has no layers beneath it. This
- * helper function is not exported.
- *
- * TRUE if the interface is the bottom-most layer in a stack
- * FALSE otherwise or on error
- *
- */
- BOOL stackEntryIsBottom
- (
- int index /* interface to examine */
- )
- {
- M2_IFINDEX * pIfIndexEntry;
- pIfIndexEntry = (M2_IFINDEX*) avlSearch (pM2IfRoot,
- (GENERIC_ARGUMENT)index, nextIndex);
- if (pIfIndexEntry == 0 || pIfIndexEntry->pNextLower != 0)
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * m2IfStackEntryGet - get a MIB-II interface-group table entry
- *
- * This routine maps the given high and low indexes to the interfaces in the
- * AVL tree. Using the <high> and <low> indexes, we retrieve the nodes in
- * question and walk through their linked lists to get to the right relation.
- * Once we get to the correct node, we can return the values based on the
- * M2_EXACT_VALUE and the M2_NEXT_VALUE searches.
- *
- * OK, or ERROR if the input parameter is not specified, or a match is not found.
- *
- * ERRNO:
- *
- */
- STATUS m2IfStackEntryGet
- (
- int search, /* M2_EXACT_VALUE or M2_NEXT_VALUE */
- int * pHighIndex, /* the higher layer's ifIndex */
- M2_IFSTACKTBL * pIfReqEntry /* pointer to the requested entry */
- )
- {
- M2_IFINDEX * pIfIndexEntry = NULL;
- M2_IFSTACKTBL * pIfStackEntry = NULL;
- /* Validate the pointer to the requested structure */
- if (pIfReqEntry == NULL)
- {
- errnoSet (S_m2Lib_INVALID_PARAMETER);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- semTake (m2InterfaceSem, WAIT_FOREVER);
- /*
- *In addition to the relationships created by m2IfStackTblUpdate()
- * there exists up to 2 virtual relationships for each interface.
- * These virtual relationships are in the form 0.x and x.0
- * The virtual relationship 0.x is present if interface x is not
- * below a real interface. The virtual relationship x.0 is present
- * if interface x has not real interfaces below it.
- *
- * These virtual relationships have to be handled as
- * special cases because they are not represented in the stack table
- * data structure.
- */
- if (*pHighIndex == 0)
- {
- if (search == M2_EXACT_VALUE)
- {
- pIfIndexEntry = (M2_IFINDEX*) avlSearch (pM2IfRoot,
- (GENERIC_ARGUMENT)pIfReqEntry->index, nextIndex);
- if (pIfIndexEntry)
- {
- if (stackEntryIsTop(pIfReqEntry->index) == FALSE)
- {
- goto errorReturn;
- }
- pIfReqEntry->index = pIfIndexEntry->ifIndex;
- pIfReqEntry->status = ROW_ACTIVE;
- goto goodReturn;
- }
- goto errorReturn;
- }
- else
- {
- pIfIndexEntry = (M2_IFINDEX*) avlSuccessorGet (pM2IfRoot,
- (GENERIC_ARGUMENT) pIfReqEntry->index,
- nextIndex);
- while (pIfIndexEntry != 0 && stackEntryIsTop(pIfIndexEntry->ifIndex)
- == FALSE)
- {
- pIfIndexEntry = (M2_IFINDEX*) avlSuccessorGet (pM2IfRoot,
- (GENERIC_ARGUMENT) pIfIndexEntry->ifIndex,
- nextIndex);
- }
- if (pIfIndexEntry)
- {
- pIfReqEntry->index = pIfIndexEntry->ifIndex;
- pIfReqEntry->status = ROW_ACTIVE;
- goto goodReturn;
- }
- pIfIndexEntry = (M2_IFINDEX *) avlSuccessorGet
- (pM2IfRoot, (GENERIC_ARGUMENT)0, nextIndex);
- if (!pIfIndexEntry)
- goto errorReturn;
- pIfReqEntry->index = 0;
- pIfReqEntry->status = ROW_ACTIVE;
- *pHighIndex = pIfIndexEntry->ifIndex;
- if (stackEntryIsBottom(pIfIndexEntry->ifIndex))
- {
- goto goodReturn;
- }
- }
- }
- pIfIndexEntry = (M2_IFINDEX *) avlSearch (pM2IfRoot,
- (GENERIC_ARGUMENT)*pHighIndex, nextIndex);
- if (pIfIndexEntry == 0)
- goto errorReturn;
- /*
- * Doing a next match. The next relation after <interface>.<last_lower> is
- * the virtual relation <next_interface>.0 if <next_interface> has no
- * lower layers.
- */
- if (search != M2_EXACT_VALUE)
- {
- while (1)
- {
- pIfStackEntry = pIfIndexEntry->pNextLower;
- /* Doing a next match */
- while (pIfStackEntry)
- {
- if (pIfStackEntry->index > pIfReqEntry->index)
- {
- /* We found a next within the same high index node */
- pIfReqEntry->index = pIfStackEntry->index;
- pIfReqEntry->status = pIfStackEntry->status;
- goto goodReturn;
- }
- /*
- * Check to see if another lower layer index is available
- * for this index. If it is, loop through again, else
- * start searching the next interface.
- */
- pIfStackEntry = pIfStackEntry->pNextLower;
- }
- pIfIndexEntry = (M2_IFINDEX *) avlSuccessorGet
- (pM2IfRoot, (GENERIC_ARGUMENT)*pHighIndex, nextIndex);
- if (pIfIndexEntry == 0)
- goto errorReturn;
- *pHighIndex = pIfIndexEntry->ifIndex;
- if (stackEntryIsBottom(pIfIndexEntry->ifIndex) == TRUE)
- {
- pIfReqEntry->index = 0;
- pIfReqEntry->status = ROW_ACTIVE;
- goto goodReturn;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Doing an exact match case.
- */
- if (pIfReqEntry->index == 0 && stackEntryIsBottom(*pHighIndex))
- {
- pIfReqEntry->status = ROW_ACTIVE;
- goto goodReturn;
- }
- while (pIfStackEntry)
- {
- if (pIfStackEntry->index == pIfReqEntry->index)
- {
- pIfReqEntry->status = pIfStackEntry->status;
- goto goodReturn;
- }
- pIfStackEntry = pIfStackEntry->pNextLower;
- }
- goto errorReturn;
- errorReturn:
- semGive (m2InterfaceSem);
- errnoSet (S_m2Lib_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND);
- return (ERROR);
- goodReturn:
- semGive (m2InterfaceSem);
- return (OK);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * m2IfStackEntrySet - modify the status of a relationship
- *
- * This routine selects the interfaces specified in the input parameters
- * <pIfReqEntry> and <highIndex> and sets the interface's status to the
- * requested state.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if the input parameter is not specified, an interface
- * is no longer valid, or the interface index is incorrect.
- *
- * ERRNO:
- *
- */
- STATUS m2IfStackEntrySet
- (
- int highIndex, /* The higher layer's ifIndex */
- M2_IFSTACKTBL * pIfReqEntry /* The requested entry */
- )
- {
- M2_IFINDEX * pIfIndexEntry = NULL;
- M2_IFSTACKTBL * pIfStackEntry = NULL;
- M2_IFSTACKTBL **ppTemp = NULL;
- /* Check for insert before anything else because m2IfStackTblUpdate()
- * does all the necessary checking.
- */
- if (pIfReqEntry->status == ROW_ACTIVE)
- {
- return m2IfStackTblUpdate(pIfReqEntry->index, highIndex, M2_STACK_TABLE_INSERT);
- }
- if (pIfReqEntry->status == ROW_DESTROY || pIfReqEntry->status == ROW_NOTINSERVICE)
- {
- return m2IfStackTblUpdate(pIfReqEntry->index, highIndex, M2_STACK_TABLE_REMOVE);
- }
- semTake (m2InterfaceSem, WAIT_FOREVER);
- /* Validate the bounds of the requested index */
- if (highIndex < 0 || highIndex >= ifsInList)
- {
- errnoSet (S_m2Lib_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND);
- semGive (m2InterfaceSem);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /*
- * Get the node associated with the higher index, because this
- * is where we will be making the change.
- */
- pIfIndexEntry = (M2_IFINDEX *) avlSearch (pM2IfRoot,
- (GENERIC_ARGUMENT)highIndex, nextIndex);
- if (!pIfIndexEntry)
- {
- errnoSet (S_m2Lib_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND);
- semGive(m2InterfaceSem);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- pIfStackEntry = pIfIndexEntry->pNextLower;
- ppTemp = &pIfIndexEntry->pNextLower;
- while (pIfStackEntry)
- {
- if (pIfStackEntry->index == pIfReqEntry->index)
- break;
- ppTemp = &pIfStackEntry->pNextLower;
- pIfStackEntry = pIfStackEntry->pNextLower;
- }
- if (pIfStackEntry == 0)
- {
- errnoSet (S_m2Lib_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND);
- semGive(m2InterfaceSem);
- return ERROR;
- }
- _ifStackLastChange = centiSecsGet();
- #else /* VIRTUAL_STACK */
- ifStackLastChange = centiSecsGet();
- #endif /* VIRTUAL_STACK */
- semGive(m2InterfaceSem);
- return (OK);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * m2IfRcvAddrEntryGet - get the rcvAddress table entries for a given address
- *
- * This function returns the exact or the next value in the ifRcvAddressTable
- * based on the value of the search parameter. In order to identify the
- * appropriate entry, this function needs two identifiers - the ifIndex of the
- * interface and the physical address for which the status or the type is
- * being requested. For a M2_EXACT_VALUE search, this function returns the
- * status and the type of the physical address in the instance. For a
- * M2_NEXT_VALUE search, it returns the type and status of the lexicographic
- * successor of the physical address seen in the instance.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if the input parameter is not specified, an interface
- * is no longer valid, or the interface index is incorrect.
- *
- * ERRNO:
- *
- */
- STATUS m2IfRcvAddrEntryGet
- (
- int search, /* exact search or next search */
- int * pIndex, /* pointer to the ifIndex */
- M2_IFRCVADDRTBL * pIfReqEntry /* struct for the values */
- )
- {
- int index;
- int cmp;
- M2_IFINDEX * pIfIndexEntry = NULL;
- M2_IFRCVADDRTBL * pRcvAddrEntry = NULL;
- /* Validate the pointer to the requested structure */
- if (pIfReqEntry == NULL)
- {
- errnoSet (S_m2Lib_INVALID_PARAMETER);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- index = *pIndex;
- semTake (m2InterfaceSem, WAIT_FOREVER);
- if ( (search == M2_NEXT_VALUE) && (index == 0) )
- {
- do
- {
- pIfIndexEntry = (M2_IFINDEX *) avlSuccessorGet (pM2IfRoot,
- (GENERIC_ARGUMENT)index, nextIndex);
- if (!pIfIndexEntry)
- goto errorReturn;
- pRcvAddrEntry = pIfIndexEntry->pRcvAddr;
- index = pIfIndexEntry->ifIndex;
- } while (!pRcvAddrEntry);
- }
- else
- {
- pIfIndexEntry = (M2_IFINDEX *) avlSearch (pM2IfRoot,
- (GENERIC_ARGUMENT)index, nextIndex);
- pRcvAddrEntry = pIfIndexEntry->pRcvAddr;
- /*
- * If index is not zero, even though we have a next search,
- * we would still need to get the node associated with the
- * current index. The algorithm is as follows:
- * - Get the node associated with the current index.
- * - Look thru the list of addresses to see if we have a match.
- * - For an exact search, we return error upon no match, else
- * we just pick up the next address, if any.
- * - If no address lexicographically greater is present in this
- * node, we get the next node and do the above.
- */
- while (pRcvAddrEntry)
- {
- /* compare the physical addresses */
- cmp = bcmp (pIfReqEntry->ifRcvAddrAddr.phyAddress,
- pRcvAddrEntry->ifRcvAddrAddr.phyAddress, ETHERADDRLEN);
- if (cmp == 1)
- /* the reqested entry is greater than any entry in our base */
- goto errorReturn;
- if ( ((cmp == 0) && (search == M2_NEXT_VALUE)) || (cmp == -1) )
- {
- /*
- * we come here only in one of the two cases:
- * either we encountered a match and are looking for a next
- * OR we still haven't found a match
- */
- pRcvAddrEntry = pRcvAddrEntry->pNextEntry;
- if (!pRcvAddrEntry)
- {
- /* no more addresses in this avl node, get next index */
- if (search == M2_EXACT_VALUE)
- goto errorReturn;
- /* For a next search, search the next avl node */
- do
- {
- index = pIfIndexEntry->ifIndex;
- pIfIndexEntry = (M2_IFINDEX *) avlSuccessorGet
- (pM2IfRoot, (GENERIC_ARGUMENT)index, nextIndex);
- if (!pIfIndexEntry)
- goto errorReturn;
- } while (!pIfIndexEntry->pRcvAddr);
- pRcvAddrEntry = pIfIndexEntry->pRcvAddr;
- }
- /* Continue with the while loop if there is a valid addr */
- continue;
- }
- /* Found a perfect match and search is M2_EXACT_VALUE */
- break;
- }
- }
- /* found a match, copy the values */
- *pIndex = pIfIndexEntry->ifIndex;
- bcopy ((char *)pRcvAddrEntry->ifRcvAddrAddr.phyAddress,
- (char *)pIfReqEntry->ifRcvAddrAddr.phyAddress, ETHERADDRLEN);
- pIfReqEntry->ifRcvAddrAddr.addrLength = ETHERADDRLEN;
- pIfReqEntry->ifRcvAddrStatus = pRcvAddrEntry->ifRcvAddrStatus;
- pIfReqEntry->ifRcvAddrType = pRcvAddrEntry->ifRcvAddrType;
- semGive (m2InterfaceSem);
- return OK;
- errorReturn:
- semGive (m2InterfaceSem);
- errnoSet (S_m2Lib_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * m2IfRcvAddrEntrySet - modify the entries of the rcvAddressTable
- *
- * This function modifies the status and type fields of a given receive address
- * associated with a given interface. <varToSet> identifies the fields for
- * which the change is being requested. We can also add multicast addresses
- * by creating a new row in the table. The physical address is stripped from
- * the instance value of the SNMP request. This routine does not allow the
- * deletion of a unicast address. Neither does it allow the unicast address
- * to be modified or created.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if the input parameter is not specified, an interface
- * is no longer valid, the interface index is incorrect, or the ioctl() command
- * to the interface fails.
- *
- * ERRNO:
- *
- * m2IfInit(), m2IfGroupInfoGet(), m2IfTblEntryGet(), m2IfDelete()
- */
- STATUS m2IfRcvAddrEntrySet
- (
- int varToSet, /* entries that need to be modified */
- int index, /* search type */
- M2_IFRCVADDRTBL * pIfReqEntry /* struct containing the new values */
- )
- {
- int cmp;
- M2_IFINDEX * pIfIndexEntry = NULL;
- M2_IFRCVADDRTBL * pRcvAddrEntry = NULL;
- LIST * pMCastList = NULL;
- ETHER_MULTI * pEtherMulti = NULL;
- struct arpcom * pIfArpcom = NULL;
- if (pIfReqEntry == NULL)
- {
- errnoSet (S_m2Lib_INVALID_PARAMETER);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- semTake (m2InterfaceSem, WAIT_FOREVER);
- pIfIndexEntry = (M2_IFINDEX *) avlSearch (pM2IfRoot,
- (GENERIC_ARGUMENT)index, nextIndex);
- pIfArpcom = (struct arpcom *)pIfIndexEntry->pIfStats;
- pRcvAddrEntry = pIfIndexEntry->pRcvAddr;
- ppTemp = &pIfIndexEntry->pRcvAddr;
- while (pRcvAddrEntry)
- {
- cmp = bcmp ((char *)pIfReqEntry->ifRcvAddrAddr.phyAddress,
- (char *)pRcvAddrEntry->ifRcvAddrAddr.phyAddress, ETHERADDRLEN);
- if (cmp == 0)
- break;
- if (cmp == -1)
- goto errorReturn;
- ppTemp = &pRcvAddrEntry->pNextEntry;;
- pRcvAddrEntry = pRcvAddrEntry->pNextEntry;
- }
- /* get the list pointer for the mcast address */
- if ( (pIfArpcom->ac_if.if_ioctl != NULL) &&
- ((*pIfArpcom->ac_if.if_ioctl)
- ((struct ifnet *)pIfArpcom, SIOCGMCASTLIST,
- (caddr_t)&pMCastList) != 0) )
- {
- goto errorReturn;
- }
- if ( (!pRcvAddrEntry) &&
- ((pIfReqEntry->ifRcvAddrStatus == ROW_CREATEANDGO) ||
- (pIfReqEntry->ifRcvAddrStatus == ROW_CREATEANDWAIT)) )
- {
- /* request to create a new entry */
- pEtherMulti = KHEAP_ALLOC(sizeof (ETHER_MULTI));
- if (!pEtherMulti)
- goto errorReturn;
- bcopy ((char *)pIfReqEntry->ifRcvAddrAddr.phyAddress,
- pEtherMulti->addr, ETHERADDRLEN);
- pEtherMulti->refcount = 0;
- if (rcvEtherAddrAdd (pIfIndexEntry,
- pIfReqEntry->ifRcvAddrAddr.phyAddress) == OK)
- {
- lstAdd (pMCastList, (NODE *)pEtherMulti) ;
- }
- else
- goto errorReturn;
- }
- /* perform the set operation */
- if (pRcvAddrEntry)
- {
- if (varToSet & M2_IFRCVADDRSTATUS)
- {
- switch (pIfReqEntry->ifRcvAddrStatus)
- {
- *ppTemp = pRcvAddrEntry->pNextEntry;
- KHEAP_FREE((char *)pRcvAddrEntry);
- break;
- case ROW_ACTIVE:
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- if (varToSet & M2_IFRCVADDRTYPE)
- {
- pRcvAddrEntry->ifRcvAddrType = pIfReqEntry->ifRcvAddrType;
- }
- }
- semGive(m2InterfaceSem);
- return OK;
- errorReturn:
- semGive (m2InterfaceSem);
- errnoSet (S_m2Lib_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * m2IfDelete - delete all resources used to access the interface group
- *
- * This routine frees all the resources allocated at the time the group was
- * initialized. The interface group should not be accessed after this routine
- * has been called.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, always.
- *
- * m2IfInit(), m2IfGroupInfoGet(), m2IfTblEntryGet(), m2IfTblEntrySet()
- */
- STATUS m2IfDelete (void)
- {
- /* Take the interface semaphore to delete the entries */
- semTake (m2InterfaceSem, WAIT_FOREVER);
- avlTreeErase (pM2IfRootPtr);
- semGive (m2InterfaceSem);
- /* Release the interface semaphore */
- if (m2InterfaceSem != NULL)
- {
- semDelete (m2InterfaceSem);
- m2InterfaceSem = NULL;
- }
- /* Free Network I/F Table Struct */
- if (pm2IfTable != NULL)
- {
- KHEAP_FREE((char *)pm2IfTable);
- pm2IfTable = NULL;
- }
- /* Clear trap routine variables */
- pM2TrapRtn = NULL;
- pM2TrapRtnArg = NULL;
- return (OK);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * nextIndex - the comparison routine for the AVL tree
- *
- * This routine compares the two indexes and returns a code based on wether
- * the index, in question, is lesser than, equal to or greater than the one
- * being compared.
- *
- * -1, if the given index is lesser; 0, if equal; and 1, if greater.
- */
- int nextIndex
- (
- void * pAvlNode, /* The node to compare with */
- GENERIC_ARGUMENT key /* The given index */
- )
- {
- UINT index;
- M2_IFINDEX * pTmpIfIndex;
- pTmpIfIndex = (M2_IFINDEX *)pAvlNode;
- index = pTmpIfIndex->ifIndex;
- return ((key.u < index) ? -1 : (key.u == index) ? 0 : 1);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- *
- * m2SetIfLastChange - set the ifLastChange MIB variable for the interface
- *
- * This routine sets the ifLastChange and ifAdminStatus for the interface
- * specified by the device and unit arguments.
- *
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if the interface isn't found in pm2IfTable
- *
- * m2IfInit(), m2IfGroupInfoGet(), m2IfTblEntryGet(), m2IfTblEntrySet()
- */
- STATUS m2SetIfLastChange
- (
- int ifIndex
- )
- {
- long adminStatus;
- M2_ID * pM2Id = NULL;
- struct ifnet * pIfNetEntry = NULL;
- M2_IFINDEX * pIfIndexEntry = NULL;
- semTake (m2InterfaceSem, WAIT_FOREVER);
- /*
- * As the ifnet flags has changed, we must change the ifAdminStatus
- * change the ifAdminStatus in the MIB table. To do this, we have to
- * request the driver to provide a pointer to the MIB data and that is
- * possible only via an IOCTL. So, we must first get the ifnet structure.
- */
- pIfIndexEntry = (M2_IFINDEX *) avlSearch (pM2IfRoot,
- (GENERIC_ARGUMENT)ifIndex, nextIndex);
- if (pIfIndexEntry == NULL)
- {
- semGive (m2InterfaceSem);
- errnoSet (S_m2Lib_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /*
- * In order to issue an IOCTL, we must know the type of MIB table that
- * the driver supports ... RFC2233 or RFC1213.
- */
- pIfNetEntry = (struct ifnet *) pIfIndexEntry->pIfStats;
- adminStatus = ((pIfNetEntry->if_flags & IFF_UP) != 0) ?
- M2_ifAdminStatus_up : M2_ifAdminStatus_down;
- if (pIfIndexEntry->mibStyle == TRUE)
- {
- /*
- * RFC 2233 style ... If IOCTL fails, there is nothing we can do, so
- * we simply return saying OK.
- */
- if ( (pIfNetEntry->if_ioctl != NULL) &&
- ((*pIfNetEntry->if_ioctl)(pIfNetEntry,
- SIOCGMIB2233, (caddr_t)&pM2Id) == 0) )
- {
- if (pM2Id != NULL)
- {
- pM2Id->m2VarUpdateRtn (pM2Id, M2_varId_ifAdminStatus,
- (caddr_t)adminStatus);
- pM2Id->m2VarUpdateRtn (pM2Id, M2_varId_ifLastChange,
- (caddr_t)centiSecsGet());
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /*
- * RFC 1213 style
- * We get hold of the END_OBJ so that we can update the ifLastChange
- * field in the mib2Tbl structure. Ugh.... This is a very bad way
- * of doing it, but there is no other way currently. Once all
- * drivers support RFC 2233, this can be removed.
- */
- pMib2Tbl = (M2_INTERFACETBL *)
- ifnetToEndFieldsGet (pIfNetEntry, END_OBJ_MIB);
- if (pMib2Tbl == NULL)
- {
- semGive (m2InterfaceSem);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- pMib2Tbl->ifLastChange = centiSecsGet ();
- pMib2Tbl->ifAdminStatus = adminStatus;
- }
- semGive (m2InterfaceSem);
- return (OK);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- *
- * ifnetToEndFieldsGet - get the END object's various fields given the ifnet
- * pointer
- *
- * This routine returns a pointer to the requested field in the END_OBJ
- * structure. The values for the <field> parameter are defined at the
- * beginning of this module.
- *
- *
- * RETURNS: pointer to the requested field of the END_OBJ structure.
- * NULL if the field requested is not defined in this module or
- * if a NULL pointer was encountered somewhere.
- *
- */
- LOCAL void * ifnetToEndFieldsGet
- (
- struct ifnet *pIfNet, /* ifnet pointer */
- int field /* field of the END_OBJ */
- )
- {
- END_OBJ *pEnd = NULL;
- IP_DRV_CTRL *pDrvCtrl = NULL;
- if (pIfNet)
- {
- pDrvCtrl = (IP_DRV_CTRL *) pIfNet->pCookie;
- if ( (pDrvCtrl) &&
- ((pEnd = PCOOKIE_TO_ENDOBJ (pDrvCtrl->pIpCookie)) != NULL) )
- {
- switch (field)
- {
- case END_OBJ_MIB:
- return (&pEnd->mib2Tbl);
- return (&pEnd->flags);
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return (NULL);
- }