- /* m2SysLib.c - MIB-II system-group API for SNMP agents */
- /* Copyright 1984 - 2001 Wind River Systems, Inc. */
- #include "copyright_wrs.h"
- /*
- modification history
- --------------------
- 01h,15oct01,rae merge from truestack ver 01i, base 01g (VIRTUAL_STACK)
- 01g,30dec97,vin fixed SPR 20090
- 01f,03apr96,rjc set the m2SystemSem semaphore to NULL in m2SysDelete.
- 01d,25jan95,jdi doc cleanup.
- 01c,11nov94,rhp additional man-page corrections
- 01b,10nov94,rhp edit man pages
- 01b,22feb94,elh put in check for null parameters in m2SysInit.
- 01a,08dec93,jag written
- */
- /*
- This library provides MIB-II services for the system group. It provides
- routines to initialize the group and to access the group scalar variables.
- For a broader description of MIB-II services, see the manual entry for m2Lib.
- To use this feature, include the following component:
- This library can be initialized and deleted by calling m2SysInit() and
- m2SysDelete() respectively, if only the system group's services are
- needed. If full MIB-II support is used, this group and all other groups
- can be initialized and deleted by calling m2Init() and m2Delete().
- The system group provides the option to set the system variables at the
- time m2Sysinit() is called. The MIB-II variables `sysDescr' and `sysobjectId'
- are read-only, and can be set only by the system-group initialization routine.
- The variables `sysContact', `sysName' and `sysLocation' can be set through
- m2SysGroupInfoSet() at any time.
- The following is an example of system group initialization:
- .CS
- M2_OBJECTID mySysObjectId = { 8, {1,3,6,1,4,1,731,1} };
- if (m2SysInit ("VxWorks MIB-II library ",
- "support@wrs.com",
- "1010 Atlantic Avenue Alameda, California 94501",
- &mySysObjectId) == OK)
- /@ System group initialized successfully @/
- .CE
- The system group variables can be accessed as follows:
- .CS
- M2_SYSTEM sysVars;
- if (m2SysGroupInfoGet (&sysVars) == OK)
- /@ values in sysVars are valid @/
- .CE
- The system group variables can be set as follows:
- .CS
- M2_SYSTEM sysVars;
- unsigned int varToSet; /@ bit field of variables to set @/
- /@ Set the new system Name @/
- strcpy (m2SysVars.sysName, "New System Name");
- varToSet |= M2SYSNAME;
- /@ Set the new contact name @/
- strcpy (m2SysVars.sysContact, "New Contact");
- varToSet |= M2SYSCONTACT;
- if (m2SysGroupInfoGet (varToSet, &sysVars) == OK)
- /@ values in sysVars set @/
- .CE
- m2Lib, m2IfLib, m2IpLib, m2IcmpLib, m2UdpLib, m2TcpLib
- */
- /* includes */
- #include <vxWorks.h>
- #include "m2Lib.h"
- #include "netLib.h"
- #include <netinet/in_systm.h>
- #include <netinet/in.h>
- #include <netinet/ip.h>
- #include <netinet/ip_var.h>
- #include "hostLib.h"
- #include "string.h"
- #include "semLib.h"
- #include "tickLib.h"
- #include "sysLib.h"
- #include "errnoLib.h"
- #include "netinet/vsLib.h"
- #endif /* VIRTUAL_STACK */
- /* externs */
- IMPORT int _ipCfgFlags;
- /* globals */
- /*
- * The system group is supported by the structure defined below. All changes to
- * the system group are reflected in this structure.
- */
- LOCAL M2_SYSTEM m2SystemVars;
- /* This semaphore protects the m2SystemVars from multiple readers and writers */
- LOCAL SEM_ID m2SystemSem;
- LOCAL unsigned long startCentiSecs; /* Hundred of Seconds at start */
- #endif /* VIRTUAL_STACK */
- /*
- * The zero object id is used throught out the MIB-II library to fill OID
- * requests when an object ID is not provided by a group variable.
- */
- LOCAL M2_OBJECTID sysZeroObjectId = { 2, {0,0} };
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * centiSecsGet - get hundreds of a second
- *
- * The number of hundreds of a second that have passed since this routine was
- * first called.
- *
- * RETURNS: Hundreds of a second since the group was initialized.
- *
- */
- LOCAL unsigned long centiSecsGet (void)
- {
- unsigned long currCentiSecs;
- unsigned long clkRate = sysClkRateGet ();
- if (sysStartCentiSecs == 0)
- sysStartCentiSecs = (tickGet () * 100) / clkRate;
- currCentiSecs = (tickGet () * 100) / clkRate;
- return (currCentiSecs - sysStartCentiSecs);
- #else /* VIRTUAL_STACK */
- if (startCentiSecs == 0)
- startCentiSecs = (tickGet () * 100) / clkRate;
- currCentiSecs = (tickGet () * 100) / clkRate;
- return (currCentiSecs - startCentiSecs);
- #endif /* VIRTUAL_STACK */
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * m2SysInit - initialize MIB-II system-group routines
- *
- * This routine allocates the resources needed to allow access to the
- * system-group MIB-II variables. This routine must be called before
- * any system-group variables can be accessed. The input parameters
- * <pMib2SysDescr>, <pMib2SysContact>, <pMib2SysLocation>, and
- * <pObjectId> are optional. The parameters <pMib2SysDescr>,
- * <pObjectId> are read only, as specified by MIB-II, and can be set
- * only by this routine.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, always.
- *
- * ERRNO:
- *
- * SEE ALSO: m2SysGroupInfoGet(), m2SysGroupInfoSet(), m2SysDelete()
- */
- STATUS m2SysInit
- (
- char * pMib2SysDescr, /* pointer to MIB-2 sysDescr */
- char * pMib2SysContact, /* pointer to MIB-2 sysContact */
- char * pMib2SysLocation, /* pointer to MIB-2 sysLocation */
- M2_OBJECTID * pObjectId /* pointer to MIB-2 ObjectId */
- )
- {
- /* Initialize System Group with defaults */
- if ((pMib2SysDescr != NULL) && (pMib2SysDescr [0] != ' '))
- strcpy ((char *) m2SystemVars.sysDescr, pMib2SysDescr);
- if ((pMib2SysContact != NULL) && (pMib2SysContact [0] != ' '))
- strcpy ((char *) m2SystemVars.sysContact, pMib2SysContact);
- if ((pMib2SysLocation != NULL) && (pMib2SysLocation [0] != ' '))
- strcpy ((char *) m2SystemVars.sysLocation, pMib2SysLocation);
- /* Use targets host name as a the system name */
- gethostname ((char *) m2SystemVars.sysName, sizeof(m2SystemVars.sysName));
- if ((pObjectId != NULL) && (pObjectId->idLength > 0))
- {
- bcopy (((char *) (pObjectId->idArray)),
- ((char *) (m2SystemVars.sysObjectID.idArray)),
- pObjectId->idLength * sizeof(long));
- m2SystemVars.sysObjectID.idLength = pObjectId->idLength;
- }
- else
- {
- /* Initialize System group OID with the Zero OID */
- bcopy (((char *) (sysZeroObjectId.idArray)),
- ((char *) (m2SystemVars.sysObjectID.idArray)),
- sysZeroObjectId.idLength * sizeof(long));
- m2SystemVars.sysObjectID.idLength = sysZeroObjectId.idLength;
- }
- /* Create semaphore */
- if (m2SystemSem == NULL)
- {
- m2SystemSem = semMCreate (SEM_Q_PRIORITY | SEM_INVERSION_SAFE |
- if (m2SystemSem == NULL)
- {
- errnoSet (S_m2Lib_CANT_CREATE_SYS_SEM);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- }
- (void) centiSecsGet (); /* Initialize group time reference */
- return (OK);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * m2SysGroupInfoGet - get system-group MIB-II variables
- *
- * This routine fills in the structure at <pSysInfo> with the values of MIB-II
- * system-group variables.
- *
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, or ERROR if <pSysInfo> is not a valid pointer.
- *
- * ERRNO:
- *
- * SEE ALSO: m2SysInit(), m2SysGroupInfoSet(), m2SysDelete()
- */
- STATUS m2SysGroupInfoGet
- (
- M2_SYSTEM * pSysInfo /* pointer to MIB-II system group structure */
- )
- {
- /* Validate Pointer to the requested System structure */
- if (pSysInfo == NULL)
- {
- errnoSet (S_m2Lib_INVALID_PARAMETER);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- pSysInfo->sysUpTime = centiSecsGet ();
- /* Take the System semaphore before reading the system variables */
- semTake (m2SystemSem, WAIT_FOREVER);
- strcpy ((char *) pSysInfo->sysDescr, (char *) m2SystemVars.sysDescr);
- strcpy ((char *) pSysInfo->sysContact, (char *) m2SystemVars.sysContact);
- strcpy ((char *) pSysInfo->sysName, (char *) m2SystemVars.sysName);
- strcpy ((char *) pSysInfo->sysLocation, (char *) m2SystemVars.sysLocation);
- bcopy (((char *) m2SystemVars.sysObjectID.idArray),
- ((char *) pSysInfo->sysObjectID.idArray),
- m2SystemVars.sysObjectID.idLength * sizeof (long));
- pSysInfo->sysObjectID.idLength = m2SystemVars.sysObjectID.idLength;
- semGive (m2SystemSem);
- /* Compute type of targets service based on the IP forwarding variables */
- if (_ipCfgFlags & IP_DO_FORWARDING)
- pSysInfo->sysServices |= (1 << (3 - 1));
- else
- pSysInfo->sysServices &= ~(1 << (3 - 1));
- return (OK);
- }
- /******************************************************************************
- *
- * m2SysGroupInfoSet - set system-group MIB-II variables to new values
- *
- * This routine sets one or more variables in the system group as specified in
- * the input structure at <pSysInfo> and the bit field parameter <varToSet>.
- *
- * OK, or ERROR if <pSysInfo> is not a valid pointer, or <varToSet> has an
- * invalid bit field.
- *
- * ERRNO:
- *
- * SEE ALSO: m2SysInit(), m2SysGroupInfoGet(), m2SysDelete()
- */
- STATUS m2SysGroupInfoSet
- (
- unsigned int varToSet, /* bit field of variables to set */
- M2_SYSTEM * pSysInfo /* pointer to the system structure */
- )
- {
- /* Validate Pointer to System structure and bit field in varToSet */
- if (pSysInfo == NULL ||
- {
- if (pSysInfo == NULL)
- errnoSet (S_m2Lib_INVALID_PARAMETER);
- else
- errnoSet (S_m2Lib_INVALID_VAR_TO_SET);
- return (ERROR);
- }
- /* Set requested variables */
- semTake (m2SystemSem, WAIT_FOREVER);
- if (varToSet & M2SYSNAME)
- strcpy ((char *) m2SystemVars.sysName, (char *) pSysInfo->sysName);
- if (varToSet & M2SYSCONTACT)
- strcpy ((char *) m2SystemVars.sysContact, (char *)pSysInfo->sysContact);
- if (varToSet & M2SYSLOCATION)
- strcpy ((char *) m2SystemVars.sysLocation,
- (char *) pSysInfo->sysLocation);
- semGive (m2SystemSem);
- return (OK);
- }
- /*******************************************************************************
- *
- * m2SysDelete - delete resources used to access the MIB-II system group
- *
- * This routine frees all the resources allocated at the time the group was
- * initialized. Do not access the system group after calling this routine.
- *
- * RETURNS: OK, always.
- *
- * SEE ALSO: m2SysInit(), m2SysGroupInfoGet(), m2SysGroupInfoSet().
- */
- STATUS m2SysDelete (void)
- {
- if (m2SystemSem != NULL)
- {
- semDelete (m2SystemSem);
- m2SystemSem = NULL;
- }
- return (OK);
- }